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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (84/777)
o give value to other people. You understand? Whoever does not give a person value, he is the biggest sinner. We give value to people, firstly, if they are rich; secondly if they are powerful; thirdly, if they are young; fourthly, if they are beautiful or handsome or healthy. A bright one, we say. We do not make of value among the Sons of Adam an ugly one, an old one, a not-bright one, a black one, a yellow one, a red one, a poor one, a weak one, a sick one, also; throwing them away, not giving them value. That is a big sin for everyone, to look at their forms or their figures. In our time we give value according to peoples’ forms. Allah Almighty, the Guardian, is powerful enough, and artistic enough, also, to give everyone the most beautiful forms, but He is examining, trying His servants, to see whether they are looking at the meaning of the Sons of Adam or not. But our hearts’ eyes are veiled. Therefore we do not look at the meaning that the Sons of Adam have been given by their Lord; we only look at their outward appearance, just as Satan looked at Adam from the outside and would not make sajda (prostrate) to him, would not bow down, to him. If he had looked at the meaning of Adam, at the reality of the meaning that he bore, Satan (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:05:46

1095 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BillionsOfUniverses

would have been the first to make sajda. But he looked from the outside view and said, “You created Adam from clay. How can I make Sajda to him?” That is foolishness, and that foolishness is going on most among people in the twentieth century. They look at forms, like Satan who looked at Adam as created from clay – how could I respect him? – Not looking at the meaning of Adam which made him respected by the entire universe, by all angels, all the angels made sajda to him. Now Satan has established his sovereignty upon the whole world, causing people to look at each other through their forms, their figures. That is a big sin or the biggest sin, and all must be punished. Must be punished, and it is from the divine punishment that the East is now the greatest enemy to the West and the West is the greatest enemy to the East. Here we are speaking about awliyas’ (saints) knowledge which they are granting us. Awliya are trying to take away enmity from among people; to take it away, to make people look at each other and see others as crowned, divinely crowned, totally crowned people, and to give their respect to everyone. This is why my Grandsheikh said, “The meaning of tariqat for me is to give respect to everyone. Keep to this, and you are going to be respected among creatures on earth and in the Heavens.

WebSheikNazim2Com, CategoryMuslimNation, CategoryWesternNation, CategoryEasternNation (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:05:46

1096 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Birth

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Birth


Birth (37)

Islam says, make everything at home. In Islamic homes there should be enough room for parents, small children, older children; girls, boys, guests and patients. One important thing for Muslims is to help neighbours look after their ill persons and new babies. Births should always be at home in lslam, helped by midwifes. Without paying anything, neighbours were doing everything and they were happy to help one another with the birth of children. Now, everyone who has a baby is running to hospital. Islam even has rules for the conception of children and a man who is married must keep those rules. When be sleeps with his wife, he must not be unclean, as unclean people are cursed. We believe and know that any generation conceived uncleanly will have something wrong with them - if not physically, something bad will affect their personality; particularly when a drunk person sleeps with his wife. That will have an effect on the characteristics of the coming generation, a bad effect on their personality. Perhaps a wilder, unmerciful, unjust generation will come which has no respect for parents or elders. As a punishment for people sleeping together when they are drunk, the children who are born will be against their parents, against the community and against humanity and against every rule of their Lord, Allah Almighty. They will not care about heavenly rules or take an interest in anything. We are in these times now. Therefore, it is important to be clean bodily and mentally, not to come to your wife in anger or in bad temper, hungry or sad. For either wife or husband (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:47

