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Breaths from beyond the Curtain (Shaykh Nazim, 135 pages, 11/13)
ple are in darkness. Even though they may say, “Oh, through electricity the whole world is so bright and enjoy- de and lighted at night time,” that is imitation light. It Sines outside, not shining in your heart.

Yes, everywhere, thousands and thousands, millions of limps. What is the benefit? They are outside your heart. Nobenefit; never taking fear from your heart or giving you hope. And even though they are seeing millions, billions of linps, if they look when the sun is rising, finished. Those


lights are just finished, never giving anything to you, and people are looking for the sun to rise and shine.

Now people are not asking fo reach faith and its lights that should be in their hearts, but they are enjoying them- selves with their imitation lights. No! That is the source of the troubles and sufferings of people; otherwise this world is enough for everyone. Allah Almighty granted everything that mankind might need, but they are not happy and in sat- isfaction; no contentment for them. “We have everything, but no peace in our hearts. How can we be in peace?”

People are asking for peace, but if they do not accept, do not open their hearts to believe that lights come from Heavens, they will see those lights as coming from the sky. But the sun is not on earth, it is outside, in space. From there, from the sun, those lights are coming to the earth. How are you asking for lights from the earth? The earth is in darkness. And men, also, they are in darkness if they do not look and take lights from Heavens.

Those people who are taking heavenly lights, they are like suns. The sun gives its lights to material beings on earth, but those who are taking from Heavens’ lights are reaching the real beings of mankind and saving them from darkness. They are going to reach safety and peace. Ac cording to their need, according to their efforts, according to their hearts, more openings, more lights are coming, Ina small distance, a little bit comes; if fully opening, full heav- enly lights are coming and entering.

Therefore, the Prophet #* was saying, “There should come on my nation, when the Last Days approach, so many problems, and everyone going to fall into troubles because everyone is going to be a trouble-maker for himself and for



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others. Every place should be full of darkness and troubles, sufferings and miseries. But there should be some servants, not too many, among those people. They are going to be with them, living with them, but their position should be devated. People are suffering, but at their station, spiritual sation, there should be peace, absolute peace, not any trou- bk, no suffering. People are going to be in troubles, sufferings, but those people are not going to feel or to see sufferings or troubles. No problems for them because they are not trouble-makers.”

All those who are trouble-makers must suffer, and suf- fering isa punishment for them—a punishment. Suffering snota grant from Allah Almighty, no. Suffering is a pun- shment, and now people are under punishment. Commu- nities, nations—nations within themselves and with other tations—all of them are in troubles. No rest, no comfort, no peace for them.

Therefore, O people, we are calling you to a lighted area, We are calling you to a safe way; we are calling you to a peaceful place. Come, don’t run away! Whoever runs away is running to Hells. Whoever comes and surrenders, be should be in safety and in peace, absolute light and eter- tal life for eternity.

We are asking forgiveness and blessings from Allah Almighty. For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divine Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad #—Fateha! &






A‘udhu bil-Lahi min ash-Shaytani-r-rajeem. — Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Raheem. La hawla wa la quwwata illa bil-Lahi-l-

‘Aliyi-l-‘Azheem. The most valuable creature on earth, which one is it?

You may say, “Mankind is the most valuable.” Eh, what is their value? You can’t eat them, you can’t use them. A goat you can eat, you can buy, you can sell. So what is man’s value?

Then you look at their creation and their attributes and their missions and their respective points, and you find that mankind are most valuable creatures on earth, That is true.

And those living now, one day their material value is going to be zero. Their value is with their spiritual being, not their material being. Material being, it is nothing, no value, but spiritual being, that is valuable in us. Therefore, when a person leaves this life—that means his spiritual be- ing has left his material being —that material being is going to be of no value, and no one wants to be with that material being or to keep the material being of that person in their home, in their bed, in their room. No; they are quickly tak-


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ig him to the cemetery to bury him because the spiritual wuing has just left him, just left her. No value!

And we are always being deceived by satanic agents pause they are making people only to look after their ma- eral being. They are not taking any care of their real being, hich is their spiritual being. And if are saying that spiri- tul being and material being is the same, saying, “We do ml accept a spiritual being in a person,” we may say, “If jwelaim this, that there is no spirituality in a person, why iiyou not keep that one when he closes his eyes and his hdy'smovements stop. Why do you not keep him if he is mlya material being but quickly take him to the cemetery — sy’ What is the difference between a living one and a psed-away one? If there is no difference between a living meanda dead one, why do you not keep him?”

