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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (767/777)
y don’t think that it is same; (that) today is same or a copy of yesterday! Don’t think that tomorrow (is) going to be a copy for today! Every day (is) coming in an unexpected events, because Allah Almighty (is) saying: “I am doing for every day a new projects, new happenings. New everything, (so) that (today) can’t be same as yesterday!” And man- until now they are not thinking on it to say that: “Tomorrow we are going to be winners” or not yet mankind they are thinking that they (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:55

10542 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YouCameWithKhair

should be able to make their hegemony on coming days and only Allah Almighty He is giving every creation to be under His (Hegemony)- that it is (a) heavenly Hegemony on everything- Dominions for Allah. No one can be able to reach His Dominions. We are so weak, only we can find a power through our spirituality. And people just left to learn spirituality, to learn about themselves and people (are) running after nonsense things, and (they are) dying and killing, destroying and (being) destroyed… O people, you may reach not 21st century- (even the) 21.000th century, if passing, that rule (is) never going to be changed: always material (is) going to be under (the) hegemony of spirituality. And (a) very simple example: you have physical body and spirituality. When your spiritual power (is) leaving your material being, it is going to (be) useless; a person, when he is dying, the power that (is) making (him) to act, every act going through this life (is) cut off from our material being (and) our material being it is going (to be) so nonsense, so useless, so dirty. Therefore people (are quickly) taking that dead body (away) and burying (it is the) burial places. (It is) nothing, no any power! But people are not thinking on it, Ya Hu, what is going to be (with) that person that yesterday was running, speaking, doing everything and today he is lying, not seeing, not hearing, not speaking, not knowing, not catching… They are not making a research on it. They are making nonsense research, asking: “How many kinds of ants? How they are making their sexual work…?”… Yes, you know, how that ant (is) bringing (its) generation?... They are looking (after) such a things, for example, but not looking who is man, who are you, who we are? They are not asking, no. We forget ourselves and we are occupied (with) everything around ourselves. Ya Hu- first look for yourself! (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:55

10543 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YouCameWithKhair

If I am saying: “How you are looking?” “ I am opening my eyes and… (it is) so simple!” “How this hand (is) getting up? How this (is) going to move, (the) hands? Without any support, how it is?” “(If) my will (is) leaving it, (it is) falling down, (if) my will (is) ordering ‘Get up’, (it is) getting up. My willpower (is) saying ‘Walk’ and you can walk, ‘Run’ and you can run”… like rabbits… (We are) not looking (to) ourselves, but we are wasting our energy and power, every possibility that we have been granted by Allah Almighty for nonsense. You must look after yourself first, who are you? We are not knowing our identity! Yes. “Who are you?” “I am the son of Niyazudin”, “I am the son of Perwin”, “I am the son of Ahmad”… that is your personality? Who are you? I am asking to you: “Give a description on yourself who are you!”… (Understanding?... Why looking to the wall? Look to me!...) Who are you? You must know, who are you. Very simple answer: “I am Adams generation, I am (a) member of (the) big family of humanity, belonging to Adam physically, belonging to our Prophet, (the) Seal of Prophets, S.Muhammad spiritually! And my nationality (is) Millati Ibrahim, (the) nation of Ibrahim. That is our nationality. And we are from Zurriyati Adam, from his children, (the) generation of Adam. And from the Ummah of S.Muhammad sws and we are also from the nation of Abraham.” Christian can’t say that: “We are not from the nation of Abraham”, no! If they are saying: “I am German”, “I am English”, “I am Swedish”, “I am Greek”, that is wrong. I am not asking your tribe and (the) tribe is not important. Important (is) that (which is) giving to you an honour: To be (a) member of the Children of Adam Safiyullah that Allah Almighty dressed him (the) honor to be Caliph on earth! That is biggest, one biggest honor that we have been granted. (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:55

