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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (290/777)
daß sie müde würden, indem sie der Welt hinterherlaufen müßten. Ohne daß sie sich anstrengen müßten, läßt er die Welt ihnen hinterherlaufen. Wenn sie salihin, Gute, sind, wird Der, der sie mir gab, Der sie mir gewährte, dies nicht (vor ihnen) verschließen. Glaubt nicht, daß, wenn ich sterbe, Er aufhört – wenn meine Kinder, meine Erben, auf meiner Linie sind. Allah der Allmächtige hört niemals auf, schneidet Seine Begünstigungen niemals von ihnen ab. Einverstanden? Zweitens, wenn sie keine Guten sind und ich ihnen diese Dinge überlasse, diese Reichtümer, wird dieser Reichtum sie schlechter machen oder ihnen mehr Gelegenheit geben, Schlechteres zu tun. Deswegen bewahre ich sie davor; ich lasse ihnen nichts, damit sie nicht noch viel ungehorsamer werden und hinter Shaitan herlaufen ... Deshalb habe ich die richtige Idee oder bin auf dem richtigen Weg, und ich (vermindere meine Güter) vor meinem Weggehen auf die beste Weise; deswegen gab ich alles weg – ohne mich zu sorgen.“ Da küßten sie seine Hand, die Hand des Guten. O ihr Leute, wenn es Zeit ist, spart nicht die Welt auf, sondern gebt weg, was von der Dunya kommt, gebt es weg. Denn es ist solch ein (Gleichgewicht), wenn du öffnest, kommt neues, wenn du schließst, hört es auf. Gib weg von dem, was zu dir kommt, dann schaut Allah der Allmächtige auf dich und läßt dies auf dich zulaufen. Aber die Leute haben jetzt Dollarzeichen in den Augen; sie denken nicht an das ewige Leben. Sie sind beschäftigt mit der materiellen Welt, denken aber niemals an ihr geistiges Wesen, an ihre Seelen. Versuche, für dein ewiges Leben anzusammeln. Spare nicht an für dich und für deine Kinder. Das ist die richtige Einstellung im wahren Islam. „Gib“, sagt Allah, „und Ich werde geben. Gibst du nicht, so gebe Ich nicht.“ (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:20:19

4108 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HorteNichtDieDingeDieserWelt

Möge Allah uns vergeben. Allah allah ...

Lefke - 18.03.2000 (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:20:19

4109 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HörtZuUndVersuchtEsInDieTatUmzusetzen

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HörtZuUndVersuchtEsInDieTatUmzusetzen


This page doesn't exist yet. Maybe you want to create it?örtZuUndVersuchtEsInDieTatUmzusetzen04.07.2013 23:20:19

4110 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HourDrawsNear

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HourDrawsNear


The Hour Draws Near

    Iqtarabat as-Sa`aa wa anshaqqa ‘l-qamar. The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh and the moon is cleft asunder. (Surat al-Qamar, 54:1) We are Your servants, O our Lord! Have mercy on our weaknesses and our going astray!    Wa khuliq al-insaanu da`eefa. Man is created weak. (Surat an-Nisa, 4:28) Have mercy on our weakness, O our Lord!      Inna kayda ash-Shaytan kaana da`eefa. Feeble indeed is the cunning of Shaytan. (Surat an-Nisa, 4:76) We are weak, but Shaytan is also weak! Dumbfounded, he jumps up and down as there is nothing else for him to do now; he is astonished. All kinds of springs have opened up to lead astray the Sons of Adam. Shaytan has put forth all his capital for the sake of ruining the Sons of Adam, and now he has nothing left to do; this is his end point. Now he is shaking, because as soon as the sultan comes he will be finished, as the sultan will bring (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:20:20

