Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (204/777)
ning in all the Holy Books, "Beware of Shaitan, Beware of Shaitan! Oh, my servants!". But no-one is writing this. Because our boss, our best friend Shaitan is telling us not to. May Allah forgive us. It is a long story, since the time of Adam until today. It still hasn't finished. You must be warned through all the Prophets, that Adam was the first one to be cheated. Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ and Muhammad, peace be upon them, they are all warning you. They are warning people and they are warning nations, "Beware of Shaitan, your biggest enemy!". But we are not listening. May Allah forgive us and bless you... London - 29.03.1992
BookPowerOceansOfLove, CategoryAdam, CategoryShaitan, CategoryGovernment (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:16:46
2966 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FamiliarityBreedsEnlightenment
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FamiliarityBreedsEnlightenment
Familiarity Breeds Enlightenment
Shah Naqshband, the most important pillar of the Naqshbandi Tariqah, used always to say: "The essence of our Tariqah is to be found in gathering in the company of the Sheikh or of fellow aspirants. Such meetings generate pure goodness". This kind of gathering is referred to as "Sohbet", and may involve either the Sheikh (or an appointed deputy of the Sheikh) addressing the group (after having linked his heart with the chain of Sheikhs through which he is connected to the heart of the Holy Prophet), or simply an informal "get- together", a happy occasion for intimacy. (Often a Sohbet consists of both aspects, a discourse followed by familiar interchange). Why does Shah Naqshband assign so much importance to such gatherings? Why does he stress this even more, seemingly, than prayer or Dhikr (prayer-meditation)? Why? Because the familiarity arising from such blessed gatherings opens our hearts to each other and to our Lord. Gathering people in such an intimate atmosphere was the method utilized by the Prophets to soften the hearts of their people, and soft hearts make our worship acceptable in the Divine Presence. If people cannot bring themselves to defer to another, as when people gather with a Sheikh or a deputy of a Sheikh, they will grow to be ever more assertive, wild and egoistic. In our assemblies one person must be the symbolic leader and address the others. If he is a deputy of the Sheikh, he may be, on the level of everyday (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:47
2967 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FamiliarityBreedsEnlightenment
life, just one of a group of brothers pursuing a common goal, or he may have already attained spiritual stations which enable him to take on a more comprehensive role in guiding the members of his group. Whether the former or the latter be the case, when any of our deputies puts his heart in connection with the spiritual transmission for the sake of leading Dhikr and delivering a Sohbet discourse, he should become the means for that spiritual power and blessings to pervade that assembly. Divine blessings descend on meetings where one person is presiding humbly and the others are deferring humbly. Such blessings never rest on a group where each is vying to prove the superiority of his views. No, our assemblies should not be debate clubs. If we follow these guidelines, after one person addresses the group and the others defer both outwardly and inwardly, a special atmosphere of intimacy should settle on that meeting, so that everyone feels well inclined towards the other members of the group, and all are able to exchange ideas in a constructive, non-confrontational manner. Our egos rebel against being on an equal footing with others, so how should they feel about showing deference! The ego is a wild creature, constantly seeking to assert its uniqueness and superiority and to belittle others. If we can manage to get the upper hand in the struggle with our egos, they may reluctantly accede to show deference, but they will never do it voluntarily. Man is subject to conflicting impulses. He wants to be unique, but he is also a social animal. Uniqueness is an attribute of our Lord, and we have all been given a share of that Divine attribute in that we are all different physically and in the realm of personality. In fact, there is a unique Divine Name reflected in each and every one of us, a Divine Name which the Lord has bestowed us a share of to the exclusion of others. Because of this we have an intrinsic tendency to see ourselves as being unique-because we are - but the mistake is to see ourselves as being superior to others, for it is in unity with others that we fulfill our potential for completeness, as our unique name is made manifest through the act of joining it to the whole of Divine Attributes. The way to the fulfillment of this great potential passes through familiarity with people. Whoso finds a way to the hearts of mankind finds his Lord's Divine Presence. This is why the Holy Prophet brought people together in such informal meetings. But don't think that this is an easy task! The power to draw people together is a gift of Heaven. The Prophets and their Inheritors have been granted the gift of addressing people's hearts (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:47
2968 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FamiliarityBreedsEnlightenment
directly, so that all those whose hearts are not of stone, all open-hearted people and all those whose hearts are closed but not locked must be affected by their message. Usually a humble class of people responded widely to the message of the Prophets, as being close to nature they were more easily able to distinguish something living from a fabrication. In general, women also were more open to the message of the prophets than men, because women's hearts are more easily opened. Men's hearts are often locked tightly. It is impossible for an open-hearted person to reject the guidance of a Prophet or one of their Inheritors. But as for people who are puffed up with their knowledge, and approach men of God in order to make them accept their ideas rather than accepting Divine teachings, such people are likely to lock their hearts to Tariqahs. The sign of real spiritual transmission is that hearts are affected and softened so that real familiarity and affection grow among the recipients of that transmission. That is the first step towards real faith. You aren't a real believer until you want for others what you would like for yourself, until you can put yourself in the shoes even of those with whom you find yourself in conflict. Until you can feel affection and familiarity towards a group of fellow seekers, it is impossible to imagine sympathy for people inimical to yourself. How is it possible to open up your heart to your fellow man? Your hearts must meet in the heart of one of Allah's Saints, for in their hearts is Divine Attraction, and it is that power