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But people (are) not saying (this). They are saying: “We are German”, “English”, “Russian”, “Turkish”, “Arab”… No, Allah (is) not giving honour to your tribes! Honor (is) that you have been honor to be (from) the children (of Adam a.s.), one member… of (the) big family of mankind, I am one member”. “And from which nation?” “ Nationality, (the) real (one), (is) to belong (to the) Prophets group and we are also from the nation, from (the) Ummah of S.Muhammad sws. -That we have been honoured, even Anbiya a.s. they were asking to be one member of Ummah of S.Muhammad sws. We have been honored!- And, 3rd, (our) nationality, (our) real (nationality, is to be) Millati Ibrahim, from the nation of S.Ibrahim a.s. Allah (is) not, never saying: “Ya ayyuha-l Arab”, “Ya ayyuha-l Atrak”, “Ya ayyuha-l Ajam”, “Ya ayyuha-l Rus”, no, (but): “Ya ayyuha-l-ladhina amanu! O My honoured, most honoured servants! I am granted to you to be from the generation of Adam and to be from the Ummah of S.Muhammad sws and from the nation of Millati Ibrahim, Ibrahim Khalilullah!” We are not knowing our identity yet, they (are) never teaching this. Before they were teaching, now they are saying: “We are like other animals living on earth, next (to them), as nextdoor to our neighbors...” This is not honour!” (The) honour that granted Allah Almighty (is) to be from Adam- alayhi salat wa salaam- (to be from his) children and from the Ummah of S.Muhammad sws and from the nation of S.Ibrahim- may be greetings and blessings on them, peace be upon them, and honour be upon them! Who is asking to be with them, should be granted that honour more and more! Mankind now they are on (the) wrong way. Their education (is on the) wrong way, their teachings (are on the) wrong way, they are using, everyone (is) using satanic methods and they are deceiving themselves and people. Real reality (is) what Allah Almighty (is) sending and ordering to you to believe! (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:55

10545 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YouCameWithKhair

O people, it is a very short life that we are in it. Years so quickly (are) running, because time is running. Time (is) running, you can’t stop it, and you must try to take something! For example: There is cars on airports, they are standing on it and without walking (they are) taking you from one side to another side. Now (it is the) same for reaching for ourselves: they are thinking that we are not walking, but time (is) taking ourselves- from month to years, from years up to old age of a person… May Allah forgive us and grant us a good understanding! Because people (are) drinking and they are getting to be drunk ones. They are learning something that you may say wholly they are satanic teachings, that also making people to be more drunk. Come and wake up! O people, wake up! Before your eyes (are) closed down, look and understand your position here and Hereafter! May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the most honoured servant of Him, much more granted glory, glorified one in divine Presence S.Muhammad sws. For his honor Allah (is) dressing you and me, for every believer, to be dressed Nur, Lights, here and Hereafter. Bi hurmati-l Fatiha... Lefke, 18.3.2007 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:55

10546 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YouDontGiveDrugsToAHungryDonkey

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : YouDontGiveDrugsToAHungryDonkey


You don’t give drugs to a hungry donkey… Or: Depression is a spiritual problem As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ’Aliyu-l ’Adhim! By the Name of Allah Almighty, All-Merciful, Most Beneficent and Most Magnificent! Welcome to you! (Sheikh is making a short Dhikr using:) Allah ya Daim… Allah ya Jalil… Allah Dhul Jalal… Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah… Subhan Sensin, Sultan Sensin… Ma sha Allah! Ma sha Allah! Every time you may do Dhikr, (it is) as (with) a tree: When it is dry and (you are) giving (it) water, how (it is) opening, we also; every time that we are making Dhikr, from heavenly Rains (it is) raining on ourselves, making ourselves to be enough powerful for everything, for every attack of Shaitan! Therefore don’t forget! Must be your tongue wet with Dhikrullah! Welcome to you! Anything to say, Sheikh Abdul H.?.... he was in (the) forest with Ahmad (1 von 9)04.07.2013 23:41:56

10547 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YouDontGiveDrugsToAHungryDonkey

