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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (228/777)
verywhere they exchanged the heads for (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:17:44

3276 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FrenchRevolution

feet. They took the feet to be the commanders. It is against nature. Like this nothing will improve. Never! I hope that this century will bring the end of the Hegemony of the Feet. And I think that people will demand back their noble heads and ask for their royal people, the ones who are prepared to be royal, to be the head. It is impossible to shape the feet to look like a head, but that is what people want to do. They are replacing their hearts with their stomach. The only blessed countries now are the ones with a king or a sultan. This must change. Even in Europe. Because when spring comes the trees will open. When autumn comes the trees get the order to leave their leaves. No tree can leave its leaves then. This is the winter of the world, and only some very few trees are keeping their leaves. That is why only some countries are keeping their kings or sultans. But all the trees without leaves are hoping for their life to come back. In winter the trees are like dry wood and no-one even hopes for the tree to be green again. When the Divine Will wants to change people, their hearts can be changed within one day. They will all ask, "Where are our kings? We have been cheated!" That is what they will say. They will make a statistic of the time with the kings and the time with the tyrants and see what they lost and what they gained. They will see that one of the main interests of the tyrants have been to build motorways. Nothing else! All of them have cut fields, destroyed gardens and destroyed buildings just to make motorways. Once upon a time there was a kingdom and a famous king. One day two strange persons came to the city of the king. You probably know the story, but I am telling it in another way so that you will get the point. The guardians stopped them and asked them where they were coming from and where they were going to. "We are just travellers!" "What is your profession?" "We have a strange profession. We know how to make clothes which only people with a perfect mind can see. Imperfect people cannot see it. Only clever ones can. The idiots cannot." The guardians went to the King and told him about these two experts and asked him whether he was interested. "Yes, I am very interested. Bring them to me quickly! It is very important for me to know which ones of my generals are clever and which of my ministers are idiots, so that I can send them away." The two travellers got the job to make some very special clothes for the King. They said, that they needed lots of golden thread to weave the clothes. So the King ordered to give them a room in the palace to fulfil their task. They were given the best food and all the gold and silver which was meant for the clothes, was taken away secretly at night. (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:17:44

3277 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FrenchRevolution

The next day they asked for more. This went on for many, many days. After some time the King was asking for his clothes. He took his Ministers, his Prime Minister and his Generals to see what had happened. The tailors jumped up and kissed the feet of the King. "Oh, your Majesty, look! What beautiful clothes with the best of designs. Look!" But there was nothing to see. The King couldn't say that he didn't see anything, because then the other people would say that he has no mind and that he must be taken away and replaced by a clever one. So the King said, "Really? Very good!" and he asked the Prime Minister for his opinion about the design. No one could see a thing, but they had to say that it is so beautiful. The crooks were asked to make everything ready in time for a big celebration. The day of the great feast arrived and the tailors said that the clothes were ready, but that they needed help to carry them. The servants came, pretended to lift the clothes, because they also wanted to give the impression that they were clever. They clothed the King and made him compliments even though he was as naked as on the day he was born. He marched through the crowds and everyone was congratulating him on his new clothes. In the crowds there was a small boy with his father, who called out, "The King is wearing nothing!". His father told him to be quiet. "How can you say such a thing?". Nevertheless the boy continued to shout. The crowds joined in, "He has got nothing on!". Then the King understood that those two super-crooks had cheated him. Because the young boy had said the truth, the whole crowd put back their mind to their head. They began to understand what truth is. They understood that they had been cheated by the two crooks. Today there are not only two super-crooks, but endless crooks are with us. They advertise this bad system of government and they are against kingdoms. But soon it will be known that they are super-crooks, all of them. Because of that, the people will ask their kings and sultans to come back. They will ask, "Where are our royal people, where are our noble people? We are fed up with those other devils!" That will happen before the year 2000. The awakening is here very soon now. People will run after their royal people. They will ask where they are. Our traditional knowledge tells us that we are going to die. The bodies will become dust. Some people burn bodies and they will turn into ashes. Our body can be completely dissolved, but only one cell is protected. It cannot be burned. It is impossible to be destroyed. No acid can affect it. It is the cell which represents you. It is seated at the end of your backbone. When the Lord wants to bring back the people to life once again, a rain will fall from heavens. The rain is the water of men, its sperms and the cell will behave like the egg of the female. The cell will open up like a seed (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:17:44

