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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (765/777)
don't say Allah. Ok, don't say. The Mercy taps are in the Heavens- Mercy, khair taps descend from the Heavens. But these ones look for them on the earth. Looking & looking, what did they find? They found sewages! They looked, is there anyone in the sewages? There is. The big ones, what do they call those that live in the sewages? S.M: Rat. M. Rat. So they found from those big rats, walking in the dirty waters. They said "How nice are (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:49

10514 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YaMabudYaMahmud

these, what a nice life is this. Everywhere is open as we like. We should wander around like them too". So they all rushed in it saying "Ya Allah, let's enter in this". They didn't say "Ya Allah" but I said to illustrate it. "Let's get in this. These rats wander around very happily in this, we may also get in it". So they got in it & can't get out- the tasteless, dirty life. They fell into the dirty life. Shame on them. Allahu Akbar. For 40 years on his own Sultan Abdul Hamid Han ruled, may paradise be his abode. Everyone had gold in their pockets, son. These ones now don't even have paper in their pockets. Allah Jalla Jalaluhu (said) "You leave Me & live for your ego. Take it. Who live for Me, I provide them with everything". Aman Ya Rabbi, Tawba Ya Rabbi, Tawba. Wa min Allah at-tawfiq, Al Fatiha. Lefke, 06.01.2013 Ya Ma'bud! Ya Mahmud!

Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Leider hat die ganze Welt, auch die Muslimwelt, Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim vergessen. Allah der Allmächtige, Jalla Jalaluhu, erschuf das Heilige Schreibrohr. Von der Größe Seines Blickes auf es, brach die Spitze des Schreibrohrs. Die Tinte, das Schreibrohr fragte: Was soll ich schreiben, o Herr? Er (swt) sagte: Schreib 'Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim.' Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O unser Herr, mach uns nicht von denen, die das Bismillah vergessen. Laß uns mit dem Bismillah umgestaltet werden, dann sind wir annehmbar. 'Was soll ich schreiben, o Herr?' Als Allah der Allmächtige es ansah mit Seiner Größe, brach die Spitze des Schreibrohrs auf. Die Tinte kam heraus. Er (swt) sagte: 'Schreib Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim.' Mögen wir aufstehen mit dem Bismillah und uns setzen mit dem Bismillah. Was für eine große Ehre. Er (swt) sagte: Schreib Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Deshalb "Kullu Dhi Amrin lam Yabda'a bi Bismillah, fa Huwa Abtar". Ist es nicht das Hadith? Welche Tat auch immer ohne Bismillah beginnt, ist abgeschnitten. Es nützt nichts. Sie entfernten das Bismillah. Sie vergaßen es. Allah Allah. Dann, sagen einige Berichte, vergingen 700 Jahre, (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:49

