Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (676/777)
mmt er mit und taucht wieder unter. So daß der, der wieder eintaucht nicht mehr der Gleiche ist, der aufgetaucht ist, er ist ein anderer. Und ist es mit uns allen: Innâ lillahi wa innâ ilaihi raji´ûn . Wir tauchen auf aus dem Ozean der Macht und was uns bestimmt ist, mitzunehmen, das nehmen wir und tauchen wieder unter und sind verschwunden. So verändert sich alles, was auf der Erde ist nicht nur täglich oder wöchentlich sondern stündlich, jede Sekunde, innerhalb jedes kleinstmöglichen Zeitraumes. Das ist `Adhâmatu l –Haqq, die Größe Allahs des Allmächtigen, die der Verstand niemals erfassen kann. Der ´abd, der Diener, kann nur sagen: Allahu Akbar! Möge Allah uns etwas Verständnis geben über das wahre Wesen unseres Herrn, so daß wir, wenn wir den letzten Punkt erreichen etwas mitnehmen und dann für immer verschwinden wie ein Taucher in den Meeren der Vorewigkeit und Ewigkeit. Möge Allah mir verzeihen und euch segnen, bi-hurmatil Habîb bi-hurmati l-Fâtiha Damaskus, 27.04.2002
1. Sure YaSin : 38
2. Herr der Osten (Plural!) und der Westen, oder auch: Herr der Sonnenaufgänge und Sonnenuntergänge, siehe Sure as-Saffat : 5
3. Herr der beiden Osten und Herr der beiden Westen, oder auch: Herr der beiden Sonnenaufgänge und Herr der beiden
Sonnenuntergänge, Sure Ar-Rahmân : 17
4. Herr des Ostens und des Westens, oder auch: Herr des Sonnenaufgangs und des Sonnenuntergangs; Sure asch-Schu’ara :28 (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:37:51
9306 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: UnddieSonnebewegtsichihrerRuhestattzu
5. Sure at-Takwîr : 1
6. Sure al-Baqara : 156 (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:37:51
9307 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: UnderstandingBringsEnlightment
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : UnderstandingBringsEnlightment
Understanding Brings Enlightenment
Dastoor yaa Sayyidee, madad. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) La ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa- Llah, Sayyidina Muhammad Rasoolullah `alayhis-salaatu wa taammat tasleem, yaa Rabbana, yaa Rabighfir wa'r-hamna wa anta khayru'r-Rahimeen. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) As-salaamu ` alaykum, yaa ` ibaadallah, as-salaamu ` alaykum yaa Sultanu 'l-Awliyaa, our protector, our guide. A` oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani'r-rajeem, Bismillahi'r-Rahmaani'r-Raheem. La hawla wa la quwatta illa billahi 'l-` Aleeyyu 'l-` Adheem. O Salafi `ulama, Allah Almighty (jallah jalaalahu), our Creator is saying, wa li kulli qawmin haad, "And to every people, a guide." (13:7) May Allah (swt) grant an understanding to His holy servants on this planet. The main specialty of Man is understanding. Understanding is granted only to Man, not to animals. Therefore, Man is on the highest level among creatures in this world. Who does not understand, his level will be on the level of animals. Therefore, the Seal of Prophets (s) said, Utlub al ` ilm min al-mahdi ila al-lahd, "Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave." (Muslim) O Salafi `ulamas! Are you understanding Arabic? Must be. Very good, I am happy that you are understanding Arabic. The Seal of Prophets (s) was urging his nation for understanding the Lord's most honored and (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:37:52
9308 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: UnderstandingBringsEnlightment
glorified deputy Sayyidina Muhammad (s). (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) You must stand up to give your high respect to him! If you are not giving high respect for his honor, your honor is coming down, and the light of imaan (faith) is taken from your face. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) If you are looking at a person and his face is shining, you must understand that that person is an understanding one, and therefore, a lightening is granted to his face. There is a line or level separating men and animals. People who are understanding are above that level and those who are not understanding, their situation is under the level of animals. When coming here morning, and the Lord of Heavens is ordering to His most beloved servant, ta` allamoo, "Try to learn," because learning opens the treasures of understanding. You can't reach those treasures if you are not learning and you can't bring a limit for the treasures of understanding; that is the honor of Mankind. As much as Man is running to understand, an honor, power and lightenings are granted to him, subhaanAllah! There is nothing like understanding through the way of learning. He who learns, understands. O Salafi `ulama! Are you understanding what the Holy Qur'an is saying? "A little bit (we are understanding)." You are not understanding! If the Seal of Prophets (s) didn't come, you would not understand. And some no- mind, foolish and stupid people are saying that the Seal of Prophet (s) just gave people what they were in need of. What had he been granted? He was granted the Holy Qur'an. Some foolish, no-mind and stupid ones are saying that the Seal of Prophets (s) gave what he has been granted from Holy Qur'an, (and when) that finished he went away, so now we are not in need of his prophecy; we may follow for understanding from the holy book that he brought us from Allah Almighty. So many slaves and followers of Shaytan are saying, "Now we can understand." How can you understand?! The Seal of Prophets (s) was given knowledge over 23 years, a knowledge that gave understanding. Allah (swt) granted him the Holy Qur'an, but He granted 23 years to His most honored, glorified and beloved one, for understanding it. Why was He keeping the Seal of Prophets (s) for 23 years? (He could have) sent the Holy Qur'an in one second and no need even to keep the Seal of Prophets (s)! Without the Seal of Prophets (s), He could send His book through the angels to a prepared place, saying, "This is the Lord's last message. Look in it and understand!" It would be so easy to do that, but He didn't. He was sending His last message from heavens to the people, to the servants, to understand. Even if you are eating three times, that is the level of animals; once is enough, from Jumu`ah to Jumu`ah for (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:37:52
9309 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: UnderstandingBringsEnlightment
