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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (351/777)
coming, showing an exit here or (on) that side. But (to find the way) for the best atmosphere, Allah Almighty (is) making on every step an exit! (With) only one step you can change your atmosphere to (a) good atmosphere (and) you should be happy! You should be happy! Through your life you should be happy, when (you are) leaving this temporary life you should be pleased, when you are buried you should be pleased and when your soul (is) taken from you and sent to divinely Presence, you should be happy. (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:22:43

4921 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheWayOfMasters

May Allah bless you and forgive me for the honour of His most honoured servant in His divinely Presence, S.

Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 26.04.2004, transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryNaqshbandi, CategoryFood (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:22:43

4922 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepIslamicTeachings

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : KeepIslamicTeachings


O Muslim Governments! Keep Islamic Teachings!

(Mawlana shaykh stands) Dastoor yaa sayyidee. Mashaa-Allah. Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billah. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar! Laa ilaaha illa-Llahu Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi 'l-hamd. Allahuma zid habeebika `izzan wa sharafan, nooran wa suroora wa ridwaanan wa sultana. Ij`alnaa tahta liwaa'ihi yawmu 'l-qiyaamati yaa Rabba 'l-`Alameen. Wa `afuw `anna, wa 'ghfir lanaa, wa 'rhamnaa wa tub `alaynaa wa 'hdinaa, wa 'sqinaa wa aslih shaananaa wa shaan al-Muslimeen. Yaa Muslah as-saaliheen, aslih shaanana wa shaana `ibaadika ad-du`afaa, yaa Rabbi 'l-`Alameen. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Thumma 's-salaam `alaa Sahib az-Zamaan wa `alaa Qutb az-Zamaan, Qutb al-Mutasarrif wa 's-salaam `alaa jamee`i `ibaadillah as-saaliheen. Yaa Rabbee! ammanaa bi 's-salaam, yaa Rabba 'l `izzati wa 'l-`Azhamati wa 'l-Jabaroot. Nahnu `abeeduka ad-dua`faa. We are weak servants, O our Lord. And we are saying, dastoor yaa RijaalAllah! A`oodhu billahi min ash- Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) We must try to give our most high respects when we are saying, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) SubhaanAllah, alhamdulillah, wa la ilaaha illa-Llah Allahu Akbar wa laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi 'l- `Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem. We know nothing, and we can do nothing. Everything is from Your divinely grant from pre-Eternal up to Eternal. Eternity, Eternity, Eternity! (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:44

4923 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepIslamicTeachings

O People! O People! Run to Eternity, Eternity, Eternity! That is the biggest tiding for people, but they are not taking any care for it; Eternity. O our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum! How are you feeling today? Are you filling your cases (with money)? Tring, tring, tring, "Eh, good today." Tring, tring, tring, "Not good today." What are you collecting, O heedless ones? You are collecting the dirtiness of this life and you are getting happy? O heedless ones! All of us are running after which thing? We are running after the dirtiness of this life. All the treasures of this life are nothing in the Divinely Presence, as the Seal of Prophets (s), the most high teacher for nations and for all Mankind was saying. O our Salafi `ulamas! Why are you not repeating the holy words from the Seal of Prophets (s), Sayyidina Muhammad (s)? (Mawlana Shaykh stands)               lawkaanat ad-dunya tazin`indallahi janaaha ba`ooda maa saqaa kaafir minha shurbatu maai, If this dunya weighed the wing of a mosquito, Allah (swt) would not have given a cup of water to any non-believer to drink. True or not? What are you saying? (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Is it an imitated hadith? Not real? That means smaller than the wing of a fly, a mosquito. A mosquito is smaller than a fly. That is the Prophet's words and they are living words. The holy words of the Seal of Prophets (s) will never be out of time, always intact. All holy words of the Seal of Prophets (s), hadith, are living words. And those who are taking, or trying to take some share from the living words of the Seal of Prophets (s) daily are getting much more pleased and entering more into the Pleasure Oceans. Every word from the Seal of Prophets (s) is carrying people to the Oceans of Pleasure, the Oceans of Pleasement, the Oceans of Lights. This is a very important saying of the Seal of Prophets (s), and he is the most true one throughout Creation; no one can be a true one more than the Seal of Prophets (s)! He is the only true one that is accepted in the Divine Presence. His words, every hadith, every holy saying from the Seal of Prophets (s) is sealed! Yes, a heavenly seal is on it. As much as you can give more respect to his words, you can reach more respectable levels in the Heavens. Therefore, leave so many useless maa laa ya`aneeh, “Matters of no concern to you.” Leave teaching your children such maa laa ya`aneeh, things that never give to them honor here or Hereafter. (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:44

