Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (350/777)
läßt es regnen, und alles ist überflutet. Sie haben keine Häuser, keinen Schutz mehr. Sie selbst verschwinden auch. Es bebt einmal... Es gab ein Erdbeben in Haiti, vielleicht vor 10 Jahren. 200.000 Menschen starben, heißt es. Es ist ihre Insel, nicht wahr? Sie ist im Ozean. 200.000 Menschen starben mit einem derartigen Schütteln. Es bebt ständig leicht. Niemand sagt: 'Ya Rabbi, mögest Du uns vor diesen Erdbeben bewahren, diesen Fluten, Schneefällen', und in die Moscheen gehen. 'Was können wir tun? Die Straßen werden mit den Maschinen geöffnet,' sagen sie. Nein, sie können nicht geöffnet werden. Wenn es schneit oder regnet, kann es nicht (8 von 10)04.07.2013 23:22:42
4909 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingPeaceIsBest
aufgehalten werden. Wenn es nicht schneit oder regnet, kann niemand den Regen hervorrufen. Leute, ihr seid verrückt geworden. Ihr seid wahnsinnig geworden. Warum sagt ihr nicht 'Allah'? Ihr habt Allah vergessen. Sie sind offen für jedes Unglück. Jetzt gibt es eine Manifestation von Qahr, Dominanz. Schützt euch, sagt Allah. Dient Allah, ihr werdet gerettet. Wenn Zypern nicht sinkt, sinken die Türken, sinkt Europa, sinkt Amerika. Es gibt fünf Kontinente. Wenn Er will, kann er sie alle ins Wasser tauchen. Fürchtet Allah. Euere Kanonen, Gewehre können nichts ausrichten. Fürchtet Allah. Sagt 'Allah' und ihr werdet Sicherheit finden. Sonst werdet ihr mehr leiden. Möge Allah uns Seine Diener senden, die uns aufwecken werden. Ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Wenn ihr aufsteht, sagt 'Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim'. Wascht euer Gesicht, macht die rituelle Waschung, betet 2 Rakats Sunnah des Fajr Gebetes, die 2 Rakats des Fardh. Und sagt: 'O Herr, ich bin Dein Diener. Mögest Du diesen Tag gut für mich machen. Mögest Du uns das Gute dieses Tages zukommen lassen. Wir suchen Zuflucht bei Dir vor den Übeln dieses Tages. Ich lebe für Dich, o Herr.' Sagt das, und Allah wird euch schützen. Sonst werden sie mehr leiden. Aman ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Wir sagen: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Unser Herr, zu Ehren Deines Geliebten, dieser Monat ist der heilige Monat des Mawlid. Mögen wir zu den reinen Nationen unseres Propheten mit dem erleuchteten Gesicht (saws) gehören. Mögen wir die Wege einhalten, die er zeigte. Sie rauchen und trinken immer Raki. Sie machen immer alle Arten von schmutzigen Dingen. Diese Menschen verloren ihre Menschlichkeit. Mögen wir nicht zu ihnen gehören. Wir sollten für Allah leben. Unsere Dunya ist glücklich, und in der Akhira ist das Paradies für uns. Herr, vergib uns. Sende uns von Deinen reinen Dienern, von Deinen mächtigen Dienern, die uns Deine Wege zeigen, o Herr. Mögen wir Deine Diener sein, Dich anbeten, so viel wir können. Mögen wir danach streben, o Herr. Shukur Allah traten wir in den Monat des Mawlid ein. Unsere Ehre ist mit unserem Propheten. Sendet Salatu s-Salam auf ihn: Allahumma salli `ala Muhammadin wa `ala ali Muhammadin wa Sallim' jeden Tag. Sagt es wenigsten 100x am Tag. Sagt 'Allahumma Salli... Die Segnungen dieses heiligen Monats kommen auf euch herab, Schwierigkeiten bleiben euch fern. Liebt und respektiert einander. Leute, seid Menschheit. Seid nicht Shaytan. Der (9 von 10)04.07.2013 23:22:42
4910 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingPeaceIsBest
Prophet kam zu uns, um uns Menschlichkeit zu lehren. Shaytan sagt: Nein, ich mache euch zu Shaytan. Ich lasse es nicht zu, daß ihr Engel seid, ich mache euch zu Shaytan, sagt er. Und die Dunya fiel in die Hände Shaytans. Wir reißen uns entweder zusammen, kehren zu Allah zurück und sind Seine Diener oder sonst ist es zu Ende. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba Astaghfirullah. Zu Ehren Deines Geliebten mögest Du uns die Heiligen senden, die uns zu Deiner Dienerschaft bringen, die uns Deine Dienerschaft lehren. Mögest Du jene senden, die geistige Macht haben, damit sie uns retten aus dieser gefährlichen Lage, o unser Herr. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Ruft so wenigstens 3x am Tag. Sagt 'Allahu Akbar' und Allah schützt euch. Sonst sind sie am Ende. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Wir sagen Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim und beginnen den Dienst, die Anbetung Allahs. Mögen unsere Herzen voller Freude sein und unsere Körper in Sicherheit. Möge unsere Dunya glücklich und unsere Akhirah ewig sein. Al Fatiha. Ich bin schwach. Ich bin schwach. Ich kann nichts tun. Ich drücke mich selbst, um mein Ego niederzuwerfen, um Dienst zu tun, Dienerschaft für Allah den Allmächtigen. Welche Stärke ist uns geblieben? Möge Allah der Allmächtige uns von Seinen heiligen Dienern senden, die uns schützen. Ya Rabbi, ya Allah. Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Du hast uns gewährt, den Morgen mit Gutem zu erreichen. Du hast uns gewährt, uns vor Dir niederzuwerfen in Sajda. Mögen wir den Abend mit Gutem erreichen, mit Barakah. Mögen Unglücke fern von den Dienern der Nation Muhammads (saws) und auch von uns sein, indem wir die Befehle Allahs einhalten. Möge Allah uns vor Schwierigkeiten, Unfällen schützen. La ilaha illa Allah, Sayyidina Muhammad Rasulullah. Fatiha. Lefke, 14.01.2013
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryPeace, CategoryPrayer, CategoryShaitan, CategoryPunishment, CategoryNature (10 von 10)04.07.2013 23:22:42
4911 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheDeadAlive
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : KeepingTheDeadAlive
Keeping the Dead Alive
(Translated from Turkish) As-salaamu `alaykum! Welcome! Baba Tahsin, Karadeniz usagi, man of the Black Sea (Northern Turkey). The brother who serves in our presence. Eee, he also fixed his hair and beard, which means he’s trying to acquire Shaykhhood. (Mawlana Shaykh smiles) Doesn't a Shaykh, I’ll send him to the people of the Black Sea. If you don't like, throw him in the sea. Hah, but even if you throw him in the sea, he won’t fear and will swim like a fish. (Laughter) As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. Haadiroon, those who are here, wa’l-ghaaiboon, and those `aqli-awwal (first minded) people who aren’t present but follow the world through this satanic device from afar. “Ah, Shaykh Efendi, you mentioned aqli-awwal. Is there aqli-thaani (second minded) ones too?” `Aqli-awwal, for example, is Cübbeli Ahmed Efendi. `Aqli-thaani, for example, is Ofli Husamuddin Efendi. We are saying this as an example. People are in need of suhbahs. When they are in need of suhbahs...everything has a procedure and a protocol. The most important thing is for those who are haadir, present, to listen according to adab. Therefore, in this suhbah, without a doubt, we say, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem, which is Allah Almighty’s `Ismu Jaleel, (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4912 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheDeadAlive
Majestic Name! (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Stand up! Don't sit like a bear! When we mention the Name of Allah jalla wa `alaa, stand up at least one time. You’ll make Allah Almighty pleased. And when we make mention of our Master, Rasoolu Kibriyaa (the Glorious Messenger), stand up, show your respect, glorify him; you’ll find honor in this life and in the Next. Therefore, we stood up now. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem. May Allah protect us against Shaytan and its representatives. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Earth and Heavens stand firm through Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! Don't be a fool! (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) We are weak servants; our strength is not sufficient for anything. It’s not sufficient. But the people of this era who’ve become wild, use their powers to oppress the weak. They don't say, "Let’s oppress Shaytan, let’s oppress the representatives of Shaytan," but they say, "Let’s oppress the weak, the disabled, the poor.” Whether these are men or women, they use their powers to oppress them. But they should know that they will not get away with it. It is said: "None can escape from the punishment of evil actions." However, such a one, will make up things, saying, “I created the small mountains.” Some rubbish people, when they presume upon their shaytans above, they say, “We created the small mountains.” And the greater dragons amongst them, say, “We created the large mountains.” But in fact, in an instant, something comes over them and they fall down! "What happened? Hurry! Let’s take them to the hospital!" The doctors come and say, "O, our master is finished! There’s nothing we can do for him. We should leave him to his Creator. We step back now." Some clever ones say, "No, let’s connect him to that machine: one battery from this side, one battery from that side, and another one from the other side. We should tell his relatives, 'Don't worry! Your father or your husband is under control. We’ve put him into intensive care--a new, modern technological term--and we hope that he never gets back up, but keep connected to that machine. If it’s impossible for him to stand up, we can still keep him alive with the most modern technological equipment and you’ll feel calm and relaxed. Even if he stays alive for three or five days, it’s a benefit to you, but it’s an even higher profit for us doctors. Because this one is someone who is finished, whose sun has set and who reached his destiny. However, in what we call, Intensive Care, we use such kinds of tools and equipment to maintain it.’ We inform their children and families, ‘Look, there he is, still alive.’ We don’t let them go near him. We just show the patient through the pencere, window." (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4913 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheDeadAlive
Through a pencere (window) or a tencere (pot), O Baba Tahsin? What do they look through from? (Mawlana Shaykh impersonates Baba Tahsin) "Shaykh Efendi, they look into the pot. Why should they look to the window?" They say, "How much is going to fall into our pot? This one is leaving but before he leaves, they let us look through the window. But to look through this window is no use for us. We need to know what will enter in our pots! Besides, we don't want him to get up anyway; he has already reached his destiny. But these doctors keep fooling us, saying, ‘Leave a small amount flowing in our direction too.’” These are the things they are doing. This is something that is touching them now. You deny the Hereafter? Okay, how far will you ride your horse? Up to which border? "To such-and-such border." Alright, when you reach that border and the current touches you, they’ll connect you to these machines in this room, whether you die or stay alive. And even if you do die, they have such capabilities with these new-way modern medicine where they can connect you and have you sit up. What did they do Baba Tahsin? "He entered into the oxygen tent." O People of the Black Sea! Pay attention! Think deeply. Look, Baba Tahsin is one of you. My ancestors also come from that region. They consider us to be fools, huh? (Doctors say) "Look! Look, he’s alive! We enable them to live.” With what? “By inserting some wires and pipes from top to bottom and make it seem like they’re breathing. If they can’t speak, they make an eahh, eahh, eahh, eahh sound (moaning in pain). You know, like these dolls, Baba Tahsin. Haven’t you ever seen these dolls before? When you push on them, they give out a sound, the same as this: they have some instruments where they push and (the patient) lets out an eahh, eahh, eahh sound, whereafter the doctors say, “He can stand up within a week." “How is it possible for him to stand up, yahu?” “How would you like us to do it?” “Just leave him, don’t help him up!” “Don't worry. There are many others who come to this hospital. We’re not to keep your patient forever here. We just want to milk him a little bit to get our share, then we'll leave him to you. After that, do whatever you want. Throw or sell him, it’s up to you." (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4914 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheDeadAlive
“But this one is in a condition where he can no longer be thrown or sold!” What will happen then? He’ll get buried. His grave is awaiting. O you who think you are worth something! The soil, your grave is waiting for you too. Tell them not to go too far with their wildness. One person’s curse may come upon them, and the arrow of unpredictable death will hit their heads and hearts, after which they won’'t be able to get up. Be humane to humans. Be true. Be just. Say, "These too were created by Allah!" Don't make oppression! Police officers, don't oppress! Military Police, don't oppress! Soldiers, don't oppress! Governments, don't oppress! Bureaucracy, bureaucrats... One day you’ll be lowered into that pit and remain there alone! You’ll remain alone. Think! This is a short suhbah. Who likes to wake up, wake up! They think we’re still at the start of the world. No, we reached the end of the world. We reached near the end of the world. Do you see these two fingers? (Pointing to his finger) If this is the lifespan of the world, we reached from here to here (from the base to the tip of the finger). There’s only a very tiny amount of time left. What is the sign for that? People becoming wild and violent. If people have become wild, angry and violent, then from morning up to evening, await for the Day of Judgment to fall upon your heads. "There’s no such thing!" If there’s no such thing, you will soon see whether there is or not. Amaan yaa Rabbee! Please preserve us from bad endings! O People, especially People of the Black Sea! We belong to them too. Beware! Keep your humanity. All prophets came and taught their people how to save themselves from wild characters so they may be clean, right, nice, and useful servants. You’ve thrown away all the teachings of the prophets! You don’t teach these in any of the schools. O Bureaucrats! O Governments! There are events which you'll face. May Allah protect us from bad endings. Marhaba! These are just a few words, but it is an ibret, lesson for those who take advice. It is a suhbah. A life without suhbah is worthless. The Ashaab (r), Companions of our Prophet (s), through sitting and listening to our Master’s (s) suhbahs, (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4915 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheDeadAlive
became Sahaabah ‘l-Kiraam, Noble Companions. And when their names are mentioned, we say, radiyy Allahu`anhum, "May Allah be pleased with them.” Which one of your elders do you use this for today? Is there anyone left amongst you for whom you could say, "May Allah be pleased with him"? What a pity! Listen to the word of Prophet (s)! Listen to the word of haqq, Truth! Make Allah Almighty (swt) pleased so that He may put you in His Paradises, free you from this world’s torment and make your face enlightened in the Hereafter. Allah, yaa Rabbee! Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah astaghfirullah! Tawbah yaa Rabbee! Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah astaghfirullah! We’ve become sinful servants, yaa Rabbee! Send us those servants of Yours who can prevent and prohibit us from committing sins, yaa Rabbee! We’ve fallen into all kind of sins. “Our hoca smokes”--it’s a sin. “The people drink wine”--it’s a sin. “They gamble”--it’s forbidden, it’s a sin. “They go to bad places”--it’s a sin. “They go to the beaches, men and women mixed”--it’s a sin. Look into the Book. Don't read the book of Shaytan! Read the book that was sent by Almighty Haqq, Mawlaa Muta`al (swt)! Listen to the words of our Master (s). Try to be a human being, to reach Allah’s Presence with an enlightened face. If not, you’ll get the stick, countless times until you die. Then also in the grave, then on the Day of Resurrection, then on Siraat al-Mustaqeem--and if you fall down, you are in a worse situation! Amaan yaa Rabbee! In the past, they used to teach these type of things, but now they don't teach anymore. It is said, "If you don't teach, sooner or later you’ll get punished for it!" The ones at the top, who are responsible for the government, for the country, they have to state the prohibited actions in form of rules and say, "This is a sin. It’s the law; you're not allowed to act like this," and, "This is a good action, you must do it.” If you don't do this, you'll face difficult times. The teachers of this time are not able to say anything. They ask, "What can we say, O Shaykh Efendi? We’re obliged to say what we’ve been ordered to say." “Yahu! The government does not command. Emir, commandment is only for Allah Almighty and His Beloved (s). That is what you have to keep." "But they don't leave us to act like this." (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4916 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheDeadAlive
"If they don't, then pass that responsibility to them and say, 'Take and do it! We may go.'" May Allah forgive us. Marhaba! This was a short suhbah. What shall we do? Through such suhbahs, people come to know, love, understand, and help each other. Otherwise, they remain wild. Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah astaghfirullah. There are also some who are unhappy with these suhbas. But what shall we do? If those resentful people give me a salary, they shall leave to pay it! (Laughter.) Whatever he’s unhappy about, may it turn back and come on his head! Tawbah Ya Rabbi! O People of the Black Sea! Be careful, keep your religion! Stay away from things that religion prohibits, otherwise, you’ll be in regret. Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah astaghfirullah! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Fatihah. Live long, live long! Raise the banner of Islam and don't fear anything. Be a servant to Allah and an ummah to Prophet (s)! Ameen. May Allah (swt) provide us a happy and good ending. Fatihah. Lefke, 27.01.2011
WebSufiLive, CategoryHealth, CategoryTechnology, CategoryHaram, CategoryUlema, CategoryDeath (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4917 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheWayOfMasters
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : KeepingTheWayOfMasters
We are keeping the way of the masters
Destur, ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya…Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim…At tariqatu mar’ahu Sheikh…Destur ya Sayyidi, ya Rasulullah…Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah… We are keeping the way of (the) masters- may Allah bless them and through their blessings His Mercy may reach to ourselves also. We are in need (of) blessings from Allah Almighty. When He is sending blessings? When He is happy with His servant, (He is) sending blessings on him! If He is not happy with His servant, (He is) not sending His blessings. And if blessings (are) not coming, cursing (is) coming (instead) and when cursing (is) coming, that person (is) never going to be successful here and Hereafter (and) he can’t be in safety here and Hereafter. Safety is (the) most important factor for our lives. If a person (is) fearing that means he is not in safety. If a person (is) in safety, (there is) going to be satisfaction through his heart (and) fear can’t be. Fear can’t be for those people who are in satisfaction, because they are feeling (the) safety and protection from Allah Almighty. Therefore we have a saying in Islam through our traditional knowledge: “Al khainu khaifun”. ‘Khayin’ that means: that person promised to Allah Almighty to keep his promising, and- when he is keeping that divinely oath as he was promising to Allah Almighty the Day of Promises- then he feels through himself a satisfaction. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4918 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheWayOfMasters
When satisfaction (is) coming, fear (is) leaving. But (those) whom (they are) not keeping their promises, they are going to be in fear and they can’t feel a contentment through their hearts. They are always full with fear and when fear (is) running through the heart of a servant, his life (is) going to be bitter- (it has) no taste. A fearful person may eat something, but (he) can’t take his pleasure from (what he is) eating, because there is a fear through himself. (Those) whom (they are) not keeping their promises in (the) divinely Presence fear must be through their hearts and their lives (are) never going to be a safe life, no, always they are fearing! He may be President, he may be King, he may be Prime Minister, he may be richest one, biggest business man- but fear always (is) hurting him and never leaving him to taste the pleasure of this life. Don’t say (that there is) no pleasure through this life, no! There is pleasure, here and Hereafter, for those who are keeping their promises and their Lord (is) pleased with them. When your Lord is going to be pleased with