some angels, and He may send once. His last message, putting, "kursi" on a prepared rock, and people may come and look, and (it) goes away. So many foolish and heedless ones from Muslim countries, claiming to be doctors, are saying, "We can understand and we are not in need (of the one) who was granted the Holy Qur'an. He passed away, finished. We, ourselves, can do what he was doing and saying." Allah Allah, Allah Allah, tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee! For a person to understand the Holy Qur'an by himself is like a person being granted a heap of food and told, "All this is for you, take and eat." He begins to take, and eats and eats. No time for digesting? How can you eat and not digest? The Holy Qur'an is here (Mawlana Shaykh raises his hands) as an endless heap of knowledge, and you are saying, "We are not in need of anyone to make us understand, or teach us to understand." That is the last point of ignorance! I am hearing so many people and also reading their articles, "There is no need now for the Seal of Prophets (s) for us, adda 'l-amaanah, and now finished." O Salafi `ulamas! What about Allah Almighty ordering and teaching His real and most beloved and honored deputy, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), (Mawlana Shaykh stands): wa qul rabbee zidni ilmaa, And say, 'My Lord increase me in knowledge.' (20:114) And Allah Almighty is saying: wa ma uteetum min al-ilmi illaa qaleela, And of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you (O men). (17:85) That qaleel is a little bit from heavenly knowledge that you have been granted. Don't think learning from nature is the only knowledge that Man is in need of. What you are learning about nature, this planet and this world, is illa qaleela, so small. Qaleelan is never going to be katheeran, a lot. A person may learn from knowledge as much as possible. Not the knowledge that depends on Positivism, but from real` ilm also. That "little" is never going to be a lot; always it is a little bit. Allah Almighty's divine address is to all naturalist people, saying, waa ma uteetum min al-` ilmi illa qaleela. They are making a searching daily and the search is never-ending. A new one comes after it and another after that, like a person who is trying to reach the end of a horizon, and each time he reaches another horizon appears. That is knowledge! According to our ability or (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:37:52
9310 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: UnderstandingBringsEnlightment
capacity and our mind's productions, it is small. The Lord of Heavens made that for digesting. Each time new ones, each time you may digest, and your capacity is not enough. A person's provision may be a hundred tons for his whole life. If you put it all in front of him to eat, he can't, but day-by-day, gradually, his provision is going to finish. When it is finishing he is glorifying That One (Allah)! The knowledge that Man is granted is according to his ability, capacity and understanding level. Understanding gives people an honor. As much as you (want to) understand, your understanding for the Creator of Worlds will be endless, from pre-Eternal up to Eternal. Knowledge is not giving Man a light, but understanding is. That is a heavenly grant. Any time you are understanding, you are granted a kind of lights and your understanding is opening. Therefore, the Prophet (s) said, utlub al-` ilm min al-mahdi ila al-lahad, (seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave). (It means:) "Try to increase your understanding." Don't ask for a long life for eating and drinking and fulfilling your animal wishes, but ask a long life to reach higher and higher understanding, and to reach through every level of understanding. Then huge oceans of Unknown Territories and majestic dominions are appearing for the Lord, Allah. Where are we? We understand nothing! People are not understanding and only asking to keep something through their mind-productions and that can never give anything! But the Lord of Heavens gave the Holy Qur'an for understanding; never-ending knowledge and understandings are in it. Who is that One who may teach you what you are asking to learn and understand? It is that real deputy of Allah (swt). Allah Almighty is One and His Absolute Deputy is only one; can't be more than one! Wa idh qaala rabbuka lil-mala`ikati innee ja` ilun fi 'l-ardi khaleefah. Behold, thy Lord said to the angels, "I will create a vicegerent on Earth." (2:30) . He is not saying khulafaa', "only one." Also, nakra, in Arabic, "endlessly." If you are going to give an understanding on that word without t`aarif, a definition, innee ja`ilun fi'l-ardi and not say khaleefah. These two words (khaleefah, khulafaa') are giving a description; giving endless deputies if putting alif, lam. If saying only khaleefah, it is signing (indicating) one for Himself, who had been ordered and prepared from pre- Eternal to Eternal to be khaleefah on behalf of the Creator. He and not anyone else is doing what is going to (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:37:52
9311 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: UnderstandingBringsEnlightment
be done for Creation. And Allah Almighty is saying, kuntu kanzan makhfiyyan, ("I was a Hidden Treasure.) I am in My Divine Unknown-ness; no one can know My position." kanz makhfee, means a secret that no one can know. Therefore, one deputy is enough for the whole of Creation, Sayyidina Muhammad! (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Only one deputy in that level. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, SubhaanAllah, SubhaanAllah, Sultan Allah. And Shaytan was thinking to be that one. What is Shaytan's understanding? Through an endless ocean, it is a small spot! And he was thinking, "I can be that khaleefah." When he is looking that this has been granted, he is never understanding that Allah Almighty's khitaab, addressing, was from pre-Eternal to Eternal. It is not something that you are reading and learning and getting to that point. It is `ata' min Allah, a divinely grant from pre-Eternal to Eternal, without a beginning or end. Therefore, we must try to understand. O Salafi `ulamas! You must try to stop some no-mind people who are saying, "We are reaching every meaning through the Holy Qur'an and we not are in need of that one who was granted directly from the Divine Presence." You are understanding nothing! Therefore, you must try to correct your wrong claiming . Zu'm is something else, zu'm`aamaq (a deep ocean). If you are not knowing how to swim in it, you may sink down and never appear again. May Allah forgives us! Allah Allah, Allah Allah, SubhaanAllah. Don't say, "We are not in need of any one now, we can understand." You cannot understand! Allah Almighty is saying to his most beloved one, wa qul rabbee zidnee `ilma. It is kalaalmu 'l-qadeem, the Holy Qur'an is from pre-Eternal up to Eternal, and Allah Almighty is saying, "O My beloved one, say, 'Rabbee zidnee `ilma'." Is it for himself, Sayyidina Muhammad, or to grant to Allah Almighty's servants? Yes, there are some people (granted that); common creatures cannot carry. It is only for himself, but from that, he has been ordered to grant to his nation what they may need to understand their Lord's greatness and glory! (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:37:52
