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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (392/777)
and ordering air to be so cool and so pleasant giving atmosphere. Ibrahim a.s., he was there ??? through fire and was so happy! If Allah saying: “Burn!”, may burn, if saying: “Don’t burn”, no one touching. If Allah protecting His servants, no one a harm bringing to them! O people, come and make peace with your Lord! If not coming and surrendering and asking: “O our Lord, we come and surrender to Your heavenly Orders, accept our obedience, we are running to You here and Hereafter…” And this is holy month that after 15th, Laylatu-l Bara’a, 15th Night of this month, just changed everything and should be changed much more after next year. We hope enemy and much more friendly to Shaitan, Dajjal, Antichrist, should come and S.Mehdi, that Prophet he is giving good tidings about him, should come, Armageddon should come and then Jesus Christ may come! We hope that through year from Night of Bara’a up to second Night of Bara’a so many things, so many unexpected events, coming. O people, believe what heavenly Sources, what heavenly Books, what heavenly People, Angels and Prophets, (are) bringing: Messages to you. Don’t run after Shaitan, or you should be also ashes… May Allah forgive us! O people, after ten days coming holy Ramadan. Keep respect and keep your obedience for your Lord Allah Almighty, may protect you your Lord under His divinely Protection! Lefke, 31.08.07 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:34

5475 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakePeaceWithYourLord

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryShaban, CategoryJumaSohbat (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:34

5476 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakeScientificResearchOnJesusAndMuhammad

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MakeScientificResearchOnJesusAndMuhammad



A Rabbi, who was neither believing in Jesus Christ nor in Muhammad, said that their traditional orders prevent them from believing in any Prophet after Moses. And now he is seeing that millions of people are accepting them and following them. So from that he understood, that there must be some secret power with both of them. Otherwise so many would not follow them. But because of the order, he is prevented from looking any further into it. In spite of all this, his thoughts made him decide to be with Jesus and Muhammad, may peace be on both of them. They have some extraordinary attraction, which is why they can carry so many people. If they didn't have that, they would not be able to carry millions of people. It is a very good point which was made by that Rabbi. First of all the Jews who are concerned about this point should make a research and see if it is true that Moses, or the Lord of Moses, said anything in such a way: that the children of Israel never should believe in any Prophet after Moses. It cannot be, because after Moses thousands of Prophets were sent to the children of Israel, including David and Solomon. They were Prophets and so was Sayidina Zachariah and his son Jaja, John the Baptist. How is it then possible to say, that after Moses no Prophets would come? It is true, if that is what is said, that no-one would be like Moses. Moses did inform his people, that Allah Almighty was going to send a new Prophet from their cousins, who would be like Moses. It was clear, that he would not be from the (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:35

5477 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakeScientificResearchOnJesusAndMuhammad

same line as Moses. So from the line of Moses, no more Prophet would come who would be like him. The line of that cousin, was the line of Ismael. They were told these good news. The Rabbi had never understood the real meaning of the message. It is true, that all the Prophets who came after Moses were not like him and could not be compared. He was one of the 5 big prophets: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ and Sayidina Muhammad, may peace be upon them. They were the big ones. Hundreds and thousands of Prophets came from the children of Israel, but they were never given a special book with all laws and rules. Sayidina Daud got Psalms. Jesus Christ's Gospel was also not like the Thora. The Thora has rules for governing. Christians were also under those rules, because they did not receive any new ones. Because of this, all those Prophets were not like Moses, only Sayidina Muhammad, because he received private special new rules, a book like the Thora, which gives rules and commands for this life and the next. The way Moses was fighting, Jesus never did. Muhammad, may peace be upon him, had been ordered to fight. Just like Moses had a sword, so did Muhammad. So only Muhammad was like Moses, but the Rabbi did not understand. He understood a bit, but not competely. That is why he is preventing himself to believe in Jesus Christ and to believe in Sayidina Muhammad, may peace be upon them. He has been brainwashed not to believe in any Prophet after Moses, and this is a big mistake. It is impossible. He thinks that he must deny every Prophet after Moses. But his conscience is not agreeing to this. It is telling him, that what has been written must be wrong. Maybe the Kabbala is telling him this, not the Thora. The Kabbala brought commentaries forth according to their own ideas. So they took away the meaning of the Seal of Prophets. His conscience kept refusing to believe in it. It told him, that it is impossible for an ordinay person to have billions of people following him. These people must have a secret power. That secret power belongs to Heavens, not to earth. Because so many people had followers during their life time, but then after ther death no-one can continue to carry. But these two still carry billions of people. Hevenly secret pwers are running through them, and that is why people are still running after them. Another point which we can ask such people, is whether they read about when a delegation of Jewish Rabbis came to see Sayidina Muhammad, may peace be upon him. They were sent to ask him so many things. Some of them came and went. They understood who he was, but they did not want to say it. I would like to ask that Rabbi, if there was any Jewish Rabbi who was embracing Islam at the time of the Prophet. He cannot say no, (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:35

