Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (291/777)
Stämme, die mit dem Weg Sayyidina Ismails (as) verbunden sind, einige von ihnen sind Gläubige und einige sind Ungläubige. Sie beteten Götzen an und änderten alles. Und deshalb verbleiben sie entehrt und erniedrigt. Nichts ist von ihnen bekannt. (8 von 12)04.07.2013 23:20:21
4122 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HouseOfTheLord
In der Geschichte wird erwähnt, daß unter der Führung der Iraner, ihr Sultan - wie war sein Name? - Qisra, unter seiner Führung sind sie vergessen, nichts wird über sie erwähnt. Und Allah der Allmächtige sandte am Ende der Zeit, um Sein Einssein und Seine Einheit zu erklären von Vorewigkeit bis Ewigkeit, unser Herr, Allah der Allmächtige, der Herr von Himmel und Erde. Mein Arabisch ist sehr begrenzt, aber ich möchte, daß das, was ich sage, verstanden wird zuerst einmal von unseren Brüdern, den Arabern, den muslimischen Arabern, den Gläubigen. Es war erwünscht, erhofft oder erwartet, daß die ersten, die an den Propheten des Zeitenendes (saws) glauben würden, die Araber wären. Aber sie bekämpften ihn. "Wa qul jaa l-Haqqu wa Zahaqal Batil inna l-Batil kana Zahuqa". Aber sie beharrten und wurden stolz und arrogant und wollten die Banner ihrer Götzen hoch aufrichten. Und ihnen wurde die Gelegenheit dazu nicht gegeben. Und der Prophet des Zeitenendes (saws) kam alleine hoch auf den Berg Safa' und rief sie: 'Leute, kommt und sagt La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadu r-Rasulullah.' Und er sagte: 'Ich bin gesandt. Ich gehöre zu den Nachkommen des Propheten Ismail (as) und seines Vaters Ibrahim (as) und seiner Lehren. Er lehrte die Leute zu sagen La ilaha illa Allah. Ich bin der letzte Lehrer, der kommt, um euch zu lehren. Ich kam, um euch zu lehren, daß Allah (swt) Einer ist, Wahidun Ahad, Samad (jj) Lam Yalid Wa Lam Yulad Walam Yakun Lahu Kufuwan 'Ahadun" (S. 112) Die Prophezeiung ist bei mir, kommt und folgt mir. Und dann wird Allah der Allmächtige euch lieben. Wenn ihr Allah (swt) liebt, folgt mir. Dann wird Allah der Allmächtige euch lieben.' Allahu Akbar! Der, der S. Muhammd (saws) liebte, wurde von den Himmlischen geliebt. Und jene, die sich weigerten, wurden Abfall auf Erden, und es gibt für sie keinen Weg zu den Himmeln. Sie haben keine Chance auf das Ewige Leben. Dies ist eine Zusammenfassung dessen, was als Eingebung zum Herzen eines schwachen Dieners kam. Und ich sage das, um die Muslime zu ermahnen. Das ist der erste Punkt und der zweite für die ganze Schöpfung auf dem Angesicht der Erde. Was wichtiger ist, ist jene zu ermahnen, die behaupten, Muslime zu sein, und die sagen, ihre Religion sei der Islam und ihre Shariat die Shariat des Islam. Jene, die ihre Wege ändern, deren Lage wird Allah der Allmächtige ändern. Wenn ihr eueren Eid einhaltet, wird Allah der Allmächtige Seinen Eid mit euch einhalten. Wenn ihr euerem Eid den Rücken kehrt, wird Allah der (9 von 12)04.07.2013 23:20:21
4123 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HouseOfTheLord
Allmächtige euch zu den entehrtesten Leuten machen. Dann werdet ihr einander verschlingen. Gepriesen sei Allah der Allmächtige! Gläubige und Muslime unter den Arabern und Nicht-Arabern, kehrt zurück zur Göttlichen Shariat, kehrt zurück zum Buch Allahs (swt). Ihr findet dort Nachrichten von den Nationen, die vor euch kamen, und Nachrichten von den Nationen, die nach euch kommen. Dann erhebt Allah (swt) euere Ehre hier und im Jenseits. Und ihr werdet glücklich hier und im Jenseits und werdet das Ewige Leben haben, wenn ihr dem Buch Allahs (swt) und der Shariat Allahs (swt) folgt. Sonst wird euer Platz und euere Position unter der Erde sein, Naudhu Billah, im Höllenfeuer für immer. Leute, denkt nach! Dies sind einige Worte, die in mein Herz und meine Brust eingegeben wurden. Und ihr habt, masha'Allah, viele Gelehrte, die euch ermahnen. Vielleicht noch vor euerer Geburt war ich in Ägypten, der Geschützten, zu einem Besuch. Durch Göttliche Weisheit ging ich dorthin. Ich war mit meinem Begleiter aus Damaskus. Ich stand und wartete auf den Zug, damit er uns in den Süden von Kairo bringen konnte oder sogar noch weiter in den Süden. Ich war zu der Zeit vielleicht 30 Jahre alt. Und ich stand dort wartend am Bahnhof. Jemand kam zu mir. Er sah aus wie jemand, der Wissen sucht. Er sah mich an und sagte: 'Ya Shaykh, woher kommst du?' Ich sagte ihm, daß ich aus Damaskus käme. 'Was denkst du von den Leuten Ägyptens hier? Hören sie dir zu? Lernen sie von dir?' Ich sagte ihm, daß ich nicht den Anspruch hätte, sondern zu Besuch sei. Da guckte er mich an. Er war groß wie eine Palme. 'O Shaykh, hier, hier in unserem Land gibt es 300.000 Azhari Gelehrte. Das bedeutet, wir brauchen deinen Rat nicht, wir haben Azhari Shaykhs, 300.000 Azhari Shaykhs!' Gibt es keinen Verstand? Ärger überkam mich! Wahrhaftig, ich wurde sehr ärgerlich. Und ich sagte ihm: 'O Shaykh, wenn du sagst, ihr hättet 300.000 Azhari Gelehrte, warum gibt es dann all diese Verderbtheit in deinem Land? 300.000 Azhari Gelehrte, und das Land ist in diesem Zustand? Nicht einer von ihnen folgt Allahs Shariat oder der Sunnah des Propheten (saws)? Wie kann das sein?' Hier gibt es vielleicht 1 Million Azhari Gelehrte. Was ist der Nutzen? Sie bildeten die Muslime nicht in bezug auf die Shariat des Propheten (saws). Das ist das wichtige Maß, nicht die Anzahl der Azhari Gelehrten! Nein! Das war vor 50 Jahren. Der erste Tyrann war dort zu der Zeit. Das bis jetzt, sind vielleicht 50 Jahre oder mehr. Diese Geschichte, die ich euch erzähle, habe ich (10 von 12)04.07.2013 23:20:21
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selbst erlebt! Mein Arabisch ist gering, ordnet es und übermittelt es den Leuten, für sie und ihr Bewußtsein. Wenn ihr so viele Tausende von Azhari Gelehrten habt, die Doktoren sind, wieviele Kranke habt ihr? Warum können sie euch nicht behandeln? Wo ist euere Behandlung? Es ist nur das, was geschah. Allah (swt) sandte über sie zuerst Tyrannen, die alle Regeln des Islam von Anfang bis Ende ruinierten und das Land religionslos machten! Und was geschah, geschah wegen dieser Falschheit. Audhu Billah. Und mir tun unsere Gelehrten leid, die keine Worte haben, um diese Tyrannen wegzuschicken, die Überbleibsel von den Pharaonen sind! Möge Allah (swt) sie alle zuschanden machen. Das ist für die Menschen von Ägypten. Es gibt auch eine Menge Gerede über die übrigen Länder. Aber ich hoffe von unserem Herrn, daß meine Worte angenommen werden, weil sie mit Seiner starken Shariat übereinstimmen. Wenn jemand sagt, dieser Shaykh hat keinen Verstand - wer immer das sagt, Allah (swt) ist niemals ohne Verstand. Niemals! Alhamdulillah wa Shukr Ya Rabbi. Gepriesen seiest Du! Sende uns einen König, um Deinetwillen zu kämpfen. Menschen in Ägypten, ein König bringt euere Ehre zurück. Oder ihr werdet bis zum Ende der Zeit keine Ehre mehr haben, keinen Status, und keine Möglichkeit oder Anwesenheit des Herzens. Und kein Dank von unserem Herrn (jwa). Möge Allah uns vergeben. Ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Deine Verzeihung und Anerkennung um des Gesegenten Ramadan willen. Vergib uns unser Herr. Sende uns einen König, der um Deinetwillen kämpft. Ost und West. Das ist Dein Versprechen. Und Dein Versprechen ist Haqq. Ya Rabbina, sende uns einen König, Mahdi (as). Allahu Akbaru l-Akbar auf jeden der Übertreter. Möge Allah (swt) Schande über sie bringen und sie hinauswerfen! Wirf sie hinaus! Dieses sind die Leute, die Krankheit tragen. Möge Allah sie aus den Muslimländern hinauswerfen. Muslime, erwägt diese Worte und denkt! Und wenn meine Rede falsch ist, dann wißt ihr gar nichts! Ihr seid junge Leute, die zu Nachahmern des Westens in all ihren Schritten gemacht wurden. Ihr werdet keinen Erfolg haben. Wer immer den Schritten Shaytans folgt und ihn zur Herrschaft bringt, wie er in nicht-muslimischen Ländern herrscht, wird keinen Erfolg haben. Ya Rabbi, o mein Herr, überlaß uns nicht uns selbst. Um des Heiligen Ramadan willen, o mein Herr, sende uns einen König. Sende uns einen König. Wir wollen keine (11 von 12)04.07.2013 23:20:21