1097 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Birth

to be in such a condition is not a good thing. Each person must be pleased and happy and acceptable to one another. Each time a man asks to sleep with his wife, it is good manners for Muslims to say: "O my lady! I accept you as my wife, as before in the divine presence. Any hurt I cause you, please forgive me, and I will forgive you if you hurt me. I am happy with you as my wife and you are happy with me as your husband. If Allah Almighty gives us a generation, may He bless him.” Then, the person should give Sadaqa, i.e. a charity, before sleeping together and the lady should try to make herself very beautiful for her husband. Nowadays, ladies are only making themselves beautiful when they are in public, not in private or for their husbands at home. It is a divine order for ladies to make themselves beautiful for their husbands in their home, in their bedrooms. They must make themselves pretty with pleasure and with happiness, so that their husbands will not look at anyone else. Then, when they come together and sleep together, they are blessed. They must pray two rakats before and ask ... (tape switched off) … given a present to make her happy. When she is happy and has been given her husband's love from his heart. then she may give her love from her heart. Allah Almighty then blesses that meeting and that marriage, and a good generation with excellent qualities will be born. That was the command for marriage in Islam, but people have forgotten it now. There is no better (way) than Islam. It is such a beautiful arrangement which blesses families, because Islam hates dirtiness, outward and inner dirtiness. Cleanliness and coming together in these happy ways will bring a generation from Paradise. A generation which would make the world a Paradise - calm, gentle. Blessed people walking on earth, because Islam takes care of everything from conception. At the time of the birth of children midwifes were used: We know that babies cannot be in their mother’s womb for a year or more – some of them perhaps little more than nine months, but nine months and ten days is the normal length of a pregnancy. And when Almighty Allah (finishes) the baby's food in the womb of its mother, than the baby will be born. Islam is strongly against any interference which would hurt the child or the mother, particularly caesarean section. When a woman is ready to give birth and their friends would come to them and say: "Bismillah, Bismillah. Bismillah, O my Lord, let him come easily, safely, for him, for her. O our Lord, give way. Bismillah, Bismillah, Bismillah. Allahumma salla 'ala sayyiddina Muhammad. Allahumma salla 'ala sayyiddina Muhammad, for the sake of Your beloved one. O my Lord, give way. O my Lord, Bismillah." Then, as they would say this, the angels would bring the child out and the baby is born in (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:47

1098 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Birth

the position of sajdah on his hands. We do not believe that the baby should see knifes in front of his eyes. It is a big crime against the baby - to show it first thing a knife. A knife is a killer and should not be the child's first vision in this world. This is how the world will be destroyed. No one allows themselves to wait for the birth- pains to come nowadays, they can't bear them and people themselves are asking for caesarean. On the day of the birth the family should give Sadaqa, i.e. charity, and all the people and neighbours will come, to look and be happy and to join and share in the happiness of the family, to help them, to bring gifts, help the mother, help the father. Breast-milk should not be given to the baby until after three adhans have been called, i.e. for at least six hours. The baby must listen to three adhans being called. According to traditional custom pomegranate juice is first given to a child. One seed is placed between the child's lips and squeezed, so that the juice goes into his mouth. Then after the three adhans have been called, the mother is able to feed the child. This is like a fast, to make the new baby cry. As he cries, his lungs open and everything in his body start to work. A new baby is not yet accustomed to the atmosphere of the world and he must wait for the adhan to be called at least three times - perhaps ten hours, perhaps eight hours. Then, when he has breathed outside before and cried and his lungs are working and his blood is circulating and the digestive system starts to work, he may be fed. A new baby does not need milk very quickly. His digestive system is not yet ready. It is foolish of new methods to give the child to the mother to take milk immediately. It doesn't help anything, but is harming. A new baby must at least fast. Professors may think about this and they may say that it is allright. Islam brought the best method for the child to function and come in contact with a new atmosphere. Also, it is important to wait for the mother's breast milk to come, because her body is so tired. The baby should be given quickly to her to hold and then she must rest. At that time everything is upside down and abnormal for the baby and the mother. A new one is landing on the earth and it is important to give rest to both of them. Let the baby cry. Blessings come on crying. Mercy comes for him and his mother. In Islam, everything is perfect. Caesarean section is prohibited and to induce the child to be born quickly by injection is also Haram in Islam. It is better until the divine order comes and the baby is ready to be born. Each child should be born on their forehead, bowing to their Lord. The devil teaches people to make caesarean section with knifes, not to allow the child to be born in Sajdah. (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:47