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bis das Heilige Schreibrohr Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim schrieb. Das Bismillah, das sollte den Menschen bekannt gemacht werden: Tut es an euere Türen, in euere Häuser, in euere Büros, in euere Autos, und habt keine Angst! Auch wenn die Welt Kopf steht, wird diese Person keine Angst haben. Allah Allah! Allahu Akbar! Wie schön. Deshalb laßt sie das Bismillah wenigstens 40x sagen, laßt sie rezitieren. Das beste ist, das Bismillah 100x zu rezitieren, das wißt ihr. Die Segnungen fließen so. Die Gnade regnet wie ein reißender Fluß. Was sollen wir tun? Sie schreiben viele Bücher darüber, daß.. Sie können es nicht sagen, sie kennen die Essenz der Sache nicht. Das informiert: "Kullu Amrin lam Yabda'a bi Bismillah, fa Huwa Abtar." Früher war der Beginn eines Buches immer 'Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim', tazim. Du kannst die Wunder des Bismillah nicht beenden, auch wenn du einen Haufen Bücher schreibst, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi. Es findet kein Ende. Allahu Akbaru l-Akbar. O Herr, mögest Du uns vergeben. O Herr, mögest Du uns vergeben, mögest Du uns von Deinen heiligen Dienern senden, die uns lehren, die uns diese Dinge lehren. Wir sind verwirrt zurückgelassen. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Dafür brachten sie die Kinder in die Maktab (Schule), in die Gegenwart des Hoja in Begleitung einer großen Menge. Sie machten es wie eine Zeremonie. Und der Hoja sagte zuerst: Sag, o Sohn, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Rabbi Yassir wa la Tuassir, Rabbi Tammim bi l-Khayr. Was für ein schöner Beginn, was für ein schöner Adab! Gnade regnete auf sie herab. Jetzt sind wir unter der Manifestation von Zorn. Ich suche Zuflucht davor, ich suche Zuflucht davor, ich suche Zuflucht davor. Ich suche Zuflucht davor. O Allah, o Herr, mögest Du uns einen Meister senden. Die Leute, die diese Dinge lehren sollten, Sh. Mehmet Effendi, die Maktabs.. Jene füllten alles mit Maktabs aus Beton. Sie nennen es Schule. Früher waren unsere Maktabs so, daß jede Moschee in einer Nachbarschaft einen Raum hatte. Hoja Effendi unterrichtete die Kinder dort. Er lehrte "Alif, Ba", lehrte den Heiligen Quran. Wenn einer weiterer Erziehung bedurfte, hatten sie Madrasen, Maktab Madrasen. Jedes Kind, das in diesen Maktabs unterrichtet wurde, wußte das Bismillah, war nicht ohne das Bismillah. Jetzt werden die Leute ohne Bismillah aufgezogen. Sie wurden ohne das Bismillah. Wer das Bismillah vergißt, wird vergessen sein. Es gibt auch nicht einen Tropfen himmlische Unterstützung für sie. Auch wenn sie ihn in Gold beerdigen, wird er mit leeren Händen aufstehen. Dieser Sultan... Früher sagte ein Mann "Ya Ma'bud, Ya Mahmud", kennst du es? Oftmals stopfte (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:49

10516 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YaMabudYaMahmud

der Sultan ein Huhn oder eine Ente mit Gold und sandte sie hinaus, damit sie dem gegeben würde, der rief "Ya Mahmud" (Name d. Sultans). So gaben sie es 2 Männern, beide blind. Der erste Mann sah es an und sagte: 'Was ist das? Gib mir ein paar Münzen. Sie sandten ein Huhn, also kann ich es dir geben, weil ich nicht hungrig bin.' Der rief "Ya Mahmud" sagte das zu dem, der rief "Ya Ma'bud", o Herr. Also nahm er, der sagte "Ya Ma'bud", es und schaute und gab ihm, der "Ya Mahmud" rief, ein paar Münzen. Der Sultan sandte seine Männer wieder und fragte: Wie geht es diesen Männern? Sie sagten: Wieder sagt einer "Ya Ma'bud", aber er sagt es mit Liebe. Der andere sagt "Ya Mahmud, Ya Mahmud, Ya Mahmud", mit schwacher Stimme. Sie sandten wieder etwas zu ihm. Wieder sah er es an. 'O mein Freund, es kam wieder etwas. Ich weiß nicht, ob es ein Huhn oder eine Ente ist. Gib mir ein paar Münzen und nimm es.' Also nahm er es und guckte. Er sah, daß es innen voll war. Sultan Mahmud fragte wieder: Was macht dieser Mann? Er ruft immer noch "Ya Mahmud". Er sagte: Bringt diesen in meine Schatzkammer und gebt ihm von meinen Schätzen. Also gaben sie ihm, jenem, der rief "Ya Mahmud". Nimm diese Schaufel. Was immer du kannst, fülle es von dem Schatz, es ist dein, sagten sie. Der Arme war blind. Er hielt sie falsch herum. Als er also so schaufelte, blieben nur 2 darauf. Leer! So sind die Menschen also geworden. Sie rufen nicht Allah an. Sie rufen nicht Allah an. Wir machen Geschäfte, wir studieren, wir machen dies und das... Ihr stiftet ein Chaos. Schluß. Sie sind Null geworden. Die Majestät unserer Vorfahren ist verloren. Doch der, der "Mahmud" ruft, die Dunya ruft, Shaytan ruft, ist immer noch allein und hat nichts. Früher waren die Menschen nicht so besessen von Erziehung wie jetzt. Man ging zur Maktab und lernte. Wer mehr wollte, ging in die Madrasa. Jetzt entfernten sie die Maktabs und Madrasen. Alles ist voller neuer Schulen, etc. Sie kommen nicht zurecht mit den Lehrern: die riesige Regierung hat zu wenig Geld, um all diese Lehrer zu bezahlen. Vielleicht 100.000 Lehrer warten auf ihre Bezahlung, aber das hat keinen Zweck. Selbst wenn du ihnen alles gibst, sagen sie immer noch: Wir sind hungrig. Weil die Arbeit ohne Bismillah keinen Erfolg hat. Diese sind also so. Unsere Religion ist die höchste, Islam. Islam lehrt alles, aber sie lernen nicht. Sie lehren nicht. Sie folgen Shaytan, beten ihn an und vergessen Allah. Und aus dem Grund werden sie nicht vor Schwierigkeiten und Elend geschützt. Selbst wenn das ganze Land der Türken aus Gold wäre, würden sie doch das Attribut der Armen, der Bettler behalten. Weil sie nicht Allah sagen. Okay, (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:49

