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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (171/777)
is making it clear for his nation, kun ma` allah, wa laa tubaalee, "Be with Allah and care not for anything else." (Mawlana Shaykh sits) If you are going to speak on that waridaat, heavenly inspirations coming to my heart up to the end of this life it is not finishing. Everything that is making you forget Your Lord, Almighty Allah, you are finishing. As Layla, Majnoon, that is some asateer, stories, which thing was making Majnoon to forget Layla? It is a simple story but it is giving Mankind such a meaning you can't imagine. That is Majnoon and Layla, their positions are mujassam, physical. Just it is shown to people how a person is going to love someone, if he has a real love, day and night, he is sleeping with that one and awakening with that one, walking with that one, and coming with that one. Our Salafi `ulamas may say, "Those are stories that people are making," yes we understand but look at the real love, how is it making a person? And that is one girl and second a young one, a young man, between them was such love that you can't imagine. How can you say we can't do that with our Lord, Almighty Allah? Allah Almighty is saying nasoollah wa nasiyahum. You may say, "We are working for our work, how are we going to be with our Lord every time?" And look at Layla and Majnoon, how were they? (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:10

2506 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLooseYourOnlyChance

Therefore, the Lord of Heavens is saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands)     Faqsusu 'l-qassasa la`alakum yadhakaroon. Relate to them stories in order they may be reminded. (70:176) (Mawlana Shaykh sits) SadaqAllahu-'l-`Adheem. Don't say, "This is a fairytale," no. From everything you must take everything that is necessary for you, how you must be with your Lord, Almighty Allah. Those are two servants, one boy and one girl, they are getting to their love to one another and the love between them is going to be an ocean, never getting out. They are asking to swim in it and never get out. O People! O our Attenders! Hear and try to understand. We are asking forgiveness from our Lord and a little bit of understanding from the Seal of Prophets' advising, to carry us not to run after this dirty life, but over that dirty life there is a noble life. O People! You are running after a dirty life but the Lord of Heavens is asking from you a noble life. Forgive us, O our Lord. Tawbah, yaa Rabbee. Tawbah, astaghfirullah. Forgive us our Lord for honor of Your most honored one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) Fatihah. (36 minutes) Mashaa-Allah. (1007) Alhamdulillah. Shukran lillah. Yaa Rabbee. Tawbah, yaa Rabbee, tawbah. (Hajjah Naziha on the telephone) Lefke, 19.09.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryIndividuality (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:10

2507 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLoseYourOnlyChance

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : DontLoseYourOnlyChance


Don't Lose Your Only Chance

(Deutsch unter MaterielleDingeSchmelzenDahin) After Salaat al-Jumu`ah As-salaamu `alaykum. Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illa-Llah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan `abduhu wa rasooluh. In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Munificent. We are saying to our listeners, as-salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. This association is simple, but it is not from myself, no. It is from heavenly ones. I am also asking to hear and listen as it is not something we have prepared to speak to people, but it is a heavenly association from those who are sending their power to a weakest servant. I am calling myself a servant, but I am not a real servant. I am ashaming to say I am a servant, because I am not giving real service for the Lord of Heavens. We gave our oath to our Lord Almighty Allah that we would be His servants, but when we came here, we were born into this planet we have shown such a weak servanthood. As I look throughout East and West, from north to south, I also see how people have forgotten their oath that have given in the Divine Presence on the (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:11

