Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (414/777)
sed my, our Prophet's (saws) peace be upon him, praisings I reached a life people say that I reached the top of high life. Long life. And now day by day we (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:25
5764 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Medicines
are looking when our Lord's death angel, coming to take our souls. But through that time everything may come to people from health, wealth or poverty. We are trying to take away what giving ourselves trouble. Al Hamdulillah today bi Fadl-Lillah, Allah Almighty's grant, grants I reached up to today. And I am thanking to our Lord & praising Rasulullah (saws). Up to today I am happy that our Lord's grant through His most beloved servant Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) reached. Now, so many doctors coming to me when I was weak in His Will, up to today. Al Hamdulillah we have been "Wa 'Ataynahu Min Kulli Shay'in Sababan"(18:84) Allah Almighty making some reasons and giving to someones for curing His servants up to last moment of their lives. Al Hamdulillah, I am today through your advising & medicines Bi Amri-Llah. Allah Almighty's Lutf/kindness I am restful. Now I am not complaining from anything Al Hamdulillah. And I am not asking some medicine to change my life as I was a young man, no! Now I am happy with myself. Happy to my Lord that granted to me; happy to His most beloved one Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) and his one of his most beloved sahaba, Umm Hiram Bint Milhan. I am under Umm Hiram's care. Al Hamdulillah. From one year ago I was so weak, now Allah Shukr as you... After this I am not asking anything as only something to make my body much more stronger...what I am doing? I am going to make olympics running! No! Al Hamdulillah I am eating, I am speaking, looking, I am not using this hearing, sometimes I am hearing, I say I am not hearing. How you are not keep here. Sometimes mosquitos zzzzzzzz I am hearing, sometimes guns fire, I am not hearing. I am thanking he is.. like son but grandson. Dr. he did his best also for me. From long distance he is coming and visiting. Abdun...a poor derwish, servant of the Lord of Heavens, weak servant of Ummat Al Habib. Now I am not asking something making me much to walk or to run. It is enough I am looking, Al Hamdulillah. I am not complaining for anything and he is chief doctor also. That he may look like this, we understand. Allah (swt) gives him much more for the honour of His Prophet, Sayyidina Rasulullah (saws). Perhaps you show it to Doctor what I am taking everyday. Everyday I am taking and swearing on them. Doctor you are no joke. He is serious person like me never smiling! Not like you. Allah Shukr. It is. I am not asking new medicine. I am asking health from Heavens! For the honour of the Seal of Prophets & for the honour of his beloved Sittina Hala Sultan. I am Al Hamdulillah I am sleeping, I am eating, only I am swearing those people that they are not cooking as I like. Particularly don't eat salt. Without (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:25
5765 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Medicines
salt fish not be living through oceans. Never! Al Hamdulillah I am happy my Doctors visiting for me, I am asking only dua for him from him to me. I am not asking a new medicine. I am not complaining for anything. New medicine I am not asking. New treatment I am not asking, I am asking if saying you are healthy according to your situation is Allah Almighty's grant to you. I am saying Al Hamdulillah. Good Sir. Allah Allah, Shukran Lillah. Shukran Lillah Ya Rabbi! Allah (swt) gives doctor long life and healthy life & honour life here & Hereafter. Enough our visit. Therefore do not worry for me most simple tablet enough for me. Allah Shukur Ya Rabbi. Shukur Ya Rabbi. Shukur Ya Rabbi, shukur Al Hamdulillah. Dr: Original orange. M: Everything on it going to come a new kind. Dr. Lemon, orange... M: We are doing marmalade from this. Inside we are eating or drinking or putting foods, but this we are making it jam. Look! Dr: First time I am seeing this. M: No one knows this. Dr: This is first time. M: I shall give you one box when you are going. That is narang, bitter orange. That is the mother. Look on this, making... Lemon & the one after is mandarine, and then after orange. Five or seven kinds of this. Allah Shukur, now the potatoes arrived. Medizin
Rabbi l 'Alamin, Rabbi l 'Arshi l 'Azim. Und als zweites bete ich... preise ich... Habib Allah (swt). Der Meistgeliebte in der Göttlichen Gegenwart. Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). Es ist wajib aleina, es ist verpflichtend unsere allerhöchsten Grüße an Rabbina (jwa) auszurichten. Wir sind schwache Diener für den Herrn der Himmel. Und auch schwache Diener Seines meist... stolzesten Propheten Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). Al Hamdulillah. Nun... wir glauben dass es so viele Gründe oder so viel Grund gibt während des Lebens der Menschen bis sie den Letzten Tag erreichen. Oder zu ihrem zeitlich begrenzten Platz, bis zum (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:25
5766 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Medicines
Friedhof. Wir beginnen unser Leben in dieser Dunya, und enden im Friedhof. Und ihr wisst dass der Mensch/ Insan während seins Lebens so viele Gründe hat... die ihn manchmal gesund werden lassen, manchmal etwas wegnehmen. Und Allah der Allmächtige durch Seinen Meistgeliebten Diener, aber er ist der König der gesamten Schöpfung. Und wir sagen Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Das Siegel der Propheten (saws), der meistgeliebte in der Göttlichen Gegenwart, sagte, "Das Leben meines Volkes ist zwischen 60 und 70 Jahren, dann nähert sich langsam, langsam der Friedhof." Alhamdulillah Doktor. Allah der Allmächtige erschuf so viele Arzneien, wenn irgendetwas Seine Diener berührt können sie es benutzen. So lange ihre Leben dauern können sie davon profitieren. Danach gibt es eine Grenze, es geht nicht weiter. Alhamdulillah, wir danken dem Herrn der Himmel. Mulk wa Malakut. Wir danken Allah dem Allmächtigen dass Er (swt) es mag, Seine "Ata! 