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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (203/777)
yourself in endless distances designed with beautiful things, which you did not ever imagine before. Some people however continue traveling within their tunnels until the very end of their lives, but still they must keep to that way because at least in the last moment they will finish the tunnel of their ego, cut it and find the opening. We must now be patient to find someone who may be suitable for our path and in whom we can (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:16:43

2949 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EyeOfTheHeart

find confidence to follow. He will take us out of our egos. We will then move from darkness to light. Beware and take care to keep your station with that train and then one day, it could be in the morning or in the evening, it can be anytime, you can cut it and enter into a new life, new vision and a new World. Darkness will vanish and you will find the light. It is necessary first to have the desire in your heart. Develop it with your guide and improve it. When the engine reaches the destination, you will also get there. All masters are moving towards Heaven and through the Seven Heavens. But first you must cut the tunnel of your ego. There are forty-one different kinds of ways. All of them help us cut the tunnel of our egos. When you reach out of that tunnel you will find that there are no more bad desires remaining with you. You will be pure. At that moment you will taste the Sweetness of Lights, the Sweetness of Mercy, the Sweetness of Beauty, the Sweetness of Love, the Sweetness of Knowledge, the Sweetness of Wisdom, the Sweetness of Will Power and the Sweetness of Perfection. Until then you must be patient and follow. You must not say, “Oh, how long do I have to follow without seeing anything?” No, the tunnel is according to your ego, long or short. May Allah grant you to reach your Heavenly Stations; you will then be happy, absolutely happy.

WebSheikNazim2Com, CategoryGuidance, CategoryPurification (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:16:43

2950 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FactorsThatLedToTheDeclineInIslam

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FactorsThatLedToTheDeclineInIslam



In Western eyes, Islam declined. Why? What were the reasons? ANSWER - What are they saying about Christianity - always going up? Not coming down. Are they still going up? QUESTION - They think so - they went to the moon. ANSWER - For everything there is a perfection and after it reaches that, a decline takes place. I am asking Christians where and when they reached perfection and when they began to decline. Who will answer me? No-one. I have a right to ask Christianity when they reached perfection and when they began to decline. Not declining Christianity?? QUESTION - Not reaching perfection?? ANSWER - Ah ha! Yes. I am asking Christians that question and answering in favour of Islam. Islam did reach a perfection when Muslims were following heavenly orders. When they began to follow their desires it began to decline. Up to now, Muslims and the Muslim world are not following heavenly orders, so they are still declining. When they were perfect followers, they were rising; when they leave following the Holy Qur'an (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:16:44

2951 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FactorsThatLedToTheDeclineInIslam

and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), they began to decline. That is the reason. Today, we are not saying that Muslims are following heavenly orders or the Holy Qur'an or the Holy Prophet. No. They left it and when they leave this they will be punished. It is wrong for Christians to point to the bad conditions of present-day Muslims (ie Third World life styles), but the churches do this. They must not show Muslims to Christians, but they must show what is Islam and what Islam orders. Muslims are practising nothing from Islam today. Therefore, their decline continues. If Muslims were keeping and following heavenly orders, neither the Russian or American superpowers would be able to exist. They must regard themselves as fortunate, because Muslims are not following heavenly orders. If they were, then no more Russia and no more America, no more Western technology. This is a chance for them to make a show of strength. It is only because Muslims are not following the right way. If Muslims were following, there would be no further demonstrations of power - all of them would be asking to escape from earth. No more Christianity, no more Judaism, no more Communism. They are lucky that Muslims are not following the Holy Qur'an. Astaghfirullah! That is true.

BookLadyChadijasQuestions, CategoryInterview, CategoryMuslimNation (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:16:44

2952 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FafirruIlaLlah

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FafirruIlaLlah


Fafirru ila llah

Die Macht gegen Rußland, die US Armee, marschiert in Sham ein. Es heißt, eine Macht kommt von Sham. Sie sind drei Divisionen. Die erste Division kann nicht standhalten und läuft davon. H. Riham: „Muslime?“ Ja. Von der Muslimarmee. Die zweite Division wird zu Märtyrern. Die dritte Division steht fest und zerstört die Bani Asfar, Russen, und treibt (1 von 9)04.07.2013 23:16:45

