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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (2/777)
. In Islam only one (person) is authorised to call Jihad, to declare Jihad, war, or to make peace, ??Sullah??. It is not for everyone to call to Jihad, otherwise there will be an anarchy of Jihad, like it is now in our days. Everyone is calling Jihad and an anarchy of Jihad has appeared, because no-one is authorised. I am asking, who is ordering you to (call/make) Jihad? You or someone over you? Tell me his name, tell me who is commander-in-chief of the whole Islamic world. If you don't know, open our books and read about the characteristics or conditions necessary to be Imam, to be Khalifa, to be the head of all Muslims. Bring that (3 von 9)04.07.2013 23:01:56

15 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AboutGoodPeople

person. If a person is not carrying the holy flag of Rasulullah (saws), he is not able to be Imam, because no flag from the Islamic territories can be for the whole Ummah, except the flag of the Prophet (pbuh). And that flag is imprisoned in Turkey. No Arab is asking for it, no Pakistani is asking, no Indonesian person is asking, no African Muslims are asking, no other Turkish nation is asking. Why? It is written in our ??Thikr/Fiqr?? books that the flag of the Prophet must be carried in front of the Ummah and the Ummah must be collected under that flag, as we hope to be under the holy flag, the flag of the Prophet, on the Day of Resurrection. Therefore, no-one is authorised. They are only defending their local areas, but it is impossible now to defend the whole Ummah without a Khalifa, without a ???? Mu'mineen for the whole Islamic world. Only such a person can declare Jihad or ??Sullah??, peace. If a person goes ahead of (beyond?) his authority, he is going to be a cruel and bad-mannered person, he is rebelling against his Lord Almighty Allah. We are not accepting him. But devils are always asking to make Fitna through the rows/ranks of Islam. They are trying to fall (pull?) youngsters into Fitna, to be in bad and dangerous conditions. Devils are trying to make youngsters fall into bad conditions, into Fitna. That is the reason. And youngsters are ready, they are willing to spend much more energy. They are making this sign with their fingers and they are coming out. They are only devils making... (end of tape) (new tape)...youngsters in Islam must be very careful of those devils, not listening to them and not moving. They may only move against their egos, against their Satans. Firstly, those people who are claiming Jihad are claiming without having any power in their hands. But those people are so foolish. If they find a machine gun or a revolver in their hand, they think that they can oppose every power on earth. They are such ignorant people. They think that if a person puts a pistol in his belt, he is then so important, so powerful. He thinks he may come against the whole world. That is why the Muslim world and Muslim youth are being harmed. The Prophet said, it is a command of Allah Almighty to prepare power against your enemies. But we are not producing our weapons, we are only buyers - the non-Muslim world is preparing all the weapons. When their weapons are second-hand, they are selling them and keeping for themselves the new ones, terrible ones. They are always knowing how to keep the power in their hands. Don't think that Iran or Saudi Arabia or Morocco or Damascus can buy the most improved and developed weapons with their money. No. Old-fashioned (4 von 9)04.07.2013 23:01:56

16 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AboutGoodPeople

weapons are for Muslims and new-fashioned one are in their hands - to put the power in their hands. It is a competition in east and west. How can you give your power to Muslims when you are non-Muslim and against Muslims? Therefore, Allah Almighty says 'Don't trust them. If they are not Muslims, don't trust them.' That is a clear order from Allah Almighty, but all our Muslims are heedless. Does Germany give the most developed weapons to Turkey? Does America give the most developed weapons to Saudi Arabia? Does Russia give the most developed weapons to Iran? Do you believe that? ??Humaqa?? Stupid people, no-mind people, heedless people believe, but clever people will never believe that. They may give to some people. Russia gave to some Palestinian groups, but they are mixed groups. They only give to those groups who belong to them, they don't give to the Muslim side. They may even give, but it is not enough. Then, they may give when the fighting is going on, but they may stop their donations at any time and everything will finish, just as happened to the Egyptian army in 1967. Those believing in non-Muslims are heedless Muslims, no-mind Muslims. Don't believe. If you believe, you are heedless. If we, as Muslims, have the most developed weapons, do you think that we will give them away? No. That is normal. They are dealing with the Islamic world and as they are Christians, or non-Muslims, it is all right. I am not blaming them, because if it were possible, I would be doing the same against non-Muslims, because I don't trust them. Politically, we are saying like this, like that, it is another thing; but we are not political people. K - But I'm thinking about young Muslims growing up in western countries. I know you say to the parents, if they want to keep them in Islam, they should go back to their own countries. But very often these young people have been born here and they've grown up here. If they're Turkish and living in Germany, they don't fit in in Turkey and they don't fit in in Germany. If they're Pakistanis growing up here, they're not part of this world and they're not part of Pakistan. Those people have two basic choices - either they leave Islam and join the world of dance-halls and clubs, etc. or they get involved in Islamic politics and they think they are making Jihad. They are told they must fight everything in western society, so they put themselves... How can they live without going to either of those extremes - without being cheated by politics or being cheated by western society? How can they maintain themselves here? Sheikh - It is a very difficult position. As long as we are not giving youth strong beliefs and strong faith, they (5 von 9)04.07.2013 23:01:56

