Suhbah 2022: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (303 suhbah, 650 pages, 44/50)
goodness as difficult to you and try to prevent you from it. Therefore, many people are far away from doing goodness and lean towards doing badness. They see every goodness as difficult, and see badness and sins as easy. They can do them easily. If there was no law in this world, it would be completely worse.
This is something given to people by Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla as a test. Tests are always difficult. Even at schools, children and adults are scared of the difficulty of the tests and get frustrated. And when there is no test, they have fun and go around.
Tests are for a lifetime. When we were young, we thought we’d relax and tests would finish after school was over. But tests just start then in childhood, and last until the end of your life. Therefore, don’t be slack with tests.
Don’t be slack so that the end is good insha’Allah. May Allah جل جلاله help all of us.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
- Maulana Sheikh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani ق
08 November 2022/ 14 Rabih al-Thani 1444
Fajr Prayer, Akbaba Dergah
As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum wa RaḥmatuLlāhi wa Barakātuh.
A‘ūdhu BiLlāhi Minash-shayṭāni r-rajīm. BismiLlāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.
Wa ṣ-Salātu wa s-Salāmu ‘alá Rasūlinā Muḥammadin Sayyidi l-Awwalīna wa l-Akhirīn. Madad yā RasūlAllāh, Madad yā Sādāti Aṣḥābi RasūliLlāh, Madad yā Mashāyikhinā, Dastūr Mawlana Shaykh Abdullāh al-Fā’iz ad-Dāghistāni, Shaykh Muḥammad Nāẓim al- Ḥaqqānī. Madad.
Ṭarīqatunā aṣ-Suḥbah wa l-Khayru fi l-Jam‘iyyah.
Shukr to Allah جل جلاله, we had left safely and have returned safely [from the Far East] by the grace and care of Allah جل جلاله. As our brothers there cannot come here, we always visit them and fulfill the Sunnah of our Holy Prophet ,صلى الله عليه وسلم
All Prophets used to travel in order to teach people the orders of Allah ‘Azza wa- Jalla and His جل جلاله religion. They know this, but they want a Murshid. That is why we go for these trips for the pleasure of Allah جل جلاله. Insha’Allah there is benefit for us and benefit for them as well.
Of course, their language is different. However, as long as there is the way of Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla and our Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, there is no difference at all. There is no difference because of the language.
All people who are on our way there have attained Islam from the way of Tariqah. All those Muslim communities comprise of millions of people. The largest Islamic communities are in those countries. The means of them entering the religion are the Awliya and Tariqahs. They and their ancestors benefitted from Tariqah. They were the means for them to reach happiness. And they are going on that way. They have love. They have so much love for Islam, Muslims and Tariqahs.
Occasionally, some people who like mushrooms without roots appear. And there are poisonous mushrooms. May Allah جل جلاله protect us. They become the means for their destruction. Therefore, following this way brings benefit to them. And it is the means for us to meet them and attain the virtues and favors of Allah جل جلاله. The pleasure of Allah جل جلاله is the biggest favor. To be the means for it is a great grace from Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla.
People are cheated. People are cheated everywhere. They think the way of Islam that people have been following for hundreds of years is wrong. How could they enter it had there not been any Tariqah? Would you be able to make people 10,000km away Muslim by fighting them? No. Light had transmitted from heart to heart, and they became Muslim.
Shukr to Allah جل جلاله, the Maqams of those holy ones are present there. Thousands, hundred thousands of people visit them daily. That means that their spiritual Tasarruf (spiritual power to act) is still there. And those poisonous ones will sink and go down insha’Allah; here, there and all over the world, wherever they are. Nothing but harm comes from them. It is harmful both for them and for others.
Muslims don’t harm. Muslims do goodness, and Allah جل جلاله helps them. Whoever makes harm will be harmed himself, and it will be unfortunate. May Allah جل جلاله protect us.
May they not mess with people’s belief and religion. May Allah جل جلاله give guidance to them as well.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
- Maulana Sheikh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani ق
06 November 2022/ 12 Rabih al-Thani 1444 Naqshbandi ‘Aliyyah Zawiyah – Singapore
As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum wa Raḥmatullāhi wa Barakātuh.
A‘ūdhu Billāhi Minash-shayṭāni r-rajīm. Bismillāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.
Wa ṣ-Salātu wa s-Salāmu ‘alá Rasūlinā Muḥammadin Sayyidi l-Awwalīna wa l-Akhirīn. Madad yā RasūlAllāh, Madad yā Sādāti Aṣḥābi Rasūlillāh, Madad yā Mashāyikhinā, Dastūr Mawlana Sheikh Abdullāh al-Fā’iz ad-Dāghistāni, Sheikh Muḥammad Nāẓim al-Ḥaqqānī. Madad.
Ṭarīqatunā aṣ-Suḥbah wa l-Khayru fi l-Jam‘iyyah.
Allah Azza wa Jalla says, A’ūdhu bi-Llāhi mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm. Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm:
إِنَّمَا ٱلْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ فَأَصْلِحُوا۟ بَيْنَ أَخَوَيْكُمْ ۚ وَٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ
(Qur’ān 49:10).
‘’Innama l-mu’minūna ikhwa fa-‘aslihu bayna akhawaykum, wa t-taqu Allah la’allakum turhamun’’
‘’The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy.’’
