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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (599/777)
good things, not for bad things, not for bad activities - that is prohibited. Just this morning I was thinking of discussing that madness Western people have for sports, they are saying sports. Only a handful of people are taking part and yet millions are watching them and saying, "we are making sport." What is that foolishness? It is no longer sports, it is going to be a trap for mankind from devils making them fall into it, making people against each other without any reason, making people disturbed and wasting people's energy, people's time, people's lives without any benefit, but harming them and becomming a big waste for mankind. Yet they are saying, we are doing sports. What is that sport? Eleven on one side, eleven on another side running after a ball and millions are becoming angry, becoming enemies, becoming mad, killing, not knowing what they are doing with such mindless action, mindless crowds, stopping being mankind. That is the trouble.

BookLadyChadijasQuestions, CategoryArt, CategoryHorse, CategoryArchitecture, (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:54

8288 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SportInIslam

CategoryAnimal, CategoryNature, CategoryViolence (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:54

8289 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpreadOfIslam

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SpreadOfIslam



Question - Western people describe Islam as violent and say that Islam was spread by the sword. ANSWER - They are blaming Muslims for carrying swords. We say yes, we carried swords. But what about Christians? The first Christians who belonged to Jesus Christ never carried swords. The Roman emperors, Ceasars, threw them to the lions and gladiators and killed them, because they had no order to carry swords. Were they true Christians or are the ones nowadays Christians? If they are the real Christians, who did not carry swords and surrendered to lions, etc. - why are the ones now using not swords, but nuclear bombs to kill billions? Which prophet, which beliefs of Christianity give them the authority to make such weapons? What is their excuse? Lambs in front of lions did not carry swords, like Jesus. What about nowadays? Do they believe in Jesus or in Shaitan? Their teacher is Shaitan, not Jesus - Jesus Christ denies them, refuses them, throws them away, those who make bombs and say we are Christians. They are liars, not Christians. They blame Islam for carrying swords - what is their authority for those weapons? It is not enough for them on earth that they go up to space to throw fire on people. What is their authority for that from their religion? (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:55

8290 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpreadOfIslam

They blame Islam. We are Muslims, we have been ordered to carry swords against devils, not to use swords on good people. Which good people did Islam kill? You may carry a sword only against devils. If you don't carry a weapon or sword in the jungle how can you defend yourself? No-one can refuse to allow a person to carry a sword in self-defence. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), for the thirteen years he was in Mecca, he and his followers didn't even carry a knife. They never touched the idol-worshippers who made every disturbance against the believers and the Prophet. For three years they boycotted the believers, threw them out of their homes and put them in the desert without food or water. The Muslims didn't take up arms against them after thirteen years. No sword. Then they wanted to murder the Prophet (pbuh) and he migrated to Medina and while he and his companions were there, the murderers pursued them. Should they be like lambs - kill me, come and kill me? What is it? What should they do? Still not take up swords? Let the idol-worshippers come and kill them? Are Christians asking to be like that? No. Christians are wrong if they think we can't defend our souls. It is a right for us. No-one can blame Islam. When they came from Mecca to Medina to kill Muslims, then Allah Almighty ordered: "Take sword and kill them, O Muhammad (pbuh)!" That is the reason. Every time Islam is becoming strong, Christian and Jewish people are beginning to fight them. After the idol-worshippers, then should the Muslims allow the Christians and Jews to come and kill them? No. We are not going to be lambs for Christians or Jews. That is the reason Islam took the sword and began to fight against devils and wrong ones from Christians and Jews. Up to this time and we shall continue. We are going to keep sword and Jesus, when he returns, will come with sword. They will see and I am waiting. Q - Very often in Europe the spread of Islam is attributed to the sword. Why do you believe Islam spread so rapidly so far, and so many disparate cultures were able to take up Islam? A - They think that now there are one billion Muslims and one billion others with swords standing on them saying "Keep Islam!"? What is that foolishness? What is that foolish question? What is that foolish belief from Christians? Yes, such foolishness. If Islam is only standing up with sword, it means for billion or more Muslims now living and on everyone one angel must be with sword, keeping them say "La illaha illallah or I am cutting your head". (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:55

8291 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpreadOfIslam

Today, such foolish beliefs for Christians. They have lost their mentalities when they are asking that question.

If that time happened, with sword, sword must be for destroying dogs.

BookLadyChadijasQuestions, CategoryChristianity, CategoryMuhammad, CategoryMecca, CategoryIslam, CategoryWeapon (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:55

8292 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpringNewLightNewLife

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SpringNewLightNewLife


Rabiu-l Awwal, spring – New light, New life!