2508 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLoseYourOnlyChance

Day of Oath when we said, “O our Lord ! We are giving to Your Divinely Presence that we are Your servants and we should do only Your service.” That was our oath in the Divine Presence which our souls gave. However, now that we are here, we are not keeping our oath. We are occupying ourselves with materials, and materials for real beings of Mankind in the Divine Presence is nothing. But we are only working or acting for our material being that will be day-by-day going to yazool, melt. Melting. Once I was on a ship that was for tourists. It was taking, showing them so many places. Once, after praying the morning prayer, I looked at main hall of that ship and saw a statue. You can say I saw a very beautiful figure as I was passing. Evening time, I passed again and I looked to find where was that beautiful figure that I saw morning time. One of the passengers were saying, “O Shaykh! It was not something from stone or from metal. No.” From what, I wondered, because I was looking from far away. It was only a piece of ice. Therefore it began to melt, melt, and kept melting slowly, slowly, slowly and by evening, it just melted away, becoming water. Our Grandshaykh, Allah bless him, was saying, “O Nazim Effendi! Everything that what you are seeing is going to melt and finally everything is going to disappear, melting away. The figure you are looking at is not a stable figure, and everything on this planet is going to be melt, particularly Mankind; their figures are like that ice figure.” Day-by-day, day-by-day, day-by-day it is going to melt and finally become water, without any figure left there, able to look, hear or speak. That was a man-made figure, but our beings, our material being that our Lord has created is also going to melt away as days go by, meaning melting away some instruments that are working by a battery. Once there was a Bedouin, who was on his camel going from one place to another. At night time he reached to a full water well. He then took his rest and slept. Early morning he stood up and asked whether he should continue on his way or complete his journey. However, he looked at his camel who was no longer moving. He tried to make like this, to open its eyes, but its head fell down. Then he fell down on one side and went round saying, “O, what happened to my camel? I was riding on it and it was running through deserts as fast as the wind. What happened now? It is no longer looking, nor standing, nor carrying me. What happened? Which thing finished? What is now missing? Everything I am seeing seems okay, so what happened?” (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:11

2509 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLoseYourOnlyChance

As he was crying and going around, another passenger reached him and saw that Arab Bedouin crying and shouting, “What happened to my windy camel? Yesterday it was running like the wind. What happened?” That one told him, “O, you never met a death of someone?” “What is that?” “Yes, yesterday it was alive, and today it is a dead body.” “O my brother! But I am looking and seeing nothing missing.” “Yes, that is not from material world, that was something coming from heavens making that one to move, to run like wind.” “Haaa. Now I’m understanding that it is not our bodies that we are taking so care for its needy things. We are taking so much care for our physical being, and that one passed away from its heavenly connection and just finished and dying. You also, O Man, you are looking and seeing that you are taking much more care, making now new modern people, asking to be like cars with every year new-fashion. Old fashion finishing and putting in cemetery for cars. And you are finishing. You can bring new-fashion car, but you can’t bring new- fashion body for this life. Now people are very careful, particularly rich people from Arabia are saying, “I must go to make a checkup, because sometimes that sleeping not standing. I must go to make a checkup, to look at every organ, if working as before, particularly that one. And that one is dead one, finishing. No, we must make a checkup to make our physical being to be as before.” Finished! Don’t run for checkup. Doctors making for you a quick namar, a quick passing to cemetery. Therefore now people are so, so keskin, sharp looking. “O my brother, where is ikhtiyaar, old one, like Abdul Ra`uf?” Abdul Ra`uf is saying, “O shaykh! I am going for a check-up.” “For what Abdul Ra`uf?” “Because they are saying there is a new virus.” This virus does not differentiate between young or old ones. I must go and check if the pig flu has infected/ reached me. If I did catch it, then I would ask to have like my bodyguard here. I must take bodyguard against pig flu. That virus, second one saying, “Ya Hu! You are going to be a foolish, idiot one. What are you saying? Doctors are not seeing (the virus to be able to eradicate it). Don’t make like this. People are learning yet (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:11