9312 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: UnderstandingBringsEnlightment
O People! Think on it. May Allah forgives us. Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, SubhaanAllah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultaan Allah. Fatihah. (Mawlana Shaykh speaks with Shaykh Hisham on the phone.) Lefke, 07.02.2010
WebSufiLive (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:37:52
9313 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: UnderstandningAhsaniTaqweem
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : UnderstandningAhsaniTaqweem
Understanding Ahsani taqweem, Perfect Creation
(DerMenschIstDasBesteModell, Deutsch) As-salaamu `alaykum. Madad yaa RijaalAllah (Mawlana stands.) La ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa-Llah Sayyidina Muhammad habeebuhu wa rasooluh (saw). Madad yaa RijaalAllah. And we are giving our salute to our Grandshaykh (q), who is in charge for arranging everything on this world now. May Allah (sw) grant him much more glory and power and honor, which comes through the Seal of Prophets (pbuh). (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) As-salaamu `alaykum! O our listeners, take care for being or to be present in this association. Don't look who is speaking, but look at who is making that one to address to all people. If you are thinking that it is wrong, you must look to yourself; something wrong must be with you. Here there is a mirror. If you are looking it and (looks in mirror) if making like this (sour face) like this, like ape, if you are looking, "Alhamdulillah, O my Lord, You created me on best model. I am thankful to You that You have created me!" Ahsani taqweem, "best fashion" mashaa-Allah, if we were created our mouths from here up to here, our nose from here up to here, our eyes like that and looking like this. He may create in a ugly model also. But He is saying: We created man on the best of forms. (95:4) (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:37:53
9314 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: UnderstandningAhsaniTaqweem
O Man! I created, on ahsani taqweem, no one can think better than your model. May say, "O Shaykh, you may say this, because people now are running too much. I am suggesting that the 21st century people are so running (busy), that two legs is not enough for them! Therefore, I am suggesting the Creator gives four legs to the people living in the 21st century!" How it can be, O Salafi `ulamas? What is your opinion of ahsani taqweem? Can you think of a better model than what the Lord of Heavens created for ourselves? Man has been granted some qualities that it is suitable just for them. Every organ of Man is the best model and most suitable everything in our bodies. What are you saying, O Salafi `ulamas? What do you think? Do you think that the Lord of Heavens created Man and giving beard to men to be handsome or to make them ugly? What is your opinion of that point? Hah, you are saying that is okay for men to have beards? What about for those people whom they are playing with their beards, shaving from here up to here and making such a strange model? O Salafi ulamas, you Salafi ulamas, they are playing, or they are keeping a model in front of them and saying to the barber, “You must take from here up to here." What is that foolishness and encouragement from you? To all people who are making `amar bi 'l-ma`roof, wa 'n-nahi `ani 'l-munkar, why you are not saying, "Leave it, it is haraam." At least you must remind them, because you have been chosen for reminding people when they are making something wrong, to correct it. "Command righteousness and prevent what is forbidden." All Saudi country people, very few ones they are keeping their original beard; they are playing and following fashion and there is no fashion in Islam! You are following Holy Qur’an? You are understanding when it says: laqad kaana lakum fee Rasoolullahi uswatan hasanaat Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) (33:21) And in Prophet is your good example." Why are you not reminding people? Allah (swt) is saying " I created Man with complete beard. Why are they playing with their beards? Do you think I created your model wrong way, and I am Ahsanul Khaliqeen, "the Best Creator"? Everything I am doing is just 100% perfect." Why you are not saying? You are not looking?" “Yes we are looking and saying, a little bit from here also and make like this. And our ladies are not happy (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:37:53
9315 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: UnderstandningAhsaniTaqweem
because our moustache are like needles on their faces. Barber make like this, make very, very soft." We are speaking on the roots of Shari'ah and you are responsible! Allah (swt) make ahsani taqweem! Why you are playing with your beards? Leave those people that are playing with their beards and moustaches! They are regretting, saying, “Why our faces not made like ladies faces?” You are on lowest level, Allah (swt) created Man and He created Man as men! His creation is a special model for man and a special model for ladies. Ladies trying to be like men, and men trying to be like women. That is haraam, why not saying? You never looking to mirror? "I bought a mirror, but it is cheap." Doesn't matter, you may buy an expensive one. I heard that some rich ladies are making private rooms and their homes all around is covered with mirrors, because they are coming and looking like this, (Mawlana stands, preening) looking because how she is here or there, with so many mirrors making her big or small! So many people, and their man coming looking and saying, "What is this? Bringing such a mirrors making me like a bull or like a camel? Here, take this." "What you are saying? I am the commander here! Don't come in when I am here!" (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) No one, men or women, no one now going to be happy with their forms that their Former giving to them. "O Shaykh! You are not knowing that so many ladies making their noses to be like nose of falcon. We must make our noses a little bit to be like that because European ladies' noses are very beautiful. We must go to make that operation, plastic surgery. And if it is going to be more ugly, they may use a plastic nose, putting there, and it is so beautiful!" O People, I am not making theater here. I have been ordered to remind you what is Right Way and what is wrong. I am shouting because Salafi ulamas they are always attacking, “Why making dhikr, why making salawaat, why making tawbah,
why keeping tasbeeh?” Their importance is only that, nothing else that is important. And they are looking, seeing thousands and thousands of young men
and women fighting the Creator (asking), "Why did You create me like this? I am too short one.” (Points to someone.) Look, that one is like a camel.
