Mercy Oceans, Book 10 (239 pages, 12/21)
fore, if we find such a perfect person, we intend to be his followers.
O my Lord, we are asking from Your endless favours. Give us from Your endless favours so that we may keep Your way, the path on which Your beloved people, Your beloved servants, are walking, to come to You, to be with you.
106 It was made beloved to me (Hadīth)
That is our aim: to find the ways to our Lord and to be with Hin. And all the prophets, peace be upon them, came to show the way to Allah Almighty for His servants.
They did not come to teach us how to get this life's pleasures, no. No need to teach; everyone knows by birth. No one is ignorant about this life's pleasures. Children are born and cry to eat and drink; they take pleasure in eating and drinking. And so on; every one of our physical body's pleasures is well-known. Therefore, no need to teach. But they came, all the prophets, to teach the way to Allah Almighty and to show the way to be with Him.
That is the ultimate desire or the most perfect or excellent thing that we can think of or we can want. And no one can imagine what he is going to find or to see or to feel or what pleasure he will be in when he is with his Lord, Almighty Allah. Therefore, those who know something about that - I mean to say, those who are with their Lord - left this life's pleasures and also the next life's pleasures. But we - our level has not yet improved from the level of the zoo. Every kind of animal you can find among people.
I was thinking about all kinds of animals, wild animals and also other animals, and my Grandsheikh explained to me that as much as animals are different, also every kind of animal is to be found among people, everyone's ego representing one kind of animal. You know what kind your ego is and must keep yourself from that kind of animal, keeping yourself and keeping people from your ego's harm.
The people whose interests during this life are only with eating, drinking and dancing and playing (yes, too much!) - their level is the first level. They never ask for the next life's pleasures; they can't control their egos. Therefore they are under their command; what their egos say, they do, and their pleasure is with this life's pleasures.
And the second level is for those who are asking for, who believe, in the next life, believing in Hell, believing in Paradise. They are keeping themselves from falling into Hell, and they are asking for Paradise's pleasures in the next and eternal life. But the highest level for the Sons of Adan is for those who are asking to be with their Lord forever. They are not interested in this life's pleasures nor in the next life's pleasures, never asking for them. That is the level of the prophets and saints and angels, those angels who are always in the Divine Presence. The Divine Presence is going to be for prophets and awliya and angels. They are asking only for their Lord Almighty.
And the holy books, particularly the last one, the Holy Qur'an, shows the way for all kinds of the Sons of Adam. Those who are going to take their pleasures from this life may find their ways through the Holy Qur'an, and
those who are asking for Paradise and its pleasures can find their ways through the Holy Qur'an. And those who are asking for pleasure, endless pleasures, through being with their Lord, Almighty Allah, they are finding their ways through the Holy Qur'an. Therefore, the Holy Qur'an is a divine feast for all the Sons of Adam; through it all of them can reach their desires, their aims, their goals. And the perfect one is asking to be with his Lord.
We are humble people, not running after perfection; we are asking for a simple thing, for the simple life and simple pleasures which common people ask. But we must ask for more than this, and we are practising through worshipping, because worship opens in our hearts the doors of desire to be with our Lord Almighty.
Every prayer, every worship, makes a way, closer, closer, to our Lord, so that if you pray only once a year you may find a way to your Lord. If you pray only once a month, you may find a way to your Lord. You may pray once a week, as Christians and Jewish people do, and Muslims also hold Friday prayer each week; you may find a way through weekly prayers. But Allah Almighty is calling His servants to daily prayers by day and by night.
You may pray once a day. That is a way to your Lord. Or you may pray five times a day, because Allah Almighty is calling you to be with Him five times. And you may also pray more than five times.
During the Night of the Ascension, when beloved Muhammad, p.b.u.h., was in the Divine Presence, Allah Almighty ordered prayers fifty times a day. That was in honour for us, and beloved Muhammad, p.b.u.h., accepted those fifty times of prayer with pleasure, with honour, because he was always asking for more honour and more pleasure for his ummah.
But when he met with Moses, p.b.u.h., Moses asked, "What did your Lord offer to your nation?" And beloved Muhammad, p.b.u.h., said, "My Lord, Allah Almighty, honoured my nation with fifty times of prayer during the twenty-four hours of the day and night."
And Prophet Moses, p.b.u.h., said, "That is the best thing. But your ummah is too weak to carry that. We know that you have been given the highest honour, but we are afraid that they can't carry that honour, can't carry such a responsibility. Because they are weak, ask Allah Almighty to make it lighter."
Therefore the Prophet, beloved Muhammad, p.b.u.h., asked to have it made lighter and yet lighter. Then it became five times a day; otherwise it would have been fifty times. The chance was given, among other nations, to the nation of Muhammad, p.b.u.h., for his ummah to be with their Lord fifty times a day. But we love dunya so much, more than Maula, our Master, our Lord;
we engage ourselves with dunya more than with our Lord. Therefore it was made only five times.
Therefore Islam is the perfect religion; no other religion can compare with it. Which religion now can order people to be with their Lord five times a day? And all the prophets just came to make people be with their Lord, Allah Almighty, as much as they can.
Yes, we do not understand why Islam is the perfect one. Allah Almighty is asking His servants to be with Him as much as they can, more than with this world's troubles. As much as we leave Him, we are falling into troubles and sufferings, and suffering is going to reach the highest point after a little. We do not understand what is the honor that we have been given.
Therefore, prayers after fard107 are a divine order, Allah Almighty giving permission to beloved Muhammad, p.b.u.h., to make sunnah for prayers. And we have a sunnah for every time: sunnah for the sun's shining_[Ishraql; sunnah for Duha (midmorning); sunnah for wudu; sunnah for Awwabin between Maghrib and 'Isha prayer; and Tahajjud, the night's sunnah, so that whoever wants to be with his Lord more, that is open.
