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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (742/777)

WebSaltanatOrg (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:40:42

10195 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WholeWorldIsABigMarket

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WholeWorldIsABigMarket


The whole world is a big market Destur,ya Sayidi, ya Sultanu-l Anbiya, Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah, Rijalal malakuti, ya Malakutiin…aiduna bi aunillah!…Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim… It is a free market…free or flee? If they are selling old things, means flee market. Free market means anyone may take something without paying- very good market! Flee market you must pay something, market you must pay more than this, hyper-market you must take your credit card… Looking…How much you are buying? 2ooo! Can’t be, it is not flee market hyper-market: Safeway market, Queensway market…But this here is free market that means: If anyone buying something and going away, even horses can’t reach to them…Therefore keep the doors!… Alhamdulillah, most people are not understanding, they are not knowing (the difference) between (a real) diamond and (a) plastic (stone)- therefore it is okay… May Allah forgive us to be good customers for this big market. (The) whole world is a big market and people (are) running for gold, for example, to Russia, or they may run to buy diamonds from Jehennemburg, Johannesburg, South Africa, some are runing to Ceylon for Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires, some people are running to Iran for Firuz and other expensive or valuable stones. Jewels, not stones; what people step on, is stones, what I am saying (is not about) stones, they are jewels. No one (is) putting under their feet jewels, only (the) Prophet Suleiman (in) his big hall that people are coming for visiting him, (the) reception hall. It was his Throne Hall, people (were) coming to give their respect and obedience to him, peace be upon him, (and) Sayyiduna King Suleiman, (was) sitting. That area that people were walking on it to reach to Nabi King Suleiman was (made with) tiles; one golden, (the other) one silver. When (the) Queen of Sheba sent a gift to him- (and) she was thinking that what she is sending is so valuable- and (they were) showing (it) to him, he (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:40:43

10196 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WholeWorldIsABigMarket

wa saying: “Oh, what you are sending as a gift to me is under my feet, I am walking on it! I am not asking gold or silver; we are not slaves of gold and silver- we are (the) servants of the Lord of Heavens and He honoured us. When we are not slaves for gold and silver, (He is) making gold and silver- that people (are) worshipping (it) and quarrel and fight (for it)- to be under my feet. That is for you valuable, it is not for us valuable, it is under my feet. I am not asking from you, from that one who sent you with that gifts, I am not interesting in this, they are under my feet. I am asking something else from your Queen, (the) Queen of Sheba: to come to me (and) to surrender to the Lord of Heavens! I am that asking, I am not running after gold and silver. Who is running after gold and silver, they are (the) slaves of gold and silver. We are not slaves, we are servants for the Lord of Heavens, who created and (who is) giving value for gold and silver. It is only for you!” Because they were slaves for gold and silver and their honour (was) going down and gold and silver (is) going to be over you. Making your value down and then, when you are making your value under gold and silver- silver also is white gold, platin, silver also that valuable one…silver that people are using it… Who are slaves, running to save more and more gold and silver, they are slaves for gold and silver, (and) no honour for them. They are going to vanish or to be vanished after gold and silver. But who is going to be servants for the Lord of Heavens that He created gold and silver for man, they have been granted honour from their Lord and their Lord (is) putting gold and silver under (the) feet of His servants. The Seal of Prophets, S.Muhammad sws, he was hungry for some wisdoms and (the) Sahaba also were finding nothing for eating. To take (away) the suffering of hunger, they were putting a stone on their stomach, not to feel the pain of hunger and they were saying to Rasulullah sws: “Ya Rasulullah”, showing him the stone on their stomach, “we are so hungry!” and he was showing under his shirt there were two stones (tied on his stomach)… And first Islam (is) teaching people to be patient. If you are not learning to be patient, you can’t be able to make your control on your ego, because (the) ego belongs to (the) animals world and (it is) always running after what it is going to eat or drink. If a person can’t be able to make a control on his ego, he is going to be under the order of his ego and he is never going to be a servant for his Lord. Therefore every religion (was) coming and their Prophets (were) teaching their followers to be patient, to be able to reject (refuse their egos’ desires). If you are not patient, you can’t be able to reject your egos desires. If you can’t do that, you are going to be always the donkey of your ego; you can’t be an honoured servant in divinely Presence, it is impossible! (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:40:43

10197 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WholeWorldIsABigMarket