O People! Don't fight. Don't fight against your Creator. Huwa, He is the Creator and creating everyone in a different model. You can't find two people to be
the same. Allah Allmighty is saying to His beloved one, wa dhakkir, remind, "O My beloved one, declare My heavenly order to My servants that they must
keep on the Right Way. What I am giving to them, they must be thankful, alhamdulillah. They are not created as a donkey, not created as cows, not (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:37:53
9316 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: UnderstandningAhsaniTaqweem
created as a giraffe, not created like a fox, and not created like pigs." It is very important. Are you understanding? From where do we come here? We say,
a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. O our Lord, protect us not to harm Your creatures.
I am ashaming that whole creatures they are trying to change their lookings, their models and saying, "This model we don't like, we must be like this,"
and Allah Almighty is reminding people, wala yughayarunna khalqa Allah. Sometimes I am speaking Arabic from the Holy Qur'an:
fa layughayyiroon khalq Allah.
They will change Allah's Creation. (4:119)
Shaytan was swearing that, "Oh, I have been sent away. I am thrown away from Mankind, but I will try to do everything as I can do to take them away
from keeping the holy orders of their Lord." Heh? Why are you not saying this ayatul kareemah that Shaytan is swearing that, "I am running after them to
make them against every order that You are ordering to them.”
You created Man with beards, and through heavenly knowledge that reaching to holy ones just I heard that there is a level on heavens, a level there,
there is angels and they are in tasbeehaat, glorification, that is to say, "yusabihoollah illee zayana arrijal bi 'l-laha wa 'n-nisaa bi 'sh-sha`r," Allah Almighty
is giving Mankind, men and women, a beauty through their beards, and angels are so happy that Allah Almighty granted those deputies to be their
outlooking in perfection. yusabihoollah illee zayana arrijal bi 'l-laha wa 'n-nisaa bi 'sh-sha`r."
Man, if no beard, no mustache, how ugly their face will be. And women, if they have beards, how ugly they will be. But Allah Almighty is granting men,
and they are goodlooking, perfect appearance with their layha, with their beards. And angels saying tasbeeh on it, and another group of angels saying,
"Allah praising who decorates men with beards and women with hair.” Jiwarib, these long hairs. And angels making tasbeeh on that man. Allah Almighty
making men to look so handsome with their beard, and giving a beauty for women with their hairs. Why are you not reminding them? Allah will ask you.
Your importance is only for Jumu`ah salaat, saying, "Why are they making tasbeeh? Why are they making as-salaatu salaam after adhan? How are they
doing this and that?" I am reminding also that you must correct your ways. You must teach people what the Holy Prophet (s) was saying. The best model
through whole Creation just granted to Man and the most perfection is for men with their beards and for women with their hairs.
O People! May Allah forgive us, forgive us. The time is coming shorter and the Day of Resurrection is approaching. Today we are living, tomorrow or after (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:37:53
9317 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: UnderstandningAhsaniTaqweem
tomorrow or after a year or after years we are leaving this life and going to the Divine Presence. Beware of Shaytan and beware of shaytanic ideas.
Now whole people are living, and men trying to look like women, and women trying to be or to look as a man. That is wrong. Man is man and woman is
woman. And their creation, their models are the best models that no one can suggest that if men now are so busy, they can't reach with two legs, must
reach with four legs. You will be like a donkey. What is that? But a no-mind person says, “I am suggesting to 21st century people that they are saying
their creation is not enough with two legs, they will have four legs. And they are asking to use two hands but it is not enough for them, must be at least
three hands. For example, three phone calls coming and they are making like this (holds up to ears). And two ears are not enough, must be three ears to
hear. I am suggesting." And another saying, "I think that one mouth is not enough because people are trying to eat too much, as much as possible, so I
am suggesting to 21st century people to have two mouths." And I am ashamed to say how much for other organs they are asking, some organs they like
to have forty.
Salafi 'ulama, am I wrong? If so, say I'm wrong. If true, say I'm true, and follow true ones. Say who is true ones in our day that you are following! Show
me a true one and I will follow that one. No, you can't say.
May Allah forgives us. So wrong things people fighting are with their Creator. No one is going to be happy with what their Lord just granted to them.
Always they are complaining but not thanking, and Allah Almighty never likes His servant to make a complaining. The Lord of Heavens asks that His
servants always be thankful, to give thanks to their Creator. If he is are given one piece of sugar he says, "Thank you, Shaykh." For Allah Almighty, if you
are going to add for thanks:
wa in ta`uddoo ni`matallah laa tuhsoohaa.