Rabi'at al-Adawiyah is a famous lady in the Muslim world; from the time of the tabi'in108 up to now she has been a well-known personality in Islam. She had the honour of being a beloved servant to her Lord, Allah Almighty, and we are honoured to mention her name here. And we are asking for her barakah, her blessing, for us, also.
Look at those who are asking to be with their Lord, what is their way (I am saying this so that when ladies say, "We are always in the background, men are always up front" - no, Allah Almighty gives you honour; sometimes you may be up front, also.) That is Rabi'ah, may Allah bless her.
Every night, from sunset to sunrise, she would pray one thousand rak 'ats. Yes; she had pleasure in being with her Lord Almighty always. But we say our prayers quickly, to escape, if we even come to pray. And now in our time, more ladies pray than men; if you look, you can find that at this time they are more than men - double. Therefore, the Prophet, p.b.u.h., said that
107 Obligatory. A fixed number of rak'ats (units ar cycles) in each prayer are fard and others are sunnah - that is, according to the Holy Prophet's practise and recommendation but not obligatory.
108 The generation immediately following that of the Sahabah, the Campanions and contemporaries of the Frophet, p.b.u.h
when the time approaches for Qiyamah, the Last Day, you will be able to find more religious people among ladies and more among villagers than among city people.
Rabi'ah prayed every night, never becoming tired. The Prophet, p.b.u.h., said, "My Lord made me love prayer, salat, as I love my eyes." As he said, "Prayer is Me'rāj for Allah's servants. He gives them the honour of Me'raj when they pray109."
These are those people who understand what honour is, the perfect honour, and perfect pleasure and perfect satisfaction and peace. When a person is with his Lord, he gives his whole life to be with Him. Therefore, earlier people (among Christians more than among Jewish people) built monasteries on mountains. For what? To be with their Lord (that was at the first; later they enjoyed themselves and came down). Therefore, the perfection of religions is in Islam, and perfect pleasure for mankind is in praying. As much as people are able to pray, are able to worship, that way is going to open to them.
Rabi'ah would sit in the desert, and around her deer were sitting and listening, yes; as a cat comes and sits in front of you, in that way they were listening. They know the good people and also the bad people, the cruel people, who they are. She sat reciting the Holy Qur'an and they listened.
Don't be surprised that those deer came and listened to Rabi'at al-Adawiyah. Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an that when David, p.b.u.h., recited psalms, mountains and everything on those mountains and the birds would come and listen to his heavenly recitation. In such people there are examples for you, O Sons of Adam, o believers. The path is right; you can go on it. But we do not go on it; we go after our egos. It is tasteful, going around after our egos!
Of what are we in need? We are in need to be patient. People have lost patience now; therefore they do not come to pray. Praying needs patience; if no patience, you can't pray. You must be patient so that you can pray and you can taste. Without being patient, you can't reach that pleasure.
Everything is going to be difficult at first, not tasteful, but afterwards it is going to be tasteful.
Hu-u Rabbi! Rabi'at al-Adawiyah said, "At first, when my sheikh gave me 'Allah-Allah-Allah-Allah-Allah-Allah-Allah...' to say for dhikr, it was so heavy. But I never gave up my wird, my dhikr, as my grandsheikh ordered me. And
109 That is, for the worshipper, salat, the Islamic prayer (or, more accurately, worship) has the significance of an ascension to the Divine Presence comparable to the Holy Prophet's ascension to the Heavens and the presence of his Lord during his Me'raj
Allah Almighty sees when you are carrying that difficulty for the sake of the love of your Lord. He opened to my heart from His divine love. I left everything else when that pleasure came. No dhikr can be tasteful to me except to say 'Allah-Allah-Allah-Allah-Allah...'". What does it mean? "O my Lord, I like to be with You - to be with You."
But people of no mind are objecting, "What is dhikr?" Animals do not understand about dhikr. There is a well-known saying, "The one who does not taste does not know." The one who tastes it knows.
All of you are mature people except this boy. This boy does no understand what mature people taste; as yet he does not know. Therefore, those people who object to dhikr, to tariqats, are still like little boys, children yet, not understanding. May Allah make us to know, to taste.
Now people are of two kinds. Some of them reach maturity and taste during this life, and go. The second kind of people do not taste; they go, they die, before maturity. They can't get into the first group.
The first kind of people are going to be with their Lord forever because they say, "O my Lord, I want to be with You." Therefore, we say, "Allah-Allah- allah-Allāh-Allāh...," or we say, "La ilaha illa-llah - La ilaha illa-Llah...," and dunya is calling us, our nafs is calling us, "Come to us," and we refuse, saying, "No! La ilaha illa-Llah, la ilaha illa-Llah. I am asking for no one else." When we are victorious, we will say 'Allah-Allah Allah..." and everything will say with us "Allah-Allah-Allah," the whole universe making dhikr . That is sultan adh-dhikr110. May Allah give us His dhikr's pleasure.
There was a lady, also, They are telling me to say for the pleasure of our daughters and sisters, Grandsheikh's mother's sister-in-law. She was always saying, "La ilaha illa-Llah - La ilaha illa-Llah - La ilaha illa-Llah - La ilaha illa- Llah - La ilaha illa-Llah - La ilaha illa-Llah..," not anything else, and if anyone said some thing to her, she would say, "o my son! o my daughter! May Allah also make as tasteful for you as He has made_for_me this 'La ilaha illa-Llah.' Tasteful, sweet. La ilaha illa-Llah. La ilaha illa-Llah. La ilaha illa-Llah. La ilaha illa-Llah. La ilaha illa-Llah...," making tasbih111. Even at the time of sleeping, her fingers were like this, never stopping. And still she is in her grave like this. May Allah make His dhikr, His remembrance, tasteful for us, also.