If you say that they are the same, equal, a dead one and ilving one, there must be something wrong with your nid, How can you say this? How can you say that a dead hod and a living body are equal, that a dead one and a liv- ng one are equal?

Why are you denying that there is something else with ilving one? What is your proof for saying that there is no iheraspect ina man? You must be a liar, you must be an forantone, or you must be a deceived one.

That is for atheist people, whose beliefs are built on ma- talism, They are saying that there is nothing beyond the mierial world, and they are the biggest liars, no-mind people most ignorant ones.

I am asking, “What mentality accepts them to be the ine, adead body and a living body?” What is their proof? Tey are such shaytani people! And everywhere this is go-



ing on in the programs of all schools, high schools, universi- ties. They are saying only, “Material, material.” Then what is the meaning of living and dying? What has happened to that dead body?

This is the biggest deception, that is making people to fall into unlimited problems, They want to bring a solution through their materialistic ideas but they aren't able. They can’t bring any solution because beyond that comes another problem, and each time they want to bring solutions, ten problems become a hundred problems because it is the wrong way of solving.

“Alladhee khalaga-l-mawta wal-hayata.”™ Allah Al- mighty, the Creator, is saying, “! create a living body or a dead body. By My divine order, a material being stands up and is clothed as a living being. If My order does not come on a material thing, that material thing can’t be a living one.” You can shape so many statues or heykals, figures. Yes, you can make them, but you can’t give that secret of life to that stone.

“You are keeping in your museums hundreds of figures of stone, of gold, of bakir, copper, of every kind. You can shape them but you aren’t able to give the secret of life to them. I am the only One who gives My order to non-living elements to come and be alive, to be able to look and see, to hear and listen, to touch and know, to walk, to grasp, to do. That is My divine secret that I grant to those originally ma- terial beings. | make them, by My order, to stand up and walk and do, but you—you can’t do this. You can shape

*\“He who created death and life.” (67:2)

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jks as a man, as a lion, as an ox, as a eagle, as a wolf, as a jut, but you can’t clothe them in what I am clothing them heause you are creatures. I am the Creator. I can do that. You can‘t do it!

“And you who I clothed from My secret order to be ive I am giving a time limit for your life. When that time fishes, you must fall down, as when you put a pil or bat- fy for some instrument and that battery works in that reonder or other instrument for a limited time. When it finishes, that instrument is going to be dead, finished.

‘I am that One who gives life to each one of the smallest ‘engs that you call microscopic creatures. J dress them wihlife,” Subhanallah, glory be to the Lord of Heavens! “If |donot dress those ones with life, they can’t be alive. They yilstay on the level of materiality.”

Therefore, all teaching systems, teaching methods now nthe twenty-first century, they are a hundred per cent wong and just built on lies and on imagination. And when juste these coming, new generations, their understanding sawrong understanding, and wrong understanding is the surces of troubles.

Asmany people as there may be alive, you can’t find tyo persons’ imagination to be the same. Everyone has an magined world and they live in that imagined world.7* tu live in your world, he lives in his imagined world, "That is our understanding is based on our minds’ individual percep- ‘is and conclusions (imaginations) which have no basis in reality but

‘wertheless form our world view.


everyone, They are so different. Billions of kinds of imag- ined worlds, so that you can’t enter his imagination and he can’t enter your imagined world. It is only for you. Therefore, man is single; each one is single. “Oh, how are we single? We are sitting with so many people.”

You are single. When you take your rest in your bed, in your bedroom, at that time you feel that I am alone. “I am alone. | ama single one.” “Yalu, your wife is next to you!”, “No. She is just in her imagined world. You, you are in your imagined world. And you are single, as she is also single.”

And when people are imagining and their thoughts are so different, they can’t reach real being because of misun- derstanding. When you leave off imagining, then you may understand something about yourself through heavenly knowledge. You may be able to ask about the real Being of the Creator. Then you can understand that there is a Reality that never changes.

We, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, are changing. You are not same as in the morning now that it is noontime. You


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ind those who build their knowledge on imagining, they not asking to reach Reality because they are not using jlmeasures or a real balance to understand.

