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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (170/777)
not important! To say: “I am Muslim” or “Christian” or “Catholic” or “Protestant” or “Orthodox” or “Jewish” - that title it is not important! All of us (are) from Adam and Eve and everyone must keep their honour as a man, Caliphs of the Lord of Heavens, Deputy. The highest honour (is) just granted to you and you must try to keep that honour with you, till (you are) reaching to (the) divinely Presence or your Lord, the Creator, (the) Lord of Heavens. (It is) so simple, but people (are) making so many things and they are not understanding, what they are doing and mostly they are trying to follow Shaitan and shaitanic ways. Or (else it was) so easy our creation, for what we have been created: to be servants and to do good ones (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:15:07

2492 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLeaveYourLordsBlessingsForDunya

(actions) for every creature through creation. O people that is the ta’alim, heavenly Teaching through Prophets to everyone living that they are running on (the) wrong way. Who is going (the) wrong way, must be punished. O people, try to keep your honour here and Hereafter, you should be honoured. Try to do, to make most important, most glorified works, (so) that you should be through (the) divinely Presence, to be a glorified servant. Don’t forget your servanthood! If you are not forgetting your servanthood, you must try to know the Lord Almighty’s Lordship. He is the Lord and you are servant. Don’t try to pass in front of this limit! That is your limit, to stay on the level of servanthod. Don’t try to claim that: “I am going (to be) something”, no! Only Lordship (is) for Allah and servanthood (is) for you. Don’t claim (anything) with such a ‘uydurma’, imitated titles. Don’t think that imitated titles (are) making you to get up to the level of Lordship! Ha sha, Astaghfirullah! Lordship (is) for only one! No one, (not) even Prophets, (are) saying: “Just I reached the level of Lordship.” No, you can’t say this, you are only (a) servant. Lordship is only for one: “Qul Huwa-llahu Ahad.” No second one. That is making people to lose their ways, to lose their targets, to lose their honours. Try to understand! That is not my speech, but from heavenly Support, making a weak servant to address whole nations, whom they lost their ways. They lost that they are only servants. (A) Servant may be in (the) presence of a King or Sultan or Emperor, (he) may be closer to (the) Sultan, but he is never going to be Sultan (himself). Understand? This is a ‘tablig’, declaration, (a) divinely Declaration for saving people from coming terrible terrible events. Who is asking to be save through dangerous and very terrible events, who is asking to be sheltered here and Hereafter, they (he) must try to leave imitated titles and he must try to know that he is only a simple servant and servanthood (is) never bringing a person to Lordship. (It is) only for Allah Lordship. O our Lord, send us (someone) who may teach us who we are and for what we have been (brought) in existence and how we should be sheltered here and Hereafter! For the honour of (the) most honoured servant in Your divinely Presence S.Muhammad sws. Allahumma salli ‘ala S.Muhammdin nabiyi-l ummihi wa ‘ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim... (Don’t try to get up?) (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:15:07

2493 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLeaveYourLordsBlessingsForDunya

to Lordship. Just keep down! Who is not keeping his station, should be kicked down like Shaitan! Try to be like the Seal of Prophet S.Muhammad sws. That Shaitan wants (?) you to be like him, himself, and just he fell down. No honour for him here and hereafter. May Allah forgive us and shelter us here and hereafter. For the honour of (the) most honoured one in His divinely Presence S.Muhammad. Allahumma-sqina gaitha suq ya Rahmatan wa la taja’lna mina-l kanitin... fansura ‘ala anfusina... ya Arhama Rahimin, ya Waliyu, ya Hamid, fa’alu li ma yurid, fansurna ‘ala-l qaumi-l kafirin... Anta-l Karim, ya Rahim, Anta Rahim, ya Murith, Anta Murith, ya Ghiyatha-l Mustaghithin... ya Shafi al Ummah, ya Shafi al Ummah, ya Shafi al Ummah... Fatiha! Lefke, 5.12.2008 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryBlessing (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:15:07

2494 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLetYourselfBeImprisoned

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : DontLetYourselfBeImprisoned


Don't Let Yourself be Imprisoned

(Deutsch: LassDichNichtEinsperren) Al-Fatiha! Allah Allah Allah Allah As-salamu `alaykum! [Someone in audience says to Mawlana Shaykh "Mu'azzam" (honored one)] Mu'azzam. As-salamu `alaykum! How much times you are saying "As-salamu `alaykum," has a rahmah. Everytime that you are giving salaam, you are raining from Heavens blessings. Therefore, don't worry use to say As-salamu `alaykum. O our Lord! O our Creator! [Mawlana Shaykh stands] You are the Lord of Heavens and we are giving our best salutes, all glory, whole praisings for You. O our Lord, our Creator, if You are not creating, no one creates these creatures. We are saying As-salaat was-salaamu `alayka ya Sayyidina Muhammad (s), Sayyidi' l- awwaleena wa'l-akhireen. Our best salutes to most beloved one in Divinely Presence. We asking intercession (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:08

