Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (391/777)
llah und Seinen Propheten vergessen haben, die, die sich nie vor Allah niederwerfen. Am Gerichtstag bevölkern sie die Alleen der Hölle. 'Es gibt keine einzige Geschichte, die wir nicht erzählt haben', sagt Shah Mardan. "Isma`u wa'u" - Hört und beachtet es - was ihr gehört und aufgenommen habt durch Zuhören, dann verinnerlicht es, und es wird wie eine unerschöpfliche Energie, die geistige Kraft lädt, so daß euere Batterien niemals leer werden. Wenn euere Batterie zu Ende ist, war sie sowieso keine zehn Pfennig wert. Der Mensch kann die Macht der wahren Dienerschaft von Shah Mardan nehmen, von diesen Awliya', die auf seinem Weg sind. Wir können niemals den Stolz der ganzen Schöpfung (saws) erreichen, aber Schritt für Schritt wird uns auch von dieser Macht gegeben. Wenn wir "Allah" sagen, erschüttern wir die Welt. Das ist die Macht Shah Mardans. Wir haben keine Macht. Wir ersuchen um einige Krumen von seinem gedeckten Tisch. Jeden Tag, o meine geliebten Brüder, laßt uns teilhaben an Shah Mardans Tafel. Laßt uns stärker, mächtiger werden. Laßt uns Schwingen wachsen. Laßt uns in den Bereich des himmlischen Königreichs fliegen auf unserem Weg in die Versammlung des Wahren, in einer gereinigten Weise! Wenn ihr dahingeht, wenn ihr sterbt, wird euer Körper nicht zu einem Kadaver. (14 von 17)04.07.2013 23:24:31
5460 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MajesticWill
Wer sind die, deren tote Körper zu Kadavern werden? Diejenigen, die nicht auf Shah Mardan hören, die seinen Weg nicht einhalten. Sie sind Kadaver, die ihren Gestank weit über den Friedhof hinaus verbreiten. Möge Allah uns niemals von Seinen reinen Dienern trennen, jenen Schülern Shah Mardans, die an seinem Weg festhalten. Diese Gesegneten existieren in jedem Zeitalter. Sucht nach ihnen, o Menschen Anatoliens! Sucht nach guten Menschen. Folgt nicht Shaytanen. Sucht nach guten Menschen, so daß euere Ehre wieder leuchtet wie in alten Zeiten. Die Welt sollte Ehrfurcht vor euch empfinden. Dank sei Allah, daß es uns heute gewährte wurde, eins der Gespräche Shah Mardans zu hören, auch wenn es nur kurz war. O geliebte Brüder Shah Mardans, enge Freunde Shah Mardans, in den alten Tagen pflegten einige Leute im Kaffeehaus zu sitzen, sich dort zu treffen für ihre Gespräche. Diese Gespräche waren so wie dieses Gespräch. Sie öffneten sich und erleichterten ihre Gefühle. Die Seele braucht weder Kaffee noch Kaffeehaus, die Seele sehnt sich nach enger Freundschaft. 'Kaffee ist nur ein Vorwand', sagten sie. Jene, die wir enge Freunde nennen, sind die, die dem Weg Shah Mardans folgen. Seht sie an und kommt zu Sinnen. Diese Welt wird unter eueren Füßen sein. Sonst wird diese Welt Druck auf euch ausüben und auf euch drauf sein. Für die, die den Wegen Shaytans folgen, ist Shaytan über allem. Er pinkelt auf sie, entleert sogar seine Exkremente - aber das werde ich nicht erwähnen - er pinkelt auf sie, so daß sie stinken. Sie werden häßlich, alles verkommt. Ihre Arbeit schreitet nicht voran. Halte fest am Weg Shah Mardans, o Bauer, hänge nicht herum im Kaffeehaus. Und verlaß nicht dein Dorf und lauf in die Stadt. Das Dorf ist ein sauberer, reiner Ort. Bleib in deinen Gärten, bearbeite deine Felder, kümmere dich um sie. Bring nicht Shaytans Werkzeug in dein Dorf - besorge dir keine Elektrizität. Hole dir nicht diese ganzen Geräte, die Verderben verbreiten. Du brauchst nicht all die Nachrichten und andere Dinge. Was du brauchst ist die Erinnerung Allahs. Allahs Wort ist, was du brauchst. Und die Wege, die von Allah gewiesen werden, sind was Shah Mardan dich lehrt. Sagen wir Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Subhansin ya Rabb, Sultansin, Du bist erhaben, o Herr, Du bist der absolute Herrscher! Laß diese geliebten Freunde zu uns kommen, die uns Deine wunderbaren Wege lehren! Laß die engen Freunde Shah Mardans zu uns kommen! Dank sei Allah, daß Er uns diese wunderbare Unterhaltung heute gewährte. Möge Allah ihren geistigen Rang erhöhen! Die Mitglieder des Haushaltes des Gesandten Allahs und die Nachkommen Shah Mardans sind die, nach denen man (15 von 17)04.07.2013 23:24:31
5461 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MajesticWill
suchen muß, diejenigen, die ihr finden müßt. Möge euch ein gutes Leben in dieser Welt gewährt werden und möge das Leben im Paradies euch im Jenseits gewährt werden. O mein Herr, vergib uns. Laß jene Diener zu uns kommen, die uns die Wege Shah Mardans lehren. Zu ihren Ehren und durch die hohe Würdigung für die Fatiha. Jeden Tag geht die Sonne auf - wie sehr lieben es die Menschen, sie aufgehen zu sehen! Wenn sie untergeht, entsteht eine Art Traurigkeit. Aber hier haben wir die Sonne Shah Mardans. Sie scheint hell zu jeder Stunde. Es gibt keinen Sonnenuntergang. Shah Mardans Sonne geht nicht unter. O Allah, mache seinen Rang zum höchsten der hohen Ränge. Laß ihn Teil der Versammlung Deines Meistgeliebten sein. Fatiha. Sagt Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illa Allah wa Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Wenn ihr das sagt, dann geht zur Tür hinaus, all euere Arbeit wird erfolgreich sein. Möge es leicht gehen, möge euer Tag süß sein, möget ihr keine unangenehme Situation treffen. Möge Shaytan weit weg von euch sein! La ilaha illa Allah, Sayyiduna Muhammadu r-Rasulullah. Ein Bauer sagte zu einem Heiligen, daß seine Tiere manchmal verträglich seien, manchmal würden sie nicht aufhören zu schlagen und fragte: 'Ich überlege mir, warum es wohl so ist?' 'Es ist, als ob dieses Tier reflektiert, daß, wenn du Allah erwähnst und Segnungen und Frieden auf den Propheten sendest, es sich ruhig fühlt. Es erfährt Frieden. Wenn du Allah nicht erwähnst, wirst du hart wie ein Klotz. Deshalb mißfällt es ihm, dir zu dienen. Es will dir nicht dienen. Die ganze Schöpfung wartet nur darauf, denen zu dienen, die auf Shah Mardan hören, die auf seinem wunderbaren Weg weitergehen. Haltet an der Sunna des Geliebten des Höchst Majestätischen fest. Möge Allah uns gewähren, unter ihnen zu sein, und diese, unsere Jugendlichen, o mein Herr. O unsere ausgezeichnete Urgroßmutter Hala Sultan, mit deiner Unterstützung wurden wir veranlaßt, ein paar Worte zu sagen. Möge meine Stärke nicht abnehmen, möge sie zunehmen und nicht abnehmen! Mit der Absicht, daß unser Weg sicher gemacht werde, laßt uns sagen Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bitte rezitiert al-Fatiha. Lefke, 24.03.2013
WebSaltanatOrg (16 von 17)04.07.2013 23:24:31