'AtauLlah...'Ata! (Gaben) Gaben gibt, wie es Ihm (swt) gefällt. Aber das Ende muss erreicht werden. Und wir werden nicht... Wir werden nicht... den letzten Punkt des Lebens der Menschheit erreichen. Vielleicht in diesen 100 Jahren werden wir zum Friedhof zurückgebracht werden. Al Hamdulillah wa sh- Shukr Lillah. Ich bin ein schwacher Diener und sie gewährten mir ein gutes Leben. Vielleicht... ein sicheres Leben, Allah Shukur. Dank dem Herrn. Bis heute verwendete ich die Preisungen unseres Propheten (saws) Friede sei auf ihm. Ich erreichte ein Leben, die Leute sagen, dass ich die Spitze eines hohen Lebens erreicht habe. Ein langes Leben. Und nun schauen wir Tag für Tag wann der Todesengel unseres Herrn kommt um unsere Seele zu nehmen. Aber während dieser Zeit kann alles auf die Leute kommen von Gesundheit, Reichtum bis Armut. Wir versuchen, das zu entfernen, was uns Schwierigkeiten macht. Al Hamdulillah heute bi Fald-Lillah, die Gaben Allahs des Allmächtigen, die Gaben die bei mir bis heute andauern. Und ich danke unserem Herrn und preise Rasulullah (saws). Bis heute bin ich dafür dankbar, dass die Gabe unseres Herrn durch Seinen meistgeliebten Diener Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) mich erreichte. Nun kamen so viele Ärzte zu mir als ich schwach war, in Seinem Willen, bis heute. Al Hamdulillah, wir waren "Wa 'Ataynahu Min Kulli Shay'in Sababan"(18:84) Allah der Allmächtige macht ein paar Gründe und gibt manchen, um Seine Diener bis zum letzten Moment ihres Lebens zu heilen. Al Hamdulillah, ich bin heute hier dank eurer Ratschläge und Medizin Bi Amri-Llah. Allah des Allmächtigen Lutf/Güte bin ich ausgeruht. Nun beschwere ich mich über nichts, Al Hamdulillah. Und ich bitte nicht um eine Medizin, die mein Leben ändert, so wie als ich ein junger Mann war, nein! Nun bin ich glücklich mit mir. Glücklich zu meinem Herrn, der mir gab; glücklich zu Seinem meistgeliebten Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) und der seines meistgeliebten Sahaba, Umm Hiram Bint Milhan. Ich bin unter Umm Hirams Obhut. Al Hamdulillah. Vor einem Jahr war ich so schwach, nun Allah Shukr wie ihr... Danach bitte ich um nichts anderes als etwas, um meinen Körper viel stärker werden zu (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:25
5767 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Medicines
lassen... was tue ich? Ich werde bei den Olympischen Spielen rennen! Nein! Al Hamdulillah ich esse, ich spreche, schaue, ich benutze nicht dieses zum Hören, manchmal höre ich, ich sage ich kann nicht hören. Wieso hast du nichts hier. Manchmal höre ich Moskitos, zzzzzzzz ich höre sie, manchmal Gewehrfeuer, ich höre es nicht. Ich denke er ist wie... ein Sohn aber er ist mein Enkel. Der Dr. hat auch sein Bestes für mich getan. Von so weit her kommt er her und besucht. Abdun... ein armer Derwisch, Diener des Herrn der Himmel, schwacher Diener von Ummat al Habib. Nun bitte ich nicht um etwas, dass mich viel mehr können lassen wird... zu gehen oder zu laufen Es ist genug, dass ich schaue, Al Hamdulillah. Ich kann mich über nichts beschweren, und er ist auch der Chefarzt. Dass er so schauen mag verstehen wir. Allah (swt) gebe ihm noch viel mehr, zu Ehren Seines Propheten, Sayyidina Rasulullah (saws). Vielleicht zeigt ihr dem Doktor, was ich jeden Tag nehme. Jeden Tag nehme ich und fluche auf sie. Doktor, du bist kein Witz. Er ist eine ernste Person, wie ich, lächelt nie! Nicht wie du. Allah Shukr. So ist es. Ich bitte nicht um neue Medizin. Ich bitte um Gesundheit von den Himmeln! Zu Ehren des Siegel der Propheten und zu Ehren seiner geliebten Sittina Hala Sultan. Ich, Al Hamdulillah, ich schlafe, ich esse, ich beschimpfe die Leute nur, dass sie nicht kochen wie ich es mag. Vor allen Dingen kein Salz essen. Ohne Salz lebt der Fisch nicht im Ozean. Niemals! Al Hamdulillah ich bin glücklich, mein Arzt besucht mich, ich bitte nur um Dua für ihn von ihm für mich. Ich bitte nicht um neue Medizin. Ich beschwere mich über nichts. Ich bitte nicht um neue Medizin. Ich bitte nicht um neue Behandlung, ich bitte, wenn sie sagen du bist gesund deiner Situation entsprechend, das ist die Gabe Allahs des Allmächtigen an dich. Ich sage Al Hamdulillah. Gut Herr. Allah Allah, Shukran Lillah. Shukran Lillah Ya Rabbi! Allah (swt) gibt dem Doktor ein langes Leben, und ein gesundes Leben und ehrenvolles Leben hier und im Jenseits. Unser Besuch ist genug. Deswegen macht euch keine Sorgen um mich, die einfachste Tablette genügt mir. Allah Shukur Ya Rabbi. Shukur Ya Rabbi. Shukur Ya Rabbi, shukur Al Hamdulillah. Dr: Eine echte Orange. M: Alles darauf wird zu einer neuen Art. Dr: Zitrone, Orange... M: Wir machen Orangenmarmelade daraus. Das Innere essen oder trinken wir oder tun es ins Essen, aber daraus machen wir Marmelade. Schau! Dr: Das erste Mal dass ich das sehe. M: Niemand weiß das. Dr: Das ist das erste Mal. M: Ich sollte dir eine Kiste mitgeben wenn du gehst. Das ist narang, Bitterorange. Das ist die Mutter. Schau es an, es macht... Zitrone und danach kommt Mandarine, und dann Orange. Fünf oder sieben Arten davon. Allah Shukur, Fatiha. Lefke, 25.03.2013 (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:25
5768 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Medicines
WebSaltanatOrg (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:25
5769 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Meditation
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Meditation
Most masters today present the method of meditation to you. But usually they do not base on Christianity, or Judaism or Islam, so many people think that it is a method which originated within other religions. But that is not the case. Meditation was a method which was already given to the first man, within the first message, to the first Messenger. What purpose does meditation serve, and how can we reach such a state? It is mentioned in all our Holy Books: the Thora, the Gospels and in the Holy Quran, as a method to reach Divine Presence. When we come face to face with our Creator, we leave everything else behind. Nothing remains except your soul. If I would come and try to hit you with a sword, you would not be harmed. Nothing can touch you physically in such a state, because your physical body will have entered your spiritual being. Normally it is the opposite: our souls are imprisoned in the physical body. In a perfect state of meditation, your souls cover your physical body and you become a spirit. There was once a Grandsheik, Sheik Abdul Qadir al Jilani. While he was meditating he kept saying, "I am the truth!" People around him were offended by this and started attacking him with swords, but nothing happened to him. They could not touch him. When Maulana Rumi was in real meditation, he would be whirling and lift off the ground. He had full connection with the Divine Presence. According to our traditional knowledge, rneditation has so many steps before reaching the top point. If you keep those rules, real (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:25:25
5770 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Meditation
meditation can come to you any time. Everyone must try within the rules which exist in their religion, to praise the Lord first, in the way the prophets taught us. We can then sit in a silent place, preferably in the dark, cover ourselves and withdraw from everything around us. We should not hear or feel anything, only think that we are one within the existence of the Lord Almighty Allah in the Divine Presence. Even if it only lasts for 5 minutes, it will give us power. This will then increase and make peace-falcons out of peace-doves. If a terrorist even looks at you, he will fall down. With meditation you can attain ultra-power. Don't think that meditation is something easy. It is the most important power which has been given to mankind. 01.01.1995
BookStarfromHeaven, CategoryMeditation, CategoryAbdulQadirJilani, CategoryMaulanaRumi (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:25:25
5771 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MeetingsForTheSakeOfAllah