4924 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepIslamicTeachings

O Salafi `ulamas! Why are you not saying to the majesty kings and sultans? Why are you not reminding them that everything they are teaching in their schools, its value is on zero point, zero level? And the most valuable knowledge is the knowledge of Prophet, peace be upon him, that he is yatalaqqa, receiving from Heavens. People who are living on Earth now are receiving their knowledge from shaytanic sources, not accepting anything heavenly. And prophets, peace be upon them, particularly the Seal of Prophets (s), takes his knowledge from heavenly sources. Why are you not teaching your children with such heavenly knowledge? And you are trying to make them learn something from shaytanic courses, saying, "O Shaykh! My son just finished his university and he has a degree now. But now we are sending him, over his knowledge there are some courses that the government sent him a new course." The government sends a new course to learn new things. Why are you not sending your children to learn from heavenly courses? What is the reason? Do you think that knowledge is only what you are knowing or learning? Over your learning and knowledge, there is no one else who knows? And Allah Almighty is saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands)      wa fawqa kulli dhi `ilmin `aleem, Above each knower there is a (higher) knower. (12:76) Wa fawqa kulli dhi `ilmin `aleem! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) If you are finishing 100 courses, there is still 101. Finishing hundreds, then reaching a thousand. You may finish thousands of courses, but beyond it, there are new horizons of heavenly knowledge that is never-ending. Why are our Muslim governments filling their schools with shaytanic knowledge? Allah will ask them, and will ask to you: "O Salafi `ulamas and mulook and presidents and governments! Come here. Waqifoohum! Keep them! Don't give them a way to pass because they will be asked.” They will be asked like these `ulamas and mulook, they will be questioned on stations. Waqifoohum! Who is that “hum?” Everyone who has a responsibility should be asked. And what is the benefit of asking? One benefit is that mulook, presidents, the chief of Muslim states, will be punished. They will be asked, "Why were you not teaching heavenly knowledge in your schools but you were always imitating western teachings? Why were you not giving value to heavenly knowledge?" What is going to be your answer, O mulook and `ulamas? You are filling your big buildings with shaytanic courses. Why are you not asking for heavenly courses? Why? You are trying to learn nothing for this life, for this dunya. And the Lord of Heavens is asking some else from heavenly knowledge, that He wants His Muslim servants to (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:44