4111 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HourDrawsNear

all that he is doing to an end. Allah, Allah. May Allah protect us.                                 Yaa ayyuha ‘n-nas `ittaqoo rabbakum inna zalzalati ’s-sa`ati shay`un `azheem yawma tarawnahaa tadhalu kullu murdi`atin `amma arda`at wa tada`u kullu dhaati hamlin hamlahaa wa tara an-nasa sukaara wa ma hum bi-sukaara wa laakinna `adhab Allahi shadeed. O Mankind! Fear your Lord, for the convulsion of the Hour will be a thing terrible! The Day you shall see it, every mother giving suck shall forget her suckling babe, and every pregnant female shall drop her load (unformed). You will see Mankind as a drunken riot yet not drunk, but dreadful will be the wrath of Allah! (Surat al-Hajj, 22:1,2) Allah, Allah! How can we possibly endure this? There is no endurance. He will crush! If His subduement comes it will destroy this whole universe, and we are not even a dot next to it! Yaa Malik al-Mulk! “Alif” and “lam” designate His Oneness. Mawlana Shaykh Hisham, Mawlana Shaykh Adnan: And ta`reef, “exquisiteness.” Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Ta`reef? I didn’t learn that, my teacher (...) Mawlana Shaykh Adnan: The donkey learns only after repeating several times. (Laughter) Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Poor animals, they will also finish; nothing will be left of them. Mawlana Shaykh Adnan: Will the Mulk, Dominion finish? Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: No, the Creation is continuing. From the first to its first and from the last to its last. Allahu Akbar al-Akbar! Amaan, yaa Rabbee! Fatihah. (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:20:20

4112 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HourDrawsNear

The `Alawiyyeen have risen (in Syria). The headquarters is in the air and in the oceans. They will enjoin the soldiers from above to meet the small party of Islam in the valley of `Ummuk. They will appear there, however:    Yamkuroona wa yamkuru ‘l-Allah. They plot and plan, and Allah too plans. (Surat al-Anfal, 8:30) There is a plot for their plots; wa makaroo wa makara ‘Llah. Who can carry it? They will finish even through an ant. They stood up alive and fell as dead, nafsin nahaara. Amaan, yaa Rabbee. Tawba, astaghfirullah. Tawba, astaghfirullah. Fatihah. O our Lord! Make our obstacles easy for us in every way and save us from the hands of dunya and from the afflictions in the Hereafter, for the sake of Your honorable Prophet (s), the Prophet of Mercy! Fatihah. They (armies) have all come together from the Heavens and Earth. Mawlana Shaykh Hisham: Allahu Akbar! We never heard this before! It is such a perfect interpretation. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Allahu Akbar! What interpretation is this? The interpretation comes from them. The armies of the Heavens have come together:     wa lillahi junoodu ’s- samawaati wa ‘l-`ard. For to Allah belong the Forces of the heavens and the earth (Surat al-Fath, 48:7) They will descend from above and come together with the people on Earth and clean the Earth like sweeping (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:20:20

4113 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HourDrawsNear

with a broom, and there won’t be any living being on the face of Earth. It would be impossible to say that in the first era that there were would be people living here, cities and all. It will become an ocean of sand. You cannot say that before one-thousand years because people lived here with animals, plants, oceans. They will be surprised. The order is between the “kaf” and “noon” of “Kun faya kun!” (The holy command, “Be! And it is.” 36:82) Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! O our Lord! Have mercy on our going astray and have mercy on our weakness. O our Lord! Forgive and have mercy on us as You are the Best of those who show mercy! Fatihah. Lefke, 20.04.2011

WebSufiLive, CategoryResurrection (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:20:20

4114 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HouseOfTheLord

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HouseOfTheLord


The House of The Lord

Audhu Billah min ash-shaytan ar-rajim Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Good tidings for the believers, the ones who are acting according to the Sharia' of Allah (swt) and the sunnah of His Prophet (saws) Glorify our Lord Allahu Akbar Al Akbar! Wa Lillahi Al Hamd, and to His Prophet (saws) Salat & salams from pre-Eternity up to Eternity. May Allah increase his honour & glory & those who follow him until Judgment Day. O believers! Ramadan came to us! Ramadan came to us! This is how the Egyptian people say it. Ramadan came to us! Every Ramadan comes loaded with the blessings of earth and the grants of Heavens. Good tidings to those who appreciate its value, who honours & glorifies (the holy month) and obeys the orders of our Lord (jwa) by fasting & by praying. We are at the beginning of the blessed month, the month of the blessed Ramadan. But I am sorry that the Muslim countries are in a very bad situation, that has broken the hearts of the believers. We beg Allah (swt) that He may remove from us the persistence of these shaytans who are not praising the glory of Al Haqq & Islam as the religion that is honoured in the worlds & in Heavens. The Islamic religion gave honour to the Arabs & non-Arabs. Before Islam there was not any knowledge about the Arabs. They weren't known. They were living in the plains of... in the (1 von 12)04.07.2013 23:20:21

