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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (507/777)
Marhaban Ya Shah-e Mardan. Marhaba. How beautiful. As-Salam alaikum O beloved friends of the Prophet (sas), O true friends of Shah-e Mardan. Shah-e Mardan! The lion who makes the creation tremble! Al-HamduliLlah. As-Salam alaikum ayyuhal hadirun, the attending beloved friends. The beloved ones are those who throw the love of dunya from their hearts and who are filled and overflowing with the love of Allah's Prophet and who are on his way, they are who are loved and beloved. SalamuLlahu alaikum. Salam be upon you, Salam from our Lord be upon you. They are the ones who will be given Salam at the door of Paradise: "Salamun Qawlaan Mir Rabbir Rahimin". Allah! Angels welcome them at the doors of Paradise: "Salamun `Alaykum Bima Sabartum Fani`ma `Uqba d-Dari" (24:13). Come on in, the happy ones. Shukur Allah, O happy ones. The happy ones who keep the way of Shah-e Mardan, who carry his sword, who carry his love. Marhaban. Marhaban. Salam be upon you at the doors of Paradise: "Salamun `Alaykum Bima Sabartum". Who don't consider the trash of dunya, who don't take any care for the filth of dunya, who don't pay attention to the coercion of their egos, who keep the Haqq and who keep their feet firm on the way of Haqq. "Lahum Qadama Sidqin" (10:2). Who will be accepted in My Presence are "Lahum Qadama Sidqin". Masha Allah! How beautiful, "who have sure steps". Who have twisted steps will go where shaytan goes, along with shaytan. But who will come to My Door, says Allah Almighty, "lahum qadamu sidqin": The steps they take are the "qadamu sidqin", the steps of righteousness. They have true steps, not twisted. Masha Allah. "Fani`ma `Uqba d-Dari". Angels will welcome them and invite them into the Paradises. Masha Allah. As-Salam alaikum O true friends, O beloved ones. O who love the ones Allah loves. What we (1 von 16)04.07.2013 23:30:43

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can manage is only this. We can't go higher than this. We are weak people who want to be in the way of those whose steps are on Allah's Way. We want to walk in the footsteps of the lions who walk in the way of Allah. We should not go after the jackals who look for carcass. A holy one said "People are of two kinds: lions and jackals". Lions go hunting and hunt a clean animal. They don't eat leftovers because they are honourable. They don't eat anyone's leftover. This is the attribute of lions. And the lion of Allah is Sayyidina Ali, he is Shah-e Mardan. Did he ever run after dunya? Why should he? A lion is not a jackal. A jackal's job is different, a lion's job is different. The lion is the king of the jungle. When it roars, all creatures in the jungle cower in fear from its roaring because it is the lion. It doesn't joke. As-Salam alaikum O beloved friends. O who love Shah-e Mardan, who love his way, Salam be upon you. We are also starting our day: AlhamduliLlahi lladhi ahyana ba`da ma amatana wa ilayhi n-nushur. Sleep is like half death. Many people sleep but can't get up. Shukur our Lord Who made us get up again. We performed ablution. We made sajda for our Lord, we made shukur. We glorified Him. Through whose way? Through the way of Shah-e Mardan. O lion of Allah! Shah-e Mardan Hz Ali ibn AbiTalib. Masha Allah. When Shah-e Mardan roars, the whole world shakes as in an earthquake. Masha Allah we have reached our new day. Allah Almighty made us get up. The assembly of the beloved ones must be like the assembly of Shah-e Mardan. Shah-e Mardan, he is a lion. Seek his assembly! Seek the ones who represent him. Don't seek jackals, don't seek hyenas. Seek the lion so that you walk behind the lion. Sayyidina Ali (ra) is the Shah-e Mardan. May his honour come down upon us and we find honour.Let us say every morning: "Marhaba O Shah-e Mardan, marhaba. Ya Shah-e Mardan! We love you! We love your way. Although there are many who take wrong steps but you are forgiving, you forgive them". Those who are honoured in an assembly are the zawat, noble ones. "O Shaykh Effendi, what is zawat?" Zawat is what is not trash. Trash is different and noble ones are different. The people of this time are all like trash. There are no noble ones but all turned into trash. Why? Because they run after jackals, hyenas. Why should you run after them? Whose servant are you? There is no one who is not the servant of Rabbu-l 'Izza but the way of Shah-e Mardan is the way of brave ones, it is the way of men. It is the way of lions. Who keep this way are the honourable ones. These people don't know; they don't know where the honour is. The seat they sit on will collapse on their heads one (2 von 16)04.07.2013 23:30:43

