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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (489/777)
lah Almighty likes from ourselves. You may do 'Ubudiyah/worshipping and leave wanting to take photographs always. No. This is important. For shaytan is making you occupied with something that it is not in the Shari'ah of Allah (swt). The Shari'ah of Allah (swt) says keep all Sunnah prayers & do not occupy yourself by taking photographs. I never like it. One is enough! (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:29:47

6776 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Pictures

Salam Allahu aleykum! Allahu Akbar! Wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Waylun Liz-zalimin Woe to the oppressors! Waylun Liz-zalimin Woe to the oppressors! Who are making oppression on people they should come their heads down, down to 7th level of jahannam/hell. Who is making zulum/oppression they should be under the last layer of fire. Therefore I am also warning whole people who are doing zulum/oppression that Allah Almighty is going to take the revenge of (for) the mazlum (the oppressed) people who are killed. Why they are killing? Allah Almighty is saying "don't kill!" Therefore you must keep the Holy Orders from Heavens and you must catch the hands of zalim/oppressors. We are Junud Allah/the armies of Allah (swt), not the army of Pakistan, Turkistan, or so on, no! We are Junud-Allah, the armies of Allah Almighty. That is the highest position and rank for ourselves. Keep Allah Almighty's orders. If anyone is asking to do oppression they should be killed as he killed! Keep yourselves, make zikr. Fatiha I am up to here full with Heavenly Revenge! And whole awliya' are very angry of what shaytan people are making for mankind. Don't touch anyone and don't harm anyone! We are mankind. We have been honoured by the Lord of Heavens. To be honoured ones on earth. We are not ordered to kill one another. Keep anything that Allah Almighty is ordering. Salam Allah aleykum! Bilder

Rabbana Taqabbal minna wa 'fu'anna wa ghfir lana wa rhamna Wa Tub 'aleyna wa hdina wa rhamna, Allahuma Isqina-l Ghaytha Suqia Rahmah wa la taj'alna min al qanitin Huwwa lladhi Yunazzilu-l Ghaitha Min Ba'di Ma Qanatu Wa Yanshuru Rahmatahu, Wa Huwa Al 'Aziz-ul Hamid Ya Rabbi Ya Allah, setze einen König für uns ein so dass wir auf Allahs Weg kämpfen mögen". (2:246) Ya Rabbi Ya Allah, unterstütze Islam und die Muslime mit Sahib-ul Zaman S. Mahdi (as). Sultan, Allah (swt) unterstützt ihn. Ya Rabbi Ya Allah! Lass das Banner der Muslimischen Völker hoch sein! Und die schlimmsten der Ungläubigen, mögen ihre Banner unten sein! Möge Islam erscheinen. Bi Jahi Man Anzalta 'Aleyhi Surat-al Fatiha. (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:29:47

