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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (743/777)
"From where are we coming, and to where are we going?" Nothing appears without a power. Power puts so many things in existence. But who is controlling the countless, endless Power Oceans? Whose command is going on and saying, "Come," or saying, "Go away." Who is putting black holes in existence, or are they there by themselves? And are they moving or fixed? No, all of them are swimming in space. And is space something or nothing? Space must be put by Someone. Black holes can't be in existence without an order from Someone. So Who is putting the black hole there to swallow gigantic galaxies? But Shaytan is making the understanding of Mankind only on Earth and they are fearing to look up at nighttime. Everyday I am looking at the sunrise, and at the end of the day I like to see the sunset. I am wondering, how many times has that sun risen and set? When was its beginning? Do you or your technology know the answer? What is that foolishness?! O doctors, scientists, and learned people! You must come to beliefs and say this existence is a show for the people living on this planet, put there by Someone we can't see, can't touch, and can't feel. And that One's Existence is beyond our imagination! Allahu akbar!!! Now, people of the 21st century are asking to reach something using very strong microscopes. The Lord of Heavens, Who created everything on this world, is sending a virus that the strongest microscope can't see. Also, they are asking to reach the last point in the skies using gigantic telescopes, but they are reaching a distance that is not worth mentioning. And our knowledge for the smallest part of this existence and of the most gigantic galaxies is limited. Why we are not going to believe? Who is preventing us to believe? That is Shaytan, the terrible one! O Scientists! Do you understand what we are saying? They are now making me address learned people from religious sects among Muslims, Jews, and Christians. Why are you not making it clear to Man one belief, so they will say, "That is true." Holy books teach Man what is true. Why are you not making it clear, holiest one in Christianity, His Holiness the Pope? Why is he not ordering all teaching centers to change their nonsense beliefs and theories? Why is he not warning them to come to reality? And rabbis also; why are they not making it clear to people from where we are sitting? Where are we coming into existence and where we are going in existence? It has a reality. Why are they not making it clear? Muslims also; why are `alims not (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:40:45

10209 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoPreventsManFromBelieving

saying:      hal min khaaliqin ghayrAllah? "Is there a Creator other than Allah?" (Al- Fatir, 35:3) (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) Allah Almighty is asking, "Do you think anyone else is creating?" Why are you not making it clear, and you are making so many unfruitful discussions. Why? And that is the main reason that cursing is coming in the 21st century. O People! Listen and use your mentalities! In 24 hours use even one minute to ask, how are we on this planet? The globe, how can it be? Who was first on this planet? So many questions! Why are they not teaching people? They are only saying, “We are Salafi `ulamas, we are doctors of Shari`ah.” Shari`ah is first commanding that you must believe! Belief is first and most important; if you are not believing then what is the importance of Shari`ah? Shari`ah is the heavenly order and if we are not believing in Who sent heavenly orders, then what is the meaning of Shari`ah? May Allah forgive us! We are waiting for an opening for Mankind. What is the reason for our believing? We believe in holy books and holy books say everything must have a beginning and an end. We are not reaching a beginning, but an ending. There are so many signs daily that we are reaching the end of Creation on this planet. One day they may be looking at the Earth turning in its orbit, and it may run out and no one can stop it. Think on it and don't sleep! It may go out from turning in its orbit and stop, and your technology can't stop that! Allahu akbar, wa lillahi 'l-hamd. SubhaanAllah, Sultan Allah. SubhaanAllah. O our Lord! Send us someone from your servants to teach us what is necessary to learn. So many people in their academies and higher schools are learning nothing. As-salaamu `alaykum. May Allah forgive us for the honor of the Seal of Prophets (s). (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) Fatihah. (Mawlana Shaykh prays two raka`ts Salat ash-Shukr.) Fatihah. (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:40:45

10210 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoPreventsManFromBelieving

(45 minutes) (Many people sending salaams for you Sayyidee, asking for du`a.) Wa `alaykum as-salaam. They must make

du`a for me. Lefke, 31.05.2010

WebSufiLive (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:40:45

10211 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoRefusesAnInvitationToTheLord

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WhoRefusesAnInvitationToTheLord


