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Defending Truth (Shaykh Nazim, 49 pages, 3/4)
pect. Only He.

We must live for Allah and we must die for Allah, With every action, thought, movement and silence you must remember that pomt and be with Allah. If you lose it, you. will lose your Lord and end up with your ego which will tell you, that he is your lord and you should obey him, When your ego is your commander tt will take away every control from you and make you his servant.

It is the most important rule in Islam not to let your ego control you in any way. This is why the Prophet* was begging his Lord not to leave him with his ego even for a moment. It will lall you because you will lose your fatth

to the point of zero. If the Angel of Death comes to such a person, he will die without any faith. This is why every religion practises different ways of serving the Lord. The


first prophet was given some rules for his children go that

they would be able to control the dragon of their egos. As

time passed on, one prophet after anather came, all with the purpose of helping people to control their dragons. their terrible egos. They came to save peaple.

Electricity is a power which can kill you if you' don't know how to use it. But mankind nows. If it was out of control, it would kill you. But even so, we need it, because tt helps us. The ego is also dangerous, but if under control it can be like Burag. You must learn how to use it. If someone gives you a helicopter but you don't know how to fy 1, what is the use? Even if you would be able to fly, where would you go? Bt is useless if you doa't know how to use it. So don't ask why Allah gave us an ego. If it was useless He would not have given us one. i

has so much wisdom. Tt can take yon from carth to Heavens. Don't ask why.

The Prophet said that we should not be the samo two days in a row. Today must be better than yesterday and tomorrow must be better than today. You must come closer and closer to the Divine Presence of Allah every day. Every day we should be approaching our destination, We don't tnow which is going to be our last day. The person who understands the real meaning of serving their Lord, of religions and of Heavenly Commands is Insky.

Why do we have Heavenly Rules? To bring us closer to our Lord and far away from our ego. Hell is for those who are with their ego and Paradise for those who are coming closer to Allah, the Almighty, Cursed are those who run away from Him, they are fully heedless. Those

who are moving closer and closer every day towards their Lord are blessed.



People gather in hundieds and thousands nowadays without their meetings having any value. Here people do not come together for any desires of their physical bemeg. Something in their souls is asking to be here.

Allah looks at our intentions more than at our actions. Actions come alive through our sincerity, Without sincerity our actions will not be alive. Most important in ail religions is for people to have good intentions. They should have the intention to make the Lord pleased with them, That is all. All other intentions are useless. Whatever you do, you must de it with the intention to please your Loud. Whoever lives for his Lord is living a real life. Who doesn't, is like an animal and will have a bad smell when he dies. Who lives for his Lord will smell of roses and his face will smile with lights. People who never asked to please their Lord look so horrible once. they ave dead, that you would not want to look at them,

When you look at bad things 1 wall weaken your memory, just like when you read gravestones in the cemetery, or if you do dirty things, your memory will decrease. Whoever has jealousy will get weaker in mind


aod bedy. This is why you must have the intemtion with

whatever you do; cunning, sleeping, this, that... to do it

with the intention to please Him. I am a teacher, from east to west and north to south, T am teaching from Heavens to all points of the earth.

The 20th century is closing down, and like when a shop closes down, people do not usually want to take their old merchandise into the new shop. They want something new, Everything will be new in the Wear 2000, Don't think that devils will be able to take their dit from this century te the next. No! Ht is finished! I am asking Allah the Almighty tc give me power to prevent satan and his helpers to carry their dirt from this century ito the next. It is not only a new century, but a new millennium. We are expecting a Heavenly Appearance. The 20th century is denying everything concerning Heavenly Traditional Knowledge. They are putting it umder their feet and bringing satanic technology io destroy everything. We want traditional lnowledge.

It is a good sign that there are so many young people here. They are coming to listen to me, even though may English is so poor. When the year 2000 comes, i will try to learn Shakespeare Engiish and La Martine French. In those days we will have the spiritual power to address people in thet language. Sayyidina Solomon* knew all languages, even the language of animals and Jinn. Whee Allah the Almighty opens this spiritual power you will be able to do all that.