110 The repetition of the Holy Name "Allah" is referred to here as the "king" of dhikrs or litanies of remembrance and glorification of God Most High
111 The act of making dhikr, generally using a string of one hundred beads (a tasbih or subhah) for counting.
We must be occupied. Satan has such power to understand which person is engaged and which person is free. When you sit like this, he undersatnds what you are doing. Therefore, if not doing any work related to this life, you must be with your Lord: "Allah-Allah..." Then no way for evil to come to you.
You may do any kind of dhikr: "Allah"; "La ilaha illa-Llah"; "HU"; "Hayy"; "Haqq"; "Bismillah"; "Allahumma, salli 'ala Muhammadin wa'ala ali Muhammadin wa sallim"; "Astaghfirullah - Astaghfirullah"; "Alhamdulillah"; "Subhanallah wa bi-hamdihi, subhanallah al-'Adhim, astaghfirullah." "Allah- Allah, Allah-Allah, Allah-Allah, Allah-Allah, Allah-Allah". - easy112.
QUESTION: But can't evil come when we're doing work, also?
SHEIKH: Yes, it comes if you are ghafil, heedless'; when you are heedless, evil comes to you. Heedlessness is evil itself.
QUESTION: Is it more valuable to be doing dhikr than just to talk with Allah? Is it the same, or is it better to be doing dhikr - or doesn't it matter?
SHEIKH: Dhikr is one thing. Sometimes you are in dhikr and sometimes you do munajat, that is, addressing your Lord by praying alone, speaking to Him at night, saying, "O my Lord!" But you don't do that always. Sometimes you do that and sometimes dhikr.
A Wedding Sermon
Marriage is an order of God Almighty, and it is the way of the prophets, also, from the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve. They made their marriage in Paradise, and therefore Allah Almighty gives those who get married a sweet scent from Paradise so that they will be happy. But they must keep that good scent between themselves throughout their lives; that is important. And we are now asking our Lord Almighty to continue that good scent between them along their way, throughout their lives in this world, and we hope that they will also be together Hereafter, in the eternal life. That is the meaning of making a marriage ceremony for a new couple.
112 See the glossary for the translation of these phrases of dhikr.
We are thanking our Lord, who created men and women, and gave them from His divine love. If He does not give His divine love, no one can come together. And He orders for His servants an honourable life by being one for one, not one woman for all men and not one man for all women.
That is the honour of ladies: a lady is only for one man and one man is only for one lady. That is their honour in this life. Whoever breaks that law, Allah Almighty is not going to say that they are honourable people. Therefore, we are holding this honourable ceremony, and we are asking our Lord Almighty to make them successful in their life together.
You must look and see only your husband. Who is the most handsome person in the world? If you are asked, you must say that my husband is the most handsome person. And you, also - who is the most beautiful lady in London? Your wife. If each one looks only at the other, there will be no more troubles - in London, in England, in Turkey, in Cyprus, in the East, in the West.
That is the most important advice for new couples. I'am hearing about so many couples, going and registering with the registry clerk. After three days, after three weeks, after three months, after three years, one goes this way, one that way, because they are looking; the lady looks at other men and the gentleman looks at other ladies. Then it can no longer be successful.
You are now establishing a new "building", a marriage, and we are asking our Lord to make you lovely to each other.
Bring her some chains, like this, like that, so that she may be pleased with you. Always, when your wife is angry with you, bring her something that she likes.
You must know, all of you: Don't hurt your wives, don't hurt your wives! Make them always pleased with you; otherwise, when you come, they will surely go out. You understand? Keep them pleased. Then they will keep you pleased, also.
Ladies are very fortunate, here and Hereafter. For what reason? Because there will be no questioning for them.
On the Day of Resurrection, all ladies will come with their husbands, and when the husband goes into Paradise, the wife will go in with him. No questioning for her. But you, men - there will be so many questions for you.
You understand? Showing your passport at the door of Paradise, going in, and your wife will come with you. "This is your wife?" Allah 'Azza wa Jall will
ask you. You will say, "Yes." "You are satisfied with her?" If you say, "Yes," Allah Almighty will say, "Take her and enter Paradise."
But if you say, "O my Lord, I was never satisfied with her. Too much talking!" then Allah Almighty will say, "Stop! Stand up. Why were you not satisfied with her? She was a barrier between you and Hell. If she had not been with you, you would have fallen into Hell. Therefore, all of them are more valuable than you."
Yes, because if our wives did not serve as a hindrance, all of us would fall into Hell; no one would take us out except ladies, our protection. So, in the daytime, when you go to work, take her hand (he simulates kissing hand]; at nighttime, also. You must treat your wives, your ladies, very gently. Yes, that is true; definitely, surely, too true. :
Therefore, you must keep their rights. You men are committing cruelty against ladies always, not keeping their rights. Everyone must keep their rights. Allah Almighty will ask, "Why were you not satisfied with your wife? What is the matter, since she was the barrier between you and Hell. She wasn't keeping your house, she wasn't cooking, she wasn't washing, she wasn't looking after your children, she wasn't cleaning?" Allah will ask.
There is no obligation on ladies to do anything113; you must do it - washing, cleaning, looking after the babies. In the Shari'ah, Allah Almighty does not even order the mother to give milk to your, to her, babies. The provision of it is on you, men; you must look after it, you must pay.
You are paying ladies? For every baby she gives birth to, you must bring a golden chain for your wife. Yes, when she gives her breast to the baby, you must pay, not saying, "You can do it, you can find someone to give milk to your child."
