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Respected theories of liars: theory of evolution and big bang
Respected theories of liars: theory of evolution and big bang

- Maulana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani

People keenly defend their Shaitanic theories. More specifically they like to believe in the theory of Darwin and they have put this into their heads and they say, “This is the truth. Therefore put away your Holy Books. Leave them because the truth is with Davin.” What is this foolishness? I am very sorry to say that Muslim countries too are accepting these theories and they are not teaching their children Heavenly Knowledge about the beginning of life through their schools and universities.

Then another person comes and says, “Creation began with the Big Bang.” From where do they bring such foolish ideas. They say that in one fifty millionth unit of a second the explosion which is the Big Bang happened.” But we are asking them how did that explosion occur, and they reply that it was from inside. Then I ask them “how can that be, without something coming from outside, something that would make it explode.” Such are the foolish people in our days.

Therefore we see that liars are been respected today. They are the theoreticians, the theory people. The people say, “that person is a big scholar, and this person is a big alim, and they are trusting on them and not trusting on Heavenly Knowledge which is in the Holy Quran.

The Quran says, “Bismillah-ir-Rahman-hir-Raheem” and teaches that everything was created by the order, kun - He said, “Be” and it came into appearance and Allah Almighty says, “Everything is created by My Order, the whole of creation is only by My Order. I do not need ‘the big bang.’ When I need to create anything I only say ‘be’ (kun) and my command happens and appears and I am your Lord. You are however teaching such things like the ‘big bang’ ”. This is a very important point. La hawla wa la quwatta!