4125 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HouseOfTheLord
Präsidenten. Wir wollen keine Parlamente. Wir wollen keine Gruppen. Nein! Wir wollen das Banner des Propheten (saws) aufgestellt in der Mitte eueres Landes, und Allah (swt) wird euch unterstützen, sonst werdet ihr nicht siegreich sein. Niemals! Astaghfirullah. Ya Rabbi vergib uns und vergib uns und statte uns mit Einsicht aus. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Fatiha. Die Araber sind so. Israel ist so. Die Türken sind so. Die Nicht-Araber sind so. Alle sind so. Sie alle sind gleich. Niemand folgt, nicht ein einziger ist auf dem Pfad von Allahs Befehlen. Nein. Sie folgen weder der Bibel, noch der Torah, Astaghfirullah. Lefke, 23.07.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryMecca, CategoryIslam, CategoryRamadan, CategoryIbrahim, CategoryEgypt, CategoryBiography, CategoryOppression (12 von 12)04.07.2013 23:20:21
4126 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HouseOfTheLord2
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HouseOfTheLord2
The House of The Lord and The Servant of The Lord
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar Allahu akbar wa li-llahi l-hamd. Innahu Hamidun Majid. Dastur, ya Shah-i Mardan. Your Friends are waiting for you. They want to learn good manners from you. They want to be saved from wildness. Today is Friday, yawm ul-jum’a, the day of the Jum’a prayer. Actually it is yawm ul-jam’a, the day of gathering. Come to us, O Shah-i Mardan! Peace be upon you. Peace come to us from Shah-i Mardan. O Lovers of Shah-i Mardan, may peace be with you. May you be in peace, in this world and in the hereafter, may you be in peace. Come to us, o Shah-i Mardan! Give us the strength to listen to you. Let us say: Marhaba! O Lovers of Shah-i Mardan, marhaba, welcome! Marhaba is a heavenly robe of honour for the sons of man. Saying "marhaba" is a robe of honour that comes down from the heavens. Every day it is a different one. People, in particular women, every day want to wear and be seen in a new garment. That is their nature. So, since that is what you want, those robes are brought down from heaven by the angels. They descend upon the Ancient House, the Ka’aba-i Mu’azzama. The robe of faith, the robe of Islam. Faith is Islam's robe of honour. The robe of health, the robe of light, every day they descend upon the Ka’aba-i Muazzama. Subhan Allah. Dastur, ya Rijal-Allah! Madad, ya Sultan ul-awliya! Madad, ya Shah-i Mardan. We ask for your advices, which will open our hearts. Today is yawm ul-jum’a, Friday, the day of Jum’a. This day has honour in this world and in the hereafter. Madad, ya Sahib al-Imdad, O Giver of Support! Who is this? It is Shah-i Mardan. Ask him for support, his aid will come to you. But beware of behaving in a wild, uncontrolled way! You will earn a beating! "If he won't learn to behave by being warned, he deserves a beating!" The elders used to say this. And Shah-i (1 von 19)04.07.2013 23:20:23
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Mardan says the same today. Give advice. If that one won't take your advice, he deserves a beating. Today is the day of Jum’a, a day of honour. It is a day of honour in this world and in the hereafter. On this day of honour, the people of faith are robed in robes of honour. There is a robe of honour that descends upon the Ka’aba-i Mu’azzama, a garment of honour. People nowadays, in particular those belonging to the military, are examples of the pride of arrogance. They make such claims: "No one can be bigger, more honourable, or stronger than we are." They call it a "uniform". They come to their military ceremonies with such decorations, making such big claims: Look at our our greatness, is there anyone more powerful than we? Is there 2 anyone more imposing, anyone more honourable? We are the most highly honoured class. All others are beneath our feet. La hawla wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi l-‘aliyyi l-‘azim. Come, o Shah-i Mardan! When the time has come for your sword to strike, you will cut down those grand ones as if they were cucumbers. Despite that Shah-i Mardan, Habib ur-Rahman, did not dress in flashy, elegant clothes. He did not ride a showy mount. He rode a mule named Duldul, something between a horse and a donkey - that is what he rode. Say: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Let us say: O Lord! Let us exalt Your Majestic Name! So that all the satanic qualities leave us! Let us take pride in being Your servants, o Lord. To take pride in some clothes or in a uniform is not a reasonable action. It is the action of ignorant people. Therefore, that group in their uniforms want to put on a show of their greatness and grandeur, but in the eyes of the public they are low. They have no renown in heaven. For "al-‘azamatu rida'i wa l-kibriya'u", Greatness is My garb and Grandeur, it is My quality, says Allah in His Majesty, He has granted to His servants honour according to their degrees. Take your honour from heaven, not from a uniform you wear on earth! Not from false titles. But those whose minds are tied to their uniforms wear special kinds of insignia on their clothing, in order to show their distinction, to show their achievements. This one is lieutenant general, army commander. This one is a colonel, a captain, a brigadier - names like that. These titles are given in writing, are received by order. They will lay you out on the bench used for washing the dead, (2 von 19)04.07.2013 23:20:23