6777 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Pictures

Oh Brüder, wegen des Fotografierens, ich sehe dass die Leute, um Fotos zu machen, die Sunnah des Propheten (saws) auslassen. Ich bin nicht glücklich mit irgendjemandem, der Fotos, Fotos, Fotos macht. Es hat keine Bedeutung, ein Foto. Deshalb sage ich, dass ihr nicht mit Fotografieren beschäftigt sein sollt und die Sunnah lassen sollt. Es ist nicht der richtige Weg, ich mag Fotos nicht. Ein Foto ist genug! Immerzu kommt jemand und macht ein Foto! Es liegt keine Bedeutung darin. Oh Leute, haltet die Shari'atullah ein! Haltet die Grenzen der Shari'ah ein. Für euch und eure Familien und Kinder. Wir müssen die Heiligen Befehle der Himmel einhalten. Himmlische Befehle. Ihr müsst sehr eifrig damit sein, die Himmlischen Befehle einzuhalten. Wenn ihr sie nicht einhaltet, wird der Herr der Himmel nie glücklich mit euch sein. Und ihr müsst fragen, was Allah der Allmächtige von euch möchte. Ihr mögt 'Ubudiyah/Gottesdienst tun und für immer aufhören, Fotos machen zu wollen. Nein. Das ist wichtig. Denn Shaytan lässt euch beschäftigt sein mit etwas, das nicht Shari'ah von Allah ist (swt). Die Shari'ah von Allah (swt) sagt, haltet alle Sunnah Gebete ein und beschäftigt euch nicht damit, Fotos zu machen. Ich mag es niemals. Eins ist genug! Salam Allahu aleykum! Allahu Akbar! Wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Waylun Liz-zalimin Wehe den Unterdrückern! Waylun Liz-zalimin Wehe den Unterdrückern! Wer Unterdrückung über die Leute bringt, ihre Köpfe sollen herunterkommen, herunter bis zur 7. Stufe des Jahannam/Hölle. Wer Unterdrückung begeht, diese sollen in der letzten Stufe des Feuers sein. Deshalb warne ich auch die Leute die Zulum/Unterdrückung begehen, dass Allah der Allmächtige die Rache für die Mazlum (Unterdrückten) nehmen wird, für die Leute die getötet worden sind. Warum töten sie? Allah der Allmächtige sagt "Tötet nicht!" Deshalb müsst ihr die Heiligen Befehle der Himmel einhalten, und ihr müsst die Hände der Zalim/ Unterdrücker einfangen. Wir sind Junud von Allah, die Armee Allahs (swt), nicht die Armee Pakistans, Turkistans und so weiter, nein! Wir sind Junud-Allah, die Armeen von Allah dem Allmächtigen. Das ist die höchste Position und Rang für uns. Haltet die Befehle Allahs des Allmächtigen ein. Wenn jemand Unterdrückung begehen will, sollen sie getötet werden so wie sie getötet haben! Bleibt bei euch, macht Zikr. Fatiha. Ich bin bis hier voll mit Himmlischer Rache! Und alle Auliya sind sehr wütend, darüber was Shaytan mit der Menschheit macht. Fasst niemanden an und tut niemandem weh! Wir sind Menschen. Wir sind geehrt worden vom Herrn der Himmel. Geehrte zu sein auf dieser Erde. Uns wurde nicht befohlen, einander zu töten. Haltet euch an alles, (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:29:47

6778 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Pictures

was Allah der Allmächtige befiehlt. Salam Allah aleykum! Lefke, 19.04.2013

WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryTechnology, CategoryOppression, CategoryViolence (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:29:47

6779 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PleaseAllahNothingElseMatters

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : PleaseAllahNothingElseMatters



Ask for help from Holy-people who are near to you. Without Holy-people no-one can be successful. We need them here and hereafter. Don't listen to your ego, it always claims to be able to do everything, but it can't do anything. Our egos only have small batteries which cannot carry you. That is why Allah Almighty sent power- stations from Heaven to earth. All Holy-people are power-stations on earth. Connect yourself to them. Stop when you reach to them and turn off your engine. Stop smoking and turn off the engine! Come with your heart to the heart of the keeper of that station and take in. Those who were sitting with the Prophet were connected from their heart to the heart of the Prophet. Like that the faith grows from the lowest level to the highest. It is the method of all prophets and particularily of the last one. His companions used to sit with him and come in touch with his heart completely. We are only imitators who are trying to do as they did. Even if we are not on that level we hope to also receive blessings by doing like the companions used to. Allah Almighty is looking at us, so try to be with Him. The Prophet, may peace be with him, is also looking at you, so be with him. They are looking to see what we are doing and what our aim is. Allah Almighty is rewarding you according to your intentions. Allah knows why you are sitting there, He knows your intentions. "Oh, our Lord, you know. We have only come here to ask for more blessings and to be able to give (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:29:47