Therefore- every Prophet has miraculous powers; they may bring tables of food with so many kinds for their followers, but (if they are doing that) it is going to be (like) a patient in hospital: to bring to him every kind of food without making any limit and giving to him: “Eat”, not asking if this is good for him or that, no. If you are bringing to a patient to eat everything, you may kill him! You may kill their physical being and Prophets (are) coming to arrange, to give (the) real position to our beings: to be good servants, to carry servanthood in divinely Presence. Therefore they must learn first to be patient- Sahaba, the most honoured ones from beginning of mankind’s residence on earth…To be able to train themselves and to give the value of servanthood, Prophets (are) firstly making them to be patient. And (the) most difficult thing for man (is) to be hungry! If a person is hungry, asking to stop (the) pain (of) hunger, he is looking after everything to eat to fill their food-sack; they are going, coming, asking to eat. And we are asking to move from the level of animals to the level of Angels. With (a) full stomach you can’t get up; you can’t be able to rise from your level- that (the) material level is (the) level of animals- you can’t be able to rise up to Angels‘ level. Therefore don’t say: “What is the reason that Sahabas time by time were getting hungry?”- even several days (they were) not finding something to eat and (they were) putting on their stomachs stones not to feel the suffering or (the) pain of hunger! That is the reason! Islam is asking from people to learn to be patient. Now (people in) all (the) world no patience for them. They are asking everything instantly. Like Ali Baba and the 4o thieves (that were) coming to the entrance of that cave, saying: “Open, Sesame!”, people now (are) asking for their desires to be (everything) instantly ready in front of them, and it is impossible, until you may teach your ego to be patient! A person is fasting and coming nearby to break his fast (Maghreb time). He is looking his watch and someone is saying: “You may eat!” “No, we have yet 3 more minutes!” If anyone is saying: “You may eat before”, saying: “No, must be at the time: beginning and ending!” That is such an important wisdom through our worshipping kinds towards Allah Almighty: you must learn to be patient! If you are not learning (patience), (you are) never reaching (up) and never leaving (the) level of animals. Therefore (the) Prophet was keeping two stones and his followers, Sahaba, Allah bless them, they were putting one stone and (he was) saying (to them): “Be patient!” If Rasulullah was ordering, he may fill fields and lands with countless foods and drinks, but (he was) not doing that! He may say: “Be!”, and (it) may be, but (he was) keeping that power, training (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:40:43

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and teaching his disciples and his Ummah, his nation. And (one day) he went for a visit of the holy tomb of S.Hamza- Allah bless him-, the uncle of the Sal of Prophets sws, (at the feet of the Mount Uhud). He was walking and he was hearing in a place behind himself a sound (like) when you have gold and you are pouring (it), (a) very nice sound is coming from gold. He was hearing behind him that sound of gold and he was turning (around) and seeing that (the) Jabal Uhud- that big and holy mountain- was running after him as gold and silver, and gold was making that good sound. The Prophet was seeing (that), stopping and saying: “Stop! Why you are running after me?” And a sound from the holy mountain was addressing to him, saying: “Oh Rasulullah, the beloved one of our Lord! You are suffering and your disciples are suffering from hunger- how it is going to be from us a good manner to be stones! We have been changed to gold and we are running after you so that you may use it any time and we (even) don’t give any trouble for carrying: anywhere you go, you may take from it and do, what you are doing with it.” And the Prophet was saying: “No, I am not in need for you! My Lord (is) enough for me and I like to be one day full, one day hungry. It is much better; I prefer to be in such a way: when I am full, I am saying to my Lord: ‘Thanks and praisings to you, oh my Lord’, (and) if I am hungry, I am going to be patient and say: ‘Oh our Lord, look after us!’ And for being patient we have been granted also a reward here and Hereafter- therefore you stay there, our Lord is enough for us!” People now are running after golf and silver to save much more so that they are thinking if they are saving more gold and silver, they may reach their targets- that no doubt their targets are only targets of their physical being. They like gold and silver for fulfilling their physical beings’ desires. But it is never going to be as they like, because day-by-day, if you are reaching to a table that may be (as the) table of a King or Queen, and every day (it is the) same table, you may feel a kind of (being) fed up, you may be fed up from that. You may reach everything, but day-by-day your taste is coming to be less, less, less and the Favours of the Lord Allah Almighty is same. Therefore- when you are going to be patient for Allah, not to be slaves for your desires, He is accepting you as His servants and servants have been granted something that should be honour for them and light for them and pleasure for them here and Hereafter. Or (else) they should remain on the level of animals that they are eating straw and every kind of grass and they should be happy on their levels. (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:40:43

10199 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WholeWorldIsABigMarket