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and no rank will remain; no longer will you be ruler, governor or sovereign. O mankind, you must understand. Come, o Shah-i Mardan! O Lovers of Shah-i Mardan, O Friends of the Lion of Allah! Listen. Dastur, ya Sahib-i Divan, look upon us! We must know our limits. When we know our limits we are at ease. If the gatekeeper, the sweeper, the man who sweeps the Sultan's seat, those who do the sweeping, sit in the Sultan's place, of what value is it? This one is different from that one. Look to the honour you were given. "an tahhira baytiya li t-tayifina wa l-‘akifin" (2:125) O Ibrahim, Father of Prophets, aleyhimu s-salam, Khalilu r-Rahman. "tahhir baytiya", that is My House, the House of the Lord, the Ka’aba-i Muazzama. Build the Ka’aba, glorify and purify it. Clean it. Keep it pure for those who come here to worship, to perform tawaf. Keep My House clean for them, He says. Come, o Shah-i Mardan, you speak so well. The great prophet Ibrahim, the Father of Prophets, this was the command he received: Keep this house, and serve it, for it is My House, said the Lord. Keep it clean for those visiting it and serve those visiting My House, serve them and keep it clean. What a good command! Alright, since it is like that, O man of small mind, if the Baytullah, the House of Allah, is a house, then you are ‘Abdullah, a servant of Allah. Allah Almighty teaches us. He had the prophet Ibrahim build the House together with his son Isma’il (as). "wa idh yarfa’u Ibrahimu qawa’ida lbayti wa Isma’il, Rabbana, taqabbal minna." (2:127) He placed stone upon stone - O you who are of small mind - a father and his son in the middle of a desert, placing stone upon stone. There 3 was no machinery, no crane or winch. They built a building with four corners, and He said: "This is My House." Allahu Dhu- l-Jalal, the prophet Ibrahim and Isma’il (as). Glorify it, keep it pure, so that the visitors who come here will find it clean and tidy. And serve them. What have we to offer them? In the midst of the desert. Allah, the Lord of Glory orders them. Come to us, o Shah-i Mardan, the field is yours. The father of your fathers, the Prophet Ibrahim, what shall We offer him in the midst of this desert? Not a drop of water in this desert. Water is the source of life. No water. So He sent the angel Jibril al-Amin. With his wing he prodded the ground. The desert began to gush with water. Allah has Power to do all things. Muslims stream (3 von 19)04.07.2013 23:20:23
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towards that place to drink from the sacred well of ZamZam. Water means life. The water men drink for their physical bodies is one thing, and the water men are given to drink for their inner reality is another. Allahu akbar. People going there go for the sacred ZamZam, but not to drink. No, there they find a different kind of ZamZam, a ZamZam coming down from heaven, not one coming out of the earth. Ibrahim the prophet saw how in the middle of the desert Jibril touched the ground with his wing and water came forth. He had arrived there tired from thirst; they came to this place and drank its water. Our mother Hajar, in order to contain the water, made a pool for it to run into, ZamZam, ZamZam, ZamZam. How lovely. O people, the place that is visited today, this maqam is 5000 years old. Allah knows for how many thousands of years it has existed, but as far as we know it is 5000 years old. He found life there, in the middle of the desert. For 5000 years that great House has been standing there. The hearts of the believers rush on it full of love and longing. May some blessings of the great Ka’aba come upon us! Today is the day of Jum’a. May our pains be eased, our love and ardour increased and our faith strengthened. Welcome, o Shah-i Mardan. O Lovers of the Master of the Battlefield! Asad-ullahi l-ghalib, Ali ibn Abu Talib, masha'Allah. Let us learn manners. Never mind those invented ranks. Look for those that descend from heaven. Habib-ullah (sas) was a descendant of Khalilu r-Rahman. To Khalilu r-Rahman the Lord Almighty spoke: "O My Khalil, My dear and intimate friend, from your descendants will be born My Beloved, Habib; and you are My Khalil. But he who is to come is My Beloved. For him you must build this House and keep it pure. Receive those who come looking for Me. Because it is the House of God, Baytullah. Receive well My servants who come to visit My House, and keep it clean. Khalilu r- Rahman. For whom does he keep it clean? My Beloved is to come, and I have created you in his honour. My Beloved shall come. Keep it pure for him. Do not deter those coming here, judge them not by their clothes nor by their pretended ranks. I - may Allah not leave me to my selfishness. Allah Almighty has granted His weak servant to travel to a great many places. We came also to India, Allah Almighty sent me there. There is a place there named Karachi; An old city where there are many saints. They showed me around and we came to the seaside. There I saw a group of people. I approached them to see what was going on. I looked, there was a monkey. On his head they had placed an old high hat, and he was dancing and wagging his head. Ah, but wearing a hat did not make him human. An ape is (4 von 19)04.07.2013 23:20:23
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an ape. But you must be human, so that you are given a heavenly crown. Never mind about the 4 ones here - a uniform does not make you great. If those made great by their uniforms are suddenly hit by heavenly Wrath, they become worse than apes. O man, beware, guard your honour. Come to us, o Shah-i Mardan. How lovely are your words. The honour of man is from heaven. It lies not in the clothes that he is given to wear in this world. Make way! Who is it? The king is coming. How strange. How can you tell he is the king? There is a crown on his head. Around him is a crowd of people. Eh, is that what gives him greatness? Show it to them, let him see how the angels perform tawwaf! Tawaf is made around the Ka’aba. To make tawaf around a person is not acceptable Now those who are of little mind, they allow tawaf to be performed around the Ka’aba but if people come to visit the Beloved of Allah, Sayyidna Muhammad (sas), for whom all the worlds were created, if people come to visit him, they do not like it. No. Those who visit the Baytullah, there is honour in that. Eh, and who built it? Ibrahim (as), Isma’il (as). Who created man? The Lord of Might and Glory created him. So glorify him then, let man give honour to man! May he find honour! In the Gospels, the Torah, Zabur and the Holy Qur'an it says this. Come, o Shah-i Mardan! The battlefield is yours! Make these people understand that greatness lies not in false ranks or in clothes. That monkey, ha, they put a hat on the head of the monkey and he performs his monkey business there. He imitates them. Eh, putting a hat on his head, putting a shiny robe on his back gives him no honour. People only laugh at him in the end. Pay no attention to people's laughing! Their laughter brings you no profit. Does it come to you from heaven? Does it come from the Lord of Majesty? Does it come from the angels? That is honour for you, therein lies honour, not in the clothes you wear. Today is the day of Jum’a, yawmu l-jam’a, the Muslims gather and wish to offer to their Lord the blessed prayer of Jum’a. May it be blessed. At the same time it is the last day of Jumada lakhira. Tonight will be the first night of the holy month of Rajab. Next week is the holy night of Laylatu l-Ragha'ib. That is the night of Ragha'ib, a special holy night, holy night of prayer, we call it. Prepare yourself for that. Do not lose your way! You now run after false ranks and titles & (5 von 19)04.07.2013 23:20:23