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MeetingsForTheSakeOfAllah
Meetings for the sake of Allah Allah’s Hand is over a Jamaat; if they are meeting for worship, there will be Divine Assistance for those people. If they are going to do something according to our Lord’s order, they will be under the guard of Allah. If they are going to do something according to the advice of the Prophet, they will be under the guard of the Prophet sws. Whenever any group of our brothers or sisters meet for the sake of Allah, joining their hearts to the hearts of the Masters of this Way, that meeting will attain the level of an association with the Sheikh. In such a meeting, such a power descends on the hearts of the attenders that even the deepest roots of hidden idolatry, of ego-worship, can be pulled out. Such an assembly is more beneficial than years of superogatory worship. Don't think that the only beneficial meeting is the one where the Sheikh is physically in attendance. When our brothers or sisters meet, one of them must be the channel for inspiration to come from the Sheikh: one must speak and the others listen; one must take from the Sheikh and the others take through him from the Sheikh. In this way all the meetings of our brothers and sisters are blessed. If more than one person speaks, or if there are arguments and contention, then there will be no spiritual power in that meeting, and hearts will be left cold. 01.04.1999
BookOnTheBridgeToEternity, CategoryGuidance, CategoryCommunity 23:25:26
5772 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MeetingWithShaykhTahirAlQadri
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MeetingWithShaykhTahirAlQadri
Historic meeting of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim & Shaykh Tahir al-Qadri in Cyprus (Mawlana Shaykh receives a most honored guest and dear friend, Shaykh al-Islam Tahir al-Qadiri of Pakistan. they are speaking in Arabic for some time, then Mawlana Shaykh gives suhbah in English.) Shaykh Tahir al-Qadiri from Pakistan. Masha-Allah. Three days for right of guest. Ha. After three days, free to go or to stay, but three days. Sayyidina shaykh jai ziayaran min masafa ba`eeda lahu nur wa khidma lil ummah. Now, law khalaftu sayyidina ash-shaykh kaan nahnu nartah (if our master the Shaykh will take our place, we will relax) for one hour, yawmiyyan (daily)? Welcome to you! bi-himmatihi I like to be that meeting mubarak, blessed meeting. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha ill-Allah. Allahu akbar wa lillah al-hamd. Anta rabbun anta khaliquna, ya rabban ighfirlana ma mada bi barakat hadha shahur al- rahma. alfus-salaat alfus-saalm ala sayidna Rasulullah. ashfa` lana, bi sharafa for your honor, just created everything that should be created from pre-Eternal up to Eternal, everything just created for his (s) honor, raghman an al-wahaiyyeen, khazahumullah. If Sayyidina Muhammad wasn't created nothing was in Creation, no. Therefore, tadheeman, I am standing up for saluting, for giving our last point of our respects and glory and majesty to Our Lord, Allah Almighty, as well as we are standing up for His most beloved servant, most glorious, most majestic one, that everything was created (for him). For his (s) honor I am standing up. O listeners! Hear and listen and do what the Lord of Heavens ordering to you, to everyone in Creation. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. For the baraka of Ustaz Shaykh Muhammad Tahir, our most well-known `alim in Islamic world, Shaykh Muhammad Tahir (is) (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:27
5773 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MeetingWithShaykhTahirAlQadri
giving honor to our meeting! I am ashaming to speak in front of such a learned one, well-known one, and beloved one through awliyas also. But his tawadu` (modesty) tawadu` humbleness, he is not going to speak and saying to me, "speak and we may hear." And I am not a person claiming I know something, astaghfirullah, but we are living in a time (when) our masters (are) saying zamaan qaht ar-rijaal, as the Seal of Prophet (s) sa yaatee zamaanu la ybqa min ad-deen illa ismuh wa la min ?? illa rasmuh. So what can we do? We can't leave Ummati Muhammad, the nation of Muhammad; we must speak as much as we can do as a guest coming, and host, he may put if he is a rich one, may put a lamb for his guests; if not, may put ma taqadar, what is there. And we are saying `audhu billahi min ash-shaytani 'r-rajeem. We must say, because Shaytan is a terrible and dangerous enemy for Mankind. You can't find through all Creation (a greater enemy) as its enmity and hasad (envy) he is the top of envy. The most envious one through Creation is Shaytan! Therefore we must say `audhu billahi min ash-shaytani 'r-rajeem. No one can be able to fight Shaytan by himself or by herself, no. Only they may ask from their Lord to protect him or her from Satan and to not fall down into Satan's tricks and traps. Madad ya Sultan al-Awliya. You must ask a help from those people whom they are masters. "Masters" means (those who are) trying to follow the steps of the Seal of the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. And we are saying, we have been ordered also, to say Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem because that is a sword that we can use it against Satan and its follower and its soldiers. Therefore, we are beginning and saying, `audhu billahi min ash-shaytani 'r-rajeem, O Our Lord! Please put your weak servants under Your Divinely Shelter so that he can be in safety on that dangerous enemy, astaghfirullah. And holy order to say Bismillahi 'r- Rahmaani 'r-Raheem, (is telling us) "O My servants! If you like to be sheltered, if you like a defense against your most terrible enemy, use My sword that I granted to you, to ummati Muhammad (s): say Bismillahi 'r- Rahmaani 'r-Raheem!" We are saying and ask istimdad, heavenly suport from heavenly mastes, that means they are closer ones from Seal of Prophets (s). you must ask from them heavenly help and support. Therefore, say it, don't fear that some wrong people may blame you and saying you are making shirk. No! We are not making shirk, but we are following the ways of Sahaba, that they were always asking heavenly help from the Seal of Prophets (s) istimdad, talab al-madad, to ask heavenly help. Heavenly help you are not finding everywhere. If a person has (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:27
5774 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MeetingWithShaykhTahirAlQadri