which enables them to be a medium for the binding of hearts. If there is no connection to the Source of all love- the Lord of all beings-then no really durable familiarity can develop between people, only the commonplace surface familiarity that is so easily disregarded when self-interest intervenes. If a person has not undergone training at the hands of an Inheritor of a Prophet it is impossible for him to bear with people who inflict trouble upon him. He will become like a thorn bush: unapproachable, always ready to prick whoever approaches, friend or foe. Usually, however, such people are unable to perceive that they are prickly, but attribute the thorniness to others. This is not surprising, as it is a common mechanism of the human psyche to put off on others our own objectionable characteristics. We are all mirrors, but we do not realize that it is our own ugliness we are abhorring in others. The Lord sympathizes with His creatures, and whoso has received a ray of that attribute may find his heart inclining towards people. This familiarity is a transmission from heart to heart. Don't bother with my words, (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:47
2969 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FamiliarityBreedsEnlightenment
just receive my transmission. Familiarity with our fellow men is only the first level upon which Divine familiarity is made manifest, for the truly loving soul evokes affection even from wild animals. Once I was with my Grandsheikh in the countryside. As we approached the house of the person we had gone to visit, a yellow dog started to rush at us with his tail curved between his legs like a scorpion. I thought that we would be torn to shreds, but then, as the dog came within clear sight of us, his whole aspect changed (even though Grandsheikh had never been there before, and therefore, the dog did not recognize him in the ordinary sense of his being a frequent visitor) and he began to wag his tail. Then the dog approached and Grandsheikh rubbed his head. At this the vicious guard dog took on the aspect of a frolicking puppy, rolling on the ground and prancing about. Then Grandsheikh explained to me: "He recognized me. I am no stranger to anyone". Even ferocious lions may become pussycats in the presence of the receptacles of Divine familiarity. Once, in the early days of Islam, a caravan of pilgrims were coming to visit the House of God in Mecca. All of a sudden the caravan stopped. Abdullah Ibn Umar was with the caravan and when it stopped he went forward to see what was the matter. Tpeople were in a state of great trepidation, for a lion was sitting in the middle of the road, and they were afraid he would attack the pilgrims. Abdullah Ibn Umar made his camel kneel and climbed off its back. He went over to the lion, lifted up its ear, and reprimanded him gently, saying: "Don't stay here. This is not the place for you: this is a road for the pilgrims bound for the House of God. You must be obedient and respectful, and not attack us, as we are under the Protection of the Almighty". 01.01.1987
BookIntheMysticFootstepsofSaintsVolume2, CategorySohbat, CategoryBiography (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:47
2970 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FamilieDerGutenMenschen
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FamilieDerGutenMenschen
Die Familie der guten Menschen
Wir sagen den heiligen Namen Allahs: Im Namen Allahs, des Allmächtigen, des All-Barmherzigen, des Wohltätigsten und des Freigiebigsten. Dies ist ein heiliges Treffen, zur Ehre des Herrn der Himmel. Wir sind alle Diener und tragen nur den einen Titel: Diener des Herrn. Diese Einladung ist eine Ehre, und zweifellos ist diese Versammlung heute Sein Wille, und ich denke, daß meine Brüder - gleichzeitig auch meine Gastgeber - ebenso wie ich der Auffassung sind, daß wir uns in der spirituellen Welt befanden, bevor wir in dieses Leben eintraten. Unsere Seelen befanden sich in jener Welt, und von dort aus wurden wir hierher in den Leib der Mutter geschickt und blieben dort dreimal 40 Tage lang. Schon in dieser geistigen Welt waren wir zusammen, und es ist unmöglich, daß man hier jemandem begegnet, wenn man ihm nicht schon vorher in der spirituellen Welt begegnete, denn dies ist die Voraussetzung dafür, daß man sich in der materiellen Welt trifft. Unsere Seelen sind die gleichen: wahrhaftige Diener ihres Herrn. In der spirituellen Welt sind alle gleich: Christen, Muslime, Juden, Buddhisten, alle Seelen sind gleich. Seine Heiligkeit hier trägt die Kleidung der Buddhisten und sieht aus wie ein buddhistischer Geistlicher. Seine Heiligkeit dort ist gekleidet wie ein protestantischer Priester, und euer Hochwürden trägt den Habit eines katholischen Priesters. Ich selbst habe das Aussehen eines muslimischen Scheichs. Diese Kleidung ist nur für eine kurze Zeit. Unsere wahre Kleidung ist in der Göttlichen Gegenwart. Dort gibt es keinen Streit zwischen den verschiedenen Gruppen, (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:48
2971 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FamilieDerGutenMenschen
Glaubensrichtungen, Religionen, nur noch die Einheit des Herrn der Himmel. Das ist reines Wissen, Wirklichkeit, niemand kann Einwände dagegen erheben, weder Gelehrte, Heilige, Priester, Scheichs, noch sonst irgend jemand. Ich glaube an das, was ich denke. Ich nehme an, daß alle der hier Anwesenden an die Existenz Satans glauben, und ich suche einen Ort, wo es ihn nicht gibt. Wenn es den Teufel hier in Katalonien nicht gibt, dann bleibe ich hier. Einst suchte jemand nach einem Ort, an dem es keinen Tod gibt, und er erkundigte sich überall, ob jemand gestorben sei. Er bekam zur Antwort: "Siehst du nicht den Friedhof? Warum fragst du so etwas? Was willst du?" "Ich suche einen Ort, den der Tod nicht erreichen kann." Man sagte ihm, er sei nicht ganz richtig im Kopf, aber er forschte weiter nach dem Ort ohne Tod. Endlich fand er ein Dorf, in welchem er vergeblich nach einem Friedhof suchte, und er glaubte sich am Ziel. Seine Frage, ob dort jemand gestorben sei, wurde verneint. "Dies ist der richtige Ort für mich", sagte er, "aber wie ist es möglich, daß dieses Dorf immer gleich groß bleibt, wo hier doch niemand stirbt? Was geschieht mit den Menschen?" "Dort drüben ist ein Hügel", antwortete man ihm, "und von Zeit zu Zeit hört man von dort einen Ruf: 'He Pedro, He Senora María, kommt!' Und wenn sie dann gehen, kommen sie nie mehr zurück." "Sollen sie nur rufen", erwiderte er. Und er war sehr froh. Eines Tages - er hatte sich gerade beim Barbier zum Rasieren niedergelassen und die Rasur war gerade zur Hälfte beendet - hörte er, wie ihn jemand rief und er sagte: "Ich muß schnell weg, da drüben ruft mich jemand." "Aber so bleiben Sie doch sitzen, wir sind doch noch gar nicht fertig." "Lassen Sie mich, ich muß gehen." Und auch er ging hinauf und kehrte nie mehr zurück. Der Tod ist überall, er macht weder vor Palästen noch vor Hütten halt. Und Satan kommt viel leichter an Könige heran als an gewöhnliche Menschen. Man fürchtet ihn auch, wenn er sich den Kirchen nähert und schaut, ob jemand drin ist oder ob er sich vielleicht an den Priester heranmachen kann. Satan ist von Anfang bis Ende aktiv, und er ist ein erstklassiger Unruhestifter. Ich habe seine Heiligkeit Bartolomäus, den Patriarchen von Konstantinopel besucht, das Oberhaupt der orthodoxen Kirche, der Papst der oströmischen Kirche sozusagen. Wir sind Freunde. Er spricht gut Türkisch und hat ein gutes Gesicht, und unsere Herzen sind einander nahe. Er ließ mich durch einen geheimen (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:48
