Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (465/777)
nen, die nach mir kommen, allen Nationen, zeigen. Ich bin der Kaiser und König von Ost bis West. Ich habe dies gesammelt, aber mein Herr, weil ich nicht Shukr sagte, weil ich nicht dankte und sagte, O mein Herr, Dank sei Dir, so versucht Er mich. Ibtila - prüfen? Er versucht mich. Und Er sandte Qaht, eine Dürre in mein Land. .. und alles vertrocknete. Wasser vertrocknete, Felder und Gärten vertrockneten und nichts, die Menschen starben vor Hunger und Durst. Und mich verlangte auch nach Essen und Trinken, und ich sandte einen Korb gefüllt mit Gold in die Stadt und sagte, wer mir ein Stück Essen geben kann, eine Tasse Wasser, dem gebe ich das. Und vom Morgen bis zum Abend gingen sie herum und fanden niemanden, der eine Tasse Wasser oder ein Stück Brot für mich gab. Am zweiten Tag befahl ich, daß der Korb geleert wurde, und tat Perlen und Diamanten hinein, die teuersten, füllte ihn und ging und erbat von den (10 von 11)04.07.2013 23:27:43
6450 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OneStarInHeaven
Leuten, wer mir eine Tasse Wasser oder ein Stück Brot geben würde, dem gäbe ich das. Dann gingen sie vom Morgen bis zum Abend, aber sie konnten niemanden finden, der ein Stück Brot oder eine Tasse Wasser gab. Als ich hoffnungslos war, befahl ich, daß die Juwelen zerstoßen und zermahlen würden, und sie fanden eine kleine Tasse Wasser. Sie brachten sie und taten diese zerstoßenen Diamanten und Perlen in das Wasser, und ich trank es und sie verschlossen meine Eingeweide und ich starb. O Leute, seht und nehmt Weisheit an. Was ist der Nutzen? Ich frage, warum erzählt ihr den Menschen nicht solche Geschichten? Den Muluk, den Awliya, den Shaykhs, den Emiren, den Sultanen. Warum sagt ihr nicht, wenn Allah der Allächtige das mit euch machte, was ist damit, was würdet ihr tun? Deshalb, o Leute, vertraut nicht auf das, was wir sammeln, sondern ihr müßt euerem Herrn dem Allmächtigen Allah vertrauen und um himmlische Unterstützung bitten. Glaubt nicht, daß ihr aufsteht, geht, kommt, geht, macht durch euer physisches Sein, sondern alles kommt von dem himmlischen Stern, der zu euch gehört, der gerade gesandt wurde. Seid euerem Herrn shakir, dankbar, seid gehorsam, versucht, gehorsame Diener zu sein für eueren Herrn den Allmächtigen Allah. Ihr solltet gerettet werden hier und im Jenseits. Fa Allahu Khayrun Hafizan, wa Huwa Arhama r-Rahimin. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Fa'fuanna ya Karim bi Jahi man Anzalta `alayhi, Surat al Fatiha. Dum dum dum dum, dum dum dum dum.. Tawba ya Rabb, Tubna ilayh. Tawba ya Rabb, Tubna ilayh. Tawba Astaghfirullah. Lefke, 10.04.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryQuran, CategoryJudaism, WebSaltanatOrg (11 von 11)04.07.2013 23:27:43
6451 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OnlyHeavenlySupportCanSavePeople
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : OnlyHeavenlySupportCanSavePeople
Only Heavenly Support Can Save People
(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allah, Allah. Allah, Allah. Dastoor, yaa RijaalAllah. Madad, yaa Sultaan al-Awliya. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultaan Allah. La ilaaha illa-Llah,La ilaaha illa-Llah, La ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah, `alayhi 's-salaatullah! Sayyidina Muhammadun Rasoolullah. As-salaamu `alaykum! As-salaamu `alaykum yaa ayyuhal ins wal jinn. Madad, yaa Sahib al-Imdad. Madad, yaa RijaalAllah. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) O People! Our attenders from east to west, north to south. Mankind is not taking care of the honor of this holy day, and sayyidu ‘l-ayaam fi 'd-dunya wa fi 'l-akhirah, “Master of days in this world and the next world,” Yawm al-Jumu'ah, Friday. Every nation knows the honor of Yawm al-Jumu`ah, Friday, and they are making only one day, "Good Friday," they are saying? And which Friday is not good? Every Friday is a good Friday, but Shaytan making them not to believe the honor of Friday. Christians are saying (that their Sabbath is) (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:27:44
6452 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OnlyHeavenlySupportCanSavePeople
Yawm al-Ahad, Sunday. Jewish people are saying (that their Sabbath is) Yawm as-Sabt, Saturday. And it is clear that after Friday, Saturday and Sunday are coming; it is not in the order of Sunday, Saturday, and then Friday, no. The divinely invitation is on Friday. Allah Almighty is calling the people of Paradise to an unknown (place) and just created one, calling whole Paradise people to come for the divinely feast on a Friday. Tajalli `azham, Greatest Manifestation or appearance, that never passed before is coming. This Friday is in its position when it is more brightened than the other Fridays that passed away. But when the next Friday is coming, this brightness is never going to disappear, but it will come into that Friday. That Friday will get more Divinely Appearance, more light which has never been seen by anyone before. Allahu akbar! And therefore, Friday here and Hereafter is the most honored, lightened, and blessed day. But people now are heedless; really they are heedless and idiot ones, and no-mind people. They are never thinking of the Last Day and beyond it what will be. As-salaamu `alaykum to the whole of Mankind whom are taking care for this holy day. And the day of Friday is the most honored day granted from Allah Almighty to His deputies, the nation of Muhammad (s)! And we are now saying, A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem, requesting that Allah Almighty makes a way. I am ashamed to say, "O my Lord, take away Shaytan from us." If it is not an order, asta`idh, a`oodhu billah, really it is so big blame to say, "O my Lord, take Shaytan away from me," astaghfirullah. But when we are asking protection, Allah Almighty may defeat Shaytan with a very small creature, a virus that you can't see under a strong microscope. Like this also, viruses are too much for Shaytan, even billions, trillions, quadrillions, quintillion of shaytans, that virus will be too much for them. But we have been ordered to say, "O our Lord, protect us." That is the usool, the protocol. And then the smallest creature may come and say, ana lahu, "I am enough for billions of shaytans." Then now they are making such powerful weapons, atomic bombs. An atom is so small, and a virus is so big. An atom is so small, but one is enough to destroy the whole world. When the holy command from heavens is reaching, that one is enough and may destroy! But as a protocol we must say, "O our Lord, protect us." If we are directing ourselves firstly to that smallest creature, it is also the worst of manners. O my Lord! That is ta`zheem, glorification for Allah Almighty. And then that smallest one may destroy billions or trillions of (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:27:44