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day, they don't know. The sultanate belongs to Shah-e Mardan, belongs to who goes in the way of Shah-e Mardan. Seek them, be with them. Be with lions. Don't be with jackals. Don't be with jackals, don't be with dogs either. Dogs eat what they can and then turn their back to urinate on it. Then other animals come and eat, finish it without paying attention to its urine. The honour belongs to the lion. Al-mar'u ma'a man ahabba. A person is with the one, with the people he loves. Who loves the lion, who follow the lion sit at the table of the Sultan. He will be at the honorable table, in the palace of the lion. Other jackals eat carcass. Who go after them are carcass eaters. What is the carcass? Ad-dunya jeefah, dunya is a carcass. What is the value of who fight running after dunya? Carcass. Wlo loves carcass is carcass also. Who loves shaytan is shaytan. Who loves Shah-e Mardan is from him. Ya Rabbi, may we live with the love of Shah-e Mardan. We can't go further than this. O beloved ones. O beloved friends, marhaban. Marhaban, how beautiful. How beautiful, how happy is this assembly of the beloved ones. How happy and joyful are their hearts. They say "We are so relieved. There is no heaviness left on us". May there be no heaviness on us, may our bodies be in health and safety and we run after the Order of our Lord. And we keep the way of Sultan. Keep the way of Shah-e Mardan and don't fear! Shah-e Mardan is in the Islamic World. Shah-e qaldan is in Europe. Shah-e Mardan is among the Muslims, in the Muslim World. Shahe qaldan. They are not mardan, they are who you can't know if one is a man or woman! May Allah protect us. Who go to their table will be with them; may be burned, destroyed with them. O beloved ones, O beloved friends. Seek the assembly of the lion, seek the assembly of Shah-e Mardan. Find it, go to it so that you may be written with them. We are their people. Whose people, citizens are they? "Well, some are the citizens of UK, citizens of the US, citizens of Turkish Republic, citizens of Iran"...These are of no value. Are you from the people of Shah-e Mardan; Hz Ali, KarramaLlahu wajhah? Do you have an identity card from him? If you have, say! If not, you are also among the jackals. You are of no use. You only fill the streets. You shout and scream, because you don't know what you want. Allah Almighty says "Wa Kunu Ma`a s-Sadiqina" (9:119). Allah Almighty says "Be with the ones who are on the way of Shah-e Mardan". And where are you? You don't know Arabic or Persian! This is the order of Allah Almighty: Allahu Dhul Jalal says "Be with the lions". Did He (swt) say (3 von 16)04.07.2013 23:30:43

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"Be with jackals"? "Wa Kunu Ma`a s-Sadiqina". Who is "sadiqin"? Who are the true ones? Who are with Shah-e Mardan. Don't run to the streets and dance men and women mixed one more time saying "it is nawrouz celebration"! If some rocks rain on your head, we don't interfere. If it snows on you, we don't interfere. If there are hurricanes, we don't interfere. If wolves appear around you, we don't interfere. Be with Shah-e Mardan. Shah-e Mardan never danced with women in the streets, doing dabke. He flew on his horse from East to West like the wind. Shah-e Mardan! Hz Ali, Ibn 'Amm Hz Rasul (sas). May our Salam be upon them. Give them Salam every morning when you wake up. They call themselves "Alawi", they call themselves "Irani". Do you say like this when you wake up in the morning: "As-Salam Alaika O Shah-e Mardan. May you accept us and we keep your way. May you send us the ones who will show us the way. There is Mahdi who comes from your line. He is a lion. He is a lion". He is a lion like his ancestor. He also is Shah-e Mardan, Mahdi (as) who will come. He will clean the liars, he will clean the ones who corrupt the religion and who spend time with dancing, playing.He will come with Dhulfiqqar in his hand. Dhulfiqqar...O Shah-e Mardan, O Shah-e Mardan. Dakhilak, we seek refuge with you. We are waiting for Hz Mahdi who is coming from your pure line and who will overcome them, who will destroy the sultanate of shaytan. There is no hope from the others. All of them are tyrants. They don't know what they are doing, they are not aware of their actions. They are in a drunk state of their egoes. Keep the Way of Allah! Don't shave your beard and moustache! Don't wear trousers and jacket. Don't walk without a staff, without having a dagger in your belt. Don't carry guns. Don't carry guns. Carrying guns is not suitable for the brave men. They can make a man fall down along with his gun when they point at him. Allahu Akbarul Akbar. Allahu Akbarul Akbar. Allahu Akbarul Akbar. Ahlan wa Sahlan. Marhaban O beloved friends of Shah-e Mardan! We want such a nation that they will be on the way of Shah-e Mardan. We don't want empty claims, empty talks. I don't know, I am afraid that the parliament they sit in will collapse on those who make empty claims. Or I am afraid that its doors will get locked from outside and a fire will take place in it. I am saying this to those who are the "parliament people". One day, because you carry what Allah doesn't love over your heads (the portrait), because you don't have the signs of Allah's Ism Al-Jalil, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, written. If a horrible affliction comes on your heads one day in the parliament you sit in, the blame is yours. Take down that portrait and put (4 von 16)04.07.2013 23:30:43

