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Pride and arrogance
Someone can be pride or arrogant at some circumstances, but this is not for everyone, it is only for wise one, for awliya, because they know when, where, to whom to show a pride, the could show a pride of Haq and Islam.

However, the pride and arrogance of unwise one is from foolishness, he will became a shaytan when he do so, his pride like the pride of Iblis that he don't know where, to whom he is showing a pride, such proud one's life will be full of troubles and burdens.

Showing pride to believers is a bad behaviour, it is unacceptable, you may show pride to disbelievers, to arrogant one or to those whom against Islam, against holy ones and against Muslims in some conditions, but you have to be wise, otherwise you will be crushed.

- Sufi Teachings