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will escape, like through the two sides of a magnet. It is so difficult to keep a balance between extreme poles. A little movement from the balance and that youngster will find himself on an extreme line. It is so difficult. Either they will fall into the hands of those fanatical, political people who don't know about real faith and real Islamic practice or they will fall into the hands of horrible western places. It is impossible for a young person living in non-Muslim territories - either he will fall into the hands of groups of fanatical Muslims (the political pole) or he will fall into the hands of western devil centres. It is so difficult for a youngster to keep a balance - not to fall here or there. Like a person going up to high on a wall one-foot wide - he will fall either to the right or to the left. It is so difficult to walk on that high, narrow wall. Therefore, I am saying to people, if you are asking to save your generation, your children, be patient in your homeland, eat dry bread and salt, don't come to be slaves in non-Muslim countries for the sake of this life, because it doesn't matter if you fill your stomach with Kebab or with dry bread, but for the sake of pleasure from your teeth up to your throat you are taking such great responsibilities - to be slaves of western people and to put your youngsters in very terrible and dangerous conditions. You can't save them, it is so difficult to save them. Therefore, those of you who need to must try to live in your homeland if only for a while, like a doctor must enter a hospital where there is an epidemic. But they are protected; if they are not protected, the epidemic may attack them as well. It is the same for Muslim youngsters in non-Muslim countries. If you are not ?? cautious??, it is so difficult. If anyone comes and tells me he can do it, let him come and tell me, I will test him. KK - Those Bengali girls who came to you will have to stay in this country, they are British, they're not going back to Bangladesh, their parents are not going to take them back, they have to live here. The only Muslim people who are appealing to them and who attract their ear and their eye are the fanatics. How can moderate people like yourself reach these young people? Many of them want to be on a good way, but... Sheikh - They may be on a good way, but they should get married. After marrying, they may continue their marriage on an Islamic way. So many beautiful ladies come to me, crying and telling me about their husbands, because western countries and non-Muslim countries are only for youngsters. When you are getting older, the community refuses older people. Particularly when ladies are getting older, their husbands (6 von 9)04.07.2013 23:01:56

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look for younger ladies and ladies ??come down??. Those girls are like flowers now, but after a while they will...and their husbands will ask for new ones. In non-Muslim countries men can get young ladies by means of their money, but when they have two or three children or are getting older, even their husbands don't look after them. That is destroying women in western countries. Therefore, I am saying it will be no good in the future, particularly for ladies - it will be so difficult for them. In our countries we are living with our ladies and it is all right, because we don't have such a cheap market for women as in Europe and non-Muslim countries. Therefore, everyone must keep his wife and moreover he will be blamed if he asks to marry a second time. Therefore, in Islam ladies are more protected than in any non-Muslim countries. Therefore, from time to time I hear about the rights of women. It is ??masked?? They need to say "the rights of women when they are getting older". Youngsters have been granted rights everywhere, but when they are getting older, by working or in their homes, they will be like old shoes ready to be thrown away. But Islam doesn't accept this. Islam protects the honour of women and in Islam women have all their rights. If you can find any way of saving Muslim women in western countries, tell me. Therefore, I say to people not to make their home in western countries. Even if you are building thousands of mosques, they are useless; thousands of schools, they are useless. If you isolate, they will run away. If you try to make Muslim colonies in western countries, they will be like isolated areas. It is abnormal, against nature, you won't be successful. If you leave them in this community, darkness will come over them. Therefore, beware of western countries. I am saying this to Turks in Germany in particular. They are trying to become second citizens. In Germany they are building so many mosques, Markaz buildings. But I am saying that they are all temporary. Allah Almighty is now sending them new Nazis, fighting them. Today's newspapers are saying that Turks are like the Jews before the second world war. They are preparing a terrible future for Turks in Germany. Therefore, I am telling all people to quickly pack their bags and return to their homeland. If they are asking you, come; if they are not asking, don't stay. Allah Almighty says that you may knock on a door and ask permission to enter. If you are welcomed, you may enter; if they are saying go, you must go away. Where is our Islam? Everywhere they are saying go home. Why are they enduring such humiliation? For kebabs? Or for cars? For deutschmarks? For sterling? For (7 von 9)04.07.2013 23:01:56