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have forgotten your humanity. O you Shi’a and o ‘Alawi! To murder people, to burn their homes, to destroy everything by bomb blasts, - is that what Allah Almighty ordered you to do? If it is not, a whip will come down on your backs! Stop this! This is the holy month of Rajab, Shahru-llah, the month of Allah. If you have any regard for Allah, stop the bloodshed! Stop the killing, stop the burning and destruction! If you refuse to listen, overwhelming force will come and crush you soon. This Rajab will not be wasted. This advice is for Bashshar, for Husayn, for the Persian leader, Ahmedinejad, let him also listen. Let the Egyptian one listen. Everywhere, those who think they are something, they should listen. Otherwise - it is Allah's month. Let them show respect. Let them stop immediately, stop the killing! The community of the prophet ‘Isa, the prophet ‘Isa never took to arms. What is the Christian world doing throwing cannon balls, bombs, trying to lay waste the world. Is that 5 Christianity? Let His Holiness the Pope answer to this, let the Jewish people answer. Did the Prophet Musa order them to build planes, to kill people, to crush and stamp out innocent ones? No, he did not. Allah of exalted Glory, whose Majesty knows no limit, speaks: Those who fight against Me will be crushed and defeated. Come to us, o Shah-i Mardan! How well you say this! Chinese and Russian people had their own sages; did they order them to slay and to kill? Yet they murder countless people, uncounted numbers of people. They murder innocent people. They set fire to their homes and dwellings. Stop doing this! This is Rajab, the month of Allah. When he (S. Ali) raises his sword, he will leave not one oppressor in his place. Protect us O Lord. We repent O Lord, we repent and seek Your forgiveness. Show respect, so you may find respect. Come, O Shah-i Mardan, the field is yours. How good is your advice! Otherwise, I will go against them with my sword Dhu l-Fiqar, he says, against the Persians, Arabs, Turks and Kurds. I will let them know who I am. I am the Lion of Allah! I am Shah-i Mardan! I will pay them back! I will split the world like a melon, with spiritual power. I will bring down their apparent strength. Let us beware of that. May it be blessed, this holy month of Rajab, Allah's month. Let us run to Allah and repent. Let us look after the honour of humanity and not become butchers of men. No. Try to get even with shaytan, don't take it out on humans. Man is highly honoured. (6 von 19)04.07.2013 23:20:23
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O Lord, forgive us. O Shah-i Mardan, intercede for us. Teach us. Every day you come to us. I am a weak servant, they give me something to say according to my weakness. The whole world will be shaken and convulsed, if it is the Will of the Almighty, by a single ant. Let us therefore keep our manners. Let us keep a good manner, let us learn good manners. This day today is a blessed day, put down your weapons. If you do not listen, you will get what you deserve. O Lord, forgive us. "jundun min junudi-llah" - warriors of the warriors of Allah will come down in this month of Rajab. Let them beware. In this holy Rajab warriors will descend from heaven. Who does not believe this is an unbeliever. O My Beloved, He said, I have sent you 1000 angels, one following the other. If you say, it is not enough, 7000 will come. Angels distinctly marked, "musawwim". O ‘ulama' of al-Azhar, here, this is a noble "taswim" (mark). Leave your disbelief and enlist. Say, I also belong to "jundun min junudi-llah". [a regiment of Allah's legions] Have no fear! The rule of shaytan will be broken, starting in this holy month of Rajab. Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi Allahu Allah, Allahu hasbi. Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah. O our Lord, do forgive us. May Your Grace reach us. We are ashamed to ask You for Your Grace. A thousand times You turn the universe upside down with a single speck of revelation of Your Power -we are shy to speak of this. Allah can teach this world by means of a single ant, and consume it, as is said in the holy verse: "wa qalat namlatun" (27:18) "Ya ayyuha l-naml udkhulu masakinakum." (27:18) Allah Almighty teaches us through an ant. Who knows this little ant, a little female ant, namla; "Ya ayyuha l-naml udkhulu masakinakum" (27:18) Get out of the way, flee to your homes, shelter in 6 your nests. "la yahtimannakum Sulaymanu wa junuduhu" (27:18) The Prophet Sulayman and his army is passing by. Unknowing they might crush you, so go hide in your homes, He says. Take a lesson from this, O you scholars, O ‘ulama' of Persia and 'Alawi 'ulama', Allah Almighty does not just tell us stories in the Holy Qur'an. He is teaching us a lesson: "udkhulu masakinakum" - Before My vanquishing sword strikes you, retreat to your houses, your homes. O Shi’a, O 'Alawis! This is a stern warning! An ultimatum, as they say. In heaven. Otherwise, your future.. your punishment will come upon you. Our scripture is the Holy Qur'an. Our command is the Command of Allah. Rasulullah now has (7 von 19)04.07.2013 23:20:23
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the command. O Shah-i Mardan, come and speak. "By order of the Messenger of Allah (sas), I have begun to move Dhu l-Fiqar." says Sayyidna 'Ali (as), Shah-i Mardan. Beware, don't think you can stand against him. It gives the soldiers a stomach pain. We need no guns, no cannons. They die writhing where they stand. Fear Allah, O Shi'a, Fear Allah, o Bashshar, all you tyrants, fear Allah! Tawba, ya Rabbi, tawba, istaghfirullah. May our day of Jum’a be blessed; tonight we enter the month of Allah, during which falls Laylatu l-Ragha'ib. Shah-i Mardan speaks for the sake of Divine Grandeur and Majesty. Be careful, take heed. "udkhulu masakinakum." Otherwise, when Divine Wrath is revealed, you will all be destroyed. Tawba, ya Rabbi, tawba, istaghfirullah. Shukr ya Rabbi, shukr ya Rabbi, shukr, al-hamdulillah, ya Rabbi. Shah-i Mardan, cousin of our Prophet, Shah-i Mardan, the gate to the city of knowledge. Let us listen. Let these words be spoken in every language, you will be saved. Permission is given to carry a sword, there is permission to carry a sword. There is permission to carry a dagger, but we want no guns, tanks or cannons. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. When he says: Allahu Akbar, none of their guns and cannons will work. We are Muslims. We believe in our Lord, we believe in His Beloved. We believe in the Injil, the Torah, the Zabur. O Pope, tell your people not to make weapons in order to kill people. The Prophet 'Isa - 'ala nabina wa 'alayhi as-salatu wa salam - told you to turn the other cheek, when you are struck, so he might strike you on it as well. What sort of nation is your nation? To China, even to China Allah sent one to speak the truth. Confucius he is called. He was sent to counsel the people of his time. He also said: Do not exceed your limits! Do not overstep your capacity! You are like the little ant. When horses, elephants, lions pass over and step on you, you will be destroyed. Know your limits. Do not block the way. Leave the way open for Allah's servants. Allah has created this world for all humankind, not only for Chinese, Russian or Turkish people, or for Arab people alone. "inna ardi was'iatun fa-iyyaya f-a’budun" (29:56) My earth is wide, He says, tawsi’atu l-ard, He says, stretching, un