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Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim is the heavenly protection for you, wear it around your neck. Put it on your door, in your car so that angels don't let an affliction come to the place where there is the Bismillah. They cover it, protect it or it will burn. A fire took place in Ankara, burning 700 shops. Who started that fire? Did one of these shops have the Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim sign? No. They don't have? Allah (jwa) will remove the ones without the Bismillah! When Shah-e Mardan swings his Dhulfiqqar at the ones who are arrogant and claim to be great, at least 100 heads will fly over it! Put down the statues, put down the portraits. Put the Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim so that you may be protected. If not they will go and never come back, especially the women. They will disappear. They will not be able to find the way to their homes. They will not be able to recognize their homes. It will come to this. We seek refuge in Allah. O Egyptians! Don't go out! O Egyptian ladies, you understand the Holy Quran. What did Allah Almighty say to you? "Wa Qarna Fi Buyutikunna" (33:33). You go against it! You will get beaten, there is no end to the beatings you will get. The Nile will overflow because of its anger and Egypt will be flooded. What you see now is nothing compared to it. Let your scholars tell you. This is all in the books of the old scholars. All awliyas know that Egypt will be flooded and left under water. There are signs on the minarets of Egypt showing how high the water will rise. It will sweep. And when the water recedes, the crocodiles will eat what is remaining. They should leave these empty claims. They should be grateful, thankful for their situation and women should not go out in the streets. Who stay in their homes are under protection. For who go out, there is no turning back! That day is approaching. I don't know, it is in these days but is it one week later, one month later, or until Rajab? I don't know. They have the ones who know. Fortunately Sayyidina Hussein who is the son of Shah-e Mardan is there and he is preventing it. He is preventing it. But there are evil ones who even try to ban his maqam. Crocodiles will eat them. Crocodiles will eat them. Crocodiles will eat who are enemies to awliyas. They should take heed. Crocodiles will appear inside the homes all so suddenly. Don't wait for them to come out of water, crocodiles will be found inside the homes and eat them. They should fear the crocodiles! They should not only expect crocodiles to be in the river Nile, they will appear in the houses. They will tear the ones who are enemies to awliyas, enemies to Ahl Al-Bait, into pieces and eat them in their homes. The water will drown them and also the crocodiles will eat them. O people (5 von 16)04.07.2013 23:30:43