Destur, ya Rijalallah, Meded. As-salamu alaikum! Ashadu an la ilaha, wahdahu la sharikallah, wa ashadu ana S.Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa habibuhu wa Rasuluh salawatullahi ta’ala alayhi wa sallim. A’udhu bi-llahi mina sh-shaitani rajim, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Destur, ya Rijalallah, Meded, Meded, Meded! Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. You are looking that trees (in) winter-time look like dry woods. Maybe three months or more. And when (the) spring (is) coming... What (is) coming through spring? You are looking and seeing anything? No. But trees they are knowing; they are waiting, they are expecting that Blessings from Heavens to earth. And that - we are thinking - trees just dried and finishing, because no leaves on it, no flowers on it, no fruits on it, but when (the) spring (is) coming... Which thing (is) coming through spring? We are seeing nothing, but those trees and flowers and plants they know: That is something from Heavens, reaching to earth, to give earth its ‘zina’, its ornaments. Coming (and we are) looking: They are awakening or they are coming to a new life, a new birth-day for them. And they are looking up to Heavens. Looking. They are understanding that (there is) coming to them a new life, a new dressing, a new pleasure, a new lights. They are understanding and they are showing what (is) coming (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:34:56

8293 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpringNewLightNewLife

from Heavens. As much as you can put water under that trees, (they are) giving nothing; (but) they are looking and waiting (for the) heavenly Breathing, a breath from Heavens. That heavenly Breathing (is) giving light, giving life for them. O people, don’t think that I am knowing something - I am knowing nothing! But when heavenly Blessing (is) coming to (the) Sea l of Prophets, then (it is) running to the hearts of his followers, Awliya, Saints. Then they are looking and sending (that) heavenly Breathing and Blessings through open hearts and they (people) are getting a new life through their hearts. And those people they are (those), whom their hearts (are) never dying, when peoples’ hearts (are) dying and getting to be dust, earth. Now we are trying to keep the holy Way of the holy Prophet or (the) holiest one, or (the) most glorious one or (the) more honoured one and (the) most beloved one in (the) divinely Presence. What that one - who (is the one that it was) created everything for his Honour by the Creator, the Lord of Heavens and Universe – (is) sending that heavenly Breathings through the hearts of those people – whom their hearts (are) always occupied by their Lords Dhikr. Their hearts (are) always asking to be with their Creator Allah Almighty (and then the heavenly Breathing is) coming and (it is) granted to such hearts to give (them) life, new life. (This is) for those people, whom they are asking (for) and believing (in) Heavens and asking to reach Heavens and asking to be in (the) divinely Presence, on Heavens. That blessings, it is only for those people! Now we are looking and seeing that (the) whole (of) mankind living on earth through - as their calendar (is saying) – (the) 21st century – but Allah knows the beginning of mankind’s life on earth – (is like dry). Now, they are saying, (it is the) 21st century through their calendars and we are reaching today through our Islamic calendar - that (it is) based on a reality - that (it) is (a) new month, Rabiu-l Awwal, (the) first, spring. That when (the) whole (of) Dunya, (the) whole world, they were dried and they were like dead ones, then Allah Almighty, His Will, (was) sending His last Deputy, Representative, Allah’s Representative S.Muhammad sws, to (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:34:56

8294 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpringNewLightNewLife

reach (the) last period of mankind’s life on earth. To reach to them with his divinely Breathings, to give to them a new life, to grant to them from their Creator, from the Lord of Heavens, a heavenly Breathing that that heavenly Breathing (is) giving mankind a new life. As through spring time (there is) coming from Heavens what it is necessary for nature, just Allah Almighty (was) sending His last Messenger S.Muhammad sws – Huuu! – to give a new life to His servants, that they are reaching (the) last period of their life period on earth, to be prepared for reaching (the) divinely Presence, the Day of Resurrection. Just he (S.Muhammad sws) had been sent and he did his best for mankind and he gave to everyone; giving to every level of people what they are in need, to make them to be prepared to reach the Day of Resurrection through their Lords divinely Presence. That was his mission! We are not saying as (the) Christian world (is) saying that Jesus Christ (was) coming and giving his holy Soul to be a sacrifice for man, no, it was not his mission! His mission, Jesus Christ’s mission, was only to give good tidings for (the) coming Prophet who was or who is the most glorious, most beloved, most honoured one in his Lords divinely Presence. Jesus Christ’s mission was to give that good tidings! And the Seal of Prophets’ mission, that (he) is S.Muhmmad sws – Destur, ya Sayyidi! (here Maulana is standing up) – (was) to prepare (the) whole (of) mankind (and) to dress them heavenly Dressings for reaching their Lords divinely Presence. That is ‘Muntaha’ - the top point of missions. Through whole Prophets, (the) top mission was (the) mission of the Seal Prophets - (the) most glorious one, (the) most honoured (one), (the) most beloved one in (the) divinely Presence, which (the) whole creation was created for his honour! What was his honour? We are saying ‘(the) most honoured (one)’. With which thing he had been honoured? (He is the most honoured), because his honour, the Seal of Prophets S.Muhammad’s honour, (is) directly coming from his Lord, the Lord of Heavens, the Lord of Universes, the Lord of... from pre-eternal up to eternal. Allah Almighty’s honour, that was his honour! No anyone else reached that honour, except him. And (it was) just granted to other Prophets also from that mission, from the divinely Lights; through that ones glorious teachings, reaching to whole Prophets. And now we reached for that most glorious ones birth-month, birthday, birth month (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:34:56

