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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (83/777)
gebaut. Sie machen Zeremonien dort. Sie weinen, trauern... Und es sind Löwenstatuen dort, Tigerstatuen, auf der rechten und linken Seite. Sie sagten mir: O Shaykh, eines Tages wird es auf sie fallen wie ein Block und alle, die darunter sind, werden zerquetscht werden. Ich zitterte. Ich hatte eine Gänsehaut. Sie brachten die Leute in dies hinein. Sie brachten die ganze Menschheit in dies hinein. Unser Herr, mögest Du uns vergeben. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Sagt dies und laßt eure Soldaten marschieren. Die Osmanen fürchteten die Russen oder die Russen fürchteten die Osmanen? Alle Leute zitterten und fürchteten die Russen. Wir sind die Osmanen. Wenn du sagtest 'Osmanen', zitterten alle 32 Organe der Russen. Laßt sie in ihre Geschichte schauen. Was machten sie bei der Pruth Fluß Kampagne? Wie stellte Sultan Murad Baghdad auf den Kopf? Und sie sollten ruhig bleiben. Es gibt unendliche viele Diener, denen Allah das Sultanat, die Flagge des Islam gewähren kann. Sie sollten sich hüten. Griechen, Iraner, Araber und Iraner, sie alle sollten sich hüten. Sonst kommt eine schwere Strafe jetzt. Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Ich fürchte, wenn ich diese Worte sage. Ich fürchte. Vielleicht seht ihr, daß es Leute geben wird, deren Dach in einer Nacht davonfliegt, und sie bleiben ohne Schutz zurück. Hurrikane nehmen ihre Dächer weg. Schnee bedeckt ihre Häuser. Ihre Straßen sind blockiert. Sie fallen in ein Chaos und bekämpfen einander. Leute, kehrt zur Dienerschaft Allahs zurück. Kehrt zum Weg des Propheten, Sayyidina Muhammad Mustafa (saws) zurück und rettet euch. Sonst erleidet ihr das, was auf eueren Kopf kommt. Was uns befohlen wurde zu erklären, geht bis hier. Was darüberhinaus geht, liegt bei ihnen. Möge Allah uns vergeben. As-Salamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahu wa Barakatuhu. O Herr, mögest Du uns einen Sultan senden, der uns den rechten Weg weist. O Herr. Wenigstens sende die Osmanen, vor denen die (12 von 14)04.07.2013 23:05:45

1082 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BiggestSin

Russen sich fürchteten. Die Deutschen, Iraner, Araber hatten alle Angst vor ihnen. Jetzt wandern sie furchtlos herum. Wen Allah einsetzte als Kalifen auf Erden, sind unsere glorreichen Vorfahren, die Osmanen. Wir sind Osmanen. Wer es nicht ist, für den wird Leid kommen. Amerika brachte Kanonen, um uns zu schützen. Ihr Schutz ist nicht nötig. Wenn wir sagen 'Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim', kann ein Wali Allahs sie alle auf den Kopf stellen, sie alle anbinden. Sagt: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Araber, Griechen, nehmt das zur Kenntnis. Unsere Muslimländer sagen 'Wir wissen alles'. Wenn ihr es wißt, warum lauft ihr dann hinter den USA, hinter Rußland her? Was habt ihr mit ihnen zu schaffen? Wenn ihr sie nicht schlagen könnt mit dem Bismillah, wo ist euer Islam? Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi. Nun, ich bin ein schwacher Diener. Aber es gibt den Qutub, der der Meister auf dieser Erde ist. Sie nennen ihn den Qutbu l-Mutasarrif. Wenn er das Zeichen gibt, werden alle Führer am Morgen tot aufgefunden werden. Der Qutbu l-Mutasarrif wird nicht unterscheiden zwischen König, Prinz oder Herrscher. Sie können nicht lebend aus ihren Betten kommen am Morgen. Sie sollten sich fürchten. 'Ich habe Geld. Ich habe Lampenöl. Ich habe Gold.' Es wird ohne Nutzen sein. Dies ist auch eine starke Warnung im heiligen Monat des Mawlid ash-Sharif. Diese unsere Worte kommen am letzten Freitag des heiligen Mawlid Monats. Hütet euch. Ich habe nichts. Sie heißen mich reden wie das Blasen der Trompete. Und ich rede. Dies ist guter Rat, weil "Ad-Dinu Nasiha"- Religion ist guter Rat. Wer diesen Rat hört und annimmt, wird gerettet. Wer nicht, laßt sie sich quälen. Laßt sie Kanonen von den USA, Bomben von den Deutschen, Flotten aus dem Iran bringen. Bringt sie und versucht, erfolgreich zu sein. Tut es, wenn ihr könnt. Wieviele Millionen sind jetzt bereit, vernichtet zu werden. Wenn sie ihre Geisteshaltung nicht ändern, wenn sie nicht an das Bismillah glauben, wenn sie nicht beten, etc... "Faja`alahum Ka`asfin Ma'kulin" (105:5). Er (swt) wird es in ein leeres Stoppelfeld verwandeln. Auf den Willen des Allmächtigen Herrn hin kann ein Engel es so machen. Es braucht keinen zweiten Engel. Es gibt einen Meister, der für die Hurrikane eingesetzt ist, der für die Tornados eingesetzt ist. Wenn Er befiehlt, kann er die ganze Welt in Brand stecken. Wenn Er befiehlt, kann er die ganze Welt in einen Eisberg verwandeln. Hütet euch! Fürchtet Allah, ihr Muslime zuerst. Laßt das Kämpfen auf den Straßen und geht in die Moscheen. Beschäftigt euch mit Gottesdienst, und ihr werdet gerettet werden. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Ya Muhawwilu l-Hawl wa l-Ahwal, Hawwil Halana ila Ahsani l-Hal. Ya Rabbi. Wie könnt ihr gerettet werden (13 von 14)04.07.2013 23:05:45