Who Refuses an Invitation to the Lord Cannot be Safe

When I was about 9 years old I learned the translation of Bismillahi rahmani rahim. It means that we are servants, so we must respect our Lord, the One who created us. We shouldn't be heedless of Him, we are living with Him. If He wouldn't give us life, we couldn't live. That is why we owe Him the highest respect. We should never forget Him. We should try to ask for His Divine Help. Mankind are probably the weakest creatures amongst the countless forms of creation, even though we consider ourselves to be the most powerful ones. An unseen virus can bring a person down and you can't even destroy it. That is why we always need a support. We can support each other and everything in nature can support us. But it is not enough. The most important support is from the Creator of nature. His support and help is important. If He doesn't help you cannot do a thing either for yourself or for anyone else. We need support from the unseen powers all of which are under the control of the One Who created everything. We should humbly request Him to give us His support by saying, "Bismillahi rahmani rahim." at the beginning of any action. It means that we admit that we depend on His support in whatever we do. "Oh my Lord, I cannot do anything without You. Even if all the nations in the world would support me, it would not enable me to stand on my feet without Your permission. If You support me, all nations can be against me. I would still be standing up." (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:40:46

10212 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoRefusesAnInvitationToTheLord

Take the example of the Prophet*: he was alone in the desert, an orphan. No-one was supporting him. He had no treasures. Everything was against him but he was told by the Lord to stand up on his feet and to call people to His Divine Service. Was he supported, or not? Because of him a billion and a half people today are saying, "Ashaddu Allahi laha illala wa ashaddu anna Muhammad abduhu rasul Allah!". Since 15 centuries people have been doing this and every day from millions of minarets there is a call for prayer five times a day. Everyone was against him. None of his people accepted him. The Christians did not accept him, even though they knew well that he was the last prophet who had been foretold by Jesus Christ*. He said, "I am going, if I don't, the last prophet who has been mentioned, would not be able to come." It is written. Jesus* mentioned al Amin. In any Bible you can find in the index the two words, 'amen' and 'Amin'. Muhammad's* name was Amin. It means the Trustworthy One. The Jewish people were also very well aware of God's message. He told them, "When the Last Days approach I will send you a prophet who will be like Moses*. Ishaq* and Ismael* were two brothers. Their father was Abraham*. But the first ones to attack the new prophet were Christians and Jews, even though they had been informed before anyone else. There were kings in the Byzantine and emperors in Persia. The Byzantines were at their time like the Americans today and the Persians like the Russians. Muhammad* sent his message to both of them, "Come to Islam. If you don't, your kingdom and your empire will collapse!". The Persian emperor just threw the letter away and within 30 years the huge empire was finished! The Byzantine king respected the letter and his kingdom prospered. The Persian emperor had been very angry when he received the letter. He sent two people to the governor of Yemen to send two of his generals to Medina to catch Muhammad* and bring him. When they arrived in Medina, they told the Prophet* that they had come to take him to the emperor. The Prophet* answered, "Last night the emperor who sent you to me, was killed by his son who is now on the throne. The order you received means nothing anymore!" Whoever refuses an invitation from the Lord cannot be safe, no matter what his position is. The Lord of Heavens did not support Muhammad* by ordinary means for him to be able to gain such power. He was calling people to Islam. He was calling them to surrender to the Commands of the Lord. His army, who were (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:40:46

10213 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoRefusesAnInvitationToTheLord

a unknown people from the desert, got out and destroyed the empire of the Persians and went all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. When Allah supports someone, no-one can put him down. If Allah wants to destroy someone, no-one can help him. That is why I say, "Bismillahi rahmani rahim..." - 01.01.1996

BookSecretDesires (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:40:46

10214 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoSaysLaailaahaillallah

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WhoSaysLaailaahaillallah


Who Says Laa Ilaha ill ‘Llah Muhammad Rasoolullah Is Muslim!

(Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah! Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi 'l-hamd! Allahuma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammadan khatam al-anbiyaa wa ’l-mursaleen as-salaatu wa ’s-salaam `alaykum yaa `ibaadillahi ‘s-saaliheen. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) As-salaamu `alaykum, yaa `ibaadillah. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem. O Our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum. May Allah (swt) forgive us and bless you. We are saying, “A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Allahuma ay`eenoonaa bil `awn min `indak alaa inna nasrullah qareeb. O People! We are reaching step by step to the Last Day;Yawm al-Qiyamah is approaching. Try to be with Allah Almighty's orders, keeping and holding on to the ways of Mankind as related to us by the Seal of Prophets (s). We are now living in a time in which the Signs of the Last Day are going to appear, as Allah Almighty says:    Faqad jaa ashraatuhaa. But some of its Signs (of the Last Hour) have already come. (Muhammad, 47:18) For a long time we have been reciting Holy Qur'an, in which Allah Almighty showed His Signs to warn people. Why did He say, “Faqad jaa ashraatuhaa” 1500 years ago? Signs have appeared since then, so what about the situation now? SubhaanAllah! The Seal of Prophets (s) informed us of the Signs he knew and told people to take care. (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:40:47