O creatures, when you understand, you may find a i. You may leave misunderstanding and you may make iway fo true understanding. Now, for everything, you mst find a way to get yourself out. “Wa man yattagi-Llahi py lahw makhrajan.°% If anyone understands the Reality ite Lord of Heavens, any time he falls into a difficult shation, He, Almighty, may open a way to take him out of {save him from the dirtiness and darkness and hope- fess of imagining, or to save him from the area of fear al imagination. If not, misunderstanding makes people yas in darkness and in an area of hopelessness and fear, adthat is the source of mankind's being, in sufferings and ssnes. All of them are a punishment for them and the wa for losing peace. Everywhere, no peace, because if fe people of acommunity do not reach peace individually, lletively they can’t reach peace.

And the Lord of Heavens, all glory be to Him, He bows what He created, particularly mankind. He knows itatthey may be in need of to be peaceful during this tem- jray life, and how they should reach permanent peace in tenity, Ifanyone keeps the advice of the Lord of Heavens, teshould be happy here and Hereafter. Those who refuse, ty will never save themselves from darkness, from dirti- ss from fears, from problems, from troubles. They will wer leave them, here or Hereafter.

are not going to be same at Maghrib time. You are not go- ing to be same at nighttime; you are not going to be same tomorrow as today.

Everything that changes is not a reality, no. Reality can’t change; Reality is fixed, no change coming to it. There- fore, everything changes, but the Creator never changes.

Sunset. “4nd whoever is mindful of Allah, He will make a way out for him. (65:2)

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May Allah forgive me and bless you! For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divine Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad #—Fatelia. &


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Audhu bil-Lahi min ash-Shaytani-r-rajeem. Bismillahi-r- leimani-r-Raheem. La hawla wa la quwatta illa bil-Lahi-l-‘Aliyi- tAzheem.

ltisan Association. Each day has a specialty, each day ‘ws a special personality. The days of the week are seven, ad everyone feels in himself when it is going to be Friday, i then Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, hursday, You have a feeling that today is Saturday; it is w{Friday and it is not Sunday. And another week comes, iidithas also seven days.

But when we are speaking about today—it is Satur- 4ay-or we are speaking about the past Saturday, saying, ‘lat Saturday something happened,” this Saturday is not tesame as that Saturday. And it is now March. This is a rw March; it is not the same as that which passed away. ‘nd then April is coming. It is a new April that belongs to U4 itis not the same one that passed in 2003.

You, also—you are not the same one as you were last arin March, no. You are now in a new position. “Kulli




yawmin Hiwa ft shan’? Each day another manifestation appears, and those manifestations are countless. If you were able to calculate the number of waves on an ocean, you could reach the number of manifestations that you enter into and pass out of.

Subhanallah! People think that they are stable, that nothing changes. “I was like this yesterday and I am now the same one that I was yesterday.” No! That has finished. Tomorrow you are another personality.

That belongs to the Divine Will that has programmed everyone. It is not only for mankind. Around mankind, whatever there is of creation, of creatures, they also, in every second or in every smallest unit of time, are changing.

Change is for creation. Unchangeable Existence is for the real Being of the Lord of Heavens, for the Creator. If change were to happen to Him, He couldn't be the Creator. The Creator creates, according to our limited knowledge, countless changes in every creature. Yet they are counted.

He knows! He knows where an atom is, or its nucleus, in the middle, how many particles. Each one has a personal- ity, and where it is, He must know. “La yakhfa ‘alayhi shayun fi-l-ardi wa la fi-s-sama™®; there can’t be anything hidden from the Creator.” How could there be, while He is the Creator. If He does not create that, it can’t be in existence. He must know, but we can know onlyaccording to our capacity.

Therefore, Grandshaykh, may Allah bless him, he was always saying, “The biggest mistake of mankind is that, for

=”"Each day He is at His business.” (55:29) Nothing in the earth nor in the heaven is hidden from Him.” (3:5)


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wrunderstanding, they are trying to bring the Existence of jelord of Heavens, the Lord of all Creation, into their area junderstanding.” And look! If you get up and say to peo- ji ‘Iwant to know about the sun and I am trying to bring info my area of understanding, to bring it here.” [Maw- malooks ata flower.] “And I am saying that it is like this wer. This is the sun.”

Aslong as they are trying to understand about the sun, tet nowledge is never going to be more than that flower.