you, your life here should be a peaceful life, and you must be in pleasure! Even he may eat dry bread, even he may drink salty water, even he may live through a small hut, even he may live under a tent, (he) may live through (the) desert, (and) even he may be in prison- but he is tasting pleasure; he is never going to be displeased even through (that) prison or jail! S. Yaqub’s son, S.Yusuf, he was in prison so many years, but, because he was pleased with his Lord, Allah Almighty just was giving to him pleasure, even he was in a terrible jail; not (that kind of) jail (like) nowadays), that governments (are) giving every comfort to prisoners. (Still) they are unhappy; they are feeling that they are in prison. S.Yusuf a.s. he was in jail, but he was with Allah! He was with his Lord! (What) do you think? If you are going to be with your beloved one, with your darling, it is not important to be in a palace or to be in a jail, because (the) important point is that he is with your darling. He is asking his darling: “Oh my darling…!” If (there is) no darling with you, (even) if I am putting you in Buckingham Palace, you are saying: “Eh…(what is that palace to me)! I am asking my darling, but she is not there” or “he is not there- what I am going to do with (that) palace and its furniture? No (I am not happy)…” The first man, our Grandfather Adam, a.s., he was in Paradise and he was going around, (and there was) everything, every beauty through Paradise, but (still) he was saying (: ”Eh…”) The Lord (was) knowing that he was unhappy, no pleasure (for him). He was unhappy, not pleased to be in Paradise. Looking palaces, looking trees, looking jewels- such beauty in Paradise, but (all of this was) never giving to him a full pleasure. (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4919 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheWayOfMasters
Then Allah Almighty (was) giving (a kind of sleep to Adam through). (For) some seconds or even for the 1/3 of a second it was coming to Adam not to sleep, but to be away from himself. If a person (is) sleeping, he is not through himself, no. (A) sleeping person is not with himself, no, he is leaving himself and sleeping. And Adam a.s. in a very short time a kind of sleeping (was) coming to him and (then he was) awakening. Through that time- that (there is) no any watch or instrument for measuring that time, that unit of time- (that Allah Almighty was) giving that (sleep) to Adam and quickly (he was) awakening- Allah just created our Grandmother Eva. Then Adam a.s. (was) opening his eyes and (he was) looking (and seeing her) and he was full with pleasure. He felt that just he reached the pleasure and pleasement that he had been asking. Just 1oo % contentment (was) coming to him and he was never looking (to) any other beauty through Paradises, no, only his eyes (were) going on her, (and he was) saying: “That one (is) filling my heart now with pleasure” and (he was calling her and) saying: “Come!” And our grandmother (was) saying: “No, you come!” (and he was getting up and going to her…) Then Paradise was full (for him)... If (even there was) nothing (else) from Paradise, his heart (would be) just full with (the) beauty of our Grandmother’s beauty; making him so pleased, full (with) pleasure! (So) if they were in a prison, they would never mind for being in jail or through a palace. Now- Allah Almighty (was) sending our first Grandfather and Grandmother to be here, in this world, and Adam and Eve were happy to be on earth; (even) this is the world of troubles, of problems, of evil and devils, but they were happy. Through this (world) everything is hurting people, but they were happy with each other; they were feeling that: “Now we are in Paradise, real Paradise, because our hearts (are) in contentment and full with love.” And her beauty is enough, more than enough, because (it is more than the) beauty of all (the) palaces and gardens of Paradise…That is an example for people, (showing) that if a person (is) going to be with his beloved one, he may be everywhere and he should be happy and in pleasure. (And) if he is loosing his beloved one, (even) if you are putting him in (a) palace- not here, (but) even in Paradise- he is not going to take any pleasure (from it). Therefore- Allah Almighty is giving pleasure to His servants here and Hereafter. (And the) pleasure that they are finding here Allah Almighty’s beloved servants (is) making them to be in Paradise (already) here (in this world). But whom (they are) not happy with their Lord, (their) Creator, everything (is) giving to them trouble, making them to be displeased and their hearts (are) going to be full with fear. And therefore there is (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4920 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheWayOfMasters
pleasure through this life, (but) not for those people that have billions of Dollars or Pounds or Euro! That millions or billions (are) never giving a pleasure or pleasement to them here. But (those people who are with their beloved one,) they may eat broken and dry bread or- as the Companions of S.Muhammad sws- they were eating only one or two dates through 24 hours and no bread, even no dry bread- but they were happy people; they were pleased and they were feeling that they are in safety, because they were with their beloved one! O people, try to understand the heavenly Message! Try to understand the meaning of prophecy! You must try to understand for what Prophets were coming or for what they have been sent (and) then you should find a new atmosphere. When you are running in it, you can be pleased, you can be in pleasure; you should be happy (and) you should be in peace, if you are understanding what is the main purpose of sending messengers from Heavens to people. (When) you are following heavenly people that they are always related from earth to Heavens, you are entering in an atmosphere, (a) new atmosphere, that you are feeling the taste of life with pleasure and with pleasement! If not- there in another atmosphere. If you are running in it, you may be (the) richest one, or (the) most powerful one on earth- but their atmosphere is going to be like (a) prison for these people. Even they have billions and palaces and power and titles- (but) their atmosphere is another. And believers’ atmosphere is something else! Believers may taste (the) pleasure of (this) life, (but) unbelievers are (only) tasting the difficulties and bitterness of life; they are always in troubles, (in) sufferings and in miseries. Oh people, look once again! Your life (is) just going to reach to an end. Before your life is coming to (its) end, look, in which atmosphere you are living! If you are not happy, that means you are on (the) wrong way and (in an) poisoned atmosphere. Change your atmosphere! (With) any steps, that you may step, if you (are) asking to change (your atmosphere) from (a) bad and poisoned atmosphere to (a) good atmosphere, you may change (it)! You may find (the) exit! (It is) not like on motorways or Autobahns (that) exits (are only) rarely