4115 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HouseOfTheLord

desert. Tribes and their affairs were only among themselves. Allah, Subhana wa Ta'ala ordered Sayidina Ibrahim (as) to build Baytullah in the middle of the plains of Arabia. And by the signs from Heavens, Sayidina Ibrahim (as) knew where he was to build Baytullah. He & his son Sayidina Ismail (as), Hajar, the mother of Ismail (as), with them in the middle of the desert with no water, nor vegetation and no signs of life. As if nobody lived there from the beginning of life to our days now, Subhana Allah. He & his son (as), by the order of Al Haqq, began to build & Allah (swt) made the water of Zam Zam gush out for them. He (swt) gave them life, because life is with water. "Wa Ja`alna Mina Al-Ma'i Kulla Shay'in Hayyin" (21:30) "And We have made from water every living thing" (21:30). And up to now, maybe 5000 years from the time of Sayidina Ibrahim (as) until our time now, the same longing, love and excitement in the hearts to go & to visit the Baytullah/ House of The Lord. We see that every night, every day so many people, hundreds & thousands people make tawaf/circumambulate the Baytullah..... This is the message from Heavens: it started where there were no possibilities but with the order of The Lord of Heavens, life started in the middle of the desert. Look, about 5000 years ago or more, that excitement, and love & attraction to the direction of Baytullah Al Haram is still flowing among the Muslims, the believers. And before them the Arab tribes used to visit. They knew that it was not normal that the House of the Lord was in the middle of the desert where there was no possibility for life. Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. "'Innama Amruhu Idha Arada Shay'an An Yaqula Lahu Kun Fayakunu" (36:82) And now O people O... Arabs, O believers, O people of the Book! In their Holy Books there is "House of the Lord"; "House of Lord" is mentioned in their books. Where is the "House of the Lord", Meaning Baytullah? They know it but they deny it. The ones who know it, Allah (awj) gave them honour. Those who denied it their situation is under ground; they have no value and no glory for them. But now millions of people are gathering there in Baytullah since it was built by Sayidina Ibrahim (as) and peace be on our Prophet (saws). Then people disputed because they were worshipping idols, idol worshippers... They argued. Allah (jwa) sent to them one Prophet (saws), Sayidina Rasulullah (saws). The rest of them (the Prophets) are from the children of Sayidina Is'haq (as). The Arabs are from Sayidina Ismail (as) Ismawil Ishmawil, Ishaq, (2 von 12)04.07.2013 23:20:21

4116 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HouseOfTheLord

Ishmawil.... and their descendents are continuing on up to our days now. From the children of Sayidina Ismail (as) and from the children of S. Ishaq aleyhi salam, and to his father Sayidina Ibrahim (as). Salat Allahu wa Salamu on the Master of beginning & end Sayidina Muhammad (saws). Everytime they glorify him, Allah (awj) grants them honour. Every time they leave off glorifying him, something comes down on them, comes down on them - poverty & oppression and humiliation. And, Allah (awj) sent the Prophet (saws) of the end of times, Sayidina Rasulullah, Sayidina Muhammad (saws) and he (saws) alone stood by Divine order when a call from Heavens came, "Ya Muhammad stand up & warn!" So he stood up, Sayidina Muhammad (saws) and called out to people: "O people, your Lord is The most High. There is no Lord but Him, the Lord of Heavens & Earths, He created you. He is your Creator, your Sultan. Come and submit to Him so that He, your Lord (jwa), may grant you honour above honour." And those among them, some of the tribes that are linked to the path of Sayidina Ismail (as), some of them are believers & some are non believers. They worshipped the idols & changed everything. And therefore they remained in dishonour and humiliation. Nothing is known about them. In history it is mentioned that under the leadership of the Iranians their Sultan - what's his name? - Qisra - under his leadership they are forgotten, nothing is mentioned about them. And Allah Almighty sent at the end of times, to declare His Oneness and His Unity from Pre-Eternal to Eternal, our Lord Allah Almighty, The Lord of Heavens & Earth. My Arabic is very limited but I wish that what I am saying is understood first of all by our brothers the Arabs, the Muslim Arabs, the believers. It was wished or hoped or expected that the first to believe in the Prophet (saws) of the end of times would be the Arabs. But they fought him, but "Wa qul jaa al Haqqu wa zahaqal batil inna Al Batil kana Zahuqa". But they insisted and they were proud and arrogant and they wanted to raise the banners of their idols. And they were not granted the chance to do so. And the Prophet (saws) of the end of times by himself, he came up on the mount of Safa' & called them - "O people Come & say La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammad ar- Rasulullah." And he said "I am sent. I am from the offspring of the Prophet Ismail (as) & his father S. Ibrahim(as), his teaching. And he taught the people to say "La Ilaha illa Allah. I am the (3 von 12)04.07.2013 23:20:21