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dollars? Go, take your honour and go back. Q - What happens to us, because we are seen as traitors to our culture... Sheikh - If you are really giving up that culture and coming to the Islamic heritage, Islamic culture, you will also have the same problems. Q - Should we go to Turkey? Not to Turkey, but to any Islamic country where the majority may protect you with their power. Don't fall into dangerous conditions which will be against your beliefs. You will also be one member of the big family of Islam. As long as you are living in western countries, the conditions there will affect you and destroy your faith. You belong to the Muslims and you must look after yourself like that person going into the hospital where there is an epidemic. You can't say that you are protected or that you are of them. Nationality never protects Muslims. You are English, but you are Muslim. You are living here, but you have left all the customs and traditions of Christianity through the centuries. If you don't take care, the same epidemic will catch you. After a while, you will find yourself without Iman, without faith, not practising, no characteristics, nothing from Islam, only a name - eating everything from you, so that only the bones are left, a skeleton. That is a difficult point and Muslims must look at it. If they don't listen to me now, they must listen in the near future. Therefore, western Muslims should run to Islamic countries, but even Islamic territories are not prepared to accept those new people embracing Islam, they are not prepared to welcome them. But even if they are not welcoming them, they must be patient with such Muslims. KK - in western countries... Sheikh - The best protection is to say to our children just two points - one, to make them believe in the existence of the Lord Almighty Allah, to declare belief in the prophethood of the Seal of Prophets, to believe in Paradise and Hell and to believe in their responsibility during their lifetime...(end of tape) (new tape)...first, to give them a real belief about the existence of the Lord Almighty Allah, to declare the prophethood of the Seal of Prophets, Sayyiddina Muhammad (pbuh), to believe in their responsibility and to (8 von 9)04.07.2013 23:01:56

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believe in the existence of Paradise and Hell. That is belief; but as a practice you must teach them when it is necessary to be clean, i.e. Ghusl, not ablution. It is most important not to be dirty. If our youngsters are keeping these two things, leave them - they have been given protection. Also, make them do a charitable action every day, even one pence - to teach them to give something every day for the sake of charity, that it is a most important thing for mankind, to give charity daily. If a person is not able to give charity, if the whole day has gone and he hasn't given charity, he must know that he is thrown out of humanity. Also, they must be taught to be true in every condition. Even if you have been given all the gold in the world, you must not leave that principle - to be true. This must be planted from childhood to adulthood. I am telling you of three or four principles and it should be enough for them, it will protect them. They may go everywhere, they may live with every community, they have been armoured, they won't be affected. Also, you must try to introduce them to trustworthy people, noble people, best people. And you yourself must try to be a noble person. That is all. London

BookLadyChadijasQuestions, CategoryMuhammad, CategorySahaba, CategoryEducation, CategoryJihad (9 von 9)04.07.2013 23:01:56

21 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AbsoluteGloryForAllah

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AbsoluteGloryForAllah


Glory be for Allah, absolute Glory for Allah Exalted

Destur, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded ya Rijalallah…Subhanaka la ‘ilma lana illa ma ‘alamtana… Glory be for Allah, absolute Glory for Allah Exalted. Allah Almighty’s Identity is beyond our imaginations. May Allah grant us through His most glorious servant in His divinely glorious Presence…And we are saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, we are always running to Allah from the worst creature that is against Allah Almighty, against His glorious messengers and prophets and it is against heavenly orders, that is against mankind. They don’t like to say ‘he is’, our masters. They like Shaitan to be addressed ‘it’. It, that only animals are addressed (that way). ‘He’ only addressed mankind and we are saying He Almighty, and granting us that through that language ‘he; to give honour to mankind. Giving such endless honour, He Almighty granted to mankind to be addressed ‘you’ and ‘he’ and ‘who’. Therefore we are saying ‘it’ for addressing Shaitan. When it is absent, we are saying it. And it in Turkish language very good for that one, it means dog in Turkish language. Very suitable…Who may be in divinely Presence to say against Allah Almighty’s Order, to make arguing, who arguing, who is arguing in divinely Presence, quickly coming down and being ‘it’. It is Turkish language is dog. And that one who arguing in divinely Presence only barking: ‘How, how’…big voice dog… That is characteristic of shaitan 1oo% suitable for it. Therefore we are running from that one that it is trying to make people to follow him and to be arguing ones against divinely Orders, that in our days countless its, (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:01:57

