Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (234/777)
o mein Herr, sage ich. O Shah Mardan, Meister des Bereiches, wie wunderbar du zu uns gesprochen hast, was für ein herrlicher Vortrag, der auf das Falsche der Menschheit hinwies, der ihre Fehler nannte. Der Weg des Propheten des Zeitenendes ist dünner als ein Haar und schärfer als ein Schwert. Warum sagt ihr das nicht, o Gelehrte der Azhar Sharif, of Gelehrte von Damaskus, o Gelehrte von Aleppo? Ihr habt falsche Dinge getan, so kamen diese Probleme auf eure Köpfe herab. Ihr habt euch zu sehr mit weltlichen Dingen beschäftigt, ihr ließet euch von weltlichen Freuden binden. Als Ergebnis euerer Achtlosigkeit ist dies ein Schlag ins Gesicht von den Himmeln für die, die auf der Erde sind. Ihr seid der neuesten Mode gefolgt und habt die Sunna verlassen, aber die Mode der Muslime ist die Sunna ihres Propheten und die Sunna seines Ahlu l-Bayt, der Mitglieder seines Haushalts. Ihr hörtet nicht, ihr folgtet der Mode. Jetzt regnet es Feuer auf eure Köpfe! Dieses sind Steine, die von den Himmeln herabkommen. O unser Herr, wir bereuen. O mein Herr, Reue, o mein Herr, Reue. Ich suche Allahs Vergebung! Gnade, o mein Herr, laß uns nicht zu den Unterdrückern gehören! Ich bin kein Unterdrücker und Ich bin nicht glücklich mit Unterdrückung, sagt Allah, der Majestätische. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar wa Huwa Takabbar wa Tajabbar - Allah ist größer und Er ist der Eine, Der in Seinem Stolz Größe beansprucht und mit Gewalt zwingt. Der Absolute Erzwinger ist Allah, der Majestätische, der Eigner Absoluter Größe, der Glorreiche Herr der Macht. Also erkennt euere Grenzen. Stellt das Feuer ein! Wenn ihr bis Rajab nicht aufhört, werden so viele Köpfe fallen. Woher kamen sie? werden sie sagen. Selbst eine Ameise wird den Angriff verstärken und zum Kämpfer werden durch Himmlischen Willen. Paßt auf, o Schiiten, o Perser, o Alawiten. Erkennt euere Grenzen. Und ihr, die ihr Allah verlassen habt, um das Kreuz anzubeten, und die Kirchenglocken läutet, wisset, Religion ist kein Spiel, und kommt auf den Weg der Wahrheit. Unser Herr, wirf uns nicht unter die, die weit von dem rechten Weg abgewichen sind, und wirf sie weit weg von unseren Köpfen. O Türken, Kurden, Araber, o ihr, die im Osten und Westen sind, hört gut zu. Allah der Majestätische spielt keine Spiele. Er spielt nicht. Er ist Allah! Er wird einen Diener senden. Das heißt, wenn Shah Mardan kommt und sein Schwert zieht, fürchtet sein Schwert und hütet euch! Er wird aller Unterdrückung ein Ende bereiten. Wenn ihr bis Rajab aufgehört habt, habt ihr aufgehört. Wenn ihr nicht aufgehört habt, wird eine andere Göttliche Erscheinung kommen, die alles hinwegwischt und in der Ebene von Amuk endet. Der Ort Amuk ist, wo al-Malhama al-Kubra - die größte der Schlachten - stattfinden wird. Viele (19 von 20)04.07.2013 23:17:56
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werden dort zur Rechenschaft gezogen. Damaskus wird dann verschlossen sein. Damaskus wird nicht erobert, bis das geschieht. Möge Allah uns vergeben! Reue, o mein Herr, Reue. Ich suche Allahs Vergebung. Möge Allah uns weit weg halten von den Schwertern der Rache. Wer keine Barmherzigkeit zeigt, dem wird keine Barmherzigkeit gezeigt werden. Hütet euch, o Schiiten, wenn ihr wirklich Muslime seid. Wir sagen nicht, ihr seid keine Muslime, also warum zeigt ihr uns diese Feindschaft? Wir sind Schiiten, wir sind Sunniten, wir alle sind Allahs Diener. Paßt auf, wunderbare Geschehnisse des Rajab kommen. Wenn etwas auf euere Köpfe herabkommt, sagt nicht, daß ihr nicht vorgewarnt wart in dieser Welt. Wa min Allaha t-Tawfiq - Und von Allah ist aller Erfolg. Fatiha. Lefke, 18.04.2013
WebSaltanatOrg (20 von 20)04.07.2013 23:17:56
3354 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FromYouToYou
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FromYouToYou
From You, to You!