6453 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OnlyHeavenlySupportCanSavePeople
shaytans. Now time is over, like a train when it is ready to move, first the engine begins. Now we are in such days that the heavenly beings' trumpets are beginning to warn people that the Last Day is approaching. You are now moving on it! I am ashamed to say that Allah Almighty making me to be here. No. But whom authorized for this world, for controlling everything, he knows that we are approaching the last station. When the train is approaching it is making the sound, 'oooooooooo.' Now heavenly armies are ready to come on Earth. Therefore, there will be so many things you never heard, saw, or knew about, now that new tajalli, manifestation is coming. O People! Come a little bit closer to your Lord's servanthood. Nothing can save nations now, except to approach the whole Divinely Hudoor, to be in His Divinely Presences, tawajjuh. You must leave this life's work, you must make it less. I heard that Greece just became bankrupt and they are running like this and like that to save themselves. No way (to save themselves); only one way. You are making dunya as an idol for you and the Greek nation are very famous to paint rocks and to say "That is Zeus, that is Aphrodite, and that is another one and another one," and they are saying, “Come and save us!” Now Greek people and the whole of dunya are making the materialistic world as the only sabab (cause) reason to save themselves. Leave that paper money! (Even) If Greece is full with gold, that crisis will never end. In Turkey, Cyprus, Arabia, in east and in west it is the same, on the same line. The only reason for them to be save is to turn their faces to the Divinely Presence. O People! Change your lookings. To where? It means to heavenly positions. As long as you are looking down, you are not able to save yourselves from the holy command. Hadari `ulamas! Salafi `ulamas! Why are you not reminding people, shatrahu; you must turn the eyes of your heart's to that holy place that belongs to the Lord of Heavens. wa haythu maa kuntum fawalloo wujoohakum shatrahu, Wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction. (of the Sacred Mosque); (2:144) (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:27:44
6454 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OnlyHeavenlySupportCanSavePeople
Therefore, we are saying, "Baytullah" (House of Allah). If you are saying it is empty, then it has no meaning. But give honor to that bayt, the House of the Lord. It was built by Sayyidina Ibraheem and Isma`eel (a), four walls, the honor that has been granted to be House of Lord. Don't look at the four walls, no! Look to whom those four walls have been built for, a simple building, called "House of the Lord." People are saying, "O America, help us!" Material support is finished for whole nations! Arabs are calling and fighting, Pakistan are calling and fighting, east and west are fighting, African people are fighting, and for what? They don't know for what. They are saying, "We must come to power," and Allah Almighty is saying: khuliqu 'l-insaanal da`eefa, For man was created Weak. (4:76) “I created Man weak; he can't do anything if My power is not reaching.” Look to the Seal of Prophets (s). (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) His father passed away when he was in the womb of his mother, and his mother passed away when he was four or five-years-old and he was weak. O Europeans! O non-Muslims! O Pope! O Chief Rabbi! O all other nations! Look at that one; that a child was born through unknown deserts, no schooling, no teachings, no books. They are people of jaahiliyyah, ignorance, and idol worshipers, (to not understand) how that one, so weak, so weak, thousands of kings and powerful people proud with their armies, their countries, their sultanates, they are only like a shooting star. All those people just passed away, no names are known but that one. But people now are not using their minds; their minds are not here (points to head), but here (points down). Yes, who was supporting that orphan?! Not Allah?? For the honor of that one we are here! And today through east and west billions of people are coming to say, la ilaaha illa-Llah, Muhammad Rasoolullah. (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) You must understand heavenly support! Two-billion people today are saying, (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar, ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illa-Llah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasoolullah. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Am I paying you to come here? How are you coming here? If there is no heavenly support I cannot do anything. I know only to swear to that if Shaytan is support, let him support Greek people, Turkish people, Cypriot people, Chinese people, Pakistani people, Indian people! That is from heavenly warning coming now, (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:27:44
6455 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OnlyHeavenlySupportCanSavePeople
approaching. O People! Beware, as when it is coming, it is making you as nothing! Ask to be saved through heavenly support! Don't run to America, to England, to Russia, to China, don't run to Japan, no. They can't give you any support! Ask only for heavenly support, it is going to save people! It is written, mentioned, heavenly support belongs to the Lord of Heavens; without it, is impossible to be saved. Bring people who say they are Christians; (remind them) what their holy book saying. O Salafi `ulamas! Why are you not reminding your people? And every time your governments and other governments are running to buy new weapons and instruments, for what? SubhaanAllah. In the time of Sayyidina `Umar (r), armies of Islam were coming from Madinat al-Munawwarah and running up to bring Nooru 'l-Islam, lights of Islam to its people. Iraq also was under command of the Persian Qisra (the Chosroes of Persia), and how they were running away, do you know it? The commander of the Islamic army, when they approached