8295 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpringNewLightNewLife

Rabiu-l Awwal. And (it is) just going to be now 15 centuries, 15 centuries and that one who (was) born through unknown deserts, unknown areas, he was born as an orphan from his father’s side and mother’s side. (It happened in an) unknown peoples’ country or city or tribe. So (many) thousands of Kings, Emperors, just passed away – and they were so proud ones, they did so many things; but now their names (are) remaining on (the) unknown table of mankind’s Kings and Emperors. But that one, the Seal of Prophets, that through unknown deserts (he was) born... And that one (also), if he hasn’t (been) donated or (been) supported through Heavens, he was going to be such (as those) other people - dying, passing away, (and) no one (was) knowing about him. But what happened? Now 15 centuries just passed from that glorious one’s birthday. What do you think - he is living or (an) unknown person? He is living! He is not (an) unknown person, he is (a) well- known one through East and West, from North to South. ‘Ghamen’, in spite of whole nations his flag (is) up and his name (is on the) top point through Heavens and his holy name (is) well- known through East and West. But - some people (are) accepting and glorifying him, obeying him and following his heavenly divinely Laws, and a second party, group of nations, they are knowing, but they are so jealous ones. They may be jealous, they may die on their jealousy, but the honour of the Seal of Prophets (will) always (be) shining like (a) sun on skies! Be proud, o Muslims! Don’t think that technology (is) giving honour to people, no, but heavenly Blessings (is) giving to you honour! You must know (this)! Who (is) accepting heavenly Blessings, (is) going (to be), they are, to be accepted and honoured servants in (the) divinely Presence. And others that they are not accepting (him), they are following the way of Sadanas, Shaitan. Shaitan (is) never giving man honour, but he is trying to make mankind like himself, Shaitan. And now mostly people they are getting so proud to be with Shaitan. They left (the) right way of that most beloved and glorified ones way, who was calling people to Heavens, to their Lords divinely Presence. But Shaitan (is) trying to make mankind like itself, to be Shaitans. And now you look; everywhere, 24 hours, TVs (are) showing people (and) that people (are) just becoming each one like one Shaitan. And when mankind (is) accepting to be Shaitan, (there is) no peace here or no peace after death. O people, o people, be thankful to Allah (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:34:56

8296 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpringNewLightNewLife

Almighty and beware, (not) to be Shaitans. Because mostly, 99 % (of the) people, they are now Shaitans, Sadanas, never following the Seal of Prophets. Therefore Allah Almighty, the Creator, (is) leaving them to kill each other, to destroy each other, not to live in peace here or Hereafter. May Allah forgive us! O people, ask forgiveness! Ask forgiveness, that we are trying to follow (the) technology period and technology (is) making people to be Shaitans. May Allah forgive us and send us from His divinely Presence (him,) that he was promised to believers, (to) the Seal of Prophets nation, (as it is said that:) “At the end of the world they should be among oppressors, tyrants, and they are making people each one to be one Shaitan.” O people, beware (not) to be Shaitan! If you are not taking care, you should be unhappy here and after death (in a) much more difficult, difficult punishments that (it is) Hells. May Allah forgive us! O people, keep the honour of the Seal of Prophets and to keep his honour is to follow his blessed Way. O Allah, Subhanak, Subhanak, Subhanak! Irham ‘ibadaka duafa, ya Rabbana... khudh bi aydina, ya Rabbana! Send us someone that You promised to take our hand to (guide us toward) You, to Your divine Presence, (to be) clean ones, clean ones and (with) peaceful faces and hearts, to say the Lord of the creation: “O My servant!” Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah! Nahna abiduka. Bi jahi nabiyika-l karim, ya rabb, adkhilna fi rahmatika ma’a ‘ibadika salihin wa la takilna ila anfusina wa la iyaidni (?) li shayatin. Ya Rabb, irham dhullana, irham adafana (?), irhamna, irhamna wa tub alayna, wa-hdina wa-sqina, wa-slih shanana wa shana-l muslimin, fansurna ‘ala-l kaumi-l dhalimin, wansur sultanana, sultana-l muslimin, sultana-l insi wa-l jinn S. Mehdi a.s., bi jahi man arasalta alayhi Surata-l Fatiha. (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:34:56

