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Suhbah 2014: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (10/11)
roadside or some clean place. In any case, in those days you would not find food, bread in the rubbish bin, it was respected. Nowadays people have no such respect. Some people even throw away the leftovers of their meals into the garbage right away. This used to anger Shaykh Efendi greatly. Take as much as you can eat and finish it. Do not let it go to waste. But when man has plenty, he thinks it will always be that way. It will continue if you recognize that it is a blessing. wa bi-shukri tadumu n-na‘m - Gratitude causes the blessing to be continued. About two weeks ago, two, three weeks ago, we were in one of the richest places on earth. They showed us this much money, that much money. Eh, what can we do.

Thanks to Allah we get by on one thousandth of that amount, we survive on that. There was one man there, who every day spent at least 100.000 US dollars. So, what happened with that man, did he grow any bigger? No, they said, now he has not even five cents. He flees from people, people flee from him. But if that man had done as Allah commands, and not spent his money in

those filthy places; if he had obeyed Allah's order, if he had looked after himself, and after the poor and needy, he could have lived a good life for 100 years as a rich man. But he chose to follow his nafs, and he disgraced himself in this world, and in the next he will suffer even more.

If you are grateful, the divine blessings, even if they are few, will continue to come. Thanks to Allah, if you eat one morsel saying the Basmala you will be blessed. Even if you eat only 3 bites, or if you have nothing, it will be enough and more. That will bring health to your body, well-being and faith. But if you sit down to a meal, saying: What is this? There is nothing here. Look at what others are eating" - at that time your food becomes poison for you, it gives you no benefit. You will leave this life without faith. This is important, this is the adab of Islam. Tariqa teaches the adab of Islam. This is what we heard from our Shaykh Efendi. Give thanks. Be grateful. Do not complain. Because it is Allah who sends your provision. If you complain, you will have complained of Allah. When you complain, you will be complaining of Allah, ‘Azza wa Jalla, who has given you so many good things. To whom will you complain? Allah will be offended, annoyed with you. That will do you no good. Therefore, always be grateful for whatever there is, even if it is little. God willing, it will increase.

Allah (awj) He said "kulu wa shrabu wa la tusrifu"(7:31). What's the meaning? Eat and drink and don't waste. Everything in Islam must be not extreme. Even you have money, you have everything, wealth, be careful. Even when you eat, don't throw what's left for garbage. Mawlana every time he was saying "take (what) you can eat. If you want more you can put, but don't throw in dust bin, or garbage." There is, in our country we can put alone for cat, for dog but for European people we cannot find any cat or any dog from street. They have, they said they have freedom, but Alhamdulillah in our country we see 100's of cats and dogs they can go around without any anything for them, they have freedom. But these European people, no. Here we can put food for them. But for another country to throw it in garbage, it is a big mistake and not respect for the favors of Allah. Old people, old time people, they were more interested to keep what they find in the street, even they find one piece of bread, they can put aside, maybe somebody can take or some animal can eat. But nowadays they are throwing everything together for garbage. And this makes the baraka to go away. Baraka it is important thing. When even poor people they have only a little bit of food to eat and they're happy and beginning with Bismillahi r-Rahman rRahim, Allah gives them baraka and

makes this continuous. Even, maybe Allah if He wants, you're not happy with this He cuts this also for you. So when you are happy and you are thanking Allah for this, Allah makes it to continue and makes it more and more. We were before 20 days in the richest country in the world. And they were showing us this hotel - one night maybe costs like you can buy one house in our country. This man he has like this. Alhamdulillah we are not interested at all for this. But they said many stories and they were saying for one man, he was living in this hotel, every day maybe he spent more than 1000 dollars, everyday 100.000, so... What he did with this money, I was wondering? I don't know what he was doing, but he said it is very expensive and he has this car, that plane... that's what happened. And I asked what he is doing now? He said he finished his money and just running from people and people are running from him because he has no money, no friends anymore. This is what Prophet (saws) was saying to this man - he was doing good thing and not wasting money, in this way it is enough for him - 100 years he is still rich and helping many people. But now he never helped people and this Allah punish him here and maybe for Akhira more punishment for him also. Because he's not thanking Allah, he thought it is from himself. And it never be...will not finish at all. It is like Qarun, this man he was living in Musa's (as) time. He was I think the richest man Allah created. Because it is example in Qur'an. Even for his keys need 7 camels to carry only the keys. People they were saying "we wish to be like him." And when Allah make him sinking in earth, the people say, "Alhamdulillah we didn't be like him." Allah showing many examples for us in Qur'an to be happy for what we have, what we get. Alhamdulillah the biggest ni'ma/favor He give us - first to be Islam and other, the health. Alhamdulillah we are all healthy Alhamdulillah. The biggest ni'ma and we are thanking for Him. Allah keep this ni'ma more and more on us insha'Allah. Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al Fatiha.

77.An-Naqshbandiya Al-Haqqaniya Friday, November 21, 2014.

As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Masha'ikhina, dastur. Madad ya Mawlana Sheikh Abdullah Fa'iz d-Daghistani, Sheikh Muhammed Nazim al-Haqqani, dastur. Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

What is the important thing in tariqa? It's important in Islam too, but a person following a tariqa is following Islam even more. They called them sufi in old times. Sufi means very religious. Sufi comes from tasawwuf and tasawwuf is tariqa. The Naqshbandi tariqa pays attention and complies with the orders of sharia the most. Other tariqas are also good, mashaAllah. But they have certain situations, which people sometimes may misunderstand. However, there is nothing like this in the Naqshbandi tariqa. Nobody can say it is out of Sharia. It obeys even the tiniest matter of Sharia.

All Fard should be done first of all. Then you do Sunnah, Wajib, then Nafil prayers, which you can do or not do according to your wish. If you don't do Fard, there is punishment for it. If it's Wajib, there is an excuse for it. If you don't do Sunnah Mu'akkadah, you will have not have shown respect for our Prophet. And that's an embarrassing thing. When it comes to Nafilah, you can either do it or not. In other words, you've been granted jewels, gold, rubies and diamonds. Take from it if you want. If you don't want it, Nafilah is like this. It is a favour of Allah. You can either take it or leave it. You are free. However, Sheikh Efendi used to always encourage us to take from it, not to leave it. It is a favour of Allah, come and take.

Then there is Mustahab. After Nafilah comes Mustahab. It is less than Nafilah. Most people don't even know it. Sheikh Efendi taught us even that. He didn't leave anything that should be done. He showed us everything our Prophet showed because he is the Successor of the Prophet. Shukr to Allah, we saw everything in its tiniest detail. Shukr to Allah, in his long life he had a chance to teach. He didn't leave anything for himself. He taught everything like it is. He taught all brothers and people. Shukr to Allah, his books are published too. Who are not attending can read. What they call new technologies now, it is a terrible thing but is useful for some things. You are watching sohbas, and many people are being guided through them.