This is an order from Allah جل جلاله, and to make it clear that Mu’minin, believers are brothers in Islam not brothers in blood. Brothers in Islam is [more] stronger than brothers in blood. Because sometimes many brothers, each one goes to the other side; this is not so good. But when you are following the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and you are a believer, you must know that all Muslims are brothers. Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam used to say every time in many Hadiths, “الْمُسْلِمُ أَخُوْا الْمُسْلِمُ”,
“Al-Muslim Akhu l-Muslim” (Hadith). A Muslim is a brother to a Muslim.
This is common for all Muslims. They must be like this. But for those who are following Tariqah, following Shari’ah and following Madhhab, it is more important for them to follow that. Because if you are coming to a Sheikh, coming to a Murshid and saying, “I am following a Murshid”, the Murshid never tells you to be against a Muslim or to be against a Mu’min. You must be together. Especially in Tariqah, this our way. You must look for your Murshid, Murshid Kamil, who is our Sheikh, Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani. He never encouraged somebody from Murids to fight another Murid or to make division. They must all be together. That is what Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam and Allah Azza wa Jalla order.
We have enough enemies from followers of shaytan. Shaytan ordered this: to be enemies to each other, to make bad things to others as much as you can. This is from shaytan. Anyone who tells you [things] like this is not following the teaching of Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and the teaching of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. Mawlana Sheikh Nazim was all the time, during his whole life, you cannot find one time that he ordered brothers to fight each other. He was only ordering goodness, to be together, to forgive if anybody does some wrong to you. You must forgive him because maybe he’ll later be your friend. This is the teaching of Mashayikh, and this teaching is coming from Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam.
Unfortunately, there was a teaching here coming through people, using the name of Tariqah and using the name of Mawlana, to make division between brothers, between Murids. And they were happy with this. We are not happy at all with this. Because the main reason to come to Tariqah is to get Rida’uLlah, acceptance in Divinely Presence and not to fight with others. To do this, you must train your ego, to make it down, to make it small and not to make bigger and bigger.
This is a very important point. Because for many years, people have been against each other. Maybe you can be in groups, but not fighting each other. Because each person may like to be with some people and not like to be with others. But you must be happy with them. These are from the Murids of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim and they love him, we love them. There’s no problem in not being together, but do not make Fitnah. It [Fitnah] does not get any benefit for you. Allah جل جلاله always curses Fitnah and Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم curses Fitnah.
الفتنة نائمة لعن الله من أيقظها
Fitnah is asleep. Allah جل جلاله curses whoever awakens it . Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says. Fitnah is asleep Allah جل جلاله curses who awaken it to make Fitnah between people.
You must know this. This is an illness of the ego. The biggest ego is to have jealousy. And when somebody encourages you to do this, you say, “Oh, he is Sheikh, he ordered me to do this and I must do it.” Not anyone is Sheikh. Who claims that he’s Sheikh cannot even think of this. Only for people who are attacking our belief, we can defend ourselves. But for people who are like you and you are like them, you will never get permission to attack them. They say, “This is good. This is not good” and they especially want to harm each other. This is not acceptable at all.
The accepted thing is, we are saying again, follow Mawlana Sheikh and love each other but you can also be each group alone. Mawlana Sheikh said many times, “We are not looking for other Tariqah people to come to our Tariqah. No, but we are saying: Wherever your heart is going and flowing to, you must follow your heart.” This is the same in Tariqah also. You can be: this Wakil, that Wakil, that Wakil, but not fighting each other. Everybody must look at himself.
AlhamduliLlah there are thousands, ten thousand people, millions of people that are looking for the good way to follow. You must take them. No need to look at others to bring and say, “Come to my group. That group is not good, this is good.” Take new people. Each one you bring to the way of Allah جل جلاله , Allah جل جلاله rewards you as much as He جل جلاله rewards him.
Allah جل جلاله created millions, so no need to be angry with who’s not with you. Only focus on your ego to make it down. This is the order of Tariqah. This first order of Tariqah is to have good behavior and to make your ego down. The ego all the time likes to be up, over others. We must be humble. Tariqah orders humbleness and to be merciful to others also, not to harm them.
Because if you harm somebody – Allah جل جلاله forgives everything but He جل جلاله doesn’t forgive what a person does to another. Because He جل جلاله is Just, you must ask forgiveness from whom you’ve harmed. Allah Azza wa Jalla said, “What you’ve done for Me, I can forgive. But for others, you must ask forgiveness from them.”
For this, it is not easy to harm people thinking that nothing will happen. If this man or whom you’ve harmed doesn’t forgive you, you’ll be questioned for what you’ve done on Judgment Day and Allah جل جلاله will take from your good deeds and give to the other person. And it is a very valuable thing.
Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says, “Don’t think that what you’ve done in Dunya will save you when you harm somebody.” A Hadith of Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says that on Judgement Day they will bring somebody with good deeds like mountains. He comes to be questioned for what he has done. He must go quickly to Jannah but when coming to be questioned, they say, “You’ve done this, take a little bit from his good deeds.” Later on, after saying that he has done this and that, this and that, this and that, the whole mountain of good deeds finishes. Don’t think that if you’re praying, doing Umrah, doing Zakat and other things but you do bad things to people, that these will save you; no.
We see many people who claim that they are Hajji, they are Alim, they are this, they are that, but when you see what they’ve done to people, it’s not a good thing. So what you must do besides the good deeds is not to harm anybody and not to have anybody asking something from you on Judgement Day.