K., making Dhikr and a big beast (was) coming in front of them, like (a) cat sitting (down) in front of them, like this…understand?... Sheikh Abdul H.… (a) beast, (a) lion, (was) coming, when they are making Dhirk through (the) jungle, coming and sitting… looking…Kiss his hand!… Where is Ahmad K.? (In Dubai) Never asking me… Ya Rabbi, Shukr! Welcome to you! Welcome to those people, who are asking to be welcomed from Heavens. You are coming to a meeting that this meeting (is) only for last day… This is a meeting for Allah. You are coming from long distances, to reach some spirituality, because spirituality (is) making you to stand up and to be able to do something for Allah. It is not easy for anyone to make heavenly Service, without reaching such a spiritual meetings. May be our attenders one person, two persons, more or less, but all of them they are asking Allah Almighty’s Pleasure. Who (is) asking Allah Almighty’s Pleasure, (is) getting up and going with pleasure. “Al jazau min jinsi-l amal”. You are trying to make your Lord Allah Almighty pleased with you, you are trying to send (to) His divinely Presence pleasure, and Allah Almighty (is) returning, what you are sending. You are sending according to your size and Allah Almighty no size! Can’t be! Who is going to be from eternal up to eternal, how you are asking (about a) size for Him- audhu bi-llah! You are sending according to your size a pleasure, you are trying to make your Creator, your Lord, Lord of Heavens, Lord of Creation, you are trying to send pleasure. An ant, what (it is) bringing to a thirsty person? But… an ant, if running to a thirsty person and it is saying: “Just I am running to make that thirsty person to be free from thirstiness and to reach a pleasure and to make him happy, because he is so thirsty one, I must reach to him!” What reaching, what he, it, can bring to you? If one billon ants (2 von 9)04.07.2013 23:41:56

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(are) bringing (water), only it can be one billion ‘zarra’, atoms, or more or less; (and) if you are collecting one billon ants’ water through your mouth, do you think that a thirsty person (is) going to be satisfied? It is impossible, but that one (is) just (going to be) rewarded through its intention and through its efforts that (it was) running to save a thirsty person. And we also; according to our sizes, what we can send to (the) divinely Presence from our effort that we are doing? Only our intention to make our Lord pleased with us! And Allah Almighty (is) rewarding back and saying: “Grant, o my Angels, to My servants, whom they are asking to make Me pleased and they are sending their pleasure to Me, make their lives to be in happiness, in peace, in pleasure, in satisfaction, in honour!” That is. What we are doing, what we can send? Zero, under zero! But the Lord of Heavens (is) going to be happy with us, pleased with us, and (the) most important thing for man through his life (is) to try to send more pleasure from himself, from herself, from itself, from themselves to (the) divine Presence so Allah Almighty (is) saying: “Oh! My creature (is) just sending to Me, as it can do, he can do, she can do, pleasure to Me!” People now living in fire, (the) fire of Hells, no pleasure. They may have billions or trillions Dollars or Euros or Pounds, but that (is) never bringing to a person a pleasure, no, perhaps (it is) making them much more to be sad. No pleasure, because always they are thinking: “Tomorrow what is going to happen? May be a flood and may take my treasures… may be (an) earthquake and making everything from my so big buildings to be on earth…may touch to my skyscraper towers, may touch something like this and in seconds it is going to disappear…” (3 von 9)04.07.2013 23:41:56

10549 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YouDontGiveDrugsToAHungryDonkey

Therefore you can’t find anyone from those people (to be in peace)… May be President and may say: “Today I am President, tomorrow I don’t know what is going to happen. Perhaps people (are) saying ‘We don’t like such a President’ or they (are) becoming a crowing and saying that: ‘We don’t like an opposition’; people may come, may carry our power, we are remaining without anything…” Such a thinking is giving to them sadness. They are not happy, no, because: “May be I may sleep through my home and may reach morning (to be) in prison. Or may be sleeping in my house now, tomorrow morning may be I am buried in a graveyard.” Therefore they (are) never going to be happy, they (are) never reaching any satisfaction or pleasure or pleasement through their lives, because they have only material aspects. Soo much, but never (that is) giving to them a pleasure. But if a person (is) trying to do something, observing that: “If I am doing his, maybe my Creator, my Lord, going to be happy with my effort, with my doings”, he may be in pleasure! Yes, everything that you are making, doing for your Lords Glory, you should reach much more pleasure from Allah Almighty, much more pleasement from Allah Almighty, much more satisfaction! Much more lightening, much more glory, much more honour from His divinely Presence (is going to be) granted to you! But people, they are ‘jahil’, ignorant; they are thinking that their level (is the) highest level through centuries, but they are fully wrong ones! Because they (are) never taking any care for their Lords pleasure, or pleasement, never (it is) going to be (possible for them) through this life to reach a pleasure or to reach a pleasement, no. That is (the) biggest ‘bela’, cursing for them; because they forget their Lord, their Creator, and they also just forget their Lords (4 von 9)04.07.2013 23:41:56