(Mawlana Shaykh stands) Laa ilaaha illa-Llah, laa ilaaaha illa-Llah, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Muhammadan Rasoolullah, `alayhi salaatullah! Wa salaamuh wa `ala jamee`i 'l-anbiyaa wa 'l-mursaleen, wa khudamaa'i sharai`ahim. Allahuma alhimnaa rushdana yaa Rabbaana, wa asta`idh min sharri anfusanaa! As-salaamu `alaykum yaa `ibaadAllahi 's-saaliheen! As-salamu `alaykum yaa Saahib az-Zamaan! As-salamu `alaykum yaa Saahib al-Imdaad! As-salamu `alaykum yaa Qutb az-Zamaan! Agheethoona yaa RijaalAllah! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) We say, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Yaa Rabbana, give us from Your endless forgiveness! Grant us for the honor of Your most honored one, Sayyidina Muhammad (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-`Akhireen, Saahib ar-Risaalat ul-Mutlaqa wa Khalifat ul- Haqiqa habeebak ighfir lanaa w 'arhamna wa`afuw `anna w 'aghfir lanaa w 'arhamnaa! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Huuuuu. Huuuu, Huuu. Huuuu, Huuuu, Hu. Huuuu, Hu, Huuuu, Huuuuuu, Hu. Huuuuu, Huuuuu, Huuuuuuu, Huuuuuuu. We are happy and we are so grateful for our Lord, Who created us and granted us maa laa aynun ra`at wa laa udhnun sami`at wa laa khatara `ala qalbi bashar, “What no eye has seen, no ear has ever heard and what never occurred to any heart.” He is Qadir al-Muqtadir! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem! Bismillahi 'r- (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:17:57
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Rahmani 'r-Raheem! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem! AntAllah. O our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum. As-salaamu `alaykum, yaa as-haabu 'n-Nawba, looking after ummat al-Habeeb throughout the east and west, defending believers! Every kind of disaster is appearing in our days and raining on people, who will be astonished, not knowing what they can do! O Salaaf as-Saalih `ulamas! As-salaamu `alaykum. They are claiming this name for themselves, so we must address them by this title they chose! And really, taalib al-`ilmin, those who are asking for more knowledge, must try to learn daily and raise their knowledge to another base of knowledge, because knowledge levels are countless. They may see a horizon and think it is the last limit of knowledge. When they get there, they are finding another horizon for knowledge that is brighter, more powerful, and more honored. Whoever may reach there may take something from that level, because the Lord of Heavens is never giving an order to His servants without giving them something, because His ikraam, generosity, is from pre-Eternal running to Eternal! Everything with our Lord is Eternal. You may say, "Eternity," without understanding it, because it is impossible for any Creation to understand the last limit of Allah Almighty's generosity. When you are reaching one level, you are going to be dressed with glory, because knowledge is a reason for dressing the servants of the Lord with glory! We are asking for glory! Now all people on Earth are trying to reach glory that belongs to this life. It is only like a spark, but people are running to reach that spark of glory, yes. O Salaaf as-Saalih `ulamas! You don't want to reach from one step to another? You are not trying to find the real steps, that when you move one step further, you find another glory dressing you. You are fixed, your self never moves! If you move a little bit, then open yourself, and then you will see something you never imagined, heard or knew! When you open your heart, you reach an unexpected level of glory! O People! O Mankind! O Believers! Don't think that prophets came to teach you about this muwaqqat, temporary time on this planet. They are not coming to teach you about this dunya. No one is interested in dunya, no. But we are on the wrong way and therefore, I am shouting. And Wahhabi people are no-minded, they are not understanding, but Salafi `ulamas must understand that prophets were not coming to teach you about this temporary time, that is like the spark of a match. They were never coming for that! They were (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:17:57
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coming to open the ways of glory for you, in seconds or less! It is well known through heavenly people that every 24 hours, 24,000 veils are going to be opened for everyone. What is for you is for you, and what is for him is something else. The Lord of Heavens is not making another copy to grant you what He granted to him, no! Prophets came and therefore, we are in a time that we must understand about prophecy. Then we must come to our real selves, because we left our real beings and came to an imitated being. Li kulli shay`in haqiqah, "Everything has a reality." Your reality is something, and his reality is something else! The Lord of Heavens is manifesting to all of Mankind and His divine manifesting to you is never going to be the same as for someone else. Everything is in its own appearance, it is different. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! O People! You must try to know and to learn. People are not asking for anything, only for this short time, which is like the spark of a match that will quickly burn away. You must know that Allah Almighty sent prophets to this world to open you, to you! Inna fatahnaa laka fathan mubeena. Verily We have given you (O Prophet) a manifest opening! (48:1) Astaghfirullah. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) O `ulamas! That is endless Glory Oceans an Lightning Oceans to Mankind! Inna fatahnaa laka fathan mubeena. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultaan Allah Inna fatahnaa laka fathan mubeena. They are looking at our weakness, keeping Glory Oceans open to us through this holy verse! (...) I am fearing to say something on that point, astaghfirulllah, astaghfirullah, because our attenders are not prepared for even as much as a needle's eye! If this is opened, not only dunya, but everything in existence will disappear in a time that cannot be measured! O Attenders! Where are you? Tooba `alayna, good tidings to you, to me, and also to who understands from among Salafi `ulamas! O Salafi `ulamas! You are from Mankind, I am from Mankind, but the Lord of Heavens is making me say (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:17:57
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something to make you wake up. That is a heavenly order coming from Heavens to Earth! “O My servants! Wake up, because time is finished and they are going to be late to be dressed with glorious dressings. If I am dressing them from glorious dressings, on the Day of Resurrection they will appear in such a way that people are going to be shot down.” O People! Try to learn a little bit. It is not from your universities, high schools, colleges and academies. Those things have no value! But the Lord of Heavens is asking to grant you such a knowledge that is going to appear to you, fatahnaa laka, an opening coming to you, from you to you! That is the holy verse: "from you to you"! From you to you! From me to you! From you to them! O People! Try to learn before losing your chance for a glorious being in the Hereafter. All prophets swam in Glory Oceans, but it is hidden for others. The Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s) (Mawlana Shaykh stands) said, “Time by time, I am going to be with my Lord.” (Mawlana Shaykh sits) An opening is coming. No one is understanding! No one is understanding! Allah Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. O People! Try to learn to reach heavenly honors, to reach Divine Glory. Oooh! Give everything and try to learn that. O Salafi `ulamas! You are reciting one holy hadeeth and saying, "That is the meaning of this hadeeth ash- shareef.” They are not fearing, they have the courage to say, "That is the meaning of this holy verse." No, no, no! Allah Almighty is putting in front of you Sayyidina Muhammad (s), the Seal of Prophets, mu`allimu 'n- naas ul-khayr, “The teacher of goodness to Mankind." (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) He is teacher of everyone, the teacher of prophets and angels, Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-`Akhireen! O People! Try not to waste your short life and try not to be deceived by or astonished with your knowledge. Don't be cheated by what Shaytan is saying, "This is so good, so beautiful." No, don't follow shaytanic understandings; they make you fall into the darkness of your dirty egos. They know, and they are making me speak about this. If they are closing, then I can't speak nor understand; at that time, you may understand more than me. O our Attenders! Give some precious time daily, even minutes, and give some time for thinking. Think! Don’t think all night about tomorrow, “What will I be expected to do?” That takes your honor away, but we must (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:17:57