2953 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FafirruIlaLlah

sie den ganzen Weg bis nach Istanbul. Istanbul wird erobert mit Takbiren. Der Sultan kommt zu der Zeit. Und es bleiben keine Kommunisten in der ganzen Türkei übrig. Wie angestrengt du auch suchst, sie sind weg. #âªibu z-Zamân Óa¡rat hat die Hand im Spiel, aber er ist noch nicht erschienen. Ich glaube ... Al-Marhamatu l-Qubrâ (Armageddon) und die Eroberung von Konstantaniyya (Istanbul) ist nach sechs Monaten, im siebten erscheint der Dajjâl, Anti-Christ. Allâh, Allâh. Wir sind genau im richtigen Moment dafür. Es kann jetzt nicht mehr verschwinden, und es kann keinen Frieden geben. Vorbei. Jetzt kommen Schießereien über Schießereien ... Er fuhr herum mit diesen zwei gepanzerten Fahrzeugen, Erdogan, nicht wahr? G.: „Ja.“ Außer mit diesem Schiff, (2 von 9)04.07.2013 23:16:45

2954 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FafirruIlaLlah

mit dem er fuhr, mit diesen zwei gepanzerten Fahrzeugen. Ja? Er kam auf diese Seite. Er schaute bei dieser Gelegenheit der Ölsuche auf die Marine, die Ausgangsbasis der Russen. Außerdem ist diese Ölsuche kein wirklicher Grund. Ihre Suche verbirgt andere Gründe. Es ist leeres Gerede. Allâh, Allâh; Allâh, Allâh; Allâh, Allâh. Yâ Rabbî shukr. Amân, yâ Rabbî. Deshalb müssen die Leute Getreidevorräte für ihre Haushalte kaufen. Sie müssen Weizen, Getreide, Gerste einlagern, was immer sie bekommen können. Versteht ist? Die Lage wird schwieriger, und sie erreicht ihren Höhepunkt. Das bedeutet, die Zeit ist gekommen. Im Muªarram, #âªib, der Meister, wird im Muªarram erscheinen, am 10. Muªarram. Amân yâ Rabbî, Amân yâ Rabbî, Amân yâ Rabbî, Amân yâ Rabbî, Amân yâ Rabbî, Amân yâ Rabbî. Die Leute werden aufschreien: (3 von 9)04.07.2013 23:16:45

2955 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FafirruIlaLlah

„Wohin sollen wir gehen?“ Fafirrû ilâ llâh. [51:50] Lauft zu Allâh! Lauft zu Allâh, es gibt keinen anderen Weg, als zu Ihm, subªâna llâh wa ta‘âlâ, zu laufen. Ihr findet Unterschlupf in Allâhs Göttlicher Geborgenheit. Es gibt keinen anderen Schutz mit Gewehren usw. ... Amân yâ Rabbî, Amân yâ Rabbî, Amân yâ Rabbî, Amân yâ Rabbî. Möge Allâh uns nicht den Glauben verlieren lassen, uns die Sicherheit des Glaubens gewähren. Aber die Welt ist so schmutzig geworden, so schmutzig. Der Unglaube hat seinen letzten Punkt erreicht, seine äußerste Grenze. Verleugnung, Unglaube, Schmutz haben ihre letzte Grenze erreicht. Er wird diese abschneiden. Er wird sie beenden. Er wird beenden. Amân yâ Rabbî, Amân yâ Rabbî, Tawba yâ Rabbî, Tawba yâ Rabbî, Astaghfirullâh. Amân yâ (4 von 9)04.07.2013 23:16:45

2956 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FafirruIlaLlah

Rabbî. Wa min Allâh at-Tawfîq. Fatiªah. Amân yâ Rabbî, Amân yâ Rabbî, Amân yâ Rabbî. Der Ferne Osten etc. wird nicht erwähnt, vielmehr ist die Schlüsselposition im Mittleren Osten. Es begann hier, es endet hier. Amân yâ Rabbî, Amân yâ Rabbî, Amân yâ Rabbî, Amân yâ Rabbî, Amân yâ Rabbî, Amân yâ Rabbî. Wir suchen Zuflucht bei Allâh. Wir suchen Zuflucht bei Allâh. Shukr. Shukr für unsere Lage. Jetzt. Allâh. Allâh. Die USA wird in Shâm einmarschieren. Sie werden Streitkräfte stationieren. Wenn die Russen von da kommen, die US von hier. Jordanien wird einmarschieren. Jordanien wird hineingehen ... Versteht ihr? Wir sprechen morgen, inshâ’allâh. Wir sprechen morgen. Wenn sie mich sprechen lassen. – Amân yâ Rabbî, Amân yâ Rabbî. H. Riham: „Gibt es ein Vermächtnis für die Leute?“ Der Rat für die Leute ist, sie (5 von 9)04.07.2013 23:16:45