1083 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BiggestSin

durch Schreien (auf der Straße)? Geht in die Moscheen. Sagt: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Mögest Du uns das Schwert des Bismillah gewähren, o Herr. Sende uns den Sultan, der der Meister ist, o Herr. Diese entehren, bringen Schande über uns. Shaytan machte den Menschen wie sich selbst. Dies ist ein allgemeiner Rat. Ich rate mir selbst. Ihr könnt darauf hören oder nicht, wie ihr wollt. Aber ich gebe diesen Rat meinem eigenen Ego. Fühlt euch nicht angegriffen, ihr erleidet, was auf eueren Kopf kommt. Möge Allah uns vergeben. Fatiha. Wir sind in das Sultanat Shaytans geraten. Möge Allah die gläubigen Menschen retten, die Menschheit retten. Wer sagt, 'Das ist eine Lüge', wird leiden. Schade um den Mann, der sich selbst in die Luft sprengte. Sie werden ihm im Jenseits immer wieder sagen: 'Los, explodiere! Explodiere noch mal. Es gefiel dir so sehr? Spreng dich noch mal in die Luft. Spreng dich noch mal.' Es ist keine leichte Sache für eine Person, sich zu töten. Auf welche Weise er sich auch tötete, bis zum Gerichtstag wird ihm gesagt werden: 'Komm und mach es noch mal'. Wieder stirbt er und wieder.. Ihr Jugendlichen, kommt zur Vernunft und paßt auf: Allah existiert. Es gibt Seine Abrechnung. Tut eueren Dienst und fürchtet euch nicht. Hört auf, euch zu bekämpfen. Lebt wie Menschen. Al Fatiha. Lefke, 02.02.2013

WebSaltanatOrg (14 von 14)04.07.2013 23:05:45

1084 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BignessOfManGreatnessOfCreator

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BignessOfManGreatnessOfCreator


The bigness of man and the Greatness of the Creator As-salamu alaikum! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa billahi-l 'Aliyu-l 'Azim. By the Name of Allah Almighty, most Merciful, most Beneficent and most Magnificent. May Allah forgive me and bless you!... O people, ask forgiveness from Allah Almighty and ask (Him) to look after you with His blessings! We are humble people; physically we are so small. Sometimes (the) sun (is) shining, there are rays coming and in it you are looking small pieces lying in it that may be much more bigger than ourselves by comparing (ourselves) with the universe. Physically we are so small; through (the) universe you can't be seen (and) even our (whole) solar system (is) going to disappear. And our world, (the) planet that we have been landed on it, it is going to be also disappearing. And through (the) bigness of this planet our physical being (is) nothing, but' The Lord of Heavens created ourselves and we were not in existence; we are created ones and He is (the) Creator (and) every created one (is) going to be nothing, as much as you can imagine a bigness for this universe. You may say: '(What about) billion times such a universe. What do you think, o Sheikh?' (But) I am saying: 'Nothing.' 'What do you think if we (may) have a bigger universe than our universe trillion times. What do you think?' I am saying: 'Nothing.' You may say: 'O Sheikh, if we are making that universe bigger and bigger and bigger and saying quatrillion (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:46