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choose the daily, new dressings of honor. We must reach, and you must try to make your beliefs from the level of imitation to reality level. And then from that reality level, countless openings will come to you and when you are taken to your graveyard, you will say, “Oh! I lost my chance." but then it will be useless; you will be like grass, under the feet of creatures. Big trees can’t be under the feet of people, but small ones will always be under the feet of creatures. O People! Thank you for always taking care for hearing and listening and trying to understand. And everyone is just given a grant of something to understand, so don't lose it daily! Try to make it higher, higher, higher, reaching up to Divinely Glory Oceans. May Allah forgive us, for the honor of the Seal of Prophets (s), Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-`Akhireen, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) Fatihah. (40 minutes) (1027 viewers) Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah. Allah knows. (Mawlana Shaykh speaks with Shaykh Hisham Effendi and Hajjah Naziha on the phone.) Lefke, 16.09.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryMuhammad (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:17:57
3359 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FuelOfDhikr
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FuelOfDhikr
Rasoolullah (Sal) said that you should speak to people so that they are able to understand. If they are not able to understand, then what you speak – you are wasting – mubudiroom Ikwanus Shaiteen. Haji Ismail is asking me a question on “Ruh” (Soul), and asking me to say something that would be easy to understand, and easy to remember. It is also a question on knowledge (As suaatu nisful ilm). If a person does not know something, he does not ask any questions concerning it. If a person wants knowledge about something he must already have some knowledge of it and the reason he is questioning about it, is to make his knowledge a certainty. He asks questions so that doubt may leave his mind. Doubt should leave and give its place to certainty. We are in need to save ourselves from doubt, particularly regarding beliefs. Doubts are sometimes illnesses of the heart. Therefore you must not leave any room for doubts in your hearts, because when doubts are cleared, certainty begins. There are many levels of certainty. Do not think that you will reach to perfect certainty in one step. You can reach to perfect certainty only gradually, step by step. Once when a muezzin was making the call to prayer and was saying “Allahu Akbar”, (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:17:58
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Mansoor al Hallaj (may Allah bless him) shouted out, “Oh liar”. The people who heard this caught hold of him and took him to the judge (qadi) and complained to the judge that he called the muezzin a liar, when he called out “Allahu Akbar”, and requested the judge to punish him. The judge asked Mansoor whether he called the muezzin a liar, when the muezzin called out “Allahu Akbar”. He replied “Yes, I called him a liar”. The judge said “what do you mean, how do you know that he is a liar”. Then Mansoor al Hallaj said “come with me all of you who are here”. All of them followed him to the place of a blacksmith where there was a big piece of iron. He then stood on top of this piece of iron and shouted out “Allahu Akbar”. The iron began to melt and run like water, then Mansoor said, “If he was really saying it, the minaret in the mosque would have come down, therefore I called him a liar. He did not say it with that certainty. If he did, these things that have no life would have understood and melted like water.” Therefore certainty is important for all believers. You can’t reach to certainty by only reading books. There are so many scholars and so many Doctors of letters today more than in any other age, but there is no certainty in their knowledge. They know only something through their tongues and not through their hearts. Certainty is through hearts and makes a person to improve himself to reach heavenly stations. If there is no certainty your level is always low. Now, with regard to “Ruh” – it is a secret ocean. You can’t put a secret ocean into a small cup. Even if you try to do that it would be a waste. Yes our capacity is only limited. Only one drop from that ocean will be sufficient so as to divide it among the humanity of mankind, even one drop may be too excessive. As long as we are imprisoned with our physical body, even that little bit, that was given to the whole of mankind, even that small drop, can be given and shared by everyone. It is from this small drop that you are able to look, able to hear, able to smell, able to taste, able to speak, able to touch, able to hold, able to walk, able to feel, and finally able to understand. How is it that you are able to look, hear, smell, taste, speak, understand and yet you do not know how you are looking, hearing, smelling, tasting, speaking and (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:17:58
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understanding? You may lift your hand up and let it fall down again, you may catch something, but you don’t know how you are catching that thing. You are walking, but you don’t know how you are able to walk. Look into yourself and you will see a perfect balance. There are 360 organs (inner and outer) each one has its own function. When one of them works it does not prevent the other from working. How is it possible for you to understand about “Ruh” more than this? Perhaps when your “Ruh” leaves your body and returns to that secret ocean you may be able to know the limits of that endless ocean. You shall keep on taking more and more and that is your endless pleasure. The more you reach, the more you will plead for the will of mankind will never get fed up. However, you will always be satisfied when you are asking for more. You will be thirsty forever, but this thirst is not like the thirst that we are familiar with. This is, thirst, that will be with satisfaction. This is endless pleasure for all mankind that Allah Almighty has given endlessly. You are not going to be hungry or thirsty, but yet you will be hungry and thirsty for this secret ocean. It will not be painful hunger or painful thirst. It shall be a pleasurable thirst. As an example, it would be like a person falling in love and his love increasing, more and more. As long as his love increases his pleasure also increases and it is not going to be painful for him. The more it increases, the more he asks. In the same way the soul asks for itself more and more from that secret ocean. Yes to reach for more and more from oceans to oceans, and still more from oceans to oceans, to endless oceans. This should be, forever for, our souls. This explanation is a very short one. But I think that on the level of our present understand it is good to know even such a small amount about the knowledge of “Ruh”. We hope that as long as we are improving our Zikr, our understanding will change and our horizons of understanding will increase. Zikr leads people to that secret ocean. (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:17:58
3362 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FuelOfDhikr
If a person wants to fly over the clouds he must take a plane. He cannot go by himself, but he has to seek the help of inanimate things, like planes. This is fault for mankind because he depends on these inanimate things to fly. He should be able to do this by himself alone. Our soul has the power not only to fly over clouds, but to go over space and even out of space. To reach not only throughout the universe, but also to reach outside the universe. We have this jet power, jet engine, but we are not putting fuel for our jet machines. Therefore, we are only running about on earth. What is that fuel? It is zikr. Shaitan is now preventing people from doing zikr. People are saying that zikr is an innovation (bidaat) and therefore not to make zikr. This is wrong. Zikr is fuel for our “Ruh” to fly over clouds, and to fly over the universe, and to reach to the heavens. You can’t reach there with anything, other than zikr.