But if ye count the favours of Allah, never will ye be able to number them. (14:34)
mmt er mit und taucht wieder unter. So daß der, der wieder eintaucht nicht mehr der Gleiche ist, der aufgetaucht ist, er ist ein anderer. Und ist es mit uns allen: Innâ lillahi wa innâ ilaihi raji´ûn . Wir tauchen auf aus dem Ozean der Macht und was uns bestimmt ist, mitzunehmen, das nehmen wir und tauchen wieder unter und sind verschwunden. So verändert sich alles, was auf der Erde ist nicht nur täglich oder wöchentlich sondern stündlich, jede Sekunde, innerhalb jedes kleinstmöglichen Zeitraumes. Das ist `Adhâmatu l –Haqq, die Größe Allahs des Allmächtigen, die der Verstand niemals erfassen kann. Der ´abd, der Diener, kann nur sagen: Allahu Akbar! Möge Allah uns etwas Verständnis geben über das wahre Wesen unseres Herrn, so daß wir, wenn wir den letzten Punkt erreichen etwas mitnehmen und dann für immer verschwinden wie ein Taucher in den Meeren der Vorewigkeit und Ewigkeit. Möge Allah mir verzeihen und euch segnen, bi-hurmatil Habîb bi-hurmati l-Fâtiha Damaskus, 27.04.2002
1. Sure YaSin : 38
2. Herr der Osten (Plural!) und der Westen, oder auch: Herr der Sonnenaufgänge und Sonnenuntergänge, siehe Sure as-Saffat : 5
3. Herr der beiden Osten und Herr der beiden Westen, oder auch: Herr der beiden Sonnenaufgänge und Herr der beiden
Sonnenuntergänge, Sure Ar-Rahmân : 17
4. Herr des Ostens und des Westens, oder auch: Herr des Sonnenaufgangs und des Sonnenuntergangs; Sure asch-Schu’ara :28 (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:37:51
9306 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: UnddieSonnebewegtsichihrerRuhestattzu
5. Sure at-Takwîr : 1
6. Sure al-Baqara : 156 (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:37:51
9307 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: UnderstandingBringsEnlightment
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : UnderstandingBringsEnlightment
Understanding Brings Enlightenment
Dastoor yaa Sayyidee, madad. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) La ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa- Llah, Sayyidina Muhammad Rasoolullah `alayhis-salaatu wa taammat tasleem, yaa Rabbana, yaa Rabighfir wa'r-hamna wa anta khayru'r-Rahimeen. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) As-salaamu ` alaykum, yaa ` ibaadallah, as-salaamu ` alaykum yaa Sultanu 'l-Awliyaa, our protector, our guide. A` oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani'r-rajeem, Bismillahi'r-Rahmaani'r-Raheem. La hawla wa la quwatta illa billahi 'l-` Aleeyyu 'l-` Adheem. O Salafi `ulama, Allah Almighty (jallah jalaalahu), our Creator is saying, wa li kulli qawmin haad, "And to every people, a guide." (13:7) May Allah (swt) grant an understanding to His holy servants on this planet. The main specialty of Man is understanding. Understanding is granted only to Man, not to animals. Therefore, Man is on the highest level among creatures in this world. Who does not understand, his level will be on the level of animals. Therefore, the Seal of Prophets (s) said, Utlub al ` ilm min al-mahdi ila al-lahd, "Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave." (Muslim) O Salafi `ulamas! Are you understanding Arabic? Must be. Very good, I am happy that you are understanding Arabic. The Seal of Prophets (s) was urging his nation for understanding the Lord's most honored and (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:37:52
9308 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: UnderstandingBringsEnlightment
glorified deputy Sayyidina Muhammad (s). (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) You must stand up to give your high respect to him! If you are not giving high respect for his honor, your honor is coming down, and the light of imaan (faith) is taken from your face. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) If you are looking at a person and his face is shining, you must understand that that person is an understanding one, and therefore, a lightening is granted to his face. There is a line or level separating men and animals. People who are understanding are above that level and those who are not understanding, their situation is under the level of animals. When coming here morning, and the Lord of Heavens is ordering to His most beloved servant, ta` allamoo, "Try to learn," because learning opens the treasures of understanding. You can't reach those treasures if you are not learning and you can't bring a limit for the treasures of understanding; that is the honor of Mankind. As much as Man is running to understand, an honor, power and lightenings are granted to him, subhaanAllah! There is nothing like understanding through the way of learning. He who learns, understands. O Salafi `ulama! Are you understanding what the Holy Qur'an is saying? "A little bit (we are understanding)." You are not understanding! If the Seal of Prophets (s) didn't come, you would not understand. And some no- mind, foolish and stupid people are saying that the Seal of Prophet (s) just gave people what they were in need of. What had he been granted? He was granted the Holy Qur'an. Some foolish, no-mind and stupid ones are saying that the Seal of Prophets (s) gave what he has been granted from Holy Qur'an, (and when) that finished he went away, so now we are not in need of his prophecy; we may follow for understanding from the holy book that he brought us from Allah Almighty. So many slaves and followers of Shaytan are saying, "Now we can understand." How can you understand?! The Seal of Prophets (s) was given knowledge over 23 years, a knowledge that gave understanding. Allah (swt) granted him the Holy Qur'an, but He granted 23 years to His most honored, glorified and beloved one, for understanding it. Why was He keeping the Seal of Prophets (s) for 23 years? (He could have) sent the Holy Qur'an in one second and no need even to keep the Seal of Prophets (s)! Without the Seal of Prophets (s), He could send His book through the angels to a prepared place, saying, "This is the Lord's last message. Look in it and understand!" It would be so easy to do that, but He didn't. He was sending His last message from heavens to the people, to the servants, to understand. Even if you are eating three times, that is the level of animals; once is enough, from Jumu`ah to Jumu`ah for (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:37:52