Stämme, die mit dem Weg Sayyidina Ismails (as) verbunden sind, einige von ihnen sind Gläubige und einige sind Ungläubige. Sie beteten Götzen an und änderten alles. Und deshalb verbleiben sie entehrt und erniedrigt. Nichts ist von ihnen bekannt. (8 von 12)04.07.2013 23:20:21
4122 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HouseOfTheLord
In der Geschichte wird erwähnt, daß unter der Führung der Iraner, ihr Sultan - wie war sein Name? - Qisra, unter seiner Führung sind sie vergessen, nichts wird über sie erwähnt. Und Allah der Allmächtige sandte am Ende der Zeit, um Sein Einssein und Seine Einheit zu erklären von Vorewigkeit bis Ewigkeit, unser Herr, Allah der Allmächtige, der Herr von Himmel und Erde. Mein Arabisch ist sehr begrenzt, aber ich möchte, daß das, was ich sage, verstanden wird zuerst einmal von unseren Brüdern, den Arabern, den muslimischen Arabern, den Gläubigen. Es war erwünscht, erhofft oder erwartet, daß die ersten, die an den Propheten des Zeitenendes (saws) glauben würden, die Araber wären. Aber sie bekämpften ihn. "Wa qul jaa l-Haqqu wa Zahaqal Batil inna l-Batil kana Zahuqa". Aber sie beharrten und wurden stolz und arrogant und wollten die Banner ihrer Götzen hoch aufrichten. Und ihnen wurde die Gelegenheit dazu nicht gegeben. Und der Prophet des Zeitenendes (saws) kam alleine hoch auf den Berg Safa' und rief sie: 'Leute, kommt und sagt La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadu r-Rasulullah.' Und er sagte: 'Ich bin gesandt. Ich gehöre zu den Nachkommen des Propheten Ismail (as) und seines Vaters Ibrahim (as) und seiner Lehren. Er lehrte die Leute zu sagen La ilaha illa Allah. Ich bin der letzte Lehrer, der kommt, um euch zu lehren. Ich kam, um euch zu lehren, daß Allah (swt) Einer ist, Wahidun Ahad, Samad (jj) Lam Yalid Wa Lam Yulad Walam Yakun Lahu Kufuwan 'Ahadun" (S. 112) Die Prophezeiung ist bei mir, kommt und folgt mir. Und dann wird Allah der Allmächtige euch lieben. Wenn ihr Allah (swt) liebt, folgt mir. Dann wird Allah der Allmächtige euch lieben.' Allahu Akbar! Der, der S. Muhammd (saws) liebte, wurde von den Himmlischen geliebt. Und jene, die sich weigerten, wurden Abfall auf Erden, und es gibt für sie keinen Weg zu den Himmeln. Sie haben keine Chance auf das Ewige Leben. Dies ist eine Zusammenfassung dessen, was als Eingebung zum Herzen eines schwachen Dieners kam. Und ich sage das, um die Muslime zu ermahnen. Das ist der erste Punkt und der zweite für die ganze Schöpfung auf dem Angesicht der Erde. Was wichtiger ist, ist jene zu ermahnen, die behaupten, Muslime zu sein, und die sagen, ihre Religion sei der Islam und ihre Shariat die Shariat des Islam. Jene, die ihre Wege ändern, deren Lage wird Allah der Allmächtige ändern. Wenn ihr eueren Eid einhaltet, wird Allah der Allmächtige Seinen Eid mit euch einhalten. Wenn ihr euerem Eid den Rücken kehrt, wird Allah der (9 von 12)04.07.2013 23:20:21
4123 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HouseOfTheLord
Allmächtige euch zu den entehrtesten Leuten machen. Dann werdet ihr einander verschlingen. Gepriesen sei Allah der Allmächtige! Gläubige und Muslime unter den Arabern und Nicht-Arabern, kehrt zurück zur Göttlichen Shariat, kehrt zurück zum Buch Allahs (swt). Ihr findet dort Nachrichten von den Nationen, die vor euch kamen, und Nachrichten von den Nationen, die nach euch kommen. Dann erhebt Allah (swt) euere Ehre hier und im Jenseits. Und ihr werdet glücklich hier und im Jenseits und werdet das Ewige Leben haben, wenn ihr dem Buch Allahs (swt) und der Shariat Allahs (swt) folgt. Sonst wird euer Platz und euere Position unter der Erde sein, Naudhu Billah, im Höllenfeuer für immer. Leute, denkt nach! Dies sind einige Worte, die in mein Herz und meine Brust eingegeben wurden. Und ihr habt, masha'Allah, viele Gelehrte, die euch ermahnen. Vielleicht noch vor euerer Geburt war ich in Ägypten, der Geschützten, zu einem Besuch. Durch Göttliche Weisheit ging ich dorthin. Ich war mit meinem Begleiter aus Damaskus. Ich stand und wartete auf den Zug, damit er uns in den Süden von Kairo bringen konnte oder sogar noch weiter in den Süden. Ich war zu der Zeit vielleicht 30 Jahre alt. Und ich stand dort wartend am Bahnhof. Jemand kam zu mir. Er sah aus wie jemand, der Wissen sucht. Er sah mich an und sagte: 'Ya Shaykh, woher kommst du?' Ich sagte ihm, daß ich aus Damaskus käme. 'Was denkst du von den Leuten Ägyptens hier? Hören sie dir zu? Lernen sie von dir?' Ich sagte ihm, daß ich nicht den Anspruch hätte, sondern zu Besuch sei. Da guckte er mich an. Er war groß wie eine Palme. 'O Shaykh, hier, hier in unserem Land gibt es 300.000 Azhari Gelehrte. Das bedeutet, wir brauchen deinen Rat nicht, wir haben Azhari Shaykhs, 300.000 Azhari Shaykhs!' Gibt es keinen Verstand? Ärger überkam mich! Wahrhaftig, ich wurde sehr ärgerlich. Und ich sagte ihm: 'O Shaykh, wenn du sagst, ihr hättet 300.000 Azhari Gelehrte, warum gibt es dann all diese Verderbtheit in deinem Land? 300.000 Azhari Gelehrte, und das Land ist in diesem Zustand? Nicht einer von ihnen folgt Allahs Shariat oder der Sunnah des Propheten (saws)? Wie kann das sein?' Hier gibt es vielleicht 1 Million Azhari Gelehrte. Was ist der Nutzen? Sie bildeten die Muslime nicht in bezug auf die Shariat des Propheten (saws). Das ist das wichtige Maß, nicht die Anzahl der Azhari Gelehrten! Nein! Das war vor 50 Jahren. Der erste Tyrann war dort zu der Zeit. Das bis jetzt, sind vielleicht 50 Jahre oder mehr. Diese Geschichte, die ich euch erzähle, habe ich (10 von 12)04.07.2013 23:20:21
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selbst erlebt! Mein Arabisch ist gering, ordnet es und übermittelt es den Leuten, für sie und ihr Bewußtsein. Wenn ihr so viele Tausende von Azhari Gelehrten habt, die Doktoren sind, wieviele Kranke habt ihr? Warum können sie euch nicht behandeln? Wo ist euere Behandlung? Es ist nur das, was geschah. Allah (swt) sandte über sie zuerst Tyrannen, die alle Regeln des Islam von Anfang bis Ende ruinierten und das Land religionslos machten! Und was geschah, geschah wegen dieser Falschheit. Audhu Billah. Und mir tun unsere Gelehrten leid, die keine Worte haben, um diese Tyrannen wegzuschicken, die Überbleibsel von den Pharaonen sind! Möge Allah (swt) sie alle zuschanden machen. Das ist für die Menschen von Ägypten. Es gibt auch eine Menge Gerede über die übrigen Länder. Aber ich hoffe von unserem Herrn, daß meine Worte angenommen werden, weil sie mit Seiner starken Shariat übereinstimmen. Wenn jemand sagt, dieser Shaykh hat keinen Verstand - wer immer das sagt, Allah (swt) ist niemals ohne Verstand. Niemals! Alhamdulillah wa Shukr Ya Rabbi. Gepriesen seiest Du! Sende uns einen König, um Deinetwillen zu kämpfen. Menschen in Ägypten, ein König bringt euere Ehre zurück. Oder ihr werdet bis zum Ende der Zeit keine Ehre mehr haben, keinen Status, und keine Möglichkeit oder Anwesenheit des Herzens. Und kein Dank von unserem Herrn (jwa). Möge Allah uns vergeben. Ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Deine Verzeihung und Anerkennung um des Gesegenten Ramadan willen. Vergib uns unser Herr. Sende uns einen König, der um Deinetwillen kämpft. Ost und West. Das ist Dein Versprechen. Und Dein Versprechen ist Haqq. Ya Rabbina, sende uns einen König, Mahdi (as). Allahu Akbaru l-Akbar auf jeden der Übertreter. Möge Allah (swt) Schande über sie bringen und sie hinauswerfen! Wirf sie hinaus! Dieses sind die Leute, die Krankheit tragen. Möge Allah sie aus den Muslimländern hinauswerfen. Muslime, erwägt diese Worte und denkt! Und wenn meine Rede falsch ist, dann wißt ihr gar nichts! Ihr seid junge Leute, die zu Nachahmern des Westens in all ihren Schritten gemacht wurden. Ihr werdet keinen Erfolg haben. Wer immer den Schritten Shaytans folgt und ihn zur Herrschaft bringt, wie er in nicht-muslimischen Ländern herrscht, wird keinen Erfolg haben. Ya Rabbi, o mein Herr, überlaß uns nicht uns selbst. Um des Heiligen Ramadan willen, o mein Herr, sende uns einen König. Sende uns einen König. Wir wollen keine (11 von 12)04.07.2013 23:20:21