WebSheikNazim2Com, CategoryCertainty, CategoryDhikr (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:17:58
3363 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FühreKeinenKriegMitAllah
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FühreKeinenKriegMitAllah
This page doesn't exist yet. Maybe you want to create it?ühreKeinenKriegMitAllah04.07.2013 23:17:59
3364 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FulfillLordsOrdersWithLove
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FulfillLordsOrdersWithLove
Fulfill the Lord's Orders with Love
(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allahu Akbar al Akbar, Allahu Akbar al Akbar, Allahu Akbar al Akbar, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, la ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, wa lillahi 'l-hamd! Oh our Lord! Give your most high glorifying and praising; You are not in need of such things. You may grant anyone that you created You grant all praising and glory to Your most honoured servant, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! We are running to you and your shelter, you are shafee` al-ummah, you are intercessor for all nations and for everything. We are running under your holy flag, liwa' l-hamd, that you have been granted by your Lord to be up to the Day of Resurrection, to be up. You are calling all prophets and all awliya under your flag and they are coming with their nations and their followers. O our most beloved Prophet, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), countless salutes and salaat be on you. Please, we are asking humbly for your intercession! (Mawlana Shaykh sits and begins to sing.) Allahumma salli wa sallim ` ala nabiyyina Muhammad `alayhi 's-salaam. Salaatan tadoomu wahtoohda ilayh mammara 'l-layaali wa toola 'd-dawaam! Alfu salaat, alfu salaam `alayka ya sayyidi 'l-awwaleena wa 'l-akhireen, ya Habibullah! Allah Allah, Allah Allah. Oh Allah, Oh Allah… (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:00
3365 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FulfillLordsOrdersWithLove
We are so weak ones, but we are foolishly brave. We are such no-mind ones, never thinking our positions, SubhanAllah, SultaanAllah. Welcome to you our listeners! As-salaamu `alaykum! First we must ask from Qutbu 'z-zamaan, the Pole Saint of this planet, Sultanu ‘l-Awliya, asking humbly a support for addressing all nations and all Mankind on this planet. And I am so weak, but weak ones, if they are supported by heavenly ones, they are powerful from all Mankind that are getting proud of their nuclear weapons. All of them are going to be under my feet. But people are thinking that they are so powerful. No one is accepting to be a weak one, a weak servant, to make his head humbly down. All of them like this. Who are you?! (laughing) We were once in Caucasia, Daghestan, saying sometimes some stories about what is happening on Earth. Millions or billions of happenings that are giving to people a lesson to make them wake up. Because as Sayyidina `Ali, Allah blessing him, saying, an-naasu niyaamun idha maatoo intabahoo - human beings are asleep, when they die they awaken. No one is knowing his position or his station in Divine Presence and heavenly level, no one knows. No one knows. Because if you are asking to know this one or that one, you must be just like this one to know your creation and specialty and level here and Hereafter. It is important. We may say first a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajim, to make our meeting not to go down by misunderstanding, and misunderstanding making people down. But Shaytan trying to make everyone to understand something else and Shaytan has countless deceits and countless tricks and countless traps! Therefore, first of all you must say a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajim. “Oh our Lord we are running to You from that bad-mannered one through all creation, Shaytan, that You threw away from the Divine Presence.” If someone that is just thrown away from Divine Presence, if you are accepting and saying, “Welcome to you?" What is your position? How it should be? You are going on same level as that Shaytan! Therefore, O Believers, beware from Shaytan! I am surprised people are writing on their fences around their houses or gardens, “Beware of Dog,” and I am never looking and seeing through any church or cathedral to be written in front of their doors, “Beware of Shaytan,” Beware Shaytan. What is that? Why they are not writing? They must write! Holy addressing from heavens through holy ones coming. The Lord of Heavens saying, “Oh My chosen ones,” or “Oh My beloved (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:00
3366 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FulfillLordsOrdersWithLove