May Allah forgive us and make our desires as He likes (them to be)- to change our level from the level of animals to reach the level of Angels. That is important! May Allah forgive me and bless you, for the honour of the most honoured one in His divinely Presence, S. Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 14.06.2004, transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryDunya (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:40:43

10200 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoLikesToEatTheFleshOfHisDeadBrother

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WhoLikesToEatTheFleshOfHisDeadBrother



WHO LIKES TO EAT THE FLESH OF HIS DEAD BROTHER? My Grandsheikh was speaking on a point of utmost importance for everyone—about a very terrible and dangerous characteristic of egos which is the main source of every trouble for mankind, the fountain of evil and the famous 'arm of devils' for turning people into each others' enemies and destroying good relations between people in general. We are very proud of our religion of Islam for the fact that it prohibited this worst characteristic of the ego. This characteristic is backbiting, and it destroys everything—thus it is strongly prohibited by Allah. My Grandsheikh says that we must be very careful on this point. Our faith (Iman) will never grow if we cannot desist from backbiting. Every time we backbite we do to our Iman what pouring acid on the roots of a young tree does to that tree. It is a very terrible action, and Grandsheikh pointed to the following verse (Ayat) of Qur'an in order to show just how terrible: "O ye who believe! Shun much suspicion; for lo! some suspicion is a sin. And spy not, neither backbite on another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You abhor that (so abhor the other) ! And keep your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is Relenting, Merciful." (Surat-ul-Hujrat: 12) (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:40:44

10201 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoLikesToEatTheFleshOfHisDeadBrother

Allah gave this ayat to the sons of Adam in order that they should hate that characteristic and be disgusted by it: you, when you backbite, are the same as someone who eats his brother's cadaver. We must clearly define backbiting so that we can distinguish it and seek to avoid it: if you are plagued with a characteristic which you detest in yourself. and are trying to hide, and then someone comes along, spots it and makes it public with the intention of degrading and debasing you in the eyes of people—then he is backbiting. You are trying to hide your faults, and he comes along and spreads word of them around so that people's hearts may turn away from you. On the other hand there are some people who are committing every badness and are proud of their doings, not caring what people think of them, not hiding, nor feeling any shame for their sins; if you are cautioning someone so that he may not fall victim of such a devil, then this is certainly not backbiting but, quite to the contrary, a duty. You must differentiate between the two: One person is, so to speak, dragged to evil because his ego pulls him there and he is too weak to resist, but he feels shame; the other is a conscienceless devil, and you must describe his characteristics exactly and warn. Allah Almighty Himself describes Abu Lahab, Nimrod, Abu Jahl, Pharaoh and Haman in the Holy Qur'an for this reason. Another very delicate matter is that of giving advice (Nasihat). We must not tell people about their faults directly, but we must be tactful and indirect in our approach. In Turkish we use the example of the mother-in- law who wanted to correct an objectionable trait in her augher-in-law, but in order to avoid offending her she reprimanded her own daughter in the presence of the daughter-in-law for just that very fault which she wished to correct in her. In this manner the daughter-in-law understood without taking offense. It is very important to USe this sort of tactic, especially in our times when people's feelings are more fragile than china teacups—you must be very careful. In general, one must not tell anyone anything directly. When you see a no-good characteristic in someone you may say, "Oh my brother, sometimes I have such-and-such a problem with my ego, what shall I do about it?" Perhaps he will say, "Oh, I also have that problem." This is real guidance, ABOUT BACKBITING: A STORY FROM THE LIFE OF THE PROPHET Allah ;Almighty is teaching us so many lessons so that we may become suitable for His Divine Presence. Now (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:40:44

10202 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoLikesToEatTheFleshOfHisDeadBrother