May Allah جل جلاله keep us safe and make our ego down, to listen, to understand and to obey . This is what is said every time in Khutbah:
اسمعوا وعوا وإذا وعيتم
“Isma‘ū wa‘ū, wa-idha wa-‘aytum fāntafi‘ū”, “Listen and understand. And“ when you understand, benefit from it.”
We are not only here for looking at the Sheikh. No, it must be also to do something. It is not difficult, but it is difficult for our ego.
May Allah جل جلاله make it easy for us to be together, and to follow the order of Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam and the order of Mashayikh insha’Allah.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
- Maulana Sheikh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani ق
05 November 2022/ 11 Rabih al-Thani 1444 Naqshbandi ‘Aliyyah Zawiyah – Singapore
As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum wa Raḥmatullāhi wa Barakātuh.
A‘ūdhu Billāhi Minash-shayṭāni r-rajīm. Bismillāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.
Wa ṣ-Salātu wa s-Salāmu ‘alá Rasūlinā Muḥammadin Sayyidi l-Awwalīna wa l-Akhirīn. Madad yā RasūlAllāh, Madad yā Sādāti Aṣḥābi Rasūlillāh, Madad yā Mashāyikhinā, Dastūr Mawlana Sheikh Abdullāh al-Fā’iz ad-Dāghistāni, Sheikh Muḥammad Nāẓim al-Ḥaqqānī. Madad.
Ṭarīqatunā aṣ-Suḥbah wa l-Khayru fi l-Jam‘iyyah.
Dastur Ya RijalaLlah. Dastur Ya Sayyidina Abdul Qadir Gilani Hazretleri. We are on the day of the URS of Sayyidina Abdul Qadir Gilani. On this occasion, we are gathering here for Allah Azza wa Jalla. This is insha’Allah Barakah of Sayyidina Abdul Qadir Gilani, it will be Barakah for all of you. We believe that he is Ghawthu l-‘Azam. He is from the pillars of Tasawwuf, Sufi Way. He is, as Mawlana Sheikh was saying, King size Awliyau’Llah; in all east and west, north and south.
From his time until this time, all the people benefit from his Barakah, from his light, from his way. He was making people to be aware from Ahlu l-Bid’ah: people who are claiming they are following Islam and are not happy with these blessed Awliya’uLlah. He has many books. Especially this one book “Al-Ghunya”, [where] he wrote the names of each one of these people. These people are coming from the time after the Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. Everytime they are in a different shape but they are the same.
Alhamdulillah with his miracle, Karamah of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani Hazretleri, he is showing each one and writing what they are.
These people must be. There must be black to see the white. There must be night to see the day. It is normal. So people who have love for Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم are following Awliyau’Llah, following these Aqtab and Mashayikh. Since the beginning of Islam until Qiyamah, there are two enemies: there’s the enemy of Allah جل جلاله, and the enemy of shaytan. They cannot be together, because one love Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, love Ahlu l-bayt and love Sahabah. And the other don’t love, don’t respect and they are against this way, the way of Allah جل جلاله. So they cannot be together. There must be a difference between them. What’s the middle? Middle means, as Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says, Sawadu l-Azam (the great majority). They are normal people. They’re even not in Tariqah. All the Muslim world believe, love and respect Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam, Ahlu l-Bayt and Sahabah.
All of these people are respecting. They are the majority. But other people who try to make people to not accept this, not love Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, Ahlu l-Bayt, Sahabah, Awliyau’Llah, Ulama and the pillars of Islam – this also cannot be. People are not with them. But they are making Fitnah. They are making too much voice. They are oppressing people. They are doing all kinds of oppression. They don’t have any mercy for human beings, for Muslims. Especially for Muslims, because Muslims are their biggest enemy. The enemy of shaytan are Muslims. These people are exactly with shaytan.
For this, our way, way of Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam is to remind people about this way, to make people aware to not be cheated by these people. Because they are like: ٱلْوَسْوَاسِ ٱلْخَنَّاسِ
‘’Al-Waswas Al-Khannas’’
‘’The retreating whisperer.’’ (Qur’ān 114:04). Whispering for people, “You are not right. We are right.” So people become in doubt about them if they are right or not.
For this, we are saying: the way of Ahlu s-Sunnah wal Jama’ah is the way of Tariqah. Those who are not accepting Tariqah, not accepting Awliyau’Llah, not accepting Sahabah and not giving respect for the Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam are not from Ahlu s-Sunnah wal Jama’ah. Ahlu s-Sunnah wal Jama’ah are four Madhhabs: Hanafi, Shafi’i, Hanbali, Maliki. They must follow this. If they don’t follow, they are not from Ahlu s-Sunnah. If they don’t accept our Imams of Aqidah, Imam Al-Maturidi, Imam al-Ashʿarī, they are also not from Ahlu s-Sunnah. For this, if anybody says: “I’m from Ahlu s-Sunnah wal Jama’ah.” Ask him, “Do you accept these four Madhhabs? Do you accept Imams of Aqidah?” If not, they will quickly run away from this [question], because they don’t like this at all.
These are the fort of Islam, defending Islam. Since Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, all the time, these Ulama and these Awliyau’Llah, by the order of Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, spiritual order, they collect the real Sunnah, all what Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam was ordering and what he صلى الله عليه وسلم was doing and put them in books. Until now, this knowledge is coming through them.