ones. You are saying about Shaytan and you are My prophets, My messengers." Are you not saying to them Shaytan is the most terrible and dangerous enemy for you? Why they are not writing this for you, “Beware Shaytan”? That is making people to fall down, to fall into nets. How you are not saying to them? They are not listening to us, but listening to Shaytan, deceiving themselves. And they are very happy to follow Shaytan, but they are very upset if you are saying something about heavenly knowledge through heavenly messages. Their faces going to be ugly things. Who is accepting heavenly addressing to people and their hearts opening, they are going to be dressed with lightening clothes. Therefore, look at the faces of Mankind. If you are looking and seeing that his face makes you happy, you must understand that that one qaabil, that person is accepting heavenly addressing. Therefore, that light coming on them and they are going to be enlightened ones. Whom their faces giving to you nufoor, hatred, you must understand that that person is with Shaytan and Shaytan is with him. If their faces open with light, sometimes I am looking at people and saying, “MashaaAllah, you have so much light on your face.” That means that person is trying to run away from Shaytan, and asking to run to heavens and Allah commands the angels, “Dress My servant with enlightened clothes,” and his appearance is lightened. Therefore, their appearance going to be so sweet. You may look at them and your heart is getting in peace. But others’ faces mixed with ugliness, run away from them because they are representatives of Shaytan. Shaytan is never laughing or smiling and heavenly anger is always coming on him. Every second that he is not falling into sajdah, always, every second that heavenly anger is coming on him and dressing Shaytan with a so… so… ugly looking! Th
o mein Herr, sage ich. O Shah Mardan, Meister des Bereiches, wie wunderbar du zu uns gesprochen hast, was für ein herrlicher Vortrag, der auf das Falsche der Menschheit hinwies, der ihre Fehler nannte. Der Weg des Propheten des Zeitenendes ist dünner als ein Haar und schärfer als ein Schwert. Warum sagt ihr das nicht, o Gelehrte der Azhar Sharif, of Gelehrte von Damaskus, o Gelehrte von Aleppo? Ihr habt falsche Dinge getan, so kamen diese Probleme auf eure Köpfe herab. Ihr habt euch zu sehr mit weltlichen Dingen beschäftigt, ihr ließet euch von weltlichen Freuden binden. Als Ergebnis euerer Achtlosigkeit ist dies ein Schlag ins Gesicht von den Himmeln für die, die auf der Erde sind. Ihr seid der neuesten Mode gefolgt und habt die Sunna verlassen, aber die Mode der Muslime ist die Sunna ihres Propheten und die Sunna seines Ahlu l-Bayt, der Mitglieder seines Haushalts. Ihr hörtet nicht, ihr folgtet der Mode. Jetzt regnet es Feuer auf eure Köpfe! Dieses sind Steine, die von den Himmeln herabkommen. O unser Herr, wir bereuen. O mein Herr, Reue, o mein Herr, Reue. Ich suche Allahs Vergebung! Gnade, o mein Herr, laß uns nicht zu den Unterdrückern gehören! Ich bin kein Unterdrücker und Ich bin nicht glücklich mit Unterdrückung, sagt Allah, der Majestätische. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar wa Huwa Takabbar wa Tajabbar - Allah ist größer und Er ist der Eine, Der in Seinem Stolz Größe beansprucht und mit Gewalt zwingt. Der Absolute Erzwinger ist Allah, der Majestätische, der Eigner Absoluter Größe, der Glorreiche Herr der Macht. Also erkennt euere Grenzen. Stellt das Feuer ein! Wenn ihr bis Rajab nicht aufhört, werden so viele Köpfe fallen. Woher kamen sie? werden sie sagen. Selbst eine Ameise wird den Angriff verstärken und zum Kämpfer werden durch Himmlischen Willen. Paßt auf, o Schiiten, o Perser, o Alawiten. Erkennt euere Grenzen. Und ihr, die ihr Allah verlassen habt, um das Kreuz anzubeten, und die Kirchenglocken läutet, wisset, Religion ist kein Spiel, und kommt auf den Weg der Wahrheit. Unser Herr, wirf uns nicht unter die, die weit von dem rechten Weg abgewichen sind, und wirf sie weit weg von unseren Köpfen. O Türken, Kurden, Araber, o ihr, die im Osten und Westen sind, hört gut zu. Allah der Majestätische spielt keine Spiele. Er spielt nicht. Er ist Allah! Er wird einen Diener senden. Das heißt, wenn Shah Mardan kommt und sein Schwert zieht, fürchtet sein Schwert und hütet euch! Er wird aller Unterdrückung ein Ende bereiten. Wenn ihr bis Rajab aufgehört habt, habt ihr aufgehört. Wenn ihr nicht aufgehört habt, wird eine andere Göttliche Erscheinung kommen, die alles hinwegwischt und in der Ebene von Amuk endet. Der Ort Amuk ist, wo al-Malhama al-Kubra - die größte der Schlachten - stattfinden wird. Viele (19 von 20)04.07.2013 23:17:56
3353 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FromParadise
werden dort zur Rechenschaft gezogen. Damaskus wird dann verschlossen sein. Damaskus wird nicht erobert, bis das geschieht. Möge Allah uns vergeben! Reue, o mein Herr, Reue. Ich suche Allahs Vergebung. Möge Allah uns weit weg halten von den Schwertern der Rache. Wer keine Barmherzigkeit zeigt, dem wird keine Barmherzigkeit gezeigt werden. Hütet euch, o Schiiten, wenn ihr wirklich Muslime seid. Wir sagen nicht, ihr seid keine Muslime, also warum zeigt ihr uns diese Feindschaft? Wir sind Schiiten, wir sind Sunniten, wir alle sind Allahs Diener. Paßt auf, wunderbare Geschehnisse des Rajab kommen. Wenn etwas auf euere Köpfe herabkommt, sagt nicht, daß ihr nicht vorgewarnt wart in dieser Welt. Wa min Allaha t-Tawfiq - Und von Allah ist aller Erfolg. Fatiha. Lefke, 18.04.2013
WebSaltanatOrg (20 von 20)04.07.2013 23:17:56
3354 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FromYouToYou
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FromYouToYou
From You, to You!