3278 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FrenchRevolution

and out of it our new body will grow. This is an example that the Lord of Heavens, the Lord of the children of Adam has power to do such things. If He wants to keep someone, then no-one can be able to reach that protected one. The Sultans and the Kings of the future are living with us today. Don't worry, when time is over those people will appear who will be on the throne of France, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Greece...everywhere... They will come quickly.They are living with us now. But the Lord is not letting their enemies reach them. Spiritually they are guarded by spiritual power. I hope that when His Highness is on the throne, that he will stand up and welcome me. Paris - 01.06.1991

BookPowerOceansofLove, CategoryKingdom, CategoryResurrection, CategoryGovernment, CategoryFrenchRevolution (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:17:44

3279 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Freunde Wichtig Dass Sie Glauben

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FreundeWichtigDassSieGlauben



Es ist nicht wichtig, in jeder Versammlung ein neues Thema vorzubringen. Wir haben eine endlose Zahl von Themen in unserem Leben, auf die wir zurückgreifen können. Manchmal ist auch eine Wiederholung nötig. Ein Arzt verabreicht eine Medizin, und wenn er sieht, daß es nicht genug war, gibt er sie noch einmal oder mehrmals. Bei den schier endlosen Themen unseres Lebens brauchen wir manchmal eine Wiederholung. Shah Naqshband wiederholte immer wieder den Satz: "Tariqatuna sohbet wal chairu fil camiyet", was bedeutet: Unser Weg ist der Weg des Zusammenseins mit dem Scheich, und alles Gute liegt in der Gemeinschaft. Das Zusammensein ist das Fundament unseres Ordens. Wenn jemand Güte und Erfolg wünscht und gute Dinge, die glücklich und zufrieden machen, muß er mit anderen Leuten zusammenkommen, deren Herzen auf denselben Punkt zielen. Sogar nur 5 oder 10 Minuten einer solchen Zusammenkunft geben ihm eine Kraft - wenn er ein Jahr beten würde, könnte er nicht dieselbe Kraft erlangen. Mit solchen Leuten zusammenzukommen, ist Großscheichs Anweisung. Täglich oder alle drei Tage oder alle 10, 15 oder einmal im Monat. Es dürfen nicht mehr als 40 Tage ohne ein Treffen mit den Brüdern in der Tariqat vergehen. Man soll nicht mehr als 40 Tage abwesend sein, denn das Treffen gibt Kraft und wir brauchen diese Kraft. Wir brauchen Kraftstationen, um unseren Glauben zu stärken. Wenn unser Glaube schwächer wird, wird auch unser physischer Körper schwächer. Die Person fühlt sich dann passiv, und seine Hände und Füße sind wie mit Ketten oder Seilen gefesselt. Er fühlt sich unfähig (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:17:45

3280 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Freunde Wichtig Dass Sie Glauben