10517 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YaMabudYaMahmud

sagt es nicht. Die Gnadenhähne sind in den Himmeln, Gnade, Khayr-Hähne kommen von den Himmeln herab. Aber diese suchen nach ihnen auf der Erde. Sie suchen und suchen. Was haben sie gefunden? Sie fanden Abwasserkanäle. Sie guckten, gibt es jemanden in den Kanälen? Ja. Die großen Ratten. Also fanden sie von diesen großen Ratten, die im schmutzigen Wasser herumliefen. Sie sagten: Wie schön sind diese, was für ein schönes Leben ist das! Alles ist offen, wie wir es mögen. Wir sollten auch herumlaufen wie sie. Also stürmten sie alle hinein und sagten: Ya Allah, laßt uns eintreten. Sie sagten nicht "Ya Allah", aber ich sagte es, um es zu verdeutlichen. Laßt uns eintreten. Diese Ratten wandern herum sehr glücklich. Wir können auch hinein. Also gingen sie hinein und konnten nicht mehr heraus, aus dem geschmacklosen, schmutzigen Leben. Sie fielen in das schmutzige Leben. Schande auf sie! Allahu Akbar. 40 Jahre lang regierte Sultan Abdul Hamid Han, möge das Paradies sein Aufenthalt sein. Alle hatten Gold in der Tasche, Sohn. Diese jetzt haben nicht einmal Papier in der Tasche. Allah Jalla Jalaluhu sagte: 'Ihr verlaßt Mich und lebt für euer Ego. Nehmt es. Wer für Mich lebt, den versorge Ich mit allem. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba. Wa min Allaha t-Tawfiq. Al Fatiha.

WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryPrayer, CategoryEducation (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:49

10518 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YaRasulAllah

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : YaRasulAllah


Ya Rasul Allah

Sh Mehmet Effendi is not from the common people, he is a murshid masha Allah. He has power. Don't fear! Say "I will be a lion. I will be a lion in the way of Haqq!" We will destroy that shaytan, we will scare him and make him run away. Shaytan will not rule dunya after today! Dunya won't be left to him to do as he likes! I give permission, go on! The permission is not from me but the spiritual energy (faydh) of the holy ones that comes from above can destroy even if there are shaytans equal to the number of men. Have no fear! Sit comfortably, lean on something. Sit on something, Mehmet. Don't look to such things. The common people attribute... As-Salamu Alaikum, O clean servants of Allah. To find a clean servant...There is none left now but Al Hamdulillah our children who were sent to us are clean, our brothers are clean. As-Salamu Alaikum! Salam be upon you, may you be honoured, may Nur come to our assembly. May Nur come down! May our troubles leave us and fall upon those who are connected with shaytan. What can we do? Asbahna wa asbahal mulku Lillah wa Al Hamdulillah, wa nahnu abidan Lillah. And we are from the nations of His Beloved, of His Beloved Habib (sas). Shukur Allah, Ya Rabbi. As-Salamu Alaikum. This is the greeting of the people of paradise; to greet with Salam. Greeting with Salam dresses that person with the dress of safety. Dastur Ya Rijal Allah, madad Ya Sayyidi wa Mawlay Sultan al-Awliya. Yawm al-jadid, rizq al-jadid. There is something appointed for each day and what is appointed comes. Every day comes what is newly appointed. "What does he want?" "He wants pearls and diamonds". "What does he want?" Wheat and barley. Ok then! "Ati kulli dhi haqqin haqqa". Give! Order from the Malakut: "Who wants pearls, diamonds, gold, who wants ruby, give them!" "This one wants barley". "Give! Give and he eats!" As-Salamu Alaikum O believers! We may say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. We may (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:50