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some angels, and He may send once. His last message, putting, "kursi" on a prepared rock, and people may come and look, and (it) goes away. So many foolish and heedless ones from Muslim countries, claiming to be doctors, are saying, "We can understand and we are not in need (of the one) who was granted the Holy Qur'an. He passed away, finished. We, ourselves, can do what he was doing and saying." Allah Allah, Allah Allah, tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee! For a person to understand the Holy Qur'an by himself is like a person being granted a heap of food and told, "All this is for you, take and eat." He begins to take, and eats and eats. No time for digesting? How can you eat and not digest? The Holy Qur'an is here (Mawlana Shaykh raises his hands) as an endless heap of knowledge, and you are saying, "We are not in need of anyone to make us understand, or teach us to understand." That is the last point of ignorance! I am hearing so many people and also reading their articles, "There is no need now for the Seal of Prophets (s) for us, adda 'l-amaanah, and now finished." O Salafi `ulamas! What about Allah Almighty ordering and teaching His real and most beloved and honored deputy, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), (Mawlana Shaykh stands): wa qul rabbee zidni ilmaa, And say, 'My Lord increase me in knowledge.' (20:114) And Allah Almighty is saying: wa ma uteetum min al-ilmi illaa qaleela, And of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you (O men). (17:85) That qaleel is a little bit from heavenly knowledge that you have been granted. Don't think learning from nature is the only knowledge that Man is in need of. What you are learning about nature, this planet and this world, is illa qaleela, so small. Qaleelan is never going to be katheeran, a lot. A person may learn from knowledge as much as possible. Not the knowledge that depends on Positivism, but from real` ilm also. That "little" is never going to be a lot; always it is a little bit. Allah Almighty's divine address is to all naturalist people, saying, waa ma uteetum min al-` ilmi illa qaleela. They are making a searching daily and the search is never-ending. A new one comes after it and another after that, like a person who is trying to reach the end of a horizon, and each time he reaches another horizon appears. That is knowledge! According to our ability or (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:37:52
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capacity and our mind's productions, it is small. The Lord of Heavens made that for digesting. Each time new ones, each time you may digest, and your capacity is not enough. A person's provision may be a hundred tons for his whole life. If you put it all in front of him to eat, he can't, but day-by-day, gradually, his provision is going to finish. When it is finishing he is glorifying That One (Allah)! The knowledge that Man is granted is according to his ability, capacity and understanding level. Understanding gives people an honor. As much as you (want to) understand, your understanding for the Creator of Worlds will be endless, from pre-Eternal up to Eternal. Knowledge is not giving Man a light, but understanding is. That is a heavenly grant. Any time you are understanding, you are granted a kind of lights and your understanding is opening. Therefore, the Prophet (s) said, utlub al-` ilm min al-mahdi ila al-lahad, (seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave). (It means:) "Try to increase your understanding." Don't ask for a long life for eating and drinking and fulfilling your animal wishes, but ask a long life to reach higher and higher understanding, and to reach through every level of understanding. Then huge oceans of Unknown Territories and majestic dominions are appearing for the Lord, Allah. Where are we? We understand nothing! People are not understanding and only asking to keep something through their mind-productions and that can never give anything! But the Lord of Heavens gave the Holy Qur'an for understanding; never-ending knowledge and understandings are in it. Who is that One who may teach you what you are asking to learn and understand? It is that real deputy of Allah (swt). Allah Almighty is One and His Absolute Deputy is only one; can't be more than one! Wa idh qaala rabbuka lil-mala`ikati innee ja` ilun fi 'l-ardi khaleefah. Behold, thy Lord said to the angels, "I will create a vicegerent on Earth." (2:30) . He is not saying khulafaa', "only one." Also, nakra, in Arabic, "endlessly." If you are going to give an understanding on that word without t`aarif, a definition, innee ja`ilun fi'l-ardi and not say khaleefah. These two words (khaleefah, khulafaa') are giving a description; giving endless deputies if putting alif, lam. If saying only khaleefah, it is signing (indicating) one for Himself, who had been ordered and prepared from pre- Eternal to Eternal to be khaleefah on behalf of the Creator. He and not anyone else is doing what is going to (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:37:52
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be done for Creation. And Allah Almighty is saying, kuntu kanzan makhfiyyan, ("I was a Hidden Treasure.) I am in My Divine Unknown-ness; no one can know My position." kanz makhfee, means a secret that no one can know. Therefore, one deputy is enough for the whole of Creation, Sayyidina Muhammad! (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Only one deputy in that level. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, SubhaanAllah, SubhaanAllah, Sultan Allah. And Shaytan was thinking to be that one. What is Shaytan's understanding? Through an endless ocean, it is a small spot! And he was thinking, "I can be that khaleefah." When he is looking that this has been granted, he is never understanding that Allah Almighty's khitaab, addressing, was from pre-Eternal to Eternal. It is not something that you are reading and learning and getting to that point. It is `ata' min Allah, a divinely grant from pre-Eternal to Eternal, without a beginning or end. Therefore, we must try to understand. O Salafi `ulamas! You must try to stop some no-mind people who are saying, "We are reaching every meaning through the Holy Qur'an and we not are in need of that one who was granted directly from the Divine Presence." You are understanding nothing! Therefore, you must try to correct your wrong claiming . Zu'm is something else, zu'm`aamaq (a deep ocean). If you are not knowing how to swim in it, you may sink down and never appear again. May Allah forgives us! Allah Allah, Allah Allah, SubhaanAllah. Don't say, "We are not in need of any one now, we can understand." You cannot understand! Allah Almighty is saying to his most beloved one, wa qul rabbee zidnee `ilma. It is kalaalmu 'l-qadeem, the Holy Qur'an is from pre-Eternal up to Eternal, and Allah Almighty is saying, "O My beloved one, say, 'Rabbee zidnee `ilma'." Is it for himself, Sayyidina Muhammad, or to grant to Allah Almighty's servants? Yes, there are some people (granted that); common creatures cannot carry. It is only for himself, but from that, he has been ordered to grant to his nation what they may need to understand their Lord's greatness and glory! (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:37:52