1099 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Birth

On the seventh day after the birth the Adhan is called in the child's right ear and the Iqamat in the left ear, and Surah "Qu huwallahu ahad" is recited and the child called and his name given - whatever name is inspired to the hearts of the parents. One of his seven names must be from the heart of the mother or father. After that, a sheep may be killed for a girl and two for a boy, but if they don't have enough money for this, one is enough even for a boy. This meal is then shared to neighbours, friends and relatives, and the poor. It is a traditional custom not to break the bones of the sheep, so that it must be cooked whole and people will eat it like that. Then, again according to our custom, the bones are taken and buried and we say "Bismillah ar Rahman ar Rahim": This is so that the jinn also take benefit from those bones. Allah Almighty is creating Risq, or provision, for them too. All the neighbours should come with their gifts and their charity and join in that happy occasion. For forty days after the birth of the child, until her cleanliness returns, the mother should keep herself separate and not have a relationship with the father up to the end of that period. Then after that period she must take care not to feed her baby when she is unclean, i.e. when she has not got Wudhu. She must quickly make herself clean and then she is able to feed the child. This is so that nothing will go wrong with the personality of the child. The baby needs his mother’s milk, but when it is given clean, the child will be more peaceful and rested, the milk will be more satisfying and the child will enjoy it one hundred percent and not give trouble, One reason why babies give trouble to their mothers is because they are not given clean milk. Even if they were able to drink one big pot full, they would not be satisfied, but if they are saying "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim" and feeding the child when they have Wudhu, the milk will be blessed, the baby happy and it will sleep peacefully. London

BookLadyChadijasQuestions, CategoryChildren, CategoryRelationship, CategoryWoman, CategoryReproduction, CategorySexuality, CategoryPurification, CategoryHealth, CategoryAlcohol, CategoryCharity, CategoryJinn, CategoryFood (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:47

1100 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BirthAndDeath

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BirthAndDeath



Islam says make everything at home. Therefore, in Islamic homes we have enough rooms for parents, for small children, for older children, for girls, for boys and for guests and for patients. Even funeral services should be made quickly at home. We used to have a cemetery around the mosque areas for people to be buried there, not having bigger areas as a community function. One important thing for Muslims is to help neighbours look after patients, look after funerals and look after new babies. Births must always be at home in Islam by midwives. Without paying anything neighbours were doing everything and they were happy to help each other with the birth. Or to help each other with weddings. Or to help each other with funerals. They were saying this is our honour and our obligation. It was an obligation for families to look after patients and for funerals, for weddings, for births, in their homes. Now everyone who has a baby is running to hospitals. London

BookLadyChadijasQuestions, CategoryChildren, CategoryDeath, CategoryReproduction (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:05:48

1101 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BirthAndDeath (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:05:48

1102 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BismillahirRahmanirRahim

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BismillahirRahmanirRahim


Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim… Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim. Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim… Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim. You must say this; it means you ask protection from Allah Almighty from the most dangerous enemy of the Children of Adam. He was the most dangerous enemy for Adam a.s., and his enmity and hatred continues from beginning up today. It is never going to be less, but getting more and more. He was never happy about the creation of Adam, and he was unhappy when he knew that Allah was creating Adam to be His deputy, which is the highest position for a person or a creature. The highest honour, over which there can be no other honour, is to be Khalifa, deputy of Allah. That honour was never granted to anyone but Bani Adam. Allah created Shaitan before Adam. The importance or position of everyone that is created is to glorify Allah ‘yusabbihun Allah’. Every creature created through Heavens and earth is glorifying Allah; that is their level. And Shaitan also was glorifying Allah Almighty; he was praying and making Sajdah, and he was taking more knowledge, learning and asking, and Allah Almighty granted to him more and more knowledge, and Shaitan was so happy. Then Allah Almighty declared to all angels that He is going to create a new creature to be patron for the universe. To be given patronage means to be Khalifa, deputy of Allah, to be Number 1 through creatures, to be on top point, and that the highest honour has been given to that one. Shaitan expected that top point of honour to be given to him, the highest honour to be granted to him and to his generation, but Allah Almighty created man to be given the patronage and to be deputy, and Shaitan was so angry and envious, so proud and stubborn, you can’t imagine. He said to the angels: ’If that one is going to be over me, if Allah Almighty is going to give to him that honour, I am never going to accept this from Allah, but I am going to refuse, not to accept, and I am not going to be obedient to that new creature. And if Allah Almighty is making that one (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:05:49

1103 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BismillahirRahmanirRahim