2972 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FamilieDerGutenMenschen
Eingang herein, aus Achtung und Liebe zu mir, denn normalerweise wird man von Sicherheitskräften kontrolliert. Als wir so beisammensaßen, sagte er zu mir: "Scheich Nazim, wie denken Sie über all die Krisen und Unruhen? (Wer hier schläft, muß rausgehen, oder er bekommt weder Tee noch Kuchen. Das Offizielle liegt mir nicht, darum rede ich so frei und offen. Das Offizielle überdeckt die Aufrichtigkeit. Wir müssen so bleiben, wie wir sind, und auch vor hochgestellten Personen bleibe ich so, wie ich bin und verstelle mich nicht.) Als er mich fragte, wie ich über die immer zahlreicher werdenden Unruhen denke, sagte ich: "Eure Heiligkeit, glauben Sie denn, daß Satan in den Ruhestand getreten ist?" "Nein", sagte er, "das glaube ich nicht. Wenn er im Ruhestand wäre, dann hätten wir Ruhe." Aber noch ist er aktiv und an der Macht. Daran kann auch die Demokratie nichts ändern. Er ist König und hat die Macht in seinem Königreich. Vorsicht vor dem Satan! - Schreibt dies anstatt "Vorsicht, bissiger Hund." Wenn man einem Hund den Stock zeigt, läuft er weg. Aber auch wenn man mit einem Gewehr auf Satan schießen würde, würde er nicht weglaufen. Und selbst wenn eine ganze Armee auf ihn feuern würde, würde er dies für einen Ehrensalut halten. Darum müssen wir uns, eure Heiligkeit, an den Händen halten und gegen Satan zusammenhalten, um sein Königreich zu zerstören. Wenn wir dies nicht schaffen, gibt es weder Frieden noch Gesundheit noch Glück, nur endloses Leid. Ich versuche deshalb, eine Organisation der "Guten" zu schaffen, der Heiligen, damit wir zusammen, Hand in Hand, dem Angriff Satans und seiner Gefolgsleute entgegentreten. Vielleicht ist das eine schwere Arbeit, vielleicht finden einige das sehr schwierig. Aber ich glaube, daß der Herr der Himmel uns hilft, wenn wir gegen Satan zusammenhalten. Jesus Christus hatte auch nur zwölf Schüler, und sein Glaube hat sich in der ganzen Welt verbreitet. Darum müssen wir gegen Satan zusammenhalten, auch in kleinen Dingen, damit er nicht seine Ideen bei der Jugend verbreitet, und wir müssen uns gegen seine Angriffe und Fallen wehren, so gut wir es vermögen. Ich hoffe und glaube, und mit mir die ganze muslimische Welt, daß das neue Jahrtausend das Königreich der Himmel bringt. Und wir glauben, daß Isa (Friede sei auf ihm), Jesus, der himmlische König auf Erden sein wird und daß unter seiner Königsherrschaft alle Königreiche an die Macht kommen werden, Satan und seinen Gefolgsleuten zum Trotz. Ich bin voller Hoffnung, daß die Erde endgültig für alle gereinigt wird, und (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:48
2973 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FamilieDerGutenMenschen
daß der Schmutz von ihr hinweggenommen wird. Dann wird wahre Gerechtigkeit und Achtung und echte Liebe und Barmherzigkeit zu den Menschen zurückkehren. Ich hoffe auf unerwartete Veränderungen in den nächsten Jahren, und daß Kraft vom Himmel auf die Erde kommt. Wir brauchen Hilfe im Kampf gegen Satan, weil die Mehrzahl der Menschen sein Königreich unterstützt. Darum erwarten und ersehnen wir Hilfe vom Herrn der Himmel für die Erde. Ich halte meine Ansprache nicht gerne länger als die heutige. Mein Herz ist froh, daß ich heute mit seiner Heiligkeit und all diesen Vertretern verschiedener Religionen zusammensein konnte. Ich bin kein Fanatiker im Glauben, ich glaube vielmehr, daß die Rechtschaffenen zusammenhalten sollen, zum Nutzen der Menschheit, um die Menschheit zu retten, wie eine große Familie, damit die Menschen Brüder werden. In der Göttlichen Gegenwart wird derjenige am meisten geehrt, der für die Menschheit sein Bestes tut, und am schlimmsten sind die, die für Satan arbeiten und der Menschheit Schaden zufügen: sie gehören nicht zu uns. Dies ist meine Erklärung in ihrer heiligen Gegenwart. Möge Allah uns vergeben, und ich bitte meinen Herrn um Verzeihung, weil wir so machtlos sind gegen die Angriffe Satans, und wir bitten Ihn demütig um Seine himmlische Hilfe. Möge Allah uns alle segnen, unsere Arbeit, unser Streben. Laßt uns einander an den Händen halten und auf immer für unseren Herrn sein. [Gemeinsames Gebet] Laßt uns so bleiben im Diesseits und im Jenseits. - Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, uns mit Tee zu stärken. - 01.10.1997
BookUnterwegszurGöttlichenGegenwart (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:48
2974 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FashionsAndThings
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FashionsAndThings
As-salamu alaikum! The sign of Muslims (is) to say: As-salamu alaikum! Therefore use it, as much as possible use it more, say: As-salamu alaikum! Welcome to you, ayyuha-l ghafilun! Welcome to you, o famous mental-house visitors. Welcome to you!... That is Cavus, Sergeant... You are happy? Must be, must be! Destur, ya Sultanu-l Anbiya, Destur, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Destur, ya Rijalallah! We are knowing nothing! If knowing something, we are never practising! To learn and to know it is order to believers! And we are saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim... (small Dhikr) O our Lord, You grant us a biggest favour to be able to say Your Holy Name and to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! We are very lucky and we are granted to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. (It is) (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:16:48
2975 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FashionsAndThings