Sheikh Efendi used to say that the most important is sincerity. Sheikh Efendi used to see the best side of people. He saw the best side. He pretended not to see the faults; even if he did, he acted as if he didn't see them. That's why, there were many people who thought they were deceiving Sheikh Efendi. And that is with Sheikh Efendi's patience and spiritual help/himmat that people turn to the right way and realize their mistakes. Sincerity is important. Especially if you do something that is related to Islam and tariqa, you should give it your complete attention. These things shouldn't be used for one's own purpose, for one's own benefit. It is said in many hadith, our Prophet who used to say that whoever uses the religion for his own benefit can prepare himself for his place in hell.

Because people coming to the Muslim religion see the one in front of them as having the highest rank, they see him as an angel. And they are ready to submit their all for him. And the one in front of them should deserve that. Who doesn't deserve it will deserve the consequences. Shukr to Allah, Sheikh Efendi kept and managed everyone so far. Whoever lost his way, lost it because they followed their ego. Otherwise, the way shown by Sheikh Efendi is the purest, the most beautiful and the most blessed way. It is not appropriate forsomeone to say, "I followed Sheikh Efendi and this happened to me". As we said, Sheikh Efendi didn't show anything contrary to the religion and Sharia. He showed the best and the most beautiful. You should act according to this manner. You should help these people. They should know you as good ones and see Islam as beautiful. Beware, don't do it for benefit. When Sheikh Efendi came to Grandsheikh, he didn't allow him to use money for 7 years. Sheikh Efendi traveled around without a single penny in his pocket for 7 years, by the Blessing and Grace of Allah. And he didn't ask anything from anyone. He didn't have a penny in his pocket. As long as Allah wills, He gives. Allah is the Possessor of everything. Rizq/provision is in Allah's hands. Sheikh Efendi said many times not to be dependent on anyone. Sheikh Efendi never asked a penny from anyone for himself. Why are we saying this? So that people know and see how tariqa is. He never looked at someone's property. People of tariqa should be this way too. They shouldn't think "I am his representative, I can open a shop and make money now". There can't be anything like this.

If there are such people, may Allah keep them away from us. MashaAllah, someone like Sheikh Efendi doesn't come even once in 1,000 years. We can't tolerate the things he tolerated that's why our prayer is like this. In-sha’Allah it will be accepted in this Juma time. Whoever does wrong to people should repent and ask forgiveness from people. Because the right of a servant is big. As we said, it is especially not good to use Allah, the Prophet, and the religion as a means to deceive people. May Allah correct them. We ask that Allah correct them. Our ego also is not better than their egos. May Allah protect us too. May Allah not let us follow our ego until our last breath. May we follow the way shown by Sheikh Efendi and the Prophet with sincerity.

Tariqa it is the heart of Sharia. And Mawlana he was especially Naqshbandi Tariqa. We are saying Naqshbandi. We are not afraid from anyone. Naqshbandi is the real Tariqa. Highest Tariqa, Naqshbandi Tariqa. Naqshbandi Al 'Aliya. We are not afraid. Some people they say "We are afraid this terrorist group, they said for themselves Tariqa Naqshbandiya." This all, we are not interested in them. We are Naqshbandi. Naqshbandi, what is its order? The order is to follow Sharia'. There is more than 40 Tariqa, all they are following Sharia' but some of them of course they have something maybe people they are not knowing, they seem for them to be out of Sharia'. But Naqshbandi Tariqa, nothing like this. Nobody can object for Naqshbandi Tariqa. Naqshbandi Tariqa it is Sufi, meaning the most religious, following the order of Prophet (saws) and the order of Islam. What is order of Islam? There is obligatory order, Fard. And Wajib, Sunnah Mu'akkada, Sunnah Mustahabba... Sunna Mustahab. It is like this. Mawlana he was in his long life, Allah bless him and make his baraka on us insha'Allah. Alhamdulillah he is supporting. He was doing all this what we mentioned. And it is to make obligatory/Fard - every Muslim he must make this. If he didn't do Allah punishing him - This is for obligatory. After there is Wajib. Wajib it is not obligatory but if you don't do you will be blamed for this, not punished only blamed. And there is Sunnah Mu'akkada it is what Prophet (saws) did, if you don't do it Prophet he will be not happy with you. And there is Sunnah, which is ok you can do or you cannot do. And there is nafila, this also is less than Sunnah. But all this Sunnah and Nafila and Mustahabb it is like gift from Allah. Allah offering you treasures. Somebody offering you there is, his hand diamond, pearls, gold, good, very expensive precious things. And if you like you can take, he said. You refuse? If you refuse you are free. Mawlana he was saying it is like this. You can..but Mawlana he also insist for our brothers to take as much as they can take. No need for refusing. And other, after Mustahabb, it is also less, but Mawlana he was doing all this. And he was teaching us to do this. Many things he taught us - especially to not harm anybody. If you are doing this you must do for Allah, especially for our brothers or who he put them to look for people. Alhamdulillah most of them are like this. Because he appoint some people to look for our brothers from everywhere in the world. Alhamdulillah from East to West, North to South, the most far distance, we find derga for Naqshbandi, for following Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. And he was ordering them to do this, to teach people, and to not harm people. You must look at these people not like something to eat. No, something to look after them, to grow it, like garden, nice garden. You must grow them. Not like sheep you are looking like you're a wolf and take to hunt these people, no! It is not like this. Mawlana he was all time looking with mercy, with politeness, to people to make them to come to Tariqa, to Islam. And this is what he ordered. He never take from anybody or he won't ask for something from people. All the time he is, if they give him he give, not looking at all, not let it for next day. But to ask for himself or for his pleasure or to..never! Never even when he was in his good health, he was eating every time - what he has he give for people to eat, near him also. It is big lesson. Mawlana all his life he was

doing this. And especially he said for every people he was mercy. Don't harm people. Don't take their money to cheat them. Don't look for another haram for lady you not have. Don't do this. He all the time ordering good things and mercy for people.

Never saying to fight with people. No, we are waiting for Amir al Mu'minin, Mahdi (as). Mahdi (as) not coming it is mess now. So it is not, we are not following anybody except Mawlana's order. And who following this he will be with him in jannah insha'Allah, and he is happy with him. But who are doing wrong things - We are weak, we are not like Mawlana. Mawlana he is, maybe every 1000 years nobody coming like him. And he was carrying us. Carrying all people and looking for them by mercy, if they will regret it and coming to right way. But we don't have this so we are making dua that Allah sends us good people. Who they not have good intention or they are doing wrong, Allah takes them away. Because Allah He has millions of His servants, good servants. Allah sends us good ones, we are weak we cannot carry this. And we are asking Allah to not let us for our egos, because our ego it is not good also. We are not good also. Who is saying "I am good." He is not good. Many people they coming and asking "I feel myself I am not good. I am not seeing myself it is good, my ego." I said, "Alhamdulillah this is what you must say." If you say "I am good, O my ego, I am very.. good man." It is wrong. You mustn't one minute, Prophet (saws) he said, "Don't let us for our ego." Prophet he said this, how we are saying? All the time we must be careful for our ego and we make dua to not be after our ego to do wrong thing. Allah keep us with our brothers and sisters all and in good way. And Allah make our people more and more insha'Allah. We are following Mawlana and we are inviting people to right way, to Allah's way, to nice life, this is nice life - sweet life Mawlana he was saying.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al Fatiha.