8297 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpringNewLightNewLife

Lefke, 27.2.2009

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryJumaSohbat, CategoryMuhammad, CategoryOppression (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:34:56

8298 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpringOfIslamIsComing

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SpringOfIslamIsComing


The spring of Islam is coming - be defenders of Truth!

Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ´Aliyu-l ´Adhim. Meded ya Sultanu-l Awliya! This is (the) last Sunday of (the) passing Hijri Calender. Just 1428 years (are) going to pass and we hope that it should be Tuesday (the) last day. Wednesday should be for new Hijri calendars first day for (the) holy month Muharram, beginning. May Allah forgive us! Allah Almighty (is) asking His servants to (do) servanthood to Him Almighty, but now people that they are living on earth, maybe 6 billion people, even through 6 billion people, if we can find 60 million that they are trying to be servants for the Lord of Heavens, for our Creator, we should be happy! But, including me also, we are not trying to be a good servant for our Lord. Everyone now (is) trying to be servants of Shaitan! And Shaitan is our most terrible and dangerous enemy, but people (are) saying: “No, no, perhaps that is our first, (our) best friend, we will be with him! What he is calling us (to do), we are finding a (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:34:58

8299 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpringOfIslamIsComing

refreshment, we are finding a pleasure, therefore we are trying to follow him!” Turks (are) in such a way, Arabs (are) in such a way, Pakistan (is) in such a way, Iran (is) in such a way, Iraq (is) in such a way, Syria (is) in such a way, Egypt (is) in such a way- (the) whole Islamic World, they are saying: “We must follow (the) shaitanic way and we must try to be best follower for Shaitan!” They are not saying ‘Shaitan’, (but:) “Our king, our most important leader...” Every leader that (is) leading people now through (the) 21st century, all leaders (are) just graduated by Shaitan. They should be unhappy, that I am saying this... Yes, it is true! Lanata-llah li kadhibin! Allah (is) cursing, who (is) lying- we are not lying! Insha Allah I am not cheating you, I am not calling you to a dark way, I am only asking every time: “O our Lord, keep ourselves on Your enlightened Way!” Enlightened. (There is) two ways: (The) enlightened ways to Paradise, (and the) dark way, leading people to Hells. And up today that problems (are) climbing, climbing... But I am looking that they reached the limits of this period! This period that it is mentioned through our... there is a limit for every period. This is the period of tyrants, that (is) just mentioned through (the) Holy Quran and through the sayings, Hadith of Rasulullah sws. (The) Prophet was saying sws: “I am walking on a way, I am looking what is in front of me, to where (is) reaching my way, and also I am leading or I am guiding my followers on an enlightened way, leading you to Paradise.” And anyone that (is) following the Seal of Prophets, they are on (an) enlightened way here, leading them to Paradise. Who is coming opposite... Everywhere there is elections: elections in Kenya, elections in Argentina, elections in Pakistan, elections in Turkey... Eh, Somalia, internal wars... everywhere (there are) some people on power, some people oppositions. That is a scenario, (a) shaitanic scenario, making people (to say): “You are on power, we (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:34:58