Tigris, Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqaas was coming perhaps two kilometers away and saying, bismillah, tawakkalna `ala Allah, “In the Name of Allah, we rely on (put our trust in) Allah!” Whole army was going; first Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqaas marching like an asphalt road (smoothly) and whole army with their equipment was marching. Then after defeat, their enemy was saying, "They are not from Mankind, they are jinn running on water, up to Tigris, up to Tehran." But really they have (super human) support from heavens! Prophet (s) is saying, "From my nation, twelve-thousand can't be defeated, it is impossible, they must be victorious!" That is the holy command, holy order from Prophet (s), but people lost it. They are fearing from pig virus, pig flu! Now rings of danger, dome dome, dome dome, that means run away! Because this volcano will erupt, run away! They may make me to speak up to next Jumu`ah or next month, but it is enough for who are asking to know something. It is enough if no-mind people are not listening and not using their minds. O our Lord, forgive us, grant that we are obedient servants, to believe in You, to believe in Your Power Oceans. Fatihah. (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:27:44
6456 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OnlyHeavenlySupportCanSavePeople
Whom they like to listen and accept, they will be in safety and guarded and protected and saved, here and Hereafter. Whom they are running away, they are running to Hell. Fatihah. I am not preparing or looking, preparing and speaking, but those responsible for this world and for people are ordering me to be here. I never know what I am saying. O People! Try to believe in Allah Almighty and His prophets, particularly in the Seal of Prophets (s), and you will be saved here and Hereafter. Fatihah. Lefke, 05.03.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryJumaSohbat, CategoryGreece, CategoryEconomy, CategoryJuma, CategoryShaitan (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:27:44
6457 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OnlyOneCanBeProud
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : OnlyOneCanBeProud
Only One Can Be Proud
Dastoor ya Sultan al-anbiya, ya Sultan al-Awliya, Ya RijaalAllah. (standing) Allahu akbar Allahu Akbar la ilaha illa-Llah, Allahu akbar Allahu akbar wa lillahilhamd alfu's-salaata alfu's- salama `alayku ya sayyidina ya Habeebillah, `alayka ya Sayyid al-awaleena wa'l-akhireen, as-salaamu alayk ya nur `arshillah Laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyi 'l-`Adheem As-salaam `alaykum, O our listeners! May Allah blessings you and blessings me to be good servants. Not to waste our life for nothing. And we are saying a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytaan ir-rajeem and Bismillahi ’r- Rahmani ’r-Raheem and we are saying "O our Lord! We are running away from Shaytaan and its armies. Please give us your divinely protection!" Dastoor ya rijalAllah It is a humble associaion and we are saying for every occasion a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytaan ir-rajeem, Bismillahi ’r-Rahmani ’r-Raheem and we are running away from dirtiness; we are running away from dirty (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:27:45
6458 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OnlyOneCanBeProud
ones and we are running away from dirty life and we are running away from dirty actings. We are asking from our Creator, the Lord of Heavens, the Lord of whole creation, and creation going on like a river without stopping. No one knowing its beginning; no one knowing to where ending. Can't be. Everything that... Dastoor ya Sayyidee, Ya Hadratee! Everything that belongs to our Creator Most Powerful, Most Majestic, Most Glorious, you can't know anything that belongs to Him. No doubt everything belongs to Him, that He is Creator. When He was Creator? He was Creator from pre-eternal, azali. Pre-eternal. No one knowing a beginning for Allah Almighty's Existence and no one knowing our Lord's Existence up to eternal. No one knowing the meaning of eternity and eternity is something that can't be understand. Only you may believe and beyond that you are knowing nothing. Allah Almighty (Huwa) azaliyyun, abadiyyun. He is, His Existence from pre-eternal, and up to eternal, oooh. But we have been granted some, eh, we have some ability to speak on pre-eternal and eternal, to say only eternity, but impossible to understand anything. Yes, His creation without stopping from pre-eternal continuing. Don't think that the Lord of heavens He has only one world, that you are living on it and no anyone else. No. As astronomers they are saying that this creation, creatures just appeared through pre- eternal, running, running, running. No one knowing for it a beginning, and running running running! (To) where reaching? No one knowing where they are ending. No, He is the Lord of Heavens. He is only One. And He is only One Who may Create and creation running without stopping. O people! We have been granted an understanding and our understanding is over understandings of every creatures'. For every creature there is a level of understanding. You can't find anyone in existence that he is not knowing about itself, himself, herself, themselves. Everyone knowing. Everyone they have a level of understanding and countless creations, and every creature that coming in existence, by our Lord's Holy Command, He is only saying "Be!" and (it is) coming into existence. You must try to know something according to your capacity or according to your ability you may understand something that granted to you. And you, as a man, you know about yourself in a direction of understanding that a second one (is) not using that way of understanding. You may understand or you have been granted an understanding about yourself and then you have been granted to know around yourself from creatures through creation. Creation. (N)ever-ending oceans. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar! (N)ever-ending oceans. (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:27:45
6459 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OnlyOneCanBeProud