Especially Sayyidina Abu Hanfiah. Abu Hanfiah was the Imam of Hanafi Madhhabs. After Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, 150 years – Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam was saying in Hadith that someone like him [Abu Hanfiah] will come, he صلى الله عليه وسلم gave a sign of him. He wrote a book. It is impossible for anyone to write this book and this knowledge, huge knowledge in such a time. Normally, if without Karamah, it needs maybe 300 years to write it. But he was very active and alhamduliLlah full of knowledge, and he wrote it. He was also the step-father of Sayyidina Al-Shafi’i. Sayyidina Al-Shafi’i said that he learned many things from Abu Hanfiah and from his student Abu Yusuf. So if you take [out] these people, nothing of this knowledge will be left for Islam.
The reality of these people is that they are enemy of Islam, the reality is that they are enemy of Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. They are jealous. They don’t have any respect. They don’t have anything [good] for people. What they only have is: harming people, making people go to Jahannam. This is what is said in the Quran also , when somebody says :
يَـٰوَيْلَتَىٰ لَيْتَنِى لَمْ أَتَّخِذْ فُلَانًا خَلِيلًا
“YāWaylatī Laytanī Lam ‘Attakhidh Fulānāan Khalīlāan”
‘’Oh, woe to me! I wish I had not taken that one as a friend.’’ (Qur’ān 25:28).
“Oh! I wish I didn’t take this man to be my friend.”
لَّقَدْ أَضَلَّنِى عَنِ ٱلذِّكْرِ
“Laqad ‘Adallanī ‘Ani dh-Dhikri”
“He led me away from the remembrance.’‘ (Qur’ān 25:29).
He will say, “He made me to lose my way and now I’m here in hell with him.” This is what will happen to people who follow these people and believe them.
We are here alhamduliLlah. He said, “You are coming here for visiting Murids.” [Before the Sohbet, the Wakil was welcoming Mawlana and thanking him for coming to visit his Murids mentioning that before, Murids used to go to their Sheikh]. This is our duty. We are not coming for Dunya, for resting, sleeping and going here and there. There is something, we must come to defend Islam, to defend Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. Because we didn’t come for 3 years, we are looking that these people have become with more bad behavior for Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, for Sahabah, for Ulama, for everything. They have no respect, no shame, no Adab and even no humanity. Who has something from humanity, must think. Because humans - Allah جل جلاله says that He جل جلاله gave him a brain to think. But these people don’t have any brain. They say, “You cannot do this. You cannot do that”, and they are reading Arabic. And in Arabic it’s written that you can do everything of what they are saying you cannot do. We can do everything.
They are liars. They are hypocrites. When it comes to their own benefit, they are doing everything and making Fatwah for everything. But when you want to praise Allah جل جلاله and to make people have more love for Allah جل جلاله and for Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, they are attacking and they are saying that this is not from Islam as if they created Islam. Allah Azza wa Jalla created it and he صلى الله عليه وسلم said: (Hadith).
يسروا ولا تعسروا
Make it easy don’t make it difficult. Because when you make it difficult, people cannot do it. For this, as much as they can do, they must do. And don’t interfere. This is from Ibadah what they’re doing. As much as they are worshiping, it’s good. No need to interfere.
Many of these people are making people to run away from Islam, to be afraid of Islam. And making people to be enemies to each other. All of these Islamic countries were before 50 years respecting and were following. Nobody was objecting Tariqah and Madhhab. They were all following. There was no problem. What happened after when these people came and made Muslims enemies to each other and they divided Muslims! So people must think about this. They must ask, “Why before 50 years, it was nothing. And after, from the beginning of the 50 years, especially since 1974 or beginning from 1974, Muslims became enemies to each other?” Because these people appeared.
After this time, they got money, black money. You cannot wash it because it’s petrol. The cursed thing. This is coming everywhere, this black poison destroying earth, destroying people, destroying belief which is the most important thing. Petrol is not a good thing.
You can see everywhere that petrol must be with blood. Who has petrol, many people are coming to attack them to take it from them. Take the petrol it’s nothing, but don’t take our belief. Our belief, the belief of Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam and Awliya is for the benefit of human beings. For love, respect and peace. This is what Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam brought and his Sahabah followed this.
The Sahabah were fighting east and west. They say, “They have blood and they were making war on earth.” No. This war was against tyrants. For when they conquered these countries, all the people became Muslim because they were happy with the justice of these people. They were happy that they were finished from oppression. This is the main thing. People say, “Islam was spread with the sword.” Islam used the sword but to defend people, to defend poor people, to defend oppressed people. This is what Islam is. Islam means peace, nothing else. Peace here and hereafter. If they don’t want peace after, they can stay in their religion; there’s no problem for Islam. But for here, there must be justice. Islam doesn’t accept oppression.
All Awliyau’Llah, Sahabah and others are all with Haqq, with the right, with way of Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. The right of non-Muslims in Muslim countries is more than that of Muslims even. This is our belief and Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam’s order. He صلى الله عليه وسلم was not happy to see anything happen to non-Muslims living in Muslim countries. This is what all the Khulafāʾi Rāshideen did. Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, and after him the Khulafā from Khalifah or Sultan or other were very sensitive about this. And from Ulama also, they were warning them if anything happens, and they didn’t accept any wrong or any oppression to anybody.