4925 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepIslamicTeachings

learn. Where are those schools? Where are those courses? You are not hearing because you are deaf; you are not seeing because you are `amaa, blind; and you are not doing because there is no mind for you. Also, you are not able to do something because of your iraada, will; you are giving your will into the hands of shaytans. Shaytan is doing its full ghayrah, ghayrat, himmat, his last effort to teach you from itself. Where are the schools that teach heavenly knowledge only; pure, heavenly knowledge that we are in need of? At least in some places they are mixing western knowledge with Islamic knowledges; mixing. And if we are giving mithaal, an example for an understanding, that means, you are bringing pure knowledge with shaytanic knowledge. Pure knowledge is clean, and western knowledge, which is from shaytanic sources, is dirty. Bringing (western knowledge) and putting it in pure knowledge, makes both of them to be thrown away. That is, at least they are mixing. You can't find in Hijaz, Saudi kingdom, and other sultans through Jazeeratul `Arab, Arabian peninsula; even in Egypt, Sudan, India or Pakistan. I'm not saying Turkey because they are never interested with anything that it is heavenly. They are saying, "We are not heavenly people to follow heavenly things; we are a secular system. We are denying everything about heavenly sources. We are never accepting; we are a secular system!" They never speak on it; throwing it away. Iranian, I dont know. Pakistan, also the same. And Malaysia, Indonesia and Egypt, Sudan, Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, Libya; all are on the same wrong way. They are doing their worst! They are not doing their best for Allah. Who is going to do his best for Allah? Those whom they are believing that heavenly sources are never-ending; Knowledge Oceans. No need to look at shaytanic sources. But they are saying, "O Shaykh! It is a new fashion. We must bring from western sources to mix with our knowledge." Bring a pot of milk. If you are putting a little bit of dirtiness into that milk, you must throw it away. How are you bringing from western sources to your madaaris, schools and colleges and universities? Why are you saying “university”? “University,” no; it's “jaami`aa.” Why jaami`aa collects western knowledge with eastern knowledge? They are giving much more respect for western sources, making Islamic sources to be down, and bringing western sources to be up. That is the biggest wrong for Muslim countries. That way they are never going to be number one; always they should be zero. The one never accepts them to be in front, always putting zero behind one. Behind one, zero has no value. In front of one, zero is granted an honor. If one puts zero to its right, it's going to be 10; two zeros, going to be 100; three zeroes, going to be 1000. But behind it, on its left, if you are putting millions of zeros, it's still going to be zero. (Mawlana Shaykh laughs) (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:44

4926 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepIslamicTeachings

Throughout the Islamic world, whom they have been granted hikmah, wisdoms; there are no more left of those who run to reach Islamic Wisdom Oceans,hoodutsuz, unlimited sources. Western sources are like one smallest spot and Islamic sources are like endless oceans! O our mulook and O no-mind people of Wahhabis! Leave this or that, quarreling with Muslims. Quarrel with your kings, with your governments, that they are bringing western sources and putting them on a "respected chair," and giving Islamic sources a "simple chair." Giving an honored chair for western sources, but for Islamic sources, they are giving one old chair: "You sit here!" That is the meaning. O People! Come and listen. O our attenders! Try to learn, try to understand. If you are not understanding, your level is going under the level of animals. No more honor for you. O Muslim ummah! You must try to know to give value only to Islamic sources! We are not in need of western sources. But all of you are teaching only western sources in your universities. I am not happy, and everyone from heavenly ones are unhappy. Beware of Allah Almighty's punishment! Lahum khizyun fi 'd-dunya, “Shame on them in this world.”          lahum khizyun fi 'd-dunya wa lahum fi 'l-aakhirati `adhaabun `azheemun, For them is shame in this world and a great punishment in the Everlasting Life. (5:33) Should be khizyun, shame on them here, because they are leaving the heavenly book, Qur'an, the most glorified holy book, Qur'an `azheem ash-Shaan and they are running to western sources that have no meaning, no roots. No roots! Their knowledge is like fiter, mushroom! I may say to you what they are saying and you may laugh. Western sources are so proud and they are never accepting Islamic sources. What do they say about Creation? "In the beginning of this Creation, first of all, it was only one atom; looks like an egg, and that atom exploded and through first or less than first, going, changing, coming this and that, this and that, the Big Bang!" What is Shaytan teaching them? And our universities are saying, “That is through the Big Bang.” Ptuuh (spit) on their madhhab, to say, “Big Bang,” and they are throwing away holy books’ knowledge. They are feeling ashamed to say, “This Creation is a Creation and it needs a Creator Who has will power." Will is a Divinely Attribute, doing as He likes. They are not saying this, but they are saying, “Big Bang.” Ptuuh (spit) on their madhhab, their ways! (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:44