Tey should say only, “It looks like this.” They can’t ap- poxh and enter into it and see what it is, from far away aiitg, “Oh, the sun looks like a sunflower.”

you use your vision to understand creation, it is impssble for you. Through our sight, we can’t reach a real slestanding of what is in our vision. Then what about if saying, “Beyond the sun, beyond the stars, beyond wes Bat But people are trying to know about creation ac- fling to their minds’ capacity, and it makes them give a iegment about creation.

| They are saying, “Positive knowledge,’ and it is wrong, tiwledge. Positive knowledge—that was the new fashion the sixteenth or seventeenth century, when they were try- mip put everything into the area of positive knowledge.

‘ow they are trying to bring everything under the micro- ‘ope. If they can’t bring it, they are saying, “No!”

‘That is the biggest mistake, and also the biggest fool- thness, for those people who are claiming, “We are learned Pole, we are scientists, we are professors,” the biggest Tsake and biggest ignorance for them because you can’t Atoerything under a microscope to see what it is. It is im-



possible, so that when we are speaking about Allah Al- mighty, which is the beginning of some knowledge of our Creator, we are asking to take the first step, and after it there should be countless steps, countless attempts. And when you reach some knowledge of the Lord of Heavens, He is going to be beyond that knowledge.

And as They*” are making me speak about certain points, we are now saying that among the Lord's Essential Attributes is Unchangeable Existence, never changing. What was written in Sri Lanka on the entrance of that place? There was written, “Alla Huwa al-an kama kan—Allah is now as He was throughout pre-eternity.”

Allah in His Eternity, throughout pre-eternity and post- eternity, is the same, never changed; “Hua al-an kama kan.” Subhanallah! Kalamu-l-awliya, the words of awliya, saints, that they are saying on that point. Subhanallah, unchange- able! We are changing. Therefore, I said to you that every- thing is going to be changed. Fulan has changed because he was awake and now he is going to sleep, just changed. And therefore, “Al-idraku ‘an ‘adam-l-idraki idraku.”?"" That means if you want to understand about the real Being of Allah Al- mighty’s Essence, you will reach a point at which you say,

“Impossible!” Then you will have reached real knowledge about Him, Almighty, but finally you are saying “Impossi- ble!”

A simple example: Do you think that an ant can bring knowledge of the real being of man to his understanding?

**The departed saints of the Nashbandi Tarigat, from whose inspiration Shaykh Nazim’s sohbets proceed.

2 The realization of our absolute lack of realization is a realization.


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Perhaps it may be possible, but it is impossible for any creaure fo reach real understanding of its Creator. Finally, they will say, “It is impossible!” An ant, when it runs on the ath, may say, “Oh, if 1 had wings, I could reach the Heav- es.” And the Creator gives it wings and it tries to fly and fies, but the distance that it can fly and reach is maybe one meter or Jess or a little bit more—nothing! Do you think ihatitcan reach the Heavens? Impossible!

Therefore, “Al-idraku an darki-l-idraki idraku.” That is tue, subhanallahu-l-‘Aliyu-l--Azhim! We must put our \nowledge on a safe base. If not, it is going to be nonsense and people will fall down.

That is the biggest mistake of people living now and of those who claim, “We are learned people, we are experts, weare professors, we are scientists, we are academic people! We must know who is that Creator! We must bring that One whom you are calling ‘Creator’ under our microscope, owe must first look through telescopes.” But then they are sying, “We are confused about which direction we must put our telescope towards—this direction, that direction. There are countless directions for bringing that One into our tescopes. Then, if we catch that One, we must bring and putHim under our microscope to look!”

Subhanallah, such foolish people! No understanding, and they claim that they are learned people. They think that they know everything! That is their knowledge about the Creator. Their heads are big but nothing is in them!

If a person knows about his Lord, his Creator, the more te knows, the more respect he gets for Him. Therefore, ‘hen the Prophet % was asked, “What is the most valuable


effort or work or study for a person to do as servanthood to his Lord?” he said, “Al-‘ilmu bil-Lah, to know about his Crea- tor.” That means to try to reach more knowledge so that, according to our knowledge of someone, of his perfection and power and glory, we have much more respect. A ser- vant or a simple employee, when he goes in front of his di- rector, closes his buttons, yes? Not for everyone, but for his director he gives much more respect because he knows about him, what he can do. And man also, according to his knowledge about his Creator, his Lord, has much more respect.