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times on it quatrillion times power- what do you think (about) that bigness?' I am (still) saying: 'Nothing.' Creatures, as much as your imagination (is) going and (you are) thinking (they may be) bigger and bigger and bigger, but (yet) we are on the level of creation and created; never, you can't make a comparison between creation's bigness and (the) Creator's Greatness! We may say 'Allah the Great', but we can't say 'Big Allah'. He is big one (No), He is Great One. Greatness that is absolute, not (has not) an end; absolute Greatness for our Lord Almighty Allah. But everything that He created and run through your imagination, you may say bigger, bigger, bigger, but- that is big, but Allah is the Great. Allah is Great. (For) everything in creation you may say (for it) 'little', 'small one', 'big one', 'bigger one', 'biggest one', but by comparison with the Greatness (of Allah Almighty) it is nothing. And we have been granted from Allah Almighty not greatness, but to be big ones; (we may say) big stars, big worlds, big galaxies, big universes, but you can't say 'great galaxy', no! You must understand this; new knowledge this (is)! 'Big ones' (you may say) for those that their existence (has) just granted from (the) Great Lord, the Lord of Creation. But, Subhanallah- through our physical being our bigness is nothing, (but,) Subhanallah, we have been granted something that your imagination can't reach to understand it, no, you can't understand. What is that' (It is) how Allah Almighty through His Greatness (is) addressing to you, saying: 'O my servants', and that means (that) He granted us something that it is not belonging to our physical being and our material universe, (it is) never going to belong to that ones, never granted from universes and galaxies and worlds and heavenly beings; (they are) never granted such a thing (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:46

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that the Lord of Heavens granted to mankind and He is saying: 'You (are) My successor on earth!' And what is earth' What is (the) real earth and what is (the) real addressing' To whom the Lord of Heavens was addressing that we said: Through your material being (that) just disappeared, no more, and His addressing no more can carry our physical being that addressing. As Sayyidina Musa was asking: 'O my Lord, let me to look You, to look to You!' (And Allah Almighty was) saying: 'Come!' He (S.Musa) was asking to see, to look to his Creator and Allah Almighty was saying: 'You can't see. With your material dressing and with your physical sifat, characteristics (attributes), you can't see!' You can't see, as long as you are dressed (a) material being; it is so small, that (even) if we may give it a bigness, to our physical being, (so that it) may be (big like) such a universe, yet the addressing of Allah Almighty should be (the same and He will say): 'You can't see Me. As long as you are in your material being, you can't see Me, but I may take (you) (when) you may be isolated from your physical body. You can't, as long as you are through (a) physical form, you can't see.' And (He Almighty was) giving an example to know Moses and everyone: He Almighty (was) sending one ray (on a huge mountain)- that you can't imagine (a) lessness for that appearance- (and) this huge mountain' Uhhhh'. (it) just finished! Therefore- insan, man, is such an extraordinary being among creation; (the) biggest one among creation that is man. Man's creation, man's structure (is) most important and (but) even though they can't be able to see, to look. Now you, as long as you are with your physical being and as long as you are interesting through your material being and (at the same time you are) asking something from spirituality, from heavenly positions, you (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:46

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can't reach. Either you must leave that or you should be mahrum, deprived, you can't be able to reach (the) second one that (physical being is) never going to see Him, Almighty. Therefore we are saying (that) we are so mall ones. Doesn't matter (if) our physical being, (even) if it can be billion times (as big as) such a universe, yet we are nothing. And on nothing can't be seen any appearance from heavenly Beings. Leave Allah Almighty, even (for) heavenly Beings you can't see. You can't see; we may fall down, as a thunder coming on a person, finished. But we have been granted such an important real being that (is) never going to be affected through divinely Appearances- according to their levels. But if (you have) not (reached to your heavenly position), your physical form can't carry anything from spirituality. Therefore we have been ordered to leave our material being. Therefore- Sayyidina Abu Yazid, he came into (the) divinely Presence and (he was) asking: 'O my Lord, let me enter in it!' And the Lord (was) saying: 'Leave your nafs, leave your ego and come!' That means: Your ego that belongs to material world it is (the) biggest hindrance for a person to reach to his Lord's divinely Presence. And first the Seal of Prophets just left it; the Night of Journey he was not using his physical being, no. (He) just changed; and (the) first step from Haramu-l Mecca- sharafallah- (he was) rising on (the) Buraq, then (he was) coming and (the) Buraq that belongs to and representing our (spiritual or our) physical being, he left it and then (he was) getting in(to the divine Presence). He left his ride, (as it was said that:) 'You must leave it and then come!' (So) he left it (behind) and (then he was) coming. That is (the) honour of mankind. May be bigger and bigger and bigger his (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:46