78.Mawlana Sheikh Nazim’s Time Thursday, December 4, 2014.

Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa l- akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah.

Alhamdulillah, we arrived safely. Nice weather. Alhamdulillah very nice. Everything what Allah created and what He put, He knows the best. Some people, they said: Bad weather. No. This for winter, it must be like this. If it is shiny, it is bad weather. Because winter, it must be rainy, clouds dark. It is ok. Allah knows. You don't know. Don't object. Don't be... Now they have... Like Mawlana, qaddasAllahu sirruhu, every time he shouting for democracy, everybody they want to give their opinion. Even for Allah's Will, they are objecting, they are refusing - say "No, this is bad weather". If you don't have this weather, how it will be everything? It'll be mess. If all time it is shiny and hot weather, it will be... nothing, it will be right.

Like, subhanAllah, last year it was special year. It was really heavy. It was heavy since this time, when Mawlana he was getting more weak and more ill. Really it was weather very, very bad. Never we see something like this. Middle of winter, it was hot. And everything it was bad: nothing growing, nothing growing well. So it was big sign for Mawlana's, his illness. It was even for work, not good. He was carrying all this. But after he left, raining, rahma/mercy coming. Because Allah, for his sake of His beloved servant, He began to give. Alhamdulillah now also it is sometimes people, when they see cloud and it was really... you see cloud near earth. People, they feel bad when... Alhamdulillah when you look for (with) eye of wisdom, you feel very happy, your heart opening, alhamdulillah. What is this all cloud, mashaAllah? All baraka, all rahma coming. And the winter especially, they have also another specialty - long nights. You can make worshipping more, to be with your friend, your good friend even more. And you can look for ibada - looking for book, for knowledge more and more. But in summer times, all time you are outside looking, running from place to place, you enjoy yourself, your ego. Winter ego, it will be in cage. Alhamdulillah for your soul, it is better. Winter alhamdulillah, you're collecting knowledge, you're collecting rahma, baraka In-sha’Allah . After, we give. And we see most of alim and people who coming from these

cold places for because winter time, in old time, it was not like this now. Six months you cannot go anywhere, only under snow. So they are collecting their food, their what they need in winter. Until end of winter not going anywhere. Only in their village or in their city where they're living, just looking for mosque, for madrasa, for zawiya, for tekka. And because only they cannot do anything else.

So alhamdulillah it was very good. So we must be happy. Everything good in their time. When time you do something, even now they said "Good person in good time or in good place". So this is what wisdom of everything. And we are happy alhamdulillah to be with you again In-sha’Allah . We remember Mawlana Sheikh when he was coming all road. So alhamdulillah give happiness. We are happy. Don't be sad. Many people until now, they are still crying, they are making... Mawlana, he not like this. Alhamdulillah he is what he put, what he did, is still continuing. This is what he said. He said "They put me here. And they'll put another one here also." It is continuing. It is not only for one man. No, it's continuous alhamdulillah. This is what he will be happy. And of course, it's not easy but alhamdulillah his power make people to be together, not go away. Alhamdulillah. And it will be continue growing and growing alhamdulillah. Many times I'm looking when Mawlana making sohba, maybe there was one line only like this. I say Mawlana how he is like ocean. He's like ocean speaking only for maybe 10 people, 15 people. And now I am speaking, even not river, not stream, many people like this. But Mawlana, he was speaking only for 10 people, he speaking like for 100,000 people. Same. Alhamdulillah. Madad ya Sayyidi, madad. Allah make his maqam higher and higher to be his nazar/gaze looking for us, for everyone after us In-sha’Allah .

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

79.Chosen for Allah’s Religion Friday, December 5, 2014.

Salam aleikum As-salatu wa-l salam 'ala Rasulina Muhammad Sayyidi-l awwalin wa-l akhirin Madad ya Rasulallah, madad ya sadatina as'hab Rasulallah. Madad ya Masha'ikhina Madad ya Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Nazim Al Haqqani. Dastur.

The order of Mawlana he said: old time people they were sleeping early and, because of course no electricity, no television, nothing from this time. And it was good for them. They were following order of Prophet (saws) to sleep early and after coming wake early before Fajr, make Tahajjud, and waiting for Fajr, praying in mosque. After finish praying, they were making sohba, small sohba. After everybody went to their work, their jobs. To wake early and work early, Prophet say "it is baraka." What does it mean baraka? This is a thing (which) outside of Islam has no meaning. No translating because they don't have this. Outside of Islam they are not knowing this. They are thinking "as much as we can take, we must take." Just take but not giving for anybody, or not helping, not mercy for anybody, for people, for Allah's creatures. Allah Alhamdulillah He give us this favour. He sent us here, He gave us this love of Allah, and Prophet, and Islam. We are gathering here for what? For eating, drinking? No, just for love of Allah. And this is what we read and Allah mentioned in the last verse of second Surah: "yudkhilu man yasha'u fi rahmatihi" (42:8) Allah He enter who He wants for His mercy.

Mercy, what is mercy? To be in Islam, in good Way. Because "Inna d-dina 'inda l-Llahi l- islam" (3:19) The religion is Islam in Allah's order. Other people they know Islam but they're making it ugly. They are making it horrible. They are showing it very bad. No. Allah, His religion is the most perfect. Alhamdulillah and this is not can anybody enter - only who is chosen by Allah. "Yudkhilu man yasha'u fi rahmatihi wa dh-dhalimina a'adda lahum adhaban 'alima." (76:31) Oppressors they have bad thing for them waiting. Who is oppressor? They are who are not accepting Allah's religion. They making oppression for Allah, for God. "inna sh-shirka la dhulmun 'adhim" (31:13) So we are happy, Alhamdulillah Allah He chose us and "yaf'alu ma yurid."(22:14) He does what He likes.

What He we cannot say - no democracy here, no thinking, not you said you must do like this to make philosophy. No. Alhamdulillah be happy and don't be try to look like these people. You only be thankful for Allah, you are here and you are chosen in His religion. Many people of religion of Islam they are doing very bad things. They are not doing what Allah ordered. They are doing against His will and against His order - not against His will.

