Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (11/777)
t ihr das gelernt? Nein! Hättet ihr es gelernt, würdet ihr nicht in die Fallen Shaytans gehen. Die ganze Muslimwelt ist jetzt gefangen in den Fallen Shaytans. Sie sind gefallen. Unser Herr (jwa) hat sie gewarnt: O Mensch, vor euch ist eine Falle, seht euch vor und fallt nicht hinein. Ich bin euer Herr, der Höchste. Ich lehrte Al Bayan denjenigen, der Mich in den Universen vertritt, Meinen Geliebten Muhammad Al Mustafa (saws). Ich lehrte ihn und ehrte ihn (saws) mit einer Ehre, die größer ist und über jeder einzelnen Schöpfung steht. Und auf Seinen (swt) Befehl hin kam Al Bayan herab von Mir (swt) zu ihm (saws). Die Verherrlichung von Al Haqq für den Propheten (saws). Es wurde herabgesandt von Mir (swt), Al Bayan, an Meinen Geliebten Muhammad Mustafa (saws). Herabgesandt... durch Göttlichen Befehl. Jibril (as) reichte Al Bayan Meinem Geliebten (saws) herab, der Mich in den Universen vertritt. Und es kam zu dir. Jetzt haben sie mich ein wenig heruntergebracht von oben auf die Stufe derer, die etwas verstehen können. Unser Herr (jwa) sandte aus Seiner Gegenwart die Göttliche Shariat herab an Seinen Stellvertreter in den Universen, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). 'Meine Worte sind im Großen Quran. Ich habe sie herabgesandt, damit ihr wißt, was die Wahrheit ist. Al Bayan werdet ihr im Großen Quran finden. Al Bayan ist im Heiligen Quran. Es wird verdeutlicht durch Meinen Geliebten Muhammad Al Mustafa (saws). 'Ich gab ihm Al Bayan. Ich lehrte ihn Al Bayan'. (55:4) Und ich gab ihm (saws) das beste Benehmen. Wie der Prophet (saws) sagt: 'Mein Herr gibt mir das besten Benehmen.' Er sagte nicht: 'Er (swt) lehrte mich'. Es gibt ein paar Verse, die darauf hindeuten, aber das Wichtige ist, daß er (saws) sagte "Addabani Rabbi". Gutes Benehmen (6 von 9)04.07.2013 23:02:27
136 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlBayan
ist wertvoller als Wissen. Subhanallah! Und er (saws) kam zu euch mit der Göttlichen Shariat, mit der glorreichen Religion des Islam. Glorreich! Die Religion des Islam ist glorreich. Die Mächtige Shariat, Ich (jj) sandte sie, o Muslime, damit ihr versteht. Und hütet euch, Wir sagen, hütet euch, o Muslime! Allah (jwa), unser Herr, sandte die Glorreiche Göttliche Shariat. Glorreich, die Göttliche Shariat! Und ihr kehrt ihr den Rücken? Ihr stoßt sie weg mit eueren Füßen? Ihr stoßt sie wie einen Fußball, um sie wegzuwerfen. Der Herr wird euch Manieren beibringen. Benehmen! Sie haben den Respekt verloren, die ganze muslimische Welt. Weil sie die Mächtige Shariat verlassen haben, die von Allah (swt) kam. Allah (swt) sagt: 'Er hat den Menschen erschaffen. Er lehrte ihn Al Bayan'. Ich bin Derjenige, Der lehrte! Und ihr stoßt sie weg mit eueren Füßen, die Mächtige Shariat, die Glorreiche Shariat? Und ihr sucht im Müll, im Müll nach Dingen, die ihr den Leuten präsentieren könnt. Wehe! Wehe, o Araber! Wehe euch, o Muslime! Ich werde euch Benehmen lehren auf eine Weise, daß ihr euer eigenes Tun kosten werdet in dieser Welt und im Jenseits. Das hat begonnen. Sie verließen die Mächtige Shariat. Wir wollen darüber sprechen, da die Ägypter die Mächtige Shariat verließen und sagen: 'Wir schauen im Müll nach Dingen, um sie den Leuten zu präsentieren.' Und Ich habe euch die Mächtige Shariat gesandt und Ich sagte: "Khalaqa l-Insana Allamahu l-Bayan" (55:3-4). Warum fragt ihr nicht danach, was Er (swt) lehrte? Gelehrte, Araber, Könige! Ihr werdet die Strafe kosten hier und im Jenseits, weil ihr schlechtes Benehmen habt. Wir sind Nicht-Araber, aber ihr seid Araber. Schande auf euch dafür, daß ihr nach etwas anderem als der Göttlichen Shariat sucht. Wehe euch! Ihr werdet das Ergebnis euerer Taten hier und im Jenseits kosten. Allah ya Rabbi, Anta Rabbuna Anta Hasbuna! 'Bestimme für uns einen König, damit wir auf Deinem Weg kämpfen' (2:246). Seit du uns befohlen hast, o unser Herr, sind wir ignorant geworden. Die Araber und die Nicht-Araber - wir sind alle ignorant geworden. Unsere Könige, unsere Prinzen, unsere Führer, sie sehen diese Worte überhaupt nicht, die Allah (awj) herabsandte mit der Mächtigen Shariat, um mit der Mächtigen Shariat zu herrschen, stattdessen stoßt ihr sie weg wie einen Fußball und sucht nach Dingen... Was ist das? Schande auf euch, Araber! Vor allem die Araber! Ägypter, Menschen des Hijaz und der Rest. Wir sind Nicht-Araber. Unser Herr, Deine Vergebung. 'Bestimme für uns einen König, damit wir auf Deinem Weg kämpfen' (2:246). (7 von 9)04.07.2013 23:02:27
137 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlBayan
Mein Herr! Dies sind nur wenige Worte, die in mein Herz kamen. Also sprach ich sie. Ich wollte, daß Safia auch anwesend ist, weil sie versteht, was wir sagen. Es ist nicht nötig zu erklären. Es ist klar. 'Er lehrte ihn Al Bayan' (55:4). 'Aber nur Allah (swt) weiß und jene, die fest gegründet sind im Wissen' (3:7). Jene, die fest gegründet sind im Wissen, sind verschwunden. Ya Rabbi, vergib uns. Dies ist wegen der Segnungen des Muharram. Vergib uns, unser Herr! Wir haben Sahib nicht, o unser Herr, sende uns Sahib. Wir haben keinen Sultan, sende uns einen Sultan, o unser Herr. Sie alle laufen hinter dieser Welt her, hinter dem Leben dieser Welt, um ihre Begierden zu befriedigen, ob sie erlaubt sind oder nicht. Sie beschäftigen sich nur mit diesen Dingen. Möge Allah (swt) uns schützen. Ya Rabbi, wir bereuen und wenden uns Dir zu. Wir bereuen und wenden uns Dir zu. Ya Sayyidi ya Rasulullah, 'Bestimme für uns einen König... O mein Herr! damit wir auf Deinem Weg kämpfen' (2:246). Wir hoffen, daß unser Herr unsere Entschuldigung annimmt und für uns einen König bestimmt, damit er die Muslime versammelt unter dem Banner des Geliebten, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). Das ist genug für uns, diese Erklärung für jene, die Wissen und Verständnis haben, so daß sie verstehen. Aber wer nicht versteht, sie tragen das. Es ist nicht auf uns. O Muslimnation, trefft euere Vorkehrungen, bevor der Zorn Allahs (swt) auf die Erde herabkommt. Und so viele Zeichen zeigen den Zorn des Herrn der Himmel auf die Menschen auf der Erde. Möge Allah uns schützen. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba. Wir bereuen und wenden uns Dir zu. 'Bestimme für uns einen König, damit wir auf Deinem Weg kämpfen.' (2:246) Ein Imam, der versprochene Imam, Sahib az-Zaman... sende ihn uns, o unser Herr. O glorreicher Prophet (saws), wir bitten um deine Fürsprache, deine Fürsprache, o ehrenwerter Prophet (saws)! O Geliebter Allahs, Allah und Alhamdulillah. Ich bin müde. Wenn ich zu sprechen beginne, würde ich bis zum Ende der Welt sprechen und nicht aufhören, aber ich bin ein schwacher Diener. Ich habe keine Macht in den Händen. Ich kann mich nicht einmal selbst bewerkstelligen. Ich schäme mich. Ich ertrinke in Furcht vor meinem Herrn. Ich schäme mich vor Seinem Geliebten (saws). O ihr Araber, fürchtet ihr eueren Herrn nicht? Oder schämt ihr euch nicht vor euerem Propheten (saws)? Wie ist das möglich? Möge Allah (swt) euere und auch unsere Situation richtigstellen, Ya Sayyidi, ya Rasulullah, vergib uns... Um Deines Geliebten (saws) willen suchen wir Deine (8 von 9)04.07.2013 23:02:27
138 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlBayan
Gnade. Bi Hurmati l-Habib, bi Hurmati l-Fatiha. 12.11.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryMuhammad, CategoryAdab, CategoryKingdom, CategoryMuslimNation (9 von 9)04.07.2013 23:02:27