we shall speak about our Prophet's miracles. Every Prophet brought miracles and indeed must bring miracles, so that people can understand that he is an extraordinary person with a personality distinct from ours. Our Prophet said: "Who so sees me (and the miracles that I have brought) and believes in me that is a grant from Allah Almighty to His servant but I am not surprised that those who see me should believe; what I am astonished by are that those who come after our generation are believing in me just from reading about me in history books. reatest happiness (Tooba for those who have en me and believe in me, but seven times greater happpiness for those who did not meet me but are believing through having heard of me." One day the Holy Prophet was sitting with his companions when two men entered holding their stomachs in pain, saying, "Oh Rasulallah, we have intense pain in our stomachs—please treat us with your medicine." The Prophet answered, "You must have eaten something which caused you this, you must have eaten some raw meat." "Oh Prophet, we haven't eaten any meat in fifteen days, hat to speak of raw meat." "No, you must have eaten raw meat I tell you." Again they denied it, he instructed them to induce vomiting, and each them vomited out large chunks of green, rotten raw meat. At this the two men were astonished on account of two things: Firstly, because they never ad eaten any such thing, nor would they have reamed of doing so, yet they regurgitated it from heir very own bellies; and secondly, because the pain they had been suffering disappeared immediately. "Oh Rasulallah, we swear to you that we never ate this." To this the Prophet replied: "Oh people, did you not just pass by the house of a certain person and backbite about him? Did not Allah say that whosoever back bites eats the raw neat of his brother's cadaver? Allah speaks only he truth, and this is proof of it." When you are backbiting you destroy your own [faith and-that of your victim as well, because when one speaks badly about another, a bad current reaches to that person, and he wears- that offense as if it were a heavy burden around his neck. You destroy your faith and his faith, and bring darkness and madness upon him. For this reason it is strongly forbidden in Islam to defame one another. On the other hand, if you are speaking good things about a person, a good current reaches out to him and sheds light on his soul, therefore, it has been ordered to make supplication (Du`a') for people in their (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:40:44

10203 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoLikesToEatTheFleshOfHisDeadBrother

absence. The Prophet says that when a believer makes a du`a' for an absent brother, that good wish goes out to him and makes him lighter, stronger and more joyful; also Allah Almighty sends an Angel to that suppliant with the following good tidings: "As much as you are asking for that brother of light, strength and happiness , that much Allah is giving to you also." In this way both parties profit, and similarly, in the case of backbiting, both sides will suffer, as darkness will descend on your heart as well as his. If not for backbiting, relationships would be stronger, and as much as we are connected with each other the more Allah Almighty is pleased with us and extends to us His Divine Protection. Our Grandsheikh was furthermore explaining that it a person back bites it means that he is burdening the victim with a heavy load so that it becomes difficult for him to bring himself to perform acts of worship. Allah Almighty has stated that He created man only to worship Him, and if you are backbiting you are cutting that person from worship, and thus killing him In this time the majority of people cannot perform the acts of worship asked of them; they are very heavy and lackadaisical in this respect but so quick and agile in serving the Devil and following his way. Backbiting is one of the biggest underlying reasons why people are delaying in performing their worship. The Prophet says that Allah is the Judge of Judges and that no one can judge anyone as Allah does. If one is backbiting, he is making himself into a judge with no authority from the Judge of Judges: "So-and-so is a no- good person." Know that you are not the judge of your Lord's servants; He created them and He judges them as He wills! Who so ignores this point is making himself out to be a partner to Allah (Shirk), and this is one of the greatest sins—as Allah never accepts that partners be ascribed to Him. Who seeks a partner? He who hasn't enough power seeks a partner, but Allah Almighty has Endless Power and All-Penetrating Will for what does He need to seek a partner? No partner for Him and no son. A man may be in need of a son to succeed him, but Allah has no need for a successor. His is Eternal Existence knowing no boundaries of time. Therefore, everyone must be very careful. I think this is enough to show us what a terrible thing backbiting is. - 01.03.1980

BookMercyOceansHiddenTreasures (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:40:44

10204 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoLikesToEatTheFleshOfHisDeadBrother (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:40:44

10205 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoPreventsManFromBelieving

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : WhoPreventsManFromBelieving


Who Prevents Man From Believing?

(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Yaa Rabba 'l `izzati wa 'l-`azhaamati wal-jabaroot. Ant Allah, subhaanak, sultaanak. Yaa Rabbana. Rabb 'ighfir wa 'r-ham wa anta khayru 'r-rahimeen. Zid habeebaka `izzan wa sharafan nooran wa surooran, sultaanan wa ridwaana, thumma as-salaatu wa 's-salaamu `alayk yaa Sayyidi 'l- awwaleen wal-akhireen, the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! We are asking Allah Almighty to grant you much more praising, much more mightiness, much more glory and much more majesty! Ameen. Thumma as-salaam `alaykum for all holy people who belong to heavenly ones and endless salutes to you also. May Allah Almighty give you much more honor for your barakah, and grant us to be on the Right Path, not to lose the real position of Mankind. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Dastoor yaa Sayyidee, madad. As-salaamu `alaykum to all nations! As-salaamu `alaykum to those who are attending, giving value and giving a small time for listening to heavenly knowledge. And we are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem, asking for protection from Shaytan and its tricks and traps. We are weak servants and we must ask. Shaytan is the weakest one. No one in Creation may be weaker than Shaytan. We are weak, but Shaytan's weakness has no measure. It claims that, "I am the most powerful one on Earth," and so many foolish ones are also thinking that Shaytan is saying its real position and they are fearing. But: (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:40:45