2957 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FafirruIlaLlah

sollen zu Hause bleiben. Sie sollen nicht hinausgehen. Sie sollen in der Nacht überhaupt nicht hinausgehen. Sie sollen einen Brunnen im Haus haben, so viel es geht, für Wasser. Für Wasser. Sie sollen sich nicht auf die Elektrizität verlassen. Sie sollen alles streichen, was mit Elektrizität arbeitet. Wer immer Geld in der Hand hat, soll es nicht als Geld behalten, sondern Nahrungsmittel und Vorräte kaufen. Die gefährlichste Gegend ist jetzt die unsere. Wir suchen Zuflucht bei Allâh. Ich warte seit 70 Jahren. Allâh der Allmächtige läßt mich warten. Wir werden sehen ... Die Anweisungen werden uns gegeben werden. Das ist ein Arrangement für den Anfang, eine Erklärung. Die Muslime müssen sich in acht nehmen. Die Leute – kein Unterschlupf kann sie schützen in diesen kommenden Kriegen. Sie werden in den (6 von 9)04.07.2013 23:16:45

2958 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FafirruIlaLlah

Schutzraum des Islam eintreten. Niemand wird überleben, der nicht unter dem Schirm des Islam ist. Aus. Aus ... Ein Fünftel der Leute, die in Zypern leben, werden bleiben. Sie müssen das wissen. Vier Fünftel von ihnen werden hinweggenommen. Amân yâ Rabbî. Deshalb sollen alle Studenten in ihre Heimatländer zurückkehren. Dies ist eine Botschaft. Alle Studenten, die aus der Türkei nach Zypern kommen, müssen in ihre Heimat zurückkehren. Sie sollen sofort die Schulen verlassen, alles. Sonst werden sie hier vernichtet. Studieren, Erziehung usw. ist nicht gültig. Und all diese schmutzigen Orte, die sie „Universität“ nennen, werden geschlossen. Keine wird bleiben. Wenn sie hier bleiben, werden sie hinweggenommen. Es gibt keine Rückkehr, weil von hier in die Türkei kein Seeweg offen ist, weil die russische (7 von 9)04.07.2013 23:16:45

2959 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FafirruIlaLlah

Marine sich dort aufhält. Sie haben ihre Unterseeboote, Luftwaffe, und sie lassen die Leute nicht durch. Deshalb sollten sie jetzt abreisen. Zurück zu ihren Orten, sofort! Nicht zu viele sollten in Istanbul bleiben. Sie sollten sofort weggehen. Wer aus einem Dorf ist, zu seinem Dorf. Wer aus einem Ort ist, zurück in den Ort. Wer aus einer Stadt ist, muß zurückgehen in seine Stadt und sich dort verstecken. Sie sollen sich verstecken und nicht hinausgehen. Und sie sollen versuchen zurückzukehren, zu Allâh zu laufen. Sonst Ende ... Millionen von Menschen werden hinweggenommen. Es ist die härteste Schlacht. Es ist der gefährlichste Krieg, der fürchterlichste Krieg, der, der kommen wird. Der Beginn ist heute ... Heute ... ist Samstag. Yawmu l-Aªad (Sonntag) wird sich etwas bewegen. Es wird sich etwas bewegen ... (8 von 9)04.07.2013 23:16:45

2960 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FafirruIlaLlah

Seid vorsichtig mit der Handhabung von allem jetzt. Die Leute sollen alles Notwendige jetzt einlagern. Statt Geld zu halten, sollen sie Vorräte einlagern. Weil auf dieser Insel die Wildheit zu weit gegangen ist. Viele Leute werden vernichtet werden. Mädchen zurück in ihre Häuser, Jungen zurück zu ihren Orten. Dies ist jetzt ein Anfang, eine Warnung an alle Zyprioten. An alle, die in Zypern leben, Griechen oder Muslime. Amân yâ Rabbî, Fâtiªa. Das ist genug. Lefke, 02.10.2011 (Lichtblick 592)