No ordering work! She is only to be a barrier between you and haram; that is her duty. Everything is on men, but they do it because they are grateful to us; they do this voluntarily. Do you sometimes do the washing up?
113 According to the Islamic Shari'ah, it is actually the responsibility of the Muslim husband/father, not of his wife, to take care of such matters as housework and the care of children. If his wife does not wish to or cannot nurse their baby, it is his responsibility to secure a wet-nurse or make some other arrangements for its feeding. However, since by cammon usage wives costumarily take care of such tasks, Sheikh Nazim is saying that men should be appreciative, considerate and helpful in retum, rather than taking their wives' work in the home and with their children for granted
[To a sister who asked whether or not she should work, Sheikh Nazim gave the following advice:)
If you are in need of working, work.If what your husband does is enough, don't work.
If a man works, we are not saying that his wife should work because we believe that Allah Almighty gives a man more barakah if his wife does not work. If she works, less barakah comes for both of them. Therefore we prefer that only the husband works and you be the keeper of your home. You are not asking for so much money; you are asking for barakah. Even if it is little money, more barakah is better than much money and both of them becoming tired and no barakah.
Your service is for your husband only, doing everything inside your house. And if you have more time and you want to do something, you can do some handiwork in your house. But don't be a slave to work, to outside work.
People now are slaves because you can't find any limit for work or for desires. You say, "I must get more, I must get more.." No - you are free not to be under the command of business people; you are free.
If you can find time, in order not to become bored, write, draw, do needlework - anything that is suitable for ladies. You may make ready for your future daughter so that there will be something in her house when she grows up; in earlier times every mother would prepare the jihaz114 for her daughter. Do such things, because it is important. If you do not engage yourself in something, your ego will engage you for its bad desires. There is no idleness in our way. Don't sit around like this. That is idleness.
The one who believes in his or her Lord Almighty's absolute attributes is going to be a beloved person among the community and particularly to be a beloved one within his family.
114 The bridal dower. Making ready the jihaz is a custom common to most parts of the Muslim world, women keeping busy in their spare time with various kinds of embroidery, crocheting and other handwork to prepare the essentials for the household-to-be
We say that a mumin, a believer, must be within his family at least as a cat is. Everyone likes a cat, everyone strokes it. But now it is a strange time. We see that mumins, when they go among their family, are making themselves like hedgehogs instead.
Therefore, a mumin must at least be like a cat: everyone can like it. How can he be a believer and act like a hedgehog among his family? That is not true faith for a real Muslim, a real Christian, a real Jew. A real believer never harms anyone.
Therefore, your wife is happy with you? Yes, because your faith gives familiarity to the members of your family. When you are with them they are happy, and when you are far away from them they ask, "Where is our father? Where is my husband?" That is important, and we pray for everyone to be in such a way with his faith.
As believers, as Muslims, we have been ordered to do our best for everyone. And it is wanted of a Muslim to give his best to his parents before anyone else. What is the best for them? You may look after that point.
As much as you are able to respect parents, that is their desire. Parents expect their children to respect them; that is the first thing. And, in addition to respect, as much as you may be able to look after their needs, their expenses, do; as much as you can give them, give. It makes them happy.
We have been ordered to make people happy, and the ones who want that from us more than anyone else are our parents. That is our way - to make everyone happy, as much as we are able, and to make everyone pleased with us, to give them pleasure. When you do your best with a person and give him pleasure, he will be pleased and happy with you. Therefore, as much as you may be able to do for your parents' happiness, do it.
Allah Almighty created Adam, the father of the Sons of Adam, in Paradise. Then, before his soul had yet come into him, he was lying, without soul.
Then God Almighty ordered there to rain on him forty years! rain of sorrow.
Sorrows rained on him for forty years. Then that stopped and there came one year of enjoyment. Therefore, forty years of sorrows and one year of happiness: if a man lives forty years, for one year there should be all pleasure with him, and forty years will come with sorrow; if eighty years, two years will bring enjoyment and eighty years are going to be full of sorrows.
We must be patient. But we can't be patient without belief. If anyone believes, believes in his Lord Almighty, his Lord carries his burden away from him. If he has strong faith, then Allah may carry it for him. If no beliefs, he is quickly destroyed.
Death comes to everyone. People crowd around him or her, and he or she may be there in the coffin. Everyone - that day is coming for everyone. She or he may be in that coffin, and people are crowding around and crying.
Everyone has a day to mourn. We say, "Happy birthday!" when a little baby comes - "Happy birthday!" But every baby mourns and cries. He knows or she knows what we do not know; he or she looks and sees what we can't see; and he or she, that baby, hears what we can't hear, but has no permission to speak. The Lord locks his tongue - "No, don't speak!
Permission only to cry." And people around him are happy, saying, "Happy birthday!" and he cries, "Ah-wah, ah-wah!" All of us cried.
Now, it must be that one day we will also go; we came and we must go. On the day of separation people around us cry, but that person must look after himself. When people are laughing around him, on the birthday, he must try to be happy, and when people are crying around him, he must be happy that day, also. But only good people are going to be happy on that day when people are crying over him. Therefore, we must try.
That day is coming for everyone; no one can escape. The Lord's command is for everyone: Christians, English, Western people, Eastern people, Oriental people, Pakistanis, Turks, Balkan people, Germans, Scotts - coming for everyone. People now are in a queue. The Death Angel takes one. When he takes one, we go one step closer. When another goes, you must know that death is approaching one more person.
Everyone has come to go; no one has come to stay. There may be one million, one billion, people, but you must know that each time it is one step less, one step, one step, coming to you. Every time you look at a dead person, you must know, you must understand, that no
fore, if we find such a perfect person, we intend to be his followers.