139 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlbaytulAtiq
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AlbaytulAtiq
Al Baytu l-‘Atiq
As-Salamu Alaikum, O servants of Allah! Man is a creation Allah Almighty created. Allah Almighty says, in His Magnificence, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim: "Wa Ja`alna Mina Al-Ma'i Kulla Shay'in Hayyin" (12:30) Subhan Allah, Allah Almighty says "I gave life to everything by means of water". Therefore give us some and we drink it with love for Him and yearning. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. We may remember the Holy Name of Allah Almighty Who said "Wa Ja`alna Min Al-Ma'i Kulla Shay'in Hayyin". By means of the water, which is the ma ul hayat (water of life) I gave life to everything. Drink the water, and when you drink, say "O Lord, may You grant life to our bodies. May You grant strength O Lord so that we won't get crushed". Allah Almighty does not crush. Allah Almighty grants His servants His Divine favors. The beginning of the Divine favors is Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. "Whoever remembers the Name of Allah first, Allah makes his every act easy". Whoever remembers Allah Almighty's Name first, Allah makes his every act easy for him. Such a person never struggles. Say the Bismillah and walk from the East to the West, it won't be difficult. If you don't say, you can't even go one step, it crushes you. Who crushes? Allah Dhul Jalal does not crush. But shaytan mounts him and crushes him. Keep away the shaytan. Say Audhu Billahi min al shaytanir rajim. O Lord, we seek refuge with You from that servant who has no adab, who is stoned, who is expelled from Your door and who is dishonoured. Because he attacks people and when he does, he doesn't let go. He doesn't let go of the people. May Allah protect us from his evil. This is the first munajat (prayer), Audhu Billahi min al shaytanir rajim. The expelled shaytan, shaytan who is expelled from Allah's Divine Presence; I seek refuge with You from his evil Ya Rabbi. Then I remember Your Holy Name. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord, You are Who makes us stand and You are Who (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:28
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accepts us to Your servanthood. Stand up! Stand up for Allah. Stand up for Allah. You opened your eyes after having rested, then immediately run to the service of Allah Almighty. What do You order, O Lord? "'Aqimi As-Salaata Li-Duluki Ash-Shamsi 'Ila Ghasaqi Al-Layli" (12:78). Perform the prayers when the sun rises and sets: it points to the fajr and maghrib prayers. The new day comes in the morning and the sun rises for the servants, with its Nurs. The sun rises in such a precise and balanced way that it does not delay even for a moment. Its angle is perfect too. It doesn't burn or freeze. And how beautiful it is, the view of the sunrise. What does the sun say? "May I rise upon Your Order?" "Yes you may". The sun doesn't rise without saying Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Ya Rabbi tawba. There is no one left who teaches us such realities. And there is no one left who wants to learn either. The sun rises, takes the darkness of the night off us. Man does not rest with sleeping. Ok, he may rest to some extent but the real rest is with the sun. How beautiful is a person who wakes by the sunrise and welcomes the sunrise with sajda. Fresh sun, fresh day, new day. It dresses a new life on those who make sajda to their Lord when it rises. O Rabbu l-Baytu l -'Atiq! Baytu l-'Atiq, Kaaba Al-Muazzama. O Rabbu l-Baytu l-'Atiq! Say, what is in Baytu l-'Atiq, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi? Is it an empty house? What would be its value if it was an empty house? What can be in an empty house? What can we do with an empty thing? It is such a Bayt, Bayt Al-'Atiq! Kaaba Al-Muazzama, its name is 'Atiq (Ancient). Since when? Since dunya was created. Allah Almighty descended that Bayt, that Bayt Al-Muazzam, that whatever mankind needs, you can find it all in there. Ask for it. Say "Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim. Dress me from this treasure Ya Rabbi". Bayt Al-Muazzam, Baytu l-'Atiq, Baytullah! Allah Allah. How beautifully the old people sang it. They sang of it, for the love of the Kaaba al- Muazzama. There is a qasida: May there be a holy journey and I go, rub my face against the soil of Kaaba's roads. Kaaba's roads are the roads of Paradise. Hearts flow there. Be careful. For five thousand years that Bayt al-Muazzam, Allah knows its history, what we know is five thousand years, stands there. It is not destroyed. They tried to destroy it many times but couldn't. Is it an easy thing? It is Baytullah! This is Baytullah, Allahu Akbar! Ok, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi, Baytullah... The Baytullah which Allah named after His Holy Name and placed on earth is empty? If it is empty, what can we do with it? What can we do with it? What can we do in an empty house? Since it is His (swt) Bayt (House), eveything that gives (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:28
141 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlbaytulAtiq
honour to mankind is in it. For this reason peoples' hearts flow to Baytullah. They don't get tired of or fed up with asking for it, seeking it. What is written first in the Baytullah is Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Allahu Akbar. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Wa Qul Rabbi 'Adkhilni Mudkhala Sidqin Wa 'Akhrijni Mukhraja Sidqin Wa Aj`al Li Min Ladunka Sultanaan Nasiraan. Bi Ismillahi Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. They keep making tawaf like this. Do they ever get tired of it? Do they ever get tired? What is in Baytullah? No one would go there if there was nothing. What should they go for nothing? But it is after His Name, He (swt) says: this is My Bayt Al-Muazzama. Therefore whatever there is that mankind desires, it has it. The apparant ones are in the way, under foot. What is above it, everything that teaches mankind how he will enter His Lord's Presence and what he will dress, is there. Therefore in Kaaba Al- Muazzama, there are all kind of thawbs, we call athwab, there are all kinds of shirts, dresses there. Thawb Al-'Ubudiyyah. O our Lord, may You dress on us the shirt of servanthood, the dress of servanthood O Lord. Ask for this, saying "O Lord..." "Then say, O My servant, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Wa Lillah Al-Hamd. Rabbi 'Adkhilni Mudkhala Sidqin Wa 'Akhrijni Mukhraja Sidqin Wa Aj`al Li Min Ladunka Sultanaan Nasiraan". O Muluk! O no mind ones who think of themselves highly and take pride in imitated titles. Look! When you wake up in the morning, first say "Ya Rabbi! Labbisni thawb Al-'Ubudiyyah. O our Lord, may You dress on us the dress of servanthood, the dress of servanthood O Lord". Allah! Allah, Allah. Who asks this standing in the presence, in Kaaba Al-Muazzama or whoever turns to it whether in the East or the West and says Allahu Akbar O Lord! May You dress on us the Thawb Al-'Ubudiyyah Ya Rabbi". We stand five times daily. We recite "iyyaka Nabu'du wa iyyaka Nasta'in". O Rabbu l-Bayt, dress on us the dress of servanthood. We seek refuge with You from the shaytan who leads us astray, from that shaytan who wants to make us forget You. He wants to make us say "Me!". He wants to make us shaytan like himself. We seek refuge with You from his evil. Thawb Al-'Ubudiyyah, dress on us the dress of servanthood. May You dress on us the dress of servanthood O Lord! May the dress of servanthood be permanently upon us O Lord. May we dress in a new one everyday". "Say O My (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:28