Therefore, two rak‘ats of prayer from the Seal of Proph- ets, Sayyidina Muhammad %, if put on one side of the bal- ance and on the other side of the balance all nations’ prayers, the weight of two rak’als from Rasul-Allah, the Seal of the Prophets, the most beloved and most honoured one, would be be much more because no one can reach his posi- tion and his knowledge about his Creator.

May Allah forgive me and forgive you, and grant His blessings for the honour of that most beloved and respected and honoured one, most glorified one in the Divine Pres- ence, in spite of what the Wahhabis believe —Fateha!

It is not a prepared thing, but what They are sending, we must speak about it. We don’t know, He knows. &

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i min ash-Shaytant-r-rajeem. Bismillahi-r- La hawla wa la quwwata ilta bil-Lahi-t-

ut black holes, but no one under- ng. Each day is a black hole. [Maw- sucking sound.] From morning to eve- happened today, when the sun sets, the | —yes, swallows.

‘2 [Chuckles.] The black hole hen the sun sets, it will swallow t. La hawla wa la quwwata illa bil- le are looking to see black holes to that black hole. Tomorrow nce, finished.

} important. For thousands of years, people from every level have just fallen



into the black hole and passed away. Where did they fin. ish—in the cemetery? It is dust, earth; finished. Their personality disappeared, and also their material part disappeared.

We are coming now to our proud people, Europeans. They are looking from above and saying, “We are first class people. We are the head; oriental people, the tail.”

Why you are fighting, O people? You are saying, “We are the most developed nations.” Yes, we know. But you can’t save yourself from falling into the black hole on earth. Why you are saying that oriental people’s level is under your level? What is the difference between you, Western people, and Eastern people? Both of you will come one day and fall into the black hole, and you will disappear.

If you are first class people, if you are the highest level people, keep yourselves. Don’t fall into the black hole; save yourselves! Why are you not using your technology to prevent yourself from falling into the black hole, each day's black hole? And no matter how many days you have, you also have, during those days, new black holes.

The black hole that belonged to yesterday passed away, taking everything and disappearing. Today, a new black hole has come and begun to take everyone, ahyaan wa amwatan, either living (they are also falling into it) or dead people, who are disappearing, a new black hole swallowing them every day.

Where is your science? Where is your technology, O Western people? First class, Germans; second, English; third, French; fourth, Italians. Americans are saying [paro-


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ies] “We are first because we have so many green bank sates, dollars,”

“Eh, what? But you can’t prevent yourself from fal- inginto black holes. Yes! Give bartil, rishwat, bribes, to the thick hole!”

"No, you [the black hole] must not take anything im us, As many as you like, we may print green bank ties to give you, each day billions or trillions. Don’t swalow our people because we are claiming that we are first rel first class people!”

The black hole is saying [in a black hole voice], “Oh, have nothing to do with your dollars or euros or pounds or js or Turkish pounds. I must take my share, and my dare is the whole world that the sun is shining on and then wting, I must take them, I must swallow them!”

‘Uj ibn Unug, that huge man about whom it has come frugh traditional knowledge that he was a giant, when he went into the sea, the sea did not come up to his belt, and he tuk fish from sea and put them in the sun and ate, such a man. Allah Almighty can do everything. Don’t use your mind! Your mind is only a dot. You can’t balance your lord's, your Creator's power. Therefore, if we say such hings, say “Yes!”

‘Uj lived in ancient times. He was with Nuh #). And Nuh that high level, Supreme Council prophet—Sayyidina \uhammad, Sayyidina Nuh, Sayyidina Ibrahim, Sayyidina




Musa, Sayyidina ‘Isa, five supreme ones*!'—was ordered by Allah Almighty to make an ark. Then he was in need of timber, wood, and he said to ‘Uj ibn Unugq, “Bring me some wood. I am going to make a ark because a flood is coming.”

And ‘Uj said, “If I bring it to you, what are you going to give me?”

And Nuh said, “I will make you full, no hunger.”

And ‘Uj said, “I begin from early morning going around to bakeries. Whatever bread they bake, | eat but I do not get full.” “Uj ibn Unug was also like a black hole, eating every- thing from bakeries,

And Noah s