10550 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YouDontGiveDrugsToAHungryDonkey

pleasure for them, and then this darkness (is) covering them. Therefore now (there is) just increasing a kind of illness- really it is not (an) illness, (because) illness that belongs to your physical being- depression. Depression it is a new ‘illness’, but it is not really an illness (because illness) belongs to our physical being, it is something else. And psychology people now their number (is) growing, growing, growing, because people, their depression (is) growing up. And those psychologists or such a people, they are not reaching to make something with them, only they are saying: “Use this!” What is: ‘Use this’? It is not something from (the) material world, no, it is something in our lives (that) belongs to our spiritual being and for spiritual restlessness you can’t make a treatment with material medicine. But they (are) also never knowing about this, and (they are) saying: “Take this! Take this, to make your nerves (calm)…” making it... Think, for example: If a donkey is shouting and never resting, what about, if you are not giving to that donkey barley or wheat or corns and you are saying: “O my brother!” “Do you think that I am brother?” “I think that you are my brother in law…” Tauba, Astaghfirullah… “What is matter of yourself that you are always shouting ‘iaaah’?” “O my master, even I don’t know…” “Let me to give to you some medicine, to make you silent, giving to you rest…” “Eh, we may try…” (And he is) giving to (that) donkey some (of) this medicine…what is the name of this?... Drugs! (All of you like that donkey…!) Drugs! Saying: “O my Darling, I may give to you a kind medicine that makes you to be calm and after a while you are not going to be able to be on your legs, you must sit down... After, another pill from drugs I am giving you, (5 von 9)04.07.2013 23:41:56

10551 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YouDontGiveDrugsToAHungryDonkey

making more powerful drug, and you should feel that you can’t be able to open your eyes and your are going to sleep, taking your rest…” And (that) donkey needs barley, (tht) donkey is hungry! It is not in need for drugs, it needs barley, because it is hungry! When he is hungry, (he is) getting to be angry, when (he is) angry, (he is) shouting and kicking, who (is) coming (nearby to him)! And coming that vet- ya Hu- (he is) never understanding the reason of donkey why (it is) shouting, crying and kicking! They are thinking that it is something wrong from its nervous system and it can’t be able to say: “I am hungry!” And those people now in our time that (it is) increasing that depression… Day by day (it is) increasing, and those psychiatrists (are) saying: “Don’t worry, I shall give to you a very good” - drug not saying, pill- “I shall give (you) a pill. Use it morning once, evening once. If it is not getting a good result, make it two-two. If (there is) no real result, make it 3-3 and if not good, make it 5-5…” And finally (he is saying): “Make it 1o…” Haaaaa… falling, passing away… “Oh, now you are reached real rest, my friend! O my Darling, you passed away…vai, vai, vai…!” (They are) not asking what is (the)real reason from depression! Yesterday (in) a newspaper I am looking there it is written: ‘Stress’- Turks (are) saying ‘stress’- Stress- no treatment: “No treatment for stress.” I am saying: “Why?” Why? Because you are using something that it is not for that illness! It is something not from your material being coming, but it is something that our spirituality (is) giving trouble, because you are not giving anything, you never taking any care for your spirituality, therefore it is going to be ‘stress’ or ‘depression’. Saying one lady (who was) writing this article that: ‘No any treatment (6 von 9)04.07.2013 23:41:56

10552 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YouDontGiveDrugsToAHungryDonkey