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of Egypt! Don't run in the streets, go to mosques and beg. Go to the maqam of Sayyidina Hussein and beg. If you are arrogant, claiming "we are this, we are that" crocodiles will appear in your homes and eat you, will tear you to pieces! This is also an instruction given to us today, it is from Shah-e Mardan. If you don't take heed, go on! A crocodile appears in the room while they are sitting on their seats, catches their legs and eats them up. Don't say "I am Ikhwan, I am this, I am that". Don't say "I came here with the votes". O scholars of Egypt! If you say I am lying, then may these crocodiles eat you also. If you don't declare this, waters drown you and crocodiles eat you up; you and your people also. Egypt is in danger. Aman Ya Rabbi, tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Astaghfirullah. Marhaban O beloved ones. O who keep the way of those their Lord loves. You have a mission. And O who dance doing dabke! Wolves will eat you. Wolves come down from the mountains and eat you up. You have no place to run. O who say "We are Alawi, we are this, we are that". Wolves will appear from the mountains and eat you because you have no salah, no worship. You have no respect for Allah and His Prophet. Your claim is only "You, or me". If that parliament collapses on you, neither your prime minister nor your bottom minister can be saved. We are only to warn: Remove the portrait and put the Bismillah! Don't say laws, etc...If you have your law, then the Heavens also have a law. The building collapses on you where you sit and a fire starts from another side and burns all of you alive. We are only warning. I don't know anything. O Shah-e Mardan! May you make us from those who are on your way. We love you more than ourselves, O Shah-e Mardan, Ali ibn Abi Talib. Masha Allah. Masha Allah. I am also informing about this because Rajab is coming and Rajab is Rajabun Ajaibun. Your scholars should tell you. If not, a crocodile appears in the room where they sit and swallows them. I am warning them: wherever they are, it is coming on them. The shouting, protesting of a few people has no importance. It will finish thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands. The Nile is coming on them. A water is coming to Egypt. They should stop playing, dancing. They should return to Allah. They should look to the pure Shari'at of the Prophet (sas). They should not say "We will make up dustur". Crocodiles eat them up in their homes. Before he finds a chance to do anything, they will catch him from his legs and swallow him; the head one who sits on the seat. These are a few words inspired to our heart. This is an address for the Turks as well as for the (6 von 16)04.07.2013 23:30:43

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Iranians and who call themselves Alawis. Dragons that will swallow all of them will appear. Beware! Their thing is not with any weapons. Once they swallow you you find yourselves in their belly. O beloved friends! O believers who are the beloved ones of Shah-e Mardan. Dress like him. Go to the ways of worship like he did. Fill your mosques. Make tawba and repent or your situation will be very difficult. I don't know how many people will remain in Egypt, in Iran, in Turkey and in Saudi Arabia. I heard that they are fighting. In the Sultanate of Saudi Arabia ladies are insisting to have driver licenses. Is that so? That means, if this idea is put in your heads, it is the work of shaytan. Allah says to you "Wa Qarna Fi Buyutikunna". And you say "We don't accept, we will drive, we will go wherever we want to and do whatever we want to do". Ok. Ok. Ok... When you drive in the desert, some people will appear and finish the female drivers. Therefore I am warning them and I request from the King who is the ruler of Hijaz, to not give them this permission. If he does, first his own relatives will die from an accident. No one will be able to save them. Don't give this permission to women. Allah said for women "Stay in your houses". These ones want to get the permission to drive around. No! Shari'at doesn't allow this. If they still don't listen, they will suffer. Beasts will appear from the desert. They will make the cars upside down with one hit. Don't say our roads are paved. Don't say "we will drive around". Stay in your homes. They want to break the Order of Allah. They say "Give us license to drive". Allah tells you to stay in your homes and you force the King "give us license" If he gives permission, you will suffer. No one can save you. May Allah forgive us. O our Lord, tawba. May You send us a Sultan from the children of Shah-e Mardan. Send us the Sultan who will stop this wildness, who will declare the pure Shari'at of the Prophet (sas). Send us the Sahibu-l Waqt. "After the kings, there will be tyrants" Who come after the kings are considered tyrants. They will be removed. "Then, a man from the Family of my House will come and fill the earth with justice just as it had been filled with transgression". I don't know anything. These are a few words that are inspired by our Sultan Shah-e Mardan. Who listens will be saved. Who don't listen... We have warned: they should not drive, His Majesty King of Hijaz should not give permission for it. Otherwise if an accident happens to the car he is in, then the blame will be on His Majesty the King. We are only to warn. Who wants to listen may listen. Who doesn't listen is not paying me a monthly salary anyways. What I eat is only a (7 von 16)04.07.2013 23:30:43