(Mawlana Shaykh stands) Laa ilaaha illa-Llah, laa ilaaaha illa-Llah, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Muhammadan Rasoolullah, `alayhi salaatullah! Wa salaamuh wa `ala jamee`i 'l-anbiyaa wa 'l-mursaleen, wa khudamaa'i sharai`ahim. Allahuma alhimnaa rushdana yaa Rabbaana, wa asta`idh min sharri anfusanaa! As-salaamu `alaykum yaa `ibaadAllahi 's-saaliheen! As-salamu `alaykum yaa Saahib az-Zamaan! As-salamu `alaykum yaa Saahib al-Imdaad! As-salamu `alaykum yaa Qutb az-Zamaan! Agheethoona yaa RijaalAllah! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) We say, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Yaa Rabbana, give us from Your endless forgiveness! Grant us for the honor of Your most honored one, Sayyidina Muhammad (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-`Akhireen, Saahib ar-Risaalat ul-Mutlaqa wa Khalifat ul- Haqiqa habeebak ighfir lanaa w 'arhamna wa`afuw `anna w 'aghfir lanaa w 'arhamnaa! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Huuuuu. Huuuu, Huuu. Huuuu, Huuuu, Hu. Huuuu, Hu, Huuuu, Huuuuuu, Hu. Huuuuu, Huuuuu, Huuuuuuu, Huuuuuuu. We are happy and we are so grateful for our Lord, Who created us and granted us maa laa aynun ra`at wa laa udhnun sami`at wa laa khatara `ala qalbi bashar, “What no eye has seen, no ear has ever heard and what never occurred to any heart.” He is Qadir al-Muqtadir! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem! Bismillahi 'r- (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:17:57
3355 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FromYouToYou
Rahmani 'r-Raheem! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem! AntAllah. O our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum. As-salaamu `alaykum, yaa as-haabu 'n-Nawba, looking after ummat al-Habeeb throughout the east and west, defending believers! Every kind of disaster is appearing in our days and raining on people, who will be astonished, not knowing what they can do! O Salaaf as-Saalih `ulamas! As-salaamu `alaykum. They are claiming this name for themselves, so we must address them by this title they chose! And really, taalib al-`ilmin, those who are asking for more knowledge, must try to learn daily and raise their knowledge to another base of knowledge, because knowledge levels are countless. They may see a horizon and think it is the last limit of knowledge. When they get there, they are finding another horizon for knowledge that is brighter, more powerful, and more honored. Whoever may reach there may take something from that level, because the Lord of Heavens is never giving an order to His servants without giving them something, because His ikraam, generosity, is from pre-Eternal running to Eternal! Everything with our Lord is Eternal. You may say, "Eternity," without understanding it, because it is impossible for any Creation to understand the last limit of Allah Almighty's generosity. When you are reaching one level, you are going to be dressed with glory, because knowledge is a reason for dressing the servants of the Lord with glory! We are asking for glory! Now all people on Earth are trying to reach glory that belongs to this life. It is only like a spark, but people are running to reach that spark of glory, yes. O Salaaf as-Saalih `ulamas! You don't want to reach from one step to another? You are not trying to find the real steps, that when you move one step further, you find another glory dressing you. You are fixed, your self never moves! If you move a little bit, then open yourself, and then you will see something you never imagined, heard or knew! When you open your heart, you reach an unexpected level of glory! O People! O Mankind! O Believers! Don't think that prophets came to teach you about this muwaqqat, temporary time on this planet. They are not coming to teach you about this dunya. No one is interested in dunya, no. But we are on the wrong way and therefore, I am shouting. And Wahhabi people are no-minded, they are not understanding, but Salafi `ulamas must understand that prophets were not coming to teach you about this temporary time, that is like the spark of a match. They were never coming for that! They were (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:17:57
3356 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FromYouToYou
coming to open the ways of glory for you, in seconds or less! It is well known through heavenly people that every 24 hours, 24,000 veils are going to be opened for everyone. What is for you is for you, and what is for him is something else. The Lord of Heavens is not making another copy to grant you what He granted to him, no! Prophets came and therefore, we are in a time that we must understand about prophecy. Then we must come to our real selves, because we left our real beings and came to an imitated being. Li kulli shay`in haqiqah, "Everything has a reality." Your reality is something, and his reality is something else! The Lord of Heavens is manifesting to all of Mankind and His divine manifesting to you is never going to be the same as for someone else. Everything is in its own appearance, it is different. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! O People! You must try to know and to learn. People are not asking for anything, only for this short time, which is like the spark of a match that will quickly burn away. You must know that Allah Almighty sent prophets to this world to open you, to you! Inna fatahnaa laka fathan mubeena. Verily We have given you (O Prophet) a manifest opening! (48:1) Astaghfirullah. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) O `ulamas! That is endless Glory Oceans an Lightning Oceans to Mankind! Inna fatahnaa laka fathan mubeena. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultaan Allah Inna fatahnaa laka fathan mubeena. They are looking at our weakness, keeping Glory Oceans open to us through this holy verse! (...) I am fearing to say something on that point, astaghfirulllah, astaghfirullah, because our attenders are not prepared for even as much as a needle's eye! If this is opened, not only dunya, but everything in existence will disappear in a time that cannot be measured! O Attenders! Where are you? Tooba `alayna, good tidings to you, to me, and also to who understands from among Salafi `ulamas! O Salafi `ulamas! You are from Mankind, I am from Mankind, but the Lord of Heavens is making me say (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:17:57
3357 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FromYouToYou
something to make you wake up. That is a heavenly order coming from Heavens to Earth! “O My servants! Wake up, because time is finished and they are going to be late to be dressed with glorious dressings. If I am dressing them from glorious dressings, on the Day of Resurrection they will appear in such a way that people are going to be shot down.” O People! Try to learn a little bit. It is not from your universities, high schools, colleges and academies. Those things have no value! But the Lord of Heavens is asking to grant you such a knowledge that is going to appear to you, fatahnaa laka, an opening coming to you, from you to you! That is the holy verse: "from you to you"! From you to you! From me to you! From you to them! O People! Try to learn before losing your chance for a glorious being in the Hereafter. All prophets swam in Glory Oceans, but it is hidden for others. The Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s) (Mawlana Shaykh stands) said, “Time by time, I am going to be with my Lord.” (Mawlana Shaykh sits) An opening is coming. No one is understanding! No one is understanding! Allah Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. O People! Try to learn to reach heavenly honors, to reach Divine Glory. Oooh! Give everything and try to learn that. O Salafi `ulamas! You are reciting one holy hadeeth and saying, "That is the meaning of this hadeeth ash- shareef.” They are not fearing, they have the courage to say, "That is the meaning of this holy verse." No, no, no! Allah Almighty is putting in front of you Sayyidina Muhammad (s), the Seal of Prophets, mu`allimu 'n- naas ul-khayr, “The teacher of goodness to Mankind." (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) He is teacher of everyone, the teacher of prophets and angels, Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-`Akhireen! O People! Try not to waste your short life and try not to be deceived by or astonished with your knowledge. Don't be cheated by what Shaytan is saying, "This is so good, so beautiful." No, don't follow shaytanic understandings; they make you fall into the darkness of your dirty egos. They know, and they are making me speak about this. If they are closing, then I can't speak nor understand; at that time, you may understand more than me. O our Attenders! Give some precious time daily, even minutes, and give some time for thinking. Think! Don’t think all night about tomorrow, “What will I be expected to do?” That takes your honor away, but we must (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:17:57