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servant, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim As' aluka Ya Rabbi, min kulli khairihi akramta ibadaka bihi Ya Rabbi, Labbisni. May You dress us with the dress of every goodness Ya Rabbi. We are ready O Lord, we are ready for Your servanthood". Say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim O My servant. Remember My Holy Name, and I let you be dressed in the Kaaba l- Muazzama with the dress of Ubudiyyah. Shaykh Mehmet Effendi, your spiritual energy is strong. He actually gives me. Mine is zero but he is being charged. All the Great Companions came to the Kaaba Al-Muazzama like this. The Great Prophet stood on his camel and, what the Arabs of ignorance called "Long live glorious Hubal", he caught with the holy staff he had in his hand and threw it down. "What you worship is under my feet. Go up and say Allahu Akbar! Declare our servanthood! O Rabbu l-Baytu l- 'Atiq! Dua. Nahnu Abiduk, Anta Rabbuna! Anta Hasbuna. Anta Waliyyuna, wa n`ima 'l-Mawla, Anta Mawlana. Wa N'ima'l-Mawla, Anta Ya Rabbana. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. How beautiful is the Bismillah. It is like an ocean. Say the Bismillah and the first thing you ask for is the thawb al-'Ubudiyyah: O Lord, may You dress me with the dress of servanthood so that I don't claim to be a magnificent one like shaytan did; so that I don't follow shaytan. O Lord,dress me with the dress of Your servanthood. "'Alaysa Allahu Bikafin `Abdahu" (39:36) is the Verse not like this? "Is not Allah Sufficient for His slave's every need?" "'Alaysa Allahu Bikafin `Abdahu" Allahu Akbar. Where else do you ask help from? The Lord Almighty sent His House (Bayt). Open your hands (for help) to Kaaba and ask "O Lord! Don't expel us from Your servanthood O Lord. We are weak O Lord. May Nur descend on us so we revive, so we find strength". The address comes "Start then O My servant, say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim" Allah will make everything easy for him. Whoever remembers the Name of Allah first, Allah makes everything easy for him. Our Allah, our Subhan, our Sultan! Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. 'Ala man takabbar wa tajabbar. You don't need any doctor or judge. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.We ask for the dress of servanthood O Lord, may we not be busy with any other work. May we live with Your servanthood, with Your remembrance, with Your love O Lord! Say O My servant: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Say this O little man! And see what will open for you! Our Lord Almighty (jj) does not (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:28
143 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlbaytulAtiq
make you in need of anyone. This is it. And that is, if people can understand. If we can understand, our lives will be very beautiful. "'Inna Allaha Ya'muru Bi l-`Adli Wa l-'Ihsani" (16:90). Allah Almighty, the Owner of Justice, tells us "O My servant, I have forbidden oppression to Myself, and I made it forbidden for you also. No one may oppress another!" Ask from Allah Almighty and see how much Allah Almighty will grant you from His Justice. Don't fear! Who says Allah scares others. Who says Allah does not fear anything. Allah dresses the dress of majesty on who says Allah. O Lord, dress on us the dress of servanthood. What majesty can we have? But Allah Almighty's servant cannot look helpless and weak. He is majestic! If he kicks the earth, he can throw the earth out of its orbit. There are such servants. Shaykh Mehmet Effendi, this is an important matter to be a servant to Allah. It is not an easy matter: if he kicks, he can throw the earth out of its orbit. Allahu Akbarul Akbar. Allahu Akbarul Akbar. Allahu Akbarul Akbar. 'Ala man takabbara man tajabbar. Shukur. Al-Fatiha. This is an ocean, it is enough. Shaykh Mehmet Effendi now takes like a vacuum! He has strong... (understanding?) Or else I could not speak. The burden he carries, his strength is different. Long live Hj Mehmet. Allah bless you! Step here and reach to the east! From the east, go to the west if you like. Once you say Bismillah, you can go. Don't fear! You are lions! Fatiha. I may dance for you! (joke) Long live Hj Mehmet! May Allah increase your spiritual energy, this one's too. Lefke, 31.01.2013
WebSaltanatOrg (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:28
144 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlexanderTheGreat
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AlexanderTheGreat
Iskenderi Kebir
Sheikh Mehmed Effendi, it's not a game now. There is no time to waste, hanging around is finished. It's time to destroy shaytan's game and his people. Oh our Lord. May Allah not leave us to our bad nafs. I have my share to take also. We must try to better ourselves. Oh my Lord mashaAllah. "Ma a'zamu sha'nnak", the address to Al-Haqq Almighty, by the great prophets. The Sultan of the Prophets (sas) says: "Ma a'zamu sha'nnak", and nothing else can be said. Allah Allah. Oh my Lord, for Your servants, for the sake of the order of the Prophet (saw), may this association take place, for his sake. I ask for help for his approval. Ya Ashabu-l Madad Ya Rijal Allah. Allah. Oh those present, Oh Friends of Shah Mardan As-salamu alaikum. May our day be a good one, may our actions and end also be good.. How beautiful are the orders of our Lord. He allowed us to do sajda. He made us make sajda. Thanks to our Lord. Endless salams to our Prophet (saw)- the Pride of the Universe. Allahu Akbar. Stand up! Ya RasulAllah. As-salamu alaikum oh friends of Shah Mardan. Shah Mardan is the lion who teaches people their adab and their level. What are his instructions? First of all say, as-salamu alaikum. Salam, is among the names of Allah (jj). The key of Salamat Seas is As-Salam. Salam to you, Oh believers Salams to you. If you say Salams you will not be sick. You will be safe.. Don't be scared. As-salamu alaikum o lovers of Shah Mardan. Let's say the key of all treasures Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. How beautiful, how majestic. We can't even describe it. No one can fully describe the meaning of Basmala. This 'phrase', as they call it, was revealed and it is a phrase to be the crown of Mankind - Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. They crowned you with honour. We said Bismillahi r- Rahimani r-Rahim. As-salamu alaikum. Oh Friends of Shah Mardan say, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Oh our Lord Who owns everthing in the universe and created all creatures, all the (1 von 13)04.07.2013 23:02:29
145 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlexanderTheGreat
universes hidden & apparent. No one knows what before the creation existed or what will be after its end. Allah! Dhul Jalali wa l- Jamal. Oh people, may our association be an association of enlightenment. Dastur ya RijalAllah madad. Enter the association of Shah Mardan with adab. One holy man said; I looked for the associations of knowledgeable ones- like Shah Mardan's association. When one has permission from him, one's association becomes enlightened. Their association is like the rain when it falls on dry soil, how it wakes up the soil, it wakes up the hearts of people.. Oh our Lord, our Subhan. One who was seeking Allah (jj) said; Allahu Dhul Jalali wal Kamal. They sought a path to the Lord of Jalal (Majesty), Jamal (Beauty ), Kamal (Perfection). This path, is the path of the people of knowledge & holders of adab. I sought the paths of those. How they shine in the darkness like stars in the night sky. They are like stars shining in the darkness. I am asking these ignorant people - Look at the sky on a night when the moon is not visible; Look at the festival of the sky. There are lights that dot the sky. You can see light in the dots. We call them, Stars. Wonderful. Those stars, where do they take their light? They must take from somewhere. If you don't light the match there is no glow. Look at the festival of lights at nighttime, in the sky, on a night with no visible moon. In the darkest night, like a river of light, stars fall everywhere. What did they used to call this? Milkyway. Stars as if they spilled all over. Sheikh Mehmet Effendi what is it called in Arabic? Kahkashan. Is it from Persian? What they call the sky in arabic? Majarrat. Galaxy. Milkyway. They call it the Milky Way. Milky Way is in the common language. Common people call it the Milky Way. A galaxy shines in the pitch dark. Where does it start? Where does it end? Who seperates them? Knowledgeable ones know... Common People say Allahu Dhul Jalal. The common and the knowledgeable ones all say Allahu Dhul Jalal. He is the One Who created this galaxy. What's its size? Only the one who created it knows. Who sets them up? Who is the calibrator? Who put them all seperate? Who decides which dots to shine? Does it happen by itself or is there someone putting them there? To claim it happened by itself you need evidence. No evidence. The One who has put all these stars in their correct positions, is the One Who has endless Power and Mightiness - Allah Dhul Jalal. Let's observe respect; "Tafakkuru sa'atin khayrun min 'ibadati sab'ina sana." Isn't it? To think of these facts is worth 70 years of praying without thinking - that's a different level. If one prays for 70 years, fasts and observes the heavens and thinks about Who put these in their correct stations, his prayers are on a different (2 von 13)04.07.2013 23:02:29
146 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlexanderTheGreat
level. Everything glorifies Him. Everything says SubhanAllah. This universe, where does it begin, where does it end? Say oh Shah Mardan. Let's rise up and not sink down into this world's filth. Let's not get fooled by this world's ornaments. Let's walk towards the truth. They don't teach this at school. shaytan doesn't let them. It doesn't allow these things to be told. Curses on those who are with shaytan. Those people whose hearts are with shaytan, will finish before Ramadan. Because the violence and anger from the sky will manifest from Rajab onwards. It will blow everything away. You are small but who do you represent? Oh Mankind! Oh Shah Mardan say. What does Man represent? Sheikh Mehmed Effendi, Who do we represent? We are representatives of Allah(jj) on earth. Khalifa means that. "...will make a khalifah" a representative. I will create a representative who will show My Mightiness that no one else can describe. One who has the honour hat no other creature was given. One who has the nobility no other creature was given. Al-Insan-Man. What an honour! Alhamdu lillah, to Allah (jj) Who created us. Thanks for sending us His beloved Prophet (saw), the honour of the universes. He sent him to teach us. The Prophet (saw) said, I'm the City of Knowledge. You can find all you need to learn in me. My name is Madinatu-l 'Ilm. He said the gatekeeper is my uncle's son Mardan. Oh Shah Mardan say, to those calling themselves Alawi, Shia. Say. Ask them what is my mazhab? What is Shah Mardan's mazhab? There are two types of mazhab: One who walks with Justice and one who walks with oppression. Two mazhabs in this world. There are two ways of people. Hear this o Persians, o Shia, o Alawi. He says two ways. One is the way of Justice, the other is the way of oppression. I am the one addressed by Allah (jj), by the Creator of the Universes. For the sake of Izzu Jalalim I declare: My way is the way of Justice. I have forbidden oppression to Myself. I have forbidden oppression for you also. Do not oppress each other! "Fa la tazalamu"(Hadith) If you do not follow this order you will walk on the way of tyrants. If you leave the way of justice then I will send armies to overcome you and destroy you. No need to send a whole army, says Rabbu-l 'Izzat. There are angels responsible for the earth and heavens. If they get an order to move he earth a tiny bit, it moves. They say Earthquake. Angels are shaking it. Kuurrrrr....Falls on their head. I will destroy tyrants. Easy. "Fa la tazalamu"(Hadith) Do not oppress each other. Oh Alawis your oppression is so great now. O Shia those murders, those battles, destruction you have done has scared even the shaytans. How (3 von 13)04.07.2013 23:02:29
147 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlexanderTheGreat
will you enter the presence of Shah Mardan? He will destroy you. Rajabu Shahrullah is coming. It will destroy you. He walks with the order of the Creator and Owner of the Earth and Heavens. He is Shah Mardan. One from his line will come and destroy all this oppression. Do not oppress. This is an order. Say oh Shah Mardan - Which Prophet was an oppressor? None. Which Imam oppressed? You claim to follow 12 Imams, which one oppressed, which one did what you are doing? Oh Persians, Oh Shia, Oh Alawis you claim to have 12 Imams, which Imam commited oppression as you are doing? Which one gave you fatwa? They will shake the earth and it will all fall on your heads. It's coming soon. The revenge of the heavens coming. As you kill innocent people, it comes closer. The angels will take revenge from you. May you not reach to the Imam you are waiting for! Ey Shah Mardan say, teach us. What makes this world ugly? This is a question. Oppression. What is honour for Man? Justice. What makes a Great Man? A great Man is the one who observes justice Allah ordered. They call him Alexander The Great, Sheikh Mehmed Effendi. Iskender-i Kebir, Alexander the Great. So many Emporors come and go, so many kings - none called Great. Why did they call him Alexander the Great? How did he get his greatness? He rode his horse at age 15 and girded on his sword. But his sword - watch out Oh Greeks! Wake up! Alexander the Great - You call him Alexanderos. How did he earn the title "the great"? He rode his horse when he was only 15 and said, let me march to rule the people. Let me march on His Earth for the sake of the Lord Who made me strong, Who created me. Let me practice what I am taught. Alexander the Great. How did he become Great? What does he say? He says; I girded on my sword and rode on my horse and promised the Lord of the Earth and Heavens - Oh One who created me! You made me ride on this horse, on this wild horse no one else could ride. You gave the ability to ride it. I will march for You. You let me gird on my