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dogs like shaitan arguing with Allah Almighty’s Orders, and standing up against His divinely Orders and arguing. All of them are ‘its’- that means in Turkish language dogs. Therefore when you are looking and hearing someone arguing to Allah, they are dogs- only barking. They are representatives of shaitan, the biggest dog through creatures. Therefore from perfection of a man, that no one can reach perfection of humanity without knowing real position of Shaitan, if a person not recognizing Shaitan and not knowing about that one, can’t reach to be a perfect person or a perfect servant for the Lord of Heavens, can’t be accepted for divinely service. Therefore first step for understanding about real importance of Shaitan, you can’t be a real servant for Allah Almighty, you may be cheated. You may be cheated, and so many times daily a person going to be cheated by Shaitan and its representatives to make trouble for perfection of mankind, they are first troublemakers to cut off the way of perfection for mankind. That its importance, shaitan’s importance: to cut off the ways that you can reach perfection through humanity, and who may reach perfection through divinely Presence, that ones are only blessed ones. If not, they are not blessed ones, they are only cursed ones. No perfection without leaving barking Shaitan and its followers. Whom not leaving big dog through universe Shaitan and its deputies and representatives, daily hundreds of troubles cursing them, because troubles is signs of cursing. And now whole world just fall in an endless troubles, and everywhere you can find troublemakers, and for those people cursing day and night coming on people and their days cursed, their nights cursed, their works and efforts cursed, their lives cursed, everything they are doing is cursed. Therefore now we are living through 21st century and wars at doors. Wars after doors, wars is not a sign of blessing, wars all signs of cursing from Heavens. Why people are not taking care for themselves to save themselves from cursing? Because through 21st century scholars, professors, philosophers that they are claiming that they are reaching top point of positive knowledge everywhere through universities, through academies, through high schools, their education system just built on positive knowledge as they are saying. And they are saying when positive knowledge stopping, beyond that everything that mankind claiming to know as a knowledge through those people scientists and learned people and philosophers they are saying beyond positive knowledge they are only imaginations. They are only saying reality where positive knowledge is reaching, up to there. ‘Beyond our positive knowledge we are not accepting anything, because beyond our knowledge that which we can’t reach to it through our 5 senses, it is only production of imaginations of (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:01:57

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people’. And they say that: ‘The first ones for imagining are those people who claim that they are messengers from Heavens. And what they are speaking or claiming as a heavenly message that they are saying holy Books and muhtawa, what they are containing, in front of our knowledge all of it is only imagination’. Therefore when they are not accepting anything beyond that knowledge that only concerns the material world, this is making their heads to be frozen- they are never understanding, never looking, never tasting anything from the reality that is mentioned as a heavenly reality through Prophets, and they are becoming like rocks. Those people, their perfection is on the level of rocks. Rocks also have a perfection, but on their level. Rocks, plants, animals and mankind- everything has a perfection through their level. Those people who are imprisoning themselves through a knowledge that they say it is positive knowledge, they imprison themselves through rocks first. Yet not reaching to the level of plants, or to the level of animals- where they have reached to level of being mankind? And from the level of mankind how they can reach to real humanity, the honour of mankind? Therefore they never accept a perfection over their knowledge, they never accept any reality beyond positive knowledge, as they are calling it. And when they are imprisoned through the material world, never reaching to them blessings. Blessings reaching to humanity. Also reaching blessings to plants, to animals, and to common people, but the heavenly perfection that is giving honour to mankind, making them real members of humanity- and they have been honoured as being deputies of the Lord of Heavens- they can’t reach. They are through rocks, in darkness of material world. If they are getting out they can’t look, they can’t see. So many creatures, who live through darkness, have no eyes to see and to know (the difference) between darkness and light. Therefore if you put them in lights, they can’t live and they are asking darkness always. And this is the main problem that brings endless troubles: Troubles coming from such foolish ideas from scientists and learned people, who claim to be positive knowledge’s representatives. That level is the level of troubles. And those people who claim and deny beyond their knowledge, they are sources of troubles for whole mankind. And I am sorry to say that now through 2003, in the 21st century, 100 % of the people, or 99 %, or 95 % of people are followers of those people that are blind ones. They are through the darkness of materialism, they can’t see anything. And the majority of people is running after these blind people; running after them to find a way to save themselves from troubles, from problems, from wars, sufferings and from cursing. But it can’t be. (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:01:57