We know nothing about our real position and real location within this universe. Universities do not teach real knowledge about ourselves, because if we knew who we are, we would not be able to support any devils.


Anything official destroys faith. Everythme which is official will take people away from the Divine Presence. All the Divine Presence asks for is that you are sincere in your Divine Service. In the Divine Presence the Lord made you is Deputy, which you accepted. When officiality comes, sincerity goes. When sincerity comes officiality runs away. Do you think that Prophets were paid by governments?

Loek and take care of yourself and beware of the enemies of mankind. ‘Cry to be good ones within yourself and try to do your best for others, Take care to please Your Lord daily and to serve Him. Every religion has daily services, not only Sunday services, or Saturday: services, but daily! You must keep that so that you are honoured and more and more enlightened.



A life spent on nonsense things which will be finished when you die, has no valic. Don't waste fhis life on nonsense titles, nonsense properties and nonsense values, All that will stay here when you go into your grave. Ib is the biggest foolishness of mankind to fight aud quarre} about values of no sense. Billions of people are lying underground who have wasted their lives Hike this. De you think that if someone gives you a chequebook if will be useful there? In this life a chequebook can make you a king, but in the grave you can have ten of them and it is rubbish, People are running after nbbish.

Everyone has to accept realities. One teality 1s that we are living and our life will end in the graveyard. Whatever you have collected will be rubbish.


You may belong to any religion, to any school of thought or to any nation, but you must follow Truth. You must accept truth. You must try to learn about Truth, You must try to mow what Truth is, try to find out how Truth comes from Heavens to mankind. Prophets, messengers and their successors, saints, know the Truth. None of them hide anything concerning Trath, because the honour of a person is based on keeping Truth as it is. If someone hides Truth or plays with it, he will be dishonoured, disrespected and thrown out of the Divine Presence. Allah the Almighty granted you Truth from His Divine Presence, absolute Truth, like a virgin. No one can play with it, or lide anything from it, Truth is protected from the hands of devils. If you think that Truth will be in the hands of devils, you are committing a great sin, because the source of Truth is the Divine Presence. It declares that all of us, without making any differences, are servants. You have been created to serve the Divine.


The biggest war is, that our egos will always oppose being servants. Say to the bishop that he 1s a servant. Tel the pope that he is a servant. Tell Jesus Christ® that he is a servant, They will be happy. If they are not, they are not on Truth. ‘That is our war. Our egos never accept it: "Lam an MP, how can you call me a servant?", “I am a minister, how can you call me a seryant?", "I am a king, or @ queen, how can you call me a servant?”... Satan cheats people with nonsense titles. This is why when we say the shohada, we are saying that we are witnessing the unity sud the existence of Allah, that there is no gad but Hira and that Muhammad* is His servant and Prophet. Servant hood comes first, thea Prophet hood.

Who gave lordship to Jesus Christ*? Did Allah? Where is it writen? He is saying that he is a servant. We musi correct so many things. We must come to our real size. We are not only usmg king-size, but world-wide sive, This world cannot carry our sizes, that is how big we are with our nonsense titles. This is why our Prophet says, "Whoever has even less than an atem of pride, cannot enter Paradise!" Ht is forbidden for proud people to enter Paradise. They go to hell. Whoever accepts to be hnmble, will find the doors of Paradise open. Whoever has even the smallest pride will be stopped. Everyone wants to find something withm themselves to be proud of. Come to yourself, to your servant hood-size and you can enter.

Everyone must accept Truth and be Defenders of Truth. Tf not, this world will be destroyed, fully destroyed, nothing will be left. Satan and his devils cause our exos to fight each other and make everyone evemies of each others, like two cats. Our egos cause all wars, our dirty egos. Come io Truth and say that vou are a servant. You


will find yourself bemg humble, easy and happy. There will be no more fighting, because you will be simple. Qur Prophet* said that Muslims should he easy, not complicated. But we are like rocks, which is a sign of hell. Come and accept Trath.

