The Fortress of Allāh (24th of February, 2023/04 Sha’ban 1444)
The Fortress of Allāh
Shaykh Mehmet Adil al-Ḥaqqānī
24th of February, 2023/04 Sha’ban 1444
As-Salāmu ‘alaykum wa-raḥmatu Llāhi wa-barakātuh.
A‘ūdhu bi-Llāhi mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm. Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.
Aṣ-ṣalātu wa-s-Salāmu ‘alá Rasūlinā Muḥammadin Sayyidi l-awwalīna wa-l-ākhirīn. Madad yā Rasūla Llāh, madad yā Sādātī Aṣḥābi Rasūli Llāh, madad yā Mashāyikhanā, dastūr Mawlānā Shaykh ‘Abdu Llāh al-Fā’iz ad-Dāghistānī, Shaykh Muḥammad Nāẓim al-Ḥaqqānī. Madad.
Ṭarīqatuna ṣ-ṣuḥbah, wa-l-khayru fi l-jam’iyyah.
Who is with Allāh جل جلاله is not afraid. Who is with Allāh جل جلاله is not sad, in shā’a Llāh. Because Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla said in an āyah from Qur’ān Karīm, which we read in the khuṭbah:
Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm. “Inna waliyyiya Llāhu lladhī nazzala l-kitāba wa-huwa yatawallá ṣ-ṣāliḥīn”(7:196).
Allāh جل جلاله is the helper of the pious ones. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla is the one who helps them in everything. As long as their greatest power, their biggest support is Allāh جل جلاله, no one can stand up against them. That is why believers, people who are upright, are content are satisfied . They are not in need of anyone . Allah جل جلالis their helper and supporter. They are not in need of anyone. Allāh جل جلاله is together with them.
May Allāh جل جلاله be with us. May He جل جلاله not be against us. That is what we want. If you are together with Allāh جل جلاله, you won’t be against. Those who are against, will lose. Even if they think they are winning, what they attain will certainly not be good for them, but bad. Therefore, people who are believers, people who are Muslim, should know these good tidings. The word of Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla is true. It can never be otherwise. The promise of Allāh جل جلاله is true. His جل جلاله promise is true, so His جل جلاله word is true. Who is with Him جل جلاله will be in profit. Allāh جل جلاله will make his work successful. His deeds will be accepted. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla will give his rewards.
So, as we live in the end of times, fitnah and evil are everywhere. It is important that you are with Allāh جل جلاله. Do not be ever against Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. Be with Allāh جل جلاله. Don’t go against Allāh جل جلاله. Who goes against Allāh جل جلاله never wins. That is to say, it may seem that he wins in this life; but as much as he earns, more comes to him of suffering. Therefore, there will be tests, the tests of Allāh جل جلاله. But in the end, people who pass the test will reach peace. They will reach eternal happiness, in shā’a Llāh.
Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla with, saying in Qur’ān: He جل جلاله is with Ṣāliḥ (righteous) people, with believer. He جل جلاله is with them, helping them every time. Who... Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm. “Inna waliyyiya Llāhu lladhī nazzala l-kitāba wa-huwa yatawallá ṣ-ṣāliḥīn” (7:196). This is āyah from Qur’ān, we just read in khuṭbah. Meaning: Allāh جل جلاله support believer. Ṣāliḥ, sincere mu’min, He جل جلاله is with them. Everything they do, it is good for them. Everything happen for them, also good for them. Nothing bad. When you are with Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla,
you [will] be all time in good position, because you are with Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, not against Him جل جلاله. Who against Him جل جلاله , this it is, he is, never be good for him.
All time, go with Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. Don’t forget Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. Be with Him جل جلاله, He will not leave you. But if you leave Him جل جلاله and follow other thing in this world: your ego, your shayṭān, or anything. You forget Allāh جل جلاله, and you looking, running after dunyā, after... things, it is not good. You are that time against Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. And who is against Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, never succeed. Maybe you can see many people, they most of people, they are against Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. You thought they succeed, but no. It is not real, because it is our world, very short and like a dream. It is not real. Real one, with Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. So who is with Allāh جل جلاله, [will] never be loser.
Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, also ḥadīth qudsī, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla said: “Lā ilāha illā Llāh ḥuṣnī.” “My جل جلاله fort, lā ilāha illā Llāh. Who said this, he come to my fort,” Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying, “and he [will] be safe from bad end.” It is very important thing. Even in dunyā, maybe some people suffering, or dying, or – many thing we have now in the end of time. But who is in this fort, even they die, or even they lose, they are safe from bad end.
The most important thing, and it is for believer – good tiding. Every time, you remember: don’t go against will of Allāh جل جلاله. Be with Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. Even you cannot do, you don’t say something make Allāh جل جلاله not happy with you. Everytime you must think, everything you done, you will do, or you happen. Because we are living in time of fitnah, maybe some people, they can think – not good. Don’t think this. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla will be happy with you if you are accepting, and everything, you know it is from Him جل جلاله.
Allāh جل جلاله keep us safe in His جل جلاله fort, in shā’a Llāh.
Wa-min Allāhi t-tawfīq, al-Fātiḥah.
VideoLink: 24_tr_TheFortressOfAllah_SM.mp4
حصن الله ﷻ (24-2-2023)
من مع الله ﷻ لا يخاف. من هو مع الله ﷻ لا ينزعج إن شاء الله. لأن الله عز وجل قال في القرآن الكريم في الآية التي قرأناها في الخطبة. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم:
"إِنَّ وَلِيِّيَ اللَّهُ الَّذِي نَزَّلَ الْكِتَابَ ۖ وَهُوَ يَتَوَلَّى الصَّالِحِينَ". إن الله ﷻ مُعين الصالحين. إن الله عز وجل هو الذي يساعدهم في كل شيء. طالما أن الله ﷻ أعظم قوتهم وأكبر نصير لهم، فلا أحد يستطيع أن يقف ضدهم.
لهذا يرضى المؤمنون والصالحون. إنهم لا يحتاجون إلى أحد. الله ﷻ هو معينهم ونصيرهم. الله ﷻ معهم. الله ﷻ يكون معنا. نرجو ألا يكون ضدنا. هذا ما نريده. إذا كنت مع الله ﷻ، لا يمكنك أن تكون تعارض الآخرين. سيخسر المعارضون. على الرغم من أنهم يعتقدون أنهم يفوزون، فإن ما سيحصلون عليه لن يكون جيدًا بالنسبة لهم؛ سيكون سيئا.
لذلك، يجب على المؤمنين والمسلمين أن يعرفوا هذه البشرى. كلام الله عز وجل حق. لا يمكن أن يكون الأمر خلاف ذلك. وعد الله ﷻ حق. إن وعده ﷻ حق يعني أن ما يقوله صحيح. من معه ﷻ سينتصر. إن الله ﷻ سيجعل عمله بالتوفيق. سيتم قبول أفعاله. سيعطيه الله عز وجل أجره.
لذلك، هناك الكثير من الفتن والشر في كل مكان حولنا حيث أننا نعيش في آخر الزمان. المهم أن تكون مع الله ﷻ. لا تكن ضد الله عز وجل أبدًا. كن مع الله ﷻ. لا تخالف الله ﷻ. من يخالف الله ﷻ لا يفوز أبدا. حتى لو فاز أو حتى لو كسب طوال حياته، فإن كل ما يكسبه سيُعطى له للمزيد من المعاناة.
لذلك، هناك إمتحانات من الله ﷻ. لكن في النهاية، الذين يجتازون الإمتحان سيصلون إلى السلام. سيصلون إلى السعادة الأبدية إن شاء الله. ومن الله التوفيق . الفاتحة .