2510 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLoseYourOnlyChance

running on them the pig flu. I am saying it is not so dangerous, but you must beware from dog flu. If dog flu coming to you, finishing you. Many people are going to pass away, because they are so lovely with dogs. If doctors say that you must kill dogs, some super-mind people would refuse to do so, saying, “If my dog is going to be killed, no.” They would prefer their dogs to be taken away, rather than killing them. “I must be with my dog. Put me with my dog in same grave.” This is now a new fashion. New fashion people of the twenty-first century’s civilization, are leaving Man and asking to live with animals. I am sorry to say that western civilization has just reached to that point. Yes, yes sir. They are so afraid; afraid of passing away. How passing away? They must take care. No matter how much they are taking care, death is reaching them, because their bodies will be melting, melting, melting and finishing. O People! We are all surrounded by death everywhere, any time, in any condition, death is reaching us. You must care for a never-ending life. One that is never finishing. Eternity. Eternity. Try to reach that one. That it is a grant from our Creator. He is granting us because we are giving our oath that, “We are Your servants.” Those who are going to be His servants here, the Lord of Creation is going to grant them endless life, eternal life. However, people have lost it. Now the whole world is running after something, but never understanding where they are going, what they are doing, and never asking to learn about their coming future. Yes, now perhaps seven billion people. I don’t know if you can find 70,000 people who are really asking to reach Eternity. O People! Give some time for your Lord to whom you gave your oath of servanthood (when you said,) “O our Lord! You are our Lord and we are your servants.” Try to be His servants and not servant for your ego, dunya or Shaytan. We are as all prophets were saying, warners. It is not an obligation to do so and for everyone to accept by force. No, you are free (to accept or reject). Use your good mind. Think on it and follow in the real direction that the Lord of Heavens asking from you! He is inviting you, “Come to Me, O My Servants! Come to me!” Unfortunately, they are not hearing that. They are hearing Shaytan, who is calling them from early morning up to late at night, to do this and that for him. They are wasting their chance; that chance is only granted once to us. There won’t be another chance for us. O People! "ad-deenu naseeha - Religion is advice.” Prophet (s) (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:11

2511 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLoseYourOnlyChance

was saying that religion means to ask goodness for people, and prevent them from falling into fire, here and in the Hereafter. May Allah make us hear, learn and try to be our Lord’s servants. May Allah forgive us for the sake of the most honored one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Fatihah. (Mawlana Shaykh sings.) Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Be happy that you are listeners! Fatihah. Lefke, 04.12.2009

WebSufiLive, CategoryJumaSohbat (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:11

2512 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontMakeCaesarean

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : DontMakeCaesarean


Don't Make Ceasarean needlessly!

Allahu akbar, la ilaha iliallah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lilah' il-hamd. (MSN stands) O our Lord! If we are standing up for Your glory endlessly, it is nothing. Please forgive us and send your heavenly blessings on us! Send us someone of your beloved servants, and Your real deputy and Your representative from eternal, pre-eternal up to eternal. Only one! O our Lord! Please forgive us! (MSN sits) O people! I am a weak servant and my master is making me for addressing whole mankind on this planet. And the Lord of Heavens, His territory endless, His dominions endless, His oceans endless. Endless oceans, endless territories. O people think on it. We must say bismillahi 'r-rahmani 'r-raheem. That is heavenly sword on the dragon Shaytan. Biggest dragon, and thinking himself that it is something. It is only serpentine. serpentine. Curling or turning around our earth, our dunya, our planet. And asking to take away that Shaytan, cursing it up to eternal. He is asking to take our planet from its orbit,it is claiming. But when we are saying a`udhu billahi mina 'sh-Shaytani 'r-rajeem, that is sign of servants. Servants, when they are (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:15:12

2513 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontMakeCaesarean

awakening they are saying a`udhu billahi mina 'sh-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. But Shaytan's representatives' egos, egos belonging to Shaytan, Shaytan only cursing on it, trying to teach to be a disobedient one to their Creator. Ptuuu (spit) on Shaytan and its followers! I am making sometimes the master of this world to be angry, and I am angry today. Angry two kinds: our anger from our egos is worst anger. To be angry from his ego, for to make ego happy, that is anger; anger that is against everything from holiness and holy things. That anger. And if a person getting angry through his ego, his way directed to fire, because anger is a fire, and taking that angry person that he is angry from his ego, taking him to way of fire. The most terrible and dangerous thing for man is anger. Anger. When an anger coming from their egos for the sake or for making our ego happy, that anger burning, burning personality of man. Anger. Very important. Once coming to Seal of Prophets (s), one person asking, "O beloved one, most beloved one and most honored one in Divinely Presence." Honored one! And no one else can be that one, only one! O Christians! From your holy book you must know, no one can put his steps there, only Muhammad!! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) You must know this!! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) That is a heavenly anger from our master today, sending me to speak! I know nothing, I know nothing, but teaching me to speak. Teaching inhabitants on this planet that they must know that Sayyidina Muhammad pbuh, is most glorified one, most honored one! Sayyidina Muhammad!! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) You must know this or black holes will swallow you to be nothing!! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) How are you? salam `alaykum. I am fasting today and sunset approaching, and I am getting a little bit angry from being hungry. (smiles) O our Lord's creatures, I am only one creature also, but the reason for being in existence just been granted to me from heavenly ones or I am going to be nothing. And to be nothing is better for you, and people are asking to be something. How many of you are asking to be something? And waiting in front of you, death approaching to you and waiting for you the Angel of Death, waiting to touch to you. They are saying, learned people who is learning from holy books, they are something? Otherwise, they are making me to lose everything... learned people they are learning through holy books' knowledge. O 'ulama (scholars). O Muslims, first from Arabs who they are claiming, "We are first ones." Yes you may be first ones here, but in (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:15:12