PublisherSpohr, WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryDamascus (9 von 9)04.07.2013 23:16:45

2961 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Faith

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Faith



May Allah forgive us for our wrong actions and wrong intentions. Wrong actions are the fruit of bad intentions. Therefore we cannot be saved from bad actions until we can save ourselves from bad intentions. Intentions are in our heart and if we don't take care of our hearts, then bad intentions will be there. That is why the first step is that we must try to correct our hearts and then our intentions will be good intentions. After having good intentions you can do good actions. What can correct our hearts? How can we correct our hearts? There is no doubt about it, a strong faith can correct our hearts. To believe in a correct way, that corrects our hearts. We need faith. Faith is the Sultan. Faith can command our hearts and through our hearts the command goes on to our body and through our body to our action. That is why we need a strong faith. What should we believe in? We must believe in the existence and in the glory of the Lord of Heavens, the Lord of Universes, the Lord of the children of Adam. You must believe in that one. Adam, peace be upon him, believed in Him. Noa, peace be upon him, believed in Him. Abraham, peace be upon Him, believed in Him. Ismael and Isaq, peace be upon them, believed in Him. Jacob, peace be upon him, believed in Him. The twelve tribes of the children of Israel, peace be upon them, believed in Him. Moses, peace be upon him, believed in Him. David, peace be upon him, believed in Him. Solomon, peace be upon him, believed in Him. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:16:46

2962 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Faith

Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, believed in Him. Muhammad, peace be upon him, believed in Him. You must also believe! He is the only Creator. He is the Lord. This corrects everything when you believe in the One who created Jesus Christ, who created Muhammad, who created Abraham, who created the first man, Adam, peace be upon them. The One who created you, who created earth and heaven, who created paradise and hell. The One who gives life and takes it away. You must believe in Him. The One who created Gabriel, Michael, Israfil and Asrael. The One who created angels. The One who created jinns. The One who created mankind. You must believe in Him! He is the first. There was no-one before Him. He is the last, there is no-one after Him. There are no partners. You must believe. He is the last on Judgment Day. He is the collector of all creatures on the Day of Resurrection. He will give His Judgment to everyone on Judgment Day. No-one can be absent, everyone must be present in His Divine Presence. Jesus Christ will come to His Divine Presence, as well as all the other Prophets, also Muhammad, peace be upon them. And all of mankind will come. Whether you believe, or not, you will come. After you have become dust, you will come. He will collect all of you. Your body will be dust, but your soul lives. And your soul is kept in His Divine Hand. Believe in That-one. That belief will correct your faith. What I am saying is the same as all Prophets were saying. It is written in all the Holy Books, in the Old Testament, in the New Testament, in the Psalms and in the Holy Quran. Don't change your direction. All our directions are towards the Lord of Heavens. Turn your faces towards the Divine Presence. He created you to be his servants, not the servants of this dirty world. He created you to be his servants. Take care of your belief, take care of your belief. The first man was cheated by Shaitan. That same Shaitan is still living with us since that day. Since the first man until Judgment Day that Shaitan is living. But he must also die. He will die. Shaitan will die, he must die. But when all of mankind dies, then Allah Almighty will order Asrail to take the soul of Shaitan also. Shaitan will run to the East and will find Asrail there to catch him. He will run to the West and there he will also find Asrail. He will run to the North and will find Asrail there. He will run to the South and find him there. He will not be able to escape. After all of mankind has died, Asrail will take his soul also. He will die. But as long as mankind is alive, Shaitan also lives. (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:16:46