one of biggest Favours of Allah Almighty that we are able to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. And to say ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’ saves you here and Hereafter. Fortunate people to be able to say ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’. When you are saying Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, you have been dressed an honoured dressing from (the) Glory Oceans of Allah Almighty. Everyone around yourself- from nature, from animals world- they are knowing that you are (an) accepted servant in (the) divinely Presence. Because if you are not accepted servant, you can’t be able to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! That is a sign and everything around yourself (is) knowing and understanding that you have been dressed from (the) endless Mercy and Favours of Allah Almighty. You have been dressed and then everything, everyone around yourself, (is) dealing (with) you in a different way that they are not dealing with other people, whom they are not saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. And if you can be able to keep that honour, you should be finally (a) well-known one from servants. (Sheikh is drinking, saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim)... With Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim you can taste Favours when you are drinking. It is never going to be same two persons: (if) one(is) saying: “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” and drinking and eating, (he is) never going to be (the) same as a person who is not saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. 1oo % it is just different and changed! Yes, we are saying, asking forgiveness and blessings. The title of our association was: To learn and to know. That is obligatory for everyone: to learn and to know. Then you have been ordered, when you are learning and knowing, you have been ordered to practice, what you are knowing. Now we are saying: You must know about ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’. If we are sitting and saying (about) the honour and the power of saying: ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’ from (the) beginning of creation up to end, you can’t finish it. So powerful! It is so powerful to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. And mankind must say now, all of them: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Bismillahir Rahmanir (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:16:48
2976 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FashionsAndThings
Rahim. Whom they are saying, they are going to be saved and others (are) taken away. Taken away. La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Adhim! Daily perhaps hundreds books (are) written through different languages, but they are not using (the) Holy Names of Allah Almighty to be the title of their book or their books, to write: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim is like a crown on a King, giving to you such an honour and ‘heybet’, glory, and greatness. You must know it and you must practice on it! Your life- even you are living with so many kinds of people, but never (it is) going (to be the) same life with that one, who was knowing and saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. We must, it is obligatory to learn. Now people (are) building ohhh!, so huge buildings and (they are) making so big- what is that? Making for something through reklam, advertise(ment)... so many advertise... if a person (is) making every means for themselves as an advertise(ment), it is going to be like a small drop through a sea and through an ocean. So powerful! If people (are) learning and knowing about the real benefits or real blessing that (is) coming on a person when he is saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, they should be (quiet), not to speak anything, except: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Try it! Free! Trying is free; make it for
one day that: “I am going to say and to work on something today, to say:
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!” And finally look yourself at the end of the day and
one day that you (are) never saying the holy Name of Allah, to say: Bismillahir
Rahmanir Rahim. And that person (is) coming so tired and unsuccessful. Success(is) just built on (the) holy Name of Allah Almighty: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Say! (That is) saving you here and Hereafter. Don’t forget it! When (you are) forgetting, you are going to be lost through endless oceans or endless sandy oceans... Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim... Allah, Allah...! How it can be? To say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim is to make your ego under your (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:16:48
2977 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FashionsAndThings
feet, to put your feet on the head of Shaitan! Shaitan (is) always blowing, blowing through your ego. Shaitan, that is its mission: to make (the) egos of people (big), to make them to think that each one is bigger from that globe. Even they say that you are much more important from whole heavenly beings! That is shaitanic ideas, asking to make people to say that you are most important ones and really they are “wa khuliqa insana daifa”... Allah Almighty (is) saying that man (is) created so weak, so weak, weaker than an ant! “How it can be, Sheikh? We are much more weaker than an ant?” “Yes, o my no mind fellow! Do you think that an ant needs a blanket to put on it?” “No.” “To put winter clothes, summer-times to put summer clothes, season-times to put season clothes? It is so strong and (more) powerful than you! You are in need to change your clothes through difference of season, that means: that small ant (is) much more powerful than you. It (is) never asking something as you are in need, putting on yourself and to follow fashions, new fashions! New fashions always. Do you think that ants (are) worried (if) they have new fashion or they are using (the) same, same fashion from beginning up to end? But you are changing!” And that is something coming to you from the side of Shaitan, because Shaitan (is) asking to find a way to you through your out-looking. And dressing (is) giving to you a different scene, appearance. Therefore- people, why they are using fashions? They like so much to be seen in a different position, (a) different appearance. Everyone likes this. Therefore so many people, particularly women, if they can be able... if men (are) asking to change themselves 5 times, women, ladies, they are asking to be seen in 500 kinds... that is their mission. And Shaitan therefore (is) playing through the minds of no mind people and (he is) saying: “Oh, my Darling, we must change our fashion, because now (it is) 2008... (A) new fashion (is) coming, (the) spring fashion, then (the) summer comes...” “Which one you like, o my Darling?” They are going also, this, what is that? Defile... (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:16:48
2978 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FashionsAndThings
Sitting one 85-years (old) lady and that side, 99 years old, her husband. Every time (one model is) going, coming, (she is) saying: “O my Darling, how we are going to be... how beautiful do you think that if I am dressing like this...?” That habit (is) never leaving mankind. (It is a) habit! Yes, you must change everything, to be seen on another personality, to make shock on Abdul S... Yes... To be seen... Subhanallah! Subhanallah! Therefore, in Paradise, you (are) never going to see your Paradise-lady and (she is the) same (like just) before one minute! Always changing! Kullu jadidin lazizin- everything new is sweet! Therefore, in Paradise you can’t see your lady always on same, no! Ohhh, so happiness for Paradise people! So happiness! That means we have such a