aufzustehen und hinter etwas herzulaufen. Deshalb brauchen wir diese Versammlungen, sie geben den Anwesenden Unterstützung, eine himmlische Kraft, die durch den Propheten (FSmi) über die Heiligen zu uns strömt. Es ist eine wichtige Anweisung in unserer Tariqat und von unserem Großscheich, überall, egal wo man ist, Leute aufzusuchen, deren Ideen diegleichen wie deine sind, die auch Allahs Segen wollen. Ihr müßt nach aufrichtigen Leuten jeder Religion fragen und von Zeit zu Zeit müßt ihr euch treffen. Sogar, wenn ihr Glaube ein anderer ist. Wenn ihr fühlt, daß sie mit euch sind, müßt ihr euch mit ihnen treffen. Ein Mensch kann so viele Seiten haben, wie ein Haus Türen hat. Man muß sich an den gegenüberliegenden Türen treffen, auch wenn nur eine Seite 'gegenüberliegt'. Frage nicht danach, ob ein Freund von allen Seiten für dich geeignet sein mag. Wenn ihr auf einer oder zwei Seiten Berührung habt, ist es genug. Halte Freundschaft und treffe dich mit ihm. Ein Treffen gibt immer einen Nutzen, vor allem, wenn du dich um Allahs Willen mit ihm triffst. Denn diese Person ist auch ein Diener von Allah, ist auch geschaffen von Allah. Versuche in Berührung zu sein mit dieser Person. Versuche die geeignete Seite zu finden, um mit ihm zusammenzukommen. Er mag ein Christ sein oder anderen christlichen Gruppierungen angehören, wichtig ist nur, daß er glaubt, und daß wir Gläubige finden, die an Gottes heilge Bücher, an die Propheten, die Engel, den Jüngsten Tag, an Hölle und Paradies glauben. Wenn du so jemanden findest, besteht eine Art Partnerschaft zwischen euch. Versuche gemäß deines Glaubens zu handeln, denn dein Glauben gibt dir Kraft zu handeln. Triff dich mit Gläubigen, es gibt dir und ihnen göttliche Unterstützung. Achte nicht auf ihre Handlungen, sondern frage nur nach ihrem Glauben. Wenn die Person glaubt, ist es leicht für sie, von einer Stufe auf die nächste zu kommen. Mit Gläubigen kannst du so viele gemeinsame Punkte finden, die einen spirituellen und physischen Nutzen bringen. Schnell kannst du erkennen, ob einer an Allah glaubt oder nicht. Manche Leute sagen, daß sie an nichts glauben, nur an die Gerechtigkeit und daran, daß jeder sein Recht bekommen muß. Das mag ihr Hobby sein, ihr Ideal - Gerechtigkeit für alle auf Erden. Dieses Ideal ist weit verbreitet auf der Erde - Millionen von Menschen vertreten es. Du kanst ihnen sagen, daß auch jeder Gläubige absolute Gerechtigkeit will. Es gibt niemanden, der nicht für Gerechtigkeit ist. Dieses Ideal kannst du bei fast allen Menschen finden. Und du kannst sie dazu anspornen, die Gerechtigkeit für alle Menschen auch in die Tat umzusetzen. In unserer Zeit ist die Unterdrückung weit verbreitet, es gibt keine Gerechtigkeit, sondern nur Unrecht unter den Menschen. Tausende von Menschen sind auch unzufrieden mit der (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:17:45

3281 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Freunde Wichtig Dass Sie Glauben

Ungerechtigkeit hier auf Nordzypern. Frage sie: Glaubst du an Gerechtigkeit? - Ja. Wünschst du Gerechtigkeit? Versucht du, den Menschen Gerechtigkeit zu bringen? Welche Methode verwendest du dazu? Du kannst Gerechtigkeit nicht nur durch Reden bringen. Du mußt die Wege kennen, die Methoden, die uns dabei helfen. Eine nützliche Methode will ich für alle Nationen aufschreiben. Wenn sich die Menschen auf diesen Punkt einigen, ist es eine sanfte Gewalt. Wenn sie sich um Gerechtigkeit bemühen, werden die Regierungen dadurch bedrängt. Sie werden sagen: Das Volk erwacht, wir müssen die Unterdrückung zurücknehmen. Die Regierenden werden dadurch veranlaßt, auf ihre Taten zu schauen. Wir müssen versprechen, die Gerechtigkeit zu unterstützen. Wer Gerechtigkeit sucht, ist "Haqqani" und es ist eine große Ehre, diesen besten Namen zu tragen. Versuche, ein Unterstützer der Gerechtigkeit zu sein und das Unrecht von der Welt zu entfernen. Ohne auf die Religion zu schauen, magst du so viele Menschen finden, die in diesem Punkt übereinstimmen. Wir danken Allah dafür, daß er uns von Seinem endlosen Segen gegeben hat. (aus dem Englischen) - 01.01.1987