5462 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MajesticWill (17 von 17)04.07.2013 23:24:31
5463 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MajestyOceans
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MajestyOceans
To Be Received in Majesty Oceans
(Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Jaleel Allah, Jalla Jalaaluh, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Jaleel Allah, Jalla `Azaamatu! Laa ilaaha illa-Llah, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Sayyidina wa nabiyyuna wa mawlana Muhammad Rasoolullah! Zidhu yaa Rabbee `izzan wa sharafan nooran wa surooran, sultaanan wa ridwaana fee mithla hadha 'sh-shahru 'sh-shareef shahru Ramadan al-mubarak, yaa Rabb! As-salaamu `alaykum yaa `ibaadAllah as-Saaliheen. As-salaamu `alaykum yaa anbiyaAllah wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. We are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) In particular, we are giving our salute to Qutb al-Mutasarrif, Qutb az-Zamaan, and Saahib az-Zamaan, to look after our weak group sitting here. And we are asking from all honored ones, those whose honors are real, because they are coming from the Heavens! O People! Ask for heavenly honor. Don't waste your precious lives for nonsense, imitated honor. That loads a heavy burden on your shoulders, and on the Day of Resurrection, kings, queens, sultans, emperors, and (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:24:32
5464 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MajestyOceans
mulook will be called, "O malik of Hijaaz, malik of Egypt, malik of India, malik of Bukhara, Ottoman maliks, sultans! Come! Allah Almighty granted you to be kings, sultans, malik of Hijaaz, malik of Masr, malik of Libya, and so many other mulook. Come, stand up in the Divine Presence for questioning, for judgment!" O our Attenders! How are you today? Don't run after nonsense targets. Everything that has no meaning will be a heavy burden on your shoulders on the Day of Resurrection. The more imitated titles you have here, the more you will be under heavy depression on the Day of Resurrection. Now you are sitting on your thrones with such a majestic look and asking to be seen as majestic, but majesty is not for servants, but only for the Lord of Heavens, Allah (swt). (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Stand up, all mulook! That majesty is only for the Lord of Heavens, not for anyone else! If it were for anyone, it would be granted to the most majestic one, the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O our Attenders! Try to be simple, as simple people are happy here and Hereafter. For those who have been granted imitated greatness, know that everything on this planet is imitated, not real. Real honor, majesty, glory and praising is for those people who, on the Day of Resurrection, will be granted by the command of Lord of Heavens, to be dressed as servants with an honorable dress. They will be granted this because they have been invited for muqabala, a meeting. All of Mankind has been given this divine invitation, that Allah Almighty is saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) wallahu yad`u ila daari 's-salaam. But Allah does call to the Abode of Peace. (10:25) (Mawlana Shaykh sits) This I think the Salafi `ulamas are understanding. For what is Allah Almighty inviting His servants to Dar as-Salaam? Dar as-Salaam is the first level of the Divine Presence granted to His servants. As you are entering Dar as-Salaam, you are going to be clothed in a dress of honor and then pass through Dar as-Salaam to Dar ul-Jamaal. There they will be clothed in a robe never granted to anyone before, the robe of Dar ul-Jamaal. There will be a welcoming for these servants, then they will pass through Dar ul- Jalaal and then they will reach to `Azhaamatu wa 'l-Jabaroot, until they approach from `Alam an-Nasoot to `Alam al-Lahoot, the last point that servants may reach and their servanthood is going to be honored and praised. Then they will be dressed in their honors, the honors of majesty. What happens after reaching that point? No one knows, only He knows! (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:24:32
5465 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MajestyOceans
illa man adhina lahu 'r-rahmaan. Except he to whom the Merciful has given permission. (78:38) It is for that one who is granted to understand, to look, and to reach only One. One! And he is going to say: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Yaa Fardu, yaa Samad! Yaa Fardu, yaa Samad! Yaa Fardu, yaa Samad! Yaa Fardu, yaa Samad! Anta 'l-Fareed, anta as-Samad! Anta 'l-Fareed, anta as-Samad! Anta Rabbuna `izzati wa adhaamati wa 'l-jabaroot! Subhaanak! Heavenly addressing, "I accept! I accept! I grant it to you!" (Mawlana Shaykh sits) That is the beginning and it is never-ending! O our Attenders! Those who are claim they are `ulamas, do you know such things? Try to be servants; servants are always approaching the Divine Presence. That is the highest level of Mankind. Run after that position and they will be granted heavenly majesty, and received in Majesty Oceans. Allahu Akbar! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillahi'l hamd! O Mankind! You have been granted such honor that no one knows except one, and that is the Seal of Prophets (s), the real deputy of the Lord of Heavens, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) What are you doing here, O Mankind? We are the ones in the background, those furthest back! He had in front of us, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, wa ashrafa! Allah, Allah. Therefore, those who are smelling something from heavenly perfume are never looking maa siwa-Allah, at what is other than Allah. Maa siwa-Allah (what is other than Allah)! All of it is like an atom. All of it! All of it! Therefore, they are never interested for this hayaatu 'd-dunya ad-danniya, this life which is the lowest level for Mankind. And as a beginning and getting up, up, up, up, high, high, high, high, Hayy, Hayy, Hayy, Hayy, Hayy! There are two meanings here: "Hayy," the Holy Name of Allah Almighty, and "hayy," `uloo; never-ending, approaching from the Oceans of Beauty, and Oceans of Praising, and Oceans of Majesty. Oceans of the Mighty Kingdom are for all Creation! It is a Creation and no one knows when it began and no one knows when it is going to end; never-ending from pre-Eternal to Eternity, Eternity, Eternity. They are asking for Eternity, and never ask for maa siwa-Allah, for this dirty place in which Shaytan's ignorant agents are making everything dirty. None of them are interested, never thinking about it. (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:24:32