We must come to Truth which is like honey, when you put it bees will come from all sides. All religions have declared Truth, only our epos have changed it all. Truth is so simple, it means servant hood, nothing else. Everything else is nonsense and wastes our precious lives,

The Lord is looking at us to see if we are doing the

Divine Service He offered us to do. It is our honour ta be

able to do it. As lonz as we glorify Him, He will glorify us, Tle will dress us with blessings, with Divine Lights and He will prepare never-onding honours and blessings within Paradise for us. Don't think that there are only 8 Paradises. There are countless Paradises for those who accept Truth and accept to be His servants and not to fight and not to quarrel. Leave fighting and come to His servant hood, then peace and Divine Support will come,

Don't worry about the weapons of the devils. Truc ones can stop all that within a second, Satan and his agents are so weak. Don't fear their hydrogen bombs or muclear bombs, it is nothing, For your honour Allah can order one of His weakest servants to destroy all that within a second, if the secret power with which the miclear bombs work is taken away, it will all be like toys for children, You have been honoured by being servants. Accept being Mis servant and you will be happy here and in the hereafter.



Respect Her Majesty the Queen. We are happy to te here in England. It is a blessed place. Every kingdoin is blessed, a republic never can be. This is why I am happy to be here, Task Allah the Almighty to bless the Queen and her Royal Family, especially His Royal Hiehness Prince Charles. We suppost everyone who is trustworthy and asks for the Truth.

All curses come from those who run after devils and give theit support to them. Respect and support the true ones. Find them and support them. When the elections come look for the honest and troc ones who are supporting Her Majesty. Whoever is against Her Majesty will not be supported by Heavens. Don't think that those who have bad intentions concerning Her Royal Majesty will be successful in the long nm. Never! They will never be able to get rid of the monarchy because the monarchy is supported by Heavens.



Who is the Sultan? How must the Sultan be? He must be the greatest onc. No one can be greater than him. If anyone is more powerful than him, he couldn't be the

Sultan. The Sultan must be fearless. Someone who is

afraid of the coming days or anything around him, cannot be a sultan. Who is the Sultan? He is the one who ts forever victorious. Who is the Sultan? He is the one who bas a never-ending sultanate, Who is the Sultan? The one who has an endless kingdom. A sultan must have these attributes, you cannot find a second one of his kind. The only one is Allah. Who is the Sultan? He is the One whose Will cannot be stopped or prevented, He can create without using anything. That is the real Sultan. He is the One who can make anything into existence immediately by a single word. If He wants to reverse it back into the unseen oceans, He can instantly turn it into nothing.

That is why there is only one Real Sultan. All the others with this title are only imitations. If you are the sultan you are supported by your armies, but the Absolute Sultan does not need to be supported. Everyone wants Him to support them, but He does mot need any support from anyone. Our sultans need to be supported by their


armies and nations, but our real Sultan does not need support from anyone for even one second. |

The smallest atom as well as the gigantic galaxies would disappear immediately into nothing, if He did not give His Support. All universes could disappear in the shortest unit of time, so quickly that your mind cami even imagine it. If He takes His support, nothing can be m existence. Da you know of anyone else having such power? .

No one can imagine His greatness. No one can uaagine His power. He has endless oceans within His endless attributes. No one can imagine an endless ocean. Tt would be without an ending in all directions and endlessly deep. There would be no limits. It is totally impossible thal there is another Lord. He is the Ouly Ome. Your logic wall tell you that this is the only possibility. You must accept it.


Our Tarigat is based on associations with the sheik. When you are with him, come into him, melt within his reality and join him in unity. Through that unity you are in unity with the Prophet*: which will lead you to the Unity Oceans of Allah the Abnighty. You will leaye your own personality and accept to be nothing.