5478 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakeScientificResearchOnJesusAndMuhammad

because Abdullah Ibn Salam, whose name was Ismael Ibn Salam, was one of the most famous Rabbis and learned people within the Jewish community. He came and embraced Islam and recognised Muhammad. This was an historical event, a very famous one. How was it possible for a Rabbi to recognise the Prophet and then for another one to say, that it was forbidden to accept a prophet after Moses? Now they are expecting the Messiah. Who is he? Is he a Prophet, a Saint, a devil? Who is he? Jewish people are all looking for the Messiah. Who is he? Why are they looking for him? What will be his mission? Will he come with a prophecy, with a sainthood, or like the Anti-Christ? The beliefs of these people are never true. What they believe concerning Sayidina Jesus and Sayidina Muhammad, is fully wrong, but they are afraid to make a research concerning them. I am only giving a few points on which they could do a research. But they are not brave enough to make that, because if they would, Judaism would have to vanish and finish. The same applies to Christianity. If they would make a research concerning the Seal of Prophets, then Christianity could not continue to exist. Therefore they are very afraid to make a research concerning Jesus Christ or Sayidina Muhammad, may peace be upon them. May Allah forgive us. Italy - 01.03.1994

BookPowerOceansofLight, CategoryJudaism, CategoryProphet (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:35

5479 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakeTheDoorToParadiseWide

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MakeTheDoorToParadiseWide



It is not easy in our days to follow the ways of the companions of the Prophets. Muhammad, may peace be upon him, was saying, "If you disobey just one command out of a hundred, there is a fear that your faith is becoming weaker. It could even mean that you are losing your faith. You must follow all commands. That is your position. But there will come a time in which if someone of my people just follow one command out of a hundred, that will mean that person has a lot of faith." That is the time we are now. People in our days have been given knowledge. Many people have knowledge. There are many scholars who have knowledge, but no wisdom. So they make people run away from Islam. They do not agree to that if a person comes and says, "La illa ha illahlah, Muhammadun Rasul'Allah." it is enough to start with. We know that these holy words are the key to paradise. If we keep them until the end, it is enough. We do not tell people that we have 100 commands and that they must do all of them and if they don't they are not Muslim. What foolishness that would be! These new kind of scholars who do those things have no understanding. They are like cassettes. That is the reason why we are losing. The non-Muslim world is looking to Islam with hate because of these people who try to spread Islam with no wisdom and no love. Muhammad, may peace be with him, was first of all ordered by Allah to teach people to say these words, "La illa ha illahla." That was the first command. "Let them say these words forever and declare my unity and my (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:36

5480 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakeTheDoorToParadiseWide

existence. That is enough. Even if they do not declare, 'Muhammadun Rasul'Allah', I will make a judgement for them!" Because when Muhammad asked about being allowed to make intercession for people, Allah only granted him to intercede on behalf of people who would say, "La illaha illallah, Muhammadun Rasul'Allah!". The ones who would only say, "La illaha illallah!" Allah would judge Himself. Make the entrance to paradise as wide as possible. Don't make it narrow, because it is not narrow. Make it from East to West and let people enter. Don't ever say to anyone who is turning towards paradise that he cannot enter. If someone has turned their face to the Lord, then don't turn him away. It is a sign that in the old Mecca before the renovation, there used to be 40 open gates to the Kaaba, there were no doors that could be locked. Anyone who wanted to could enter anytime. The people who are saying that they are widening the space there by their renovations, have put huge doors there and closed it. Allah Almighty then made some other people to go inside and to close the doors and to fire on them. At the beginning of the 15th Islamic century some people did just that. That was the punishment for them. But no- one understands. The Kaaba should have no doors, only entrances. People should be able to go and come anytime. So anyone who asks Allah in their heart, even in the last moment, will be accepted. Even if as many devils as there are grains of sand will be sent to that person, they cannot succeed. Once the heart of a servant has been turned to their Lord, it is finished. Satan can affect people during their lives, but in the last moment Allah Almighty is looking at the heart of His Servant. Make things easy. Islam is easy. Other religions are heavy and too difficult. Allah Almighty has made the highest servanthood easiest. The Sharia of Islam is the most tolerant one. "There will come a time when if you just keep one rule, you will be saved!" Just let people say, "La illaha illalah, Muhammadun Rasul'Allah!" and then leave them. That will make your heart work and it will give you the inspiration to prostrate. You will want to give your highest respect and that cannot be without a prostration. May Allah forgive us... LONDON - 07.03.1993 (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:36