3358 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FromYouToYou
choose the daily, new dressings of honor. We must reach, and you must try to make your beliefs from the level of imitation to reality level. And then from that reality level, countless openings will come to you and when you are taken to your graveyard, you will say, “Oh! I lost my chance." but then it will be useless; you will be like grass, under the feet of creatures. Big trees can’t be under the feet of people, but small ones will always be under the feet of creatures. O People! Thank you for always taking care for hearing and listening and trying to understand. And everyone is just given a grant of something to understand, so don't lose it daily! Try to make it higher, higher, higher, reaching up to Divinely Glory Oceans. May Allah forgive us, for the honor of the Seal of Prophets (s), Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-`Akhireen, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) Fatihah. (40 minutes) (1027 viewers) Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah. Allah knows. (Mawlana Shaykh speaks with Shaykh Hisham Effendi and Hajjah Naziha on the phone.) Lefke, 16.09.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryMuhammad (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:17:57
3359 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FuelOfDhikr
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FuelOfDhikr
Rasoolullah (Sal) said that you should speak to people so that they are able to understand. If they are not able to understand, then what you speak – you are wasting – mubudiroom Ikwanus Shaiteen. Haji Ismail is asking me a question on “Ruh” (Soul), and asking me to say something that would be easy to understand, and easy to remember. It is also a question on knowledge (As suaatu nisful ilm). If a person does not know something, he does not ask any questions concerning it. If a person wants knowledge about something he must already have some knowledge of it and the reason he is questioning about it, is to make his knowledge a certainty. He asks questions so that doubt may leave his mind. Doubt should leave and give its place to certainty. We are in need to save ourselves from doubt, particularly regarding beliefs. Doubts are sometimes illnesses of the heart. Therefore you must not leave any room for doubts in your hearts, because when doubts are cleared, certainty begins. There are many levels of certainty. Do not think that you will reach to perfect certainty in one step. You can reach to perfect certainty only gradually, step by step. Once when a muezzin was making the call to prayer and was saying “Allahu Akbar”, (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:17:58
3360 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FuelOfDhikr
Mansoor al Hallaj (may Allah bless him) shouted out, “Oh liar”. The people who heard this caught hold of him and took him to the judge (qadi) and complained to the judge that he called the muezzin a liar, when he called out “Allahu Akbar”, and requested the judge to punish him. The judge asked Mansoor whether he called the muezzin a liar, when the muezzin called out “Allahu Akbar”. He replied “Yes, I called him a liar”. The judge said “what do you mean, how do you know that he is a liar”. Then Mansoor al Hallaj said “come with me all of you who are here”. All of them followed him to the place of a blacksmith where there was a big piece of iron. He then stood on top of this piece of iron and shouted out “Allahu Akbar”. The iron began to melt and run like water, then Mansoor said, “If he was really saying it, the minaret in the mosque would have come down, therefore I called him a liar. He did not say it with that certainty. If he did, these things that have no life would have understood and melted like water.” Therefore certainty is important for all believers. You can’t reach to certainty by only reading books. There are so many scholars and so many Doctors of letters today more than in any other age, but there is no certainty in their knowledge. They know only something through their tongues and not through their hearts. Certainty is through hearts and makes a person to improve himself to reach heavenly stations. If there is no certainty your level is always low. Now, with regard to “Ruh” – it is a secret ocean. You can’t put a secret ocean into a small cup. Even if you try to do that it would be a waste. Yes our capacity is only limited. Only one drop from that ocean will be sufficient so as to divide it among the humanity of mankind, even one drop may be too excessive. As long as we are imprisoned with our physical body, even that little bit, that was given to the whole of mankind, even that small drop, can be given and shared by everyone. It is from this small drop that you are able to look, able to hear, able to smell, able to taste, able to speak, able to touch, able to hold, able to walk, able to feel, and finally able to understand. How is it that you are able to look, hear, smell, taste, speak, understand and yet you do not know how you are looking, hearing, smelling, tasting, speaking and (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:17:58
3361 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FuelOfDhikr
understanding? You may lift your hand up and let it fall down again, you may catch something, but you don’t know how you are catching that thing. You are walking, but you don’t know how you are able to walk. Look into yourself and you will see a perfect balance. There are 360 organs (inner and outer) each one has its own function. When one of them works it does not prevent the other from working. How is it possible for you to understand about “Ruh” more than this? Perhaps when your “Ruh” leaves your body and returns to that secret ocean you may be able to know the limits of that endless ocean. You shall keep on taking more and more and that is your endless pleasure. The more you reach, the more you will plead for the will of mankind will never get fed up. However, you will always be satisfied when you are asking for more. You will be thirsty forever, but this thirst is not like the thirst that we are familiar with. This is, thirst, that will be with satisfaction. This is endless pleasure for all mankind that Allah Almighty has given endlessly. You are not going to be hungry or thirsty, but yet you will be hungry and thirsty for this secret ocean. It will not be painful hunger or painful thirst. It shall be a pleasurable thirst. As an example, it would be like a person falling in love and his love increasing, more and more. As long as his love increases his pleasure also increases and it is not going to be painful for him. The more it increases, the more he asks. In the same way the soul asks for itself more and more from that secret ocean. Yes to reach for more and more from oceans to oceans, and still more from oceans to oceans, to endless oceans. This should be, forever for, our souls. This explanation is a very short one. But I think that on the level of our present understand it is good to know even such a small amount about the knowledge of “Ruh”. We hope that as long as we are improving our Zikr, our understanding will change and our horizons of understanding will increase. Zikr leads people to that secret ocean. (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:17:58
3362 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FuelOfDhikr
If a person wants to fly over the clouds he must take a plane. He cannot go by himself, but he has to seek the help of inanimate things, like planes. This is fault for mankind because he depends on these inanimate things to fly. He should be able to do this by himself alone. Our soul has the power not only to fly over clouds, but to go over space and even out of space. To reach not only throughout the universe, but also to reach outside the universe. We have this jet power, jet engine, but we are not putting fuel for our jet machines. Therefore, we are only running about on earth. What is that fuel? It is zikr. Shaitan is now preventing people from doing zikr. People are saying that zikr is an innovation (bidaat) and therefore not to make zikr. This is wrong. Zikr is fuel for our “Ruh” to fly over clouds, and to fly over the universe, and to reach to the heavens. You can’t reach there with anything, other than zikr.