BookGenerelleAntwortaufalleFragen (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:17:45

3282 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Friday

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Friday



Assalamu alaikum, Ay yaran Shah Mardan. Let's say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. May we get strength. May Allah dress His Muslim servants with mightiness. May fear fall on the hearts of unbelievers. May their actions be turned against them. Let the banners of Islam be raised! This is Rajab Shahrullah! The most honorable month which has the Glory of Janabul Mawla, that is Shahrullah!(month of Allah) Al-hamdu lillah. As-salatu wa s-salamu 'ala Rasulillah. SallAllahu alaihi wa sallam. Marhaban. Marhaban O Shah Mardan! Ay yaran Shah Mardan. Allah Allah. Today is yawmu l-Jum'a(Friday). Friday (Juma'a), is the most honorable day of this world, and the most honorable in the hereafter too. May we respect this day. Please Shah Mardan explain to us, so that we may take benefit. Ay yaran Shah Mardan! The friends of Shah Mardan, may Janab Allah dress us with the blessings of this holy day. Janab Allah dressed this blessings on our Prophet(sws). Each Friday has different manifestation, therefore, this Friday doesn't resemble the previous Friday. This Friday is a new one. Yawmu l-Jum'a. May the one present in Allah's Diwan, Allah Jalla Jalaluhu, the most Beloved of Allah(jj), HabibAllah, be high. There is different nobility for each Juma'a. Please Shah Mardan explain to us, so that we may take benefit. Today, doesn't resemble the previous Jumaa. This Jumaa has its own speciality. There is a new manifestation in this Jumaa. There are no copies in the creation of Janab Allah. Al-Mubdi'u (The Inventor) is one of the Magnificent Names of Janab Allah. Ibda' means Allahu Dhu l-Jalal doesn't create copies. Everything is new. A new day comes with a new manifestation - Mubdi'. Doesn't it give this meaning? Everything is unique, has no equal or similar. Today is Jumaa, with its new appearance. It is a blessed day. Please Shah Mardan go on, may we listen! Yawmun jadid, rizqun jadid. Please Shah Mardan go on! Each day has a different manifestation. The manifestation of this Jumaa is different too. (1 von 12)04.07.2013 23:17:46