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from most beloved one in Divinely Presence. O People! Listen and obey and try to be obedient servants for your Creator, for Allah Almighty. It is very important thing for you, for me, for everyone from mankind to say A`udhu billahi min ash-Shaytani'r-rajeem and then to say Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Raheem. Everyone must learn just we have been created and then we have been sent on this planet. We are not created for earth, but imprisoned on this. Because every wrong thing [brings] its fruits, [for] every disobediency, its fruits is to imprison. And when you are imprisoned, you are in darkness and you can't taste anything, even [though] you have been created to be kings on earth, to be deputies for the Lord of Heavens. When a free man imprisoned, a good person, happy person, an enjoyful person, when he is doing something wrong from disobediency, I am speaking some rules that people using on earth now. If a person making a mistake, making a criminal thing, government catching him and putting that one in jail. So many people coming and asking," O Shaykh, our relatives, our sons, our husbands, our children some of them just arrested and jailed in jail. Please ask forgiveness for them in Divinely Presence, not only Divinely Presence for ourselves, Heavenly levels." And they are saying, "O Shaykh, please ask forgiveness in Heavenly Stations whom they are looking after creation, ask forgiveness for our relatives because they are now in jail and jail it is a place that people getting in suffering and going to carry troubles that they have been granted." When they are giving their high respect and glorifying to Allah Almighty, that peace granted to everyone. When a person breaking that and going to be on wrong way, whole troubles raining on them as rain raining on earth. O People! Beware not to be imprisoned, or making something wrong: must be imprisoned for our lives through on this planet. Governments holding that one and arresting and putting in a jail that he is never going to be happy there. So, if a person doing a wrong thing for humanity, making trouble to creatures of Allah Almighty, there is a court on Heavenly levels. They should punish that person who he is doing something wrong against the Heavenly law and coming an order, put him in a jail. Yes. Heavenly responsibility that makes people sometimes to do bad things because to do bad things it is not honor for mankind. Mankind they have been honored but if you are throwing away that honor and making something that it is not for such an honored one to do [so] that he had been taken to a jail and that jail not coming? There is an imprisonment through himself. Beware! If you like hayaatun tayyibah, good life, enjoyful life, honored life, glorified life, keep yourself, don't step for wrong things. (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:08

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SubhanAllah. Allah Almighty sending so many deputies whom they are really followers [of] the steps of prophets and much more people whom they are following steps of the Prophet (s), Rasulullah (s), after Sahaba, after Salafu 's-Saliheen , but those who are claiming themselves Salaf, they are wrong ones. They are never following steps of Salafu 's-Saliheen whom they were following Sahaba, companions of Prophet (s) step by step. You may look after one of them. We are saying that one of the most careful to follow the steps of Sahaba kiram and after them Tabi`een and Tabi`i 't-Tabi`een whom they are following? In every step Sahaba were stepping, they are following after Sahaba and after them Salafu 's-Saliheen never losing steps of Sahaba, and after them, asking so many people to step on steps of Saliheen, good ones. Good ones, honored ones in Heavenly level. Most careful ones they are Naqshbandi Tariqah people. Mostly they are taking steps of Sahaba and Tabi`een after of Tabi`i 't-Tabi`een. This is a tale to understand something. One of Golden Chain Imam that he was Abdal Khaliq al-Gujdawani, Allah gives him more honor and glory to be closer from Heavenly Presence of the Seal of Prophets. He was saying, "O my followers, just that I am remembering through 37 years, I never putting my foot on a dirty, or jumping ....." This is a deeply knowledge that granted to him and through him to real followers. "I am never putting my foot on a dirty or never I am jumping on it. I am so looking, for what? To be clean. To be clean." Sometimes you are putting your foot on dirtiness and making like this, like this, it is okay. I never giving for dirty ....35 years that they are taking so care not to put their foot on a dirtiness. What is dirtiness? Dirtiness it is what Shaytan calling you, Shaytan calling you come and put your foot on that place. Yes, Allah Almighty forgiving but it is not good to make Allah Almighty to be occupied by such a thing for His awliyas, it is not from good adab. You must try yourself, not to step on dirtiness. What we were saying now? We were saying that when you are stepping on a dirty you should be a dirty one and dirty one just carried to a court and then court giving their judgment and saying that person he did so bad thing, put him in a prison. No need a building, or prison but they may - angels may - imprison that person even that one may be sitting on a throne. Yes. That is their imprisonment not to put through one room and to look on it, no. May give that punishment even to a king or queen or emperor or empress may give and they are sitting on their throne but they are feeling themself in imprisonment. (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:08