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Präsidenten. Wir wollen keine Parlamente. Wir wollen keine Gruppen. Nein! Wir wollen das Banner des Propheten (saws) aufgestellt in der Mitte eueres Landes, und Allah (swt) wird euch unterstützen, sonst werdet ihr nicht siegreich sein. Niemals! Astaghfirullah. Ya Rabbi vergib uns und vergib uns und statte uns mit Einsicht aus. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Fatiha. Die Araber sind so. Israel ist so. Die Türken sind so. Die Nicht-Araber sind so. Alle sind so. Sie alle sind gleich. Niemand folgt, nicht ein einziger ist auf dem Pfad von Allahs Befehlen. Nein. Sie folgen weder der Bibel, noch der Torah, Astaghfirullah. Lefke, 23.07.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryMecca, CategoryIslam, CategoryRamadan, CategoryIbrahim, CategoryEgypt, CategoryBiography, CategoryOppression (12 von 12)04.07.2013 23:20:21
4126 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HouseOfTheLord2
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HouseOfTheLord2
The House of The Lord and The Servant of The Lord
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar Allahu akbar wa li-llahi l-hamd. Innahu Hamidun Majid. Dastur, ya Shah-i Mardan. Your Friends are waiting for you. They want to learn good manners from you. They want to be saved from wildness. Today is Friday, yawm ul-jum’a, the day of the Jum’a prayer. Actually it is yawm ul-jam’a, the day of gathering. Come to us, O Shah-i Mardan! Peace be upon you. Peace come to us from Shah-i Mardan. O Lovers of Shah-i Mardan, may peace be with you. May you be in peace, in this world and in the hereafter, may you be in peace. Come to us, o Shah-i Mardan! Give us the strength to listen to you. Let us say: Marhaba! O Lovers of Shah-i Mardan, marhaba, welcome! Marhaba is a heavenly robe of honour for the sons of man. Saying "marhaba" is a robe of honour that comes down from the heavens. Every day it is a different one. People, in particular women, every day want to wear and be seen in a new garment. That is their nature. So, since that is what you want, those robes are brought down from heaven by the angels. They descend upon the Ancient House, the Ka’aba-i Mu’azzama. The robe of faith, the robe of Islam. Faith is Islam's robe of honour. The robe of health, the robe of light, every day they descend upon the Ka’aba-i Muazzama. Subhan Allah. Dastur, ya Rijal-Allah! Madad, ya Sultan ul-awliya! Madad, ya Shah-i Mardan. We ask for your advices, which will open our hearts. Today is yawm ul-jum’a, Friday, the day of Jum’a. This day has honour in this world and in the hereafter. Madad, ya Sahib al-Imdad, O Giver of Support! Who is this? It is Shah-i Mardan. Ask him for support, his aid will come to you. But beware of behaving in a wild, uncontrolled way! You will earn a beating! "If he won't learn to behave by being warned, he deserves a beating!" The elders used to say this. And Shah-i (1 von 19)04.07.2013 23:20:23
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Mardan says the same today. Give advice. If that one won't take your advice, he deserves a beating. Today is the day of Jum’a, a day of honour. It is a day of honour in this world and in the hereafter. On this day of honour, the people of faith are robed in robes of honour. There is a robe of honour that descends upon the Ka’aba-i Mu’azzama, a garment of honour. People nowadays, in particular those belonging to the military, are examples of the pride of arrogance. They make such claims: "No one can be bigger, more honourable, or stronger than we are." They call it a "uniform". They come to their military ceremonies with such decorations, making such big claims: Look at our our greatness, is there anyone more powerful than we? Is there 2 anyone more imposing, anyone more honourable? We are the most highly honoured class. All others are beneath our feet. La hawla wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi l-‘aliyyi l-‘azim. Come, o Shah-i Mardan! When the time has come for your sword to strike, you will cut down those grand ones as if they were cucumbers. Despite that Shah-i Mardan, Habib ur-Rahman, did not dress in flashy, elegant clothes. He did not ride a showy mount. He rode a mule named Duldul, something between a horse and a donkey - that is what he rode. Say: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Let us say: O Lord! Let us exalt Your Majestic Name! So that all the satanic qualities leave us! Let us take pride in being Your servants, o Lord. To take pride in some clothes or in a uniform is not a reasonable action. It is the action of ignorant people. Therefore, that group in their uniforms want to put on a show of their greatness and grandeur, but in the eyes of the public they are low. They have no renown in heaven. For "al-‘azamatu rida'i wa l-kibriya'u", Greatness is My garb and Grandeur, it is My quality, says Allah in His Majesty, He has granted to His servants honour according to their degrees. Take your honour from heaven, not from a uniform you wear on earth! Not from false titles. But those whose minds are tied to their uniforms wear special kinds of insignia on their clothing, in order to show their distinction, to show their achievements. This one is lieutenant general, army commander. This one is a colonel, a captain, a brigadier - names like that. These titles are given in writing, are received by order. They will lay you out on the bench used for washing the dead, (2 von 19)04.07.2013 23:20:23