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O People! Think on it. May Allah forgives us. Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, SubhaanAllah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultaan Allah. Fatihah. (Mawlana Shaykh speaks with Shaykh Hisham on the phone.) Lefke, 07.02.2010
WebSufiLive (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:37:52
9313 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: UnderstandningAhsaniTaqweem
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : UnderstandningAhsaniTaqweem
Understanding Ahsani taqweem, Perfect Creation
(DerMenschIstDasBesteModell, Deutsch) As-salaamu `alaykum. Madad yaa RijaalAllah (Mawlana stands.) La ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa-Llah Sayyidina Muhammad habeebuhu wa rasooluh (saw). Madad yaa RijaalAllah. And we are giving our salute to our Grandshaykh (q), who is in charge for arranging everything on this world now. May Allah (sw) grant him much more glory and power and honor, which comes through the Seal of Prophets (pbuh). (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) As-salaamu `alaykum! O our listeners, take care for being or to be present in this association. Don't look who is speaking, but look at who is making that one to address to all people. If you are thinking that it is wrong, you must look to yourself; something wrong must be with you. Here there is a mirror. If you are looking it and (looks in mirror) if making like this (sour face) like this, like ape, if you are looking, "Alhamdulillah, O my Lord, You created me on best model. I am thankful to You that You have created me!" Ahsani taqweem, "best fashion" mashaa-Allah, if we were created our mouths from here up to here, our nose from here up to here, our eyes like that and looking like this. He may create in a ugly model also. But He is saying: We created man on the best of forms. (95:4) (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:37:53
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O Man! I created, on ahsani taqweem, no one can think better than your model. May say, "O Shaykh, you may say this, because people now are running too much. I am suggesting that the 21st century people are so running (busy), that two legs is not enough for them! Therefore, I am suggesting the Creator gives four legs to the people living in the 21st century!" How it can be, O Salafi `ulamas? What is your opinion of ahsani taqweem? Can you think of a better model than what the Lord of Heavens created for ourselves? Man has been granted some qualities that it is suitable just for them. Every organ of Man is the best model and most suitable everything in our bodies. What are you saying, O Salafi `ulamas? What do you think? Do you think that the Lord of Heavens created Man and giving beard to men to be handsome or to make them ugly? What is your opinion of that point? Hah, you are saying that is okay for men to have beards? What about for those people whom they are playing with their beards, shaving from here up to here and making such a strange model? O Salafi ulamas, you Salafi ulamas, they are playing, or they are keeping a model in front of them and saying to the barber, “You must take from here up to here." What is that foolishness and encouragement from you? To all people who are making `amar bi 'l-ma`roof, wa 'n-nahi `ani 'l-munkar, why you are not saying, "Leave it, it is haraam." At least you must remind them, because you have been chosen for reminding people when they are making something wrong, to correct it. "Command righteousness and prevent what is forbidden." All Saudi country people, very few ones they are keeping their original beard; they are playing and following fashion and there is no fashion in Islam! You are following Holy Qur’an? You are understanding when it says: laqad kaana lakum fee Rasoolullahi uswatan hasanaat Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) (33:21) And in Prophet is your good example." Why are you not reminding people? Allah (swt) is saying " I created Man with complete beard. Why are they playing with their beards? Do you think I created your model wrong way, and I am Ahsanul Khaliqeen, "the Best Creator"? Everything I am doing is just 100% perfect." Why you are not saying? You are not looking?" “Yes we are looking and saying, a little bit from here also and make like this. And our ladies are not happy (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:37:53
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because our moustache are like needles on their faces. Barber make like this, make very, very soft." We are speaking on the roots of Shari'ah and you are responsible! Allah (swt) make ahsani taqweem! Why you are playing with your beards? Leave those people that are playing with their beards and moustaches! They are regretting, saying, “Why our faces not made like ladies faces?” You are on lowest level, Allah (swt) created Man and He created Man as men! His creation is a special model for man and a special model for ladies. Ladies trying to be like men, and men trying to be like women. That is haraam, why not saying? You never looking to mirror? "I bought a mirror, but it is cheap." Doesn't matter, you may buy an expensive one. I heard that some rich ladies are making private rooms and their homes all around is covered with mirrors, because they are coming and looking like this, (Mawlana stands, preening) looking because how she is here or there, with so many mirrors making her big or small! So many people, and their man coming looking and saying, "What is this? Bringing such a mirrors making me like a bull or like a camel? Here, take this." "What you are saying? I am the commander here! Don't come in when I am here!" (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) No one, men or women, no one now going to be happy with their forms that their Former giving to them. "O Shaykh! You are not knowing that so many ladies making their noses to be like nose of falcon. We must make our noses a little bit to be like that because European ladies' noses are very beautiful. We must go to make that operation, plastic surgery. And if it is going to be more ugly, they may use a plastic nose, putting there, and it is so beautiful!" O People, I am not making theater here. I have been ordered to remind you what is Right Way and what is wrong. I am shouting because Salafi ulamas they are always attacking, “Why making dhikr, why making salawaat, why making tawbah,
why keeping tasbeeh?” Their importance is only that, nothing else that is important. And they are looking, seeing thousands and thousands of young men
and women fighting the Creator (asking), "Why did You create me like this? I am too short one.” (Points to someone.) Look, that one is like a camel.