läßt es regnen, und alles ist überflutet. Sie haben keine Häuser, keinen Schutz mehr. Sie selbst verschwinden auch. Es bebt einmal... Es gab ein Erdbeben in Haiti, vielleicht vor 10 Jahren. 200.000 Menschen starben, heißt es. Es ist ihre Insel, nicht wahr? Sie ist im Ozean. 200.000 Menschen starben mit einem derartigen Schütteln. Es bebt ständig leicht. Niemand sagt: 'Ya Rabbi, mögest Du uns vor diesen Erdbeben bewahren, diesen Fluten, Schneefällen', und in die Moscheen gehen. 'Was können wir tun? Die Straßen werden mit den Maschinen geöffnet,' sagen sie. Nein, sie können nicht geöffnet werden. Wenn es schneit oder regnet, kann es nicht (8 von 10)04.07.2013 23:22:42
4909 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingPeaceIsBest
aufgehalten werden. Wenn es nicht schneit oder regnet, kann niemand den Regen hervorrufen. Leute, ihr seid verrückt geworden. Ihr seid wahnsinnig geworden. Warum sagt ihr nicht 'Allah'? Ihr habt Allah vergessen. Sie sind offen für jedes Unglück. Jetzt gibt es eine Manifestation von Qahr, Dominanz. Schützt euch, sagt Allah. Dient Allah, ihr werdet gerettet. Wenn Zypern nicht sinkt, sinken die Türken, sinkt Europa, sinkt Amerika. Es gibt fünf Kontinente. Wenn Er will, kann er sie alle ins Wasser tauchen. Fürchtet Allah. Euere Kanonen, Gewehre können nichts ausrichten. Fürchtet Allah. Sagt 'Allah' und ihr werdet Sicherheit finden. Sonst werdet ihr mehr leiden. Möge Allah uns Seine Diener senden, die uns aufwecken werden. Ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Wenn ihr aufsteht, sagt 'Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim'. Wascht euer Gesicht, macht die rituelle Waschung, betet 2 Rakats Sunnah des Fajr Gebetes, die 2 Rakats des Fardh. Und sagt: 'O Herr, ich bin Dein Diener. Mögest Du diesen Tag gut für mich machen. Mögest Du uns das Gute dieses Tages zukommen lassen. Wir suchen Zuflucht bei Dir vor den Übeln dieses Tages. Ich lebe für Dich, o Herr.' Sagt das, und Allah wird euch schützen. Sonst werden sie mehr leiden. Aman ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Wir sagen: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Unser Herr, zu Ehren Deines Geliebten, dieser Monat ist der heilige Monat des Mawlid. Mögen wir zu den reinen Nationen unseres Propheten mit dem erleuchteten Gesicht (saws) gehören. Mögen wir die Wege einhalten, die er zeigte. Sie rauchen und trinken immer Raki. Sie machen immer alle Arten von schmutzigen Dingen. Diese Menschen verloren ihre Menschlichkeit. Mögen wir nicht zu ihnen gehören. Wir sollten für Allah leben. Unsere Dunya ist glücklich, und in der Akhira ist das Paradies für uns. Herr, vergib uns. Sende uns von Deinen reinen Dienern, von Deinen mächtigen Dienern, die uns Deine Wege zeigen, o Herr. Mögen wir Deine Diener sein, Dich anbeten, so viel wir können. Mögen wir danach streben, o Herr. Shukur Allah traten wir in den Monat des Mawlid ein. Unsere Ehre ist mit unserem Propheten. Sendet Salatu s-Salam auf ihn: Allahumma salli `ala Muhammadin wa `ala ali Muhammadin wa Sallim' jeden Tag. Sagt es wenigsten 100x am Tag. Sagt 'Allahumma Salli... Die Segnungen dieses heiligen Monats kommen auf euch herab, Schwierigkeiten bleiben euch fern. Liebt und respektiert einander. Leute, seid Menschheit. Seid nicht Shaytan. Der (9 von 10)04.07.2013 23:22:42
4910 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingPeaceIsBest
Prophet kam zu uns, um uns Menschlichkeit zu lehren. Shaytan sagt: Nein, ich mache euch zu Shaytan. Ich lasse es nicht zu, daß ihr Engel seid, ich mache euch zu Shaytan, sagt er. Und die Dunya fiel in die Hände Shaytans. Wir reißen uns entweder zusammen, kehren zu Allah zurück und sind Seine Diener oder sonst ist es zu Ende. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba Astaghfirullah. Zu Ehren Deines Geliebten mögest Du uns die Heiligen senden, die uns zu Deiner Dienerschaft bringen, die uns Deine Dienerschaft lehren. Mögest Du jene senden, die geistige Macht haben, damit sie uns retten aus dieser gefährlichen Lage, o unser Herr. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Ruft so wenigstens 3x am Tag. Sagt 'Allahu Akbar' und Allah schützt euch. Sonst sind sie am Ende. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Wir sagen Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim und beginnen den Dienst, die Anbetung Allahs. Mögen unsere Herzen voller Freude sein und unsere Körper in Sicherheit. Möge unsere Dunya glücklich und unsere Akhirah ewig sein. Al Fatiha. Ich bin schwach. Ich bin schwach. Ich kann nichts tun. Ich drücke mich selbst, um mein Ego niederzuwerfen, um Dienst zu tun, Dienerschaft für Allah den Allmächtigen. Welche Stärke ist uns geblieben? Möge Allah der Allmächtige uns von Seinen heiligen Dienern senden, die uns schützen. Ya Rabbi, ya Allah. Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Du hast uns gewährt, den Morgen mit Gutem zu erreichen. Du hast uns gewährt, uns vor Dir niederzuwerfen in Sajda. Mögen wir den Abend mit Gutem erreichen, mit Barakah. Mögen Unglücke fern von den Dienern der Nation Muhammads (saws) und auch von uns sein, indem wir die Befehle Allahs einhalten. Möge Allah uns vor Schwierigkeiten, Unfällen schützen. La ilaha illa Allah, Sayyidina Muhammad Rasulullah. Fatiha. Lefke, 14.01.2013
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryPeace, CategoryPrayer, CategoryShaitan, CategoryPunishment, CategoryNature (10 von 10)04.07.2013 23:22:42
4911 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheDeadAlive
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : KeepingTheDeadAlive
Keeping the Dead Alive
(Translated from Turkish) As-salaamu `alaykum! Welcome! Baba Tahsin, Karadeniz usagi, man of the Black Sea (Northern Turkey). The brother who serves in our presence. Eee, he also fixed his hair and beard, which means he’s trying to acquire Shaykhhood. (Mawlana Shaykh smiles) Doesn't a Shaykh, I’ll send him to the people of the Black Sea. If you don't like, throw him in the sea. Hah, but even if you throw him in the sea, he won’t fear and will swim like a fish. (Laughter) As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. Haadiroon, those who are here, wa’l-ghaaiboon, and those `aqli-awwal (first minded) people who aren’t present but follow the world through this satanic device from afar. “Ah, Shaykh Efendi, you mentioned aqli-awwal. Is there aqli-thaani (second minded) ones too?” `Aqli-awwal, for example, is Cübbeli Ahmed Efendi. `Aqli-thaani, for example, is Ofli Husamuddin Efendi. We are saying this as an example. People are in need of suhbahs. When they are in need of suhbahs...everything has a procedure and a protocol. The most important thing is for those who are haadir, present, to listen according to adab. Therefore, in this suhbah, without a doubt, we say, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem, which is Allah Almighty’s `Ismu Jaleel, (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4912 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheDeadAlive
Majestic Name! (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Stand up! Don't sit like a bear! When we mention the Name of Allah jalla wa `alaa, stand up at least one time. You’ll make Allah Almighty pleased. And when we make mention of our Master, Rasoolu Kibriyaa (the Glorious Messenger), stand up, show your respect, glorify him; you’ll find honor in this life and in the Next. Therefore, we stood up now. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem. May Allah protect us against Shaytan and its representatives. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Earth and Heavens stand firm through Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! Don't be a fool! (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) We are weak servants; our strength is not sufficient for anything. It’s not sufficient. But the people of this era who’ve become wild, use their powers to oppress the weak. They don't say, "Let’s oppress Shaytan, let’s oppress the representatives of Shaytan," but they say, "Let’s oppress the weak, the disabled, the poor.” Whether these are men or women, they use their powers to oppress them. But they should know that they will not get away with it. It is said: "None can escape from the punishment of evil actions." However, such a one, will make up things, saying, “I created the small mountains.” Some rubbish people, when they presume upon their shaytans above, they say, “We created the small mountains.” And the greater dragons amongst them, say, “We created the large mountains.” But in fact, in an instant, something comes over them and they fall down! "What happened? Hurry! Let’s take them to the hospital!" The doctors come and say, "O, our master is finished! There’s nothing we can do for him. We should leave him to his Creator. We step back now." Some clever ones say, "No, let’s connect him to that machine: one battery from this side, one battery from that side, and another one from the other side. We should tell his relatives, 'Don't worry! Your father or your husband is under control. We’ve put him into intensive care--a new, modern technological term--and we hope that he never gets back up, but keep connected to that machine. If it’s impossible for him to stand up, we can still keep him alive with the most modern technological equipment and you’ll feel calm and relaxed. Even if he stays alive for three or five days, it’s a benefit to you, but it’s an even higher profit for us doctors. Because this one is someone who is finished, whose sun has set and who reached his destiny. However, in what we call, Intensive Care, we use such kinds of tools and equipment to maintain it.’ We inform their children and families, ‘Look, there he is, still alive.’ We don’t let them go near him. We just show the patient through the pencere, window." (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4913 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheDeadAlive
Through a pencere (window) or a tencere (pot), O Baba Tahsin? What do they look through from? (Mawlana Shaykh impersonates Baba Tahsin) "Shaykh Efendi, they look into the pot. Why should they look to the window?" They say, "How much is going to fall into our pot? This one is leaving but before he leaves, they let us look through the window. But to look through this window is no use for us. We need to know what will enter in our pots! Besides, we don't want him to get up anyway; he has already reached his destiny. But these doctors keep fooling us, saying, ‘Leave a small amount flowing in our direction too.’” These are the things they are doing. This is something that is touching them now. You deny the Hereafter? Okay, how far will you ride your horse? Up to which border? "To such-and-such border." Alright, when you reach that border and the current touches you, they’ll connect you to these machines in this room, whether you die or stay alive. And even if you do die, they have such capabilities with these new-way modern medicine where they can connect you and have you sit up. What did they do Baba Tahsin? "He entered into the oxygen tent." O People of the Black Sea! Pay attention! Think deeply. Look, Baba Tahsin is one of you. My ancestors also come from that region. They consider us to be fools, huh? (Doctors say) "Look! Look, he’s alive! We enable them to live.” With what? “By inserting some wires and pipes from top to bottom and make it seem like they’re breathing. If they can’t speak, they make an eahh, eahh, eahh, eahh sound (moaning in pain). You know, like these dolls, Baba Tahsin. Haven’t you ever seen these dolls before? When you push on them, they give out a sound, the same as this: they have some instruments where they push and (the patient) lets out an eahh, eahh, eahh sound, whereafter the doctors say, “He can stand up within a week." “How is it possible for him to stand up, yahu?” “How would you like us to do it?” “Just leave him, don’t help him up!” “Don't worry. There are many others who come to this hospital. We’re not to keep your patient forever here. We just want to milk him a little bit to get our share, then we'll leave him to you. After that, do whatever you want. Throw or sell him, it’s up to you." (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4914 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheDeadAlive
“But this one is in a condition where he can no longer be thrown or sold!” What will happen then? He’ll get buried. His grave is awaiting. O you who think you are worth something! The soil, your grave is waiting for you too. Tell them not to go too far with their wildness. One person’s curse may come upon them, and the arrow of unpredictable death will hit their heads and hearts, after which they won’'t be able to get up. Be humane to humans. Be true. Be just. Say, "These too were created by Allah!" Don't make oppression! Police officers, don't oppress! Military Police, don't oppress! Soldiers, don't oppress! Governments, don't oppress! Bureaucracy, bureaucrats... One day you’ll be lowered into that pit and remain there alone! You’ll remain alone. Think! This is a short suhbah. Who likes to wake up, wake up! They think we’re still at the start of the world. No, we reached the end of the world. We reached near the end of the world. Do you see these two fingers? (Pointing to his finger) If this is the lifespan of the world, we reached from here to here (from the base to the tip of the finger). There’s only a very tiny amount of time left. What is the sign for that? People becoming wild and violent. If people have become wild, angry and violent, then from morning up to evening, await for the Day of Judgment to fall upon your heads. "There’s no such thing!" If there’s no such thing, you will soon see whether there is or not. Amaan yaa Rabbee! Please preserve us from bad endings! O People, especially People of the Black Sea! We belong to them too. Beware! Keep your humanity. All prophets came and taught their people how to save themselves from wild characters so they may be clean, right, nice, and useful servants. You’ve thrown away all the teachings of the prophets! You don’t teach these in any of the schools. O Bureaucrats! O Governments! There are events which you'll face. May Allah protect us from bad endings. Marhaba! These are just a few words, but it is an ibret, lesson for those who take advice. It is a suhbah. A life without suhbah is worthless. The Ashaab (r), Companions of our Prophet (s), through sitting and listening to our Master’s (s) suhbahs, (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4915 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheDeadAlive
became Sahaabah ‘l-Kiraam, Noble Companions. And when their names are mentioned, we say, radiyy Allahu`anhum, "May Allah be pleased with them.” Which one of your elders do you use this for today? Is there anyone left amongst you for whom you could say, "May Allah be pleased with him"? What a pity! Listen to the word of Prophet (s)! Listen to the word of haqq, Truth! Make Allah Almighty (swt) pleased so that He may put you in His Paradises, free you from this world’s torment and make your face enlightened in the Hereafter. Allah, yaa Rabbee! Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah astaghfirullah! Tawbah yaa Rabbee! Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah astaghfirullah! We’ve become sinful servants, yaa Rabbee! Send us those servants of Yours who can prevent and prohibit us from committing sins, yaa Rabbee! We’ve fallen into all kind of sins. “Our hoca smokes”--it’s a sin. “The people drink wine”--it’s a sin. “They gamble”--it’s forbidden, it’s a sin. “They go to bad places”--it’s a sin. “They go to the beaches, men and women mixed”--it’s a sin. Look into the Book. Don't read the book of Shaytan! Read the book that was sent by Almighty Haqq, Mawlaa Muta`al (swt)! Listen to the words of our Master (s). Try to be a human being, to reach Allah’s Presence with an enlightened face. If not, you’ll get the stick, countless times until you die. Then also in the grave, then on the Day of Resurrection, then on Siraat al-Mustaqeem--and if you fall down, you are in a worse situation! Amaan yaa Rabbee! In the past, they used to teach these type of things, but now they don't teach anymore. It is said, "If you don't teach, sooner or later you’ll get punished for it!" The ones at the top, who are responsible for the government, for the country, they have to state the prohibited actions in form of rules and say, "This is a sin. It’s the law; you're not allowed to act like this," and, "This is a good action, you must do it.” If you don't do this, you'll face difficult times. The teachers of this time are not able to say anything. They ask, "What can we say, O Shaykh Efendi? We’re obliged to say what we’ve been ordered to say." “Yahu! The government does not command. Emir, commandment is only for Allah Almighty and His Beloved (s). That is what you have to keep." "But they don't leave us to act like this." (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4916 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheDeadAlive
"If they don't, then pass that responsibility to them and say, 'Take and do it! We may go.'" May Allah forgive us. Marhaba! This was a short suhbah. What shall we do? Through such suhbahs, people come to know, love, understand, and help each other. Otherwise, they remain wild. Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah astaghfirullah. There are also some who are unhappy with these suhbas. But what shall we do? If those resentful people give me a salary, they shall leave to pay it! (Laughter.) Whatever he’s unhappy about, may it turn back and come on his head! Tawbah Ya Rabbi! O People of the Black Sea! Be careful, keep your religion! Stay away from things that religion prohibits, otherwise, you’ll be in regret. Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah astaghfirullah! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Fatihah. Live long, live long! Raise the banner of Islam and don't fear anything. Be a servant to Allah and an ummah to Prophet (s)! Ameen. May Allah (swt) provide us a happy and good ending. Fatihah. Lefke, 27.01.2011
WebSufiLive, CategoryHealth, CategoryTechnology, CategoryHaram, CategoryUlema, CategoryDeath (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4917 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheWayOfMasters
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : KeepingTheWayOfMasters
We are keeping the way of the masters
Destur, ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya…Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim…At tariqatu mar’ahu Sheikh…Destur ya Sayyidi, ya Rasulullah…Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah… We are keeping the way of (the) masters- may Allah bless them and through their blessings His Mercy may reach to ourselves also. We are in need (of) blessings from Allah Almighty. When He is sending blessings? When He is happy with His servant, (He is) sending blessings on him! If He is not happy with His servant, (He is) not sending His blessings. And if blessings (are) not coming, cursing (is) coming (instead) and when cursing (is) coming, that person (is) never going to be successful here and Hereafter (and) he can’t be in safety here and Hereafter. Safety is (the) most important factor for our lives. If a person (is) fearing that means he is not in safety. If a person (is) in safety, (there is) going to be satisfaction through his heart (and) fear can’t be. Fear can’t be for those people who are in satisfaction, because they are feeling (the) safety and protection from Allah Almighty. Therefore we have a saying in Islam through our traditional knowledge: “Al khainu khaifun”. ‘Khayin’ that means: that person promised to Allah Almighty to keep his promising, and- when he is keeping that divinely oath as he was promising to Allah Almighty the Day of Promises- then he feels through himself a satisfaction. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4918 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheWayOfMasters
When satisfaction (is) coming, fear (is) leaving. But (those) whom (they are) not keeping their promises, they are going to be in fear and they can’t feel a contentment through their hearts. They are always full with fear and when fear (is) running through the heart of a servant, his life (is) going to be bitter- (it has) no taste. A fearful person may eat something, but (he) can’t take his pleasure from (what he is) eating, because there is a fear through himself. (Those) whom (they are) not keeping their promises in (the) divinely Presence fear must be through their hearts and their lives (are) never going to be a safe life, no, always they are fearing! He may be President, he may be King, he may be Prime Minister, he may be richest one, biggest business man- but fear always (is) hurting him and never leaving him to taste the pleasure of this life. Don’t say (that there is) no pleasure through this life, no! There is pleasure, here and Hereafter, for those who are keeping their promises and their Lord (is) pleased with them. When your Lord is going to be pleased with you, your life here should be a peaceful