a car and when benzine, petrol finishing, I don't think he is going to grocery shop and asking, "Fill my car." What is that? Putting in it olive oil or other oil what he may put. Do you think with olive oil a car is running? Can't be. It must be some idiot one to go and to ask from grocery shop, "Fill my car with something that I may continue on my way." No. It is written "Petrol Station"; you must go there. Therefore, don't think if anyone making sulook --Ustaz Professor knowing that sulook is the way that taking people to the Holy Presence of the Seal of Prophets (s)-- if you are not going to his station, you can't be able to move to continue your way to reach to the Lord of Heavens. Therefore, people must know what they may be in need for, moving from the stage or from the level of their egos to move up. They are in need of someone's station to fill them with something that you may go up, or you are going to be like snakes, running. Snakes I am saying snakes because other animals have legs, running away. But that one, snake, dragon, snake has no feet, and you may be less than snake if you are not asking the way to heavens! O people! You are invited or you have been called from heavenly level; you have been invited. O people! You have a heavenly invitation. Eh! Everyone they like to have an invitation. It should be a big feast, or ghada they are saying, or Her Majesty the Queen's ihtifal, some celebration, everyone yatamana more than wishing, their hearts running to have an invitation from Her Majesty the Queen. Anxiously desiring. That is their desire to go there. But people now, subhanallah al-aliyy il-adheem, they are so ignorant, so foolish, so idiot ones! Because the Lord of Heavens sending heavenly invitation to His servants and saying, astaidh billah wallahu yad`u ila dar as-salaam sadaqallah, and it is free, saying, "Come to Me. Say, O my Prophet, call My servants to prepare to arrange themselves ornaments, making their as they are going to Queen's invitation, dressing excellent ones, written on invitation card the type of clothes you must dress in that you must come." For everything there is, what you are saying, (formal dressing) protocol, tashreefan. Protocol is for other nations, but Arabic enough and more than enough for giving every meaning divine and earthly meanings, enough (is) Arabic for whole nations; no need for Arabic language to use another words, therefore, I am saying tashreefa, it is from Prophet (s) to the servants of the Lord of Heavens. OK? Yes. There is invitation, it is free for all Mankind! wallahu yadu` ila dar as-salaam. bidh-dhaat, He Almighty, through His glory and majesty saying, "O My servants, come! I am inviting you to be in My Divinely Presence, (giving) My divinely (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:27
5775 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MeetingWithShaykhTahirAlQadri
invitation to you. Tuh (spit) On those people who are not giving that honor for that invitation, and then they are running away!! Subhanallah, Ya Rabbee, O our Lord, please forgive us! We are so sooooo ignorant ones, leaving, not taking, not accepting, not preparing ourselves for that Divinely Invitation, wallahu yadu` ila dar as-salaam. How we are running after this dirty life and its dirty ladhaat, pleasure? Running after that and leaving Divinely Invitation? We have been invited! O people! O our Lord's servants! Look; use your mentality to make a measuring (take account); to where you are running? For what you are wasting your life, for nothing! And you are leaving that divinely invitation and you are not going to prepare yourself! And the way of reaching, the way of preparation for anyone who (is) asking to reach divinely feast (is by) beginning to be a follower from heavenly ones. They are masters. Heavenly ones (who) are living among people, you must look after them to teach you. (Allah Almighty is) saying, "Come to Me! I am preparing you; I am training you!" That is sulook. People are running away from sulook. We are not created for dunya. They are not understanding this. Whole people they think they have been created for dunya. Dunya is only one spark of match. (Shaykh Tahir al-Qadiri says, "We were created in dunya, not for dunya.") And people running after dunya, not asking more than that, and after while saying, "This passed away and that passed away, and left underground; going to be dust." Their souls (are) untrained for the Last Day. That is important, for Man to ask, who is master? You must ask (from a) master. First masterhood for prophets, then their inheritors, masters. You must try to find them. One is enough. Who inheriting from the Seal of the Prophets (s) is enough, as the Seal of Prophets enough for whole Creation! It is enough for us to find an inheritor from the Seal of Prophets (s), to follow him and to reach your real position and level, here and Hereafter. It is written, and Shaykh Tahiri he knows, but I am addressing to common people. The son of Sayyidina `Umar radi-Allahu `anhum was once with caravans going from Madinatul-Munawwara to Hajj in Mecca al- Mukarrama. And he was with people, qawafil, caravans and he was going and he reached to a place, the way was going one way, so many people all caravans going on that way. Only there was a munhani, curve way behind that, and they saw that the son of Sayyidina `Umar, Allah blessing them, he was taking that curving and going there and reaching to caravan (through a different route). (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:27
5776 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MeetingWithShaykhTahirAlQadri
And people coming and saying, "O Sahib Rasulullah (s), O son of Sayyidina `Umar, why you did this? The way was going straight from here; why you are taking this curved way?" And he said, "O people! I just I saw my darling, habeebee, beloved one (s), I saw him that he reached this place and he did his na`qa ash-shareef, camel, taking this way and going like this; therefore, I love to do everything what I saw from that one." Subhanallah. No place that the Seal of Prophets (s) put his foot on it and not coming a light. Where he passed, that light was coming, and that light (illuminates) up to Yawm al-Qiyamah must be, but faman kaan fee hadhihi `ama kaana fil akhirati `ama, not blind people can see that but (only) open-eyed people. And the son of Sayyidina `Umar was saying (about) the nur, holy light, "I am looking there and how I can leave it and follow you in such a way?" The Sahaba of the Seal of Prophets (s) were following him (s), Habeebullah! They take their shares from the Seal of Prophets (s) and that nur just astaqar, settled through their hearts. Therefore, (for) Sahaba is something else, radiyallahu `anhum wa radoo `anh, that honor cannot be for anyone else, and that honor there is not another honor above where Allah saying, (radiyAllahu `anhum wa radoo anh (well-pleased is Allah with them, and well-pleased are they with Him). (Mawlana Shaykh looks to Shaykh Tahir al-Qadiri, who says, "He explained His pleasure on them first, only then they became pleased with Allah and because of His divine pleasure, they become pleased with Him.") Look what Sahaba companions reaching such an honor, such a ranks, high ranks through heavens! There is heavenly station and there is over that Divinely Station. Divinely no one can enter it, ill ar-Rasool, Divinely Presence is only for one, ya Ustaz. But seven heavens. Heavenly Presence. Then when seven heavens finishing, Archangel Gabriel coming there and standing, and the Seal of Prophets (s) was saying, "Come with me, O Jibreel," and he is answering, "No way, ya Habeebullah, no way siwak to pass up to this point. If I move from here I am going to be nothing and never going to come in existence once again. Only for one."