5466 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MajestyOceans
O People! You may be on different levels according to your opinions or your knowledge. You are making so many ranks, and every one of people's ranks on this planet is nonsense, with no value. And those oceans are asking to continue heavenly revelations. What they are asking to be said for us is such a tiny drop from endless oceans, that gives our hearts refreshment! People now, because they are slaves of material aspects, are thinking that they will reach refreshment through material aspects. There is no refreshment from that, but people think as much as they are collecting from jewels, gold, and such precious things, they are going to be in refreshment; to the contrary. Therefore, everyday the heavenly souls are reminding people, "O People, don't run after dunya, its jewels and its gold. If you are not using it for the honor of the Lord of Heavens, it is only going to be a very, very, very heavy burden on your shoulders. Try to be only for Allah!" (Mawlana Shaykh stands) O Salafi `ulamas! Try to be only for Allah, not for anyone else! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) But instead, people are only trying to be for their rides, their egos, and Shaytan is blowing in their minds, causing their ways to be without solution. There is no solution through material aspects, and that is the reality. The material offers no solutions, but only makes more difficulties. And as they are not finding solutions, more and more difficulties are piling in front of people, so that there is no rest, no pleasure, no pleasement, no happiness for those whose importance is based in material aspects. O People! It is a holy month! Try to give more and more and more for the sake of the Lord of Heavens. Give to His servants. He can grant to His servants; if Allah Almighty wills, it can rain gold and coins; He is Qaadir, Able, and Muqtadeer, Competent. He can do everything! But He does not want you, O Mankind, who are running after pleasures and material aspects, to store jewels and gold. He is asking, "Give, O My servant, for My honor. Give, give!" Where are you Arab mulook and umaraa, and rich Arabs? Why are you not giving for the sake of Allah? Why are you keeping all your wealth in bank cases? Think on it. Don't say, "Shaykh is asking for money." Every night it is raining coins on me and I am using them, but you are not using. What Allah granted you, you are not using. You know that a person opens his shop early in the morning up to evening, collecting, and then he leaves there and perhaps tomorrow he will not come back to see what he collected. Therefore, it is a holy advice to all Mankind who are running after gold, treasures or precious stones: it is shame on you! Give and take! Give one handful and take from Allah Almighty eternal treasures! May Allah forgive us and grant us a pure understanding. Don't quarrel with each other. Don't fight with each other, but fight evil and devils; that is our mission. They are two words but they have a big meaning. O (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:24:32
5467 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MajestyOceans
Mankind! Fight devils and evil; that is your honor. If you are not doing this, there is no honor for you here or Hereafter. The Lord of Heavens just issued i`laan al-harb, declaration of war, declared war on devils and evil. That is the summary of all prophecy and messengerhood. May Allah forgive me and forgive you. If we are saying wrong, Allah knows what we said and our intention. We are asking forgiveness in this holy month for the honor of the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits). Fatihah. (40 minutes) (Mawlana Shaykh speaks with Shaykh Hisham Effendi on the phone.) (Shaykh Hisham Effendi: Beautiful suhbah, we see light from your picture on the computer. The people of Morocco, Algeria, and Senegal are all watching you.) The president of one African country that Shaykh Hisham visited recently has granted a piece of land for a new Naqshbandi zawiya there. Lefke, 15.08.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryResurrection, CategoryKingdom, CategoryCharity (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:24:32
5468 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakeIslamEasyforBeginners
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MakeIslamEasyforBeginners
Make Islam Easy for Beginners
Allah did not send the whole Shariah in one day. It was completed within 23 years. It shows us that the followers of Muhammad* were improving their prayers step by step. First they were only praying 2 rakats. After the Night-journey Allah ordered them to pray 5 times. We too must try to make the way easy for new Muslims. 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategoryIslam, CategoryPrayer, CategoryMiraj 23:24:32
5469 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakeItEasyForPeople
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MakeItEasyForPeople
Allah Almighty knows and understands His creatures, the Descendants of Adam, best. He Almighty knows their capacities and debilities, their excellences and their shortcomings, and He only expects from them in accordance with what He knows about them. As our Lord has decreed that, throughout the ages, it should become increasingly difficult for human beings to live in accordance with what is good for them. Allah their Lord, has lessened His expectations of them. He Almighty knows full well that the people of the last time will not be capable of much obedience or devotion to Him, and therefore He has made the successive Divine Laws revealed through His Prophets progressively easier and less demanding, culminating in the Law revealed to the Last and the Seal of Prophets, Muhammed, Peace be upon him, the tolerant Law of Islam. Even during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet, Allah Almighty lightened the burdens that He Himself had imposed on believers, knowing that these practices would be too difficult for them to bear. For example, fasting used to commence after the evening meal, or from when a person went to sleep at night, and continue to the next sunset. (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:24:33
5470 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakeItEasyForPeople
Then Allah eased fasting for the believers by permitting that they partake of a pre- dawn meal and fast only from the first crack of dawn until sunset. Although the revealed Law of Islam need never change throughout history, as it is the Law revealed for the people of the Last Time – still, from the time of the revelation of the Holy Qur’an until the end of this world, the level of observance expected of us by our Lord, and the strictness or lenience with which He will judge our actions, is not the same now as it was in the time of the Prophet. Yes, the complete Divine Law as revealed to our Prophet stands unaltered as the model of perfection to be striven for by believers of high aspiration and degree. But according to the following tradition of our Prophet it is clear that the actions of the people of such a degenerate time as our own will only be judged relative to the conditions they had to endure. According to Tradition., the Holy Prophet once addressed his companions, saying: “Oh my companions, if one of you abandons one Divine Command from among one hundred, he will be in danger of losing his faith, but there will come a time when anyone of my Nation who holds firmly to even one Command from among one-hundred, may hope to save himself and his faith”. We must understand the full implications of this prophecy, but generally our Islamic scholars read such a tradition and never pause to reflect on it. Therefore, it is their habit to be too rigid and intolerant in their dealings with new Muslims from Western countries. As soon as a person agrees to become Muslim, those scholars proceed to load them down with instructions on the full level of worship, fasting etc., required of a full responsible Muslim, and the complete list of forbidden actions as well – all in all five hundred orders and eight-hundred prohibitions! What should be the reaction of such new people who, in our times, are not even converting from another religion with practices and prohibitions of a roughly corresponding nature, but often from a completely unregulated way of life? If we are to present Islam in such a way they will certainly think twice before committing themselves to Islam, as they are not prepared to instantly observe the whole of the Law. This is why so many Western people come (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:24:33
5471 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakeItEasyForPeople
to me and ask if it is possible to follow a Sufi Way without embracing Islam; because they view Islam as a gigantic mountain which they would be ordered to scale to the peak, immediately, without training, without equipment – so, naturally they are hesitant. We must be wise and aware of our responsibilities towards people whose hearts incline towards Islam. We must remember that our Lord is the One who Himself stresses His Mercy Oceans above all other Attributes in His Holy Book, and we must learn from our Lord’s tolerance towards us to be tolerant with those with whom we want to forge bonds of the heart, with those whom we want to guide toward our Lord’s Love and take as our own brothers and sisters. No one from among the Muslims can dispute the fact that the full command of the Divine Law was revealed to our Prophet gradually over a period of ten years in Medina, and this only after an initial thirteen year preparation period in Mecca, when nothing specific was demanded of the believers except to believe in Allah, the Last Day, His Prophets, and to do good deeds. The Holy Prophet summarizes the wisdom of this approach in a famous Tradition: “Seek to make things easy for people, not hard. Bring them good tidings, don’t drive them away”. Look, we all know that, for example, the schooling of a child from Kindergarten to University involves much studying and effort on the part of the student. But don’t say to that little child: “Education is a long process involving the learning and even memorization of so many big books, the solving of difficult problems in maths and science, and doing lot of homework instead of playing.” If you paint such a picture for that small child of what he is entering into, he will try to escape in sheer terror. But we, as adults, know that in education the student will be prepared by his teachers for solving every problem he is asked to solve, that he will be given challenges that accord to his level and draw him to the next. First graders are never expected to read the books or solve the maths problems in the fifth grade curriculum. To a first grader you must say, “Come here and I will teach you A, B, C... yes, this is your lesson nothing else”. Step by step that pupil will learn to read everything. So, in Islam, we lead (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:24:33
5472 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakeItEasyForPeople
people step-by-step. There is a beginning and an end, but first we must help people take the first steps; if they don’t take the first steps they will never take the last ones. Unfortunately, Islam’s having been both revealed and propagated in this gradual manner – without difficulty for the learner – is understood by neither Muslims no non- Muslims. Therefore, in this time we are in need of new guidance, and we are not anticipating that it will come from our scholars. It is understanding and guidance that comes through the heart, from heart to heart, not merely instruction as to what we should or should not do with our bodies. Muslims and non-Muslims alike must understand this point, as a real understanding of Islam is capable of saving the whole world. But if we persist in our misunderstanding it will be impossible to reverse the movement toward the brink of disaster. The Holy Qur’an addresses the whole of mankind, and we are in need of people who are capable of understand it. Only such people are capable of helping people to their shares of the Holy Book. The Holy Qur’an is a fountain, a gushing source that may quench the thirst of billions, but very few people are following the river to its source; everyone is drawing from it far downstream. We must seek the source; it is the life spring for all mankind.
WebSheikNazim2Com, CategoryPrayer, CategoryIslam, CategoryMission (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:24:33
5473 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakePeaceWithYourLord
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MakePeaceWithYourLord
O people, come and make peace with your Lord!