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remember the Holy Name of our Lord Almighty. He (swt) granted us to recite the Bismillah. Shukur Allah, shukur our Lord. Al Hamdulillah. Our GrandShaykh would say "Even if it is only two words, even if it is only for a time of milking two sheep make a sohbat when you meet each other". We also...What can we do? We also speak according to our capacity, whatever it is that is appointed for us. They also send us what we seek. First we will open our assembly with Salam. We greeted with Salam. May safety be upon you. Even if whole world is on fire nothing comes on a man who greets with Salam. "Wa La Ya'uduhu Hifdhuhuma" (2:155). It means over all of them; men & jinns, to protect them is not tiring for Him (swt). Hasha! Hasha thumma kalla. The Lord Almighty (swt), O All-Rich Sultan, O our Allah Who created us! Allah Allah... "May we remember Your Name first, O Allah". What a beautiful teaching. "Wa Dhakkir!" He (swt) says "Remind them", "Fa'inna Adh-Dhikra Tanfa`u Al-Mu'uminina" (51:55). "We listen to this everyday?" Yes, you listen every day. You take a new strength every day. The manifestation of the Bismillah you say today, belongs to this day. The manifestation of yesterday's belonged to yesterday. The manifestation of tomorrow's belongs to tomorrow. The virtue of the Bismillah and the Nur it will dress are countless. O our Lord, O Lord of Baytu l-Atiq! In Kaba Al-Muazzama, the dress of the virtues of the Bismillah is dressed on the believers who come to visit. Ask for it! Even if you are in the West or in the East ask for it everyday. Ya Rabbu l-Baytu l-Atiq! This Bayt that You sent... No one knows when it was built. But this Bayt is not empty, O son. It is not empty. If it was empty why should we go there? It is loaded. What is the key of the Baytu l-Atiq? Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord! May we remember Your Name and find strength. He (swt) says "Ask for it. Ask from there and I grant you. It is loaded there, Kaaba Al-Muazzama, Baytullah. Different virtues come on the Nation (Ummah). Ask for it and I dress you" says He (swt). O our Lord, may You dress us from the Nur of the Bismillah, from the virtues of the the Bismillah. We may say the Bismillah first, we may say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. How beautiful it is, how beautiful it is. How beautiful it is to say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. This day of ours is a new day. We remembered Your Holy Name O Lord. We sent Salatu Salam on Your Beloved. Allahumma Salli wa Sallim wa Barik ala Sayyidina Muhammad, Sayyid al Awwalin wal Akhirin. Who wants to find honour should glorify His Beloved who is the most honoured servant of Allah. Send Salatu Salam (salawat) on him and have no fear. Have no fear. (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:50