6780 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PleaseAllahNothingElseMatters

you more servanthood. We are trying to make you pleased with us. We want to know what we can do to make you pleased with us." Muhammad, may peace be with him, went to Ta'if to call the people there to their Lord, "Oh, people, come to your Lord, oh, people, come to Allah!" That was his mission, to call people to themselves. All people will fall on their knees on the Day of Resurrection in fear of the Lord. Allah Almighty will adress Jesus Christ and said to him, "Oh, Jesus, are you that one who told people to worship you?" The way He speaks will be so heavy that anyone else would disappear at the sound. It will be like an accusation. "Oh, my Lord, you know what I said to them and you are a witness of what they did." No-one of the Prophets ever called their people to worship them. But Christians are liars and they are insisting to be so. They cannot say, that Jesus Christ told them to worship him! He is a servant of the Lord. Everyone must worship the Lord alone. There were 124000 prophets and all of them called their people to worship Allah. The Christians are still insisting on this falsehood. But time is over now. Before the year 2000 there will be no more Christians, no more Judaism, only the ones who are calling to Allah, Islam. That will continue. The Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad was calling the people. He went from Mekka to call the people, but all of them did not accept him and they also made their young-ones to attack him with stones and injure his feet. He was so broken and he said, "Oh, my Lord, I am only asking for you to be pleased with me. That is all. If all people do not accept me and attack me, it doesn't matter. That does not make me worried. My worry is only not to make you dispeased with me. I only want you to be pleased with me!" So people, you must try to make Allah Almighty pleased with you. So even if all the others are displeased with you, it doesn't matter! If a person wants to please Allah Almighty, and never expects others to be pleased with him, Allah will make the hearts of the others to be pleased with that person, he will be successful. If a person wants to please the hearts of others and doesn't care about pleasing others, then Allah Almighty makes those people not to be pleased with that person. If your aim is to please Allah, you will be 100% successful and you will be under His protection. Allah Almighty shelters you. Everything can happen to you, but only those who are sheltered by Allah Almighty cannot be touched by things disturbing them. Muhammad, may peace be with him, was saying, (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:29:47

6781 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PleaseAllahNothingElseMatters

"When troubles fill the whole world and people are covered over their heads with troubles, when all the people will be in troubles, there will be a group of servants who will never be touched." People are now swimming in troubles, but Allah Almighty is putting those people in a position never to be touched by those troubles. Why don't you want to be one of those people? "These are my servants!" says Allah Almighty, "I am keeping them far away from troubles." If Allah Almighty would send one of them through hell, hell would escape from them. He may even send one of them through a fire, and the fire would turn into a rose-garden. That is what He did for Abraham, may peace be with him. Those people who wanted to grieve Abraham so much gathered everything they could find in the jungle and made a huge fire. Allah Almighty sent Abraham into the fire and it turned into a rose- garden. Believe in God, believe in Allah and then troubles and miseries will leave you. You will then be surrounded by Paradise even here, because you will have no fear and no sadness. You will be in safety and enjoyful. You will feel no sadness. Nothing will ever make you sad! London - 01.03.1994

BookPowerOceansofLight, CategorySohbat, CategoryMuhammad, CategoryIsa, CategoryChristianity (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:29:47

6782 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PleasediscusstheideaofProperty

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : PleasediscusstheideaofProperty


Please discuss the idea of Property

Property in Islam - whoever pays for the rights of property may have it. As much as he is able to pay for - there is no hindrance for Muslims to own property or land. May buy, may have. There are no limits on property, as long as we say it is a grant from Allah Almighty to His servants. If Allah makes it possible for a person to buy, he may buy as much as he can afford. Question - What is his responsibility for the property? He is responsible in the Divine Presence, but in this world he is free to do with and to use his lands and property as he likes. If a person is unable to keep his lands and property intelligently and benefit from it and is in danger of losing the property or if he is wasting it his children may apply to court. The court may check and help that person or put government control on the property in order to save it and keep it for him and his children (not to take it from him). If something is wrong with the owner and he is unable to look after the land or property, then the government may be empowered to help him - to keep everything for him; not taking it away from him by force, this is not allowed. In Islamic law, the government takes from all people who own land or farms or fields something from the crops and produce - Islamic rules order a proportion to be taken - otherwise the (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:29:48