Even you, O proud ones, you are learning some lines of knowledge, you are saying that the level of different creatures you may say something, commonly, but there is through that existence of creatures, there is so many levels of understanding because every creature must know about their Creator. But about your knowledge, according to your knowledge level, if you are losing yourself in it. Therefore we must give more time - perhaps we must give whole our ability, capacity, understanding, willpower, mentality and heartly sacred powers through your heart, to understand something, something, more and more. But if you are saying it is not a too big claiming, that I may say one atom you may know something about that atom. But your knowledge about that atom is not last point of your knowledge. You must take care what you are speaking that making a weak servant to speak on such a things. I am saying on that way, to give an understanding our Lord's (n)ever-ending Power Oceans, (n)ever-ending Ability and Capacity and Authority and Endless Wills for creating and bringing creatures in existence, countless, countless creatures. Do you think that you are, Professor Abdullah, that two atoms, each one knowing a second atom as it is necessary to know or to understand? Do you think that one atom just understanding reality of second atom? No, it is impossible. It is from a capacity as well as a ability to know for itself, but I don't think that any scientist or any doctor, or nature may claim that in atom just knowing a second atom as second atom knowing about itself. Hydrogen: two hydrogen atoms. Do you think that both of them knowing about their secrets as they knowing (themselves)? Can't be. You, you are a man, but you can't know secret for another man. It has identity, as well as you have another identity. You have a personality as well as second person, he has a identity and personality. Everything can't be on same category as the second one. Each one, each one category belongs to that one but a second one can't enter wholly through that category. There is one moon; there are ten billion people. Each one's knowledge about that moon, it is different. Moon just coming and appearing through our knowledge and mentality in another way, different; different; different. All of them they are making me to speak on such a subjects for understanding the Greatness of the Lord of Heavens, the Lord of Creation. If you are going to be as... (unable) unable for understanding and to be understandings of you never getting to be same as another one. Therefore everyone's understanding for moon getting different, different. Millions (3 von 8)04.07.2013 23:27:45
6460 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OnlyOneCanBeProud
and billions difference. That is the Lord of Creation's position to make people to know that the Creator is not someone that you are, you are imagining. The Creator, Allah Almighty, out of our knowing, out of our imagination, also. Even your imagination can't reach. He is (absolute) Great One, the Lord of heavens, the Lord of creation. Now we are asking and they are making me to speak in such a subjects to break down the pride of mankind. Because Shaytaan blowing (into) man's mentality some wrong ideas. And asking, that devil, to carry people on a level that saying "Your Creator that one, can't be, because our Creator out of our imagining also." And our imagination is such a small one, our capacity for imagining it is going, going, going, going down, on, down and it is going to be finished and it is going to be zero. Even our imagination never reaching to anything of our Creator's Existence. Glory to Allah Almighty. We must continue time by time on such a subjects to break down man's pride. Because most dangerous characteristic that man taking from Satanic sources is that pride. Man asking to be a proud one and we are trying to make their imagining on zero point. Because man getting big harms through pride and if you are not going to break it down, that pride going on and you are harming everything and you are going to be on the level that the Lord of heavens asking you to be His servants. From pre-eternal, asking to you, "O my servant! Are you accepting Me as your Creator?" All of them saying, "Bala - yes, Almighty Allah, we are Your servants." That is our declaration in Divinely Presence that no time and no space at that time. No time, no space, (and He swt was) asking "Are you accepting Me in Existence only? Are you bowing from My Majestic Godship, O My creatures? Are you accepting that I am your Lord, the Most High and Most Glorified? Are you accepting that you are My servants and I am Your Lord?" We said, "n`am, yes our Lord! We are accepting that is the first." .. that we are making that `ahad, oath. Shaytaan coming and saying "No! you must ask, you must try to be in existence someone. You must try to be a proud one in the Divinely Presence." Who are you to say this? But Shaytaan's teacing is only on that point to make people to declare that they are someones in existence. No, you must declare and your must be thaabit, (firm) firm on servanthood and servants can't reach to the level to be proud forever from pre-eternal up to eternal. And everything that people going to be harmed is to claim that "I am a proud one." And they are creating, I may say, mankind, that doing countless titles to (make) ithbaat al-wujood, everyone asking to make a proof for themselves that we are something in existence, therefore claiming that they are proud ones and then (4 von 8)04.07.2013 23:27:45
6461 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OnlyOneCanBeProud
angels kicking them away as Satan was kicked down. And whole prophets coming to teach people about their oath in the Divine Presence and to accept that they are only servants and servants can't be proud and to be proud is only for Almighty Allah. May Allah forgives us. Yessir, dumm,dumm,dumm,dummm,dumm,dummm, (singing) O mankind come and listen what saying to you heavenly beings saying, calling you to be servants to the Lord of creation from pre-eternal up to eternal through eternity, only that one be proud Your Lord only, no one else can be proud, You must try to declare your servanthood, as you were giving your declaration that time, that no-time (5 von 8)04.07.2013 23:27:45
6462 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OnlyOneCanBeProud
and no place and no time you were saying "You are our Lord! "You are only in existence and nothing else!" Fatiha Understand? (Yessir, alhmadulillah, very beautiful) Time? (38 minutes.) 38? 38 yes, yes. (singing) O people come and listen come and accept what heavenly, heavenly calling saying to you give your ear for hearing that you are only servants no Lord, another Lord can't be O people! dumm,dumm,dumm,dummm,dumm,dumm 2x Allah Allah Allah Allah 4x Whole Glory, whole Majesty (6 von 8)04.07.2013 23:27:45