Alhamdulillah, we are thanking for Him. And it is baraka to not sleep after Fajr. Alhamdulillah the nights are very long now. We sleep enough Alhamdulillah. But sleeping in winter it is very nice. People they like and the ones, very clever animals, they sleep 3 months.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al Fatiha.

80.Money-Guards Friday, December 5, 2014.

Tariqatuna s-sohba wa l-khairu fi jamiyah.

Mawlana's order was to make khatm Thursday here. But today they have some program, so they make it mixed. But still people - I think yesterday they make khatm here. So we will make sohba. In-sha’Allah next Thursday also khatm here because it is Mawlana's order. Mawlana ordered to make khatm here Thursday.

But yesterday, I was surprised they make different program. So we make in Saint Anne's Road. But Mawlana, he liked to give every place life. And life - with dhikr, with praying, with place they are happy. Mawlana, alhamdulillah he made many mosques, especially in London. Many of them he made and around the world maybe 100, more than 100 he has mosques. And when it's empty, not good. So his order to make dhikr, to be alive, give life. Al-hayat haqq ul-hayat al-abadi with dhikr. After al-aman la ilaha illAllah la hawla wa la... afdal al-dhikr la ilaha illAllah.

Prophet (saw) he said when you want to speak, speak good things. If not good, nonsense things, don't speak. Hadrat Abu Bakr (ra), he always only not speaking too much. Especially he was putting stone in his mouth. They asked him "Why it is?" He said once he was speaking with one man and this man, he was saying bad words for him, shout at him. And he (AbuBakr) is not speaking anything. Prophet (saw), he was there and he was not saying anything, sometimes smiling, sometimes not saying anything. At the end, this man, he make it swearing more for Sayyidina Abu Bakr. Hadrat Abu Bakr (ra), he was not caring anymore and he was replying for him. When he did this, Prophet (saw) he just stand up and he went. He is Prophet (saw), the best manner for him to not say anything. Even when some people shouting, he not replying for these people. Just doing something, people know he is not happy. So when he is, he left there, Hadrat Abu Bakr, he went behind him and tell him "O Prophet (saw), you weren't saying anything when he was saying for me. But when I say something, you became angry and you left. What happened?" He said "When he was saying something, Allah sent angel. He was saying something for him. I was laughing for this because angel he is answering behind you. But when you answering, this angel he went, and come instead of him shaitan. So when shaitan there, I cannot be there. So I left this place." After this, Sayyidina Abu Bakr, he put a stone in his mouth and he was not saying anything for people. Only when something important he must say, he take out the stone. Before taking the stone, he was thinking what is right, what is wrong, patient. After when he knows the right thing, he was taking the stone from his mouth and he speak. After he put it again and just make tasbih, tahlil, all time, not stopping.

This is giving life for people, for place also. For holy place become holy with holy people. Alhamdulillah, this was church when Mawlana, he take it. But now it is holy and it is maqam. When some Awliya staying in a place 40 days, it is maqam. You can visit his spiritual - he's here. When you make dua for him, especially this night, holy night, he is here. He's with us. Here he was for more, every year, more than 2 months, sometimes 3 months. But especially in Ramadan and before Ramadan 40 days all he was here. For other also, like St. Anne place also. Everywhere where he go some people, they are more sensitive like in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The place where he was sleeping there, they are all calling maqam there. Not saying this house, that house, dergah - No, just saying maqam.

Alhamdulillah he's hard working. He is not lazy. He is alhamdulillah, he was very active. Now he is more active alhamdulillah. We are thanking for him. Who not thanking people, not thanking Allah. We are thankful for Mawlana. He gave us middle of this huge city and expensive city, place very wide, everybody is easy to be inside. And we are, by his karama... Also this big place Allah make Sultan of Brunei to... Karamat of Mawlana of course, without cannot be. He gave this place also St. Anne dergah. Alhamdulillah since more than 20 years, 25 years, around 25 years, 5 times praying, the Qur'an teaching and Juma, tarawih, Eid praying, everything, it is writing reward for Sultan and for Sultan ul-Awliya, of course. We are thanking for people. Prophet (saw) said the most rich people, they cannot give, they cannot give money for good things. Only few of them who are Allah's beloved people. To have money, it is not so good. You are to be multimillionaire, it is not good. But there is special occasion. If you have money and you can spend it for akhira, for Allah, for Prophet, for Muslims, it is good money. But if you just put it and say "I have billions", so it is not good. Many people we know, rich people, they cannot give. Some of them, even they say "I cannot. I want to give but I cannot. I cannot give. I don't know why. I'd like to give. But no." Allah not... no permission to give. And this is baraka of Mawlana to make people to give.

And he was all time not leaving anything, like Sayyidatina Nafisa at-Tahira. She was also very generous. She was in Egypt still (ra). She is grand-granddaughter of Prophet (saw) and she was very blessed lady. And they respect her in Egypt. So Sultan heard about her and his wife, she is happy to give her. She gave her 10,000 dinar, 10,000 coins of gold. Until morning it was finished. She was distributing to poor people. They are like this, these holy people. They are the most clever - clever who know the value of akhira. He must quickly give this to not be with her or with them if they are, Allah take His amanat, the soul, they will pass away. Every penny, they like to give it to poor people or to good thing. This is, they are clever people. But other just collecting and knowing the number only.

Once Mawlana, he was, I think 76 or that 77, they want to buy this Shacklewell Lane mosque. He went to one billionaire, he is big billionaire in Turkey. He's in Turkey but

he's living here also. He said we are doing this mosque because Turkish people they don't have at that time no mosque in London. Very few mosques, even central mosque, it wasn't built yet. So he didn't give anything. Mawlana, what he said to him - "What he will do with this money? To Allah make you to bury you in this money?" If he died and buried in money, what will be having? What will you have? You cannot take it to akhira. In akhira it is rubbish. Even it is paper even you take gold, not good. So what you will do with all this money? But these, what we said before, they are not clever. And their thought "We are doing this with our cleverness". No, you are idiots who collecting money, not giving. And these people even not giving zakat. Zakat, it is not for them - It is 2,5%, it is for Allah. If you, after 1 minute you didn't give this, you are thief, you are robber. This is not for you. You must take it, to not make your money dirty. This cleanness for your money, for your body, for your soul. But if you are not knowing this, you're knowing but you are saying "I don't know". Even you live for 100 years, after, they can put you in very luxury grave, only this what you can take. Only one. Even people, after 1 year, they forget you.

There was one in Turkey also billionaire. When he died, the street, it was maybe 2 hours closed from crowd. After 1 year they showed in the paper also, only his family, maybe 5-6 people, they bring imam to read for them. Nothing anymore. No more. This what will be. So you must make charity, you must help people and Allah help you to reward until Qiyama. This is sadaqa jariya. Because sadaqa jariya, Prophet (saw) said everything after your death, nothing coming on your reward, only 3 things. One to be alim, to have good thing for people, people making dua for you. Other thing to have good boy. He also can reward, Allah give reward for him. Third thing to make good thing for people, sadaqa jariya. So maybe from to... Even you are rich so many times, because they cannot have anything to say for people, good things for people.