6783 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PleasediscusstheideaofProperty

owner is free. From money, i.e. gold and silver, he should pay according to Islamic law the correct amount. For animals if he has flocks, sheep, cows, camels - he must pay every year. It is a big sin to avoid paying or to prevent payment and not to give government and poor people their rights. There is no interest in Islam, but loans - you must be able to support poor people. Everyone must try to support poor people, as Allah Almighty says "I am making on my behalf rich people to look after my poor servants - so long as they are keeping my poor servants, I am keeping their riches, as long as they are not keeping poor ones, I am not looking after them." Therefore, rich Muslims are always looking after poor Muslims. Allah Almighty supports rich Muslims always. If they keep the rights of poor people from them by not giving, they should be punished by having their riches taken from them. Also, that money which they are keeping and not giving for the sake of Allah is going to punish them as if it were pieces of fire burning their bodies in their graves on the Day of Resurrection. Therefore, rich Muslims try to keep poor Muslims, by helping and giving to them. A loan is more important and brings more reward than a sadaqa (charity alms giving). Sadaqa given gets for each one part, ten parts in return while for a loan - one part merits eighteen in return. To give a loan is more lovely to Allah Almighty. Yes, and no interest - a loan given without interest, takes a reward from Allah Almighty. Interest is not an Islamic, but an un-Islamic thing. We may keep and help poor Muslims with money and power as much as we can. In these days interest is going to be given by banks, big industrial companies, and trading companies. It is not that kind of Interest which Islam is speaking about. If one is dealing with banks, it is only investment premiums, only trading, business - not the same kind of interest which is mentioned in Holy Qur'an - riba (interest). It is a business and therefore we are not speaking against what banks give us for our money, because the bank is a trading company. London

BookLadyChadijasQuestions, CategoryCharity, CategoryEconomy (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:29:48

6784 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PoolOfKauthar

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : PoolOfKauthar


To Drink from the Heavenly Pool of Kawthar

Dastoor yaa RijaalAllah, madad. As-salaamu `alaykum, yaa `ibaadAllah, yaa mu’mineen, yaa muslimeen! Koonoo `ibaadAllahi mukhliseen. Deceptive people are not acceptable in the Divine Presence. Madad, yaa rijaalAllah. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi 'l-hamd! Was-salaat was-salaam `alaa Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-`Akhireen, habeebi ‘r-Rabbi 'l-`Alameen, noor al-`Arshillah. Yaa Sayyidee, yaa Rasoolullah, give us your intercession! We are a very weak ummah. Ishfa` lana, look after our weakness. We are in need of your intercession! Shafa`at, yaa RasoolAllah! Thumma salaam yaa Sayyidi 'l- Awwaleen wa ’l-`Akhireen. Fatihah. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Astaghfirullah. I am beginning to speak in Arabic and forgetting English, but you must try to understand something that is being sent from heavenly ones to my heart to speak to all nations, O Mankind, from east to west, from north to south. Therefore, we must first of all say, (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Bismillahi 'r- Rahmani 'r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. O People! Run away from Shaytan! If you are not running away from Shaytan, no one can save you, because Shaytan is insisting to be Shaytan. On the Day of Resurrection, Allah is the Judge and everyone's judgment (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:29:49