ning in all the Holy Books, "Beware of Shaitan, Beware of Shaitan! Oh, my servants!". But no-one is writing this. Because our boss, our best friend Shaitan is telling us not to. May Allah forgive us. It is a long story, since the time of Adam until today. It still hasn't finished. You must be warned through all the Prophets, that Adam was the first one to be cheated. Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ and Muhammad, peace be upon them, they are all warning you. They are warning people and they are warning nations, "Beware of Shaitan, your biggest enemy!". But we are not listening. May Allah forgive us and bless you... London - 29.03.1992
BookPowerOceansOfLove, CategoryAdam, CategoryShaitan, CategoryGovernment (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:16:46
2966 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FamiliarityBreedsEnlightenment
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FamiliarityBreedsEnlightenment
Familiarity Breeds Enlightenment
Shah Naqshband, the most important pillar of the Naqshbandi Tariqah, used always to say: "The essence of our Tariqah is to be found in gathering in the company of the Sheikh or of fellow aspirants. Such meetings generate pure goodness". This kind of gathering is referred to as "Sohbet", and may involve either the Sheikh (or an appointed deputy of the Sheikh) addressing the group (after having linked his heart with the chain of Sheikhs through which he is connected to the heart of the Holy Prophet), or simply an informal "get- together", a happy occasion for intimacy. (Often a Sohbet consists of both aspects, a discourse followed by familiar interchange). Why does Shah Naqshband assign so much importance to such gatherings? Why does he stress this even more, seemingly, than prayer or Dhikr (prayer-meditation)? Why? Because the familiarity arising from such blessed gatherings opens our hearts to each other and to our Lord. Gathering people in such an intimate atmosphere was the method utilized by the Prophets to soften the hearts of their people, and soft hearts make our worship acceptable in the Divine Presence. If people cannot bring themselves to defer to another, as when people gather with a Sheikh or a deputy of a Sheikh, they will grow to be ever more assertive, wild and egoistic. In our assemblies one person must be the symbolic leader and address the others. If he is a deputy of the Sheikh, he may be, on the level of everyday (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:47
2967 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FamiliarityBreedsEnlightenment
life, just one of a group of brothers pursuing a common goal, or he may have already attained spiritual stations which enable him to take on a more comprehensive role in guiding the members of his group. Whether the former or the latter be the case, when any of our deputies puts his heart in connection with the spiritual transmission for the sake of leading Dhikr and delivering a Sohbet discourse, he should become the means for that spiritual power and blessings to pervade that assembly. Divine blessings descend on meetings where one person is presiding humbly and the others are deferring humbly. Such blessings never rest on a group where each is vying to prove the superiority of his views. No, our assemblies should not be debate clubs. If we follow these guidelines, after one person addresses the group and the others defer both outwardly and inwardly, a special atmosphere of intimacy should settle on that meeting, so that everyone feels well inclined towards the other members of the group, and all are able to exchange ideas in a constructive, non-confrontational manner. Our egos rebel against being on an equal footing with others, so how should they feel about showing deference! The ego is a wild creature, constantly seeking to assert its uniqueness and superiority and to belittle others. If we can manage to get the upper hand in the struggle with our egos, they may reluctantly accede to show deference, but they will never do it voluntarily. Man is subject to conflicting impulses. He wants to be unique, but he is also a social animal. Uniqueness is an attribute of our Lord, and we have all been given a share of that Divine attribute in that we are all different physically and in the realm of personality. In fact, there is a unique Divine Name reflected in each and every one of us, a Divine Name which the Lord has bestowed us a share of to the exclusion of others. Because of this we have an intrinsic tendency to see ourselves as being unique-because we are - but the mistake is to see ourselves as being superior to others, for it is in unity with others that we fulfill our potential for completeness, as our unique name is made manifest through the act of joining it to the whole of Divine Attributes. The way to the fulfillment of this great potential passes through familiarity with people. Whoso finds a way to the hearts of mankind finds his Lord's Divine Presence. This is why the Holy Prophet brought people together in such informal meetings. But don't think that this is an easy task! The power to draw people together is a gift of Heaven. The Prophets and their Inheritors have been granted the gift of addressing people's hearts (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:47
2968 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FamiliarityBreedsEnlightenment
directly, so that all those whose hearts are not of stone, all open-hearted people and all those whose hearts are closed but not locked must be affected by their message. Usually a humble class of people responded widely to the message of the Prophets, as being close to nature they were more easily able to distinguish something living from a fabrication. In general, women also were more open to the message of the prophets than men, because women's hearts are more easily opened. Men's hearts are often locked tightly. It is impossible for an open-hearted person to reject the guidance of a Prophet or one of their Inheritors. But as for people who are puffed up with their knowledge, and approach men of God in order to make them accept their ideas rather than accepting Divine teachings, such people are likely to lock their hearts to Tariqahs. The sign of real spiritual transmission is that hearts are affected and softened so that real familiarity and affection grow among the recipients of that transmission. That is the first step towards real faith. You aren't a real believer until you want for others what you would like for yourself, until you can put yourself in the shoes even of those with whom you find yourself in conflict. Until you can feel affection and familiarity towards a group of fellow seekers, it is impossible to imagine sympathy for people inimical to yourself. How is it possible to open up your heart to your fellow man? Your hearts must meet in the heart of one of Allah's Saints, for in their hearts is Divine Attraction, and it is that power which enables