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The End of the Ummah (25 April 2023/ 05 Shawwal 1444)
The End of the Ummah

Shaykh Mehmet Adil al-Ḥaqqānī
(25 April 2023/ 05 Shawwal 1444)

As-Salāmu ‘alaykum wa-raḥmatu Llāhi wa-barakātuh.

A‘ūdhu bi-Llāhi mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm. Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.

Aṣ-ṣalātu wa-s-Salāmu ‘alá Rasūlinā Muḥammadin Sayyidi l-awwalīna wa-l-ākhirīn. Madad yā Rasūla Llāh, madad yā Sādātī Aṣḥābi Rasūli Llāh, madad yā Mashāyikhanā, dastūr Mawlānā Shaykh ‘Abdu Llāh al-Fā’iz ad-Dāghistānī, Shaykh Muḥammad Nāẓim al-Ḥaqqānī. Madad.

Ṭarīqatuna ṣ-ṣuḥbah, wa-l-khayru fi l-jam’iyyah.

Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla is the one who created everything. He جل جلاله created time and space. But He جل جلاله, is beyond time and space. Time and space were passed on to the created beings. They are meant for the creation. What is for Allāh جل جلاله, He جل جلاله knows Himself. Only He جل جلاله knows Himself. We cannot know His جل جلاله condition. We know as much as He جل جلاله lets us know. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla created the universe. Everything in it has its life and appointed time. Just like a person has a lifespan, everything has a lifespan. When their lives are over in this world, they will be gone. But the power of Allāh جل جلاله will go on. Allāh جل جلاله is al-Qādir. Allāh جل جلاله is the Creator. Creator means He جل جلاله always creates, not only us, but also those before us and those after us; all over the universe there are creatures known only to Allāh جل جلاله. He جل جلاله knows how and what they are. And He جل جلاله shows you as much as He جل جلاله wants. What He جل جلاله doesn't show you cannot know.

People only know as much as Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla allows them to know. The more He جل جلاله says we will learn, the more we know. Only Allāh جل جلاله knows how many thousands of years have passed since the time of Ādam ‘alayhi s-salām until now – people say various things – but something like seven or eight thousand years. Before our Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, there were perhaps six thousand years. And now, the time of the children of Ādam ‘alayhi s-salām is coming to an end. Qiyāmah is approaching. After us, Allāh جل جلاله will do whatever He جل جلاله wants. Certainly,His جل جلاله attribute is Khallaq. He جل جلاله is al-Khāliq. His جل جلاله attribute of creating is continuous. He جل جلاله is always creating. It is not like He جل جلاله created us, and stopped. With every rain drop, an angel descends. An angel is created. With every snowflake, an angel descends. And it remains on earth. They are creatures too. They are Allāh's جل جلاله creatures. The number of Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla's creatures is incalculable. It must have millions and billions of zeros.

But our own time, time of this ummah is coming to its end. Because our Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "The distance between me and qiyāmah is as close as two fingers. As close as ‘Aṣr and maghrib prayers are, as close as the sun is to setting after ‘Aṣr, Qiyāmah is that near." Therefore, this world has taken everything there is to take. It has taken its decoration and ornament. And from now on, its end is coming. Qiyāmah is approaching. Therefore, people are oblivious to whether Qiyāmah is approaching. "Wa-hum fī laghwun mu‘riḍūn," says Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. No one thinks about anything except their own entertainment. Aware or unaware of it, they are busy with this world. They have forgotten about the next world (ākhirah). But there is ākhirah. Don't forget about ākhirah.

Besides, the time of this ummah and the children of Ādam ‘alayhi s-salām is coming to end. Everything has an end, and our time is coming to end. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla knows what He جل جلاله will do after that end. And this is what we believe in. Shukr to Allāh جل جلاله, this belief is the belief of Ahlu s-Sunnah wa-l-Jamā‘ah. When the time is near, signs will appear. Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām will come. The Dajjāl will come. Dābbatu l-Arḍ (Beast of the Earth) will come. Each of them will come, one by one. And then Qiyāmah will occur. May Allāh جل جلاله not separate us from belief. May Allāh جل جلاله protect us from the trouble, fitnah of the end of times. Its fitnah is very difficult. Many people lose their footing and are destroyed. May Allāh جل جلاله protect us. May Allāh جل جلاله protect all of us, in shā’a Llāh.

Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, He جل جلاله create everything. And He جل جلاله create time and place. Time and... were sitting, ya‘nī, day and time and everything. Because, but this time and place not for Him جل جلاله, only for creature. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, He جل جلاله not in need to this. He جل جلاله create them. So, He جل جلاله create for to creature, not for Him جل جلاله. No time, no place, nothing; we don’t know anything about "how" and "what" for Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. And we not allowed to ask for this. No need to ask for this, also. Important thing: Allāh جل جلاله make this for creature. And everything He جل جلاله create. His جل جلاله attribute, Creator. Khallāq, meaning who create. And this attribute, it is continuously. Not only create one, our planet, and we only, in this whole universe, we have this. No. He جل جلاله has countless creatures, countless planets, countless life, different kinds of life in this universe. And the universe, this, nobody know how it is big, how it is... where it is.

But we are only saying, everything, as coming to exist, and they will finish, also. They have time to birth, time to death. As planet, as sun, as moon, as insect, as animal, as human being – Everything they have time, age. As we are now living in end of age of son of Ādam ‘alayhi s-salām. This, from Ādam ‘alayhi s-salām until now, approximately maybe seven thousand, eight thousand, nine thousand, I don’t know. There is many different sayings about this. Maybe more, maybe less. But it is important thing: time of this ummah or time of this human being who they are coming from Ādam ‘alayhi s-salām, coming to end. Day of Resurrection, coming, approaching for this ummah. Because, Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying: ‟I صلى الله عليه وسلم am the last messenger, and between me صلى الله عليه وسلم and between Qiyāmah, like sun after ‘Aṣr – near to end, sun, coming to sunset. It is like this, between me صلى الله عليه وسلم and between Day of Resurrection.” Which it is... and when you see this, maybe between ten thousand or less or more thousand years until now, coming from Ādam ‘alayhi s-salām. And time now is going, finished.

And everything in this. Allāh جل جلاله, for this, He جل جلاله gave this knowledge for people to do this technology, all everything, to finish their time. He جل جلاله give them, in this one century, He جل جلاله give us ten thousand years more, knowledge from ten thousand years. And it is people they are thinking they are clever and they are doing this by themselves. This, only they can do what Allāh جل جلاله allowed for them to do, not more. And Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, He جل جلاله has knowledge which we are... cannot compare for even one drop from ocean. Not even one drop. When put one nail and take, how much water coming, it’s less. And even not see this, what knowledge, all this technology, all this, what they are proud for this. Only Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, what He جل جلاله allowed, little bit, and it is enough to, human being and to make them think they are something. But, al-ḥamdu liLlāh, we are... The believer must not be trust for this people. They must trust for Allāh جل جلاله, not technology. Technology, everything what Allāh جل جلاله allowed, it will work. When it is time to stop, everything it will stop.

And this time coming because, we are, as we said, end of ummah. Which it will be, also big signs to, like Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām, like Dajjāl, like Antichrist, and many thing it will be come, and it is time not so far, in shā’a Llāh. So we are... we must be careful not to fall in with wrong people, in wrong place. We must be aware. We are... This time very dangerous time, fitnah and other thing.

When you are with Mawlānā, what he said, to be with your jamā‘ah, you will be safe, in shā’a Llāh. This is, in shā’a Llāh, we have this good tiding and it will come good time, here and hereafter, in shā’a Llāh.

Wa-min Allāhi t-tawfīq, al-Fātiḥah.