t ihr das gelernt? Nein! Hättet ihr es gelernt, würdet ihr nicht in die Fallen Shaytans gehen. Die ganze Muslimwelt ist jetzt gefangen in den Fallen Shaytans. Sie sind gefallen. Unser Herr (jwa) hat sie gewarnt: O Mensch, vor euch ist eine Falle, seht euch vor und fallt nicht hinein. Ich bin euer Herr, der Höchste. Ich lehrte Al Bayan denjenigen, der Mich in den Universen vertritt, Meinen Geliebten Muhammad Al Mustafa (saws). Ich lehrte ihn und ehrte ihn (saws) mit einer Ehre, die größer ist und über jeder einzelnen Schöpfung steht. Und auf Seinen (swt) Befehl hin kam Al Bayan herab von Mir (swt) zu ihm (saws). Die Verherrlichung von Al Haqq für den Propheten (saws). Es wurde herabgesandt von Mir (swt), Al Bayan, an Meinen Geliebten Muhammad Mustafa (saws). Herabgesandt... durch Göttlichen Befehl. Jibril (as) reichte Al Bayan Meinem Geliebten (saws) herab, der Mich in den Universen vertritt. Und es kam zu dir. Jetzt haben sie mich ein wenig heruntergebracht von oben auf die Stufe derer, die etwas verstehen können. Unser Herr (jwa) sandte aus Seiner Gegenwart die Göttliche Shariat herab an Seinen Stellvertreter in den Universen, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). 'Meine Worte sind im Großen Quran. Ich habe sie herabgesandt, damit ihr wißt, was die Wahrheit ist. Al Bayan werdet ihr im Großen Quran finden. Al Bayan ist im Heiligen Quran. Es wird verdeutlicht durch Meinen Geliebten Muhammad Al Mustafa (saws). 'Ich gab ihm Al Bayan. Ich lehrte ihn Al Bayan'. (55:4) Und ich gab ihm (saws) das beste Benehmen. Wie der Prophet (saws) sagt: 'Mein Herr gibt mir das besten Benehmen.' Er sagte nicht: 'Er (swt) lehrte mich'. Es gibt ein paar Verse, die darauf hindeuten, aber das Wichtige ist, daß er (saws) sagte "Addabani Rabbi". Gutes Benehmen (6 von 9)04.07.2013 23:02:27
136 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlBayan
ist wertvoller als Wissen. Subhanallah! Und er (saws) kam zu euch mit der Göttlichen Shariat, mit der glorreichen Religion des Islam. Glorreich! Die Religion des Islam ist glorreich. Die Mächtige Shariat, Ich (jj) sandte sie, o Muslime, damit ihr versteht. Und hütet euch, Wir sagen, hütet euch, o Muslime! Allah (jwa), unser Herr, sandte die Glorreiche Göttliche Shariat. Glorreich, die Göttliche Shariat! Und ihr kehrt ihr den Rücken? Ihr stoßt sie weg mit eueren Füßen? Ihr stoßt sie wie einen Fußball, um sie wegzuwerfen. Der Herr wird euch Manieren beibringen. Benehmen! Sie haben den Respekt verloren, die ganze muslimische Welt. Weil sie die Mächtige Shariat verlassen haben, die von Allah (swt) kam. Allah (swt) sagt: 'Er hat den Menschen erschaffen. Er lehrte ihn Al Bayan'. Ich bin Derjenige, Der lehrte! Und ihr stoßt sie weg mit eueren Füßen, die Mächtige Shariat, die Glorreiche Shariat? Und ihr sucht im Müll, im Müll nach Dingen, die ihr den Leuten präsentieren könnt. Wehe! Wehe, o Araber! Wehe euch, o Muslime! Ich werde euch Benehmen lehren auf eine Weise, daß ihr euer eigenes Tun kosten werdet in dieser Welt und im Jenseits. Das hat begonnen. Sie verließen die Mächtige Shariat. Wir wollen darüber sprechen, da die Ägypter die Mächtige Shariat verließen und sagen: 'Wir schauen im Müll nach Dingen, um sie den Leuten zu präsentieren.' Und Ich habe euch die Mächtige Shariat gesandt und Ich sagte: "Khalaqa l-Insana Allamahu l-Bayan" (55:3-4). Warum fragt ihr nicht danach, was Er (swt) lehrte? Gelehrte, Araber, Könige! Ihr werdet die Strafe kosten hier und im Jenseits, weil ihr schlechtes Benehmen habt. Wir sind Nicht-Araber, aber ihr seid Araber. Schande auf euch dafür, daß ihr nach etwas anderem als der Göttlichen Shariat sucht. Wehe euch! Ihr werdet das Ergebnis euerer Taten hier und im Jenseits kosten. Allah ya Rabbi, Anta Rabbuna Anta Hasbuna! 'Bestimme für uns einen König, damit wir auf Deinem Weg kämpfen' (2:246). Seit du uns befohlen hast, o unser Herr, sind wir ignorant geworden. Die Araber und die Nicht-Araber - wir sind alle ignorant geworden. Unsere Könige, unsere Prinzen, unsere Führer, sie sehen diese Worte überhaupt nicht, die Allah (awj) herabsandte mit der Mächtigen Shariat, um mit der Mächtigen Shariat zu herrschen, stattdessen stoßt ihr sie weg wie einen Fußball und sucht nach Dingen... Was ist das? Schande auf euch, Araber! Vor allem die Araber! Ägypter, Menschen des Hijaz und der Rest. Wir sind Nicht-Araber. Unser Herr, Deine Vergebung. 'Bestimme für uns einen König, damit wir auf Deinem Weg kämpfen' (2:246). (7 von 9)04.07.2013 23:02:27
137 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlBayan
Mein Herr! Dies sind nur wenige Worte, die in mein Herz kamen. Also sprach ich sie. Ich wollte, daß Safia auch anwesend ist, weil sie versteht, was wir sagen. Es ist nicht nötig zu erklären. Es ist klar. 'Er lehrte ihn Al Bayan' (55:4). 'Aber nur Allah (swt) weiß und jene, die fest gegründet sind im Wissen' (3:7). Jene, die fest gegründet sind im Wissen, sind verschwunden. Ya Rabbi, vergib uns. Dies ist wegen der Segnungen des Muharram. Vergib uns, unser Herr! Wir haben Sahib nicht, o unser Herr, sende uns Sahib. Wir haben keinen Sultan, sende uns einen Sultan, o unser Herr. Sie alle laufen hinter dieser Welt her, hinter dem Leben dieser Welt, um ihre Begierden zu befriedigen, ob sie erlaubt sind oder nicht. Sie beschäftigen sich nur mit diesen Dingen. Möge Allah (swt) uns schützen. Ya Rabbi, wir bereuen und wenden uns Dir zu. Wir bereuen und wenden uns Dir zu. Ya Sayyidi ya Rasulullah, 'Bestimme für uns einen König... O mein Herr! damit wir auf Deinem Weg kämpfen' (2:246). Wir hoffen, daß unser Herr unsere Entschuldigung annimmt und für uns einen König bestimmt, damit er die Muslime versammelt unter dem Banner des Geliebten, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). Das ist genug für uns, diese Erklärung für jene, die Wissen und Verständnis haben, so daß sie verstehen. Aber wer nicht versteht, sie tragen das. Es ist nicht auf uns. O Muslimnation, trefft euere Vorkehrungen, bevor der Zorn Allahs (swt) auf die Erde herabkommt. Und so viele Zeichen zeigen den Zorn des Herrn der Himmel auf die Menschen auf der Erde. Möge Allah uns schützen. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba. Wir bereuen und wenden uns Dir zu. 'Bestimme für uns einen König, damit wir auf Deinem Weg kämpfen.' (2:246) Ein Imam, der versprochene Imam, Sahib az-Zaman... sende ihn uns, o unser Herr. O glorreicher Prophet (saws), wir bitten um deine Fürsprache, deine Fürsprache, o ehrenwerter Prophet (saws)! O Geliebter Allahs, Allah und Alhamdulillah. Ich bin müde. Wenn ich zu sprechen beginne, würde ich bis zum Ende der Welt sprechen und nicht aufhören, aber ich bin ein schwacher Diener. Ich habe keine Macht in den Händen. Ich kann mich nicht einmal selbst bewerkstelligen. Ich schäme mich. Ich ertrinke in Furcht vor meinem Herrn. Ich schäme mich vor Seinem Geliebten (saws). O ihr Araber, fürchtet ihr eueren Herrn nicht? Oder schämt ihr euch nicht vor euerem Propheten (saws)? Wie ist das möglich? Möge Allah (swt) euere und auch unsere Situation richtigstellen, Ya Sayyidi, ya Rasulullah, vergib uns... Um Deines Geliebten (saws) willen suchen wir Deine (8 von 9)04.07.2013 23:02:27
138 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlBayan
Gnade. Bi Hurmati l-Habib, bi Hurmati l-Fatiha. 12.11.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryMuhammad, CategoryAdab, CategoryKingdom, CategoryMuslimNation (9 von 9)04.07.2013 23:02:27