O people, whole people they are now heedless and ignorant and drunk; never thinking how they have been on this planet, who is sending them on this planet. Never thinking on it and Allah Almighty (is) saying: „O My servants, don’t run after Shaitan, fire may reach to you! Come to me, accept My heavenly Orders, be obedient for My Orders or I am able to bring a fire from East to West!” As He was sending flood of Noah all over world and never left anyone, except whom in that Arch of Noah. He can do everything, you can do nothing! O people, come and believe, come and respect holy Orders of Allah Almighty! And you are in very holy month Shaban and Allah Almighty giving honour that honoured moon. You, if you are asking to save yourself here and Hereafter, you must try to dress Dress of Honour and Angels looking, whom dressing Dress of Honour. Dress of Honour is obedience to your Lord Allah Almighty. He is Allah Almighty, if He is saying to fire: “Burn!”, may burn, if saying: “Don’t touch!”, never (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:34
5474 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakePeaceWithYourLord
touching! Nimrod prepared like hills, making big fire to burn S.Ibrahim, but Allah Almighty ordering fire: “Don’t touch! He is My beloved servant, don’t touch and be for him a rose-garden” and ordering earth: “Bring a spring”
llah und Seinen Propheten vergessen haben, die, die sich nie vor Allah niederwerfen. Am Gerichtstag bevölkern sie die Alleen der Hölle. 'Es gibt keine einzige Geschichte, die wir nicht erzählt haben', sagt Shah Mardan. "Isma`u wa'u" - Hört und beachtet es - was ihr gehört und aufgenommen habt durch Zuhören, dann verinnerlicht es, und es wird wie eine unerschöpfliche Energie, die geistige Kraft lädt, so daß euere Batterien niemals leer werden. Wenn euere Batterie zu Ende ist, war sie sowieso keine zehn Pfennig wert. Der Mensch kann die Macht der wahren Dienerschaft von Shah Mardan nehmen, von diesen Awliya', die auf seinem Weg sind. Wir können niemals den Stolz der ganzen Schöpfung (saws) erreichen, aber Schritt für Schritt wird uns auch von dieser Macht gegeben. Wenn wir "Allah" sagen, erschüttern wir die Welt. Das ist die Macht Shah Mardans. Wir haben keine Macht. Wir ersuchen um einige Krumen von seinem gedeckten Tisch. Jeden Tag, o meine geliebten Brüder, laßt uns teilhaben an Shah Mardans Tafel. Laßt uns stärker, mächtiger werden. Laßt uns Schwingen wachsen. Laßt uns in den Bereich des himmlischen Königreichs fliegen auf unserem Weg in die Versammlung des Wahren, in einer gereinigten Weise! Wenn ihr dahingeht, wenn ihr sterbt, wird euer Körper nicht zu einem Kadaver. (14 von 17)04.07.2013 23:24:31
5460 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MajesticWill
Wer sind die, deren tote Körper zu Kadavern werden? Diejenigen, die nicht auf Shah Mardan hören, die seinen Weg nicht einhalten. Sie sind Kadaver, die ihren Gestank weit über den Friedhof hinaus verbreiten. Möge Allah uns niemals von Seinen reinen Dienern trennen, jenen Schülern Shah Mardans, die an seinem Weg festhalten. Diese Gesegneten existieren in jedem Zeitalter. Sucht nach ihnen, o Menschen Anatoliens! Sucht nach guten Menschen. Folgt nicht Shaytanen. Sucht nach guten Menschen, so daß euere Ehre wieder leuchtet wie in alten Zeiten. Die Welt sollte Ehrfurcht vor euch empfinden. Dank sei Allah, daß es uns heute gewährte wurde, eins der Gespräche Shah Mardans zu hören, auch wenn es nur kurz war. O geliebte Brüder Shah Mardans, enge Freunde Shah Mardans, in den alten Tagen pflegten einige Leute im Kaffeehaus zu sitzen, sich dort zu treffen für ihre Gespräche. Diese Gespräche waren so wie dieses Gespräch. Sie öffneten sich und erleichterten ihre Gefühle. Die Seele braucht weder Kaffee noch Kaffeehaus, die Seele sehnt sich nach enger Freundschaft. 'Kaffee ist nur ein Vorwand', sagten sie. Jene, die wir enge Freunde nennen, sind die, die dem Weg Shah Mardans folgen. Seht sie an und kommt zu Sinnen. Diese Welt wird unter eueren Füßen sein. Sonst wird diese Welt Druck auf euch ausüben und auf euch drauf sein. Für die, die den Wegen Shaytans folgen, ist Shaytan über allem. Er pinkelt auf sie, entleert sogar seine Exkremente - aber das werde ich nicht erwähnen - er pinkelt auf sie, so daß sie stinken. Sie werden häßlich, alles verkommt. Ihre Arbeit schreitet nicht voran. Halte fest am Weg Shah Mardans, o Bauer, hänge nicht herum im Kaffeehaus. Und verlaß nicht dein Dorf und lauf in die Stadt. Das Dorf ist ein sauberer, reiner Ort. Bleib in deinen Gärten, bearbeite deine Felder, kümmere dich um sie. Bring nicht Shaytans Werkzeug in dein Dorf - besorge dir keine Elektrizität. Hole dir nicht diese ganzen Geräte, die Verderben verbreiten. Du brauchst nicht all die Nachrichten und andere Dinge. Was du brauchst ist die Erinnerung Allahs. Allahs Wort ist, was du brauchst. Und die Wege, die von Allah gewiesen werden, sind was Shah Mardan dich lehrt. Sagen wir Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Subhansin ya Rabb, Sultansin, Du bist erhaben, o Herr, Du bist der absolute Herrscher! Laß diese geliebten Freunde zu uns kommen, die uns Deine wunderbaren Wege lehren! Laß die engen Freunde Shah Mardans zu uns kommen! Dank sei Allah, daß Er uns diese wunderbare Unterhaltung heute gewährte. Möge Allah ihren geistigen Rang erhöhen! Die Mitglieder des Haushaltes des Gesandten Allahs und die Nachkommen Shah Mardans sind die, nach denen man (15 von 17)04.07.2013 23:24:31
5461 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MajesticWill
suchen muß, diejenigen, die ihr finden müßt. Möge euch ein gutes Leben in dieser Welt gewährt werden und möge das Leben im Paradies euch im Jenseits gewährt werden. O mein Herr, vergib uns. Laß jene Diener zu uns kommen, die uns die Wege Shah Mardans lehren. Zu ihren Ehren und durch die hohe Würdigung für die Fatiha. Jeden Tag geht die Sonne auf - wie sehr lieben es die Menschen, sie aufgehen zu sehen! Wenn sie untergeht, entsteht eine Art Traurigkeit. Aber hier haben wir die Sonne Shah Mardans. Sie scheint hell zu jeder Stunde. Es gibt keinen Sonnenuntergang. Shah Mardans Sonne geht nicht unter. O Allah, mache seinen Rang zum höchsten der hohen Ränge. Laß ihn Teil der Versammlung Deines Meistgeliebten sein. Fatiha. Sagt Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illa Allah wa Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Wenn ihr das sagt, dann geht zur Tür hinaus, all euere Arbeit wird erfolgreich sein. Möge es leicht gehen, möge euer Tag süß sein, möget ihr keine unangenehme Situation treffen. Möge Shaytan weit weg von euch sein! La ilaha illa Allah, Sayyiduna Muhammadu r-Rasulullah. Ein Bauer sagte zu einem Heiligen, daß seine Tiere manchmal verträglich seien, manchmal würden sie nicht aufhören zu schlagen und fragte: 'Ich überlege mir, warum es wohl so ist?' 'Es ist, als ob dieses Tier reflektiert, daß, wenn du Allah erwähnst und Segnungen und Frieden auf den Propheten sendest, es sich ruhig fühlt. Es erfährt Frieden. Wenn du Allah nicht erwähnst, wirst du hart wie ein Klotz. Deshalb mißfällt es ihm, dir zu dienen. Es will dir nicht dienen. Die ganze Schöpfung wartet nur darauf, denen zu dienen, die auf Shah Mardan hören, die auf seinem wunderbaren Weg weitergehen. Haltet an der Sunna des Geliebten des Höchst Majestätischen fest. Möge Allah uns gewähren, unter ihnen zu sein, und diese, unsere Jugendlichen, o mein Herr. O unsere ausgezeichnete Urgroßmutter Hala Sultan, mit deiner Unterstützung wurden wir veranlaßt, ein paar Worte zu sagen. Möge meine Stärke nicht abnehmen, möge sie zunehmen und nicht abnehmen! Mit der Absicht, daß unser Weg sicher gemacht werde, laßt uns sagen Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bitte rezitiert al-Fatiha. Lefke, 24.03.2013