sed my, our Prophet's (saws) peace be upon him, praisings I reached a life people say that I reached the top of high life. Long life. And now day by day we (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:25
5764 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Medicines
are looking when our Lord's death angel, coming to take our souls. But through that time everything may come to people from health, wealth or poverty. We are trying to take away what giving ourselves trouble. Al Hamdulillah today bi Fadl-Lillah, Allah Almighty's grant, grants I reached up to today. And I am thanking to our Lord & praising Rasulullah (saws). Up to today I am happy that our Lord's grant through His most beloved servant Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) reached. Now, so many doctors coming to me when I was weak in His Will, up to today. Al Hamdulillah we have been "Wa 'Ataynahu Min Kulli Shay'in Sababan"(18:84) Allah Almighty making some reasons and giving to someones for curing His servants up to last moment of their lives. Al Hamdulillah, I am today through your advising & medicines Bi Amri-Llah. Allah Almighty's Lutf/kindness I am restful. Now I am not complaining from anything Al Hamdulillah. And I am not asking some medicine to change my life as I was a young man, no! Now I am happy with myself. Happy to my Lord that granted to me; happy to His most beloved one Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) and his one of his most beloved sahaba, Umm Hiram Bint Milhan. I am under Umm Hiram's care. Al Hamdulillah. From one year ago I was so weak, now Allah Shukr as you... After this I am not asking anything as only something to make my body much more stronger...what I am doing? I am going to make olympics running! No! Al Hamdulillah I am eating, I am speaking, looking, I am not using this hearing, sometimes I am hearing, I say I am not hearing. How you are not keep here. Sometimes mosquitos zzzzzzzz I am hearing, sometimes guns fire, I am not hearing. I am thanking he is.. like son but grandson. Dr. he did his best also for me. From long distance he is coming and visiting. Abdun...a poor derwish, servant of the Lord of Heavens, weak servant of Ummat Al Habib. Now I am not asking something making me much to walk or to run. It is enough I am looking, Al Hamdulillah. I am not complaining for anything and he is chief doctor also. That he may look like this, we understand. Allah (swt) gives him much more for the honour of His Prophet, Sayyidina Rasulullah (saws). Perhaps you show it to Doctor what I am taking everyday. Everyday I am taking and swearing on them. Doctor you are no joke. He is serious person like me never smiling! Not like you. Allah Shukr. It is. I am not asking new medicine. I am asking health from Heavens! For the honour of the Seal of Prophets & for the honour of his beloved Sittina Hala Sultan. I am Al Hamdulillah I am sleeping, I am eating, only I am swearing those people that they are not cooking as I like. Particularly don't eat salt. Without (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:25
5765 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Medicines
salt fish not be living through oceans. Never! Al Hamdulillah I am happy my Doctors visiting for me, I am asking only dua for him from him to me. I am not asking a new medicine. I am not complaining for anything. New medicine I am not asking. New treatment I am not asking, I am asking if saying you are healthy according to your situation is Allah Almighty's grant to you. I am saying Al Hamdulillah. Good Sir. Allah Allah, Shukran Lillah. Shukran Lillah Ya Rabbi! Allah (swt) gives doctor long life and healthy life & honour life here & Hereafter. Enough our visit. Therefore do not worry for me most simple tablet enough for me. Allah Shukur Ya Rabbi. Shukur Ya Rabbi. Shukur Ya Rabbi, shukur Al Hamdulillah. Dr: Original orange. M: Everything on it going to come a new kind. Dr. Lemon, orange... M: We are doing marmalade from this. Inside we are eating or drinking or putting foods, but this we are making it jam. Look! Dr: First time I am seeing this. M: No one knows this. Dr: This is first time. M: I shall give you one box when you are going. That is narang, bitter orange. That is the mother. Look on this, making... Lemon & the one after is mandarine, and then after orange. Five or seven kinds of this. Allah Shukur, now the potatoes arrived. Medizin
Rabbi l 'Alamin, Rabbi l 'Arshi l 'Azim. Und als zweites bete ich... preise ich... Habib Allah (swt). Der Meistgeliebte in der Göttlichen Gegenwart. Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). Es ist wajib aleina, es ist verpflichtend unsere allerhöchsten Grüße an Rabbina (jwa) auszurichten. Wir sind schwache Diener für den Herrn der Himmel. Und auch schwache Diener Seines meist... stolzesten Propheten Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). Al Hamdulillah. Nun... wir glauben dass es so viele Gründe oder so viel Grund gibt während des Lebens der Menschen bis sie den Letzten Tag erreichen. Oder zu ihrem zeitlich begrenzten Platz, bis zum (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:25
5766 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Medicines
Friedhof. Wir beginnen unser Leben in dieser Dunya, und enden im Friedhof. Und ihr wisst dass der Mensch/ Insan während seins Lebens so viele Gründe hat... die ihn manchmal gesund werden lassen, manchmal etwas wegnehmen. Und Allah der Allmächtige durch Seinen Meistgeliebten Diener, aber er ist der König der gesamten Schöpfung. Und wir sagen Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Das Siegel der Propheten (saws), der meistgeliebte in der Göttlichen Gegenwart, sagte, "Das Leben meines Volkes ist zwischen 60 und 70 Jahren, dann nähert sich langsam, langsam der Friedhof." Alhamdulillah Doktor. Allah der Allmächtige erschuf so viele Arzneien, wenn irgendetwas Seine Diener berührt können sie es benutzen. So lange ihre Leben dauern können sie davon profitieren. Danach gibt es eine Grenze, es geht nicht weiter. Alhamdulillah, wir danken dem Herrn der Himmel. Mulk wa Malakut. Wir danken Allah dem Allmächtigen dass Er (swt) es mag, Seine "Ata! 