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bowl of soup. I don't have anything left to me of the pleasures of dunya. People still run after the pleasures of dunya. They want to be satisfied but they can't be. You can't ever be satisfied by eating carcass. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa LilLahi-l Hamd. O Shah-e Mardan, draw your sword Dhulfiqqar and appear! This is what we want. Aman Ya Rabbi, You know. There are holy ones who make us speak. They keep quiet and put us in the middle. They say for me "He can shout, he can curse, the pen is lifted off him anyways". What can we do? We said what we should. Who accepts will be saved. Who don't accept will be lost and disappear either in an earthquake or in a flood or in a hurricane. Many of them will disappear like this. Think on this O Egyptians! Think on this O people of Hijaz! Think on it O people of the Emirates! Don't give permission for the ladies. Ladies should remain in their homes. If you allow them outside, you will be responsible for the calamities that will come and later you will regret and cry saying "I wish I hadn't given permission". Don't give permission O King of Hijaz! Don't give permission for ladies to drive. Then you will cry also. Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Astaghfirullah. May You send on us the Sultan who will make us repent O Allah. May You send us the Master, may You send us Mahdi O Allah. Bi hurmat al Habib, bi hurmat al-Fatiha. Qadamu Sidqun

Marhaban ya Shah-e Mardan. Marhaba. Wie schön! As-Salamu `alaykum, geliebte Freunde des Propheten (saws), wahre Freunde von Shah-e Mardan. Shah-e Mardan, der Löwe, der die Schöpfung erschüttert! Al-Hamdulillah. As-Salamu `alaykum Ayyuha l-Hadirun, die anwesenden geliebten Freunde. Die Geliebten sind jene, die die Liebe der Dunya aus ihrem Herzen werfen und erfüllt sind von und überfließen mit der Liebe von Allahs Propheten und derer, die auf seinem Weg sind. Sie sind die, die geliebt werden. SalamuLlahu `alaykum. Salam sei auf euch, Salam von euerem Herrn sei auf euch. Sie sind jene, denen Salam gegeben wird an der Tür des Paradieses: "Salamun Qawlaan mir Rabbir Rahim". Allah! Die Engel heißen sie willkommen an den Toren des Paradieses: "Salamun `alaykum bima Sabartum Fani`ma `Uqba d- (8 von 16)04.07.2013 23:30:43

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Dari" (24:13). Kommt herein, ihr Glücklichen. Shukur Allah, ihr Glücklichen. Die Glücklichen, die den Weg Shah-e Mardans einhalten, die sein Schwert tragen, die seine Liebe tragen. Marhaban. Marhaban. Salam sei auf euch an der Tür des Paradieses: "Salamun `alaykum bima Sabartum". Die den Müll der Dunya nicht in Betracht ziehen, die nicht auf den Schmutz der Dunya achten, die den Zwang ihres Egos nicht beachten, die das Haqq bewahren und ihre Füße fest auf dem Weg von Haqq halten. "Lahum Qadama Sidqin" (10:2). Die in Meiner Göttlichen Gegenwart anerkannt werden, sind "Lahum Qadama Sidqin". Masha'Allah. Wie schön! 'Die einen wahrhaften Stand haben'. Die einen verdrehten Stand haben, gehen, wohin Shaytan geht, zusammen mit Shaytan. Aber wer an Meine Tür kommt, sagt Allah der Allmächtige, "Lahum Qadamun Sidqin". Die Schritte, die sie unternehmen, sind "Qadamu Sidqin", die Schritte sind rechtgeleitet. Sie haben wahre Schritte, nicht verdrehte. Masha'Allah. "Fani`ma `Uqba d-Dari". Die Engel werden sie willkommen heißen und ins Paradies einladen. Masha'Allah. As-Salamu `alaykum, wahre Freunde, Geliebte, die die lieben, die Allah liebt. Was wir handhaben können, ist nur das. Wir können nicht höher als das gehen. Wir sind schwache Menschen, die auf dem Weg jener sein wollen, deren Schritte auf Allahs Weg sind. Wir wollen in den Fußstapfen der Löwen gehen, die auf dem Weg Allahs gehen. Wir sollten nicht den Schakalen folgen, die nach Kadavern suchen. Ein Heiliger sagte: Die Menschen sind von zweierlei Art, Löwen und Schakale. Die Löwen gehen jagen und jagen ein sauberes Tier. Sie fressen nicht die Überreste, weil sie ehrbar sind. Sie fressen nicht die Überreste von jemand anders. Das ist das Attribut der Löwen. Und der Löwe Allahs ist Sayyidina Ali, er ist Shah-e Mardan. Lief er je der Dunya hinterher? Warum sollte er? Ein Löwe ist kein Schakal. Die Arbeit eines Schakals ist eins, die Arbeit eines Löwen ist anders. Der Löwe ist der König des Dschungels. Wenn er brüllt, ducken sich alle Geschöpfe im Dschungel vor Angst vor seinem Gebrüll, weil er der Löwe ist. Er scherzt nicht. As-Salamu `alaykum, ihr geliebten Freunde, die, die Shah-e Mardan lieben, die seinen Weg lieben, Salam sei auf euch. Wir beginnen unseren Tag auch, "Al-Hamdulillahi Lladhi Ahyana Ba`da ma Amatana wa ilayhi n-Nushur". Schlaf ist wie ein halber Tod. Viele Menschen schlafen, können aber nicht aufstehen. Shukur unser Herr, Der uns wieder aufstehen ließ. Wir haben die Waschung gemacht. Wir machten Sajda vor unserem Herrn, wir machten Shukur. Wir priesen (9 von 16)04.07.2013 23:30:43