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physical being (like) billions (of) such a universe, but (that bigness is) giving nothing to you or giving nothing, (no) any rights to you to stand up even one foot over the earth! You can fall down. Who is asking to move towards Heavens that they are not belonging to material world, he must be able to stand up over the world even one foot. That time he is ready for getting up. If (you) can't do (that), yet you are on (the) same level, (the) level of animals. Who is not able to take up, to rise or to arise his feet from earth even one foot distance, that means yet he is belonging to (the) material world and he is wholly nafs; wholly his animal being just (is) appearing on himself and he can't get up. When (the) animal being just disappeared, then you should be ready. (The) Prophet sws was coming from Mecca Mukarrama to Baitu-l Maqdis in Muwaqa Sharif. When (he was) reaching there, he was reached to a position that he may arise (to Heavens) by himself. Therefore (he was) leaving (the) Buraq Sharif, holy ride on earth and then he (was) becoming to get up. O people, we are not yet understanding about ourselves! Therefore- (the) Prophet (was) saying that: 'Man arifa nafsa, fakad arifa Rabba.' If you are not knowing about yourself, you can't reach to your Creator. First you must be able to understand about yourself. That is a summary; I think from East and West (people are saying the same or) in such a way, but some precious stones you can find in it and they mean to say: 'O people, try (not) to run after bigness on earth. You are in need to reach a greatness through Heavens! As long as you are running after bigness, your and (the) animals level (is the) same (and) you can't reach up!' And (when the) Prophet was ready, instantly (he was) beginning to get up, up. And his bigness (on earth) just finished and (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:46

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(then) it was only an order from (the) holy Orders of Allah Almighty (that He was) saying: 'Be!' and (it was) becoming and Allah Almighty (was) just putting on his (the Prophet's) existence (the) existence of heavenly Beings, dressing him from the Greatness of Heavens. Not from His (Own) Greatness, but from the greatness of Heavens, till he reached (further) up. Therefore- now people are thinking that a religion, a belief, is something that without practicing you may reach some degrees or without trying yourself by some means of spirituality. They may think that: 'We reached to Allah', (but it) can't be! You may be (a) big one, but you can't be a great one. May Allah forgive us and bless you, for the honor of the Seal of Prophets, S.Muhammad sws, and (may He) give us a good understanding. Peoples' understanding (is wrong), particularly in our days; they are understanding (a) wrong understanding for Islam and for religions, for spirituality, for heavenly matters or (for) heavenly levels or heavenly Beings. And only you can find your way through one Tariqat (, through a Sufi-Order); and now whole Tariqats just stopped down, only (the) Naqshibandi (Tariqat), (the) most distinguished Naqshibandi Order, (is) on. On, and you can reach with that (one) only to your real position. That means: when you are (when it is) going to be taken away from yourself everything that belongs to our material being, (when it is) taken away, then you should be dressed. You should be dressed (by a) heavenly Dressing for an understanding. Or (If not) your are understanding only (about the) level of animals- eating, drinking and making children, sexual works, nothing else. As now people just fall in it. Allahumma, ya Allah, o our Lord, save ourselves from the hands of (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:46

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satanic powers and make us to destroy (the) building of Batil, false, to make it down and its supporter and teacher shaitan also to fall down! And I hope that time now is over; coming, what we are asking, now (is) approaching and people should be taken away from themselves (those) that they are asking to be big ones and instead (to be) big ones (on earth) they (people) should reach a greatness in (the) divinely Presence of the holy Creator. Bi hurmati man arsalta alayhi Suratu-l Fatiha. This is important! Lefke, 02.06.2006 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryAllah, CategoryMuhammad (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:46

1091 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BillionsOfUniverses

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BillionsOfUniverses


THE BILLIONS OF UNIVERSES in comparison to THE VALUE OF ONE MAN We are listening to what is coming from our “Spiritual Central," our "Spiritual Headquarters.” Allah Allmighty has given us ears for listening, eyes for looking, and hearts for understanding, but we are using our ears in the wrong way, our eyes in the wrong way and our hearts in the wrong direction. Therefore, we look but do not see, we hear but do not understand, we know but do not feel. Without feeling, knowledge is nothing; knowledge, when it moves you with feelings – that is useful knowledge. And I am asking my Grandsheikh Abdullah to give us from the knowledge of the awliya, saints, to move our hearts towards our Lord’s direction. While I was praying some inspirations were coming. This is important: inspirations concerning the value of man. This point just came; we shall see what comes to complete it. Grandsheikh is transmitting to me from the heart of Prophet Muhammad (sal), and I am translating to you from our Grandsheikh’s heart, may Allah bless him. No other religion gives such value to mankind as Islam gives. Among tariqas, none gives that value to mankind that the Most Distinguished Naqshabandi order gives. And among Grandsheikhs, such value as our Grandsheikh Abdullah gives to the Sons of Adam and to mankind, I have never heard. The most important thing for everyone belonging to mankind is to know what is the value of himself and of everyone who is created as a human being, as one of the Sons of Adam; that is the most important knowledge that must be acquired by everyone. If everyone knows the value of himself and of everyone else, this world is going to be like paradise. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:05:46