But who has money can do many charity. It is coming for you like rent. If you rent, you have building. When you are in life time, you have 10 buildings, from every building then comes 10,000 for you. One month you'll be, enough for all your life. And it is coming, still coming. This sadaqa jariya also same thing. You can do, Allah open this for you. w allahu yad'u ila dari s-salam (10:25) invite people to do good things. Don't be lazy. The laziness not good. Mawlana also, he said for... Once he was with grandchildren. He said to them "Don't be lazy. Read". And when he was small, he said "I was reading 12 hours, reading". So laziness not good. You must make something for your akhira first. But if you are working or you are in business, you say "I am making this for Allah" also - also reward will be coming like worship. Because for helping people, for helping family, you can do also. No problem. Allah make us like what Mawlana like, what he happy with us. What he like - to try to be perfect, to do what you are doing carefully. Even when he was, sometimes coming letter or something writing, he said "What is this? Writing is rubbish, you cannot... Not nice writing." Even this he was looking. But he is of course, very merciful. And he wasn't saying many thing for people. But he was, he liked to be better for our people. If you can do, you must do your best.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

81.Maqams of Awliya Saturday, December 6, 2014.

Madad Ya Rasulallah, madad ya as'habi r-Rasul, madad ya Masha'ikhina madad Ya Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Al Haqqani, dastur.

Welcome, masha'Allah. It was very nice Ottoman band. Ottoman it is Islam's dawlat - Empire, Islamic Empire, the Ottoman. It is not only Turk, not they cannot say 'Turk'. If they say 'I am Turk', 'I am Arab', 'I am Kurd', 'I am 'Habash', 'I am Somali', 'I am Egypt' - it will be divided. All they were same. Many of Ministers, Prime Ministers, they were from other nations. The many of the Masha'iykh of the Sultan, they were selected from the best people. Not looking for color, not looking for language, not looking for ... only to be help. The best they have very sensitive, human, (way of) looking. They want the best.

We say the Islamic Empire, but also it is really Islamic. Why? Because who are not Muslims they were living there. They have their rights. Nobody can touch them. Nobody do anything for them, they were even more safe than Europe. Even Jewish they save them from Spain, this what they said, inquisition, I don't know in English. (Spanish Inquisition) Yes. They take them by ship bring them to Ottoman Empire. They know this they are saying it also. So, Empire, Muslim Empire, they cannot make harm to anybody. They are keeping the real Islam.

When Empire of Ottoman was living, there was no any Salafi, any Wahabi, who are not respecting Prophet, not respecting Muslims. These, they are not respecting first the Muslims, these people. For Muslims they are saying "you are mushrik."No, in Ottoman time you cannot say this. Sultan Abdul Hamid he made one book, this is what Muslim can read and who accepts this, they are ok. You are Muslim you are from Sunni, Ahl Al Sunnah wal Jamaat. If you don't accept this you are out. You cannot say I am Muslim, I am.. So everybody no problem. When Ottoman they - this enemy of Islam destroy Ottoman - all this beginning after. Everybody knows this. When Ottoman finish they're coming like mushrooom. No root for them. But Ottoman and Ahl-l Sunnah wa-l Jamaat, the root since 1400 years. From Prophet (saws) not changing, not changing and it is real Islam. Mawlana every time he was making dua for Ottoman, and he said " still they are owner of this Islam." When Mahdi (as) coming, they will give him this for Mahdi they have this kept amanat with them.They will give them to Sayyidina Al Mahdi (as). Because in Islam there is adab, there is good behaviour. They have everything it must be in proper way. You cannot make as you like. No! So Alhamdulillah still this Ottoman people have their... who must be Emperor, he will give Sayyidina Al Mahdi (as) all amanat and after insha'Allah he will finish everything.

Sayyidina Al Mahdi (as) when he comes he is mushtahid mutlaq, What's the meaning? He is in his time no more mazhab, no more Tariqa, only one. Why? Because he is like over all. And Prophet (saws) he said "He will be like me." Because now everybody they make what they see. And it is the 4 madhabs or Tariqas all right now. But when he is coming only one it must be. Because also religion, only one religion, only one madhab. No more religion in dunya, in the world. Insha'Allah it is very near. Mawlana he every time saying this. And it is in our belief to say "I am from Ahli s-Sunnah wa-l Jamaa." If he doesn't believe in this, he is not complete believer. He is very few belief he has. He must be..look for himself and to make tawba astaghfirullah, and must accept this. If not accept it, will be not acceptable to Prophet (saws). Because Prophet (saws) when people not doing his sunnah or not accepting what he said, Judgment Day when people seeing him they're ashaming from Prophet (saws). Their face meat (skin of the face), it will come down. How they are shy from the Prophet (saws) "why we didn't do this and he was ordering us we did not accept his order." So they will be very shy and very regretful.

Alhamdulillah we are trying our best to see, to show people the right way. Mawlana he was also whole life, Alhamdulillah he make from East to West, all around the world, he put seed and it is growing. Alhamdulillah after his changing his world, he is still all around the world, especially here. Here is Maqam - Peckam Maqam. Where he was, everywhere, you can make here dua. You can come visit here as you are visiting his grave. Also here is Maqam. He is already here because Awliya' if 40 days in some place, it's Maqam. So Alhamdulillah he left for you also. Don't be, many people they are sad, but Alhamdulillah he takes this sadness from people. And people, because when you are with him you don't feel sad, you feel strong. Alhamdulillah if somebody feels sad or something he can come here, make dua in his Maqam.

Because Mawlana said when somebody he has sadness or stress or anything, must visit 7 Maqams of Awliya'. So here also for London people or from England, people they can visit here. They can visit Peckam. They can visit 16 Green Lanes, also he was many years there. All these Maqams. Alhamdulillah and masha'Allah Hj Bahauddin from his inspiration he make this sohbah and our brother Iberk he collect them and make them in a book. Alhamdulillah he is hard- working, these people. We are thanking them, because you must thank people. If you're not thanking people you are not thanking Allah. Allah this is Hadith - "Ma lam yash'kuru an-nas lam yash'kuru Allah." Prophet (saws) said. And we are thanking also this Sultan also he gave us this place, for baraka of Mawlana. And baraka for him, for us, for everybody, Alhamdulillah. Allah make us to make 100.000 like this around the world insha'Allah.

Thank you for all of you. Alhamdulillah, Allah keep you in safety with your children, because the most precious thing, our children. And children they are not only for this dunya. If we save them in Akhira this is the best pleasure, the best happiness for us, for all of us. Allah accepts your ziyarah and gives you all the best.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al Fatiha.