6785 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PoolOfKauthar

will finish. His justice covers everywhere and then people will either go to Paradise or Hell. SubhaanAllah Jalla wa `alaa. He will order the angels to bring Shaytan to the entrance of Paradise, and quickly the angels will bring Shaytan there and Allah will order, "O Adam! Come to the entrance of Paradise!" and he will come also. Then, Allah (swt) is ordering. Subhaan Sen! Sultan Sen! (Mawlana Shaykh stand and sits) There will be one angel to address Shaytan, "Say to him that his Lord is giving you from His endless judgment and blessing, and saying that you may enter Paradise also, but He is only barring one type of person: whoever is not accepting My heavenly order to make sajdah!" But Shaytan will not make sajdah. "Now I am ordering that one that if he likes to enter Paradise, to make sajdah to Adam and get in! That is My heavenly order to that one: make sajdah and enter, and I will forgive him." Shaytan is so stubborn, saying, "First I did not make sajdah, and now I will also not make sajdah!" And then Shaytan is put in the Hellfire. Time-by-time he is called to see if he will change, but he will never change as that is Shaytan's characteristic. Allah is ready to give His blessings and forgiveness to everyone if they say, "Forgive me, for the honor of Your most beloved one," and immediately He grants His blessings and forgiveness to that person! O Mankind! You must understand who your boss is. From the time of Adam (a) up to the end of this world, your boss is Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-akhireen, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) To say, “Muhammadun Rasoolullah,” will be enough! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) However, now Shaytan is making all of Mankind follow him and not say, (Mawlana Shaykh stands) “Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Sayyidina Muhammadun Rasoolullah (s)!” (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Shaytan will never accept to say this and, once again, it will be thrown to hells. Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem. Now all people living on Earth are no longer asking to say, "For the honor of that most honored one, forgive us!" Muslims are not even using tawassul (seeking means), and those Shaytani- Wahhabi people are not accepting to say, "O my Lord! Forgive me, for Your most honored one." Therefore, Allah Almighty is saying, "If you are not accepting him, I am putting all of you in the Fire until you say, ‘For the honor of the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), forgive us!" Then Allah Almighty will say, "Yes, I forgive you, no more judgment, as you are saying this and asking for the sake of his honor, so I am forgiving you and opening the eight doors of rahmah, and you may enter." (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:29:49

6786 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PoolOfKauthar

Yaa `Ulama! … (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem:    Inna a`ataynaka ’l-kawthar. (Yaa Muhammad!) We have given you a lot. (al-Kawthar, 108:1) (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O Scholars! To whom is Allah Almighty giving that river of Kawthar? It is not like your small one. I am saying this for you to understand the Greatness! I am trying to explain to all nations that al- Kawthar is a running river from Unseen Heavens. The Seal of Prophets is saying, "That is for me." Inna a`ataynaka ’l-kawthar. Allah granted that to him for the day when people will be thirsty, and even if they drink all the water on Earth, their thirst will not leave them until they drink from hawd al-Kawthar! Yaa Sham `Ulama! Yaa Misri, Egyptian `Ulama! Why are you not saying to your people that the owner (of that heavenly river) is the one who is stamped as “the Seal of Prophets”? That is granted to him! Huuuuuu. O Allah! Give us a chance to drink from that river that is granted to the Seal of Prophets (s)! There will be cups around the pool of Kawthar. In order to imagine its greatness, (we are saying that) even if one of those cups comes here, all treasures of dunya will not equal its value! Do you understand? It has been prepared by heavenly order that their number will be the number of the ummah of the Seal of Prophets (s). Everyone will find his or her name written there and may drink. Billions of people, subhaanAllah, will be running to reach to their cups and to drink from them! It is so big that you cannot imagine; billions of people may come and drink. O our Lord! Akrimna, grant us to drink from that holy pool, Kawthar! Whoever drinks from that river will never be thirsty again, finished! O `ulama, learned people, ahlu ‘l-`ilm, those who claim you are scholars! This will happen on the Day of Resurrection, but some here may also reach there, to look or taste. Allah Almighty is saying, “We granted this to you, O My beloved one, for your ummah, and if angels are bringing one drop, it will be enough for the whole ummah!" And yet they do not understand! Allah Almighty, (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits), has endless grants. If they are happy to drink, then they are preparing themselves for drinking. There are some people now that cannot drink even one drop from (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:29:49