O my Lord, we are asking from Your endless favours. Give us from Your endless favours so that we may keep Your way, the path on which Your beloved people, Your beloved servants, are walking, to come to You, to be with you.
106 It was made beloved to me (Hadīth)
That is our aim: to find the ways to our Lord and to be with Hin. And all the prophets, peace be upon them, came to show the way to Allah Almighty for His servants.
They did not come to teach us how to get this life's pleasures, no. No need to teach; everyone knows by birth. No one is ignorant about this life's pleasures. Children are born and cry to eat and drink; they take pleasure in eating and drinking. And so on; every one of our physical body's pleasures is well-known. Therefore, no need to teach. But they came, all the prophets, to teach the way to Allah Almighty and to show the way to be with Him.
That is the ultimate desire or the most perfect or excellent thing that we can think of or we can want. And no one can imagine what he is going to find or to see or to feel or what pleasure he will be in when he is with his Lord, Almighty Allah. Therefore, those who know something about that - I mean to say, those who are with their Lord - left this life's pleasures and also the next life's pleasures. But we - our level has not yet improved from the level of the zoo. Every kind of animal you can find among people.
I was thinking about all kinds of animals, wild animals and also other animals, and my Grandsheikh explained to me that as much as animals are different, also every kind of animal is to be found among people, everyone's ego representing one kind of animal. You know what kind your ego is and must keep yourself from that kind of animal, keeping yourself and keeping people from your ego's harm.
The people whose interests during this life are only with eating, drinking and dancing and playing (yes, too much!) - their level is the first level. They never ask for the next life's pleasures; they can't control their egos. Therefore they are under their command; what their egos say, they do, and their pleasure is with this life's pleasures.
And the second level is for those who are asking for, who believe, in the next life, believing in Hell, believing in Paradise. They are keeping themselves from falling into Hell, and they are asking for Paradise's pleasures in the next and eternal life. But the highest level for the Sons of Adan is for those who are asking to be with their Lord forever. They are not interested in this life's pleasures nor in the next life's pleasures, never asking for them. That is the level of the prophets and saints and angels, those angels who are always in the Divine Presence. The Divine Presence is going to be for prophets and awliya and angels. They are asking only for their Lord Almighty.
And the holy books, particularly the last one, the Holy Qur'an, shows the way for all kinds of the Sons of Adam. Those who are going to take their pleasures from this life may find their ways through the Holy Qur'an, and
those who are asking for Paradise and its pleasures can find their ways through the Holy Qur'an. And those who are asking for pleasure, endless pleasures, through being with their Lord, Almighty Allah, they are finding their ways through the Holy Qur'an. Therefore, the Holy Qur'an is a divine feast for all the Sons of Adam; through it all of them can reach their desires, their aims, their goals. And the perfect one is asking to be with his Lord.
We are humble people, not running after perfection; we are asking for a simple thing, for the simple life and simple pleasures which common people ask. But we must ask for more than this, and we are practising through worshipping, because worship opens in our hearts the doors of desire to be with our Lord Almighty.
Every prayer, every worship, makes a way, closer, closer, to our Lord, so that if you pray only once a year you may find a way to your Lord. If you pray only once a month, you may find a way to your Lord. You may pray once a week, as Christians and Jewish people do, and Muslims also hold Friday prayer each week; you may find a way through weekly prayers. But Allah Almighty is calling His servants to daily prayers by day and by night.
You may pray once a day. That is a way to your Lord. Or you may pray five times a day, because Allah Almighty is calling you to be with Him five times. And you may also pray more than five times.
During the Night of the Ascension, when beloved Muhammad, p.b.u.h., was in the Divine Presence, Allah Almighty ordered prayers fifty times a day. That was in honour for us, and beloved Muhammad, p.b.u.h., accepted those fifty times of prayer with pleasure, with honour, because he was always asking for more honour and more pleasure for his ummah.
But when he met with Moses, p.b.u.h., Moses asked, "What did your Lord offer to your nation?" And beloved Muhammad, p.b.u.h., said, "My Lord, Allah Almighty, honoured my nation with fifty times of prayer during the twenty-four hours of the day and night."
And Prophet Moses, p.b.u.h., said, "That is the best thing. But your ummah is too weak to carry that. We know that you have been given the highest honour, but we are afraid that they can't carry that honour, can't carry such a responsibility. Because they are weak, ask Allah Almighty to make it lighter."
Therefore the Prophet, beloved Muhammad, p.b.u.h., asked to have it made lighter and yet lighter. Then it became five times a day; otherwise it would have been fifty times. The chance was given, among other nations, to the nation of Muhammad, p.b.u.h., for his ummah to be with their Lord fifty times a day. But we love dunya so much, more than Maula, our Master, our Lord;
we engage ourselves with dunya more than with our Lord. Therefore it was made only five times.
Therefore Islam is the perfect religion; no other religion can compare with it. Which religion now can order people to be with their Lord five times a day? And all the prophets just came to make people be with their Lord, Allah Almighty, as much as they can.
Yes, we do not understand why Islam is the perfect one. Allah Almighty is asking His servants to be with Him as much as they can, more than with this world's troubles. As much as we leave Him, we are falling into troubles and sufferings, and suffering is going to reach the highest point after a little. We do not understand what is the honor that we have been given.
Therefore, prayers after fard107 are a divine order, Allah Almighty giving permission to beloved Muhammad, p.b.u.h., to make sunnah for prayers. And we have a sunnah for every time: sunnah for the sun's shining_[Ishraql; sunnah for Duha (midmorning); sunnah for wudu; sunnah for Awwabin between Maghrib and 'Isha prayer; and Tahajjud, the night's sunnah, so that whoever wants to be with his Lord more, that is open.