82.How To Ride Your Ego Saturday, December 6, 2014.

As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Rahim. as-salatu wassalam ala Rasulina Muhammad Sayyidil awwalin wa akhirin Madad Ya Rasulullah, madad ya ashabul kiram, madad ya Masha'ikhina Madad Ya Sheikh Nazim Al Haqqani,dastur. Tariqatuna s-sohba wa-l khairu fil jam'iya.

Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal. We must be thankful for Allah for everything and to try to be in good action all the time. Be in good khuluq hasan, akhlaq hasana, good manners. Good manners, Prophet (saws) he said - "I've been sent to complete good manners." Good manners it is a very nice thing. There was many Awliya' Allah, many scholars, since childhood they sent them to derga to Masha'ikh to take these good manners. And there was many they have good manners, they cannot do anything for people, just they said - Allah. Even they are not saying anything.

There was one Awliya' Allah, he's big Awliya' Allah, he had write book - Ibrahim Hakki from Erzurum. He was a small boy and his family sent him to Ismail Faqirullah, he is Sheikh. He was child, and in those days no water in house. Must take from well, must take from spring. And this area of course there was many springs. He sent him to bring water by jar. He normally goes and comes. He went to this where there is water coming and they were putting in front to keep water for animal also to drink. They take from that spring coming like pipe outside. They can take to fill the jar and to fill what they want. And he arrived there, he was trying to take water. There was one horseman coming and he said "go away from there." And he take his horse on him, and this boy he was afraid. He just saved himself from the horse but the horse he broke his jar. He came crying to Sheikh. Sheikh tells him, "what happened why are you crying?" He tells him "this man doing this and I broke the jar, I am sorry." Sheikh tells him "do you say anything for this man?" "No," he said "why? what I say? I couldn't say anything." He tells him "go quickly and say something for him - Why you do this or what? Just to.. say something for this man. Say what you want to say." He is a child. So he went back and saw the man still there, but from his good manner and shyness he (the boy) couldn't say anything. For bad people they are swearing, they are doing everything. Small children they can say anything, but when they have good manner and shy it is difficult for him. So when he went. He couldn't say anything.

He came back to Sheikh. Sheikh ask him, "what happened? You tell him anything?" "I couldn't say." He quickly shout and ordering him, "go and tell him something to this man, quickly!" When he went, this boy he find this man's horse kick him and kill him.

He was in the water there. This boy he comes quickly to Sheikh and tell him what happened. He was afraid. And he said, "this is what I want you to say - he said for jama'at also - to reply for him to make it not to be make it to Allah to reply for this. For Allah He get angry for this small boy and quickly kill this man, by horse. If he was saying something he said, it will be between this man and this boy, so it will be not like this. But I couldn't, this is Allah's will and this man he went." This is what Allah defending for people who are, they have good manner, they cannot say bad thing for people; they cannot arguing with people, fighting with people.

Many al haya' min al Iman. To be shy is from belief, Iman. This is good manners. Many people now, they are not liking this manner but it is from Iman. Because people many things they are doing against Islam, against what good manners ordering. And they are happy with this, "I do this, I do that. It is good, you must be like this." No it is - sometimes when - sometimes you can do, but if you do every time, you are following your ego. And ego makes you bad person. You must control your ego and to make it obeying you.

Like in Qasida Burda, "wa 'an nafsika qad tufl in taftummi ya Fatima." Your ego if you - like baby when taking milk from mother - if you leave him maybe until 5 years he can breast taking milk from mother. But when time coming of course they must cut it, because 5 years, 20 kg, all the time cannot give him this. Until one time it's ok after they can eat anything else. So, for your ego also you must slowly slowly to cut his food. But making him to be big, ego must be small. No need for him to be big. It is dangerous. Without ego also we cannot do anything. We must ride on him to train him and to ride on him.

This is what Masha'ikh teaching, Tariqa teaching. Alhamdulillah, slowly slowly we make all praying after for Tahajjud maybe, if you cannot wake up from early evening before Fajr, 5 min before Fajr. Next time 10 minute before Fajr. Next time half an hour. Like this you are training and you are used to it. To be easy for you, but if you want to make everything at once you cannot do, your ego coming on you. So, slowly slowly there is training. You know how to ride your ego. When somebody wants to ride horse, training slowly slowly - after it's ok. Everything like this, nothing difficult. Allah not making something we cannot do it. Everything He orders we can do. Allah He make it easy for us and to be continuous. This is important. and continue from us to children, to grand children, to all generations insha'Allah.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al Fatiha.

83.The Last Muslim Army Sunday, December 7, 2014.

Islam army. Now we don't have Islam army because no Khalifa. This is Ottoman - the last Islamic army. Islamic army beginning with the Prophet(saws) and it is holy for Muslims. For Ottoman who don't go army, they said it is owed for the Prophet (saws). You must go to army for a year to be in his (sas) army. It is holy, because to defend Muslims it is big reward. There is hadith, to wait to God, Muslims, one hour, it is more acceptable than 60 years of Ibada. This what is, this army they were teaching them. They are not oppressors.

From Prophet (saws) until the last army, they all listening for Prophet, for his advice, what they must do and what they must not do. Many stories for Islamic army. Even when they are going through land, through field, to fight enemy, if they going through fruit gardens or other, they won't... Telling them to not touch. If you touch you must pay what you eat. And even there was, if they eat something like date or other they put money and hang it on the tree. When people of this country they see this they are knowing nobody can stop from front of this army.

There was sometimes (there were) few - less than half of enemy others and also they were reading on them. Where this knowledge of Allah and knowledge of Islam? Who put them this? Of course most the time all of them they were following Tariqa. Even Sultans they have Masha'ikh. They have knowledge for dunya, for the world for them knowledge, and for Akhira. They know math and they know from astronomy and they know better than our days professors. And they were sitting many like this, with Sultan. Alhamdulillah this is what their Masha'ikh teach what program. And it is honorable people. There is nobody can say something wrong for them. But of course the people enemy they make very wrong ideas for (about) them. But if they wanted wrong, they cannot rule all these countries for more than 600 years. And there is countries that they were ruling, now even they say it is most problem area in the world. Nobody can control it. But they were controlling by power of Masha'ikh and the spiritual guidance and supported from Prophet and Awliya' Allah. They are not respecting. Each one they are like respect from them. And even after they're gone they make for them mosques, they make zawiya, they make house for giving food for poor people, by name of these Awliya' or these Ulama. They were looking for, not only Turkey or other, all around the Empire, they are looking for good people who they're right or there's, we must make people to get benefit from these people. They were bringing them and make them help people, and give advice and new knowledge. Because Awliya'Allah every time when some of them pass away, Allah send one behind him, after him. Because there is, as you know, 124000 Awliya' they.. Prophet (saws) opened it for 124000 Awliya. After, 30 Nabi Rasul sent the message from Allah. Other 124 they are some of them they have only one qudra/power some of them 2,

some of them 10 it was like this. And there were many Bani Israil many of them from that. And they were suffering and they were patient. Even there is Hadith - in one day they kill 1000 prophets. Because Prophets sometimes also living together also.