2497 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLetYourselfBeImprisoned

O People! Don't make yourself to be imprisoned and the real reason that making you to be put into prison, your dirtiness. Dirtiness. Allah created you clean [Mawlana Shaykh sneezes]. How you are making this, 'haaachooo'? Salman making like this "choo, choo, choo" [Mawlana Shaykh Nazim smiling]. That is for ladies, to say "achoo achoo"; say it, "Haaaaaachooooo!" O People! O People! You must learn what is hayaatun tayyibah, a life full with pleasures. And taking you in front of the Lord of Heavens and you should be so happy and in pleasure. Try to know this and to follow this way. But people never looking, putting their feet, not only their feet, they are diving through an ocean giving something like sewagE. I am getting out....all this for rates, for channel, doesn't matter, so important for us. Mostly people like to dive into channels of ....sewage channel. What you are saying to cheat me? [To someone in audience]. Sewage channels, not Swiss. Dirtiness channels that running in it. Don't throw yourself through switch channels, you should be dirty. Get away! That is nasihah, advice of all Holy Ones. O People! Beware to fall into sewage channels because if you are putting on yourself whole water channels you are not going to be clean one. Therefore, you must learn this, but now our leaders and our rulers they like to be through sewage channels and asking people also to follow them. But Heavenly sword coming to cut their heads. Heavenly sword cutting their heads because they are leading people through sewage channels, dirty channels. O People! That is summary of meaning through Holy books. O People! I created you clean, come to Me, turn back to Me clean. May Allah forgives us. O People! We are approaching to leave this life, if not today, tomorrow. If not through this week, after this week. If we are not leaving this life this month, next month. If we are not leaving our life this year, next year. One day coming a Heavenly angel saying, "Give that one that we trusted on you to keep so cleanly, give it to us. We are getting it to his Creator." O People! Try to be clean ones here, and when you are leaving this life you should be in enjoyful, in peace and in pleasure oceans. No fear for you, nothing, nothing hurting you. What we shall say O my listeners? My English so short but what we shall do? You must understand. You must understand. They are sending to me and I am speaking to you. I don't know. Only they knows! Allah gives you honor and lights to be known that you are good people and you are on your way to Paradise forever. O our Lord! We are hoping from Your endless Mercy Oceans to clean ourselves and to grant us from Your (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:08

2498 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLetYourselfBeImprisoned

endless paradises to be for us a place and He is saying , "O my last servant who is entering to Paradise that you are looking and saying, "It is full my Lord," I am giving to you like dunya ten times, only for you." Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Aziz Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Karim Allah

Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah SubhanAllah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Sultan Allah [Arabic] Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu [Arabic] Al Fatiha! [Bay`ah insha'Allah] Lefke, 02.10.2009

WebSufiLive, CategoryJumaSohbat (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:08

2499 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLookWithoutSeeing

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : DontLookWithoutSeeing



We are thanking Allah Almighty that He guided us to His Divine Presence. We ask for forgiveness for every wrong action and every wrong intention and ask that we may be cleaned from every wrong idea. I am the servant of the King of Aulias. This is according to his permission since he left the Holy Presence of the Prophet, which was 1973, 20 years ago during the Month of Ramadan. May Allah bless him and put his spiritual power all over us. When he was with us with his physical being it was so easy because he was carrying everything. Spiritually he is always with us but physically we now need much more power to be able to carry all the people of the Lord of Heavens. It is a good sign that this way is getting bigger. More and more people are coming, so we need more and more spiritual power to be able to carry it physically and so that we can reach people in the East and in the West and in the North and in the South. Troubles on earth are growing because satan knows that his kingdom is going to be destroyed. When he now looks, he sees that he has established his kingdom and that he has made all people from the Muslim world and the non-Muslim world supporters for his kingdom. Even with one lie you support the kingdom of satan. Even with one wrong look you are supporting the kingdom of satan. Even with one cigarette you are supporting the kingdom of satan. Even with one wrong word you are supporting the kingdom of satan. Every wrong action of yours supports the kingdom of satan. Every wrong thought (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:15:09