This is what these people don’t like. They are jealous. They have bad intention. But Allah جل جلاله is, all the time, with His جل جلاله beloved ones. For this, this religion, Shari’ah, Tariqah, Madhhab: Allah جل جلاله kept them and Allah جل جلاله loves them. Who doesn’t love them is f
goodness as difficult to you and try to prevent you from it. Therefore, many people are far away from doing goodness and lean towards doing badness. They see every goodness as difficult, and see badness and sins as easy. They can do them easily. If there was no law in this world, it would be completely worse.
This is something given to people by Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla as a test. Tests are always difficult. Even at schools, children and adults are scared of the difficulty of the tests and get frustrated. And when there is no test, they have fun and go around.
Tests are for a lifetime. When we were young, we thought we’d relax and tests would finish after school was over. But tests just start then in childhood, and last until the end of your life. Therefore, don’t be slack with tests.
Don’t be slack so that the end is good insha’Allah. May Allah جل جلاله help all of us.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
- Maulana Sheikh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani ق
08 November 2022/ 14 Rabih al-Thani 1444
Fajr Prayer, Akbaba Dergah
As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum wa RaḥmatuLlāhi wa Barakātuh.
A‘ūdhu BiLlāhi Minash-shayṭāni r-rajīm. BismiLlāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.
Wa ṣ-Salātu wa s-Salāmu ‘alá Rasūlinā Muḥammadin Sayyidi l-Awwalīna wa l-Akhirīn. Madad yā RasūlAllāh, Madad yā Sādāti Aṣḥābi RasūliLlāh, Madad yā Mashāyikhinā, Dastūr Mawlana Shaykh Abdullāh al-Fā’iz ad-Dāghistāni, Shaykh Muḥammad Nāẓim al- Ḥaqqānī. Madad.
Ṭarīqatunā aṣ-Suḥbah wa l-Khayru fi l-Jam‘iyyah.
Shukr to Allah جل جلاله, we had left safely and have returned safely [from the Far East] by the grace and care of Allah جل جلاله. As our brothers there cannot come here, we always visit them and fulfill the Sunnah of our Holy Prophet ,صلى الله عليه وسلم
All Prophets used to travel in order to teach people the orders of Allah ‘Azza wa- Jalla and His جل جلاله religion. They know this, but they want a Murshid. That is why we go for these trips for the pleasure of Allah جل جلاله. Insha’Allah there is benefit for us and benefit for them as well.
Of course, their language is different. However, as long as there is the way of Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla and our Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, there is no difference at all. There is no difference because of the language.
All people who are on our way there have attained Islam from the way of Tariqah. All those Muslim communities comprise of millions of people. The largest Islamic communities are in those countries. The means of them entering the religion are the Awliya and Tariqahs. They and their ancestors benefitted from Tariqah. They were the means for them to reach happiness. And they are going on that way. They have love. They have so much love for Islam, Muslims and Tariqahs.
Occasionally, some people who like mushrooms without roots appear. And there are poisonous mushrooms. May Allah جل جلاله protect us. They become the means for their destruction. Therefore, following this way brings benefit to them. And it is the means for us to meet them and attain the virtues and favors of Allah جل جلاله. The pleasure of Allah جل جلاله is the biggest favor. To be the means for it is a great grace from Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla.
People are cheated. People are cheated everywhere. They think the way of Islam that people have been following for hundreds of years is wrong. How could they enter it had there not been any Tariqah? Would you be able to make people 10,000km away Muslim by fighting them? No. Light had transmitted from heart to heart, and they became Muslim.
Shukr to Allah جل جلاله, the Maqams of those holy ones are present there. Thousands, hundred thousands of people visit them daily. That means that their spiritual Tasarruf (spiritual power to act) is still there. And those poisonous ones will sink and go down insha’Allah; here, there and all over the world, wherever they are. Nothing but harm comes from them. It is harmful both for them and for others.
Muslims don’t harm. Muslims do goodness, and Allah جل جلاله helps them. Whoever makes harm will be harmed himself, and it will be unfortunate. May Allah جل جلاله protect us.
May they not mess with people’s belief and religion. May Allah جل جلاله give guidance to them as well.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
- Maulana Sheikh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani ق
06 November 2022/ 12 Rabih al-Thani 1444 Naqshbandi ‘Aliyyah Zawiyah – Singapore
As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum wa Raḥmatullāhi wa Barakātuh.
A‘ūdhu Billāhi Minash-shayṭāni r-rajīm. Bismillāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.
Wa ṣ-Salātu wa s-Salāmu ‘alá Rasūlinā Muḥammadin Sayyidi l-Awwalīna wa l-Akhirīn. Madad yā RasūlAllāh, Madad yā Sādāti Aṣḥābi Rasūlillāh, Madad yā Mashāyikhinā, Dastūr Mawlana Sheikh Abdullāh al-Fā’iz ad-Dāghistāni, Sheikh Muḥammad Nāẓim al-Ḥaqqānī. Madad.
Ṭarīqatunā aṣ-Suḥbah wa l-Khayru fi l-Jam‘iyyah.
Allah Azza wa Jalla says, A’ūdhu bi-Llāhi mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm. Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm:
إِنَّمَا ٱلْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ فَأَصْلِحُوا۟ بَيْنَ أَخَوَيْكُمْ ۚ وَٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ
(Qur’ān 49:10).
‘’Innama l-mu’minūna ikhwa fa-‘aslihu bayna akhawaykum, wa t-taqu Allah la’allakum turhamun’’
‘’The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy.’’