This area there were many prophets but all around the world, Allah He sent for every nation prophets. Many prophets coming after this people because they are not knowing after generations. They were worshipping them or making them like God. And most of them they were prophet. So, no area of the world no Prophet time for them, but most of them they were in the Middle East. This area, Middle East area, it is holy, holy place. But people there not knowing the holy, the holiness of this area so our region, bala'/cursed. To make them to fight together, because they are not accepting holiness. Many people after Ottoman Islamic Empire, they are dividing Empire to 20, 30 states, countries. After this also they make this people who live in this country, enemy for each other. This is what non-Muslims do. After, they said "Look this is Islam." No, no, this is not Islam. Islam it was Empire of Ottoman. After, not. Hadith Prophet(saws)"after the muluk salihin, jababira." After Sultans there's tyrants. There is no more Islam, Islam cannot have tyrants. Islam not accept what one man he decide to kill only for his enjoyment. Now you see it. The tyrant, he can destroy his own family even if nobody survives he does not care. Only what he wants is for himself. How can he be a Muslim this man? Ottoman or other also we say for just last Emperor of Ottoman Islamic Empire and this is what Prophet (saws) said "the best century of my century, after - second, after - 3rd, after - they are not good." Even this, the Prophet (saws) say last one is not good - they were like angels compared to these people now.

So we must be careful from enemy of Islam. We are not accepting what they are doing in the name of Islam. What they are doing they can do this easily because they are misguided. If they don't have murshid coming from Prophet (saws) until death. No they are only like mushrooms. Coming only after Ottoman Empire and, especially after petrol crisis, coming up and they become rich. This petrol it is bad life it is the worst thing. It is like the ? it is definitely bad life. Wells it can find they make this country miserable, even from to make people to fight together or to make people spend this money to destroy Islam.

Look all around you, any Muslim country they have petrol and they are happy? Or they are rich or they are comfortable? No, all around the world they become petrol rich, miserable for oil and so, because it is I think for shaytan. Mawlana he don't like technology. And this petrol it is the heart of technology. Everyone he want to see they're the richest petrol reserve they have. There is ? Iraq, you can't count - endless countries. All they're in miserable life. Other to also they have, like Saudi, like Kuwait, like other, they were happy to have so many things to do. Because when the money is too much they make fight and they take all their money.

And they are happy to give for non Muslims, but for Muslims they're not giving, even not giving zakat. And our Muslim people sometimes they are saying they have special office to give zakat for people and take from them. No, no we don't want. Because they're just... If they want to give there is million of poor Muslim people, they know better than me and you. They can give for them. But not, they said making excuse and not giving. So, even in this dunya not good, in akhira also for them not good. We need clean, clean money, clean rizq. This is dirty. "Al nadhafa min al Iman." (Hadith). Cleanness it is from Islam, from Iman. We must be clean. everything in the spiritual and in acting also, we must be clean to be good Muslims. Even this Hadith it is not for non-Muslims - to be Muslims, cleanness. And cleanness brings baraka, rizq for people also. Alhamdulillah they know, without to be clean they cannot accept your worshipping, your ibada. Everybody they know this, so Alhamdulillah. But who are not praying or doing this they don't have baraka because they are not clean. And especially Mawlana he was advising people to not go around without wudu'. Wudu' gives cleanness and give light for you, and gives baraka. And you'll be away from shaytan and his followers.

Allah make us with the clean people, this is our dua. And to be with good people. To be with good people it is helping here also before Akhira. Insha'Allah, all you come here for Allah. Alhamdulillah we are lucky to have good people. We are happy. You are clean people, we are happy with you. Insha'Allah all your generation will be clean like you and other. Allah give you baraka, clean in everything. Allah not let us to our ego or to our shaytan or any bad thing to take away from us. Thank you for your coming. Allah rewarding for each step. Our Prophet (saws) once saying, "one reward one time ? step and one forgive from, forgive if you do bad thing. So Alhamdulillah you can work for Allah and for listening and to meet us. Allah accept our ziyara/visit. Allah make us every time together here and in Jannat insha'Allah, with Prophet, with Mawlana Sheikh insha'Allah.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al Fatiha.

84.The Real Benefit Monday, December 8, 2014.

As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Wa salatu wa salamu ala Rasulina Muhammad sayyidil awwalin wal akhirin,madad Ya Rasulallah madad ya as'hab Rasulallah, madad Sh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Daghastani, madad Sh Muhammad Nazim madad. Dastur. Tariqatuna s-sohba wa-l khayru fil jam'iya.

Insha'Allah by order of Mawlana, we make our Tariqa, order. Tariqa it is to be together. Sohba means together, even you speak or you don't speak. Brothers must come together. For what? For Allah. Benefit, for benefit you must be together for benefit. Of course we must be for benefit. But benefit not for dunya, benefit, for Akhira - real benefit. The ni'ma, benefit meaning ni'ma - Ni'ma benefit is forever. Where you are, not only dunya benefit, you take, some of them they said benefit: They are making many things to take this from you - cheating you or making you ashamed and give them. But no, this is not benefit. The real benefit for Allah, Akhira. Allah He is Generous. He said "Come and take. As much as you can take, take. Don't leave anything. Take all." Prophet (saws) he is first benefit for us. Even only with loving him, you save yourself. You know, many people... but it is "wa dhakkir fa'inna dh- dhikra tanfa'u lmu'minin"(51:55) You must remind people to make them awake. Remind - Tanfa'u, meaning - getting benefit. You are getting benefit also for Akhira.

Prophet (saws) once he was in mosque, Masjid An -Nabawi, this bedouin people they are coming from desert. They don't know practicing, good behaviour, or adab or something. Let them because Allah created everybody different, character different. When something you are not happy with this it is ok for other people. There was shouting from there, he said "O Muhammad!" Sahaba they were angry, looking from that side. Once, twice, three, Prophet not answering. After he said, "Ok what you want?" He said, "When Qiyama, Judgment Day, when it is?" Prophet (saws) "Why are you asking? What did you prepare for this?" He asked "What must I prepare?" He said "You must make this and that." And he said "Only I can pray and I cannot do anything. Anything else help me?" "What you have another?"- Prophet said. "I love you." "What you do, it's enough for you to be in Paradise."

This is very good teaching. This the real benefit here. Many people they are trying, saying - "If you do this, you are making shirk." So, shaytan is very clever. Between religious people, how do you cheat them? They become cheated very nice in this trick and people they thought themselves they are clever. " O we mustn't make this love for Prophet, it is being shirk. It must be only for Allah. So we must not put anybody

between us and Allah." This is their saying for Prophet, how for Awliya', for beloved servants of Allah? They never accept. And they losing everything.