2500 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLookWithoutSeeing

supports the kingdom of satan. Every bad intention supports the kingdom of satan. Every wrong step supports the kingdom of satan. It means you are a supporter of devils. When you take the news on TV, and they say that there are about 100 or more channels, are all supporting the kingdom of satan. When you are looking at it you are also supporting the kingdom of devils. Troubles are growing because the devils want to destroy humanity. They want to make mankind to go into endless miseries. Because of this some people are now awakening. Many people are too drunk to see, hear, understand or feel anything. Most people look without seeing, hear without listening and know without understanding. That is the empire of devils under the kingdom of satan on earth who gives people everything to make them drunk and not to see or hear or understand. That is why we are living in most difficult times for humanity. Within millions of people only a handful of people will awaken. That is why we ask for more physical power supported by spirituality. Every activity in which you cannot find spirituality is a trick of the satanic kingdom. You can find so many activities in England and in Europe and in the US. But if there is no spirituality, it is a trick of the kingdom of satan. They want to damage even more. They do not want truth to come out. If you meet people from whom you do not get the feeling of spirituality then leave them. Run away from them! They are agents of devils, agents for the kingdom of satan. Don't believe them. During this Holy Month you must ask every night to get more spirituality. I heard that some prisoners who had been captured in Bosnia had seen some people with turbans on horses in their vision. I ask from the Muslims who are going to fight in Bosnia: Are they going to keep the crown of Islam on their heads? If they do not, there will be no support for them. Grandsheik is supporting us. I am only translating what I am getting from him to you. He is telling me, 'Once some followers of the Prophet had been sent for an operation. They saw that it was not going to be successful. So they tried to find out why they were not the winners. They went to get miswags to clean their teeth because that was the custom of the Prophet. While they were shining their teeth, the enemies saw them and they thought that they were preparing themselves to bite them! So they escaped.' Allah Almighty changes the hearts of the people. In this case He put fear into the hearts of those people who thought they were Christians, but who were not. No-one was able to make them stop fighting and not to kill or burn, only Allah (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:15:09

2501 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLookWithoutSeeing

Almighty. I would have been happy if volunteers would ask to go to Bosnia to fight, even if they were only going with their turbans and their swords. It would be enough and more than machine-guns and guns. For people here in Europe to make a show out of the fact that they belong to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, by dressing the way he did and to wear a turban, is like a jihad. May Allah forgive us and give us more courage to show our faith. LONDON - 23.02.1993

BookKeystoParadise, CategoryJihad, CategoryDressing (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:15:09

2502 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLooseYourOnlyChance

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : DontLooseYourOnlyChance


Don't Lose Your Only Chance As It Will Not Return

(Mawlana Shaykh stands) Laa ilaaha illa-Llah. Laa ilaaha illa-Llah. Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah `alayhi salaatullahi wa salaamuh. Thumma as-salaamu `alaykum yaa anbiya wa awliyaaullah a`eenoona bi `awnillah hatta nahda bi fadlillah. Allahuma thabitna `ala 'l-Haqq! We are saying as-salaamu `alaykum to our attenders. Say, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O People! Heavenly blessings on you and on us; everyone is needy for heavenly blessings. As-salaamu `alaykum, our attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum, Qutb az-Zamaan! As-salaamu `alaykum Qutb al-Mutasarrif, who is controlling everything on this planet and under oceans. Don't say, "It is impossible for a person to control everything on this planet." You must believe more than this! That is something from the Heavens; it is a heavenly grant for that one to look at everything and it is enough! If a heavenly order is coming, "Look after everything on this planet, in oceans and continents," finished! O Salafi `ulamas! What about yourselves? Subhaan ad-Daaim. Subhaan al-`Aleem. Subhaan al-`Aleem, al- (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:10