6463 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OnlyOneCanBeProud
whole Respects to You
nen, die nach mir kommen, allen Nationen, zeigen. Ich bin der Kaiser und König von Ost bis West. Ich habe dies gesammelt, aber mein Herr, weil ich nicht Shukr sagte, weil ich nicht dankte und sagte, O mein Herr, Dank sei Dir, so versucht Er mich. Ibtila - prüfen? Er versucht mich. Und Er sandte Qaht, eine Dürre in mein Land. .. und alles vertrocknete. Wasser vertrocknete, Felder und Gärten vertrockneten und nichts, die Menschen starben vor Hunger und Durst. Und mich verlangte auch nach Essen und Trinken, und ich sandte einen Korb gefüllt mit Gold in die Stadt und sagte, wer mir ein Stück Essen geben kann, eine Tasse Wasser, dem gebe ich das. Und vom Morgen bis zum Abend gingen sie herum und fanden niemanden, der eine Tasse Wasser oder ein Stück Brot für mich gab. Am zweiten Tag befahl ich, daß der Korb geleert wurde, und tat Perlen und Diamanten hinein, die teuersten, füllte ihn und ging und erbat von den (10 von 11)04.07.2013 23:27:43
6450 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OneStarInHeaven
Leuten, wer mir eine Tasse Wasser oder ein Stück Brot geben würde, dem gäbe ich das. Dann gingen sie vom Morgen bis zum Abend, aber sie konnten niemanden finden, der ein Stück Brot oder eine Tasse Wasser gab. Als ich hoffnungslos war, befahl ich, daß die Juwelen zerstoßen und zermahlen würden, und sie fanden eine kleine Tasse Wasser. Sie brachten sie und taten diese zerstoßenen Diamanten und Perlen in das Wasser, und ich trank es und sie verschlossen meine Eingeweide und ich starb. O Leute, seht und nehmt Weisheit an. Was ist der Nutzen? Ich frage, warum erzählt ihr den Menschen nicht solche Geschichten? Den Muluk, den Awliya, den Shaykhs, den Emiren, den Sultanen. Warum sagt ihr nicht, wenn Allah der Allächtige das mit euch machte, was ist damit, was würdet ihr tun? Deshalb, o Leute, vertraut nicht auf das, was wir sammeln, sondern ihr müßt euerem Herrn dem Allmächtigen Allah vertrauen und um himmlische Unterstützung bitten. Glaubt nicht, daß ihr aufsteht, geht, kommt, geht, macht durch euer physisches Sein, sondern alles kommt von dem himmlischen Stern, der zu euch gehört, der gerade gesandt wurde. Seid euerem Herrn shakir, dankbar, seid gehorsam, versucht, gehorsame Diener zu sein für eueren Herrn den Allmächtigen Allah. Ihr solltet gerettet werden hier und im Jenseits. Fa Allahu Khayrun Hafizan, wa Huwa Arhama r-Rahimin. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Fa'fuanna ya Karim bi Jahi man Anzalta `alayhi, Surat al Fatiha. Dum dum dum dum, dum dum dum dum.. Tawba ya Rabb, Tubna ilayh. Tawba ya Rabb, Tubna ilayh. Tawba Astaghfirullah. Lefke, 10.04.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryQuran, CategoryJudaism, WebSaltanatOrg (11 von 11)04.07.2013 23:27:43
6451 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OnlyHeavenlySupportCanSavePeople
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : OnlyHeavenlySupportCanSavePeople
Only Heavenly Support Can Save People
(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allah, Allah. Allah, Allah. Dastoor, yaa RijaalAllah. Madad, yaa Sultaan al-Awliya. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultaan Allah. La ilaaha illa-Llah,La ilaaha illa-Llah, La ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah, `alayhi 's-salaatullah! Sayyidina Muhammadun Rasoolullah. As-salaamu `alaykum! As-salaamu `alaykum yaa ayyuhal ins wal jinn. Madad, yaa Sahib al-Imdad. Madad, yaa RijaalAllah. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) O People! Our attenders from east to west, north to south. Mankind is not taking care of the honor of this holy day, and sayyidu ‘l-ayaam fi 'd-dunya wa fi 'l-akhirah, “Master of days in this world and the next world,” Yawm al-Jumu'ah, Friday. Every nation knows the honor of Yawm al-Jumu`ah, Friday, and they are making only one day, "Good Friday," they are saying? And which Friday is not good? Every Friday is a good Friday, but Shaytan making them not to believe the honor of Friday. Christians are saying (that their Sabbath is) (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:27:44
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Yawm al-Ahad, Sunday. Jewish people are saying (that their Sabbath is) Yawm as-Sabt, Saturday. And it is clear that after Friday, Saturday and Sunday are coming; it is not in the order of Sunday, Saturday, and then Friday, no. The divinely invitation is on Friday. Allah Almighty is calling the people of Paradise to an unknown (place) and just created one, calling whole Paradise people to come for the divinely feast on a Friday. Tajalli `azham, Greatest Manifestation or appearance, that never passed before is coming. This Friday is in its position when it is more brightened than the other Fridays that passed away. But when the next Friday is coming, this brightness is never going to disappear, but it will come into that Friday. That Friday will get more Divinely Appearance, more light which has never been seen by anyone before. Allahu akbar! And therefore, Friday here and Hereafter is the most honored, lightened, and blessed day. But people now are heedless; really they are heedless and idiot ones, and no-mind people. They are never thinking of the Last Day and beyond it what will be. As-salaamu `alaykum to the whole of Mankind whom are taking care for this holy day. And the day of Friday is the most honored day granted from Allah Almighty to His deputies, the nation of Muhammad (s)! And we are now saying, A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem, requesting that Allah Almighty makes a way. I am ashamed to say, "O my Lord, take away Shaytan from us." If it is not an order, asta`idh, a`oodhu billah, really it is so big blame to say, "O my Lord, take Shaytan away from me," astaghfirullah. But when we are asking protection, Allah Almighty may defeat Shaytan with a very small creature, a virus that you can't see under a strong microscope. Like this also, viruses are too much for Shaytan, even billions, trillions, quadrillions, quintillion of shaytans, that virus will be too much for them. But we have been ordered to say, "O our Lord, protect us." That is the usool, the protocol. And then the smallest creature may come and say, ana lahu, "I am enough for billions of shaytans." Then now they are making such powerful weapons, atomic bombs. An atom is so small, and a virus is so big. An atom is so small, but one is enough to destroy the whole world. When the holy command from heavens is reaching, that one is enough and may destroy! But as a protocol we must say, "O our Lord, protect us." If we are directing ourselves firstly to that smallest creature, it is also the worst of manners. O my Lord! That is ta`zheem, glorification for Allah Almighty. And then that smallest one may destroy billions or trillions of (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:27:44