4927 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepIslamicTeachings

O People! Come and accept reality, or you should be lahum khizyun. Big shame will be for them on the Day of Resurrection; big shame coming to them. Leave that baatil, falsehood, leave it and come. O all Mankind! Come and try to accept that heavenly knowledge from heavenly Knowledge Oceans. Then you should be happy and honored and glorified, here and Hereafter. May Allah forgive us. Fatihah. (38 minutes) (811 people) Eleven? Mashaa-Allah. People must learn, must learn. These words are like thundering on their heads. It will be! Not from me. I am only a means, but heavenly thundering lights are coming on Earth. May Allah forgive us. Hisham Effendi? (Mawlana Shaykh prays two raka`at Salaat ash-Shukr.) (Mawlana Shaykh sings.) Dome dome, dome dome 8x Allah Allah, alhamdulillah. (Many people are sending their salaams Sayyidee. Many people!) Mashaa-Allah, mashaa-Allah! Send my salaams. (Mawlana Shaykh speaks with Shaykh Hisham Effendi and Hajjah Naziha on the phone.) 04.08.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryHadith, CategoryKnowledge, CategoryEducation, CategoryScience (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:44

4928 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepSunnah

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : KeepSunnah


Keep Sunnah for Your Outer Appearance

(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Madad yaa Sultan ul-Awliya. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi 'l-hamd! Allahumma zidh Habeebak `izzan wa sharafan nooran wa surooran, sultaanan wa ridwaana. Bi jaahihi `indak ighfir lana w 'astoorna w 'arhamnaa wa ayyidi 'l-Islam wa 'l- Muslimeen yaa Rabbi 'l-`alameen! Tawbah yaa Rabbee. Tawbah yaa Rabbee. Tawbah, astaghfirullah. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Thumma salaamu `alayka yaa Sahib az-Zaman. Thumma salamu `alaykum yaa `IbaadAllahi 's-Saliheen. Thumma salamu `alayka yaa Qutb al-Mutassarif fee hadhihi 'l-majaal `ala hasab yujid amru 's-sama. As- salaamu `alaykum yaa `IbaadAllahi as-saliheen. Nastamid min roohaaniyyatikum. I am asking heavenly support from heavenly people. We know nothing and we are asking to know, and to do as the Lord of Heavens is asking from His servants to do. And we are saying as-salaamu `alaykum, O our attenders who are taking pleasure from such meetings. O People! Don't ask for pleasure when you are getting into a bad condition. Don't ask for pleasure by drinking wines, or when you are dancing with ladies, no! That brings much more darkness on your real being, yes. (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:45

4929 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepSunnah

Our real being gives us pleasure or sometimes our real being is getting in dark areas, and can't be able to get out without heavenly light. Therefore, O people, when you are getting in darkness, that means power is cut off and you are running to find a candle, because you lost real lightening. And now 99 % or more people are falling into darkness, in spite that everywhere they are finding everything for pleasure for their physical beings. Yet their feelings are never getting to be satisfied, because it is not from a real center, and those lights are not coming to them. Therefore, they are running to find a small candle to show them something, some things they see, but mostly they can't see. If a person is asking to see, that means he is a blind person and a blind person is always in fear because he is never knowing where he is putting his feet, not knowing. Therefore, blind people are always in fear. Sometimes they are using a stick in their hands to look, not look, but to find anything in front of them, or if any dangerous thing is coming on them, they are using this stick. And mostly blind people are not carrying a stick, they are in such a difficult position, and who is carrying a stick, a little bit their feelings are showing them the way and directing them in a direction that may be safe for them. Now, people here on this planet, on dunya, billions of people, all of them are in a situation that they are never knowing anything what is going to happen for them. The coming events are always closed down, and they are not knowing. Coming events are only just opening for some special beings or some chosen or selected ones that have been authorized, and they have eyes. Therefore, just mentioned from beginning up to end, some people that are knowing about coming events and the Seal of Prophets (s) who had been granted the Holy Qur'an was saying. O our Salafi `ulamas! You are saying, "We are `ulamas." They are making me to speak, I don't know, but they are making me to speak. About the Holy Qur'an we are saying, Umm ul-Kitaab, "Mother of Books," that all knowledge is coming from that holy book, yes. Don't look to European or western countries' books to learn something, we are not in need. Take away their universities, make them away. Say that, "We are Ummata Muhammad (s), (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) We are not in need of your knowledge!" (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) We are never going to learn from you anything, no! We have everything, we have been granted everything that we are in need of or we may be in need, everything we have! We are not needy to take from western countries' knowledge, no! It is not a valuable thing. (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:45