life, and you must be in pleasure! Even he may eat dry bread, even he may drink salty water, even he may live through a small hut, even he may live under a tent, (he) may live through (the) desert, (and) even he may be in prison- but he is tasting pleasure; he is never going to be displeased even through (that) prison or jail! S. Yaqub’s son, S.Yusuf, he was in prison so many years, but, because he was pleased with his Lord, Allah Almighty just was giving to him pleasure, even he was in a terrible jail; not (that kind of) jail (like) nowadays), that governments (are) giving every comfort to prisoners. (Still) they are unhappy; they are feeling that they are in prison. S.Yusuf a.s. he was in jail, but he was with Allah! He was with his Lord! (What) do you think? If you are going to be with your beloved one, with your darling, it is not important to be in a palace or to be in a jail, because (the) important point is that he is with your darling. He is asking his darling: “Oh my darling…!” If (there is) no darling with you, (even) if I am putting you in Buckingham Palace, you are saying: “Eh…(what is that palace to me)! I am asking my darling, but she is not there” or “he is not there- what I am going to do with (that) palace and its furniture? No (I am not happy)…” The first man, our Grandfather Adam, a.s., he was in Paradise and he was going around, (and there was) everything, every beauty through Paradise, but (still) he was saying (: ”Eh…”) The Lord (was) knowing that he was unhappy, no pleasure (for him). He was unhappy, not pleased to be in Paradise. Looking palaces, looking trees, looking jewels- such beauty in Paradise, but (all of this was) never giving to him a full pleasure. (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4919 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheWayOfMasters
Then Allah Almighty (was) giving (a kind of sleep to Adam through). (For) some seconds or even for the 1/3 of a second it was coming to Adam not to sleep, but to be away from himself. If a person (is) sleeping, he is not through himself, no. (A) sleeping person is not with himself, no, he is leaving himself and sleeping. And Adam a.s. in a very short time a kind of sleeping (was) coming to him and (then he was) awakening. Through that time- that (there is) no any watch or instrument for measuring that time, that unit of time- (that Allah Almighty was) giving that (sleep) to Adam and quickly (he was) awakening- Allah just created our Grandmother Eva. Then Adam a.s. (was) opening his eyes and (he was) looking (and seeing her) and he was full with pleasure. He felt that just he reached the pleasure and pleasement that he had been asking. Just 1oo % contentment (was) coming to him and he was never looking (to) any other beauty through Paradises, no, only his eyes (were) going on her, (and he was) saying: “That one (is) filling my heart now with pleasure” and (he was calling her and) saying: “Come!” And our grandmother (was) saying: “No, you come!” (and he was getting up and going to her…) Then Paradise was full (for him)... If (even there was) nothing (else) from Paradise, his heart (would be) just full with (the) beauty of our Grandmother’s beauty; making him so pleased, full (with) pleasure! (So) if they were in a prison, they would never mind for being in jail or through a palace. Now- Allah Almighty (was) sending our first Grandfather and Grandmother to be here, in this world, and Adam and Eve were happy to be on earth; (even) this is the world of troubles, of problems, of evil and devils, but they were happy. Through this (world) everything is hurting people, but they were happy with each other; they were feeling that: “Now we are in Paradise, real Paradise, because our hearts (are) in contentment and full with love.” And her beauty is enough, more than enough, because (it is more than the) beauty of all (the) palaces and gardens of Paradise…That is an example for people, (showing) that if a person (is) going to be with his beloved one, he may be everywhere and he should be happy and in pleasure. (And) if he is loosing his beloved one, (even) if you are putting him in (a) palace- not here, (but) even in Paradise- he is not going to take any pleasure (from it). Therefore- Allah Almighty is giving pleasure to His servants here and Hereafter. (And the) pleasure that they are finding here Allah Almighty’s beloved servants (is) making them to be in Paradise (already) here (in this world). But whom (they are) not happy with their Lord, (their) Creator, everything (is) giving to them trouble, making them to be displeased and their hearts (are) going to be full with fear. And therefore there is (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:22:43
4920 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: KeepingTheWayOfMasters
pleasure through this life, (but) not for those people that have billions of Dollars or Pounds or Euro! That millions or billions (are) never giving a pleasure or pleasement to them here. But (those people who are with their beloved one,) they may eat broken and dry bread or- as the Companions of S.Muhammad sws- they were eating only one or two dates through 24 hours and no bread, even no dry bread- but they were happy people; they were pleased and they were feeling that they are in safety, because they were with their beloved one! O people, try to understand the heavenly Message! Try to understand the meaning of prophecy! You must try to understand for what Prophets were coming or for what they have been sent (and) then you should find a new atmosphere. When you are running in it, you can be pleased, you can be in pleasure; you should be happy (and) you should be in peace, if you are understanding what is the main purpose of sending messengers from Heavens to people. (When) you are following heavenly people that they are always related from earth to Heavens, you are entering in an atmosphere, (a) new atmosphere, that you are feeling the taste of life with pleasure and with pleasement! If not- there in another atmosphere. If you are running in it, you may be (the) richest one, or (the) most powerful one on earth- but their atmosphere is going to be like (a) prison for these people. Even they have billions and palaces and power and titles- (but) their atmosphere is another. And believers’ atmosphere is something else! Believers may taste (the) pleasure of (this) life, (but) unbelievers are (only) tasting the difficulties and bitterness of life; they are always in troubles, (in) sufferings and in miseries. Oh people, look once again! Your life (is) just going to reach to an end. Before your life is coming to (its) end, look, in which atmosphere you are living! If you are not happy, that means you are on (the) wrong way and (in an) poisoned atmosphere. Change your atmosphere! (With) any steps, that you may step, if you (are) asking to change (your atmosphere) from (a) bad and poisoned atmosphere to (a) good atmosphere, you may change (it)! You may find (the) exit! (It is) not like on motorways or Autobahns (that) exits (are only) rarely