under my rank, I am going to destroy him and his generation.’ Either way Shaitan was so unhappy about the new creation of Sayidina Adam a.s. When Allah Almighty created Adam and ordered the angels: ’Bow to Adam, make Sajdah to him’, all of them made Sajdah, but not Shaitan, and his anger was not coming down but getting up more and more, and his envy and pride were getting more and more, also. And he has so many tricks for cheating mankind, to make them to fall into depthless suffering and miseries here and hereafter. He is coming friendly to people, as he did for Adam, when he came to Adam and Hawa in Paradise, saying: ’Ohh, I am coming to you to make you much more happy, I am coming as an advisor to advise you. Now you are here in Paradise, but I am seeing that you are unhappy about that prohibited fruit, because your Lord gave to you everything through Paradise, only making you not to approach that tree, not to come closer and to eat from its fruits. I know something that you don’t know and I am going to give an advice to you; I know about that tree. I am so friend to you, but I am crying that you are going to be out of Paradise because of that tree.’ He was saying the truth, but he was asking to say something else. They were asking him: ’For what we are going away from Paradise?’ He said: ’Because of that tree of eternity. If you eat from it, you are not getting out, you should be in Paradise forever up to eternity. But if you are not eating from it, after a while you may get out. Therefore Allah is preventing you not to eat from that tree. Listen to me only once!’ Sayiddina Adam was never listening, but Shaitan was coming to Hawa, saying: ’Look, your husband is never listening to me, and I am saying what is good for you. If you like to be here forever, you must taste; you must eat only one fruit, you eat half, Adam half. I am not saying to you to eat all the fruits from the tree. Only one; you should be here forever up to eternity.’ That was his advice to Adam and Hawa a.s. Yes, he was saying the truth that for that tree they are going to be taken out from Paradise. But what he said: ’Eat and you should be here’ was cheating, and he was so friendly and kind to Adam and Hawa. Hawa just believed and she took… From that time he has been cheating mankind and his method of cheating is to come to people friendly, saying: ’O my darling X., no one can be like you. I am with you always, so friend of you. Your beard is so long, I like you too much. Do this and that, run, shout…’ For everyone he is coming friendly, lovely. He is not keeping any orders, he is free. And he is cheating and cheating, up today. From the time that Adam landed on earth up today Shaitan is the chief-master of all trouble, wars, enmity, suffering, tragic events and every Fitna that happened. He is the first troublemaker, and every troublemaker graduated from him. (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:05:49

1104 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BismillahirRahmanirRahim

In the 20th century Shaitan did his worst for mankind, teaching them everything. Now he is looking and saying: ’I am ashaming to be with my successors; so many of them are graduated, but I have no graduation. Therefore I must learn from them and a ask a magister, doctorship.’ Then he is gathering all his deputies, asking: ’Now I must have a title also, as you have, because people through the 21st century always ask from which university you have a graduation. If you say I am nothing, they will not give any importance to me. Therefore I am asking a title for me.’ And his deputies dress him like a doctor, putting that black hat on his head, a black coat, giving him: ’Now you have also, after this meeting you should be called Dr. Shaitan, magistrate, doctor, professor Shaitan.’ Now he has a title and a card also, his name, and mentioned: Dr. Shaitan, and under it 28 letters to show that he understands about everything and to everything make up and down. Doctor Shaitan, PhD, magistrate, professor and doctor. Now he is well-known among his friends as being graduated from all the universities on earth, which granted to him the titles of magister, PhD, doctor, professor, etc. He is so angry and anxious to make all living ones to be killed and destroyed, to make all nations against one another. 21st century’s people only think to invent new weapons to kill people and to destroy cities and everything, nothing else. All nations give 99% of what they have from financial resources for armies’ weapons. They make new weapons and after one year they say: ‘This is finished we must have new weapons.’ No one is saying that secret point why the economical situation is going from bad to worse and worst: it is because of weapons and armies. They waste billions and billions of Dollars only for one purpose: for the armies. You can’t put a limit to them, because always they are asking new weapons and then there is no money left for civil purposes. For one missile that they threw in Afghanistan they spent 1 million Dollar. They threw two, which makes 2 million Dollars, and trillions of Dollars all together they threw away in Afghanistan. How people can stand up and save themselves from the economic crisis? It is impossible, it is finished. But no one can say this. And all governments are going to be bankrupt like Argentina; everyone is going to fall down. Impossible not to, because the greed is so dangerous that you cannot stop it. Armies ask all the financial sources to run to them, because they need to renew their weapons every time, because the other one invents new weapons and they say: ’We must also have new weapons every year.’ Therefore it is impossible now for (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:05:49