4117 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HouseOfTheLord

last of the teachers who will came to teach you. I came to teach you That Allah (swt) is One, Wahidun Ahad, Samad (jj) Lam Yalid Wa Lam Yulad Walam Yakun Lahu Kufuwan 'Ahadun (Surah 112) Prophecy is with me come & follow me and then Allah Almighty will love you. If you love Allah (swt) follow me. Then Allah Almighty will love you." Allahu Akbar! The one who loved S. Muhammad (saws) became loved by the Heavenly ones. And those who refused they became rubbish on earth and they have no way to reach Heaven. They have no chance for Eternal life. This is a summary according to what came as an inspiration to the heart of a weak servant and I am saying this to remind the Muslim people. This is the first point, and the second to all the creation on the face of earth. What is more important is to remind those who claim that they are Muslims & they say that their Religion is Islam & their Sharia is the Sharia of Islam. Those who change their ways, Allah Almighty will change their situation. If you keep your oath Allah Almighty will keep His oath with you. If you leave your oath, Allah Almighty will make you the most dishonoured of people. Then you will eat one another. Glory to Allah Almighty! O believers & Muslims from the Arabs & non Arabs, return to the Divine Sharia', return to the Book of Allah (swt). You will find the news of the nations that came before you and the news of the nations that will come after you. Then Allah (swt) will raise your honour here & in the Hereafter. And you will be happy here & in the Hereafter & you will have Eternal life if you follow the book of Allah (swt) & the Sharia of Allah (swt). Otherwise your place & position will be under earth, Naudhu Billah, in hellfire forever. O people! Think. These are some words what were inspired to my heart & my chest and you masha'Allah have many scholars to remind you. Maybe before you were born, I was in Egypt the Protected for a visit. By Divine Wisdom I went there. I was with my companion from Damascus. I was standing waiting for the train, so it could take us to the south of Cairo or even more south. My age at that time, maybe I was 30 years old and I was there waiting at the station. Someone came to me. He looked like one seeking knowledge. He looked at me & said "Ya Shaykh, from where do you come?" I told him, I came from Damascus. "What do you think of the people of Egypt here. Do they listen to you? Do they (4 von 12)04.07.2013 23:20:21

4118 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HouseOfTheLord

learn from you?" I told him, I am not claming that, but I came to visit. Then he looked at me. He was as tall as a palm tree. O Sheikh, here, here in our country there are 300,000 Azhari scholars. Which means we don't need your advice we have Azhari Sheikhs, 300,000 Azhari Shaykhs! Is there no mind?! Anger overcame me! Truly, I became very angry. And I told him, O Sheikh if you say you have 300 000 Azhar scholars then why is all this corruption in your country? 300 000 Azhar scholars and the country is like this? Not one of them is following Allah's Sharia or his Prophet's Sunnah? How can this be?! Here there are maybe 1 million Azhar scholars, what is the benefit? They didn't educate Muslims about their Prophet's Sharia! This is the important measure, not the number of Azhar scholars! No! That was 50 years ago, the first tyrant was there at that time. This until now, maybe it is 50 years or more. This story that I am telling you I witnessed myself! My Arabic is little, put it in order and convey it to people for them and their conscience. If you have as many thousands of Azhar scholars who are doctors how many sick people do you have? Why can't they treat you? Where is your treatment?! There is nothing except what happened. Allah (swt) sent on them first from tyrants, those who ruined all the rules of Islam from begining to end and made the country irreligious! And what happened, happened because of this falsehood. Audhu Billah. And I am sorry for our scholars who have no words to send away those tyrants who are the remnants of Pharaohs! May Allah (swt) disgrace them all! This is for the people of Egypt. There is alot of talk also about the rest of the countries. But I hope from our Lord that my words are accepted because they are in accordance with His strong Sharia. If anyone says this Shaykh is without mind - whoever says Allah (swt) is never without mind. Never! Al Hamdulillah wa Shukr Ya Rabbi. Praise be to You! Send us a king to fight for Your sake. O people of Egypt, a King to bring your honor back! Or till the end of times you will have no honor, no status, and no possibility or presence of the heart. And no thanking from our Lord (jwa). May Allah forgive us. Ya Rabbi, Tawba Ya Rabbi. Tawba Astaghfirullah. Tawba Ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Your pardon & acceptance for the sake of the Blessed month of Ramadan. Forgive us our Lord. (5 von 12)04.07.2013 23:20:21