مولانا الشيخ محمد عادل الرباني
The Fortress of Allāh
Shaykh Mehmet Adil al-Ḥaqqānī
24th of February, 2023/04 Sha’ban 1444
As-Salāmu ‘alaykum wa-raḥmatu Llāhi wa-barakātuh.
A‘ūdhu bi-Llāhi mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm. Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.
Aṣ-ṣalātu wa-s-Salāmu ‘alá Rasūlinā Muḥammadin Sayyidi l-awwalīna wa-l-ākhirīn. Madad yā Rasūla Llāh, madad yā Sādātī Aṣḥābi Rasūli Llāh, madad yā Mashāyikhanā, dastūr Mawlānā Shaykh ‘Abdu Llāh al-Fā’iz ad-Dāghistānī, Shaykh Muḥammad Nāẓim al-Ḥaqqānī. Madad.
Ṭarīqatuna ṣ-ṣuḥbah, wa-l-khayru fi l-jam’iyyah.
Who is with Allāh جل جلاله is not afraid. Who is with Allāh جل جلاله is not sad, in shā’a Llāh. Because Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla said in an āyah from Qur’ān Karīm, which we read in the khuṭbah:
Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm. “Inna waliyyiya Llāhu lladhī nazzala l-kitāba wa-huwa yatawallá ṣ-ṣāliḥīn”(7:196).
Allāh جل جلاله is the helper of the pious ones. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla is the one who helps them in everything. As long as their greatest power, their biggest support is Allāh جل جلاله, no one can stand up against them. That is why believers, people who are upright, are content are satisfied . They are not in need of anyone . Allah جل جلالis their helper and supporter. They are not in need of anyone. Allāh جل جلاله is together with them.
May Allāh جل جلاله be with us. May He جل جلاله not be against us. That is what we want. If you are together with Allāh جل جلاله, you won’t be against. Those who are against, will lose. Even if they think they are winning, what they attain will certainly not be good for them, but bad. Therefore, people who are believers, people who are Muslim, should know these good tidings. The word of Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla is true. It can never be otherwise. The promise of Allāh جل جلاله is true. His جل جلاله promise is true, so His جل جلاله word is true. Who is with Him جل جلاله will be in profit. Allāh جل جلاله will make his work successful. His deeds will be accepted. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla will give his rewards.
So, as we live in the end of times, fitnah and evil are everywhere. It is important that you are with Allāh جل جلاله. Do not be ever against Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. Be with Allāh جل جلاله. Don’t go against Allāh جل جلاله. Who goes against Allāh جل جلاله never wins. That is to say, it may seem that he wins in this life; but as much as he earns, more comes to him of suffering. Therefore, there will be tests, the tests of Allāh جل جلاله. But in the end, people who pass the test will reach peace. They will reach eternal happiness, in shā’a Llāh.
Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla with, saying in Qur’ān: He جل جلاله is with Ṣāliḥ (righteous) people, with believer. He جل جلاله is with them, helping them every time. Who... Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm. “Inna waliyyiya Llāhu lladhī nazzala l-kitāba wa-huwa yatawallá ṣ-ṣāliḥīn” (7:196). This is āyah from Qur’ān, we just read in khuṭbah. Meaning: Allāh جل جلاله support believer. Ṣāliḥ, sincere mu’min, He جل جلاله is with them. Everything they do, it is good for them. Everything happen for them, also good for them. Nothing bad. When you are with Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla,
you [will] be all time in good position, because you are with Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, not against Him جل جلاله. Who against Him جل جلاله , this it is, he is, never be good for him.
All time, go with Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. Don’t forget Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. Be with Him جل جلاله, He will not leave you. But if you leave Him جل جلاله and follow other thing in this world: your ego, your shayṭān, or anything. You forget Allāh جل جلاله, and you looking, running after dunyā, after... things, it is not good. You are that time against Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. And who is against Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, never succeed. Maybe you can see many people, they most of people, they are against Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. You thought they succeed, but no. It is not real, because it is our world, very short and like a dream. It is not real. Real one, with Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. So who is with Allāh جل جلاله, [will] never be loser.
Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, also ḥadīth qudsī, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla said: “Lā ilāha illā Llāh ḥuṣnī.” “My جل جلاله fort, lā ilāha illā Llāh. Who said this, he come to my fort,” Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying, “and he [will] be safe from bad end.” It is very important thing. Even in dunyā, maybe some people suffering, or dying, or – many thing we have now in the end of time. But who is in this fort, even they die, or even they lose, they are safe from bad end.
The most important thing, and it is for believer – good tiding. Every time, you remember: don’t go against will of Allāh جل جلاله. Be with Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. Even you cannot do, you don’t say something make Allāh جل جلاله not happy with you. Everytime you must think, everything you done, you will do, or you happen. Because we are living in time of fitnah, maybe some people, they can think – not good. Don’t think this. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla will be happy with you if you are accepting, and everything, you know it is from Him جل جلاله.
Allāh جل جلاله keep us safe in His جل جلاله fort, in shā’a Llāh.
Wa-min Allāhi t-tawfīq, al-Fātiḥah.
VideoLink: 24_tr_TheFortressOfAllah_SM.mp4
حصن الله ﷻ (24-2-2023)
من مع الله ﷻ لا يخاف. من هو مع الله ﷻ لا ينزعج إن شاء الله. لأن الله عز وجل قال في القرآن الكريم في الآية التي قرأناها في الخطبة. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم:
"إِنَّ وَلِيِّيَ اللَّهُ الَّذِي نَزَّلَ الْكِتَابَ ۖ وَهُوَ يَتَوَلَّى الصَّالِحِينَ". إن الله ﷻ مُعين الصالحين. إن الله عز وجل هو الذي يساعدهم في كل شيء. طالما أن الله ﷻ أعظم قوتهم وأكبر نصير لهم، فلا أحد يستطيع أن يقف ضدهم.
لهذا يرضى المؤمنون والصالحون. إنهم لا يحتاجون إلى أحد. الله ﷻ هو معينهم ونصيرهم. الله ﷻ معهم. الله ﷻ يكون معنا. نرجو ألا يكون ضدنا. هذا ما نريده. إذا كنت مع الله ﷻ، لا يمكنك أن تكون تعارض الآخرين. سيخسر المعارضون. على الرغم من أنهم يعتقدون أنهم يفوزون، فإن ما سيحصلون عليه لن يكون جيدًا بالنسبة لهم؛ سيكون سيئا.
لذلك، يجب على المؤمنين والمسلمين أن يعرفوا هذه البشرى. كلام الله عز وجل حق. لا يمكن أن يكون الأمر خلاف ذلك. وعد الله ﷻ حق. إن وعده ﷻ حق يعني أن ما يقوله صحيح. من معه ﷻ سينتصر. إن الله ﷻ سيجعل عمله بالتوفيق. سيتم قبول أفعاله. سيعطيه الله عز وجل أجره.
لذلك، هناك الكثير من الفتن والشر في كل مكان حولنا حيث أننا نعيش في آخر الزمان. المهم أن تكون مع الله ﷻ. لا تكن ضد الله عز وجل أبدًا. كن مع الله ﷻ. لا تخالف الله ﷻ. من يخالف الله ﷻ لا يفوز أبدا. حتى لو فاز أو حتى لو كسب طوال حياته، فإن كل ما يكسبه سيُعطى له للمزيد من المعاناة.
لذلك، هناك إمتحانات من الله ﷻ. لكن في النهاية، الذين يجتازون الإمتحان سيصلون إلى السلام. سيصلون إلى السعادة الأبدية إن شاء الله. ومن الله التوفيق . الفاتحة .
مولانا الشيخ محمد عادل الرباني