3283 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Friday

Azamati Hudara (The Greatness of Allah Almighty). The unlimited Greatness of Allahu Dhu l- Jalal is not known, no one can know. He is The One. Allah is One. Wahidun Ahad. "Qul Huwa Allahu Ahadun"(112:1) Please Shah Mardan go on, May strength come on us, upon today's manifestation. "Qul Huwa Allahu Ahadun"(112:1) Allahu Akbar. When we say Allah is One, the Divine Unity is pointed out. The attribute of unity, absolute oneness belongs to Janabul Haqq(jj). Please Shah Mardan explain, may we take benefit. That is why the friends of Shah Mardan listen and take benefit. Listen and take benefit! The unlimited greatness of Janabul Haqq is not known. "Qul Huwa Allahu Ahadun"(112:1) His unlimited Greatness, and His Magnificence cannot be known. O our Lord, You are Subhan, You are Sultan. Jumaa is the honored one among days. Show your respect! "Akrim tukram" - Honor and be honored, isn't it? Present and pay your respect; as much respect as you pay, that much you may receive in return. That is why Jumaa is, Sayyidu l-Ayyam , Sayyidu l-Ayyam. (lord of days) Today's manifestation the gift of Janabul Haqq to His servants. doesn't come on other days. If only these people revered Jumaa. Please Shah Mardan go on, may we listen to you! As much as you pay respect, show regard to the honor of Jumaa, as much as you can offer, "Akrim Tukram", that much you will be given in return. This is the manifestation of this Jumaa. Every Jumaa Shah Mardan with a new manifestation is at the door of Rabbul Izzat. On the night of Ascension, he was the lion standing on the property of Allah. The lion quality of today's lion is different - the manifestation that will come next Friday is different. Continually changing. Janabul Haqq is not creating the same printouts. Mubdi'. Everything is only one, no copies. Take the virtue of today's Jumaa, it will be different next Jumaa. Divine Manifestation; everyone has his share according to his spiritual station. The manifestation/tajalli of the Prophet (sas), the Master of Creation, being in the Presence of his Lord Almighty, comes down (to us) on Friday and is different and new every Jumaa. Next Jumaa is again different, it is new, brand new. How beautiful! What a beauty! If only people could understand even a bit of it, they would lose themselves from the pleasure and happiness it gives. The Manifestation of Jumaa has a strange appearance. Yawmu l-Jam'a, honored here and hereafter. If only these people could know the blessings of Jumaa, O Shah Mardan your friends admire you. We want something; What is it? One who doesn't know what he wants, cannot achieve a goal. What shall we want, yawmu ljum'ah, (2 von 12)04.07.2013 23:17:46

3284 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Friday

yawmu l-jam'a? Please Shah Mardan go on, he is reading a sermon(khutba). Shah Mardan is giving Jumaa's khutba, reading Jumaa's khutba. That Khutba is admired by listeners so that they stare and stare. They stare with admire at the appearance of Janabul Haqq's Magnificence. People are having holidays, setting some days as a holiday. In those days of holiday people are refreshing themselves, relaxing and having honor upon their state. He who seeks honor; on the day of Jumaa, continually such a manifestation is opening that, was not known by people before, because it is special for this Jumaa. Yawmu l-jam'a, on Friday, in the assembly of Allah, the already honored mankind is being hosted. The meaning of hosted is - servants are being gifted. Gift, Jumaa is also Yawmu l-ikram (honored day). Please Shah Mardan go on! Jumaa is the day of divine gifts offered by Janabul Haqq to His servants; Rabbu l-Izzat, who extended love and respect to His beloved Habib in the angelic realm. Rabbu l-'Izzat gifted Jumaa as as an honor to the ummah of Al Habib(sws). Know this day as a "Divine Gift". It is the day when Divine grants are flowing with unlimited divine gifts that are dressing the earth and the seas and especially mankind who is being granted the utmost of divine gifts. Pay respect, in order to be gifted. Please O Shah Mardan go on. Those who learn your teachings and apply them, are appreciated. Happiness is for them. He who appreciates the value of Jumaa, who can comprehend the honor of Jumaa, they leave their work/affairs, to gain the honor of this day. They get clean, wear clean clothes and run to the invitation of Rabbul-'Izzat - Jumaa Prayer. If only people in this world know the value of Jumaa, they would live in peace, in a world of salvation, no fighting. There would no be enmity or fighting. People every Jumaa "min tarafillah (from the side of Allah) Kabaa Muazzama", Sheikh Mehmed Effendi, Baytullah is called this, isn't it? SM: Yes. "Baytullah". Why are people running to Baytullah? Baytullah has four walls. If it was an empty building, no one would run to Baytullah. Who would visit an empty house? There are the gifts that are offered by the Owner of Baytullah, there. The servants who visit there receive the robes of honor, which are for them. Who is being dressed with that robe of honor? One who has faith is dressed. Kaaba is not empty. If it was empty no one would go there. People are taking something so that they are running to the Kaaba. If it were empty, only four walls, what is the glory of it? What is the glory? What can one get from an empty house? It is full, the Kaaba (3 von 12)04.07.2013 23:17:46