5481 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakeTheDoorToParadiseWide

BookKeystoParadise, CategoryKaaba, CategoryIslam, CategoryParadise (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:36

5482 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakingDhikr

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MakingDhikr


Make Zikir; What is Coming Cannot be Stopped

(Transcribed from Audio Sohbet) (Chanting Dhikru’ Allah) Allah Allah 3x Aziz Allah Allah Allah 3x Kareem Allah Allah Allah 3x SultanAllah Allah Allah 3x SubhanAllah Mawlana – “Subhana wa Ta’Ala” (Some Arabic verses) Asalamu’alaikum, Living person, who is that one? Audu’ billahi minash shaytaan irajeem. Bismillahir Rahman irraheem. People, either they are living ones or dead ones. Who is living one …. Life may be for mankind and for animals, everyone. They are living, you are living. But there is a different position to our lives and lives of (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:24:37

5483 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakingDhikr

animals. And men (and women), they are going to be either really living ones or not. Real living ones, who they are living with their Lord Almighty Allah. Who making Zikr, going to be with his Lord and then your Lord going to be with you - gives you real life. Who they are not making Zikr; they are not going to be with Allah Almighty and their lives going to be like animals’ life - perhaps under the level of animals’ life. Therefore, it is Prophet’s (SAW) advice to his nation, to his Ummah, to say, to ask from Allah Almighty, “Oh our Lord, don’t make ourselves to forget You.” (Arabic verse) People are so occupied with their imitated life. They are forgetting Allah. When he forgot Allah Almighty, he is falling down and no real life for that person. Biggest mistake for mankind to forget his Lord and to forget Zikr. Adam (peace be upon him), when he did that mistake in Paradise, he forgot the Holy command of his Lord that He is saying, “Don’t approach that tree.” And he falling in a sin, and that sin making him to get out from Paradise. And falling on this land, falling on Dunya – the highest of troubles, the place of endless problems. That tree - for cause of that tree - Adam (peace be upon him) - He fell down in endless troubles, fightings and he was repentant. And he was advising to his children, “Oh my children, take lesson from me. Once I did a wrong thing that it was against my Lord’s command and I’m forgetting. When I’m forgetting, I fall in troubles. Look oh my sons, grandsons, my generation up to Last Day, don’t forget. Don’t forget. If you are forgetting you are falling in endless troubles, miseries and fightings. Therefore take your lesson from myself.” And they forget it. Every time mankind forgetting Holy commands from Allah Almighty, they are falling in big troubles. Now we are living in a time that everywhere burning everywhere is fire. Can be seen some fires, but mostly you can’t see it. To show for blind eyes, Allah Almighty making fire in France. In France fire shows, fire show. In Paris, in France is fire show. It is a very good thing. You don’t think so? It is good, a fire show, no? You are thinking that? Making like this and like that. It is not such a fire, no. Giving the hearts of people sorrow as well as fear! Now they are burning empty cars, and in one step they may rush, burning cars and people in it. They may throw fire in it and burning people also. You are saying, oh now, it is better our cars burning but we are in safety. But one more step Shaytaan may order to them - you must hide yourself and you must throw fire to every car passing. Let them to burn. What you can do? Ya Rabbi, Ya Rabbi, Ya Rabbi … And people they are never taking lessons yet they are running after Shaytaan. They never taking any care for Holy commands of Heavens. They are saying we are people, free people, Parliament system, democratical government. Which Holy book saying this to you? (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:24:37