That is the real sufi method. But in our days everything is misunderstood, People think that when they come to tarigats they have to show themselves more and more, become bigger and bigger and get more and more power, They think that they have to prove themselves. The most distinguished Naqshbandi Order wants to take all that away and make you understand that you are nothing.

A hundred years ago no one of you Was present, and in a hundred years you will also not be here. It means we are nothing. Between those two periods of heing nothing you also have to accept that -you are nothing. Accept this reality. Don't live in imagination.

Your ego doesn't want to disappear in the Umity Ocean of Allah, One drop comes from the sky, when it reaches the ocean it is finished and you will not be able to find it because it became part of the ocean. Even though it


disappeared, it will coutinue to exist in the Unity Occan of Allah. The higgest challenge for huvtans Is tO accept that they are nothing. They insist on being something. This is why they are quarrelling contimonsly until they are completely worn out.

The batterics of a tape recorder will be finished one day and thrown away. You have also been given a batlery for your physical body, It helps you to be scen in this existence. Those whoa can reach real Heavenly Power before they die are the real lucky ones. They will never be: dust in their tombs, like alf prophets and all holy people never turn to dust. Their bodies are as if they were alive, even their blood is circulating,

This is why Allah has sent Heavenly Beings to be amongst people. Al prophets and their inheritors have reached Heavenly Power Stations and are offertag people such connections. if anyone does, they have to pay. That which you say belongs to you. You inight say, "FT will sive everything except my soull" But no, you have to give your soul too! When the power within your soul has been arranged, I will put it back.

The Angel Gibril came to Muhammad* when he Was around 7 years old and cut him open, He arranged everything and then left. This was repeated dump the Night Journey

it ts an example for everyone who wants ta reach veal bower from Heavens. They must be operated in their hearts. Not the operation of a surgeon, but a heavenly one. Every inheritor of Muhammad* needs such an operation, Everyone who has had this done, can then do ix to others. These are very race people. HW you ask for ther you will reach them. It will be a bit difficult for common

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people, but everyone is welcome who asks for it. There was someone called Haji Bayram Wali, a grand sheikh. The Sultan had promised him that he would not take any of his nurids to serve in the army. Everyone was eager to

become his mund. One day the Sultan wanted to put.

together an army and asked for soldiezs. But everyone was telling him that they were mmurids of the sheikh and did not have to come. 8o the Sultan sent a message to the sheik asking him what was the meaning of all this: the enemy was eady to attack, but he could not find any soldier to defend the country. The sheik told him not to worry, he was preparing a big anny for him.

He placed two tents on a hill and told his murids that everyone should be present, When everyone had arrived the sheik came out of his tent and said, "T have been ordered to sacrifice my murids for the sake of Allah. Whoever is ready to sacrifice his soul, come and sucrender to me!"

His murids looked at him in shock, thinking he had lost his mind. They could not believe what they were hearing. Only one person jumped through the crowds and said, "I am willing to sacrifice my soul for the sake of Allah. Take me, cut me, burn me! My soul is in your hands!" Two people with swords took him to the second tent where he was prepared: his feet were tied together and he was placed on a tabie.

The people outside could only see his tied feet sticking out of the tent. Then, inside the tent they took a sheep and cut off its head. The blood was running out of the tent in a stream aud people were horrified, thinking, it was the murid, They started to man away while the sheikh was asking if anyone eise was ready, Only one woman canic


and offered her soul ia him, no one else, The Srandshenk then wrote a letter to tlie Sultan telling hin that he oniy has one and a half tmurid, and that the Suttan wag fies to take the rest into his army.

This is what it means é surtender to a sheik, to a prophet and to Allah, When you have no more existence Allah will dress you with your real body, with your teal existence which will last forever, Aaqgani!

Hf you come in front of the grand Sulian with clothes Which are not pood enough and the Sulian offers to itress you, will you be happy? Allah just wants you to give Him your imitated existence to be able to dress you with your Heavenly Clothes, but people are refusigg.

if your ego does not Surrender, you will not reach anything. People are very afraid to surrender, even thoush that is the meaning of being a Muslim, Europeans tremble at the thought, But if you don't surrender to Your surgeon what can he do for you? They want to reach Heavens but they don't surrender. They want to fly without having to 2et on board the plane. That is the mind of Europeans, They do not want to surrender, Surrender te your surgeon! .