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Ihn. Auf welchem Weg? Auf dem Weg von Shah-e Mardan. O Löwe Allahs! Shah-e Mardan Hz Ali ibn Abi Talib. Masha'Allah. Wenn Shah-e Mardan brüllt, erschüttert es die ganze Welt wie bei einem Erdbeben. Masha'Allah, wir haben unseren neuen Tag erreicht. Allah der Allmächtige ließ uns aufstehen. Die Versammlung der Geliebten muß sein wie die Versammlung Shah-e Mardans. Shah-e Mardan, er ist ein Löwe. Sucht seine Versammlung! Sucht diejenigen, die ihn vertreten. Sucht nicht Schakale, sucht nicht Hyänen. Sucht die Löwen, so daß ihr hinter den Löwen geht. Sayyidina Ali (ra) ist der Shah-e Mardan. Möge seine Ehre auf uns herabkommen und mögen wir Ehre finden. Sagen wir jeden Morgen: 'Marhaba, ya Shah-e Mardan, Marhaba. Ya Shah-e Mardan! Wir lieben dich! Wir lieben deinen Weg. Obwohl es viele gibt, die falsche Schritte unternehmen, aber du vergibst, du vergibst ihnen.' Jene, die in einer Versammlung geehrt sind, sind die Zawat, die Edlen. 'O Shaykh Effendi, was ist Zawat?' Zawat ist das, was kein Müll ist. Müll ist eins, die Edlen sind etwas anderes. Die Menschen dieser Zeit sind alle wie Müll. Es gibt keine Edlen, sondern alle wurden zu Müll. Warum? Weil sie hinter Schakalen und Hyänen herlaufen.Warum solltet ihr hinter ihnen herlaufen? Wessen Diener seid ihr? Es gibt niemanden, der nicht der Diener des Rabbu l-Izza ist, aber der Weg Shah-e Mardans ist der Weg der Mutigen. Es ist der Weg der Männer. Es ist der Weg der Löwen. Die diesen Weg einhalten, sind die Geehrten. Diese Menschen wissen es nicht. Sie wissen nicht, wo die Ehre ist. Der Sitz, auf dem sie sitzen, wird eines Tages auf ihren Köpfen zusammenbrechen. Sie wissen es nicht. Das Sultanat gehört Shah-e Mardan. Es gehört dem, der auf dem Weg Shah-e Mardans geht. Sucht sie, seid mit ihnen. Seid mit den Löwen. Seid nicht mit den Schakalen. Seid nicht mit den Schakalen. Seid auch nicht mit den Hunden. Hunde fressen, was sie können, und wenden sich dann um und pinkeln darauf. Dann kommen andere Tiere und fressen, beenden es, ohne auf den Urin zu achten. Die Ehre gehört dem Löwen. "Al-Mar'u ma`a man Ahabba". Ein Mensch ist mit dem, mit dem Menschen, den er liebt. Wer den Löwen liebt, wer dem Löwen folgt, sitzt am Tisch des Sultans. Er wird am ehrbaren Tisch sitzen im Palast des Löwen. Die anderen Schakale fressen Kadaver. Die hinter ihm herlaufen, sind Aasfresser. Was ist der Kadaver? "Ad-Dunya Jifah." - Die Dunya ist ein Kadaver. Was ist der Wert dessen, der kämpft und hinter der Dunya herläuft? Kadaver. Wer Kadaver liebt, ist auch ein Kadaver. Wer Shaytan liebt, ist auch Shaytan. Wer Shah-e Mardan liebt, gehört zu ihm. Ya Rabbi, mögen wir mit der Liebe Shah-e Mardans leben. Wir können nicht weiter gehen als das. (10 von 16)04.07.2013 23:30:43