3285 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Friday

Muazzama, a building with four walls that is glorified, it is not empty. Please Shah Mardan go on! That building with four sides is full. What does it full with? There you will find everything that gives honor to the servants. "Wa laqad karramna bani adama" (17:70) says Janabul Haqq(jj). "We granted the children of Adam, a Divine grant. No one can imagine Our Divine grant." "And specially on Friday those who visit My House, there are gifts from the divine treasury for them." Servants are not circumambulating the Kaaba for nothing. For each rotation around the Kaaba, comes a grant from Janabul Haqq that dresses the servants. That is why people used to pray, "May we step on the soil of the roads to Kaaba. May we visit the Kaaba Muazzama". There are divine treasures they would take from there. The Manifestation of each day is different. The manifestation of this Jumaa has passed. What is given for today will be closed, another one will be opened. The religion of Islam is supreme. High heavenly ranks are in Islam. Every Friday Islam brings robes of honor to the Muslims. That is why, please Shah Mardan go on, you should wear clean and new clothes and put on fine perfume. That is Baytullah where the divine grants of Jumaa are being dressed to those who come with adab(good manners). Like the times of Eid people wear new and clean clothes so also you must prepare for Jumaa with new and clean clothes. Say: I am going to the Holy Presence, to the Kaaba, to Baytullah. May I be granted! This is Jumaa! Please Shah Mardan go on, the arena is yours. Every Jumaa the armies of heaven come down to expel satan. These armies come for the majesty of Jumaa. Be clean, be ready, know whose Presence you attend. Then you will become an exalted human being. Ay yaran Shah Mardan, today's Jumaa is also the Jumaa of Rajab Sharif that is Shahrullah and because of this, with the new manifestation, Holy Angels descend for greetings. Those who can be there should go. If they can't, wherever they are, they should pray - "O our Lord, dress us in honor as You dressed the lovers of the Kaaba and the lovers of Shah Mardan. As You grant them, may You grant us too." All worries and sadness will fade away, and happiness fills our hearts. Worries fade away. Illnesses fade away. Distress leaves you. This is Jumaa! Say: "I wish I could be there, in the presence of the Holy Baytullah." Then you deserve to be (4 von 12)04.07.2013 23:17:46

3286 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Friday

dressed with the honor that descends from heavens to the Kaaba Muazzama. That robe of honor will be dressed on you. O our Lord accept us. This is the discourse of Shah Mardan. Humans should know humanity! A Human is the Exalted Human being. If only the human being knew the honor with which he has been dressed, the honor of being human, he would be very happy. He would reach the Kaaba like a bird - No need for a plane or a ship, or any other vehicle. They would have taken wing, the Muslims, to fly to the Kaaba. No need for planes to fly in the skies. The lovers of Baytullah don't need planes. They can fly. May Allah grant us such an honor! Please Shah Mardan go on, may we be with you! Our speech is from Shah Mardan. Take it, be dressed with it and make it your ornament. Take the ornament of Jumaa. There are robes of honor coming from heaven - Take them and be dressed, on yawmu l-jam'a. Run to the mosques. When you are there, troubles leave you, worries fade away. Happiness comes. O Shah Mardan this information is one that fascinates people when they hear it. May you accept us too, to be with you and with the ones who love you. "Al mar'u ma'a man ahab" One is with whom he loves. We love Shah Mardan. We love the ones who are like him. We love all Prophets. We love the Sultan of Prophets(sws), the Beloved of Allah. Love and respect that you may find honor in return. Ay yaran Shah Mardan, Jumaa mubarak! May our breath be strong enough to stop the ways of oppressors. May Sham is opened. May the banners of Islam be raised for the sake of this holy month, ya Rabb! Allah, who is Jalil, dresses His Muslim servants with such a robe that cannot be described. Servants of Allah, who is Jalil, His servants cannot be contemptible. Know this and act accordingly. Please Shah Mardan go on: "stand with a firm step". Stand with a firm step. O Shah Mardan how beautifully you are describing! O Shah Mardan, may your words gives us strength. May our honor increase in the Presence of Janabul Haqq. Especially in the month of Rajab which is Shahrullah. We are hoping that before Shahrullah is completed, the oppressors will be finished. "Az zulmu la yadum", Oppression cannot continue. "Wa in dama dammar", if it does continue, it will collapse in their hands. Our Prophet Sarvar-i Kainat (sws) came to remove oppression; in order to finish oppression. People who are Muhammadis, their honor can never be under the feet; can never be trampled. What brings disgrace is our bad egos, and satan. Fight against satan, not against (5 von 12)04.07.2013 23:17:46