10520 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YaRasulAllah

Astaizu Billah "'Inna Allaha Wa Mala' ikatahu Yusalluna `Ala An-Nabiyi"(33:56) Allah (jwa) Himself and His angels send Salatu Salam on His Beloved. So what does this mean? What a great honour is this! O shameless people! They order "Don't make salawat after the adhan". May it collapse on your heads! May what they built collapse over their heads! It is not even a mosque, not a minaret! They removed them saying "it is innovation, imitated". What imitation, O foolish ones? Allah Almighty... It is mudhari, isn't it? "Yusalluna `Ala An-Nabiyi" Does it not point to a continuation, Shaykh Muhammad Effendi? "Yusalluna `Ala An-Nabiyi" Allah Jalla wa Ala (swt) Himself says: "I send salatu salam on My Beloved! Whosoever prevents it, I will overcome them! I will send them a creature which is not visible to the eye, that makes them lose their minds! Ala' ad-dawam, "Yusalluna `Ala An-Nabiyi.I continuously send Salatu Salam" He (swt) says. "Ya 'Ayyuha Alladhina 'Amanu Sallu `Alayhi Wa Sallimu Taslimaan". O who believe, continuously send salatu salam on him! Even if a person doesn't do anything else but says this, his dunya and akhirah will be prosperous. They say "There can't be salawat after the adhan! You can't recite salawat in the mosque" Where do we recite salawat then, in a church, in the bell tower? You should recite it everywhere! Look at the power, Sh Mehmet Effendi! It is heavy bombarding on them! Who makes them go astray is shaytan. For Our Prophet, Sultan al-Qawnayn, Allah Almighty says that Allah Himself sends Salatu Salam on His Beloved and you say "don't do it"? Allah will make you suffer. Don't trust the little money you have. Don't trust a few golden coins or the lamp oil you have. Your imitated titles can't save you either. Allah orders, informs. Inna li tahqiq, is it not so? "'Inna Allaha", Aman ya Rabbi, tawba Astaghfirullah. Tawba Astaghfirullah, tawba Astaghfirullah. It is for tahqiq, "Allah Dhul Jalal Wa Mala' ikatahu Yusalluna `Ala An-Nabiyi" Allah! Allah! How crazy these people from the Arabs and Turks became! They came against Allah's Order, saying "There is no Salatu Salam". May you disappear! Ala' ad-dawam (continuously)"Yusalluna `Ala An-Nabiyi" says in Holy Quran. Is this Turkish? Arabic. Don't you understand Arabic? They say "There is no salawat on the Prophet" May you disappear! How can it not be? Allah Dhul Jalal says He continuously sends Salatu Salam, and His angels too. Alam al-Malakut is busy with sending Salatu Salam on the Prophet (sas). How beautiful! "What are you teaching these people, O you aged one!" I am aged but my mind does not age. Because I say "the earth that Prophet (sas) stepped on is more honourable than me". I glorify, (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:50

10521 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YaRasulAllah

show such a high respect for that Prophet (sas). So salawat on the Prophet should be within limits according to your understanding: "say one time and it is enough?" How can one time be enough? Mudhari indicates to continue. When we say Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallim, He (swt) "Yusalluna `Ala An-Nabiyi" What an honour! Go on speaking on this and don't fear Sh Mehmet Effendi! Whosoever sticks his nose up, his nose will be broken! Allah Dhul Jalal will humiliate, degrade whoever lacks the glorification, respect to our Prophet (sas) who is His Beloved, such a person will suffer greatly! Come to your senses, Arabs and Turks! Masha Allah, this is an ocean. Don't give any other wird, tell them "Recite salawat. Make 100 salawat and 100 doors of paradise open for you". Allah Allah. Allah Allah. May the troubles leave us for the honour of these salawats O Lord of the Heavens! May we be a lion. But these ones have become snails! There is lion-ness but shaytan says, "Don't make salawat. Don't let the people make!" Because he knows that who recites salawat on the Prophet becomes a lion! He (sas) is our Master, he is the Master of the Creation. He is the ONLY creation who is accepted into the Presence of the Lord Almighty! "COME O My Beloved!" said the Almighty Lord. He (swt) invited him to His Arsh Ar-Rahman in the night of Mi'raj. All the great angels said salawat forthe Prophet, "Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam, Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam, Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam..." The rotten, corrupted sects prohibit the making of salawat! May their lives become haram! And whosoever prohibits the salawat on the Prophet may not ever be at rest! May they lose their honor! Aman Ya Rabbi! Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba... We can't know how our faith is, how much our faith is. You (swt) send Salatu salam on Your Beloved. Then some foolish, ignorant ones among us say "Don't recite it, don't do it..." May all of them disappear O Lord! May who don't glorify, who don't show respect for Your Beloved as You want, disappear O Lord! Prophet (sas) says "Ana sahib liwa al-Hamd! I am the owner of the flag of Praise. Who don't recite Salatu Salam on me cannot enter under my flag!" This is an ocean! This is the ocean they opened for us today. If you want honour, say salawat. Say 100, say 1000. Say 10 000. And let them look at your face. Let them look at your face! Such a Nur will come. If you look in majesty,they will tremble. There is such a power in it: Astaizubillah "'Inna Allaha Wa Mala' ikatahu Yusalluna `Ala An-Nabiyi Ya 'Ayyuha Alladhina 'Amanu Sallu `Alayhi Wa Sallimu (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:50