WebSaltanatOrg (16 von 17)04.07.2013 23:24:31
5462 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MajesticWill (17 von 17)04.07.2013 23:24:31
5463 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MajestyOceans
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MajestyOceans
To Be Received in Majesty Oceans
(Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Jaleel Allah, Jalla Jalaaluh, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Jaleel Allah, Jalla `Azaamatu! Laa ilaaha illa-Llah, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Sayyidina wa nabiyyuna wa mawlana Muhammad Rasoolullah! Zidhu yaa Rabbee `izzan wa sharafan nooran wa surooran, sultaanan wa ridwaana fee mithla hadha 'sh-shahru 'sh-shareef shahru Ramadan al-mubarak, yaa Rabb! As-salaamu `alaykum yaa `ibaadAllah as-Saaliheen. As-salaamu `alaykum yaa anbiyaAllah wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. We are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) In particular, we are giving our salute to Qutb al-Mutasarrif, Qutb az-Zamaan, and Saahib az-Zamaan, to look after our weak group sitting here. And we are asking from all honored ones, those whose honors are real, because they are coming from the Heavens! O People! Ask for heavenly honor. Don't waste your precious lives for nonsense, imitated honor. That loads a heavy burden on your shoulders, and on the Day of Resurrection, kings, queens, sultans, emperors, and (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:24:32
5464 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MajestyOceans
mulook will be called, "O malik of Hijaaz, malik of Egypt, malik of India, malik of Bukhara, Ottoman maliks, sultans! Come! Allah Almighty granted you to be kings, sultans, malik of Hijaaz, malik of Masr, malik of Libya, and so many other mulook. Come, stand up in the Divine Presence for questioning, for judgment!" O our Attenders! How are you today? Don't run after nonsense targets. Everything that has no meaning will be a heavy burden on your shoulders on the Day of Resurrection. The more imitated titles you have here, the more you will be under heavy depression on the Day of Resurrection. Now you are sitting on your thrones with such a majestic look and asking to be seen as majestic, but majesty is not for servants, but only for the Lord of Heavens, Allah (swt). (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Stand up, all mulook! That majesty is only for the Lord of Heavens, not for anyone else! If it were for anyone, it would be granted to the most majestic one, the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O our Attenders! Try to be simple, as simple people are happy here and Hereafter. For those who have been granted imitated greatness, know that everything on this planet is imitated, not real. Real honor, majesty, glory and praising is for those people who, on the Day of Resurrection, will be granted by the command of Lord of Heavens, to be dressed as servants with an honorable dress. They will be granted this because they have been invited for muqabala, a meeting. All of Mankind has been given this divine invitation, that Allah Almighty is saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) wallahu yad`u ila daari 's-salaam. But Allah does call to the Abode of Peace. (10:25) (Mawlana Shaykh sits) This I think the Salafi `ulamas are understanding. For what is Allah Almighty inviting His servants to Dar as-Salaam? Dar as-Salaam is the first level of the Divine Presence granted to His servants. As you are entering Dar as-Salaam, you are going to be clothed in a dress of honor and then pass through Dar as-Salaam to Dar ul-Jamaal. There they will be clothed in a robe never granted to anyone before, the robe of Dar ul-Jamaal. There will be a welcoming for these servants, then they will pass through Dar ul- Jalaal and then they will reach to `Azhaamatu wa 'l-Jabaroot, until they approach from `Alam an-Nasoot to `Alam al-Lahoot, the last point that servants may reach and their servanthood is going to be honored and praised. Then they will be dressed in their honors, the honors of majesty. What happens after reaching that point? No one knows, only He knows! (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:24:32
5465 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MajestyOceans
illa man adhina lahu 'r-rahmaan. Except he to whom the Merciful has given permission. (78:38) It is for that one who is granted to understand, to look, and to reach only One. One! And he is going to say: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Yaa Fardu, yaa Samad! Yaa Fardu, yaa Samad! Yaa Fardu, yaa Samad! Yaa Fardu, yaa Samad! Anta 'l-Fareed, anta as-Samad! Anta 'l-Fareed, anta as-Samad! Anta Rabbuna `izzati wa adhaamati wa 'l-jabaroot! Subhaanak! Heavenly addressing, "I accept! I accept! I grant it to you!" (Mawlana Shaykh sits) That is the beginning and it is never-ending! O our Attenders! Those who are claim they are `ulamas, do you know such things? Try to be servants; servants are always approaching the Divine Presence. That is the highest level of Mankind. Run after that position and they will be granted heavenly majesty, and received in Majesty Oceans. Allahu Akbar! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillahi'l hamd! O Mankind! You have been granted such honor that no one knows except one, and that is the Seal of Prophets (s), the real deputy of the Lord of Heavens, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) What are you doing here, O Mankind? We are the ones in the background, those furthest back! He had in front of us, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, wa ashrafa! Allah, Allah. Therefore, those who are smelling something from heavenly perfume are never looking maa siwa-Allah, at what is other than Allah. Maa siwa-Allah (what is other than Allah)! All of it is like an atom. All of it! All of it! Therefore, they are never interested for this hayaatu 'd-dunya ad-danniya, this life which is the lowest level for Mankind. And as a beginning and getting up, up, up, up, high, high, high, high, Hayy, Hayy, Hayy, Hayy, Hayy! There are two meanings here: "Hayy," the Holy Name of Allah Almighty, and "hayy," `uloo; never-ending, approaching from the Oceans of Beauty, and Oceans of Praising, and Oceans of Majesty. Oceans of the Mighty Kingdom are for all Creation! It is a Creation and no one knows when it began and no one knows when it is going to end; never-ending from pre-Eternal to Eternity, Eternity, Eternity. They are asking for Eternity, and never ask for maa siwa-Allah, for this dirty place in which Shaytan's ignorant agents are making everything dirty. None of them are interested, never thinking about it. (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:24:32