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But now they are losing that value and the whole world is like a hell. Throughout the East and West, no value for mankind. In the East, no value for the individual; in the West, they also consider the individual as a material being, regarding him as a robot. In the Western countries, which we call free countries, everyone can find everything he may be in need of for himself, like a robot, and Western Countries’ systems steal the hearts of people and leave them without hearts. Throughout the East and West, the value of people has been lost, finished. That is the source of suffering, troubles and problems. While the East stole the individual – no more value for the individual person – the West took his heart and left him like a robot, both of them finishing the value of mankind. Between the East and West, some countries are going after the East, camping in the Eastern camp. Some of them are camping in the Western camp. And the Muslim world is also divided into two camps, East and West; there is now no camp for Muslims to be under, to take a shelter for themselves, no. In the Muslim world they have also lost the value of man and of mankind. Allah Almighty sent the Seal of the Prophets, the most valuable one, the most important and beloved one, Muhammad (sal), to teach mankind forever who they are and what their value is. Allah Almighty sent one verse in the Holy Quran stating the value of mankind, and that verse did not come from Heaven except to beloved Muhammad (sal). You may read or recite it among other verses, not paying too much attention to it, and our scholars have also given some meanings to that verse. It is just a part of a verse, not even a complete verse, it is only three or four or five words, “Wa laqad karramna Bani Adam,” (And We have surely honoured the Sons of Adam). In this verse Allah Almighty gives perfect value to the Sons of Adam “Wa laqad karramna Bani Adam.” It says “We have surely honoured the Sons of Adam.” If all the awliya (I am not speaking of scholars; scholars’ knowledge stops now – I am speaking of awliyas’ knowledge) were to give the knowledge that they have been given (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:05:46

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concerning that one verse, it would not be sufficient to give the true value which Allah Almighty proclaims by the word “karramna,” We honoured, a word which is only one word among three or four or five words. That is the value which Allah Almighty gives to the Sons of Adam: “Karramna.” For forty years I heard about that word from my Grandsheikh, and with that ocean still in his heart, he went away from this world. You must know about your Lord and about His prophets, and also about the Sultan of the Prophets, Muhammad (sal). Other prophets’ knowledges and all awliyas’ and all angels’ knowledge are like a little drop on a needle when a needle is taken from an ocean, but a limited ocean, and the Prophet’s knowledge is like a little drop in an endless ocean. The Prophet Muhammad (sal), gives such value to the Sons of Adam as no one can give except Allah Almighty and Allah Almighty gives such value to the Sons of Adam that no one can know the amount and measure of that value. We may say something about the value of the Sons of Adam to give you an idea of that value. One human being is more valuable than the whole universe, not including man. For this world, we may kill a man even for one pound; we may kill a man for nothing. Now the East is intending to kill all Western people; Western people are taking precautions to kill all the people of Eastern countries, also. But the value of one human being is out of this world. If all computers were made to work to give a value, to give a figure or number it will fail. In comparison to the whole universe (without man), one human being is more valuable than that. If there is brought another universe like this one, also without man, one man is still more valuable when you compare them. If there are ten universes, still he is more valuable; if one thousand universes are compared to him even, he is more valuable than that too. Yes even if you bring millions and billions of universes yet that one person is more valuable than all these universes (without man) put together. This is a piece of knowledge from the knowledge of the Saints. Therefore, for the one who is asking for the pleasure of his Lord, to the extent that he may give value to His servants, to the Sons of Adam, he gives pleasure to his Lord. (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:05:46

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May Allah Almighty give us understanding. We are lacking that. No understanding; in the twentieth century, non-understanding people are living. They claim they understand everything, but not the value of man. You may understand everything except the value of man. If you understood, you would put on everyone’s head a crown, coming from Heaven. The awliya look at that and they see that on everyone’s head there is a crown, a heavenly crown, but a blind man does not see, will never see. Make light in your heart; little by little it is going to appear that everyone is bearing a heavenly crown. To the extent that you give value to the Sons of Adam, you acquire more value and advance in the Divine Presence. Now we come to the opposite of this. Who is the guiltiest person, guilty of the biggest sin? What is the biggest sin in the Divine Presence? The biggest sin is not t