Rabi'at al-Adawiyah is a famous lady in the Muslim world; from the time of the tabi'in108 up to now she has been a well-known personality in Islam. She had the honour of being a beloved servant to her Lord, Allah Almighty, and we are honoured to mention her name here. And we are asking for her barakah, her blessing, for us, also.
Look at those who are asking to be with their Lord, what is their way (I am saying this so that when ladies say, "We are always in the background, men are always up front" - no, Allah Almighty gives you honour; sometimes you may be up front, also.) That is Rabi'ah, may Allah bless her.
Every night, from sunset to sunrise, she would pray one thousand rak 'ats. Yes; she had pleasure in being with her Lord Almighty always. But we say our prayers quickly, to escape, if we even come to pray. And now in our time, more ladies pray than men; if you look, you can find that at this time they are more than men - double. Therefore, the Prophet, p.b.u.h., said that
107 Obligatory. A fixed number of rak'ats (units ar cycles) in each prayer are fard and others are sunnah - that is, according to the Holy Prophet's practise and recommendation but not obligatory.
108 The generation immediately following that of the Sahabah, the Campanions and contemporaries of the Frophet, p.b.u.h
when the time approaches for Qiyamah, the Last Day, you will be able to find more religious people among ladies and more among villagers than among city people.
Rabi'ah prayed every night, never becoming tired. The Prophet, p.b.u.h., said, "My Lord made me love prayer, salat, as I love my eyes." As he said, "Prayer is Me'rāj for Allah's servants. He gives them the honour of Me'raj when they pray109."
These are those people who understand what honour is, the perfect honour, and perfect pleasure and perfect satisfaction and peace. When a person is with his Lord, he gives his whole life to be with Him. Therefore, earlier people (among Christians more than among Jewish people) built monasteries on mountains. For what? To be with their Lord (that was at the first; later they enjoyed themselves and came down). Therefore, the perfection of religions is in Islam, and perfect pleasure for mankind is in praying. As much as people are able to pray, are able to worship, that way is going to open to them.
Rabi'ah would sit in the desert, and around her deer were sitting and listening, yes; as a cat comes and sits in front of you, in that way they were listening. They know the good people and also the bad people, the cruel people, who they are. She sat reciting the Holy Qur'an and they listened.
Don't be surprised that those deer came and listened to Rabi'at al-Adawiyah. Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an that when David, p.b.u.h., recited psalms, mountains and everything on those mountains and the birds would come and listen to his heavenly recitation. In such people there are examples for you, O Sons of Adam, o believers. The path is right; you can go on it. But we do not go on it; we go after our egos. It is tasteful, going around after our egos!
Of what are we in need? We are in need to be patient. People have lost patience now; therefore they do not come to pray. Praying needs patience; if no patience, you can't pray. You must be patient so that you can pray and you can taste. Without being patient, you can't reach that pleasure.
Everything is going to be difficult at first, not tasteful, but afterwards it is going to be tasteful.
Hu-u Rabbi! Rabi'at al-Adawiyah said, "At first, when my sheikh gave me 'Allah-Allah-Allah-Allah-Allah-Allah-Allah...' to say for dhikr, it was so heavy. But I never gave up my wird, my dhikr, as my grandsheikh ordered me. And
109 That is, for the worshipper, salat, the Islamic prayer (or, more accurately, worship) has the significance of an ascension to the Divine Presence comparable to the Holy Prophet's ascension to the Heavens and the presence of his Lord during his Me'raj
Allah Almighty sees when you are carrying that difficulty for the sake of the love of your Lord. He opened to my heart from His divine love. I left everything else when that pleasure came. No dhikr can be tasteful to me except to say 'Allah-Allah-Allah-Allah-Allah...'". What does it mean? "O my Lord, I like to be with You - to be with You."
But people of no mind are objecting, "What is dhikr?" Animals do not understand about dhikr. There is a well-known saying, "The one who does not taste does not know." The one who tastes it knows.
All of you are mature people except this boy. This boy does no understand what mature people taste; as yet he does not know. Therefore, those people who object to dhikr, to tariqats, are still like little boys, children yet, not understanding. May Allah make us to know, to taste.
Now people are of two kinds. Some of them reach maturity and taste during this life, and go. The second kind of people do not taste; they go, they die, before maturity. They can't get into the first group.
The first kind of people are going to be with their Lord forever because they say, "O my Lord, I want to be with You." Therefore, we say, "Allah-Allah- allah-Allāh-Allāh...," or we say, "La ilaha illa-llah - La ilaha illa-Llah...," and dunya is calling us, our nafs is calling us, "Come to us," and we refuse, saying, "No! La ilaha illa-Llah, la ilaha illa-Llah. I am asking for no one else." When we are victorious, we will say 'Allah-Allah Allah..." and everything will say with us "Allah-Allah-Allah," the whole universe making dhikr . That is sultan adh-dhikr110. May Allah give us His dhikr's pleasure.
There was a lady, also, They are telling me to say for the pleasure of our daughters and sisters, Grandsheikh's mother's sister-in-law. She was always saying, "La ilaha illa-Llah - La ilaha illa-Llah - La ilaha illa-Llah - La ilaha illa- Llah - La ilaha illa-Llah - La ilaha illa-Llah..," not anything else, and if anyone said some thing to her, she would say, "o my son! o my daughter! May Allah also make as tasteful for you as He has made_for_me this 'La ilaha illa-Llah.' Tasteful, sweet. La ilaha illa-Llah. La ilaha illa-Llah. La ilaha illa-Llah. La ilaha illa-Llah. La ilaha illa-Llah...," making tasbih111. Even at the time of sleeping, her fingers were like this, never stopping. And still she is in her grave like this. May Allah make His dhikr, His remembrance, tasteful for us, also.