3287 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Friday

people. Ay yaran Shah Mardan! We are hoping that the reality of the blessings of Jumaa which are like oceans, that we will catch a drop of it. We can listen from Shah Mardan. O our Lord send us the Sahib, send us the Sultan. For the sake of this holy month which carries Your Majestic Name, may our Sultan come. May the banners of Islam be raised! You have the Sultans who can raise the honor of Your Habib! May they come ya Rabbi! Amin. O Shah Mardan your words are beautiful! Not only do we wish but we believe that the banners of Islam will be raised - they will rise. Everything before them will be rubbish. Raise the banner of Islam! Say: I am Muslim! Prophet Noah (as) said, "Wa 'umirtu an akuna minal muslimina"(10:72) "I was ordered to be Muslim", said Prophet Noah(as). Who are you? Say: I am a Muslim, a servant of Janabul Haqq. Then you will receive honor. Success is from Janabul Haqq, Ay Shah, Ay Shah Mardan. May you gaze upon us. May we dressed with the blessings of the holy Jumaa that will take away our weakness. Amin ya Rabbi ya Karim! It is not only our wish but we believe this. May we be dressed with the robe of health and honor, and the robe of faith and Islam. O Shah Mardan bring good tidings to your friends! Let's say Allah, Allah, Allah. Ya Hu! Ay Shah Mardan. Both your words and your tidings are good! May we wear the robe of health and the robe of Islam. Let's crush the banners of unbelief under our feet! May the banners of Islam be raised, for the sake of Al-Habib(sws). For the sake of this holy month, may we live with health and happiness. May service to Allah be our only concern. Fatiha. Freitag

As-Salamu `alaykum, Ay Yaran Shah Mardans. Sagen wir Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Mögen wir Kraft bekommen. Möge Allah Seine Muslimdiener mit Mächtigkeit bekleiden. Möge Furcht in die Herzen der Ungläubigen einbrechen. Mögen ihre Taten gegen sie gewendet werden. Laßt das Banner des Islam erhoben werden. Dies ist Rajab Shahrullah! Der ehrenwerteste (6 von 12)04.07.2013 23:17:46

3288 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Friday

Monat, der die Herrlichkeit Janabu l-Mawlas hat, das ist Shahrullah, der Monat Allahs. Alhamdulillah. As-Salatu wa s-Salamu `ala Rasulillah. Sallallahu `alayhi wa Sallam. Marhaban. Marhaban, o Shah Mardan. Ay Yaran Shah Mardans. Allah Allah. Heute ist Yawmu l-Jum`a, Freitag. Freitag ist der ehrenwerteste Tag dieser Welt und auch der ehrenwerteste Tag im Jenseits. Achten wir diesen Tag! Bitte, Shah Mardan, erkläre uns, damit wir Nutzen daraus ziehen können. Ay Yaran Shah Mardans, die Freunde Shah Mardans, möge Janab Allah uns mit den Segnungen dieses heiligen Tages bekleiden. Janab Allah kleidete unseren Propheten (saws) mit diesen Segnungen.