This is an order from Allah جل جلاله, and to make it clear that Mu’minin, believers are brothers in Islam not brothers in blood. Brothers in Islam is [more] stronger than brothers in blood. Because sometimes many brothers, each one goes to the other side; this is not so good. But when you are following the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and you are a believer, you must know that all Muslims are brothers. Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam used to say every time in many Hadiths, “الْمُسْلِمُ أَخُوْا الْمُسْلِمُ”,
“Al-Muslim Akhu l-Muslim” (Hadith). A Muslim is a brother to a Muslim.
This is common for all Muslims. They must be like this. But for those who are following Tariqah, following Shari’ah and following Madhhab, it is more important for them to follow that. Because if you are coming to a Sheikh, coming to a Murshid and saying, “I am following a Murshid”, the Murshid never tells you to be against a Muslim or to be against a Mu’min. You must be together. Especially in Tariqah, this our way. You must look for your Murshid, Murshid Kamil, who is our Sheikh, Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani. He never encouraged somebody from Murids to fight another Murid or to make division. They must all be together. That is what Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam and Allah Azza wa Jalla order.
We have enough enemies from followers of shaytan. Shaytan ordered this: to be enemies to each other, to make bad things to others as much as you can. This is from shaytan. Anyone who tells you [things] like this is not following the teaching of Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and the teaching of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. Mawlana Sheikh Nazim was all the time, during his whole life, you cannot find one time that he ordered brothers to fight each other. He was only ordering goodness, to be together, to forgive if anybody does some wrong to you. You must forgive him because maybe he’ll later be your friend. This is the teaching of Mashayikh, and this teaching is coming from Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam.
Unfortunately, there was a teaching here coming through people, using the name of Tariqah and using the name of Mawlana, to make division between brothers, between Murids. And they were happy with this. We are not happy at all with this. Because the main reason to come to Tariqah is to get Rida’uLlah, acceptance in Divinely Presence and not to fight with others. To do this, you must train your ego, to make it down, to make it small and not to make bigger and bigger.
This is a very important point. Because for many years, people have been against each other. Maybe you can be in groups, but not fighting each other. Because each person may like to be with some people and not like to be with others. But you must be happy with them. These are from the Murids of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim and they love him, we love them. There’s no problem in not being together, but do not make Fitnah. It [Fitnah] does not get any benefit for you. Allah جل جلاله always curses Fitnah and Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم curses Fitnah.
الفتنة نائمة لعن الله من أيقظها
Fitnah is asleep. Allah جل جلاله curses whoever awakens it . Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says. Fitnah is asleep Allah جل جلاله curses who awaken it to make Fitnah between people.
You must know this. This is an illness of the ego. The biggest ego is to have jealousy. And when somebody encourages you to do this, you say, “Oh, he is Sheikh, he ordered me to do this and I must do it.” Not anyone is Sheikh. Who claims that he’s Sheikh cannot even think of this. Only for people who are attacking our belief, we can defend ourselves. But for people who are like you and you are like them, you will never get permission to attack them. They say, “This is good. This is not good” and they especially want to harm each other. This is not acceptable at all.
The accepted thing is, we are saying again, follow Mawlana Sheikh and love each other but you can also be each group alone. Mawlana Sheikh said many times, “We are not looking for other Tariqah people to come to our Tariqah. No, but we are saying: Wherever your heart is going and flowing to, you must follow your heart.” This is the same in Tariqah also. You can be: this Wakil, that Wakil, that Wakil, but not fighting each other. Everybody must look at himself.
AlhamduliLlah there are thousands, ten thousand people, millions of people that are looking for the good way to follow. You must take them. No need to look at others to bring and say, “Come to my group. That group is not good, this is good.” Take new people. Each one you bring to the way of Allah جل جلاله , Allah جل جلاله rewards you as much as He جل جلاله rewards him.
Allah جل جلاله created millions, so no need to be angry with who’s not with you. Only focus on your ego to make it down. This is the order of Tariqah. This first order of Tariqah is to have good behavior and to make your ego down. The ego all the time likes to be up, over others. We must be humble. Tariqah orders humbleness and to be merciful to others also, not to harm them.
Because if you harm somebody – Allah جل جلاله forgives everything but He جل جلاله doesn’t forgive what a person does to another. Because He جل جلاله is Just, you must ask forgiveness from whom you’ve harmed. Allah Azza wa Jalla said, “What you’ve done for Me, I can forgive. But for others, you must ask forgiveness from them.”
For this, it is not easy to harm people thinking that nothing will happen. If this man or whom you’ve harmed doesn’t forgive you, you’ll be questioned for what you’ve done on Judgment Day and Allah جل جلاله will take from your good deeds and give to the other person. And it is a very valuable thing.
Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says, “Don’t think that what you’ve done in Dunya will save you when you harm somebody.” A Hadith of Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says that on Judgement Day they will bring somebody with good deeds like mountains. He comes to be questioned for what he has done. He must go quickly to Jannah but when coming to be questioned, they say, “You’ve done this, take a little bit from his good deeds.” Later on, after saying that he has done this and that, this and that, this and that, the whole mountain of good deeds finishes. Don’t think that if you’re praying, doing Umrah, doing Zakat and other things but you do bad things to people, that these will save you; no.
We see many people who claim that they are Hajji, they are Alim, they are this, they are that, but when you see what they’ve done to people, it’s not a good thing. So what you must do besides the good deeds is not to harm anybody and not to have anybody asking something from you on Judgement Day.