139 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlbaytulAtiq
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AlbaytulAtiq
Al Baytu l-‘Atiq
As-Salamu Alaikum, O servants of Allah! Man is a creation Allah Almighty created. Allah Almighty says, in His Magnificence, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim: "Wa Ja`alna Mina Al-Ma'i Kulla Shay'in Hayyin" (12:30) Subhan Allah, Allah Almighty says "I gave life to everything by means of water". Therefore give us some and we drink it with love for Him and yearning. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. We may remember the Holy Name of Allah Almighty Who said "Wa Ja`alna Min Al-Ma'i Kulla Shay'in Hayyin". By means of the water, which is the ma ul hayat (water of life) I gave life to everything. Drink the water, and when you drink, say "O Lord, may You grant life to our bodies. May You grant strength O Lord so that we won't get crushed". Allah Almighty does not crush. Allah Almighty grants His servants His Divine favors. The beginning of the Divine favors is Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. "Whoever remembers the Name of Allah first, Allah makes his every act easy". Whoever remembers Allah Almighty's Name first, Allah makes his every act easy for him. Such a person never struggles. Say the Bismillah and walk from the East to the West, it won't be difficult. If you don't say, you can't even go one step, it crushes you. Who crushes? Allah Dhul Jalal does not crush. But shaytan mounts him and crushes him. Keep away the shaytan. Say Audhu Billahi min al shaytanir rajim. O Lord, we seek refuge with You from that servant who has no adab, who is stoned, who is expelled from Your door and who is dishonoured. Because he attacks people and when he does, he doesn't let go. He doesn't let go of the people. May Allah protect us from his evil. This is the first munajat (prayer), Audhu Billahi min al shaytanir rajim. The expelled shaytan, shaytan who is expelled from Allah's Divine Presence; I seek refuge with You from his evil Ya Rabbi. Then I remember Your Holy Name. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord, You are Who makes us stand and You are Who (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:28
140 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlbaytulAtiq
accepts us to Your servanthood. Stand up! Stand up for Allah. Stand up for Allah. You opened your eyes after having rested, then immediately run to the service of Allah Almighty. What do You order, O Lord? "'Aqimi As-Salaata Li-Duluki Ash-Shamsi 'Ila Ghasaqi Al-Layli" (12:78). Perform the prayers when the sun rises and sets: it points to the fajr and maghrib prayers. The new day comes in the morning and the sun rises for the servants, with its Nurs. The sun rises in such a precise and balanced way that it does not delay even for a moment. Its angle is perfect too. It doesn't burn or freeze. And how beautiful it is, the view of the sunrise. What does the sun say? "May I rise upon Your Order?" "Yes you may". The sun doesn't rise without saying Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Ya Rabbi tawba. There is no one left who teaches us such realities. And there is no one left who wants to learn either. The sun rises, takes the darkness of the night off us. Man does not rest with sleeping. Ok, he may rest to some extent but the real rest is with the sun. How beautiful is a person who wakes by the sunrise and welcomes the sunrise with sajda. Fresh sun, fresh day, new day. It dresses a new life on those who make sajda to their Lord when it rises. O Rabbu l-Baytu l -'Atiq! Baytu l-'Atiq, Kaaba Al-Muazzama. O Rabbu l-Baytu l-'Atiq! Say, what is in Baytu l-'Atiq, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi? Is it an empty house? What would be its value if it was an empty house? What can be in an empty house? What can we do with an empty thing? It is such a Bayt, Bayt Al-'Atiq! Kaaba Al-Muazzama, its name is 'Atiq (Ancient). Since when? Since dunya was created. Allah Almighty descended that Bayt, that Bayt Al-Muazzam, that whatever mankind needs, you can find it all in there. Ask for it. Say "Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim. Dress me from this treasure Ya Rabbi". Bayt Al-Muazzam, Baytu l-'Atiq, Baytullah! Allah Allah. How beautifully the old people sang it. They sang of it, for the love of the Kaaba al- Muazzama. There is a qasida: May there be a holy journey and I go, rub my face against the soil of Kaaba's roads. Kaaba's roads are the roads of Paradise. Hearts flow there. Be careful. For five thousand years that Bayt al-Muazzam, Allah knows its history, what we know is five thousand years, stands there. It is not destroyed. They tried to destroy it many times but couldn't. Is it an easy thing? It is Baytullah! This is Baytullah, Allahu Akbar! Ok, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi, Baytullah... The Baytullah which Allah named after His Holy Name and placed on earth is empty? If it is empty, what can we do with it? What can we do with it? What can we do in an empty house? Since it is His (swt) Bayt (House), eveything that gives (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:28
141 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlbaytulAtiq
honour to mankind is in it. For this reason peoples' hearts flow to Baytullah. They don't get tired of or fed up with asking for it, seeking it. What is written first in the Baytullah is Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Allahu Akbar. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Wa Qul Rabbi 'Adkhilni Mudkhala Sidqin Wa 'Akhrijni Mukhraja Sidqin Wa Aj`al Li Min Ladunka Sultanaan Nasiraan. Bi Ismillahi Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. They keep making tawaf like this. Do they ever get tired of it? Do they ever get tired? What is in Baytullah? No one would go there if there was nothing. What should they go for nothing? But it is after His Name, He (swt) says: this is My Bayt Al-Muazzama. Therefore whatever there is that mankind desires, it has it. The apparant ones are in the way, under foot. What is above it, everything that teaches mankind how he will enter His Lord's Presence and what he will dress, is there. Therefore in Kaaba Al- Muazzama, there are all kind of thawbs, we call athwab, there are all kinds of shirts, dresses there. Thawb Al-'Ubudiyyah. O our Lord, may You dress on us the shirt of servanthood, the dress of servanthood O Lord. Ask for this, saying "O Lord..." "Then say, O My servant, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Wa Lillah Al-Hamd. Rabbi 'Adkhilni Mudkhala Sidqin Wa 'Akhrijni Mukhraja Sidqin Wa Aj`al Li Min Ladunka Sultanaan Nasiraan". O Muluk! O no mind ones who think of themselves highly and take pride in imitated titles. Look! When you wake up in the morning, first say "Ya Rabbi! Labbisni thawb Al-'Ubudiyyah. O our Lord, may You dress on us the dress of servanthood, the dress of servanthood O Lord". Allah! Allah, Allah. Who asks this standing in the presence, in Kaaba Al-Muazzama or whoever turns to it whether in the East or the West and says Allahu Akbar O Lord! May You dress on us the Thawb Al-'Ubudiyyah Ya Rabbi". We stand five times daily. We recite "iyyaka Nabu'du wa iyyaka Nasta'in". O Rabbu l-Bayt, dress on us the dress of servanthood. We seek refuge with You from the shaytan who leads us astray, from that shaytan who wants to make us forget You. He wants to make us say "Me!". He wants to make us shaytan like himself. We seek refuge with You from his evil. Thawb Al-'Ubudiyyah, dress on us the dress of servanthood. May You dress on us the dress of servanthood O Lord! May the dress of servanthood be permanently upon us O Lord. May we dress in a new one everyday". "Say O My (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:28