2514 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontMakeCaesarean

Divinely Presence, what is your place? You must know it. And it is written, well known in holy books, that a new generation, when approaching to come out to this life. If you are leaving me to speak on that subject, up to next week, never ending. Because people they are thinking that everything going to be according to their knowledge. Therefore, now so many heedless doctors, they are never leaving a mom to bring her child. Asking, "Come and we must do (scan, checkup), where is your `aqal. Ceasarian, saying asking "Come and we must do a Caesarean." Saying, "You can't, you can't birth the baby. We must interfere. We must cut it, your womb, to take it." O people! O pope! Why are you saying that? Since Allah is Creator He is sending that new generation without any mudaakhala, interference. No. Leave who created to bring it for this life. Allah gave His order for this life, if that baby is going to live, it must come out. If no chance for that new generation it can't be coming by itself, may die inside and may come out. Leave! That new creation not going to be forever through its mom! But now doctors saying "no!" Always "Caesarean." I am asking you, "did your mother bring you by Caesarean?" "No." "Who bringing you?" "Midwife." "Why are you interfering for pregnant ladies?" Leave it! Out going, when time coming, sending two angels from heavens by order, the Lord ordering, "bring My servant out for the life that he should be for a short time on earth, then comes to Me. Bring that new generation, new creation out." Two angels coming and they are trying to take it out and always escaping from one side to another side, from that side to another side. That giving pain to mom's for giving new generation and angels saying, "O our Lord! That servant never obeying ourselves to come out. You know." Then there is a tajalli, manifestation, or something else this, that boy, that new creation not obeying, then that one's Lord that the Creator creating man through the wombs of their moms. And that one that the Creator creating through wombs of their moms, showing a brilliant, brilliant appearance and falling down, that new baby, on sajda, bowing and coming. That is bowing and delivering, and midwife taking it out. (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:15:12

2515 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontMakeCaesarean

But now (medical doctors) they lost it, not believing in holy books, and their lives going to be worst life and their ends going to be worse than anyone else! I am warning whole doctors that are making Caesarean sections (for financial profit), their last moments when they are going to leave this life, they are going to be punished! And they shall, for that trouble they are loading on that new baby, they shall taste it. I am warning! Where is other 'ulama to say on this, where is other religious people to say this, that Caesarean is no good?! Why not saying bishops, that to cut is against order of the Lord of Heavens? They are not saying. And we come to an important point, just that we reach to ourselves a knowledge, that when a new baby is getting from heavens, an arrow, an arrow just sent to it, an arrow of death. Some reaching to that one through womb of moms, or some coming after one month, two months, one year, two years. The distance that arrow sent on the Creation of Mankind this time coming, touching and finishing. That is best. How a person may be in safety and happiness and enjoyfulness in this life, that the arrow of death is approaching him? O people, don't be no-mind people, stupid ones! Think on creation of this life. Enough. You are going to be like drunk ones. Come to yourself and think on yourself. O our Lord! Send us someone or someones to wake up Your servants! We are heedless. We need to wake up. First of all, my mission through holy people, it is to make people to wake up! To say to them that this life is not a real life, (it is) imitated life, because you may live even one-hundred years or more, but the arrow of death, when it is reaching to you, you don't know. And when you are taken from this life, to go where? To go where? And bringing a person that he passed away, bringing to mosque or to church a person coming, asking, "This janaza, this funeral for whom?" And this, the holy one that leading ceremony of death, he is saying that his janaza, "This is a dead body of Mr. George," or, "That is a dead, or dead body of late King George X." Or they are saying, "That is the funeral of a most richest one, Mr. Stefan." They are saying only a name about his dead body, but no one asking, "This dead body, where he is? Where he left?" Only saying, "This is General Harrington," or, "This is body of Field Marshall Hindenburg!" Or they ask, "Who is that one?" "Oh, here dead body of Field Marshall Mannenheim who was fighting the Russians in Second World War and (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:15:12