May Allah جل جلاله keep us safe and make our ego down, to listen, to understand and to obey . This is what is said every time in Khutbah:
اسمعوا وعوا وإذا وعيتم
“Isma‘ū wa‘ū, wa-idha wa-‘aytum fāntafi‘ū”, “Listen and understand. And“ when you understand, benefit from it.”
We are not only here for looking at the Sheikh. No, it must be also to do something. It is not difficult, but it is difficult for our ego.
May Allah جل جلاله make it easy for us to be together, and to follow the order of Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam and the order of Mashayikh insha’Allah.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
- Maulana Sheikh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani ق
05 November 2022/ 11 Rabih al-Thani 1444 Naqshbandi ‘Aliyyah Zawiyah – Singapore
As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum wa Raḥmatullāhi wa Barakātuh.
A‘ūdhu Billāhi Minash-shayṭāni r-rajīm. Bismillāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.
Wa ṣ-Salātu wa s-Salāmu ‘alá Rasūlinā Muḥammadin Sayyidi l-Awwalīna wa l-Akhirīn. Madad yā RasūlAllāh, Madad yā Sādāti Aṣḥābi Rasūlillāh, Madad yā Mashāyikhinā, Dastūr Mawlana Sheikh Abdullāh al-Fā’iz ad-Dāghistāni, Sheikh Muḥammad Nāẓim al-Ḥaqqānī. Madad.
Ṭarīqatunā aṣ-Suḥbah wa l-Khayru fi l-Jam‘iyyah.
Dastur Ya RijalaLlah. Dastur Ya Sayyidina Abdul Qadir Gilani Hazretleri. We are on the day of the URS of Sayyidina Abdul Qadir Gilani. On this occasion, we are gathering here for Allah Azza wa Jalla. This is insha’Allah Barakah of Sayyidina Abdul Qadir Gilani, it will be Barakah for all of you. We believe that he is Ghawthu l-‘Azam. He is from the pillars of Tasawwuf, Sufi Way. He is, as Mawlana Sheikh was saying, King size Awliyau’Llah; in all east and west, north and south.
From his time until this time, all the people benefit from his Barakah, from his light, from his way. He was making people to be aware from Ahlu l-Bid’ah: people who are claiming they are following Islam and are not happy with these blessed Awliya’uLlah. He has many books. Especially this one book “Al-Ghunya”, [where] he wrote the names of each one of these people. These people are coming from the time after the Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. Everytime they are in a different shape but they are the same.
Alhamdulillah with his miracle, Karamah of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani Hazretleri, he is showing each one and writing what they are.
These people must be. There must be black to see the white. There must be night to see the day. It is normal. So people who have love for Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم are following Awliyau’Llah, following these Aqtab and Mashayikh. Since the beginning of Islam until Qiyamah, there are two enemies: there’s the enemy of Allah جل جلاله, and the enemy of shaytan. They cannot be together, because one love Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, love Ahlu l-bayt and love Sahabah. And the other don’t love, don’t respect and they are against this way, the way of Allah جل جلاله. So they cannot be together. There must be a difference between them. What’s the middle? Middle means, as Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says, Sawadu l-Azam (the great majority). They are normal people. They’re even not in Tariqah. All the Muslim world believe, love and respect Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam, Ahlu l-Bayt and Sahabah.
All of these people are respecting. They are the majority. But other people who try to make people to not accept this, not love Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, Ahlu l-Bayt, Sahabah, Awliyau’Llah, Ulama and the pillars of Islam – this also cannot be. People are not with them. But they are making Fitnah. They are making too much voice. They are oppressing people. They are doing all kinds of oppression. They don’t have any mercy for human beings, for Muslims. Especially for Muslims, because Muslims are their biggest enemy. The enemy of shaytan are Muslims. These people are exactly with shaytan.
For this, our way, way of Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam is to remind people about this way, to make people aware to not be cheated by these people. Because they are like: ٱلْوَسْوَاسِ ٱلْخَنَّاسِ
‘’Al-Waswas Al-Khannas’’
‘’The retreating whisperer.’’ (Qur’ān 114:04). Whispering for people, “You are not right. We are right.” So people become in doubt about them if they are right or not.
For this, we are saying: the way of Ahlu s-Sunnah wal Jama’ah is the way of Tariqah. Those who are not accepting Tariqah, not accepting Awliyau’Llah, not accepting Sahabah and not giving respect for the Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam are not from Ahlu s-Sunnah wal Jama’ah. Ahlu s-Sunnah wal Jama’ah are four Madhhabs: Hanafi, Shafi’i, Hanbali, Maliki. They must follow this. If they don’t follow, they are not from Ahlu s-Sunnah. If they don’t accept our Imams of Aqidah, Imam Al-Maturidi, Imam al-Ashʿarī, they are also not from Ahlu s-Sunnah. For this, if anybody says: “I’m from Ahlu s-Sunnah wal Jama’ah.” Ask him, “Do you accept these four Madhhabs? Do you accept Imams of Aqidah?” If not, they will quickly run away from this [question], because they don’t like this at all.
These are the fort of Islam, defending Islam. Since Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, all the time, these Ulama and these Awliyau’Llah, by the order of Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, spiritual order, they collect the real Sunnah, all what Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam was ordering and what he صلى الله عليه وسلم was doing and put them in books. Until now, this knowledge is coming through them.