1105 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BismillahirRahmanirRahim

the world to stand up on its feet, until that biggest war, Merhamet Kubra or Armageddon, should be; and that is the main target of Shaitan and devils: to destroy everything on earth, men and buildings. And Shaitan is going to sit on the ashes, when everything has burnt, and he is going to laugh and say: ’I am so happy now!’ That is coming now. Impossible, no way for the economy to stand up on its feet, finished. We are entering that tunnel, and day by day it is getting more narrow and more difficult, finishing, and from that side a few people will get out Shaitan’s anger, hatred and enmity for mankind reached the top point and he is waiting for the moment to see the whole world destroyed, and globally people killed. Running on it. No one can stop it, only Allah. He will order Mehdi to say: Allahu akbar, three times, then it will stop. Taking power from technology, killing it, it finishes and trouble finishes also. With technology trouble comes and it climbs and climbs and becomes more and more to the point of explosion; then it finishes. Shaitan is coming to all nations now, saying to the Germans: ‘I am so friendly to you, German people, you must be all together for the Euro.’ To the Russians he says: ’Why you sleep here like a bear? Wake up and look; Europeans come on you, claiming to be boss of Europe. What about you? Wake up and stand up.’ America is saying: ’When I am here, what is Europe, Russia or China?’ China saying: ’What about me? I am gigantic state, so powerful. No on asking me anything?’ Shaitan is putting envy among nations, and technology is making all nations to be destroyed. From six people one will remain, five die, passing away. So friendly Shaitan! But people are happy with him, dancing with him, keeping his way so strictly. If they are happy to sleep with a dragon, a wolf, a bear- up to morning you will not find even their bones anymore. There is one way to save people: To say: Allah, to call Allah, to be for Him. Live for Allah, you should be saved. Who is not for Allah should be killed, destroyed, taken away. May Allah forgive us and bless believers the honour of the most highly honoured servant and Prophet S. Muhammad sws. Lefke - 22.01.2002 (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:05:49

1106 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BismillahirRahmanirRahim

CategoryArmageddon, CategoryShaitan, CategoryAdam, CategoryWar, CategoryEconomy (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:05:49

1107 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BismillahirRahmanirRahimIsTheKeyOfTheHolyLand

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BismillahirRahmanirRahimIsTheKeyOfTheHolyLand


Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim is the key of the holy land Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahi-r-Rahmanir-Rahim. Meded, ya Sultan-ul- Awliya. Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim is the key of the holy land. Bismillahi-r- Rahmani-r-Rahim is the crown of Islam on the heads of Muslims. You must try to keep it. Every closed door is opening through B.r.r., every treasure from earth and through Heavens is going to be opened through B.r.r. And that is the sign of sincerity or of obedience. An obedient person’s sign is to say: Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim. But Shaitan is making and trying to make it away, Muslims not to say B.r.r. If they say B.r.r., people blame them, and Muslims also blame each other when a person is saying it continuously, for every occasion and every work asking to say B.r.r.. Muslims blame Muslims and Muslims are going to be heedless. First class heedless people on earth now are Muslims. Why they are heedless? Christians are on their way, claiming to be Christians. It is well known that from the beginning they lost their way and their heedlessness began from their childhood and going on. But Muslims are on the right path, but through their heedlessness accuse Islam and its principles and try to change Islamic principles through Non-Muslims principles that are all artificial. The whole world, Non-Muslim world, uses imitated mind productions instead of real principles that have been sent from heavens to mankind. But they insist and say "We can find or say or bring better principles than what Muslims use." No! And they make big advertisement on that point and our heedless Muslims and their leaders, Nr. Ones, heedless ones, have been cheated and say: "Western civilization reached through their civilization to a high technology and through it they are going up through space, travelling, looking around." And their balance for civilization or to be highest level of mankind is to reach more technological authority. Which country reached more authority from technology they say they are Nr. One. For example they say America’s technology is much more powerful than Russia’s technology; Russia not reaching level of America’s technology. And European countries among themselves everyone claim to be on top level of (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:05:50

1108 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BismillahirRahmanirRahimIsTheKeyOfTheHolyLand

technology, but German people say: ’You can’t reach to where we are now’, French people say: ’No, we make Mirage hunter, going up straight, coming down straight’, and going to be competition between French and German. Russia is saying: ’I don’t care, my technology is better’, and they are behind technology 5o years, but they say: ’We are first class.’ If they shoot one, second one going to be harmed, damaged. If one going, sending ten more, or one hundred… Italians say: ’We are not taking too much care for technology, let them fight each other’, and so on… European, western countries fight which one’s technology is higher, and they think that the balance of civilization is on their technological level. No, that is their heedlessness. And our Muslim leaders and cheated communities think: ‘They have atom, nuclear power