5466 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MajestyOceans
O People! You may be on different levels according to your opinions or your knowledge. You are making so many ranks, and every one of people's ranks on this planet is nonsense, with no value. And those oceans are asking to continue heavenly revelations. What they are asking to be said for us is such a tiny drop from endless oceans, that gives our hearts refreshment! People now, because they are slaves of material aspects, are thinking that they will reach refreshment through material aspects. There is no refreshment from that, but people think as much as they are collecting from jewels, gold, and such precious things, they are going to be in refreshment; to the contrary. Therefore, everyday the heavenly souls are reminding people, "O People, don't run after dunya, its jewels and its gold. If you are not using it for the honor of the Lord of Heavens, it is only going to be a very, very, very heavy burden on your shoulders. Try to be only for Allah!" (Mawlana Shaykh stands) O Salafi `ulamas! Try to be only for Allah, not for anyone else! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) But instead, people are only trying to be for their rides, their egos, and Shaytan is blowing in their minds, causing their ways to be without solution. There is no solution through material aspects, and that is the reality. The material offers no solutions, but only makes more difficulties. And as they are not finding solutions, more and more difficulties are piling in front of people, so that there is no rest, no pleasure, no pleasement, no happiness for those whose importance is based in material aspects. O People! It is a holy month! Try to give more and more and more for the sake of the Lord of Heavens. Give to His servants. He can grant to His servants; if Allah Almighty wills, it can rain gold and coins; He is Qaadir, Able, and Muqtadeer, Competent. He can do everything! But He does not want you, O Mankind, who are running after pleasures and material aspects, to store jewels and gold. He is asking, "Give, O My servant, for My honor. Give, give!" Where are you Arab mulook and umaraa, and rich Arabs? Why are you not giving for the sake of Allah? Why are you keeping all your wealth in bank cases? Think on it. Don't say, "Shaykh is asking for money." Every night it is raining coins on me and I am using them, but you are not using. What Allah granted you, you are not using. You know that a person opens his shop early in the morning up to evening, collecting, and then he leaves there and perhaps tomorrow he will not come back to see what he collected. Therefore, it is a holy advice to all Mankind who are running after gold, treasures or precious stones: it is shame on you! Give and take! Give one handful and take from Allah Almighty eternal treasures! May Allah forgive us and grant us a pure understanding. Don't quarrel with each other. Don't fight with each other, but fight evil and devils; that is our mission. They are two words but they have a big meaning. O (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:24:32
5467 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MajestyOceans
Mankind! Fight devils and evil; that is your honor. If you are not doing this, there is no honor for you here or Hereafter. The Lord of Heavens just issued i`laan al-harb, declaration of war, declared war on devils and evil. That is the summary of all prophecy and messengerhood. May Allah forgive me and forgive you. If we are saying wrong, Allah knows what we said and our intention. We are asking forgiveness in this holy month for the honor of the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits). Fatihah. (40 minutes) (Mawlana Shaykh speaks with Shaykh Hisham Effendi on the phone.) (Shaykh Hisham Effendi: Beautiful suhbah, we see light from your picture on the computer. The people of Morocco, Algeria, and Senegal are all watching you.) The president of one African country that Shaykh Hisham visited recently has granted a piece of land for a new Naqshbandi zawiya there. Lefke, 15.08.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryResurrection, CategoryKingdom, CategoryCharity (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:24:32
5468 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakeIslamEasyforBeginners
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MakeIslamEasyforBeginners
Make Islam Easy for Beginners
Allah did not send the whole Shariah in one day. It was completed within 23 years. It shows us that the followers of Muhammad* were improving their prayers step by step. First they were only praying 2 rakats. After the Night-journey Allah ordered them to pray 5 times. We too must try to make the way easy for new Muslims. 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategoryIslam, CategoryPrayer, CategoryMiraj 23:24:32
5469 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakeItEasyForPeople
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MakeItEasyForPeople
Allah Almighty knows and understands His creatures, the Descendants of Adam, best. He Almighty knows their capacities and debilities, their excellences and their shortcomings, and He only expects from them in accordance with what He knows about them. As our Lord has decreed that, throughout the ages, it should become increasingly difficult for human beings to live in accordance with what is good for them. Allah their Lord, has lessened His expectations of them. He Almighty knows full well that the people of the last time will not be capable of much obedience or devotion to Him, and therefore He has made the successive Divine Laws revealed through His Prophets progressively easier and less demanding, culminating in the Law revealed to the Last and the Seal of Prophets, Muhammed, Peace be upon him, the tolerant Law of Islam. Even during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet, Allah Almighty lightened the burdens that He Himself had imposed on believers, knowing that these practices would be too difficult for them to bear. For example, fasting used to commence after the evening meal, or from when a person went to sleep at night, and continue to the next sunset. (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:24:33
5470 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakeItEasyForPeople
Then Allah eased fasting for the believers by permitting that they partake of a pre- dawn meal and fast only from the first crack of dawn until sunset. Although the revealed Law of Islam need never change throughout history, as it is the Law revealed for the people of the Last Time – still, from the time of the revelation of the Holy Qur’an until the end of this world, the level of observance expected of us by our Lord, and the strictness or lenience with which He will judge our actions, is not the same now as it was in the time of the Prophet. Yes, the complete Divine Law as revealed to our Prophet stands unaltered as the model of perfection to be striven for by believers of high aspiration and degree. But according to the following tradition of our Prophet it is clear that the actions of the people of such a degenerate time as our own will only be judged relative to the conditions they had to endure. According to Tradition., the Holy Prophet once addressed his companions, saying: “Oh my companions, if one of you abandons one Divine Command from among one hundred, he will be in danger of losing his faith, but there will come a time when anyone of my Nation who holds firmly to even one Command from among one-hundred, may hope to save himself and his faith”. We must understand the full implications of this prophecy, but generally our Islamic scholars read such a tradition and never pause to reflect on it. Therefore, it is their habit to be too rigid and intolerant in their dealings with new Muslims from Western countries. As soon as a person agrees to become Muslim, those scholars proceed to load them down with instructions on the full level of worship, fasting etc., required of a full responsible Muslim, and the complete list of forbidden actions as well – all in all five hundred orders and eight-hundred prohibitions! What should be the reaction of such new people who, in our times, are not even converting from another religion with practices and prohibitions of a roughly corresponding nature, but often from a completely unregulated way of life? If we are to present Islam in such a way they will certainly think twice before committing themselves to Islam, as they are not prepared to instantly observe the whole of the Law. This is why so many Western people come (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:24:33
5471 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakeItEasyForPeople
to me and ask if it is possible to follow a Sufi Way without embracing Islam; because they view Islam as a gigantic mountain which they would be ordered to scale to the peak, immediately, without training, without equipment – so, naturally they are hesitant. We must be wise and aware of our responsibilities towards people whose hearts incline towards Islam. We must remember that our Lord is the One who Himself stresses His Mercy Oceans above all other Attributes in His Holy Book, and we must learn from our Lord’s tolerance towards us to be tolerant with those with whom we want to forge bonds of the heart, with those whom we want to guide toward our Lord’s Love and take as our own brothers and sisters. No one from among the Muslims can dispute the fact that the full command of the Divine Law was revealed to our Prophet gradually over a period of ten years in Medina, and this only after an initial thirteen year preparation period in Mecca, when nothing specific was demanded of the believers except to believe in Allah, the Last Day, His Prophets, and to do good deeds. The Holy Prophet summarizes the wisdom of this approach in a famous Tradition: “Seek to make things easy for people, not hard. Bring them good tidings, don’t drive them away”. Look, we all know that, for example, the schooling of a child from Kindergarten to University involves much studying and effort on the part of the student. But don’t say to that little child: “Education is a long process involving the learning and even memorization of so many big books, the solving of difficult problems in maths and science, and doing lot of homework instead of playing.” If you paint such a picture for that small child of what he is entering into, he will try to escape in sheer terror. But we, as adults, know that in education the student will be prepared by his teachers for solving every problem he is asked to solve, that he will be given challenges that accord to his level and draw him to the next. First graders are never expected to read the books or solve the maths problems in the fifth grade curriculum. To a first grader you must say, “Come here and I will teach you A, B, C... yes, this is your lesson nothing else”. Step by step that pupil will learn to read everything. So, in Islam, we lead (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:24:33
5472 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakeItEasyForPeople
people step-by-step. There is a beginning and an end, but first we must help people take the first steps; if they don’t take the first steps they will never take the last ones. Unfortunately, Islam’s having been both revealed and propagated in this gradual manner – without difficulty for the learner – is understood by neither Muslims no non- Muslims. Therefore, in this time we are in need of new guidance, and we are not anticipating that it will come from our scholars. It is understanding and guidance that comes through the heart, from heart to heart, not merely instruction as to what we should or should not do with our bodies. Muslims and non-Muslims alike must understand this point, as a real understanding of Islam is capable of saving the whole world. But if we persist in our misunderstanding it will be impossible to reverse the movement toward the brink of disaster. The Holy Qur’an addresses the whole of mankind, and we are in need of people who are capable of understand it. Only such people are capable of helping people to their shares of the Holy Book. The Holy Qur’an is a fountain, a gushing source that may quench the thirst of billions, but very few people are following the river to its source; everyone is drawing from it far downstream. We must seek the source; it is the life spring for all mankind.
WebSheikNazim2Com, CategoryPrayer, CategoryIslam, CategoryMission (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:24:33
5473 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakePeaceWithYourLord
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : MakePeaceWithYourLord
O people, come and make peace with your Lord!
O people, whole people they are now heedless and ignorant and drunk; never thinking how they have been on this planet, who is sending them on this planet. Never thinking on it and Allah Almighty (is) saying: „O My servants, don’t run after Shaitan, fire may reach to you! Come to me, accept My heavenly Orders, be obedient for My Orders or I am able to bring a fire from East to West!” As He was sending flood of Noah all over world and never left anyone, except whom in that Arch of Noah. He can do everything, you can do nothing! O people, come and believe, come and respect holy Orders of Allah Almighty! And you are in very holy month Shaban and Allah Almighty giving honour that honoured moon. You, if you are asking to save yourself here and Hereafter, you must try to dress Dress of Honour and Angels looking, whom dressing Dress of Honour. Dress of Honour is obedience to your Lord Allah Almighty. He is Allah Almighty, if He is saying to fire: “Burn!”, may burn, if saying: “Don’t touch!”, never (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:24:34
5474 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: MakePeaceWithYourLord
touching! Nimrod prepared like hills, making big fire to burn S.Ibrahim, but Allah Almighty ordering fire: “Don’t touch! He is My beloved servant, don’t touch and be for him a rose-garden” and ordering earth: “Bring a spring”