2516 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontMakeCaesarean

stopping them to enter Finland. (Mawlana laughs) See, I know something! That is from my time of knowledge. When I am learning something I am keeping it, I am not forgetting. So many people are forgetting. What about Field Marshall Hindenburg? But where is Field Marshall Hindenburg? They are surprising about my question. What question? "And is so crowded." "Yes, there is a funeral." "But for whom this funeral cermony?" "That is Pope's that passed away. Passed away.That is his dead body." "He passed away and left his dead body here? Where he went? He went away and left his dead body here? Where he went?" "That is Sultan's body." "Sultan's body? Where he went? That is his body and he passed away, left his dead body for us? Why he left it here, that we have to put on shoulder and carry? Where he went?" There is something wrong with me, you are looking. But yesterday he was addressing people. But today we are looking that people are saying he passed away. "And he left that dead body for us?" People are never asking such a question. Never thinking why he left his dead body when he passed away. People never asking such a question. "Going to heavens? Really?" and also saying one day that, "Shaykh passed away and he left his dead body." That is something that no one can answer. Say, that man's creation is something else. He shall pass through, his soul, and shall remain his physical being in hands of people. Therefore, leaving his soul and leaving his dead body there. "Perhaps coming nighttime and entering there....coming nighttime and must put it on a bed so he can take his rest." "No, O my brother. No, he was here yesterday but today he passed away and we are putting to rest in the graveyard. He is not in need to have a bed there because just he left and his body is left on earth." O people! One day coming to all of you and saying, "The president just passed away." Or a new title, "O, the first lady! She passed away! First lady!" (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:15:12

2517 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontMakeCaesarean

"What is that?" "O Shaykh, that is, she was first lady! And today she just passed away and we are carrying first lady's dead body!" O people! think on it. One day coming for you also that people shall say, "Just passed away." The interior minister did so many dhulm on people and today he just passed away and he was oppressor like Shaytan or Mussolini or Hitler. Can't say this one, should be difficult to say, but, "He passed away." Passed away? Doesn't matter, should be happy with his good deeds. But the Number One oppressors coming and fighting against the Lord of Heavens, angels, angels preparing from fire. When putting on the Earth, coming from them Hell's whips. "You were first one, hah, Number One? First person! Take! Take more!" And making us to fear, arrow of death approaching to everyone. Beware last day of life. Beware last hour of life. Beware when the Angel of Death, Azra`eel, is approaching, asking to take your soul. O people! When the claws of Angel of Death coming on your chest, taking out, taking out your soul. And O people! Try to be true ones, try to be good ones. Good ones, their souls, they are coming so easy. But those that did their worst for people, they should taste the heavenly angers, bitterness! O people! As-salamu `alaykum. Keep what we are saying, anyone saying that shaykh is speaking wrong, I hope that tomorrow he may leave his dead body and passing away. (singing) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, 'Aziz Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah dome, dome, dome, dome again, again (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:15:12

2518 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontMakeCaesarean

Dome, dome, dome, dome Dome, dome, dome, dome Dome, dome, dome, dome Dome, dome, dome, dome Fatiha OK? (48 minutes) Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah that Allah gives us an understanding. I am some simple person, but the Lord of Heavens making me to address to people. If anyone saying I am wrong, I hope tomorrow his body here and that he passed away! (du'a) ya Rabbee! Lefke, 23.09.2009

WebSufiLive, CategoryHealth, CategoryReproduction (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:15:12

2519 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontMove

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : DontMove