2963 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Faith

He was created before Adam, and then Allah Almighty created Adam and Eve. And He crowned them to be his Divine Deputies in the universe. Shaitan was a jealous, envious and proud one, and also very stubborn. He could never accept the Divine Choice. He said, "No! I am never going to obey you or your command to prostrate in front of Adam. I must be the first-one. I should be the one to be crowned to be your deputy." Allah Almighty just chose Adam to be his deputy, his Divine Deputy. We have been honoured. And the first and last enemy of mankind is Shaitan. He is our worst and biggest enemy. He cheated Adam and Eve and then he was swearing and saying, "I must run after you and after all your coming generations. I must run and do my worst for you, Adam and all your children." He did his worst for Adam. Adam was in Eden, in paradise and Shaitan did his worst for Adam and made him to be thrown out of paradise. Adam was warned by his Lord, "Oh, Adam, beware of Shaitan! Don't make him cause you to be thrown out of paradise!". Adam did something heedlessly. He tried to break the holy command and he listened to Shaitan and then he was thrown out. All of his children who follow Shaitan are thrown out. They are lost. The general view now on earth now is, that people are very friendly with Shaitan. They are very, very friendly with Shaitan. They are respecting him. They say, "Oh, our best friend. What are your orders?". Nations are following Shaitan. They are saying, "Oh, our best friend, oh, our King, our Lord!". They are leaving the Lord of Heavens and they are saying to Shaitan, "You are our Lord, our best friend. You are our King. We must obey you. What are you ordering us to do?". And he answers, "I am ordering you to destroy everything and to kill each other and to drink the blood of each other." His advice is to be enemies of each other, "Oh, nations, kill each other as much as possible. With bombs, with bullets, with everything, just kill each other and destroy everything. Burn everything! And I will be happy. Because I am created of fire and I like fire. Fire must burn you, oh mankind!" Nations are now preparing fires to burn each other, to burn this world. They have prepared so many bombs, that if they would bring them all to explosion, the whole world would explode. Shaitan has ordered them and they obey Shaitan. They tell him, "You are our best friend, our Lord!" This is the result of people's hearts being empty of real faith. They have no faith, no real faith in their hearts. So Shaitan can cheat them in their hearts and give them bad intentions. He teaches them bad intentions and after bad intentions bad actions follow. (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:16:46

2964 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Faith

These governments... None have any sense. They are saying, "Economy, economy, economy!". They never know the real reasons. They think that the biggest importance is with economy. The Labour Party will come and the Conservatives leave. The Conservatives will leave and the Labour Party will come... All of them say that they will give a good economy and that they will give much more money to the people. They say, "We will look after you much more and give you everything to enjoy yourself, to enjoy your physical body and to fulfil your physical desires." No-one is saying, "Oh, nation! We are coming to correct your spiritual ways, to correct your heart, to fill your heart with faith and to correct your actions and to correct all wrong attributes in you." No-one is saying that. Everyone is saying so much nonsense and is making so much advertisement:economy, economy, economy... and nothing else. And all people and all nations are sinking. We need a real faith. All nations need to correct their faith and to correct their intentions so that we can be friendly to each other. As long as we are keeping Shaitan as their friend, we cannot be friendly to each other. The Holy Prophet said 15 centuries ago, that when the Last Days are approaching nations will fight within themselves, not to other nations. And we are fighting with each other. We are enemies of each other. The Conservatives are enemies of the Labour Party, and the Labour Party are enemies of the Conservatives. This is happening everywhere, not only in England, but in Turkey, in Greece, in Russia, in China, in Pakistan, in India, in Arabia, everywhere nations are fighting within themselves. You cannot find a nation that is not fighting with themselves. Because Shaitan is ordering to them to be enemies, not to be friends with each other. And we are dealing with enmity towards each other. We are not dealing with each other friendly. There is no more tolerance from people to each other. There is no more tolerance of governments towards their citizens. There is no more tolerance from the citizens towards their government. May Allah forgive us. These are the most difficult times which have been mentioned in the Holy Books. We are living in them. Even darker days will be coming. The result of being friendly with Shaitan hasen't yet appeared, more are coming. They are on the way. They are loaded and they will be coming. The worst days in which all of mankind will cry, not crying tears, but tears of blood. This is not far away. Oh, mankind, beware of Shaitan. Don't write on your doors, "Beware of dogs!". You must write, "Beware of (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:16:46

2965 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Faith

Shaitan!" In the churches there are so many writings on the boards, but they never write: "Oh, people, oh, believers, beware of Shaitan!". That is the most important writing that should be written everywhere, in the churches, in the mosques, or anywhere else. People must be warned of Shaitan! Allah Almighty is war