4119 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HouseOfTheLord

Send us a king to fight for Your sake. East and West. This is Your promise, and Your promise is Haqq! Ya Rabbina, Send us a King, Mahdi (as). Allahu Akbarul Akbar upon whoever is transgressing. May god disgrace them and throw them out! Throw them out! These are the people of sickness! May Allah throw them out of Muslim countries! O Muslims, consider these words and think! And if my speech is wrong, then you don't know anything! You are young people who were made to be imitators of the west in all their steps! You will not succeed! Whoever follows the steps of shaytan, and makes him rule like he is ruling in non Muslim countries, will not succeed! Ya Rabbi, O my Lord don't leave us to ourselves. For the sake of holy Ramadan, O my Lord send us a King. Send us a King. We don't want presidents. We don't want parliaments. We don't want groups. No! We want the banner of the Prophet (saws) put in the middle of your country and Allah (swt) will support you, otherwise you will not be victorious! Ever! Astaghfirullah. Ya Rabbi forgive us and forgive us, and inspire us witih sense. Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Ya Rabbi. Fatiha. Arabs like this. Israel like this. Turks like this. Non Arabs like this! All like this. All of them are the same. No one is following, not a single one is on, the path of Allah's orders. No. They are following neither the Bible, nor the Torah, astaghfirullah.

Das Haus des Herrn

Audhu Billahi mina sh-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Gute Nachrichten für die Gläubigen, diejenigen, die nach der Shariat Allahs (swt) und der Sunnah Seines Propheten (saws) handeln, um unseren Herrn zu preisen, Allahu Akbaru l-Akbar! Wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Und für Seinen Propheten (saws) Salatu wa Salam von Vorewigkeit bis Ewigkeit. Möge Allah seine Ehre und seinen Preis vergrößern und für jene, die ihm folgen, bis zum Tag des Gerichts. (6 von 12)04.07.2013 23:20:21

4120 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HouseOfTheLord

Gläubige, Ramadan ist zu uns gekommen! Ramadan ist zu uns gekommen! So sagen es die Ägypter. Ramadan ist zu uns gekommen! Jeder Ramadan kommt beladen mit den Segnungen der Erde und den Gaben der Himmel. Gute Nachrichten für die, die den Wert zu würdigen wissen, die (den heiligen Monat) ehren und preisen und den Befehlen unseres Herrn (jwa) gehorchen durch Fasten und Beten. Wir sind am Anfang des gesegneten Monats, des Monats des gesegneten Ramadans. Aber leider sind die Muslimländer in einer sehr schlechten Lage. Das hat das Herz der Gläubigen gebrochen. Wir bitten Allah (swt), die Fortdauer dieser Shaytane von uns zu nehmen, die die Herrlichkeit von Al Haqq und den Islam als Religion, die in den Welten und Himmeln geehrt ist, nicht preisen. Die Islamische Religion gab den Arabern und Nicht-Arabern Ehre. Vor dem Islam gab es kein Wissen über die Araber. Sie waren nicht bekannt. Sie lebten in den Ebenen von.. in der Wüste. Stämme und deren Angelegenheiten waren nur untereinander. Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala befahl Sayyidina Ibrahim (as), Baytullah zu bauen inmitten der Ebenen Arabiens. Und durch die Zeichen von den Himmeln wußte Sayyidina Ibrahim (as), wo er Baytullah bauen sollte. Er und sein Sohn Sayyidina Ismail (as), Hajjar, die Mutter Ismails (as), mit ihnen in der Mitte der Wüste ohne Wasser, ohne Vegetation und ohne Zeichen von Leben. Als ob dort niemand gelebt hatte seit dem Beginn des Lebens bis in unsere Tage jetzt, Subhana Allah. Er und sein Sohn (as), auf Befehl von Al Haqq, begannen zu bauen, und Allah (swt) ließ das Wasser von Zamzam für sie hervorsprudeln. Er (swt) gab ihnen Leben, weil Leben mit dem Wasser ist. "Wa Ja`alna Mina l-Ma'i Kulla Shay'in Hayyin" (21:30). 'Und wir machten aus dem Wasser jedes lebende Ding' (21:30). Und bis heute, vielleicht 5000 Jahre seit der Zeit von Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) bis in unsere Zeit jetzt, gibt es dasselbe Verlangen, dieselbe Liebe und Aufregung in den Herzen, zu gehen und Baytullah, das Haus des Herrn, zu besuchen. Wir sehen, daß jede Nacht, jeden Tag so viele Menschen, Hunderte und Tausende von Menschen, Tawaf, die Umschreitung von Baytullah, machen. Dies ist die Botschaft der Himmel: Es begann, wo es keine Möglichkeiten gab, aber durch den Befehl des Herrn der Himmel, begann das Leben in der Mitte der Wüste. Seht, seit ungefähr 5000 Jahren oder mehr diese Aufregung und Liebe und Anziehungskraft in Richtung Baytullah Al Haram fließt immer noch unter den Muslimen, den Gläubigen. (7 von 12)04.07.2013 23:20:21