5484 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakingDhikr

Oh Muslims and Christian and Jewish, where you find it? Who gave to you that authority to make imitated laws for people? Parliament they are doing laws. Who gave it to you that authority? Laws for mankind from Heavens, not from you. You must be obedient servants. Each one becoming a Nimrod - small ones, big ones, women, men, running to learn through universities. They are saying, we are running to learn something. What you are learning? You are learning to fight to Holy commands of Heavens. What you are learning? Who gave it to you that authority? I am asking all presidents, prime ministers, parliament members, and ministers. Who giving that authority to make commands and laws against the laws of Heavens? Allah should burn them. After one step, they are going to try to burn people also. And they should say, it was so, so, so nice that our cars burning but our souls are in safety! Before Mahdi (AS) comes, the inhabitants of the world going to be through wars, fightings and troubles. From 7 coming down to 1, of 7 million people, 6 million will die and remaining only 1. Oh people, take care. Take the Prophet’s of Allah Almighty’s commands. If not, Allah Almighty should punish people and beginning that machine to move and cutting heads, cutting, cutting, cutting and remaining only the heads of servants of Lord. Try to be obedient servants for Holy commands. No one can be able to stop that troubles now. Nor any government should be able to stop it and find a way to prevent it. All presidents they are saying, “What should I do?” All prime ministers they are like drunken people. Which law he may use to stop it? If you are asking to use whole policy, powers also …. It is not enough. Paris, 12 million people… How many policemen may catch them? At least must be for killing people, one 1 million police to run after those people. It is impossible. But yet, as I say, Tauba, Ya Rabbi….. Be repentant. Oh our Lord, give Your mercy. But you are not giving mercy to people. They are burning birds! That is revenge on, that is birds they are burning from European people. Save yourselves. Save. Run whole night. Some countries shaking and people sitting on streets, snowing on them and raining. Under tents or without tents. Take your lesson , oh people. Enough to be drunk …. May Allah forgive me and bless you. Ameen. Oh Allah, send your Khalifah who may be able with his one command to stop every trouble. Ameen. For the honor of Allah’s most beloved Prophet, Sayiddina Muhammad SAW. Oh people, come, listen, and obey through Holy commands. Don’t leave your people to work against Holy laws of Allah Almighty. First they are going to be destroyed. May Allah put you under his (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:24:37

5485 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakingDhikr

Divinely shelter. Ameen. For the honor of the most honored servant, most beloved one through His creatures, Sayiddina Muhammad SAW. Fatiha. I was not feeling well to sit down and to address to you; but for the honor of our most honored Prophet Sayiddina Muhammad SAW that these words may reach to East and West. Just I said aloud … Just I gave to you what is coming to me and now I am free. May Allah forgive me and blessing you. Ameen. Ya Rabb. Fatiha. Lefke, 13.11.2005 Transcribed by Sabiha Pathan

WebNaksibendiOrg, CategoryDhikr, CategoryArmageddon, CategoryAnimal (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:24:37

5486 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MalayaniThatWhichDoesntConcernYou

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MalayaniThatWhichDoesntConcernYou


Malayani- That which doesn't concern you

‘Malayani’ means, ‘that which doesn’t concern you’. You must not speak of or act on that which doesn’t concern you. If a man takes care of his speech, keeping his tongue, Allah Almighty gives Divine Wisdom to his tongue so that he speaks only truth and righteousness. To speak of that which doesn’t concern you makes your Iman weak. When you leave this bad habit, your faith becomes stronger. You cannot know what concerns you or not, save through your inspirations. Then you may know very well what is yours or not. 01.04.1999

BookOnthebridgetoEternity, CategoryAdab, CategoryInspiration 23:24:37

5487 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManAndWoman

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ManAndWoman



Man is like a shell and woman is like a pearl. There is no equality between a shell and a pearl. But a shell without a pearl has no value and a pearl cannot exist without a shell. But some fanatic people are giving some wrong ideas just to give ladies trouble. They say that men are not giving you your rights, that you are not getting equal rights. But that is a foolishness. Do you think that a shell would give the same rights as it has to a pearl? A pearl is a pearl. It is perfect within itself. The shell is also perfect by itself. As a sign to what we are saying now, all Holy Books mention that the Lord Almighty Allah first created the shell and then the pearl. That means, that the first creation was Adam and then from him (a) woman was created as a pearl. Man became the shell and at the same time a shelter for the pearl. Without that shelter, the pearl could never exist. That is a heavenly arrangement of Divine Wisdoms, arranging the life of mankind on this planet until the Day of Resurrection. The perfection of both sexual sides is that they are happy with their beings. One being a male and the other being a female. If anyone doesn't agree and wants to close this relationship, and wants to join the other sexual party, then they are abnormal people. A woman wanting to be a man and a man wanting to be a woman is cursed by heavens. They are also cursed by all prophets. They are cursed through every creature. The perfection for a man is to be 100% happy with being a man, and for a woman to be 100% happy to be (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:38