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shaytans. Now time is over, like a train when it is ready to move, first the engine begins. Now we are in such days that the heavenly beings' trumpets are beginning to warn people that the Last Day is approaching. You are now moving on it! I am ashamed to say that Allah Almighty making me to be here. No. But whom authorized for this world, for controlling everything, he knows that we are approaching the last station. When the train is approaching it is making the sound, 'oooooooooo.' Now heavenly armies are ready to come on Earth. Therefore, there will be so many things you never heard, saw, or knew about, now that new tajalli, manifestation is coming. O People! Come a little bit closer to your Lord's servanthood. Nothing can save nations now, except to approach the whole Divinely Hudoor, to be in His Divinely Presences, tawajjuh. You must leave this life's work, you must make it less. I heard that Greece just became bankrupt and they are running like this and like that to save themselves. No way (to save themselves); only one way. You are making dunya as an idol for you and the Greek nation are very famous to paint rocks and to say "That is Zeus, that is Aphrodite, and that is another one and another one," and they are saying, “Come and save us!” Now Greek people and the whole of dunya are making the materialistic world as the only sabab (cause) reason to save themselves. Leave that paper money! (Even) If Greece is full with gold, that crisis will never end. In Turkey, Cyprus, Arabia, in east and in west it is the same, on the same line. The only reason for them to be save is to turn their faces to the Divinely Presence. O People! Change your lookings. To where? It means to heavenly positions. As long as you are looking down, you are not able to save yourselves from the holy command. Hadari `ulamas! Salafi `ulamas! Why are you not reminding people, shatrahu; you must turn the eyes of your heart's to that holy place that belongs to the Lord of Heavens. wa haythu maa kuntum fawalloo wujoohakum shatrahu, Wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction. (of the Sacred Mosque); (2:144) (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:27:44
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Therefore, we are saying, "Baytullah" (House of Allah). If you are saying it is empty, then it has no meaning. But give honor to that bayt, the House of the Lord. It was built by Sayyidina Ibraheem and Isma`eel (a), four walls, the honor that has been granted to be House of Lord. Don't look at the four walls, no! Look to whom those four walls have been built for, a simple building, called "House of the Lord." People are saying, "O America, help us!" Material support is finished for whole nations! Arabs are calling and fighting, Pakistan are calling and fighting, east and west are fighting, African people are fighting, and for what? They don't know for what. They are saying, "We must come to power," and Allah Almighty is saying: khuliqu 'l-insaanal da`eefa, For man was created Weak. (4:76) “I created Man weak; he can't do anything if My power is not reaching.” Look to the Seal of Prophets (s). (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) His father passed away when he was in the womb of his mother, and his mother passed away when he was four or five-years-old and he was weak. O Europeans! O non-Muslims! O Pope! O Chief Rabbi! O all other nations! Look at that one; that a child was born through unknown deserts, no schooling, no teachings, no books. They are people of jaahiliyyah, ignorance, and idol worshipers, (to not understand) how that one, so weak, so weak, thousands of kings and powerful people proud with their armies, their countries, their sultanates, they are only like a shooting star. All those people just passed away, no names are known but that one. But people now are not using their minds; their minds are not here (points to head), but here (points down). Yes, who was supporting that orphan?! Not Allah?? For the honor of that one we are here! And today through east and west billions of people are coming to say, la ilaaha illa-Llah, Muhammad Rasoolullah. (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) You must understand heavenly support! Two-billion people today are saying, (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar, ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illa-Llah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasoolullah. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Am I paying you to come here? How are you coming here? If there is no heavenly support I cannot do anything. I know only to swear to that if Shaytan is support, let him support Greek people, Turkish people, Cypriot people, Chinese people, Pakistani people, Indian people! That is from heavenly warning coming now, (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:27:44
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approaching. O People! Beware, as when it is coming, it is making you as nothing! Ask to be saved through heavenly support! Don't run to America, to England, to Russia, to China, don't run to Japan, no. They can't give you any support! Ask only for heavenly support, it is going to save people! It is written, mentioned, heavenly support belongs to the Lord of Heavens; without it, is impossible to be saved. Bring people who say they are Christians; (remind them) what their holy book saying. O Salafi `ulamas! Why are you not reminding your people? And every time your governments and other governments are running to buy new weapons and instruments, for what? SubhaanAllah. In the time of Sayyidina `Umar (r), armies of Islam were coming from Madinat al-Munawwarah and running up to bring Nooru 'l-Islam, lights of Islam to its people. Iraq also was under command of the Persian Qisra (the Chosroes of Persia), and how they were running away, do you know it? The commander of the Islamic army, when they approached