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and no rank will remain; no longer will you be ruler, governor or sovereign. O mankind, you must understand. Come, o Shah-i Mardan! O Lovers of Shah-i Mardan, O Friends of the Lion of Allah! Listen. Dastur, ya Sahib-i Divan, look upon us! We must know our limits. When we know our limits we are at ease. If the gatekeeper, the sweeper, the man who sweeps the Sultan's seat, those who do the sweeping, sit in the Sultan's place, of what value is it? This one is different from that one. Look to the honour you were given. "an tahhira baytiya li t-tayifina wa l-‘akifin" (2:125) O Ibrahim, Father of Prophets, aleyhimu s-salam, Khalilu r-Rahman. "tahhir baytiya", that is My House, the House of the Lord, the Ka’aba-i Muazzama. Build the Ka’aba, glorify and purify it. Clean it. Keep it pure for those who come here to worship, to perform tawaf. Keep My House clean for them, He says. Come, o Shah-i Mardan, you speak so well. The great prophet Ibrahim, the Father of Prophets, this was the command he received: Keep this house, and serve it, for it is My House, said the Lord. Keep it clean for those visiting it and serve those visiting My House, serve them and keep it clean. What a good command! Alright, since it is like that, O man of small mind, if the Baytullah, the House of Allah, is a house, then you are ‘Abdullah, a servant of Allah. Allah Almighty teaches us. He had the prophet Ibrahim build the House together with his son Isma’il (as). "wa idh yarfa’u Ibrahimu qawa’ida lbayti wa Isma’il, Rabbana, taqabbal minna." (2:127) He placed stone upon stone - O you who are of small mind - a father and his son in the middle of a desert, placing stone upon stone. There 3 was no machinery, no crane or winch. They built a building with four corners, and He said: "This is My House." Allahu Dhu- l-Jalal, the prophet Ibrahim and Isma’il (as). Glorify it, keep it pure, so that the visitors who come here will find it clean and tidy. And serve them. What have we to offer them? In the midst of the desert. Allah, the Lord of Glory orders them. Come to us, o Shah-i Mardan, the field is yours. The father of your fathers, the Prophet Ibrahim, what shall We offer him in the midst of this desert? Not a drop of water in this desert. Water is the source of life. No water. So He sent the angel Jibril al-Amin. With his wing he prodded the ground. The desert began to gush with water. Allah has Power to do all things. Muslims stream (3 von 19)04.07.2013 23:20:23
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towards that place to drink from the sacred well of ZamZam. Water means life. The water men drink for their physical bodies is one thing, and the water men are given to drink for their inner reality is another. Allahu akbar. People going there go for the sacred ZamZam, but not to drink. No, there they find a different kind of ZamZam, a ZamZam coming down from heaven, not one coming out of the earth. Ibrahim the prophet saw how in the middle of the desert Jibril touched the ground with his wing and water came forth. He had arrived there tired from thirst; they came to this place and drank its water. Our mother Hajar, in order to contain the water, made a pool for it to run into, ZamZam, ZamZam, ZamZam. How lovely. O people, the place that is visited today, this maqam is 5000 years old. Allah knows for how many thousands of years it has existed, but as far as we know it is 5000 years old. He found life there, in the middle of the desert. For 5000 years that great House has been standing there. The hearts of the believers rush on it full of love and longing. May some blessings of the great Ka’aba come upon us! Today is the day of Jum’a. May our pains be eased, our love and ardour increased and our faith strengthened. Welcome, o Shah-i Mardan. O Lovers of the Master of the Battlefield! Asad-ullahi l-ghalib, Ali ibn Abu Talib, masha'Allah. Let us learn manners. Never mind those invented ranks. Look for those that descend from heaven. Habib-ullah (sas) was a descendant of Khalilu r-Rahman. To Khalilu r-Rahman the Lord Almighty spoke: "O My Khalil, My dear and intimate friend, from your descendants will be born My Beloved, Habib; and you are My Khalil. But he who is to come is My Beloved. For him you must build this House and keep it pure. Receive those who come looking for Me. Because it is the House of God, Baytullah. Receive well My servants who come to visit My House, and keep it clean. Khalilu r- Rahman. For whom does he keep it clean? My Beloved is to come, and I have created you in his honour. My Beloved shall come. Keep it pure for him. Do not deter those coming here, judge them not by their clothes nor by their pretended ranks. I - may Allah not leave me to my selfishness. Allah Almighty has granted His weak servant to travel to a great many places. We came also to India, Allah Almighty sent me there. There is a place there named Karachi; An old city where there are many saints. They showed me around and we came to the seaside. There I saw a group of people. I approached them to see what was going on. I looked, there was a monkey. On his head they had placed an old high hat, and he was dancing and wagging his head. Ah, but wearing a hat did not make him human. An ape is (4 von 19)04.07.2013 23:20:23
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an ape. But you must be human, so that you are given a heavenly crown. Never mind about the 4 ones here - a uniform does not make you great. If those made great by their uniforms are suddenly hit by heavenly Wrath, they become worse than apes. O man, beware, guard your honour. Come to us, o Shah-i Mardan. How lovely are your words. The honour of man is from heaven. It lies not in the clothes that he is given to wear in this world. Make way! Who is it? The king is coming. How strange. How can you tell he is the king? There is a crown on his head. Around him is a crowd of people. Eh, is that what gives him greatness? Show it to them, let him see how the angels perform tawwaf! Tawaf is made around the Ka’aba. To make tawaf around a person is not acceptable Now those who are of little mind, they allow tawaf to be performed around the Ka’aba but if people come to visit the Beloved of Allah, Sayyidna Muhammad (sas), for whom all the worlds were created, if people come to visit him, they do not like it. No. Those who visit the Baytullah, there is honour in that. Eh, and who built it? Ibrahim (as), Isma’il (as). Who created man? The Lord of Might and Glory created him. So glorify him then, let man give honour to man! May he find honour! In the Gospels, the Torah, Zabur and the Holy Qur'an it says this. Come, o Shah-i Mardan! The battlefield is yours! Make these people understand that greatness lies not in false ranks or in clothes. That monkey, ha, they put a hat on the head of the monkey and he performs his monkey business there. He imitates them. Eh, putting a hat on his head, putting a shiny robe on his back gives him no honour. People only laugh at him in the end. Pay no attention to people's laughing! Their laughter brings you no profit. Does it come to you from heaven? Does it come from the Lord of Majesty? Does it come from the angels? That is honour for you, therein lies honour, not in the clothes you wear. Today is the day of Jum’a, yawmu l-jam’a, the Muslims gather and wish to offer to their Lord the blessed prayer of Jum’a. May it be blessed. At the same time it is the last day of Jumada lakhira. Tonight will be the first night of the holy month of Rajab. Next week is the holy night of Laylatu l-Ragha'ib. That is the night of Ragha'ib, a special holy night, holy night of prayer, we call it. Prepare yourself for that. Do not lose your way! You now run after false ranks and titles & (5 von 19)04.07.2013 23:20:23