'AtauLlah...'Ata! (Gaben) Gaben gibt, wie es Ihm (swt) gefällt. Aber das Ende muss erreicht werden. Und wir werden nicht... Wir werden nicht... den letzten Punkt des Lebens der Menschheit erreichen. Vielleicht in diesen 100 Jahren werden wir zum Friedhof zurückgebracht werden. Al Hamdulillah wa sh- Shukr Lillah. Ich bin ein schwacher Diener und sie gewährten mir ein gutes Leben. Vielleicht... ein sicheres Leben, Allah Shukur. Dank dem Herrn. Bis heute verwendete ich die Preisungen unseres Propheten (saws) Friede sei auf ihm. Ich erreichte ein Leben, die Leute sagen, dass ich die Spitze eines hohen Lebens erreicht habe. Ein langes Leben. Und nun schauen wir Tag für Tag wann der Todesengel unseres Herrn kommt um unsere Seele zu nehmen. Aber während dieser Zeit kann alles auf die Leute kommen von Gesundheit, Reichtum bis Armut. Wir versuchen, das zu entfernen, was uns Schwierigkeiten macht. Al Hamdulillah heute bi Fald-Lillah, die Gaben Allahs des Allmächtigen, die Gaben die bei mir bis heute andauern. Und ich danke unserem Herrn und preise Rasulullah (saws). Bis heute bin ich dafür dankbar, dass die Gabe unseres Herrn durch Seinen meistgeliebten Diener Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) mich erreichte. Nun kamen so viele Ärzte zu mir als ich schwach war, in Seinem Willen, bis heute. Al Hamdulillah, wir waren "Wa 'Ataynahu Min Kulli Shay'in Sababan"(18:84) Allah der Allmächtige macht ein paar Gründe und gibt manchen, um Seine Diener bis zum letzten Moment ihres Lebens zu heilen. Al Hamdulillah, ich bin heute hier dank eurer Ratschläge und Medizin Bi Amri-Llah. Allah des Allmächtigen Lutf/Güte bin ich ausgeruht. Nun beschwere ich mich über nichts, Al Hamdulillah. Und ich bitte nicht um eine Medizin, die mein Leben ändert, so wie als ich ein junger Mann war, nein! Nun bin ich glücklich mit mir. Glücklich zu meinem Herrn, der mir gab; glücklich zu Seinem meistgeliebten Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) und der seines meistgeliebten Sahaba, Umm Hiram Bint Milhan. Ich bin unter Umm Hirams Obhut. Al Hamdulillah. Vor einem Jahr war ich so schwach, nun Allah Shukr wie ihr... Danach bitte ich um nichts anderes als etwas, um meinen Körper viel stärker werden zu (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:25
5767 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Medicines
lassen... was tue ich? Ich werde bei den Olympischen Spielen rennen! Nein! Al Hamdulillah ich esse, ich spreche, schaue, ich benutze nicht dieses zum Hören, manchmal höre ich, ich sage ich kann nicht hören. Wieso hast du nichts hier. Manchmal höre ich Moskitos, zzzzzzzz ich höre sie, manchmal Gewehrfeuer, ich höre es nicht. Ich denke er ist wie... ein Sohn aber er ist mein Enkel. Der Dr. hat auch sein Bestes für mich getan. Von so weit her kommt er her und besucht. Abdun... ein armer Derwisch, Diener des Herrn der Himmel, schwacher Diener von Ummat al Habib. Nun bitte ich nicht um etwas, dass mich viel mehr können lassen wird... zu gehen oder zu laufen Es ist genug, dass ich schaue, Al Hamdulillah. Ich kann mich über nichts beschweren, und er ist auch der Chefarzt. Dass er so schauen mag verstehen wir. Allah (swt) gebe ihm noch viel mehr, zu Ehren Seines Propheten, Sayyidina Rasulullah (saws). Vielleicht zeigt ihr dem Doktor, was ich jeden Tag nehme. Jeden Tag nehme ich und fluche auf sie. Doktor, du bist kein Witz. Er ist eine ernste Person, wie ich, lächelt nie! Nicht wie du. Allah Shukr. So ist es. Ich bitte nicht um neue Medizin. Ich bitte um Gesundheit von den Himmeln! Zu Ehren des Siegel der Propheten und zu Ehren seiner geliebten Sittina Hala Sultan. Ich, Al Hamdulillah, ich schlafe, ich esse, ich beschimpfe die Leute nur, dass sie nicht kochen wie ich es mag. Vor allen Dingen kein Salz essen. Ohne Salz lebt der Fisch nicht im Ozean. Niemals! Al Hamdulillah ich bin glücklich, mein Arzt besucht mich, ich bitte nur um Dua für ihn von ihm für mich. Ich bitte nicht um neue Medizin. Ich beschwere mich über nichts. Ich bitte nicht um neue Medizin. Ich bitte nicht um neue Behandlung, ich bitte, wenn sie sagen du bist gesund deiner Situation entsprechend, das ist die Gabe Allahs des Allmächtigen an dich. Ich sage Al Hamdulillah. Gut Herr. Allah Allah, Shukran Lillah. Shukran Lillah Ya Rabbi! Allah (swt) gibt dem Doktor ein langes Leben, und ein gesundes Leben und ehrenvolles Leben hier und im Jenseits. Unser Besuch ist genug. Deswegen macht euch keine Sorgen um mich, die einfachste Tablette genügt mir. Allah Shukur Ya Rabbi. Shukur Ya Rabbi. Shukur Ya Rabbi, shukur Al Hamdulillah. Dr: Eine echte Orange. M: Alles darauf wird zu einer neuen Art. Dr: Zitrone, Orange... M: Wir machen Orangenmarmelade daraus. Das Innere essen oder trinken wir oder tun es ins Essen, aber daraus machen wir Marmelade. Schau! Dr: Das erste Mal dass ich das sehe. M: Niemand weiß das. Dr: Das ist das erste Mal. M: Ich sollte dir eine Kiste mitgeben wenn du gehst. Das ist narang, Bitterorange. Das ist die Mutter. Schau es an, es macht... Zitrone und danach kommt Mandarine, und dann Orange. Fünf oder sieben Arten davon. Allah Shukur, Fatiha. Lefke, 25.03.2013 (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:25
5768 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Medicines
WebSaltanatOrg (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:25
5769 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Meditation
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Meditation
Most masters today present the method of meditation to you. But usually they do not base on Christianity, or Judaism or Islam, so many people think that it is a method which originated within other religions. But that is not the case. Meditation was a method which was already given to the first man, within the first message, to the first Messenger. What purpose does meditation serve, and how can we reach such a state? It is mentioned in all our Holy Books: the Thora, the Gospels and in the Holy Quran, as a method to reach Divine Presence. When we come face to face with our Creator, we leave everything else behind. Nothing remains except your soul. If I would come and try to hit you with a sword, you would not be harmed. Nothing can touch you physically in such a state, because your physical body will have entered your spiritual being. Normally it is the opposite: our souls are imprisoned in the physical body. In a perfect state of meditation, your souls cover your physical body and you become a spirit. There was once a Grandsheik, Sheik Abdul Qadir al Jilani. While he was meditating he kept saying, "I am the truth!" People around him were offended by this and started attacking him with swords, but nothing happened to him. They could not touch him. When Maulana Rumi was in real meditation, he would be whirling and lift off the ground. He had full connection with the Divine Presence. According to our traditional knowledge, rneditation has so many steps before reaching the top point. If you keep those rules, real (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:25:25
5770 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Meditation
meditation can come to you any time. Everyone must try within the rules which exist in their religion, to praise the Lord first, in the way the prophets taught us. We can then sit in a silent place, preferably in the dark, cover ourselves and withdraw from everything around us. We should not hear or feel anything, only think that we are one within the existence of the Lord Almighty Allah in the Divine Presence. Even if it only lasts for 5 minutes, it will give us power. This will then increase and make peace-falcons out of peace-doves. If a terrorist even looks at you, he will fall down. With meditation you can attain ultra-power. Don't think that meditation is something easy. It is the most important power which has been given to mankind. 01.01.1995
BookStarfromHeaven, CategoryMeditation, CategoryAbdulQadirJilani, CategoryMaulanaRumi (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:25:25
5771 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MeetingsForTheSakeOfAllah
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MeetingsForTheSakeOfAllah