10215 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoSaysLaailaahaillallah

First of all, Qur’an `azheemu shaan, Holy Qur'an is in the Arabic language and it is first of all for Arabs to understand and preserve. For that reason, people from Arabia, from Mecca and Madinah, took the heavenly message, began to walk and they reached people, giving the last prophecy sent from Heavens to warn them, “O People! Who created you? Who put you on this planet? Who created this life to make you on it and to come back?” Rasoolullah (s) informed his Companions (r) and they believed what he brought from the Heavens and they also went from east to west to spread the heavenly declarations for people. O People! You are not coming here forever; everyone’s time is limited and then we are going to disappear. Finally, the whole world will reach a day when the Trumpet is blown, when every living thing will leave its physical being and souls will be collected. There are so many Signs that have appeared, as the Seal of Prophets (s) spoke about. Now we have reached those Signs, and many unexpected events are going to appear daily, as the Seal of Prophets (s) informed us that the Last Days are approaching. "My nation, as it was brought from the Heavens, as Archangel Gabriel brought it, I gave it to you." There are so many Signs of the Day of Resurrection coming. Huuuu! SubhaanAllah! Mankind will be like wild creatures, with no more mercy in their hearts. When mercy leaves hearts, people begin to kill, fight and destroy. They are asking to finish everyone who is alive so there will be only a handful of people on the Earth. Now we are in that era, and everywhere people are fighting amongst themselves. Every nation has civil unrest. SubhaanAllahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem! A whip will come with unexpected and terrible events like earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, floods and sudden storms. All of them are Signs of the Last Day, but people still do not say, "O our Lord!" Instead, they say, “It is nature.” As long as they say this, “nature” will come against them daily. Above all, everywhere nations are fighting internally. One man says (a tyrant) says, "This area and continent belongs to me." For what? You are only one person. People are looking for their rights, and they don’t want to be prevented from their fulfillment. They are asking for their rights and someone is saying, "No, I will not give anything to you! Everything is for us and you must be our slaves." We find this everywhere. SubhaanAllah!         (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:40:47

10216 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoSaysLaailaahaillallah

           Qul huwa al-qaadiru `alaa an yab`atha `alaykum `adhaaban min fawqikum aw min tahti arjulikum aw yalbisakum shiya`an wa yutheeqa ba`dakum baasa ba`din undhur kayfa nusarrifu ’laayaati la`allahum yafqahoon. Say, “He has power to send calamities on you from above and below, or to cover you with confusion in party strife, giving you a taste of mutual vengeance, each from the other." See how We explain the signs by various (symbols) that they may understand. (al-An`am, 6:65) “People, I am not going to send a heavenly punishment on you; it is not from up or from down. But if you continue to run away from My heavenly orders, I will make you into so many different groups and enemies of each other.” This is Qur'an al-Kareem. I am sorry that people in the Islamic world are not taking care about this. Allah Almighty sent Shari`ah, His holy orders and commands from Heavens, but people are not looking toward it and they are never going to be obedient. Shari`atullah is one, and He is the Lord of Heavens, our Creator, and He is sending us His holy commands. People now are leaving the holy commands, saying, "No, we are going to bring better things!" Those are shaytanic ways to bring people away from Paradise with Shaytan to the ways of Hell. Every day people are dying. For what? To follow Shaytan! Leave that democracy; it is the way of Shaytan. Come and keep the way of the Lord of Heavens. Why aren't you making things in the way of Heavens? Why are you collecting people, making a constitution and a parliament according to your egoistic desires? They are doing wrong and making this rule for everyone, and everywhere they are fighting and killing. How can there be peace on Earth if people are following Shaytan? If they are following the rules of Heavens, there will be safety in the sweetest, best and happiest life, both here and Hereafter! In Akhirah, we can reach Eternal Life; Allah (swt) calls us to it but Shaytan says, "Don't believe that. Kill each other, follow me and you will be happy." How is that a sweet or happy life? What country is going to reach such targets? All their lives are living in fire. I am calling all nations. I may be a weak servant, but as the Seal of Prophets (s) was told, “Tell them you are only a warner.” If anyone listens, they will be happy here and Hereafter. If they don’t listen and run after Shaytan, they will go to the Fire. But they are not listening, particularly Arab nations who are leaving Holy Qur'an and heavenly orders, asking to make a parliament. What is that? You are leaving Holy Qur'an's orders and asking to make something according to shaytanic ideas, because one shaytan, Darwin, said, "Don't believe anything, we come (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:40:47