110 The repetition of the Holy Name "Allah" is referred to here as the "king" of dhikrs or litanies of remembrance and glorification of God Most High
111 The act of making dhikr, generally using a string of one hundred beads (a tasbih or subhah) for counting.
We must be occupied. Satan has such power to understand which person is engaged and which person is free. When you sit like this, he undersatnds what you are doing. Therefore, if not doing any work related to this life, you must be with your Lord: "Allah-Allah..." Then no way for evil to come to you.
You may do any kind of dhikr: "Allah"; "La ilaha illa-Llah"; "HU"; "Hayy"; "Haqq"; "Bismillah"; "Allahumma, salli 'ala Muhammadin wa'ala ali Muhammadin wa sallim"; "Astaghfirullah - Astaghfirullah"; "Alhamdulillah"; "Subhanallah wa bi-hamdihi, subhanallah al-'Adhim, astaghfirullah." "Allah- Allah, Allah-Allah, Allah-Allah, Allah-Allah, Allah-Allah". - easy112.
QUESTION: But can't evil come when we're doing work, also?
SHEIKH: Yes, it comes if you are ghafil, heedless'; when you are heedless, evil comes to you. Heedlessness is evil itself.
QUESTION: Is it more valuable to be doing dhikr than just to talk with Allah? Is it the same, or is it better to be doing dhikr - or doesn't it matter?
SHEIKH: Dhikr is one thing. Sometimes you are in dhikr and sometimes you do munajat, that is, addressing your Lord by praying alone, speaking to Him at night, saying, "O my Lord!" But you don't do that always. Sometimes you do that and sometimes dhikr.
A Wedding Sermon
Marriage is an order of God Almighty, and it is the way of the prophets, also, from the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve. They made their marriage in Paradise, and therefore Allah Almighty gives those who get married a sweet scent from Paradise so that they will be happy. But they must keep that good scent between themselves throughout their lives; that is important. And we are now asking our Lord Almighty to continue that good scent between them along their way, throughout their lives in this world, and we hope that they will also be together Hereafter, in the eternal life. That is the meaning of making a marriage ceremony for a new couple.
112 See the glossary for the translation of these phrases of dhikr.
We are thanking our Lord, who created men and women, and gave them from His divine love. If He does not give His divine love, no one can come together. And He orders for His servants an honourable life by being one for one, not one woman for all men and not one man for all women.
That is the honour of ladies: a lady is only for one man and one man is only for one lady. That is their honour in this life. Whoever breaks that law, Allah Almighty is not going to say that they are honourable people. Therefore, we are holding this honourable ceremony, and we are asking our Lord Almighty to make them successful in their life together.
You must look and see only your husband. Who is the most handsome person in the world? If you are asked, you must say that my husband is the most handsome person. And you, also - who is the most beautiful lady in London? Your wife. If each one looks only at the other, there will be no more troubles - in London, in England, in Turkey, in Cyprus, in the East, in the West.
That is the most important advice for new couples. I'am hearing about so many couples, going and registering with the registry clerk. After three days, after three weeks, after three months, after three years, one goes this way, one that way, because they are looking; the lady looks at other men and the gentleman looks at other ladies. Then it can no longer be successful.
You are now establishing a new "building", a marriage, and we are asking our Lord to make you lovely to each other.
Bring her some chains, like this, like that, so that she may be pleased with you. Always, when your wife is angry with you, bring her something that she likes.
You must know, all of you: Don't hurt your wives, don't hurt your wives! Make them always pleased with you; otherwise, when you come, they will surely go out. You understand? Keep them pleased. Then they will keep you pleased, also.
Ladies are very fortunate, here and Hereafter. For what reason? Because there will be no questioning for them.
On the Day of Resurrection, all ladies will come with their husbands, and when the husband goes into Paradise, the wife will go in with him. No questioning for her. But you, men - there will be so many questions for you.
You understand? Showing your passport at the door of Paradise, going in, and your wife will come with you. "This is your wife?" Allah 'Azza wa Jall will
ask you. You will say, "Yes." "You are satisfied with her?" If you say, "Yes," Allah Almighty will say, "Take her and enter Paradise."
But if you say, "O my Lord, I was never satisfied with her. Too much talking!" then Allah Almighty will say, "Stop! Stand up. Why were you not satisfied with her? She was a barrier between you and Hell. If she had not been with you, you would have fallen into Hell. Therefore, all of them are more valuable than you."
Yes, because if our wives did not serve as a hindrance, all of us would fall into Hell; no one would take us out except ladies, our protection. So, in the daytime, when you go to work, take her hand (he simulates kissing hand]; at nighttime, also. You must treat your wives, your ladies, very gently. Yes, that is true; definitely, surely, too true. :
Therefore, you must keep their rights. You men are committing cruelty against ladies always, not keeping their rights. Everyone must keep their rights. Allah Almighty will ask, "Why were you not satisfied with your wife? What is the matter, since she was the barrier between you and Hell. She wasn't keeping your house, she wasn't cooking, she wasn't washing, she wasn't looking after your children, she wasn't cleaning?" Allah will ask.
There is no obligation on ladies to do anything113; you must do it - washing, cleaning, looking after the babies. In the Shari'ah, Allah Almighty does not even order the mother to give milk to your, to her, babies. The provision of it is on you, men; you must look after it, you must pay.
You are paying ladies? For every baby she gives birth to, you must bring a golden chain for your wife. Yes, when she gives her breast to the baby, you must pay, not saying, "You can do it, you can find someone to give milk to your child."