10522 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YaRasulAllah

Taslimaan" It points to a continuation. They say "There will be no salawat after adhan! No salawat inside the mosque..." Where should it be then? Where will we recite the salawat then? We recite Salawat, Salatu Salam on him who is Beloved to the Owner of the Religion everywhere, every moment! I will destroy the unbelief with this Salatu Salam. I have no weapons or cannons. No need! I don't need it! People should not abandon reciting at least 100 Salawat everyday. They should recite 100 or more. Instead of speaking empty words, say "Allahumma Salli ala Muhammadin wa ala. Allahumma Salli ala Muhammadin wa ala..." Troubles will be lifted off you. Sadness and hardness leave you. Illnesses, troubles leave you. Ya Rabbi! We send Salatu Salam on the Prophet You love. May You give strength to our body. May You grant us honour and our honour rise. Whosoever glorifies the Prophet gains honour. Who forgets the Prophet is dishonoured. Who speak against him are unbelievers! Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar! May our army be ever victorious. Allahu Akbar. (Ottoman anthem) They would call it Gulbank Muhammadi and recite it. (Dua after mahtar) The castles would tremble when the Ottoman army came, erected their flag and started reciting the Gulbank Muhammadi; the castles would tremble and be destroyed, without even firing cannons. It has such a power! There are forty holy ones now, who are appointed for this. They will destroy all this unbelief (with the) Salatu Salam and Takbir. Takbir; Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. May You grant us the sword of glory and power and we pass over destroying the sultanate of shaytan. O our Lord! How beautiful, our hearts opened. We were sitting here lazy. I am opened, masha Allah it opens. This is not with eating and drinking, it is the power that comesfrom above. How beautiful is our assembly; look at Sh Mehmet Effendi, he is like a moon. Kiss his hand! Shaykh Mehmet has Nur on him, masha Allah! Go on! Haji Mastan would say like this, go on! You are authorized Shaykh Mohammad Effendi, our son. Our son is Shaykh Muhammad Effendi, I kiss his hand as well as his feet! He is now being given faydh (spiritual energy). Allah Ya Rabbi. We may say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. We may say "Sallu `Ala An- Nabiyi"! Allahumma Salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad. Sayyidil Awwalin wal Akhirin. Allah! O Beloved! May You grant me strength, I will destroy this unbelief! I have no strength but they say "even if it doesn't rain, let it at least roar". So I am also like this, calling. A person won't be (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:50