4930 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepSunnah

They have, for example, a shell covering a nut. I am trying to speak American style English today, "shelll." You must make your tongue like this also. (Mawlana Shaykh curls tongue and laughs.) O our mulook, you must learn also, "shelll." I must look in the mirror if my tongue is going to be like this also (curled), "shelll." They have such a "shelll" that in it they are not reaching. They only have an image as in shops they are making figures from plastic. You can look and you can say, "Oh! So beautiful ones here, so elegant people here, so beautiful ones here." But when you are touching, it is as a "shelll." How is my English, O people? I am learning American English also, and London English, and Shakespeare English I am also speaking. From outside you are looking at those figures and saying, "So handsome, so beautiful figure," but when you are touching, it is a plastic figure. And knowledge that western countries are reaching through their efforts are only a shape or figure, and you can't find a real being in that figure. And our idiot learned people are looking to western countries and amazing. They are saying, "O, so beautiful, western countries' civilization, we are so mutakhkhir, retarded, backward." People lost roohu 'l-Islam, the spirit of Islam. I am sorry to say, this is a big blame for Muslim countries, Muslim authorities, Muslim scholars, and Muslim mulook, kings also! Yes, they are looking, "O, amazing 21st century civilization!" "O my darling, how can we be if we are changing our cars to now because it is New Year, 2010?" "O my darling, we may be patient and after three months, new fashion for 2011, it is better." People are drunk in their out-looking (appearance). Their whole beings are running after such foolishness. That is Islamic world also, all of them are running after new fashions. And new fashions, all of them, are like new models, but they are using the same material and presenting to people, "Look at this new fashion that belongs to 2011." Out-looking taking whole nations, and it is blame for the Muslim world that they are running after western ways, running after fashion. O Salafi `ulamas! Are you not knowing that Prophet (s) said, man tashabbaha bi qawmin fa-huwa minhum, “Who imitates a people is one of them.” Is it not true? Keep your personality and your Islamic identity! If anyone is looking, they may say, "This is a Muslim man or a Muslim lady." Europeans are making so many laws against Islamic dressing and the out-looking of people. In particular, in newspapers, France is preventing (Muslim women) to put veils on their faces. For what? Who are you to prevent that? Where are our `ulamas to say, "Faces may be covered!" Why they are not saying, man tashabbaha bi qawmin fa-huwa (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:45