No ordering work! She is only to be a barrier between you and haram; that is her duty. Everything is on men, but they do it because they are grateful to us; they do this voluntarily. Do you sometimes do the washing up?
113 According to the Islamic Shari'ah, it is actually the responsibility of the Muslim husband/father, not of his wife, to take care of such matters as housework and the care of children. If his wife does not wish to or cannot nurse their baby, it is his responsibility to secure a wet-nurse or make some other arrangements for its feeding. However, since by cammon usage wives costumarily take care of such tasks, Sheikh Nazim is saying that men should be appreciative, considerate and helpful in retum, rather than taking their wives' work in the home and with their children for granted
[To a sister who asked whether or not she should work, Sheikh Nazim gave the following advice:)
If you are in need of working, work.If what your husband does is enough, don't work.
If a man works, we are not saying that his wife should work because we believe that Allah Almighty gives a man more barakah if his wife does not work. If she works, less barakah comes for both of them. Therefore we prefer that only the husband works and you be the keeper of your home. You are not asking for so much money; you are asking for barakah. Even if it is little money, more barakah is better than much money and both of them becoming tired and no barakah.
Your service is for your husband only, doing everything inside your house. And if you have more time and you want to do something, you can do some handiwork in your house. But don't be a slave to work, to outside work.
People now are slaves because you can't find any limit for work or for desires. You say, "I must get more, I must get more.." No - you are free not to be under the command of business people; you are free.
If you can find time, in order not to become bored, write, draw, do needlework - anything that is suitable for ladies. You may make ready for your future daughter so that there will be something in her house when she grows up; in earlier times every mother would prepare the jihaz114 for her daughter. Do such things, because it is important. If you do not engage yourself in something, your ego will engage you for its bad desires. There is no idleness in our way. Don't sit around like this. That is idleness.
The one who believes in his or her Lord Almighty's absolute attributes is going to be a beloved person among the community and particularly to be a beloved one within his family.
114 The bridal dower. Making ready the jihaz is a custom common to most parts of the Muslim world, women keeping busy in their spare time with various kinds of embroidery, crocheting and other handwork to prepare the essentials for the household-to-be
We say that a mumin, a believer, must be within his family at least as a cat is. Everyone likes a cat, everyone strokes it. But now it is a strange time. We see that mumins, when they go among their family, are making themselves like hedgehogs instead.
Therefore, a mumin must at least be like a cat: everyone can like it. How can he be a believer and act like a hedgehog among his family? That is not true faith for a real Muslim, a real Christian, a real Jew. A real believer never harms anyone.
Therefore, your wife is happy with you? Yes, because your faith gives familiarity to the members of your family. When you are with them they are happy, and when you are far away from them they ask, "Where is our father? Where is my husband?" That is important, and we pray for everyone to be in such a way with his faith.
As believers, as Muslims, we have been ordered to do our best for everyone. And it is wanted of a Muslim to give his best to his parents before anyone else. What is the best for them? You may look after that point.
As much as you are able to respect parents, that is their desire. Parents expect their children to respect them; that is the first thing. And, in addition to respect, as much as you may be able to look after their needs, their expenses, do; as much as you can give them, give. It makes them happy.
We have been ordered to make people happy, and the ones who want that from us more than anyone else are our parents. That is our way - to make everyone happy, as much as we are able, and to make everyone pleased with us, to give them pleasure. When you do your best with a person and give him pleasure, he will be pleased and happy with you. Therefore, as much as you may be able to do for your parents' happiness, do it.
Allah Almighty created Adam, the father of the Sons of Adam, in Paradise. Then, before his soul had yet come into him, he was lying, without soul.
Then God Almighty ordered there to rain on him forty years! rain of sorrow.
Sorrows rained on him for forty years. Then that stopped and there came one year of enjoyment. Therefore, forty years of sorrows and one year of happiness: if a man lives forty years, for one year there should be all pleasure with him, and forty years will come with sorrow; if eighty years, two years will bring enjoyment and eighty years are going to be full of sorrows.
We must be patient. But we can't be patient without belief. If anyone believes, believes in his Lord Almighty, his Lord carries his burden away from him. If he has strong faith, then Allah may carry it for him. If no beliefs, he is quickly destroyed.
Death comes to everyone. People crowd around him or her, and he or she may be there in the coffin. Everyone - that day is coming for everyone. She or he may be in that coffin, and people are crowding around and crying.
Everyone has a day to mourn. We say, "Happy birthday!" when a little baby comes - "Happy birthday!" But every baby mourns and cries. He knows or she knows what we do not know; he or she looks and sees what we can't see; and he or she, that baby, hears what we can't hear, but has no permission to speak. The Lord locks his tongue - "No, don't speak!
Permission only to cry." And people around him are happy, saying, "Happy birthday!" and he cries, "Ah-wah, ah-wah!" All of us cried.
Now, it must be that one day we will also go; we came and we must go. On the day of separation people around us cry, but that person must look after himself. When people are laughing around him, on the birthday, he must try to be happy, and when people are crying around him, he must be happy that day, also. But only good people are going to be happy on that day when people are crying over him. Therefore, we must try.
That day is coming for everyone; no one can escape. The Lord's command is for everyone: Christians, English, Western people, Eastern people, Oriental people, Pakistanis, Turks, Balkan people, Germans, Scotts - coming for everyone. People now are in a queue. The Death Angel takes one. When he takes one, we go one step closer. When another goes, you must know that death is approaching one more person.
Everyone has come to go; no one has come to stay. There may be one million, one billion, people, but you must know that each time it is one step less, one step, one step, coming to you. Every time you look at a dead person, you must know, you must understand, that no