for stress’. That is their knowledge that reached there! As we said now: (the) donkey is hungry and shouting and kicking, (and) they are saying: “O my friend, don’t be worried, I am giving (you) something to make you to be rest, happy! Take this!” Taking and sleeping a little bit, then awakening… That is (the) treatment of psychologist people now, because they are using something from (the) material world for (the) treatment of spiritual problems. And they are doing big sentences (centers), carrying people for treatment. So many Europeans (are) coming and saying to me: “My son (is) in such a center.” Because he was using big amounts from drugs, therefore they are taking and imprisoning him in a big place and not giving, making that drugs-dosage down, down, down… then sending him away. And it is not true! May come here some people, so many people (are) coming, they are drug-addicts; (and they are) coming and leaving and going! Because the Lord of Heavens He is (the) only One who (is) knowing about yourself and (He is) sending (knowledge) to His Prophet and His Prophet sws (is) teaching, how they should treat such a people! (The) first reason (that is) bringing that big problems from youngsters (is) that they are not believing in anything. That (is) making them to fall in a deepless well and to fall in a darkness place, (so that) they are not knowing (their) left hand from (their) right hand. That is. Therefore we are trying through this small and humble association, so humble meeting, to make people to believe that: If you are not going to make pleased your Lord, you can’t reach a pleasement! If you are not (7 von 9)04.07.2013 23:41:56

10553 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YouDontGiveDrugsToAHungryDonkey

trying to make your Lord in pleasure, (there will be) no pleasure for you with any material aspects! Therefore we are saying: “O people, try to do something for the Lord of Heavens! Nothing from Dunya aspects may save you, no!” (There is) no pleasure for mankind, if they are not trying to make their Lord pleased with them! Or, if they are not sending a pleasement to your Lord, (they) can’t be to be in pleasure or in satisfaction! That is (a) very important speech, keep it! From East to West, from North to South, (the) whole world people must know this! This is a reality: You can’t treat something that belongs to our spirituality with material drugs- finished! May Allah forgive us! Aman, ya Rabbi! Tauba, ya Rabbi! Please, ya Rabbana, keep ourselves, not to fall in such a terrible whirlpool! If not, no hope…That is only- for saving people from every crisis, from every badness-: People must come and must listen and must follow heavenly Directions- finished! Don’t ask wars, fightings- (they are) never bringing any good result, no, finished! Don’t think on it, to change (the) government- opposition or other people, governing body, governing party… (The) opposition (is) saying: “You are wrong”; if they are coming (into power), (the) others should say: “You are wrong also” and that fighting (is) going on. It is impossible, no rest, because people (are) going now to be into two groups: One group (is) saying: “We are right”, another group (is) saying: “You are wrong”- it is impossible! Birbirbirbirbir… speaking, speaking, speaking…! You are opening that shaitanic instrument, looking (that) everyone (is) speaking, speaking, speaking… What is the benefit, what (it is) bringing to people? (Is it) bringing to them a safety, a safe (8 von 9)04.07.2013 23:41:56

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life, a save future? No! They must come to Allah Almighty’s heavenly Orders! If not, they should be taken away… May Allah forgive us and bless us! For the honour of the most honoured one S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Allahumma salli wa sallim ‘ala, Nabiyina Muhammad alayhi salam, Salatan tadumu wa tuhda ilay, mamarra layali wa tula dawam. Lefke, 22.10.07 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryDepression, CategoryHealth, CategoryOccupation (9 von 9)04.07.2013 23:41:56

10555 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YouHaveBeenCreatedAlone

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : YouHaveBeenCreatedAlone


You must know that you have been created alone

Audhu bil-Lahi min ash-shaytan ar-rajim Bismillah hir-Rahman ar-Rahim was-salaat was-Salaam 'ala RasulAllah wa 'ala Alihi wa Sahbihi ajmaeen Meded ya Rija'ullah. Destur ya Sultan al Awliya. We are asking for Holy Support, Heavenly Support, Divine Support. Holy Support comes from Awliyas, Heavenly Support comes from Rasulullah, salAllahu alayhi wa sallim, Divine Support comes from Allah Almighty. You must know that you have been created alone. Alone, that is how you were created, through your mother's womb and you came from her alone. You think that you are not alone because we are sitting here with so many people, but we are alone, each one with himself or herself. When you are working, you are alone. When you are eating, you are alone. When you are sleeping, you are alone. When you are ill, you are alone. Even if you are with hundreds of people you are still alone among them. No (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:41:57

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one is with you. You are by yourself and you are dying alone. They will say of him, "She is alone...being carried in her coffin...alone and buried, all alone in her grave." This is an important point, most people are heedless of this reality. Don't say "I am with my wife, I am with my children." Everyone is with themself and everyone is alone. Now if a person is healthy and wealthy, he or she thinks they are not alone but