4931 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepSunnah

minhum? What you are saying, claiming that you are doctors of Shari`ah? Where is Shari`ah and where are you!? We have power! Why are you not sending an ultimatum to French government? "You can't interfere with our ladies' dressing. If you are doing this, we are doing against your people! Anyone coming here with European dressing, they can't enter Damascus, Egypt, Iran, or Turkey!" Why are you not making this, why? Are you not fearing from Allah? Not fearing. If not fearing, Allah makes you down! And this hadith shareef:      man tashabbaha bi`qawmin fahuwa minhum, "Who imitates a people is one of them." Don't buy and use cars in your countries. Doesn't matter if they may say, "Muta-akhkhir, backwards." They may say. Thousands of people are just killed or killing from car accidents but before time no one was dying when they were riding on camels or on horses. That is an important point and we are coming to say something, O doctors of Shari`ah! Shari`ah is not ill to need doctors. Shari`ah is a strong one. And you must listen and you must say yes to what they are making me to speak to you. I am not a person to prepare something to address whole people from east to west, west to east, north to south, south to north, but they are making me to speak on some points that you are on the wrong way. Islam coming with a holy book, Qur'an `azheemu 'sh-shaan, "a book of great significance," (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) that was brought and granted to the Seal of Prophets (s). Any book can't be over Holy Qur'an. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) O People! You must hear, listen and try to understand about our holy book, the Holy Qur'an, which had been sent to him, the Seal of Prophets (s), (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Sayyidina Muhammad (s), he was granted the Holy Qur'an. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Yes `ulamas of Azhari 'sh-shareef, doctors of Shari`ah, why are you not saying what the Seal of Prophets (s), who had been granted the Holy Qur'an, said about it. Salafi `ulamas! Say, don't fear! How did the Seal of Prophets (s) give a description for the Holy Qur'an? Say the holy hadith! You are not remembering because your minds are occupied, full with the thinking of western nonsense. Empty your minds and you can understand. The description that the Seal of Prophets (s) was saying about the Holy Qur'an:   (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:45

4932 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepSunnah

feehi khabaru maa qablakum wa naba'u maa ba`dakum, "The Book of Allah: in it is the history of those before you and what shall come after you." Is that OK or not? Am I speaking wrong? Never! They are making my tongue to speak the truth. I am shouting to the whole Muslim world! Whole `ulamas must teach and have good calligraphers to write in gold letters about the description of Holy Qur'an, feehi khabaru maa qablakum wa naba'u maa ba`dakum, "In it is information about what was before you and tidings of what is after you." Write this and put it everywhere. You are not doing that. You are running to be doctors of Shar`iah. Doctors huh? That (description of Holy Qur'an) is enough for whole nations. Especially for the Seal of Prophets' (s) nation, (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Ummatan Muhammad (s)! Must be known, must be written everywhere about the Holy Qur'an, feehi khabaru maa qablakum wa naba'u maa ba`dakum. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Ayatu 'l-Kareema. If you are not getting satisfied (with the hadith), O `ulamas, I am saying from the Holy Qur'an. That one was holy hadith shareef. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allah Almighty is saying:       Maa farratna fi 'l-Kitaabi min shay, Nothing have We omitted from the Book. (6:38) Haqq or baatil? How are you running like this and like that and Allah Almighty is everything that mankind may ask, learn, do and may find in the holy verse, Maa farratna fi 'l-Kitaabi min shay, "We did not leave out anything in this holy book." (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) SadaqAllahu `l-azheem. Allahu akbar. Ghaflatuna (we are heedless). You are writing in universities, "No holy books can enter in our universities." That is the yanbu`, spring of kufr. You must teach whole nations, but before whole nations, particularly Muslims must know that is hadith shareef and that is Allah Almighty's holy words: Maa farratna fi 'l-Kitaabi min shay. That means that anything mankind asks, they can find it. But the key must be granted from heavens for an opening; and when you are running into the dirtiness of western countries, you are never given that key to open those endless treasures. May Allah forgive us. Tawbah yaa Rabbee. Tawbah yaa Rabbee. Tawbah astaghfirullah. Blame for the whole ummah. (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:45

4933 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepSunnah

(Mawlana Shaykh sings.) Dome dome dome dome 4x I am blaming my ego. You are `ulamas, astifloo, as you like. Look, who is giving an objection on these words, up to morning their coffins going to be ready to take such foolish ones to cemetery. Allah! Allah! Laa illaha il Allah, laa illaha il Allah! Dome dome dome dome 8x Fatihah. Alhamdulilah. Mashaa-Allah, mashaa-Allah, mashaa-Allah! Where is Shaykh Hisham? (Singapore) (Mawlana Shaykh prays two raka'at shukr.) Lefke, 23.05.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryFrance, CategoryDressing, CategoryQuran, CategoryOhMyDarling (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:45

4934 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepTheWorldInYourHands

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : KeepTheWorldInYourHands