10206 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: WhoPreventsManFromBelieving

     inna kayda 'sh-Shaytaani kaana da`eefaa Feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan. (An-Nisa, 4:76) O our Attenders! Hear and listen, and try to understand something. Shaytan is claiming that it is the most powerful one in Creation, and saying to people, "My commands must go on because I am teaching you some ways for which you are not taking care, but I am teaching you to be famous, as I am the Most Famous One in yourself!" "Where are you?" "Everywhere!" "Everywhere?" "Yes, I am everywhere!" O our Attenders! Do you think you are looking and finding a place that Shaytan is not there? I am asking Salafi `ulamas, do you think that Shaytan is prevented to be in al-Haram ash-Shareef in Makkatu 'l- Mukarramah? And at the same time he was not in Madinatu 'l-Munawwara and Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem, thaalithu 'l-haramaynu 'sh-shareefayn? They will say, "Yes, Shaytan was one." How can he be at the same time in all these holy places? And if he is not forbidden to be in the holiest places, what about other places? Alladhee baarikAllahu hawlahu. Shaytan is reaching everywhere. Therefore, Huuuuuuuu, Shaytan's darrar, harm is on people and everything in the east and west, from north to south. The most harmful one for Mankind is Shaytan, and when Shaytan is made welcome, harm is coming on that person, Shaytan is harming! Yes, Shaytan is terrible and you must take your protection or precaution, and look for a place where you will be in safety. That means you must ask for heavenly protection. If you are not taking heavenly protection, it is impossible to save yourself from Shaytan and its poisonous arrows. But people now are opening both hands and saying to Shaytan, “O our darling!" And 21st century people are welcoming Shaytan and sending away holy ones and sending away the most holy one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) When people are sending away holy ones who come with heavenly blessings, Shaytan is coming with materials from Hell and burning people. And 21st century people are very happy with such instruments. They have technology, but technology is only on the surface of this world. It is forbidden for Shaytan and its servants to move up; they are thrown away with heavenly arrows coming down (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:40:45

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from heavens. They are asking to know more things that are happening in heavenly stations, but they are forbidden! And people are running after such instruments and reaching only east and west, north and south, but they can't go up. Therefore, Shaytan is saying, "O my followers! I am looking but not seeing anything beyond my view; beyond it there is nothing else. You must look, if you can see, hear, or touch it." Therefore, materialism is spread from east to west, from west to east, from north to south, and from south to north. Materialists claim awliya are nothing, because they belong to the material world, saying, "Beyond that there is nothing." The learned people are saying, “Such far distances, we can't reach, and if we can't reach anything, then we are saying, 'It is nothing.'" Therefore, Shaytan is making most people return to this planet and occupy themselves with material aspects only, saying, “Beyond that is nothing.” How can they say that beyond there is nothing? Do they have a proof of what they say, "We cannot reach beyond the three dimensions. We are not accepting there is anything beyond this." Who said to you that four dimensions do not exist? It may be four, it may be 400, or it may be 1000! Who is saying to you there is nothing in space among Creation? Who created this world in three dimensions is able to create another world in four dimensions!! You cannot say there is no other horizon, because when you reach a horizon there may appear another horizon. But shaytanic theories put in the heads of no-mind people make them imprisoned by three dimensions. They think they are controlling everything in this universe. How can you do that? What are you knowing? You are coming from your mother's womb and you are knowing nothing. You are taking something from here and there, making a collection, but not bringing any proof of your production, because every production of Mankind is from egoistic measures that belong to Shaytan. Therefore, all cursing is coming on people because of Shaytan! Shaytan makes a limit because our physical being can’t carry more than this. Therefore, Shaytan makes a limit or hindrance, saying, "Beyond this is nothing." How there is nothing? That is a point with which Shaytan is cheating people graduating from higher education. They are, therefore, bowing to materialists and are not becoming humble ones to say, "Beyond material aspects we are bowing to the One Who is bringing material beings into existence." People are bowing to material aspects but Shaytan is never leaving them to think, “Beyond material aspects, Who is putting these material aspects in existence?" That is a sensitive point. Therefore, we are saying, no, you can't say, "No!" If this is in existence, Someone must be making this, (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:40:45

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the whole material world, the universe and beyond the universe. Who is putting it there? So many universes are in existence; our existence is only one galaxy and there are countless galaxies. Why are they not asking,