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have forgotten your humanity. O you Shi’a and o ‘Alawi! To murder people, to burn their homes, to destroy everything by bomb blasts, - is that what Allah Almighty ordered you to do? If it is not, a whip will come down on your backs! Stop this! This is the holy month of Rajab, Shahru-llah, the month of Allah. If you have any regard for Allah, stop the bloodshed! Stop the killing, stop the burning and destruction! If you refuse to listen, overwhelming force will come and crush you soon. This Rajab will not be wasted. This advice is for Bashshar, for Husayn, for the Persian leader, Ahmedinejad, let him also listen. Let the Egyptian one listen. Everywhere, those who think they are something, they should listen. Otherwise - it is Allah's month. Let them show respect. Let them stop immediately, stop the killing! The community of the prophet ‘Isa, the prophet ‘Isa never took to arms. What is the Christian world doing throwing cannon balls, bombs, trying to lay waste the world. Is that 5 Christianity? Let His Holiness the Pope answer to this, let the Jewish people answer. Did the Prophet Musa order them to build planes, to kill people, to crush and stamp out innocent ones? No, he did not. Allah of exalted Glory, whose Majesty knows no limit, speaks: Those who fight against Me will be crushed and defeated. Come to us, o Shah-i Mardan! How well you say this! Chinese and Russian people had their own sages; did they order them to slay and to kill? Yet they murder countless people, uncounted numbers of people. They murder innocent people. They set fire to their homes and dwellings. Stop doing this! This is Rajab, the month of Allah. When he (S. Ali) raises his sword, he will leave not one oppressor in his place. Protect us O Lord. We repent O Lord, we repent and seek Your forgiveness. Show respect, so you may find respect. Come, O Shah-i Mardan, the field is yours. How good is your advice! Otherwise, I will go against them with my sword Dhu l-Fiqar, he says, against the Persians, Arabs, Turks and Kurds. I will let them know who I am. I am the Lion of Allah! I am Shah-i Mardan! I will pay them back! I will split the world like a melon, with spiritual power. I will bring down their apparent strength. Let us beware of that. May it be blessed, this holy month of Rajab, Allah's month. Let us run to Allah and repent. Let us look after the honour of humanity and not become butchers of men. No. Try to get even with shaytan, don't take it out on humans. Man is highly honoured. (6 von 19)04.07.2013 23:20:23
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O Lord, forgive us. O Shah-i Mardan, intercede for us. Teach us. Every day you come to us. I am a weak servant, they give me something to say according to my weakness. The whole world will be shaken and convulsed, if it is the Will of the Almighty, by a single ant. Let us therefore keep our manners. Let us keep a good manner, let us learn good manners. This day today is a blessed day, put down your weapons. If you do not listen, you will get what you deserve. O Lord, forgive us. "jundun min junudi-llah" - warriors of the warriors of Allah will come down in this month of Rajab. Let them beware. In this holy Rajab warriors will descend from heaven. Who does not believe this is an unbeliever. O My Beloved, He said, I have sent you 1000 angels, one following the other. If you say, it is not enough, 7000 will come. Angels distinctly marked, "musawwim". O ‘ulama' of al-Azhar, here, this is a noble "taswim" (mark). Leave your disbelief and enlist. Say, I also belong to "jundun min junudi-llah". [a regiment of Allah's legions] Have no fear! The rule of shaytan will be broken, starting in this holy month of Rajab. Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi Allahu Allah, Allahu hasbi. Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah. O our Lord, do forgive us. May Your Grace reach us. We are ashamed to ask You for Your Grace. A thousand times You turn the universe upside down with a single speck of revelation of Your Power -we are shy to speak of this. Allah can teach this world by means of a single ant, and consume it, as is said in the holy verse: "wa qalat namlatun" (27:18) "Ya ayyuha l-naml udkhulu masakinakum." (27:18) Allah Almighty teaches us through an ant. Who knows this little ant, a little female ant, namla; "Ya ayyuha l-naml udkhulu masakinakum" (27:18) Get out of the way, flee to your homes, shelter in 6 your nests. "la yahtimannakum Sulaymanu wa junuduhu" (27:18) The Prophet Sulayman and his army is passing by. Unknowing they might crush you, so go hide in your homes, He says. Take a lesson from this, O you scholars, O ‘ulama' of Persia and 'Alawi 'ulama', Allah Almighty does not just tell us stories in the Holy Qur'an. He is teaching us a lesson: "udkhulu masakinakum" - Before My vanquishing sword strikes you, retreat to your houses, your homes. O Shi’a, O 'Alawis! This is a stern warning! An ultimatum, as they say. In heaven. Otherwise, your future.. your punishment will come upon you. Our scripture is the Holy Qur'an. Our command is the Command of Allah. Rasulullah now has (7 von 19)04.07.2013 23:20:23
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the command. O Shah-i Mardan, come and speak. "By order of the Messenger of Allah (sas), I have begun to move Dhu l-Fiqar." says Sayyidna 'Ali (as), Shah-i Mardan. Beware, don't think you can stand against him. It gives the soldiers a stomach pain. We need no guns, no cannons. They die writhing where they stand. Fear Allah, O Shi'a, Fear Allah, o Bashshar, all you tyrants, fear Allah! Tawba, ya Rabbi, tawba, istaghfirullah. May our day of Jum’a be blessed; tonight we enter the month of Allah, during which falls Laylatu l-Ragha'ib. Shah-i Mardan speaks for the sake of Divine Grandeur and Majesty. Be careful, take heed. "udkhulu masakinakum." Otherwise, when Divine Wrath is revealed, you will all be destroyed. Tawba, ya Rabbi, tawba, istaghfirullah. Shukr ya Rabbi, shukr ya Rabbi, shukr, al-hamdulillah, ya Rabbi. Shah-i Mardan, cousin of our Prophet, Shah-i Mardan, the gate to the city of knowledge. Let us listen. Let these words be spoken in every language, you will be saved. Permission is given to carry a sword, there is permission to carry a sword. There is permission to carry a dagger, but we want no guns, tanks or cannons. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. When he says: Allahu Akbar, none of their guns and cannons will work. We are Muslims. We believe in our Lord, we believe in His Beloved. We believe in the Injil, the Torah, the Zabur. O Pope, tell your people not to make weapons in order to kill people. The Prophet 'Isa - 'ala nabina wa 'alayhi as-salatu wa salam - told you to turn the other cheek, when you are struck, so he might strike you on it as well. What sort of nation is your nation? To China, even to China Allah sent one to speak the truth. Confucius he is called. He was sent to counsel the people of his time. He also said: Do not exceed your limits! Do not overstep your capacity! You are like the little ant. When horses, elephants, lions pass over and step on you, you will be destroyed. Know your limits. Do not block the way. Leave the way open for Allah's servants. Allah has created this world for all humankind, not only for Chinese, Russian or Turkish people, or for Arab people alone. "inna ardi was'iatun fa-iyyaya f-a’budun" (29:56) My earth is wide, He says, tawsi’atu l-ard, He says, stretching, un