10217 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoSaysLaailaahaillallah

from monkeys." Shame on the Islamic world to teach against holy orders! Therefore, they are going to kill each other and Allahu `aalam, there will remain only a handful of people on Earth. Look at what Shaytan taught you! I am sorry that people of the Islamic world are leaving the Holy Qur'an to follow teachings of the western world, saying it is “civilization.” What civilization? Beware of wild animals! Are western people civilized and we are animals from the jungle? What is that? They are following Shaytan and he is carrying them to hells, both here and Hereafter. O People! Come and listen, hear and obey heavenly orders! Take away shaytanic ideas and do not implement a parliament, do not hold elections or implement democracy! Shari'ah, Islamic commands, are best for you here and Hereafter and if you don't do this, you will regret it. This is a holy month, Muharram al-Haram, and so many things will appear. There will be people of two parties preparing to destroy each other. Navies, for what? To kill Mankind, to kill nature and everything in it! Why is this? Those are Shaytan's orders and shaytanic commands to people. I am calling to Obama, to His Holiness, the Pope, to the Dalai Lama, to gentlemen and ladies. It will never happen that ladies will guide a big nation. The French are also coming and I am very happy. I am calling them. I am happy that no one is coming to kiss Her Majesty the Queen, but instead they bow in front of her as that is high manners. More than sixty years ago, one shaytan brought communism. Royalty was ruling and they were taking away their rights, so it can't be. When that shaytan came, you heard what happened in Yemen, Damascus, Libya, Baghdad, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. I am making for Pakistani people the ocean for sailing; this is better than to fight each other. Make a big city on the ocean, with no government, no parliament, no democracy. O People! Come and listen! I am calling the First Ones. There is a First Lady, but there is not going to be a First Man. I am calling to the First Ladies, look after your husbands and your nations and see what they are doing! They are trying to destroy everything on Earth. First Ladies must take a stick to their husbands, because they are trembling in front of the First Ladies. I am calling them, telling them to come and say they are doing wrong things. The dunya, the whole world, is in such a way. Allahu Akbar! Allah! Yaa Rabbee! Yaa rabb! (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:40:47

10218 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoSaysLaailaahaillallah

       iba`th lanaa maalikan nuqaatil fee sabeelillah. "Appoint for us a king, that we May fight in the cause of Allah.” (al-Baqara, 2:246) O People, come and think! I heard Ghadafi was going to advise the Egyptian people. What does he know? Some of them say, “We are Salafi,” and others say, “We are Ikhwan.” What about us? If some of them are Ikhwan, some Salafi, some Wahabi, what is our way? We are Muslims, followers of the holy ways of Heavens! Who is saying they are the Ikhwan? Anyone who says, “Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah” is Muslim! How can they say, “You are not Muslim if you don’t keep our ways.” We are following the ways that the Seal of Prophet’s (s) taught us; we must follow that.        Fa inna kullu muhdathatin bida`atun wa kullu bida`atun dalaala, “Every new thing is innovation and every innovated thing is a misguidance.” They are on the wrong way and they are keeping people from the way of the Prophet (s)! I am a weak servant and I am warning, “O People! Come to Islam with your dress, your minds, your hearts, your actions. Follow the Sunnah of Rasool (s)!”                  qul hadhihi sabeelee ad`oo ila’Llaahi `alaa baseeratin anaa wa mana’taba`nee wa subhaanallaahi wa maa anaa min al-mushrikeen Say, “This is my Way.This is my way: I do invite unto Allah,- on evidence clear as the seeing with one's eyes,- I and whoever follows me. Glory to Allah. and never will I join gods with Allah.” (Yusuf, 12:108) Sabeel halli, Rasool (s) was taking from the Heavens. Keep that way! If not, you are going to be destroyed. There is no hope for Mankind if they are not coming to Islam. This is a strong month, Muharram, in which Allah (swt) granted His heavenly support for prophets. After this month there is Safar al-Khayr. What is going to happen then only Allah knows. I don't know if a war will (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:40:47