WebSheikNazim2Com, CategoryCertainty, CategoryDhikr (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:17:58
3363 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FühreKeinenKriegMitAllah
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FühreKeinenKriegMitAllah
This page doesn't exist yet. Maybe you want to create it?ühreKeinenKriegMitAllah04.07.2013 23:17:59
3364 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FulfillLordsOrdersWithLove
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FulfillLordsOrdersWithLove
Fulfill the Lord's Orders with Love
(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allahu Akbar al Akbar, Allahu Akbar al Akbar, Allahu Akbar al Akbar, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, la ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, wa lillahi 'l-hamd! Oh our Lord! Give your most high glorifying and praising; You are not in need of such things. You may grant anyone that you created You grant all praising and glory to Your most honoured servant, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! We are running to you and your shelter, you are shafee` al-ummah, you are intercessor for all nations and for everything. We are running under your holy flag, liwa' l-hamd, that you have been granted by your Lord to be up to the Day of Resurrection, to be up. You are calling all prophets and all awliya under your flag and they are coming with their nations and their followers. O our most beloved Prophet, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), countless salutes and salaat be on you. Please, we are asking humbly for your intercession! (Mawlana Shaykh sits and begins to sing.) Allahumma salli wa sallim ` ala nabiyyina Muhammad `alayhi 's-salaam. Salaatan tadoomu wahtoohda ilayh mammara 'l-layaali wa toola 'd-dawaam! Alfu salaat, alfu salaam `alayka ya sayyidi 'l-awwaleena wa 'l-akhireen, ya Habibullah! Allah Allah, Allah Allah. Oh Allah, Oh Allah… (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:00
3365 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FulfillLordsOrdersWithLove
We are so weak ones, but we are foolishly brave. We are such no-mind ones, never thinking our positions, SubhanAllah, SultaanAllah. Welcome to you our listeners! As-salaamu `alaykum! First we must ask from Qutbu 'z-zamaan, the Pole Saint of this planet, Sultanu ‘l-Awliya, asking humbly a support for addressing all nations and all Mankind on this planet. And I am so weak, but weak ones, if they are supported by heavenly ones, they are powerful from all Mankind that are getting proud of their nuclear weapons. All of them are going to be under my feet. But people are thinking that they are so powerful. No one is accepting to be a weak one, a weak servant, to make his head humbly down. All of them like this. Who are you?! (laughing) We were once in Caucasia, Daghestan, saying sometimes some stories about what is happening on Earth. Millions or billions of happenings that are giving to people a lesson to make them wake up. Because as Sayyidina `Ali, Allah blessing him, saying, an-naasu niyaamun idha maatoo intabahoo - human beings are asleep, when they die they awaken. No one is knowing his position or his station in Divine Presence and heavenly level, no one knows. No one knows. Because if you are asking to know this one or that one, you must be just like this one to know your creation and specialty and level here and Hereafter. It is important. We may say first a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajim, to make our meeting not to go down by misunderstanding, and misunderstanding making people down. But Shaytan trying to make everyone to understand something else and Shaytan has countless deceits and countless tricks and countless traps! Therefore, first of all you must say a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajim. “Oh our Lord we are running to You from that bad-mannered one through all creation, Shaytan, that You threw away from the Divine Presence.” If someone that is just thrown away from Divine Presence, if you are accepting and saying, “Welcome to you?" What is your position? How it should be? You are going on same level as that Shaytan! Therefore, O Believers, beware from Shaytan! I am surprised people are writing on their fences around their houses or gardens, “Beware of Dog,” and I am never looking and seeing through any church or cathedral to be written in front of their doors, “Beware of Shaytan,” Beware Shaytan. What is that? Why they are not writing? They must write! Holy addressing from heavens through holy ones coming. The Lord of Heavens saying, “Oh My chosen ones,” or “Oh My beloved (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:00
3366 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FulfillLordsOrdersWithLove
ones. You are saying about Shaytan and you are My prophets, My messengers." Are you not saying to them Shaytan is the most terrible and dangerous enemy for you? Why they are not writing this for you, “Beware Shaytan”? That is making people to fall down, to fall into nets. How you are not saying to them? They are not listening to us, but listening to Shaytan, deceiving themselves. And they are very happy to follow Shaytan, but they are very upset if you are saying something about heavenly knowledge through heavenly messages. Their faces going to be ugly things. Who is accepting heavenly addressing to people and their hearts opening, they are going to be dressed with lightening clothes. Therefore, look at the faces of Mankind. If you are looking and seeing that his face makes you happy, you must understand that that one qaabil, that person is accepting heavenly addressing. Therefore, that light coming on them and they are going to be enlightened ones. Whom their faces giving to you nufoor, hatred, you must understand that that person is with Shaytan and Shaytan is with him. If their faces open with light, sometimes I am looking at people and saying, “MashaaAllah, you have so much light on your face.” That means that person is trying to run away from Shaytan, and asking to run to heavens and Allah commands the angels, “Dress My servant with enlightened clothes,” and his appearance is lightened. Therefore, their appearance going to be so sweet. You may look at them and your heart is getting in peace. But others’ faces mixed with ugliness, run away from them because they are representatives of Shaytan. Shaytan is never laughing or smiling and heavenly anger is always coming on him. Every second that he is not falling into sajdah, always, every second that heavenly anger is coming on him and dressing Shaytan with a so… so… ugly looking! Th