Tigris, Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqaas was coming perhaps two kilometers away and saying, bismillah, tawakkalna `ala Allah, “In the Name of Allah, we rely on (put our trust in) Allah!” Whole army was going; first Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqaas marching like an asphalt road (smoothly) and whole army with their equipment was marching. Then after defeat, their enemy was saying, "They are not from Mankind, they are jinn running on water, up to Tigris, up to Tehran." But really they have (super human) support from heavens! Prophet (s) is saying, "From my nation, twelve-thousand can't be defeated, it is impossible, they must be victorious!" That is the holy command, holy order from Prophet (s), but people lost it. They are fearing from pig virus, pig flu! Now rings of danger, dome dome, dome dome, that means run away! Because this volcano will erupt, run away! They may make me to speak up to next Jumu`ah or next month, but it is enough for who are asking to know something. It is enough if no-mind people are not listening and not using their minds. O our Lord, forgive us, grant that we are obedient servants, to believe in You, to believe in Your Power Oceans. Fatihah. (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:27:44
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Whom they like to listen and accept, they will be in safety and guarded and protected and saved, here and Hereafter. Whom they are running away, they are running to Hell. Fatihah. I am not preparing or looking, preparing and speaking, but those responsible for this world and for people are ordering me to be here. I never know what I am saying. O People! Try to believe in Allah Almighty and His prophets, particularly in the Seal of Prophets (s), and you will be saved here and Hereafter. Fatihah. Lefke, 05.03.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryJumaSohbat, CategoryGreece, CategoryEconomy, CategoryJuma, CategoryShaitan (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:27:44
6457 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: OnlyOneCanBeProud
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : OnlyOneCanBeProud
Only One Can Be Proud
Dastoor ya Sultan al-anbiya, ya Sultan al-Awliya, Ya RijaalAllah. (standing) Allahu akbar Allahu Akbar la ilaha illa-Llah, Allahu akbar Allahu akbar wa lillahilhamd alfu's-salaata alfu's- salama `alayku ya sayyidina ya Habeebillah, `alayka ya Sayyid al-awaleena wa'l-akhireen, as-salaamu alayk ya nur `arshillah Laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyi 'l-`Adheem As-salaam `alaykum, O our listeners! May Allah blessings you and blessings me to be good servants. Not to waste our life for nothing. And we are saying a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytaan ir-rajeem and Bismillahi ’r- Rahmani ’r-Raheem and we are saying "O our Lord! We are running away from Shaytaan and its armies. Please give us your divinely protection!" Dastoor ya rijalAllah It is a humble associaion and we are saying for every occasion a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytaan ir-rajeem, Bismillahi ’r-Rahmani ’r-Raheem and we are running away from dirtiness; we are running away from dirty (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:27:45
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ones and we are running away from dirty life and we are running away from dirty actings. We are asking from our Creator, the Lord of Heavens, the Lord of whole creation, and creation going on like a river without stopping. No one knowing its beginning; no one knowing to where ending. Can't be. Everything that... Dastoor ya Sayyidee, Ya Hadratee! Everything that belongs to our Creator Most Powerful, Most Majestic, Most Glorious, you can't know anything that belongs to Him. No doubt everything belongs to Him, that He is Creator. When He was Creator? He was Creator from pre-eternal, azali. Pre-eternal. No one knowing a beginning for Allah Almighty's Existence and no one knowing our Lord's Existence up to eternal. No one knowing the meaning of eternity and eternity is something that can't be understand. Only you may believe and beyond that you are knowing nothing. Allah Almighty (Huwa) azaliyyun, abadiyyun. He is, His Existence from pre-eternal, and up to eternal, oooh. But we have been granted some, eh, we have some ability to speak on pre-eternal and eternal, to say only eternity, but impossible to understand anything. Yes, His creation without stopping from pre-eternal continuing. Don't think that the Lord of heavens He has only one world, that you are living on it and no anyone else. No. As astronomers they are saying that this creation, creatures just appeared through pre- eternal, running, running, running. No one knowing for it a beginning, and running running running! (To) where reaching? No one knowing where they are ending. No, He is the Lord of Heavens. He is only One. And He is only One Who may Create and creation running without stopping. O people! We have been granted an understanding and our understanding is over understandings of every creatures'. For every creature there is a level of understanding. You can't find anyone in existence that he is not knowing about itself, himself, herself, themselves. Everyone knowing. Everyone they have a level of understanding and countless creations, and every creature that coming in existence, by our Lord's Holy Command, He is only saying "Be!" and (it is) coming into existence. You must try to know something according to your capacity or according to your ability you may understand something that granted to you. And you, as a man, you know about yourself in a direction of understanding that a second one (is) not using that way of understanding. You may understand or you have been granted an understanding about yourself and then you have been granted to know around yourself from creatures through creation. Creation. (N)ever-ending oceans. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar! (N)ever-ending oceans. (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:27:45