them to be a medium for the binding of hearts. If there is no connection to the Source of all love- the Lord of all beings-then no really durable familiarity can develop between people, only the commonplace surface familiarity that is so easily disregarded when self-interest intervenes. If a person has not undergone training at the hands of an Inheritor of a Prophet it is impossible for him to bear with people who inflict trouble upon him. He will become like a thorn bush: unapproachable, always ready to prick whoever approaches, friend or foe. Usually, however, such people are unable to perceive that they are prickly, but attribute the thorniness to others. This is not surprising, as it is a common mechanism of the human psyche to put off on others our own objectionable characteristics. We are all mirrors, but we do not realize that it is our own ugliness we are abhorring in others. The Lord sympathizes with His creatures, and whoso has received a ray of that attribute may find his heart inclining towards people. This familiarity is a transmission from heart to heart. Don't bother with my words, (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:47
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just receive my transmission. Familiarity with our fellow men is only the first level upon which Divine familiarity is made manifest, for the truly loving soul evokes affection even from wild animals. Once I was with my Grandsheikh in the countryside. As we approached the house of the person we had gone to visit, a yellow dog started to rush at us with his tail curved between his legs like a scorpion. I thought that we would be torn to shreds, but then, as the dog came within clear sight of us, his whole aspect changed (even though Grandsheikh had never been there before, and therefore, the dog did not recognize him in the ordinary sense of his being a frequent visitor) and he began to wag his tail. Then the dog approached and Grandsheikh rubbed his head. At this the vicious guard dog took on the aspect of a frolicking puppy, rolling on the ground and prancing about. Then Grandsheikh explained to me: "He recognized me. I am no stranger to anyone". Even ferocious lions may become pussycats in the presence of the receptacles of Divine familiarity. Once, in the early days of Islam, a caravan of pilgrims were coming to visit the House of God in Mecca. All of a sudden the caravan stopped. Abdullah Ibn Umar was with the caravan and when it stopped he went forward to see what was the matter. Tpeople were in a state of great trepidation, for a lion was sitting in the middle of the road, and they were afraid he would attack the pilgrims. Abdullah Ibn Umar made his camel kneel and climbed off its back. He went over to the lion, lifted up its ear, and reprimanded him gently, saying: "Don't stay here. This is not the place for you: this is a road for the pilgrims bound for the House of God. You must be obedient and respectful, and not attack us, as we are under the Protection of the Almighty". 01.01.1987
BookIntheMysticFootstepsofSaintsVolume2, CategorySohbat, CategoryBiography (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:47
2970 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FamilieDerGutenMenschen
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FamilieDerGutenMenschen
Die Familie der guten Menschen
Wir sagen den heiligen Namen Allahs: Im Namen Allahs, des Allmächtigen, des All-Barmherzigen, des Wohltätigsten und des Freigiebigsten. Dies ist ein heiliges Treffen, zur Ehre des Herrn der Himmel. Wir sind alle Diener und tragen nur den einen Titel: Diener des Herrn. Diese Einladung ist eine Ehre, und zweifellos ist diese Versammlung heute Sein Wille, und ich denke, daß meine Brüder - gleichzeitig auch meine Gastgeber - ebenso wie ich der Auffassung sind, daß wir uns in der spirituellen Welt befanden, bevor wir in dieses Leben eintraten. Unsere Seelen befanden sich in jener Welt, und von dort aus wurden wir hierher in den Leib der Mutter geschickt und blieben dort dreimal 40 Tage lang. Schon in dieser geistigen Welt waren wir zusammen, und es ist unmöglich, daß man hier jemandem begegnet, wenn man ihm nicht schon vorher in der spirituellen Welt begegnete, denn dies ist die Voraussetzung dafür, daß man sich in der materiellen Welt trifft. Unsere Seelen sind die gleichen: wahrhaftige Diener ihres Herrn. In der spirituellen Welt sind alle gleich: Christen, Muslime, Juden, Buddhisten, alle Seelen sind gleich. Seine Heiligkeit hier trägt die Kleidung der Buddhisten und sieht aus wie ein buddhistischer Geistlicher. Seine Heiligkeit dort ist gekleidet wie ein protestantischer Priester, und euer Hochwürden trägt den Habit eines katholischen Priesters. Ich selbst habe das Aussehen eines muslimischen Scheichs. Diese Kleidung ist nur für eine kurze Zeit. Unsere wahre Kleidung ist in der Göttlichen Gegenwart. Dort gibt es keinen Streit zwischen den verschiedenen Gruppen, (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:48
2971 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FamilieDerGutenMenschen
Glaubensrichtungen, Religionen, nur noch die Einheit des Herrn der Himmel. Das ist reines Wissen, Wirklichkeit, niemand kann Einwände dagegen erheben, weder Gelehrte, Heilige, Priester, Scheichs, noch sonst irgend jemand. Ich glaube an das, was ich denke. Ich nehme an, daß alle der hier Anwesenden an die Existenz Satans glauben, und ich suche einen Ort, wo es ihn nicht gibt. Wenn es den Teufel hier in Katalonien nicht gibt, dann bleibe ich hier. Einst suchte jemand nach einem Ort, an dem es keinen Tod gibt, und er erkundigte sich überall, ob jemand gestorben sei. Er bekam zur Antwort: "Siehst du nicht den Friedhof? Warum fragst du so etwas? Was willst du?" "Ich suche einen Ort, den der Tod nicht erreichen kann." Man sagte ihm, er sei nicht ganz richtig im Kopf, aber er forschte weiter nach dem Ort ohne Tod. Endlich fand er ein Dorf, in welchem er vergeblich nach einem Friedhof suchte, und er glaubte sich am Ziel. Seine Frage, ob dort jemand gestorben sei, wurde verneint. "Dies ist der richtige Ort für mich", sagte er, "aber wie ist es möglich, daß dieses Dorf immer gleich groß bleibt, wo hier doch niemand stirbt? Was geschieht mit den Menschen?" "Dort drüben ist ein Hügel", antwortete man ihm, "und von Zeit zu Zeit hört man von dort einen Ruf: 'He Pedro, He Senora María, kommt!' Und wenn sie dann gehen, kommen sie nie mehr zurück." "Sollen sie nur rufen", erwiderte er. Und er war sehr froh. Eines Tages - er hatte sich gerade beim Barbier zum Rasieren niedergelassen und die Rasur war gerade zur Hälfte beendet - hörte er, wie ihn jemand rief und er sagte: "Ich muß schnell weg, da drüben ruft mich jemand." "Aber so bleiben Sie doch sitzen, wir sind doch noch gar nicht fertig." "Lassen Sie mich, ich muß gehen." Und auch er ging hinauf und kehrte nie mehr zurück. Der Tod ist überall, er macht weder vor Palästen noch vor Hütten halt. Und Satan kommt viel leichter an Könige heran als an gewöhnliche Menschen. Man fürchtet ihn auch, wenn er sich den Kirchen nähert und schaut, ob jemand drin ist oder ob er sich vielleicht an den Priester heranmachen kann. Satan ist von Anfang bis Ende aktiv, und er ist ein erstklassiger Unruhestifter. Ich habe seine Heiligkeit Bartolomäus, den Patriarchen von Konstantinopel besucht, das Oberhaupt der orthodoxen Kirche, der Papst der oströmischen Kirche sozusagen. Wir sind Freunde. Er spricht gut Türkisch und hat ein gutes Gesicht, und unsere Herzen sind einander nahe. Er ließ mich durch einen geheimen (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:48