O People! Don't fight. Don't fight against your Creator. Huwa, He is the Creator and creating everyone in a different model. You can't find two people to be
the same. Allah Allmighty is saying to His beloved one, wa dhakkir, remind, "O My beloved one, declare My heavenly order to My servants that they must
keep on the Right Way. What I am giving to them, they must be thankful, alhamdulillah. They are not created as a donkey, not created as cows, not (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:37:53
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created as a giraffe, not created like a fox, and not created like pigs." It is very important. Are you understanding? From where do we come here? We say,
a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. O our Lord, protect us not to harm Your creatures.
I am ashaming that whole creatures they are trying to change their lookings, their models and saying, "This model we don't like, we must be like this,"
and Allah Almighty is reminding people, wala yughayarunna khalqa Allah. Sometimes I am speaking Arabic from the Holy Qur'an:
fa layughayyiroon khalq Allah.
They will change Allah's Creation. (4:119)
Shaytan was swearing that, "Oh, I have been sent away. I am thrown away from Mankind, but I will try to do everything as I can do to take them away
from keeping the holy orders of their Lord." Heh? Why are you not saying this ayatul kareemah that Shaytan is swearing that, "I am running after them to
make them against every order that You are ordering to them.”
You created Man with beards, and through heavenly knowledge that reaching to holy ones just I heard that there is a level on heavens, a level there,
there is angels and they are in tasbeehaat, glorification, that is to say, "yusabihoollah illee zayana arrijal bi 'l-laha wa 'n-nisaa bi 'sh-sha`r," Allah Almighty
is giving Mankind, men and women, a beauty through their beards, and angels are so happy that Allah Almighty granted those deputies to be their
outlooking in perfection. yusabihoollah illee zayana arrijal bi 'l-laha wa 'n-nisaa bi 'sh-sha`r."
Man, if no beard, no mustache, how ugly their face will be. And women, if they have beards, how ugly they will be. But Allah Almighty is granting men,
and they are goodlooking, perfect appearance with their layha, with their beards. And angels saying tasbeeh on it, and another group of angels saying,
"Allah praising who decorates men with beards and women with hair.” Jiwarib, these long hairs. And angels making tasbeeh on that man. Allah Almighty
making men to look so handsome with their beard, and giving a beauty for women with their hairs. Why are you not reminding them? Allah will ask you.
Your importance is only for Jumu`ah salaat, saying, "Why are they making tasbeeh? Why are they making as-salaatu salaam after adhan? How are they
doing this and that?" I am reminding also that you must correct your ways. You must teach people what the Holy Prophet (s) was saying. The best model
through whole Creation just granted to Man and the most perfection is for men with their beards and for women with their hairs.
O People! May Allah forgive us, forgive us. The time is coming shorter and the Day of Resurrection is approaching. Today we are living, tomorrow or after (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:37:53
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tomorrow or after a year or after years we are leaving this life and going to the Divine Presence. Beware of Shaytan and beware of shaytanic ideas.
Now whole people are living, and men trying to look like women, and women trying to be or to look as a man. That is wrong. Man is man and woman is
woman. And their creation, their models are the best models that no one can suggest that if men now are so busy, they can't reach with two legs, must
reach with four legs. You will be like a donkey. What is that? But a no-mind person says, “I am suggesting to 21st century people that they are saying
their creation is not enough with two legs, they will have four legs. And they are asking to use two hands but it is not enough for them, must be at least
three hands. For example, three phone calls coming and they are making like this (holds up to ears). And two ears are not enough, must be three ears to
hear. I am suggesting." And another saying, "I think that one mouth is not enough because people are trying to eat too much, as much as possible, so I
am suggesting to 21st century people to have two mouths." And I am ashamed to say how much for other organs they are asking, some organs they like
to have forty.
Salafi 'ulama, am I wrong? If so, say I'm wrong. If true, say I'm true, and follow true ones. Say who is true ones in our day that you are following! Show
me a true one and I will follow that one. No, you can't say.
May Allah forgives us. So wrong things people fighting are with their Creator. No one is going to be happy with what their Lord just granted to them.
Always they are complaining but not thanking, and Allah Almighty never likes His servant to make a complaining. The Lord of Heavens asks that His
servants always be thankful, to give thanks to their Creator. If he is are given one piece of sugar he says, "Thank you, Shaykh." For Allah Almighty, if you
are going to add for thanks:
wa in ta`uddoo ni`matallah laa tuhsoohaa.
But if ye count the favours of Allah, never will ye be able to number them. (14:34)