8300 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpringOfIslamIsComing

are oppositions! Today they are in power, but we must not be silent, when they are in power, we must run on streets, saying: ‘Oh, you are wrong people, you must come down, we must come on power!” When they are coming on power, these people whom coming now to be opposition, coming now and they are beginning: “Eh, you are all wrong...!” To fire! Allah (is) cursing you! Ha sha! Therefore (there is) no rest for people. When coming oppositions (in power), power people before (are) getting against them, coming on streets... (streets are) never going to be empty! That is the time of tyrants, because they are never listening (to) heavenly Orders, they are never taking care for the Commands of the Lord of Heavens! When there were Sultans or Kings or Emperors, (there was) no opposition, but the beasts, violent animals, they were in Bastille Castle. When that (was) opening, coming opposition. Up today their descendants (are) never ending! But the Lord of Heavens just put a limit for them also, not to be forever (that) they are going on that way, no! And we hope that the beginning of this new calendar, Hijri calendar, (is) going to be (their) last limit and (that) they can’t put one more step on their way! Now they are going to come ‘kahgari’... coming, coming, coming down... You may imagine a circle. (These) people, they reach that point and good people they are (on) the last point of this situation, under the dirty feet of those tyrants. But this (wheel is) always turning, not like (a line) going (straight), (but) like this... Some of them (it is) taking up, some of them (are coming) from up to down. Now they reached (the) top point. You know, I don’t know, sometimes... you are drivers, all of you (are) driving cars... There is an (instrument), showing how is your speed, metro, coming... If it is 100 kms, as much as you (press the pedal), but putting this, can’t be 100 101. 200 is 200, no more. Now their period (is) never going to be more, but they are making this (pushing the pedal), uhhh, trying to make (it) more! (There is) (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:34:58

8301 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpringOfIslamIsComing

no more! The top point (has) just moved now. They are down and we (are) beginning to get up, they are beginning to get down. And this circle, can’t be changed its way, no this! Therefore we are, I hope that this new calendar, (the) Islamic calendar, 1429, (is) going to be (the) beginning of tyrants finishing, (that they are) beginning to come down, their power (is) going to be less, less, less, less and our power (is) beginning to get up! (The power of the) true ones! Therefore my advice to you (is) to be Truth defenders! What is true, you must ask! Truth (is) coming from Heavens, Shaitan (is) on earth, shaitanic rules for tyrants. Don’t be defenders of shaitanic ways or regimes! Try to be defenders of Heavens, heavenly Truth! If you are doing (that), you should be in safety here and Hereafter. If you are not doing that, then their final station should be through Hells. May Allah forgive us! People, now it is winter time. Whole trees they are leaving their leaves (and they are) sleeping, sleeping till spring-time. Spring-time (the) holy Command (is) coming to nature: “Wake up! Just winter passed away, wake up!” and this water by its Lords Command (is) beginning to move through (the) trees that you are saying: “These trees, they are now just dried.” They are thinking that (the trees are) dry and they are intending to cut them, but that time the holy Command (is) coming from Heavens to nature: “Walk through the veins of trees by your Lords Command!” And (it is) beginning, and (it is) beginning to be seen buds. (Those) people (are) saying: “You must not leave this; we must take that buds away!” (It) can’t be! (The) holy Command just arrived, they are awakening, no one can make them once again to sleep! Now (we are) in that days! I hope that (the) beginning of (the) Islamic calendar, Hijra calendar, (there is) going to be coming (that) Command from Heavens to nature: “Wake up! By your Lords command, wake up!” And that (what) people (were) thinking (has) died, (is) beginning to awaken! (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:34:58

8302 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpringOfIslamIsComing

Ma sha Allah! (It) should be in such a way that people they are thinking they are living in Paradise. That is a short time, but it should be on earth (the) appearance of Paradise that Dajjal, Antichrist, and his group should be taken away, (and there) should remain only believers. Whom they are sincere believers, they should remain and (the) majority should be taken away. Keep yourself! I am nothing, but, as our holy Prophet and heavenly Orders (are) saying to make people to wake up, that is an ‘intibah’, (a) warning, (a) warning to stand up. That means: don’t lie on railway, because (the) train (is) coming and who (it is) finding on its way, (it is) cutting! Wake up! (But people are) saying: “No, nothing, we are rest here....” (And the train is coming:) Uhhhhh.... Time is over! May Allah forgive us! And- use your minds and think on your position! Think: “What I am doing?” Think: “For whom I am working? For my Lord, His Pleasure, or I am working to make Shaitan pleased with me?” Look! Keep that balance, you should be safe, if not, you are going to finish. May be, a handful people may remain, doesn’t matter. Allah Almighty (was) sending (a) flood at the time of Noah- a.s. and on our most precious Prophet sws. That time Allah (was) sending (a) flood and taking only one handful people, they are not reaching, their numbers, to 1oo, they only landed in (the) Arch. From that, look, billions of people (are) coming from that people. Therefore now Allah Almighty (is) sending not (a) flood of water, but sending fire! Every nation (is) preparing more power, more fire, to destroy inside and outside. No mercy through their hearts, finished! No justice, no mercy! They are going to finish! Finishing, then Allah Almighty (is) sending new ones, new ones! In a handful years you should find this world full with believers, whom they are saying: La ilaha ill-Allah... (Sheikh is making a