Even in Akhira when they will see Prophet (saws), from their shame from what they do, the meat of their face will fall down. If sometime many people they are doing something they are regretting and the one they ashaming they become face red. And but in Qiyama, in Judgement Day, it is more terrible thing. Specially they're seeing Prophet and they will be yu'aqib/punished. Someone's children they do something and they say "Why you do this? Therefore: "How you not do my sunnah? How you are saying this about what I say, you say against it? And you say it is, I know you making these all people to go wrong way." So he will (?) from ashaming and from regretting from what you've done. Because in Surat Al Kahf also there is ayat saying, "you know who is the loser who is losing everything?" He is answering - ayyat also - they do something in dunya where they are well and they are very happy for what they've done. But normally when they saw what they've done it is, no no value for what they do. They were denying Allah. Surah, Allah say - what He said. And they were only what they want to know, they thought it is real and they continue in this what they've done, what they are doing. At end of Kahf Surah, I don't know what now. SubhanAllah I forgot what it says exactly. But it's real. From these people whole life they're looking for perfection and they thought - for looking for perfection all life is good. He said now "I couldn't be perfect." This is humbleness, but they are saying, doing something and they are saying "I am perfect. It is right what I am doing and I am happy with this." But when they'll be in Akhira, in Judgment Day, they will be surprised. All what you tired and all what you were trying to do, what you do it was rubbish! It was garbage! No benefit.

Allah, teaching people for everything what they are doing. Nobody think it is coming, but it is sent. Time by time, knowledge giving for people. But the last 100 years, because Judgment Day approach, this knowledge is coming more and more. And people they are getting bad more and more. They are not helping them to love Allah or love Prophet. Who are not believer, they are not believing at all for Allah. Who they said for themselves "we are Muslims, we are believers," they are not believing in Prophet. They are not believing in spiritual, not believe in Awliya'Allah. This is because Qiyama approach. So it must be like this. Everything it must be coming out.

"Hatta idha akhadhati l ardu zukhrufaha wa zzayyanat wa dhanna ahluha annahum qadiruna alayha ataha amruna laylan aw naharan faja'alnaha hasidan ka'al lam taghna bil-ams"(10:24) This Ayah Allah says what will happen. All this they are in the world. They are doing everything they saw people who are not believing, all nice things, all technology, everything in top, very high. And there are people they thought they are controlling everything, but no. Allah He said "in one time, one day or one night, everything will be gone. And it will be after it, will be like it not happened at all." "ka'a lam taghna bilams"(10:24) As yesterday it was - you cannot believe it was like this

yesterday. All in Allah's Majestic hand, His Majesty hand - of course not like our hand. We cannot say for Allah He look like this or like that, we cannot say this. This wahabi they are saying. They're putting hand. They say "yes He has hand, He has body." How these people they can say this? No, but by everything in Allah's Will - it is not even like ant, compared to Allah's Majesty creation. Not, we are not saying for Allah... we cannot say anything, any example for Allah. We cannot say anything at all. But only what we say for His Qudra, creation. Only for His creation only for this we can say. And really it is unbeliever know, even who seeing and in the world, you're brain cannot contain this. For Allah you cannot say anything for Allah. For this you are all human beings - who is believer and not believer. Be clever. Don't be stupid. A clever one is who is with Allah, with Prophet (saws), with His beloved people. Other people, they they are not stupid, but stubborn. They are stubborn.

In Arab jahiliya and not jahiliya also, ignorant time and after ignorant time, this desert people were ignorant they said. Why they said ignorant? Because not accepting real. They are stubborn, but in real they are really very clever people. They are like fox, desert foxes are famous - more clever than English ones. There was 4 genius clever among the Arabs. One of them, 'Amr Ibn Al 'As. One of them Mu'awiya. But Amr was more clever than Mu'awiya. After, Ghazwat al-Khandaq (Battle of the Trench) this canal they was in Prophet (saws) making, Ahzab/Allies part in this. All musrik comming to attack Madina, and Salman Al Farsi told the people. Prophet ask "What we can do?" He said "In Iran he was digging tunnel, canal and they fill it with water - they cannot come for us." So Alhamdulillah Prophet (saws) they do this and after these people Allah make them away from Prophet after many thing happened for them, they come back to Makkah. and he was clever, looking, he's thinking what will happen. And he collect 4, 5 people like him and he said "O our friend what we will do, they are clever." He said "it is impossible to stop in front of Muhammad." They not believe Prophet. They said "We can go to Ethiopia, Habashistan." That one Najashi, King of Habasha they said, "he likes Arabs and he is friends with us. We can go and stay there. If Prophet Muhammad - they were not saying prophet - he will win on our tribe we stay all by here until he finish or until dying. But if ours they can win on Muhammad, so we can come back and then we are happy because winner. Nothing will be bad." So they said ok, "real good idea." They went to Habash, Ethiopia, and this Najash he was, they take also present to make him happy - It was like leather thing. When they come they saw messenger of Prophet (saws) he was coming out from Najashi, this King of Habash. He said "Ok they sent this - they said - we can kill him. I can tell to Najash to give me this man to kill him." And he went inside and give him the present and what he has. And speaking and they were happy. After when he was happy he said - ok this is time I tell him. He tell him "This man he's our enemy. If you give him to me I can kill him and my people they will be happy." But Najashi he hit him one on his nose. He said "I feel it is horrible, I thought maybe my nose broken." He said "How you say this? How I can give you? Are you, you are not listening. You are clever people." And he says, "This is real Prophet. And this is Allah's messenger and he will be take you all out from...not leave

anything in Makka. Like Musa he's done with Firawn, he will do for you. You are you are clever men you must know this." He said "When he do this, Subhana Allah, when Allah will give hidaya." He said, "O King can I give you my bay'a, my shahada also, to accept Sayyidina Muhammad as Prophet (saws). It was like this.

They are knowing. They are clever people, they are knowing it is real. But shaytan not leaving them to accept Islam or to accept real thing. This is who outside of Islam. They are really clever but when not accepting Allah say for them "ignorant, jahil." Who not know thing, ignorant meaning. This is what Allah calling people. Allah everything in His Hand. He knows and He is not afraid from anybody. He is not... nothing can be done against Allah. If you are in dunya, maybe you are afraid if you say to people "you are ignorant - you not believe in this. "They maybe make trouble for you. But for Allah it's not. And it is what Allah destroyed - non-believers, jahiliya, ignorant. Insha'Allah they must prove they are not ignorant. They must accept only one God and last messenger Prophet (saws) Muhammad (saws).

And we must teach our children the love of Prophet (saws) and real. His personality and his good behaviour it is the highest what Allah created