142 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlbaytulAtiq
servant, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim As' aluka Ya Rabbi, min kulli khairihi akramta ibadaka bihi Ya Rabbi, Labbisni. May You dress us with the dress of every goodness Ya Rabbi. We are ready O Lord, we are ready for Your servanthood". Say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim O My servant. Remember My Holy Name, and I let you be dressed in the Kaaba l- Muazzama with the dress of Ubudiyyah. Shaykh Mehmet Effendi, your spiritual energy is strong. He actually gives me. Mine is zero but he is being charged. All the Great Companions came to the Kaaba Al-Muazzama like this. The Great Prophet stood on his camel and, what the Arabs of ignorance called "Long live glorious Hubal", he caught with the holy staff he had in his hand and threw it down. "What you worship is under my feet. Go up and say Allahu Akbar! Declare our servanthood! O Rabbu l-Baytu l- 'Atiq! Dua. Nahnu Abiduk, Anta Rabbuna! Anta Hasbuna. Anta Waliyyuna, wa n`ima 'l-Mawla, Anta Mawlana. Wa N'ima'l-Mawla, Anta Ya Rabbana. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. How beautiful is the Bismillah. It is like an ocean. Say the Bismillah and the first thing you ask for is the thawb al-'Ubudiyyah: O Lord, may You dress me with the dress of servanthood so that I don't claim to be a magnificent one like shaytan did; so that I don't follow shaytan. O Lord,dress me with the dress of Your servanthood. "'Alaysa Allahu Bikafin `Abdahu" (39:36) is the Verse not like this? "Is not Allah Sufficient for His slave's every need?" "'Alaysa Allahu Bikafin `Abdahu" Allahu Akbar. Where else do you ask help from? The Lord Almighty sent His House (Bayt). Open your hands (for help) to Kaaba and ask "O Lord! Don't expel us from Your servanthood O Lord. We are weak O Lord. May Nur descend on us so we revive, so we find strength". The address comes "Start then O My servant, say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim" Allah will make everything easy for him. Whoever remembers the Name of Allah first, Allah makes everything easy for him. Our Allah, our Subhan, our Sultan! Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. 'Ala man takabbar wa tajabbar. You don't need any doctor or judge. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.We ask for the dress of servanthood O Lord, may we not be busy with any other work. May we live with Your servanthood, with Your remembrance, with Your love O Lord! Say O My servant: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Say this O little man! And see what will open for you! Our Lord Almighty (jj) does not (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:28
143 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlbaytulAtiq
make you in need of anyone. This is it. And that is, if people can understand. If we can understand, our lives will be very beautiful. "'Inna Allaha Ya'muru Bi l-`Adli Wa l-'Ihsani" (16:90). Allah Almighty, the Owner of Justice, tells us "O My servant, I have forbidden oppression to Myself, and I made it forbidden for you also. No one may oppress another!" Ask from Allah Almighty and see how much Allah Almighty will grant you from His Justice. Don't fear! Who says Allah scares others. Who says Allah does not fear anything. Allah dresses the dress of majesty on who says Allah. O Lord, dress on us the dress of servanthood. What majesty can we have? But Allah Almighty's servant cannot look helpless and weak. He is majestic! If he kicks the earth, he can throw the earth out of its orbit. There are such servants. Shaykh Mehmet Effendi, this is an important matter to be a servant to Allah. It is not an easy matter: if he kicks, he can throw the earth out of its orbit. Allahu Akbarul Akbar. Allahu Akbarul Akbar. Allahu Akbarul Akbar. 'Ala man takabbara man tajabbar. Shukur. Al-Fatiha. This is an ocean, it is enough. Shaykh Mehmet Effendi now takes like a vacuum! He has strong... (understanding?) Or else I could not speak. The burden he carries, his strength is different. Long live Hj Mehmet. Allah bless you! Step here and reach to the east! From the east, go to the west if you like. Once you say Bismillah, you can go. Don't fear! You are lions! Fatiha. I may dance for you! (joke) Long live Hj Mehmet! May Allah increase your spiritual energy, this one's too. Lefke, 31.01.2013
WebSaltanatOrg (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:28
144 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlexanderTheGreat
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AlexanderTheGreat
Iskenderi Kebir
Sheikh Mehmed Effendi, it's not a game now. There is no time to waste, hanging around is finished. It's time to destroy shaytan's game and his people. Oh our Lord. May Allah not leave us to our bad nafs. I have my share to take also. We must try to better ourselves. Oh my Lord mashaAllah. "Ma a'zamu sha'nnak", the address to Al-Haqq Almighty, by the great prophets. The Sultan of the Prophets (sas) says: "Ma a'zamu sha'nnak", and nothing else can be said. Allah Allah. Oh my Lord, for Your servants, for the sake of the order of the Prophet (saw), may this association take place, for his sake. I ask for help for his approval. Ya Ashabu-l Madad Ya Rijal Allah. Allah. Oh those present, Oh Friends of Shah Mardan As-salamu alaikum. May our day be a good one, may our actions and end also be good.. How beautiful are the orders of our Lord. He allowed us to do sajda. He made us make sajda. Thanks to our Lord. Endless salams to our Prophet (saw)- the Pride of the Universe. Allahu Akbar. Stand up! Ya RasulAllah. As-salamu alaikum oh friends of Shah Mardan. Shah Mardan is the lion who teaches people their adab and their level. What are his instructions? First of all say, as-salamu alaikum. Salam, is among the names of Allah (jj). The key of Salamat Seas is As-Salam. Salam to you, Oh believers Salams to you. If you say Salams you will not be sick. You will be safe.. Don't be scared. As-salamu alaikum o lovers of Shah Mardan. Let's say the key of all treasures Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. How beautiful, how majestic. We can't even describe it. No one can fully describe the meaning of Basmala. This 'phrase', as they call it, was revealed and it is a phrase to be the crown of Mankind - Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. They crowned you with honour. We said Bismillahi r- Rahimani r-Rahim. As-salamu alaikum. Oh Friends of Shah Mardan say, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Oh our Lord Who owns everthing in the universe and created all creatures, all the (1 von 13)04.07.2013 23:02:29