Meetings for the sake of Allah Allah’s Hand is over a Jamaat; if they are meeting for worship, there will be Divine Assistance for those people. If they are going to do something according to our Lord’s order, they will be under the guard of Allah. If they are going to do something according to the advice of the Prophet, they will be under the guard of the Prophet sws. Whenever any group of our brothers or sisters meet for the sake of Allah, joining their hearts to the hearts of the Masters of this Way, that meeting will attain the level of an association with the Sheikh. In such a meeting, such a power descends on the hearts of the attenders that even the deepest roots of hidden idolatry, of ego-worship, can be pulled out. Such an assembly is more beneficial than years of superogatory worship. Don't think that the only beneficial meeting is the one where the Sheikh is physically in attendance. When our brothers or sisters meet, one of them must be the channel for inspiration to come from the Sheikh: one must speak and the others listen; one must take from the Sheikh and the others take through him from the Sheikh. In this way all the meetings of our brothers and sisters are blessed. If more than one person speaks, or if there are arguments and contention, then there will be no spiritual power in that meeting, and hearts will be left cold. 01.04.1999
BookOnTheBridgeToEternity, CategoryGuidance, CategoryCommunity 23:25:26
5772 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MeetingWithShaykhTahirAlQadri
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MeetingWithShaykhTahirAlQadri
Historic meeting of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim & Shaykh Tahir al-Qadri in Cyprus (Mawlana Shaykh receives a most honored guest and dear friend, Shaykh al-Islam Tahir al-Qadiri of Pakistan. they are speaking in Arabic for some time, then Mawlana Shaykh gives suhbah in English.) Shaykh Tahir al-Qadiri from Pakistan. Masha-Allah. Three days for right of guest. Ha. After three days, free to go or to stay, but three days. Sayyidina shaykh jai ziayaran min masafa ba`eeda lahu nur wa khidma lil ummah. Now, law khalaftu sayyidina ash-shaykh kaan nahnu nartah (if our master the Shaykh will take our place, we will relax) for one hour, yawmiyyan (daily)? Welcome to you! bi-himmatihi I like to be that meeting mubarak, blessed meeting. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha ill-Allah. Allahu akbar wa lillah al-hamd. Anta rabbun anta khaliquna, ya rabban ighfirlana ma mada bi barakat hadha shahur al- rahma. alfus-salaat alfus-saalm ala sayidna Rasulullah. ashfa` lana, bi sharafa for your honor, just created everything that should be created from pre-Eternal up to Eternal, everything just created for his (s) honor, raghman an al-wahaiyyeen, khazahumullah. If Sayyidina Muhammad wasn't created nothing was in Creation, no. Therefore, tadheeman, I am standing up for saluting, for giving our last point of our respects and glory and majesty to Our Lord, Allah Almighty, as well as we are standing up for His most beloved servant, most glorious, most majestic one, that everything was created (for him). For his (s) honor I am standing up. O listeners! Hear and listen and do what the Lord of Heavens ordering to you, to everyone in Creation. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. For the baraka of Ustaz Shaykh Muhammad Tahir, our most well-known `alim in Islamic world, Shaykh Muhammad Tahir (is) (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:27
5773 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MeetingWithShaykhTahirAlQadri
giving honor to our meeting! I am ashaming to speak in front of such a learned one, well-known one, and beloved one through awliyas also. But his tawadu` (modesty) tawadu` humbleness, he is not going to speak and saying to me, "speak and we may hear." And I am not a person claiming I know something, astaghfirullah, but we are living in a time (when) our masters (are) saying zamaan qaht ar-rijaal, as the Seal of Prophet (s) sa yaatee zamaanu la ybqa min ad-deen illa ismuh wa la min ?? illa rasmuh. So what can we do? We can't leave Ummati Muhammad, the nation of Muhammad; we must speak as much as we can do as a guest coming, and host, he may put if he is a rich one, may put a lamb for his guests; if not, may put ma taqadar, what is there. And we are saying `audhu billahi min ash-shaytani 'r-rajeem. We must say, because Shaytan is a terrible and dangerous enemy for Mankind. You can't find through all Creation (a greater enemy) as its enmity and hasad (envy) he is the top of envy. The most envious one through Creation is Shaytan! Therefore we must say `audhu billahi min ash-shaytani 'r-rajeem. No one can be able to fight Shaytan by himself or by herself, no. Only they may ask from their Lord to protect him or her from Satan and to not fall down into Satan's tricks and traps. Madad ya Sultan al-Awliya. You must ask a help from those people whom they are masters. "Masters" means (those who are) trying to follow the steps of the Seal of the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. And we are saying, we have been ordered also, to say Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem because that is a sword that we can use it against Satan and its follower and its soldiers. Therefore, we are beginning and saying, `audhu billahi min ash-shaytani 'r-rajeem, O Our Lord! Please put your weak servants under Your Divinely Shelter so that he can be in safety on that dangerous enemy, astaghfirullah. And holy order to say Bismillahi 'r- Rahmaani 'r-Raheem, (is telling us) "O My servants! If you like to be sheltered, if you like a defense against your most terrible enemy, use My sword that I granted to you, to ummati Muhammad (s): say Bismillahi 'r- Rahmaani 'r-Raheem!" We are saying and ask istimdad, heavenly suport from heavenly mastes, that means they are closer ones from Seal of Prophets (s). you must ask from them heavenly help and support. Therefore, say it, don't fear that some wrong people may blame you and saying you are making shirk. No! We are not making shirk, but we are following the ways of Sahaba, that they were always asking heavenly help from the Seal of Prophets (s) istimdad, talab al-madad, to ask heavenly help. Heavenly help you are not finding everywhere. If a person has (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:27
5774 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MeetingWithShaykhTahirAlQadri