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Therefore now mankind must come back to ask another group of people who are saying- and their saying is reality; they represent the real knowledge about mankind and their real personality. Until people come to them, these troubles and wars (are coming). As much as they may run through streets and shout: ‘We don’t want war’- but wars are coming. Sources of wars is the darkness of materialism; that they are never seeing lights on earth. They are always hopeless people, and unbelievers, beyond that darkness they are not believing in lights. They believe in darkness and deny lights, saying: ’We never accept light. We are only accepting this positive knowledge and beyond this, what you are saying from lights, that is imagination’. People must try to save themselves from those blind people, cursed people and dark people, or they should be taken away. As in the time of flood of Noah, this world is running to another flood; but it is not water, it is fire and blood flood... May Allah forgive me and bless you and bless every believer for the honour of that most glorious and honoured and praised one in His divine Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha Lefke, 15.03.2003 (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:01:57

25 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AbsoluteLoveOceansOfOurLord

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AbsoluteLoveOceansOfOurLord


The Absolute Love Oceans of our Lord

(Sheikh Nazim visited a Centre dedicated to spiritual endeavour but where there were two groups at odds) The Lord – our Lord , your Lord, their Lord – is One. HE created them and planted His Divine Love in the very best of their being. You must know that, although that Love may be temporarily covered, it is running through their hearts as a river runs to an ocean. Along the course of that river love may manifest only as temporary, human love, and that love current may even seem to disappear completely, like a river that flows under a mountain. But there can be no doubt that our Lord has placed in every heart a current that flows irresistibly to His Love oceans in the Divine Presence. Therefore don’t imagine them to be cut off from Divine Love - it must be with them, whether that is now apparent to you and to themselves or not. As our heart current flows toward that ocean, the main difference we notice is that our love is not tied to physical beauty. Everyone loves nature, greenery, rushing waters, youthful forms, beautiful people - but what about the others? The Lord gave of His Love to people in general, not only to the young and beautiful. And the One Who implanted His Love in our hearts says; “Oh My servant, as I have given you from My Divine Love, so have I given it to all creation; so spread your love to everyone, that you may be in harmony with My (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:01:58

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Will.” In reality everything that contains His Love is green and beautiful, but to perceive the beauty in all creation you must transcend outward forms and penetrate to the realm of spiritual reality oceans. First of all it is important to pass from forms to meanings, from fleeting shapes to eternal spiritual realities. Forms are limited and limiting, whereas spiritual realities are oceans, endless oceans of contentment. To arrive at those oceans will bring you inner peace. Therefore I am trying to love everyone. It is easy to say to a person, “I love you” as long as that person has never harmed you but according to our Grandsheikh such is not the measure of real love. He used to quote a famous Daghistani sufi poet who said; "I don’t accept the love that you claim to hold for me to be real until I have tested you. What is my test? If I put you through a meat grinder and you came out the other end as minced meat and if then I returned you to your original form, would you still love me?" Therefore as I have said there are levels of Love along the way differing in quality according to their nearness to the goal, the Absolute Love oceans of our Lord. When one has reached that goal he may take any amount of harm from others and still love. He may say “ I love you for the sake of my Lord not for any other reason. That love will never change or diminish as no matter what you do your Lord’s Love is with you. -- -- For you to even exist my Lord’s Love must be with you and therefore I am loving you, too.” Only the highest and most select of mankind are ever on such a level and we are trying to reach that point – but it is so difficult. You must know that this is a test for you and an opportunity to gain spiritual ranks. Now you are in a situation where you must be patient with people who may not be upholding the same level of decorum that you are accustomed to. Here is an opportunity for you to advance. Holy People have advised us, rather than avoiding all ill mannered and badly educated people we should mingle with them and establish contact with them that they may benefit and that you may test yourself and gain thereby. They are servant’s of the Almighty’s Will and we are H