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universes hidden & apparent. No one knows what before the creation existed or what will be after its end. Allah! Dhul Jalali wa l- Jamal. Oh people, may our association be an association of enlightenment. Dastur ya RijalAllah madad. Enter the association of Shah Mardan with adab. One holy man said; I looked for the associations of knowledgeable ones- like Shah Mardan's association. When one has permission from him, one's association becomes enlightened. Their association is like the rain when it falls on dry soil, how it wakes up the soil, it wakes up the hearts of people.. Oh our Lord, our Subhan. One who was seeking Allah (jj) said; Allahu Dhul Jalali wal Kamal. They sought a path to the Lord of Jalal (Majesty), Jamal (Beauty ), Kamal (Perfection). This path, is the path of the people of knowledge & holders of adab. I sought the paths of those. How they shine in the darkness like stars in the night sky. They are like stars shining in the darkness. I am asking these ignorant people - Look at the sky on a night when the moon is not visible; Look at the festival of the sky. There are lights that dot the sky. You can see light in the dots. We call them, Stars. Wonderful. Those stars, where do they take their light? They must take from somewhere. If you don't light the match there is no glow. Look at the festival of lights at nighttime, in the sky, on a night with no visible moon. In the darkest night, like a river of light, stars fall everywhere. What did they used to call this? Milkyway. Stars as if they spilled all over. Sheikh Mehmet Effendi what is it called in Arabic? Kahkashan. Is it from Persian? What they call the sky in arabic? Majarrat. Galaxy. Milkyway. They call it the Milky Way. Milky Way is in the common language. Common people call it the Milky Way. A galaxy shines in the pitch dark. Where does it start? Where does it end? Who seperates them? Knowledgeable ones know... Common People say Allahu Dhul Jalal. The common and the knowledgeable ones all say Allahu Dhul Jalal. He is the One Who created this galaxy. What's its size? Only the one who created it knows. Who sets them up? Who is the calibrator? Who put them all seperate? Who decides which dots to shine? Does it happen by itself or is there someone putting them there? To claim it happened by itself you need evidence. No evidence. The One who has put all these stars in their correct positions, is the One Who has endless Power and Mightiness - Allah Dhul Jalal. Let's observe respect; "Tafakkuru sa'atin khayrun min 'ibadati sab'ina sana." Isn't it? To think of these facts is worth 70 years of praying without thinking - that's a different level. If one prays for 70 years, fasts and observes the heavens and thinks about Who put these in their correct stations, his prayers are on a different (2 von 13)04.07.2013 23:02:29
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level. Everything glorifies Him. Everything says SubhanAllah. This universe, where does it begin, where does it end? Say oh Shah Mardan. Let's rise up and not sink down into this world's filth. Let's not get fooled by this world's ornaments. Let's walk towards the truth. They don't teach this at school. shaytan doesn't let them. It doesn't allow these things to be told. Curses on those who are with shaytan. Those people whose hearts are with shaytan, will finish before Ramadan. Because the violence and anger from the sky will manifest from Rajab onwards. It will blow everything away. You are small but who do you represent? Oh Mankind! Oh Shah Mardan say. What does Man represent? Sheikh Mehmed Effendi, Who do we represent? We are representatives of Allah(jj) on earth. Khalifa means that. "...will make a khalifah" a representative. I will create a representative who will show My Mightiness that no one else can describe. One who has the honour hat no other creature was given. One who has the nobility no other creature was given. Al-Insan-Man. What an honour! Alhamdu lillah, to Allah (jj) Who created us. Thanks for sending us His beloved Prophet (saw), the honour of the universes. He sent him to teach us. The Prophet (saw) said, I'm the City of Knowledge. You can find all you need to learn in me. My name is Madinatu-l 'Ilm. He said the gatekeeper is my uncle's son Mardan. Oh Shah Mardan say, to those calling themselves Alawi, Shia. Say. Ask them what is my mazhab? What is Shah Mardan's mazhab? There are two types of mazhab: One who walks with Justice and one who walks with oppression. Two mazhabs in this world. There are two ways of people. Hear this o Persians, o Shia, o Alawi. He says two ways. One is the way of Justice, the other is the way of oppression. I am the one addressed by Allah (jj), by the Creator of the Universes. For the sake of Izzu Jalalim I declare: My way is the way of Justice. I have forbidden oppression to Myself. I have forbidden oppression for you also. Do not oppress each other! "Fa la tazalamu"(Hadith) If you do not follow this order you will walk on the way of tyrants. If you leave the way of justice then I will send armies to overcome you and destroy you. No need to send a whole army, says Rabbu-l 'Izzat. There are angels responsible for the earth and heavens. If they get an order to move he earth a tiny bit, it moves. They say Earthquake. Angels are shaking it. Kuurrrrr....Falls on their head. I will destroy tyrants. Easy. "Fa la tazalamu"(Hadith) Do not oppress each other. Oh Alawis your oppression is so great now. O Shia those murders, those battles, destruction you have done has scared even the shaytans. How (3 von 13)04.07.2013 23:02:29
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will you enter the presence of Shah Mardan? He will destroy you. Rajabu Shahrullah is coming. It will destroy you. He walks with the order of the Creator and Owner of the Earth and Heavens. He is Shah Mardan. One from his line will come and destroy all this oppression. Do not oppress. This is an order. Say oh Shah Mardan - Which Prophet was an oppressor? None. Which Imam oppressed? You claim to follow 12 Imams, which one oppressed, which one did what you are doing? Oh Persians, Oh Shia, Oh Alawis you claim to have 12 Imams, which Imam commited oppression as you are doing? Which one gave you fatwa? They will shake the earth and it will all fall on your heads. It's coming soon. The revenge of the heavens coming. As you kill innocent people, it comes closer. The angels will take revenge from you. May you not reach to the Imam you are waiting for! Ey Shah Mardan say, teach us. What makes this world ugly? This is a question. Oppression. What is honour for Man? Justice. What makes a Great Man? A great Man is the one who observes justice Allah ordered. They call him Alexander The Great, Sheikh Mehmed Effendi. Iskender-i Kebir, Alexander the Great. So many Emporors come and go, so many kings - none called Great. Why did they call him Alexander the Great? How did he get his greatness? He rode his horse at age 15 and girded on his sword. But his sword - watch out Oh Greeks! Wake up! Alexander the Great - You call him Alexanderos. How did he earn the title "the great"? He rode his horse when he was only 15 and said, let me march to rule the people. Let me march on His Earth for the sake of the Lord Who made me strong, Who created me. Let me practice what I am taught. Alexander the Great. How did he become Great? What does he say? He says; I girded on my sword and rode on my horse and promised the Lord of the Earth and Heavens - Oh One who created me! You made me ride on this horse, on this wild horse no one else could ride. You gave the ability to ride it. I will march for You. You let me gird on my