May Allah the Almighty bless Her Majesty the Queen and give her the Divine Present: the most respected belief. Grant her and her Royal Family to be helpers and supporters of Islam.

We are seeing that Her Majesty's son His Royal Highness Prince Charles is always praising Islam. We never hear such praise from Muslim presidents. But Prmce Charles, like a hero of Truth, accepts Truth and praiscs Islam. Whoever praises Islam must undoubtedly

have Islam and Zhsan and Zmcn in his heart. May Allah |

bless hina and make him this country's Muslim Sultan. Support him with your votes and with your prayers. Ask Allah the Almighty to support him and to put him in power soon so that he may be a Defender of Truth and a Defender of Islam. May Allah give a special protection to His Highness the Prince of Wales and His Royal Family so that he may reach fall power as a sultan of the United Kangdom and of other parts of the world, May the King of Kings grant His Divine Support to all sultans. May they all be given their power like before.



We know that true, clean and honourable people ars usually not accepted because the majority of people are ditty, Good people are being defeated. Since the beginning of mankind there are so imany sufferings amongst people, Either they have pever been given fhe tights which Allah ordained for them, or it has been taken away from them by force. These arc the two reasons, People of Truth are not happy when people suffer. They Want everyone ic teach their rights. Then we will have peace.

But the devils, who are establishing the kingdom of Satan never want common people to have any rights, They only want it for a Sroup of people, not for evervone, ‘They want to be shepherds and the rest to he the flock, A shepherd may do anything he wants with the flock. The flock has no rights except te eat, drink produce new lambs and get fat for the knife of the butcher. From the beginning until now common people have no rights,

Since the beginning of time mankind have been ashing for their rights, Some people suffer a lot, others are satisfied, Until 1779 the governing system was monarchy, When a good person became king, emperor or sultan, the


people were happy. If not, they were unhappy. Throughout the centuries mankind was always trymg to get their rights. Devils come and disguise themselves as advisors, just like satan did with Adam in Paradise, But he has only had ome interest all along, to take us from Paradise to hell.

He has been repeating this same line with people throughout time, He convinces them that there is a new method in which. everyone will be a shepherd, everyone wall be governing. The flock doesn't even think whether this is possible, or not, they just follow. When this was introduced in 1779 maybe people could not understand. But now? Do ihey have complete empty heads’ They believe in democracy! It is the biggest fraud. There is a group of people seeing to that one shepherd eats everything. Then they say, "Why should it only be one person? We raust form a company called democracy. Instead of having one person on the top, we must have 1000, We must cheat people and tell them that they have elections and that they are deciding." Democracy is a big company of devils. But until today people are not understanding. Electing people! What are you electing? Putting 500 people there and saying that this is power?

People were hoping that this new system would give them their rights. But they quickly recognised that in the time of monarchy they had maay more rights, much more mercy and many more blessings. Monarchy had one person, now it ts thousands of people. The rights of the masses are diminishing from day to day but they continue to talk about human rights!

‘These clever French people! They opened their prisons and let their criminals run their country. They killed all


their good people. ‘That was the opening. Because if you do not thank Allah.’ you will fai down. People were always complaining about their lings, so Allsh punished them by giving them something worse. ‘They thoughe ¢ oY were getting good days, but it wag the oppestic. Since then they are removing one king afer another, but still not fiading what they were looking for,

People continue ta ask for human sighis, For this purpose they have established the UN in the USA, the place of the biggest lies, They claiva to defend and Rive humaa rights! Monarchies are gone aml the new system democracy never Bives anything, Look at Turkey for example. The Prime Minister asked me to come and break the fast with hira. Those satanic people, the medis, got up and asked why he wanted io invite Holy Peontc? Are those the rights that we have? People are more and tore understanding the value of having a king or 4 sultan. Democracy is finished!