2972 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FamilieDerGutenMenschen
Eingang herein, aus Achtung und Liebe zu mir, denn normalerweise wird man von Sicherheitskräften kontrolliert. Als wir so beisammensaßen, sagte er zu mir: "Scheich Nazim, wie denken Sie über all die Krisen und Unruhen? (Wer hier schläft, muß rausgehen, oder er bekommt weder Tee noch Kuchen. Das Offizielle liegt mir nicht, darum rede ich so frei und offen. Das Offizielle überdeckt die Aufrichtigkeit. Wir müssen so bleiben, wie wir sind, und auch vor hochgestellten Personen bleibe ich so, wie ich bin und verstelle mich nicht.) Als er mich fragte, wie ich über die immer zahlreicher werdenden Unruhen denke, sagte ich: "Eure Heiligkeit, glauben Sie denn, daß Satan in den Ruhestand getreten ist?" "Nein", sagte er, "das glaube ich nicht. Wenn er im Ruhestand wäre, dann hätten wir Ruhe." Aber noch ist er aktiv und an der Macht. Daran kann auch die Demokratie nichts ändern. Er ist König und hat die Macht in seinem Königreich. Vorsicht vor dem Satan! - Schreibt dies anstatt "Vorsicht, bissiger Hund." Wenn man einem Hund den Stock zeigt, läuft er weg. Aber auch wenn man mit einem Gewehr auf Satan schießen würde, würde er nicht weglaufen. Und selbst wenn eine ganze Armee auf ihn feuern würde, würde er dies für einen Ehrensalut halten. Darum müssen wir uns, eure Heiligkeit, an den Händen halten und gegen Satan zusammenhalten, um sein Königreich zu zerstören. Wenn wir dies nicht schaffen, gibt es weder Frieden noch Gesundheit noch Glück, nur endloses Leid. Ich versuche deshalb, eine Organisation der "Guten" zu schaffen, der Heiligen, damit wir zusammen, Hand in Hand, dem Angriff Satans und seiner Gefolgsleute entgegentreten. Vielleicht ist das eine schwere Arbeit, vielleicht finden einige das sehr schwierig. Aber ich glaube, daß der Herr der Himmel uns hilft, wenn wir gegen Satan zusammenhalten. Jesus Christus hatte auch nur zwölf Schüler, und sein Glaube hat sich in der ganzen Welt verbreitet. Darum müssen wir gegen Satan zusammenhalten, auch in kleinen Dingen, damit er nicht seine Ideen bei der Jugend verbreitet, und wir müssen uns gegen seine Angriffe und Fallen wehren, so gut wir es vermögen. Ich hoffe und glaube, und mit mir die ganze muslimische Welt, daß das neue Jahrtausend das Königreich der Himmel bringt. Und wir glauben, daß Isa (Friede sei auf ihm), Jesus, der himmlische König auf Erden sein wird und daß unter seiner Königsherrschaft alle Königreiche an die Macht kommen werden, Satan und seinen Gefolgsleuten zum Trotz. Ich bin voller Hoffnung, daß die Erde endgültig für alle gereinigt wird, und (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:48
2973 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FamilieDerGutenMenschen
daß der Schmutz von ihr hinweggenommen wird. Dann wird wahre Gerechtigkeit und Achtung und echte Liebe und Barmherzigkeit zu den Menschen zurückkehren. Ich hoffe auf unerwartete Veränderungen in den nächsten Jahren, und daß Kraft vom Himmel auf die Erde kommt. Wir brauchen Hilfe im Kampf gegen Satan, weil die Mehrzahl der Menschen sein Königreich unterstützt. Darum erwarten und ersehnen wir Hilfe vom Herrn der Himmel für die Erde. Ich halte meine Ansprache nicht gerne länger als die heutige. Mein Herz ist froh, daß ich heute mit seiner Heiligkeit und all diesen Vertretern verschiedener Religionen zusammensein konnte. Ich bin kein Fanatiker im Glauben, ich glaube vielmehr, daß die Rechtschaffenen zusammenhalten sollen, zum Nutzen der Menschheit, um die Menschheit zu retten, wie eine große Familie, damit die Menschen Brüder werden. In der Göttlichen Gegenwart wird derjenige am meisten geehrt, der für die Menschheit sein Bestes tut, und am schlimmsten sind die, die für Satan arbeiten und der Menschheit Schaden zufügen: sie gehören nicht zu uns. Dies ist meine Erklärung in ihrer heiligen Gegenwart. Möge Allah uns vergeben, und ich bitte meinen Herrn um Verzeihung, weil wir so machtlos sind gegen die Angriffe Satans, und wir bitten Ihn demütig um Seine himmlische Hilfe. Möge Allah uns alle segnen, unsere Arbeit, unser Streben. Laßt uns einander an den Händen halten und auf immer für unseren Herrn sein. [Gemeinsames Gebet] Laßt uns so bleiben im Diesseits und im Jenseits. - Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, uns mit Tee zu stärken. - 01.10.1997
BookUnterwegszurGöttlichenGegenwart (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:48
2974 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FashionsAndThings
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FashionsAndThings
As-salamu alaikum! The sign of Muslims (is) to say: As-salamu alaikum! Therefore use it, as much as possible use it more, say: As-salamu alaikum! Welcome to you, ayyuha-l ghafilun! Welcome to you, o famous mental-house visitors. Welcome to you!... That is Cavus, Sergeant... You are happy? Must be, must be! Destur, ya Sultanu-l Anbiya, Destur, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Destur, ya Rijalallah! We are knowing nothing! If knowing something, we are never practising! To learn and to know it is order to believers! And we are saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim... (small Dhikr) O our Lord, You grant us a biggest favour to be able to say Your Holy Name and to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! We are very lucky and we are granted to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. (It is) (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:16:48
2975 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FashionsAndThings