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Even you, O proud ones, you are learning some lines of knowledge, you are saying that the level of different creatures you may say something, commonly, but there is through that existence of creatures, there is so many levels of understanding because every creature must know about their Creator. But about your knowledge, according to your knowledge level, if you are losing yourself in it. Therefore we must give more time - perhaps we must give whole our ability, capacity, understanding, willpower, mentality and heartly sacred powers through your heart, to understand something, something, more and more. But if you are saying it is not a too big claiming, that I may say one atom you may know something about that atom. But your knowledge about that atom is not last point of your knowledge. You must take care what you are speaking that making a weak servant to speak on such a things. I am saying on that way, to give an understanding our Lord's (n)ever-ending Power Oceans, (n)ever-ending Ability and Capacity and Authority and Endless Wills for creating and bringing creatures in existence, countless, countless creatures. Do you think that you are, Professor Abdullah, that two atoms, each one knowing a second atom as it is necessary to know or to understand? Do you think that one atom just understanding reality of second atom? No, it is impossible. It is from a capacity as well as a ability to know for itself, but I don't think that any scientist or any doctor, or nature may claim that in atom just knowing a second atom as second atom knowing about itself. Hydrogen: two hydrogen atoms. Do you think that both of them knowing about their secrets as they knowing (themselves)? Can't be. You, you are a man, but you can't know secret for another man. It has identity, as well as you have another identity. You have a personality as well as second person, he has a identity and personality. Everything can't be on same category as the second one. Each one, each one category belongs to that one but a second one can't enter wholly through that category. There is one moon; there are ten billion people. Each one's knowledge about that moon, it is different. Moon just coming and appearing through our knowledge and mentality in another way, different; different; different. All of them they are making me to speak on such a subjects for understanding the Greatness of the Lord of Heavens, the Lord of Creation. If you are going to be as... (unable) unable for understanding and to be understandings of you never getting to be same as another one. Therefore everyone's understanding for moon getting different, different. Millions (3 von 8)04.07.2013 23:27:45
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and billions difference. That is the Lord of Creation's position to make people to know that the Creator is not someone that you are, you are imagining. The Creator, Allah Almighty, out of our knowing, out of our imagination, also. Even your imagination can't reach. He is (absolute) Great One, the Lord of heavens, the Lord of creation. Now we are asking and they are making me to speak in such a subjects to break down the pride of mankind. Because Shaytaan blowing (into) man's mentality some wrong ideas. And asking, that devil, to carry people on a level that saying "Your Creator that one, can't be, because our Creator out of our imagining also." And our imagination is such a small one, our capacity for imagining it is going, going, going, going down, on, down and it is going to be finished and it is going to be zero. Even our imagination never reaching to anything of our Creator's Existence. Glory to Allah Almighty. We must continue time by time on such a subjects to break down man's pride. Because most dangerous characteristic that man taking from Satanic sources is that pride. Man asking to be a proud one and we are trying to make their imagining on zero point. Because man getting big harms through pride and if you are not going to break it down, that pride going on and you are harming everything and you are going to be on the level that the Lord of heavens asking you to be His servants. From pre-eternal, asking to you, "O my servant! Are you accepting Me as your Creator?" All of them saying, "Bala - yes, Almighty Allah, we are Your servants." That is our declaration in Divinely Presence that no time and no space at that time. No time, no space, (and He swt was) asking "Are you accepting Me in Existence only? Are you bowing from My Majestic Godship, O My creatures? Are you accepting that I am your Lord, the Most High and Most Glorified? Are you accepting that you are My servants and I am Your Lord?" We said, "n`am, yes our Lord! We are accepting that is the first." .. that we are making that `ahad, oath. Shaytaan coming and saying "No! you must ask, you must try to be in existence someone. You must try to be a proud one in the Divinely Presence." Who are you to say this? But Shaytaan's teacing is only on that point to make people to declare that they are someones in existence. No, you must declare and your must be thaabit, (firm) firm on servanthood and servants can't reach to the level to be proud forever from pre-eternal up to eternal. And everything that people going to be harmed is to claim that "I am a proud one." And they are creating, I may say, mankind, that doing countless titles to (make) ithbaat al-wujood, everyone asking to make a proof for themselves that we are something in existence, therefore claiming that they are proud ones and then (4 von 8)04.07.2013 23:27:45
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angels kicking them away as Satan was kicked down. And whole prophets coming to teach people about their oath in the Divine Presence and to accept that they are only servants and servants can't be proud and to be proud is only for Almighty Allah. May Allah forgives us. Yessir, dumm,dumm,dumm,dummm,dumm,dummm, (singing) O mankind come and listen what saying to you heavenly beings saying, calling you to be servants to the Lord of creation from pre-eternal up to eternal through eternity, only that one be proud Your Lord only, no one else can be proud, You must try to declare your servanthood, as you were giving your declaration that time, that no-time (5 von 8)04.07.2013 23:27:45
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and no place and no time you were saying "You are our Lord! "You are only in existence and nothing else!" Fatiha Understand? (Yessir, alhmadulillah, very beautiful) Time? (38 minutes.) 38? 38 yes, yes. (singing) O people come and listen come and accept what heavenly, heavenly calling saying to you give your ear for hearing that you are only servants no Lord, another Lord can't be O people! dumm,dumm,dumm,dummm,dumm,dumm 2x Allah Allah Allah Allah 4x Whole Glory, whole Majesty (6 von 8)04.07.2013 23:27:45
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whole Respects to You