5488 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManAndWoman

woman. If they change this, or if they want to get closer to the opposite side, then a curse will come on them. Paradise was empty when the first man was created. He was in the Gardens of Eden. Adam was feeling lonely, because there was no-one like himself there. He was alone, and his feelings were lonely. He was longing and missing something, but he didn't know what it was. Paradise is full with perfection, but his feelings gave him the sign that there was still something incomplete. Then Allah Almighty gave the first man, the father of mankind, within a few seconds, while he was sleeping, a new creation: Eve, alehia salam. Adam opened his eyes, and our mother was sitting close by. The beauty of all future generations of women was expressed in Eve. She looked like a full moon. Can you imagine her beauty? And all of this was given to Adam, alehi salam. I was looking over Adam's shoulder to Eve... So when he saw her, he realised that paradise was complete, it was perfect. Allah Almighty created man and from him the first woman. Man was first and Eve was second. Man is always drawn to earth, they are happy with earth, because they were created from earth. But women are usually more interested in man than in earth. Adam was created from earth and so his feelings toward earth is as if it was his mother. He likes earth very much. Women like men very much. Both of them have been granted perfection. You must not say that man is equal to woman. Physically there is no equality between them. Because physically they are different. But in their being they are mankind, their children are boys and girls. All of them are equal in their ranks in Divine Presence. Every pearl is sitting in a shell. And you, as pearls, will be sitting in the Divine Presence with your shells, with your shelters. That is the highest description of the ranks of women and men. Men must be thankful to Allah Almighty for their ladies and ladies must be thankful to Allah Almighty for their men. Both sides must move and they must act according to their Divine Positions in Divine Presence. Everyone has been honoured and granted blessings, endless blessings from their Lord, from their Creator and both sides have been granted endless precious blessings from their Lord. They may be happy enough with their being here and hereafter. London - 15.01.1991 (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:38

5489 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManAndWoman

BookPowerOceansofLove, CategoryWoman, CategorySexuality, CategoryRelationship (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:38

5490 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManCannotLeadMan

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ManCannotLeadMan


Man Cannot Lead Man

(Dt.: MenschKannNichtMenschFühren) Madad Ya Rijal Allah Audhu Billah min al shaytan al rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! La Ilaha illa Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Wa Lillahi Al Hamd. O believers, we are servants of the Lord and we are Muslim believers, Al Hamdulillah. I am a weak servant, I ask the Sahib Al Waqt for support & safety. And we say, Audhu Billah min al shaytan al rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. La Ilaha illa Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Wa Lillahi Al Hamd. I am a weak servant. And we are reminding "Wa Dhakkir Fa'inna Adh-Dhikra Tanfa`u Al-Mu'minina"(51:55). These are the words of the Lord "Wa Dhakkir/warn". I am a weak servant. According to the request, request of the believers, we say, following the sayings of the Prophet (saws), "religion is advice" (Hadith). First of all, "take wisdom for yourself". Take wisdom yourself, because if you do you will benefit & who listens to this advice honour yourself. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar Al Akbar! The Prophet (saws) says "Religion is advice." And from that we say "take wisdom". These are the words of the Prophet (saws). Take wisdom yourself & then advise others. If someone listens to you and accepts the advice. When you take wisdom yourself then you can advise people. This is the preface from a weak servant. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:24:39

5491 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ManCannotLeadMan

The tradition of the Prophet (saws) says "religion is advice." As he (saws) said, "Take wisdom yourself, then advise others." If you yourself take wisdom then advise people, otherwise that advice is useless, it is useless. The Prophet (saws) of the end of times, gave news about the past nations by order of Allah (jwa) in The Magnificent Quran. News about the coming nations,