The more people ask for a monarchy, the sooner it wil come. Allah is sending the news to oar Grandsheks telling us ihat the monarchy will be back. We are seving thai people are fed up with being cheated. Every nation is nog saying that the time has come for their sultans to return. The time has come to ask pardon from them because we did not respect them, Tn Germany they did an opiniom-pall and they found that 60 % want their Kaiser back. After the worst system has falien, communism, whisk is even worse than democracy. The people of Russia also want their Tsars. Rumanians want their kings, Even the Serhy want their king back, as well as the Gttomans in Turkey.



For 15 centuries Istam was linked with monarchies. Nowadays it is a new fashion to support democracy, even though there is no such thing within Islam, Democracy gives a chance to every badness. Islam will never accept to give an opportunity for evil to occur. There is no link between democracy and Islam.

When ihe monarchy left the Ottoman Empire people quickly got a secular system. This shows that [slam cannot function without the monarchy. In 1924 the monarchy left Turkey and so did Islam.

Democracy gives a chance to wolves and protects them withia the community. What kind of justice is that? Once upon a time the English people even killed their king, and now they leave dragons to live freely amongst people acting in the worst way. Where is this leading to? Why did they hang their king at the time?

What does it mean that so many dragons, snakes and scorpions are able to live within the community? Why are they given a chance? Is that freedom? In Islam we say that every creature which is harmful must be killed! Only a monarchy cau do that. Justice needs to react on a daily basis. Within this system prisoners are being questioned


for months before aaything happens. When something happeus in a monarchy* people will have their head cut off in front of others. There are wild wolves in the city | which ran around every night, and harra people. Still the

government tells us not to touch them, is thar Justice? i

Tus is why we hope that atter Her Majesty His Highness Prince Charles will come with full power and restore the monarchy filly,

Ih the same way the Germans will get their Kaiser back, the Ottoman Sulian is coming, the Libyan is coming, the Egyptian is coming, the Yemenite is comme, the Iranian is coming, the iraqi is comiug, the Syriag is coming, the Russian is coming, the Afghani is coming, the Algerian is coming, the French is coming, the Chinese is coming, the Indian is coming. Even America will have a king, they will be under the rule of His Royal Highness Priace Charles. Insha'Allah.


If you want to reach your targets casily and saleby, use secrecy. Freemasons do everything secrelly. Sometimes people find them out, but they are like cals. When cats pet lattens, they hide them. Ef someone finds them, they will hide them in another place. Freemasons are like that. Ef someone finds out anything about then, tiicy will change all circumstances and when you con: Avan, you will not understand what they are domg,

Their sccret power covers the whole worl now. All top people are under their command or are one them. Even if someone is nutnber two in their hierurclyy, he will not know what number one is up to. That is how strong their organisation is. The underground people are nnder their command as well as the peopte over the pround: governments, education, press, Malia, avinies, economy, banks, schools... They are everywhere! No one can do anything without them, You can du small things, but the big wheel is in their hands, and all smali wheels have to follow the big one. They give the order.

This will continue until Adeheli* comes. israel is under their control, as well as the USA. This country is under


their control and so is Germany, Ching, Pakistan, Mindistan, Russia, Turkey, Hijas, Egypt, Libya, cast, west, north, south... everything is under their centrol.

Troubles must continue and as long as Muslin continue to be heedless, it will Bo on. When Muslims awake, they cannot. That is why they give Muslims valium every day, not just in milligrams, but in grams, so that they will sleep heavily. The courts are under their conirol. The police, the military, the universities, the old people's homes, youth clubs, solf courses, kines, presidents, sultans... all is wader their control.

Their plan is to have total hegemony over the whots world. They have been granted this, but now it is secretly. They are ruling the whole world from the widergrouned, I is not apparent, but when Dajjal comes, it will be mace clear withm 40 days. All the milers