a car and when benzine, petrol finishing, I don't think he is going to grocery shop and asking, "Fill my car." What is that? Putting in it olive oil or other oil what he may put. Do you think with olive oil a car is running? Can't be. It must be some idiot one to go and to ask from grocery shop, "Fill my car with something that I may continue on my way." No. It is written "Petrol Station"; you must go there. Therefore, don't think if anyone making sulook --Ustaz Professor knowing that sulook is the way that taking people to the Holy Presence of the Seal of Prophets (s)-- if you are not going to his station, you can't be able to move to continue your way to reach to the Lord of Heavens. Therefore, people must know what they may be in need for, moving from the stage or from the level of their egos to move up. They are in need of someone's station to fill them with something that you may go up, or you are going to be like snakes, running. Snakes I am saying snakes because other animals have legs, running away. But that one, snake, dragon, snake has no feet, and you may be less than snake if you are not asking the way to heavens! O people! You are invited or you have been called from heavenly level; you have been invited. O people! You have a heavenly invitation. Eh! Everyone they like to have an invitation. It should be a big feast, or ghada they are saying, or Her Majesty the Queen's ihtifal, some celebration, everyone yatamana more than wishing, their hearts running to have an invitation from Her Majesty the Queen. Anxiously desiring. That is their desire to go there. But people now, subhanallah al-aliyy il-adheem, they are so ignorant, so foolish, so idiot ones! Because the Lord of Heavens sending heavenly invitation to His servants and saying, astaidh billah wallahu yad`u ila dar as-salaam sadaqallah, and it is free, saying, "Come to Me. Say, O my Prophet, call My servants to prepare to arrange themselves ornaments, making their as they are going to Queen's invitation, dressing excellent ones, written on invitation card the type of clothes you must dress in that you must come." For everything there is, what you are saying, (formal dressing) protocol, tashreefan. Protocol is for other nations, but Arabic enough and more than enough for giving every meaning divine and earthly meanings, enough (is) Arabic for whole nations; no need for Arabic language to use another words, therefore, I am saying tashreefa, it is from Prophet (s) to the servants of the Lord of Heavens. OK? Yes. There is invitation, it is free for all Mankind! wallahu yadu` ila dar as-salaam. bidh-dhaat, He Almighty, through His glory and majesty saying, "O My servants, come! I am inviting you to be in My Divinely Presence, (giving) My divinely (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:27
5775 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MeetingWithShaykhTahirAlQadri
invitation to you. Tuh (spit) On those people who are not giving that honor for that invitation, and then they are running away!! Subhanallah, Ya Rabbee, O our Lord, please forgive us! We are so sooooo ignorant ones, leaving, not taking, not accepting, not preparing ourselves for that Divinely Invitation, wallahu yadu` ila dar as-salaam. How we are running after this dirty life and its dirty ladhaat, pleasure? Running after that and leaving Divinely Invitation? We have been invited! O people! O our Lord's servants! Look; use your mentality to make a measuring (take account); to where you are running? For what you are wasting your life, for nothing! And you are leaving that divinely invitation and you are not going to prepare yourself! And the way of reaching, the way of preparation for anyone who (is) asking to reach divinely feast (is by) beginning to be a follower from heavenly ones. They are masters. Heavenly ones (who) are living among people, you must look after them to teach you. (Allah Almighty is) saying, "Come to Me! I am preparing you; I am training you!" That is sulook. People are running away from sulook. We are not created for dunya. They are not understanding this. Whole people they think they have been created for dunya. Dunya is only one spark of match. (Shaykh Tahir al-Qadiri says, "We were created in dunya, not for dunya.") And people running after dunya, not asking more than that, and after while saying, "This passed away and that passed away, and left underground; going to be dust." Their souls (are) untrained for the Last Day. That is important, for Man to ask, who is master? You must ask (from a) master. First masterhood for prophets, then their inheritors, masters. You must try to find them. One is enough. Who inheriting from the Seal of the Prophets (s) is enough, as the Seal of Prophets enough for whole Creation! It is enough for us to find an inheritor from the Seal of Prophets (s), to follow him and to reach your real position and level, here and Hereafter. It is written, and Shaykh Tahiri he knows, but I am addressing to common people. The son of Sayyidina `Umar radi-Allahu `anhum was once with caravans going from Madinatul-Munawwara to Hajj in Mecca al- Mukarrama. And he was with people, qawafil, caravans and he was going and he reached to a place, the way was going one way, so many people all caravans going on that way. Only there was a munhani, curve way behind that, and they saw that the son of Sayyidina `Umar, Allah blessing them, he was taking that curving and going there and reaching to caravan (through a different route). (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:25:27
5776 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MeetingWithShaykhTahirAlQadri
And people coming and saying, "O Sahib Rasulullah (s), O son of Sayyidina `Umar, why you did this? The way was going straight from here; why you are taking this curved way?" And he said, "O people! I just I saw my darling, habeebee, beloved one (s), I saw him that he reached this place and he did his na`qa ash-shareef, camel, taking this way and going like this; therefore, I love to do everything what I saw from that one." Subhanallah. No place that the Seal of Prophets (s) put his foot on it and not coming a light. Where he passed, that light was coming, and that light (illuminates) up to Yawm al-Qiyamah must be, but faman kaan fee hadhihi `ama kaana fil akhirati `ama, not blind people can see that but (only) open-eyed people. And the son of Sayyidina `Umar was saying (about) the nur, holy light, "I am looking there and how I can leave it and follow you in such a way?" The Sahaba of the Seal of Prophets (s) were following him (s), Habeebullah! They take their shares from the Seal of Prophets (s) and that nur just astaqar, settled through their hearts. Therefore, (for) Sahaba is something else, radiyallahu `anhum wa radoo `anh, that honor cannot be for anyone else, and that honor there is not another honor above where Allah saying, (radiyAllahu `anhum wa radoo anh (well-pleased is Allah with them, and well-pleased are they with Him). (Mawlana Shaykh looks to Shaykh Tahir al-Qadiri, who says, "He explained His pleasure on them first, only then they became pleased with Allah and because of His divine pleasure, they become pleased with Him.") Look what Sahaba companions reaching such an honor, such a ranks, high ranks through heavens! There is heavenly station and there is over that Divinely Station. Divinely no one can enter it, ill ar-Rasool, Divinely Presence is only for one, ya Ustaz. But seven heavens. Heavenly Presence. Then when seven heavens finishing, Archangel Gabriel coming there and standing, and the Seal of Prophets (s) was saying, "Come with me, O Jibreel," and he is answering, "No way, ya Habeebullah, no way siwak to pass up to this point. If I move from here I am going to be nothing and never going to come in existence once again. Only for one."