Especially Sayyidina Abu Hanfiah. Abu Hanfiah was the Imam of Hanafi Madhhabs. After Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, 150 years – Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam was saying in Hadith that someone like him [Abu Hanfiah] will come, he صلى الله عليه وسلم gave a sign of him. He wrote a book. It is impossible for anyone to write this book and this knowledge, huge knowledge in such a time. Normally, if without Karamah, it needs maybe 300 years to write it. But he was very active and alhamduliLlah full of knowledge, and he wrote it. He was also the step-father of Sayyidina Al-Shafi’i. Sayyidina Al-Shafi’i said that he learned many things from Abu Hanfiah and from his student Abu Yusuf. So if you take [out] these people, nothing of this knowledge will be left for Islam.
The reality of these people is that they are enemy of Islam, the reality is that they are enemy of Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. They are jealous. They don’t have any respect. They don’t have anything [good] for people. What they only have is: harming people, making people go to Jahannam. This is what is said in the Quran also , when somebody says :
يَـٰوَيْلَتَىٰ لَيْتَنِى لَمْ أَتَّخِذْ فُلَانًا خَلِيلًا
“YāWaylatī Laytanī Lam ‘Attakhidh Fulānāan Khalīlāan”
‘’Oh, woe to me! I wish I had not taken that one as a friend.’’ (Qur’ān 25:28).
“Oh! I wish I didn’t take this man to be my friend.”
لَّقَدْ أَضَلَّنِى عَنِ ٱلذِّكْرِ
“Laqad ‘Adallanī ‘Ani dh-Dhikri”
“He led me away from the remembrance.’‘ (Qur’ān 25:29).
He will say, “He made me to lose my way and now I’m here in hell with him.” This is what will happen to people who follow these people and believe them.
We are here alhamduliLlah. He said, “You are coming here for visiting Murids.” [Before the Sohbet, the Wakil was welcoming Mawlana and thanking him for coming to visit his Murids mentioning that before, Murids used to go to their Sheikh]. This is our duty. We are not coming for Dunya, for resting, sleeping and going here and there. There is something, we must come to defend Islam, to defend Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. Because we didn’t come for 3 years, we are looking that these people have become with more bad behavior for Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, for Sahabah, for Ulama, for everything. They have no respect, no shame, no Adab and even no humanity. Who has something from humanity, must think. Because humans - Allah جل جلاله says that He جل جلاله gave him a brain to think. But these people don’t have any brain. They say, “You cannot do this. You cannot do that”, and they are reading Arabic. And in Arabic it’s written that you can do everything of what they are saying you cannot do. We can do everything.
They are liars. They are hypocrites. When it comes to their own benefit, they are doing everything and making Fatwah for everything. But when you want to praise Allah جل جلاله and to make people have more love for Allah جل جلاله and for Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, they are attacking and they are saying that this is not from Islam as if they created Islam. Allah Azza wa Jalla created it and he صلى الله عليه وسلم said: (Hadith).
يسروا ولا تعسروا
Make it easy don’t make it difficult. Because when you make it difficult, people cannot do it. For this, as much as they can do, they must do. And don’t interfere. This is from Ibadah what they’re doing. As much as they are worshiping, it’s good. No need to interfere.
Many of these people are making people to run away from Islam, to be afraid of Islam. And making people to be enemies to each other. All of these Islamic countries were before 50 years respecting and were following. Nobody was objecting Tariqah and Madhhab. They were all following. There was no problem. What happened after when these people came and made Muslims enemies to each other and they divided Muslims! So people must think about this. They must ask, “Why before 50 years, it was nothing. And after, from the beginning of the 50 years, especially since 1974 or beginning from 1974, Muslims became enemies to each other?” Because these people appeared.
After this time, they got money, black money. You cannot wash it because it’s petrol. The cursed thing. This is coming everywhere, this black poison destroying earth, destroying people, destroying belief which is the most important thing. Petrol is not a good thing.
You can see everywhere that petrol must be with blood. Who has petrol, many people are coming to attack them to take it from them. Take the petrol it’s nothing, but don’t take our belief. Our belief, the belief of Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam and Awliya is for the benefit of human beings. For love, respect and peace. This is what Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam brought and his Sahabah followed this.
The Sahabah were fighting east and west. They say, “They have blood and they were making war on earth.” No. This war was against tyrants. For when they conquered these countries, all the people became Muslim because they were happy with the justice of these people. They were happy that they were finished from oppression. This is the main thing. People say, “Islam was spread with the sword.” Islam used the sword but to defend people, to defend poor people, to defend oppressed people. This is what Islam is. Islam means peace, nothing else. Peace here and hereafter. If they don’t want peace after, they can stay in their religion; there’s no problem for Islam. But for here, there must be justice. Islam doesn’t accept oppression.
All Awliyau’Llah, Sahabah and others are all with Haqq, with the right, with way of Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. The right of non-Muslims in Muslim countries is more than that of Muslims even. This is our belief and Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam’s order. He صلى الله عليه وسلم was not happy to see anything happen to non-Muslims living in Muslim countries. This is what all the Khulafāʾi Rāshideen did. Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, and after him the Khulafā from Khalifah or Sultan or other were very sensitive about this. And from Ulama also, they were warning them if anything happens, and they didn’t accept any wrong or any oppression to anybody.
This is what these people don’t like. They are jealous. They have bad intention. But Allah جل جلاله is, all the time, with His جل جلاله beloved ones. For this, this religion, Shari’ah, Tariqah, Madhhab: Allah جل جلاله kept them and Allah جل جلاله loves them. Who doesn’t love them is f