6787 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PoolOfKauthar

dunya. If Allah Almighty sends only one drop from that holy river of Kawthar to the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans, they will be like honey, so sweet that no one can take more than one small spoon of it, finished. O People! You must believe in your Creator, the Lord of Heavens! I can’t do anything! I am a weak servant, saying only what they are addressing to me. Don't say what we are saying about Kawthar is enough, no; if I speak from now up to the end of life, it can't finish. O Mankind! You must believe this. If you believe in ghayb (the Unseen), you will be happy here and Hereafter. You will have a sweet life here and Jannat un-Na`eem there. If we open a little bit more, your minds are going to explode! O People! Drink from that holy pool of Kawthar! Try to drink the taste of imaan here also, or you will be like dry trees. If it does not rain, that tree can't live or give its leaves, it can't open its flowers nor bear fruits. O People! Whoever is asking for the real meanings for being from Mankind and the reason that thousands of prophets were sent, you will be happy here and Hereafter! Whoever drinks sweet water from trees, their fruits will be so sweet, but some of them are never sweet. Try to make your spiritual being drink from that pool of Kawthar, to be sweet, beautiful, healthy, and wealthy forever! You will be invited from the Divine Presence:      Wallahu yad`u ila Dar as-Salaam. But Allah does call to the Abode of Peace. (Suratu ’l-Anbiya, 10:25) Allah Almighty is inviting you to that Paradise called “Dar-as-Salaam” and from there, taking you to “Dar al- Jalaal,” and from there are countless paradises with different names and appearances and ornaments, ajaa`ib, astonishing! However, people are quarrelling with each other here and are never interested in spirituality. They are trying to be like wood, and after wood they are going to be coal, which has no value. May Allah forgive us. O People! If we can speak from here up to the Last Day, they may make a weak servant to speak and it would be never-ending. We are asking forgiveness and blessings from our Lord, Almighty Allah, for the honor of the (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:29:49

6788 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PoolOfKauthar

Seal of Prophets (s). Fatihah. Lefke, 11.02.2011

WebSufiLive, CategoryParadise, CategoryAngel, CategoryShaitan, CategoryResurrection (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:29:49

6789 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PopeBenedictsVisit

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : PopeBenedictsVisit


Secrets of Pope Benedict’s Visit

(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Dastoor. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah. Allahuma salli wa sallim wa baarik `alaa Habeebika Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-Akhireen (s), Hadrat Rasoolullah, Sayyidina Muhammad wa `ala aalihi wa saahbihi ajma`een. Ameen. Allah Allah. SubhaanAllah. Say, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r- Raheem! (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Yaa Rabbee, bismik al-Jaleel min al-azali ‘l-abadi. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) O our Lord! You are granting such endless honor, for us to be able to say, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r- Raheem! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) Huuuuuu. As-salaamu `alaykum, first to `ibaadullahi ‘s-Saliheen, on whom every second heavenly Mercy Oceans rain, and they are asking, "O our Lord! Grant us more and more!" They are holy ones. For the honor of holy ones, the Lord of Creation is protecting this planet, and it is under the holy control of Qutb al- Mutasarrif, who has such authority, power, and honor to keep this planet. If he is not keeping, in less than a (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:29:50

6790 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: PopeBenedictsVisit

second this world may run away from its orbit and no one knows to where, it will just disappear! One only, is able to control one, ten, one-hundred, one-thousand, ten-thousand, one-hundred-thousand nafs al-waqt, at the same time! O Salafi `ulama! You are claiming you know everything and you know nothing! What is the Lord of Heavens saying? (Mawlana Shaykh stands.)      Wa maa qadroollaha haqqa qadrih, No just estimate of Allah do they make. (al-Anaam, 6:91) What I am saying is nothing!           Innama amruhu itha arada shay’an an yaqoola lahu kun fayakoon, Verily, when He intends a thing, His Command is, ‘be,’ and it is! (YaSeen 36:82) (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) If He is ordering one holy one to look after the whole universe whose ends you try to reach, that one is able to!    Wa khuliqa ’l-insaanu da`eefa, “Man is created weak,” (an-Nisaa, 4:28) but an order is making that one powerful and