one of biggest Favours of Allah Almighty that we are able to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. And to say ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’ saves you here and Hereafter. Fortunate people to be able to say ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’. When you are saying Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, you have been dressed an honoured dressing from (the) Glory Oceans of Allah Almighty. Everyone around yourself- from nature, from animals world- they are knowing that you are (an) accepted servant in (the) divinely Presence. Because if you are not accepted servant, you can’t be able to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! That is a sign and everything around yourself (is) knowing and understanding that you have been dressed from (the) endless Mercy and Favours of Allah Almighty. You have been dressed and then everything, everyone around yourself, (is) dealing (with) you in a different way that they are not dealing with other people, whom they are not saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. And if you can be able to keep that honour, you should be finally (a) well-known one from servants. (Sheikh is drinking, saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim)... With Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim you can taste Favours when you are drinking. It is never going to be same two persons: (if) one(is) saying: “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” and drinking and eating, (he is) never going to be (the) same as a person who is not saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. 1oo % it is just different and changed! Yes, we are saying, asking forgiveness and blessings. The title of our association was: To learn and to know. That is obligatory for everyone: to learn and to know. Then you have been ordered, when you are learning and knowing, you have been ordered to practice, what you are knowing. Now we are saying: You must know about ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’. If we are sitting and saying (about) the honour and the power of saying: ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’ from (the) beginning of creation up to end, you can’t finish it. So powerful! It is so powerful to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. And mankind must say now, all of them: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Bismillahir Rahmanir (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:16:48
2976 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FashionsAndThings
Rahim. Whom they are saying, they are going to be saved and others (are) taken away. Taken away. La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Adhim! Daily perhaps hundreds books (are) written through different languages, but they are not using (the) Holy Names of Allah Almighty to be the title of their book or their books, to write: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim is like a crown on a King, giving to you such an honour and ‘heybet’, glory, and greatness. You must know it and you must practice on it! Your life- even you are living with so many kinds of people, but never (it is) going (to be the) same life with that one, who was knowing and saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. We must, it is obligatory to learn. Now people (are) building ohhh!, so huge buildings and (they are) making so big- what is that? Making for something through reklam, advertise(ment)... so many advertise... if a person (is) making every means for themselves as an advertise(ment), it is going to be like a small drop through a sea and through an ocean. So powerful! If people (are) learning and knowing about the real benefits or real blessing that (is) coming on a person when he is saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, they should be (quiet), not to speak anything, except: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Try it! Free! Trying is free; make it for
one day that: “I am going to say and to work on something today, to say:
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!” And finally look yourself at the end of the day and
one day that you (are) never saying the holy Name of Allah, to say: Bismillahir
Rahmanir Rahim. And that person (is) coming so tired and unsuccessful. Success(is) just built on (the) holy Name of Allah Almighty: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Say! (That is) saving you here and Hereafter. Don’t forget it! When (you are) forgetting, you are going to be lost through endless oceans or endless sandy oceans... Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim... Allah, Allah...! How it can be? To say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim is to make your ego under your (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:16:48
2977 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FashionsAndThings
feet, to put your feet on the head of Shaitan! Shaitan (is) always blowing, blowing through your ego. Shaitan, that is its mission: to make (the) egos of people (big), to make them to think that each one is bigger from that globe. Even they say that you are much more important from whole heavenly beings! That is shaitanic ideas, asking to make people to say that you are most important ones and really they are “wa khuliqa insana daifa”... Allah Almighty (is) saying that man (is) created so weak, so weak, weaker than an ant! “How it can be, Sheikh? We are much more weaker than an ant?” “Yes, o my no mind fellow! Do you think that an ant needs a blanket to put on it?” “No.” “To put winter clothes, summer-times to put summer clothes, season-times to put season clothes? It is so strong and (more) powerful than you! You are in need to change your clothes through difference of season, that means: that small ant (is) much more powerful than you. It (is) never asking something as you are in need, putting on yourself and to follow fashions, new fashions! New fashions always. Do you think that ants (are) worried (if) they have new fashion or they are using (the) same, same fashion from beginning up to end? But you are changing!” And that is something coming to you from the side of Shaitan, because Shaitan (is) asking to find a way to you through your out-looking. And dressing (is) giving to you a different scene, appearance. Therefore- people, why they are using fashions? They like so much to be seen in a different position, (a) different appearance. Everyone likes this. Therefore so many people, particularly women, if they can be able... if men (are) asking to change themselves 5 times, women, ladies, they are asking to be seen in 500 kinds... that is their mission. And Shaitan therefore (is) playing through the minds of no mind people and (he is) saying: “Oh, my Darling, we must change our fashion, because now (it is) 2008... (A) new fashion (is) coming, (the) spring fashion, then (the) summer comes...” “Which one you like, o my Darling?” They are going also, this, what is that? Defile... (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:16:48
2978 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FashionsAndThings
Sitting one 85-years (old) lady and that side, 99 years old, her husband. Every time (one model is) going, coming, (she is) saying: “O my Darling, how we are going to be... how beautiful do you think that if I am dressing like this...?” That habit (is) never leaving mankind. (It is a) habit! Yes, you must change everything, to be seen on another personality, to make shock on Abdul S... Yes... To be seen... Subhanallah! Subhanallah! Therefore, in Paradise, you (are) never going to see your Paradise-lady and (she is the) same (like just) before one minute! Always changing! Kullu jadidin lazizin- everything new is sweet! Therefore, in Paradise you can’t see your lady always on same, no! Ohhh, so happiness for Paradise people! So happiness! That means we have such a