10523 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YaRasulAllah

dressed with strength if he does less than 1000 Salawat daily. Recite Salawat. Recite more and your majesty, your strength be more. We may say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord! O our Lord! Qawwi dha'fi fi ridak. O our Lord, may You take away our weakness in the way of Your Rida (acceptance) and grant us the power to make whole world tremble O Lord! May You grant us the power to destroy the sultanate of shaytan and destroy those who are with him O Lord. I have nothing but... They make me roar! I didn't even have the strength to open my mouth today! I am gaining majesty. I am gaining majesty! O our Lord! Those who come against Your Holy Orders, if He (swt) did not have the Holy Name As-Sabur, He (swt) would burn and destroy them. He would destroy! What is the meaning of a minaret if Salawat is not recited? Why do they build minarets? The are built for the honour and glory of our Prophet (sas), to send Salatu Salam on him. It is called Adhan al-Muhammadi! You should recite the Adhan and then recite Salawat after it. Allahu Akbar! Allah bless you! I know what I am speaking! And I can teach it also with the permission of Allah, with the order of Allah, with the honour of the Beloved of Allah! O Glorious Prophet! Grant us from your compassion and intercession. May I raise your flags, at every point across the whole world: La ilaha illa Allah Sayyidina Muhammad Rasulullah. I make them recite Salawat. Allahu Akbar wa Lillah al Hamd. Fatiha. May Allah increase your strength, your love. O listeners, listen! You get saved from every trouble. You are saved from every torment. He is from their lions. La yadurru ma'a Ismihi shay'un... May you have no heaviness left on you. May you be a lion! May your roaring be as the roaring of the Heavens for the unbelief, from East to West. Fatiha. Go on strong and have no fear! Recite Salawat. In the mosque they should recite Salawat before the Adhan and after the adhan. Let these people who don't want it see it! When those who prevent reciting of the Salawat for the Prophet die, shaytan blows on them saying "may your fire be plenty". Aman Ya Rabbi, may You not leave us into the hands of shaytan and our ego. May You not seperate us from being under the flag of the Glorious Prophet. This is the barakah of our Umm Hiram Sultan for me. Fatiha for her soul, for our Umm Hiram Sultan Hz. Lefke, 03.02.2013 (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:50

10524 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YaRasulAllah

WebSaltanatOrg (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:41:50

10525 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YaumAtMasharDayOfGathering

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : YaumAtMasharDayOfGathering


Yawm at Mashar - If Allah Allmighty will ask His angels to find one person who during his life had so much pleasure, who was most pleased with this life, every enjoyment for himself - Look for that one

"God Almighty will ask His angels to find one person who during his or her life had so much pleasure, who was most pleased with this life, every enjoyment for himself or herself - look for that one..." The greatest good tidings for the people of faith (ahl al-iman), the people of paradise is that when they enter into paradise, angels come and say, "You are welcome to be in these paradises eternally. Whoever enters never goes out." That is the greatest good tidings for them, the Divine guarantee that they will never leave. The greatest sorrow, however, is for the people of hellfire. They enter and never leave. If you could count as many as the whole universe has atoms, and also has electrons, for each electron you may be in it for one million years and then you come out. But still they are happy because it is a period of time which is counted and it is going to be finished one day. The hope of that one day gives them peace, even if they are in hellfire. It is such a huge, huge number of years, but they are still going to be happy and say "Praise belongs to God (al-hamd Allah), it is not eternal." There is going to be nothing, nothing, nothing beside eternity. Therefore, the people of hellfire, when they hear that they will stay in it eternally, that is the deepest suffering. And they ask to be taken out of hellfire, even one moment of it is so difficult. Then, on the Day of the Gathering (yaum al-mashar), the Day of Resurrection, God Almighty will ask his (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:41:51

10526 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YaumAtMasharDayOfGathering

angels to find one person who during his life had so much pleasure, who was most pleased with his life, every enjoyment for himself - "Look for that one." And they will bring a person who lived 1,700 years. He had been king of all the world. He had been given everything of enjoyment. That person will be brought and God Almighty will order, "Take this person into hellfire for one second. Put him in it and then bring him here." They will put him and then bring him there. Then God Almighty will ask, "Oh My servant, what thing that you tasted throughout your life of more than one thousand years during which time you were given everything - what thing from those pleasures and enjoyments is with you now?" He will say, "Oh my Lord, I swear by Your Name that I have tasted nothing, nothing. That one second I was put into hellfire and taken out just finished everything that I tasted during the thousand-and-so years of this life." Then, what about being in hellfire for thousands, millions of years, billions of years, not finishing, not ending, no hope? That is terrible! Therefore, so many believers' eyes do not sleep from the fear of hellfire, the fear of the anger of their Lord. Then He will order the angels to find one person among all the people in on that Day of Gathering who suffered so much. God Almighty will command, "Take this person for one second into paradise." The angels will put him in it. Then God Almighty will ask, "What kind of suffering did you have during your life?" "Oh my Lord, nothing! Nothing for me, finished!" Nothing does he remember because of that paradise. If all