7036 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: QadamuSidiqun

Geliebte, geliebte Freunde, Marhaban. Marhaban. Wie schön! Wie schön, wie glücklich ist diese Versammlung der Geliebten. Wie glücklich und freudevoll sind ihre Herzen. Sie sagen: 'Wir sind so erleichtert. Es ist keine Schwere mehr in uns.' Möge keine Schwere mehr auf uns sein. Möge unser Körper gesund und sicher sein und wir dem Befehl unseres Herrn nachlaufen und wir den Weg des Sultans einhalten. Haltet den Weg Shah-e Mardans ein und fürchtet euch nicht! Shah-e Mardan ist in der Islamischen Welt. Shah-e Qaldan ist in Europa. Shah-e Mardan ist unter den Muslimen in der Muslimwelt. Shah-e Qaldan, sie sind nicht Mardan. Sie sind die, die nicht wissen können, ob einer Mann oder Frau ist! Möge Allah uns schützen! Die zu ihrem Tisch gehen, sind mit ihnen, mögen mit ihnen verbrannt, vernichtet werden. O Geliebte, geliebte Freunde. Sucht die Versammlung des Löwen, sucht die Versammlung von Shah-e Mardan. Findet sie, geht zu ihr, so daß ihr mit ihnen geschrieben sein werdet. Wir sind ihre Leute. Wessen Leute, Bürger sind sie? 'Nun, manche sind Bürger des Vereinigten Königreichs, Bürger der USA, Bürger der Türkischen Republik, Bürger des Iran'... Diese haben keinen Wert. Seid ihr von den Leuten Shah-e Mardans, Hz Alis, Karramallahu Wajhah? Habt ihr einen Personalausweis von ihm? Wenn ja, sagt es! Wenn nicht, seid ihr auch unter den Schakalen. Ihr seid für nichts gut. Ihr füllt nur die Straßen. Ihr schreit und kreischt, weil ihr nicht wißt, was ihr wollt. Allah der Allmächtige sagt: "Wa Kunu ma`a s-Sadiqina" (9:119). Allah der Allmächtige sagt: 'Seid mit denen, die auf dem Weg Shah-e Mardans sind'. Und wo seid ihr? Ihr könnt kein Arabisch oder Persisch! Das ist der Befehl Allahs des Allmächtigen. Allahu Dhu l-Jalal sagt: Seid mit den Löwen! Hat Er (swt) gesagt: Seid mit den Schakalen? "Wa Kunu ma`a s-Sadiqina". Wer ist "Sadiqin"? Wer sind die Aufrichtigen? Die mit Shah-e Mardan sind. Lauft nicht auf die Straßen und tanzt, Männer und Frauen gemischt, noch ein einziges Mal, indem ihr sagt: Es ist die Nawruz Feier. Wenn Felsen auf euere Köpfe regnen, mischen wir uns nicht ein. Wenn es auf euch schneit, mischen wir uns nicht ein. Wenn es Hurrikane gibt, mischen wir uns nicht ein. Wenn Wölfe erscheinen um euch herum, mischen wir uns nicht ein. Seid mit Shah-e Mardan. Shah-e Mardan hat nie mit Frauen auf der Straße getanzt und Dabke gemacht. Er flog auf seinem Pferd von Ost nach West wie der Wind. Shah-e Mardan! Hz Ali, Ibn 'Amm Hz Rasul (saws). Möge unser Salam auf ihnen sein. Gebt ihnen Salam jeden Morgen, wenn ihr aufwacht. Sie nennen sich 'Alawi', sie nennen sich 'Irani'. Sagt ihr das, wenn ihr am Morgen aufwacht: 'As-Salamu `alayka o Shah-e Mardan. (11 von 16)04.07.2013 23:30:43

7037 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: QadamuSidiqun

Mögest du uns annehmen, und wir halten deinen Weg ein. Mögest du uns die senden, die uns den Weg zeigen. Da ist Mahdi, der von deiner Linie kommt. Er ist ein Löwe. Er ist ein Löwe.' Er ist ein Löwe wie sein Vorfahre. Er ist auch Shah-e Mardan, Mahdi (as), der kommen wird. Er wird die Lügner reinigen, er wird die reinigen, die die Religion verderben und die ihre Zeit mit Tanzen und Spielen verbri