4121 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HouseOfTheLord

Und schon vor ihnen pflegten die arabischen Stämme den Ort zu besuchen. Sie wußten, daß es nicht normal war, daß das Haus des Herrn in der Mitte der Wüste stand, wo es keine Möglichkeit für Leben gab. Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. "Innama Amruhu Idha Arada Shay'an An Yaqula Lahu Kun Fayakunu" (36:82). Und jetzt, Leute, Araber, Gläubige, Leute des Buches! In ihren Heiligen Büchern kommt das Haus des Herrn vor. Das Haus des Herrn ist in ihren Büchern erwähnt. Wo ist das Haus des Herrn, das bedeutet, Baytullah? Sie wissen es, aber sie verleugnen es. Denjenigen, die es wissen, gab Allah (awj) Ehre. Jene, die es verleugnen, ihre Lage liegt danieder. Sie haben keinen Wert, und für sie gibt es keinen Ruhm. Aber jetzt versammeln sich Millionen von Leuten dort beim Baytullah, seit es von Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) gebaut wurde, und Friede sei auf unserem Propheten (saws). Dann stritten die Leute, weil sie Götzen anbeteten, Götzenanbeter... Sie stritten. Allah (jwa) sandte zu ihnen einen Propheten, Sayyidina Rasulullah (saws). Die übrigen Propheten kommen von den Kindern von Sayyidina Is'haq (as), die Araber sind von Sayyidina Ismail (as), Ismawil, Ishmawil, Ishaq, Ishmawil... und ihre Nachkommen leben weiter bis in unsere Tage jetzt. Von den Kinder von Sayyidina Ismail (as) und von den Kindern von S. Ishaq (as) und bis zu seinem Vater Sayyidina Ibrahim (as). Salatu Allahu wa Salamu auf den Meister von Anfang und Ende, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). Jedesmal, wenn sie ihn preisen, gibt Allah (awj) ihnen Ehre. Jedesmal, wenn sie aufhören, ihn zu preisen, kommt etwas auf sie herab, kommt auf sie herab Armut, Unterdrückung und Erniedrigung. Und Allah (awj) sandte den Propheten des Zeitenendes (saws), Sayyidina Rasulullah, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). Und er stand allein durch Göttlichen Befehl, als der Ruf von den Himmeln kam: Ya Muhammad, steh auf und warne sie! Also stand er auf, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) und rief den Menschen zu: 'Leute, euer Herr ist der Höchste. Es gibt keinen Herrn außer Ihm, dem Herrn der Himmel und Erden. Er hat euch erschaffen. Er ist euer Schöpfer, euer Sultan. Kommt und unterwerft euch Ihm, so daß Er, euer Herr (jwa), euch Ehre über Ehre gewähren möge.' Und jene unter ihnen, einige der