2503 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLooseYourOnlyChance

Hakeem! Listen and try to understand! I am trying also to understand and to listen. Who is listening to waaridaat, heavenly inspirations, will be supported by heavenly powers. Therefore, try to learn and ask for more and more, because if a grant is coming from the Heavens, coming on it and the first one is never going to disappear, but coming on it more, and more, and more, it will come to Mankind. Don't look at their physical being, which is nothing! We have a real being. There is a reality for Mankind. A heavenly order is making everything in existence, every Creation, to work, to ask, and to reach what they have been offered. Don't think that we are created suda, for nothing! Even an atom is not created for nothing, then how can you say Man was created for nothing? What is that foolish ignorance? Did the Lord of Heavens create all humanity for nothing? O Salafi `ulamas! Why are you not making it clear to people? Your first important target is to make people to know and to understand, but if you are `ulamas, you must know first what you must teach them. Everything in existence knows for what it has been created. Nothing is going to be without knowing its mission or purpose, for what they have been created everything must know. If they do not know, how are they coming in existence and coming for what? If you are not knowing anything, how are you coming in existence? Even an atom must know for what it is in existence. Nothing is going to be jaahil, ignorant, for itself or himself. And everything has been directed to its purpose in this existence; it is oriented. And don't think that all atoms have the same orientation; no, it can't be. Every one must be or must represent the purpose for which it has been created. Ask for them, billions, trillions, quadrillion atoms are granted, and that second one is 100% different. What about for Mankind? Generally we know something, but our real position, our orientation is different. We are now saying something for understanding. There may be a musical group, and everyone is carrying an instrument for playing, yes? The majesty that they may grant attenders, every instrument must give another sound, so that altogether they are in harmony. Therefore, everything in existence was created for some purpose and they are tasbeeh, glorifying Allah Almighty. Huuuu. Huuuu. Huuuu. Allah, Allah. Allah, Allah. Allahu Akbar! Yes, we are now sitting for learning. What is coming from waridaat, heavenly inspirations, is to address all people. O our Attenders! How are you today, no working or filling your jars with gold? We are very sorry that you (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:10

2504 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLooseYourOnlyChance

can't fill your jar with gold in one week, as that makes you unhappy, but you are neglecting countless, endless treasures that the Lord of Creation is granting! Huuu. Huuu. You will regret so much, so much, so much that you wasted your precious time for nothing! You wasted it, you lost! Yes, some people are reaching an ear of wheat, but so many people are reaching straw. Straw is for animals and wheat is for Mankind. O People! Make yourself from human nature of those who will be granted from ears of wheat, not from those creatures who are choosing straw! Man is eating wheat and animals are eating straw. That is a balance, and you must keep it. You are free to choose, to make a choice between wheat and straw. But now common people are running for straw, they are not running for wheat. It is a waste for them and they are losing their honored target that they have been created for in this life, and they are not running after it, yes. O Salafi `ulamas! There is a question now coming for you, also. You claim you are understanding everything. Someone is asking you, which thing is making the most damage and giving endless loss to everything? Who are they? Say now, answer this question! Which ones of Mankind are reaching beyond their targets, and which one is reaching and which one is losing? That is an important question from inspiration. We have just been ordered to ask you, which thing is giving endless loss for Mankind? They are saying to me one holy verse, also. Endlessly losing! It is impossible to take anything that you lost, because you are never taking care about that and you run behind something, on the back of some useless things, and you lost your chance! O Salfi `ulamas! What is the biggest harm for Mankind, and what is your opinion about that? (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allah (swt) is speaking about those who lost their chance, and it is impossible for it to come back to them once again after this life:    Nasoollah wa nasiyahum. They forgot Allah, and He forgot them. (9:67) Nisyaan al-Haqq (forgetting the True One), nisyaan Rabbuna (forgetting our Lord), nisyaan Khaliquna, they forgot their Creator, nisyaan Allah Almighty! You are never going to make it once again to reach that chance. If you lost that chance, no chance after this life to you, never! You lost your chance. That is the biggest balaa, cursing for Mankind. Are you understanding, Salafi `ulamas? I am saying to you, why are you not saying this: nasoollah wa nasiyahum. That is oceans for understanding! Why are you not reminding or advising people or teaching people about (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:10

2505 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontLooseYourOnlyChance

that? Which thing is making Man to forget Allah Almighty? Say! Make it clear for your sultans, maliks, umaraas, rich ones and big ones that are claiming they are big ones! You must try to make them to understand everything that is making Man to forget their Lord. It is impossible to be corrected once again, finished! They will be in the graveyard crying, shouting and no benefit. On the Day of Ressurection they will cry but no benefit. They will cry in the fire but no benefit. They may pass on the bridge of Siraat and fall down, because they forgot their Lord, falling down, crying and shouting but no benefit for them. Why are you not making this as Allah Almighty is saying:      Wa dhakkir fa inna adh-dhikra tanfa`u 'l-mumineen. And remind, for verily the reminder will benefit the believers. What are you doing? What are you doing with your `ilm? What is your knowledge? This is enough, these two words, nasoollah wa nasiyahum! The whole life's target is not to forget. Therefore, the hadeeth nabawi shareef is: kun ma` Allah, "Be with Allah." (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Rasoolullah