نهاية الأمة (25-4-2023)
الله عز وجل هو الذي خلق كل شيء. خلق ﷻ الزمان والمكان. لكنه ﷻ غير مُقيّد بالزمان والمكان. هذا للمخلوقات. الزمان والمكان للمخلوقات. وما لله هو ﷻ أعلم. هو وحده ﷻ يعلم. لا يمكننا معرفة حاله ﷻ. نحن نعلم بقدر ما هو ﷻ يُعلّمنا.
الله عز وجل خلق الكون. كل شيء فيه له حياته ووقته. عندما يحين الوقت - تمامًا مثل حياة الناس، كل شيء له حياته. عندما تنتهي حياتهم في هذه الدنيا، سيرحلون. لكن قدرة الله ﷻ ستستمر. الله ﷻ هو القادر. الله ﷻ هو الخالق. الخالق يعني أنه دائم الخلق. ليس نحن فقط، ولكن أيضًا من قبلنا ومن بعدنا؛ يوجد في الكون مخلوقات يعلمها الله ﷻ. يعلم ﷻ كيف وما هي. وهو ﷻ يُظهر لك بقدر ما يريد ﷻ. ما لا يُظهره ﷻ لك، لا يمكنك أن تعرفه. إلى أي مدى يُعطي الله عز وجل الإذن للناس للمعرفة، هذا ما يعرفونه. إلى أي مدى قال ﷻ إنه يجب أن يعرفوا، سيعرفون بهذا القدر.
الزمن الذي نعيش فيه منذ آدم عليه السلام حتى الآن؛ الله أعلم كم مرت آلاف السنين. هناك أقوال مختلفة، لكنها تتراوح بين سبعة الآف وثمانية الآف سنة. قبل نبينا الكريم ﷺ، ربما كان هناك ستة الآف سنة. والآن ينتهي زمن أحفاد آدم عليه السلام. القيامة تقترب منهم. بعدنا يفعل الله ﷻ ما يشاء.
بالتأكيد صفته الخلّاق. هو الخالق. صفة الخلق تستمر. هو ﷻ دائم الخلق. ليس الأمر أنه ﷻ خلقنا وليس هناك شيء آخر. مع كل نقطة مطر، ينزل ملاك. يخلق ملاك. مع كل ندفة ثلج، ينزل ملاك ويبقى على الأرض. إنهم مخلوقات أيضا. إنهم مخلوقات الله ﷻ. هناك الملايين والمليارات من الأصفار وعدد لا يحصى ولا يعد من مخلوقات الله عز وجل.
لكن زماننا، زمن هذه الأمة يقترب من نهايته. لأن نبينا الكريم ﷺ يقول "بُعِثْتُ أَنَا وَالسَّاعَة كَهَاتَيْن يعني الأصبعين. بقرب صلاة العصر والمغرب، أقرب ما تكون الشمس مستعدة للغروب بعد العصر، فإن القيامة قريبة". .
لذلك، هذه الدنيا قد أخذت كل شيء. وقد اخذت زينتها وزخرفها. ومن الآن فصاعدا، نهايتها قادمة. يوم القيامة يقترب. على الرغم من اقتراب يوم القيامة أو عدم اقترابه "وَهُمْ فِي غَفْلَةٍ مُّعْرِضُونَ" يقول الله عز وجل. لا أحد يفكر في أي شيء سوى الترفيه. سواء كانوا مدركين أو غير مدركين لذلك، فهم مشغولون بالدنيا. لقد نسوا الآخرة. لكن هناك آخرة. لا تنسوا الآخرة.
كما أن زمن هذه الأمة نسل آدم عليه السلام يقترب من نهايته. تمامًا مثل كل شيء يحين وقته، فإن وقتهم على وشك الإنتهاء. الله عز وجل أعلم ماذا يفعل من بعدهم. وهذا ما نؤمن به. شكراً لله، هذا الإعتقاد هو عقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة. عندما يقترب الوقت، ستظهر العلامات.

سيظهر المهدي عليه السلام. سيظهر الدجّال. ستظهر دابة الأرض. سيظهر كل منهم واحدًا تلو الآخر. ثم تحدث القيامة.
الله ﷻ لا ينزع منا الإيمان. الله ﷻ يحفظنا من فتنة آخر الزمان. فتنته ثقيلة جدا. الكثير من الناس ينزلقون ويهلكون. حفظنا الله ﷻ. الله ﷻ يحفظنا جميعا إن شاء الله. ومن الله التوفيق . الفاتحة .
مولانا الشيخ محمد عادل الرباني