10219 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoSaysLaailaahaillallah

begin in which two-thirds of the people may die and burn and disappear. Only those who follow the holy orders of the Heavens will stay. May Allah forgive me. My English is very poor and my Arabic is little, but people may understand. The Arabic language is perfect, but I am a weak servant and nothing else. Yaa huuu! Think on it. I am asking forgiveness for me and for all nations. We are looking for Imam al-Mahdi (a) and Jesus Christ (a) to come and kill every anti-Christ! Yaa Rabbee! Tawbah, astaghfirullah. Fatihah. (Bay`a) Lefke, 09.12.2011

WebSufiLive, CategoryPrayer, CategoryJumaSohbat, CategoryResurrection, CategoryNature, CategoryDemocracy, CategoryEvolution, CategoryCommunism (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:40:47

10220 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoSupportsKufrWillDisappear

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WhoSupportsKufrWillDisappear


Who supports Kufr, will disappear. Who supports Islam, will be supported

Who supports Kufr, will disappear. Who supports Islam, will be supported. Who is lazy, is not going to be beneficial. Audhubilahi mineshaitana rajim. Bismillahi Rahmanir Rahim, by the Name of Allah Almighty, most Beneficient and most Merciful. We are asking from Allah Almighty not to fall into shaitanic traps. Don't say: I am not falling, I know his traps. Ask from Allah to protect you from falling into the shaitanic traps, and- glory to Allah- Shaitan is putting countless traps. Like a hunter is putting traps in the jungle for hunting, Shaitan is not leaving out any place on earth. On every step he is putting a trap, and they are dangerous, may kill, may injure, may catch. It is so easy in our days to be caught in one of those traps, because whole mankind is being directed by Shaitan or his representatives who are devils. And the Islamic world also, because of their heedless position, is falling easily into shaitanic traps, because the whole Islamic world is completely directed by their directors to follow western countries. You can't find any territory in the Islamic world that is not orientated towards (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:40:47

10221 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoSupportsKufrWillDisappear

western countries, and they learned through their leaders, their leaders making them to believe that civilization is through western countries: 'If you are asking to be civilized, you must follow the principles of the western countries. If not, you should be uncivilized people, and no value for you, but your value may be like the value of cattle or flocks, some wild, some not.' In the sight of western people the whole Islamic world is on the lowest level, and always they give this idea, which is working on the Islamic countries, to make the new generation believe that western countries are civilized, 1st class people, top class, and we are uncivilized, because we are on earth and they are on skies. The whole world is now under shaitanic hegemony or direction, and always oriental people including our people, never like to be from oriental people. They look to themselves and ashame, if they come to be known as from Asia or Oriental countries, ashaming to say what they are and where they live, because western people always look down on them. And in reality Shaitan has destroyed the western countries. They are not civilized, but their image is shown as being on the top of civilization. From out looking you may say: 'Oh, first class people', but inside they are rotten. And Shaitan is asking to make Islamic countries to be like western countries- outside and inside rotten, destroyed, and he is teaching the leaders of the Islamic world, urging them to try to be western people. As the Prophet informed 15 centuries ago, warning his nation: 'Should come a time, when the last days are approaching, that my nation, who accepts me as their prophet and accepts what I brought from my Lord, the Words of the Lord Allah Almighty, should try to follow the People of the Book before them- Ahlul Ingil and Ahlul Taurah, Christians and Jews.' Musa a.s. had been granted the Taurah, the Old Testament, and Isa a.s. had been granted the Ingil, the New Testament, the Gospels. Our most honoured Prophet Sayidina Muhammad sws was warning 15 centuries ago and he said: 'My nation is going (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:40:47

10222 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoSupportsKufrWillDisappear

to follow those two nations, Christians and Jews, who are not accepting and following me, in what they are doing and try to do the same, and they should follow them step by step in everything.' That is from his miracles. If some of them would dig a hole like a rabbit, a mole or a fox, enter and only the head is outside- if my nation was seeing western people bringing that as a new fashion to do, they should follow them, because it is a fashion, and they should say: 'We must do that also and enter in it, because Europeans made that in their garden.' And they should do it. They are fully taking care to follow the Ahlul Kitab, Christians and Jews. Blame on those Muslims! Therefore- last night was not for us, but our heedless p