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Order of Allah is first (25th January 2023)
Order of Allah is first (25th January 2023)

Shaykh Mehmet Adil Al-Haqqani,
Sohbet of the 25th January 2023
Banbury, UK.

Ṭarīqatunā ṣṣuḥbah wa l-khayru fi l-jam‘iyyah.

We must put Allahﷻ order first and we must accept it. Those who do not accept the order of Allahﷻ we must avoid these people.

Pakistani people they are good Muslims but some they do things that are not good; some they put their customs before the teachings of Islam.

There are most religious people in Pakistan and India and Bangladesh and Afghanistan - in the world they are the ones who embrace Islam but shaitaan he is coming and he wants something to destroy their good deeds.

For these people, customs and tradition this can be a bad thing. Our order is ordered by prophet and Allahﷻ. Following customs and tradition only this is not good and you must accept what Allahﷻ says and what Prophet ﷺ says.

You do many good things but when you are not obeying Allahﷻ and doing what you want to do and doing what those around you are doing then you are making opposition to Allahﷻ and this is affecting your good deeds. Muslims must be careful and Allahﷻ will give glad things.

To not listen is not good to follow the order of and obey Allahﷻ to obey Prophet ﷺ and then after what you obey you obey. Sometimes you cannot 100% obey but as much as you can then do this.
We must ask for foginvess from Allahﷻ for what and when we disobey.

Wa min Allāhi tawfīq, al-FātiḥAh