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your nation pronounces the words, La ilaha ill’Allah, the Lord Almighty creates for him a mansion in Paradise, and He gives the keys to this mansion into my safekeeping. On the Day of Resurrection, when that person rises from his tomb, I give him the keys to his mansion and he takes up residence therein.’
“Then I noticed the helpers and assistant angels of Ridwan. One stood guarding the gate to the Garden and each one had seven hundred thousand other angels to serve him. But Ridwan had seventy thousand commanders, and each of these commanded a troop of seventy thousand angel soldiers.
“The Tasbih I heard Ridwan utter was this:
Subhanal-khallaqil-alim, Subhanal-karimil-akram,
Subhanal-musibu man a’tahu jannata-n-na’im.

(Praised be the All-Knowing Creator,
Praise be to the Most Bounteous of the Bountiful,
Praised be He who leads into Paradise Bliss whosoever obeys Him.)
“Then I was shown the bliss of Paradise. In a word, I beheld such a wealth of manifold delights that, even were I to spend the rest of my lifetime trying to describe them, it would not suffice to complete the task.
“The walls of the Jannah were thus: one brick was of gold, the next of silver. Then followed one of red ruby, and next one of green chrysolite, then a brick of pearl. In place of mortar, musk and camphor had been used. The thickness of the wall was a distance of five hundred years’ traveling. At the same time it was so clear as to be transparent from inside out and outside in, as a window of glass. From there, all seven layers of the heavens and of the earth were visible, including the Divine Throne and the Divine Court. The soil of Paradise is made up of musk, amber and camphor; its grasses were of saffron-yellow and purple hues. The pebbles there consisted of emeralds, rubies and pearls. Then I beheld the habitations of Paradise; some where made of rubies, and their domes were of pearl. Some were of gems and their domes were of emeralds, while others were all of gold. In every mansion there were seventy thousand palaces and to every palace there were seventy thousand suites. Every suite consisted of seventy thousand rooms. In every room there was a throne, either made of silver or of gold. Upon each throne was a tent of beryl, in every tent there were seventy thousand beds of embroidered silk. Each of these differed from the other, and they were filled with amber and musk.
“The Huris in them wore robes so transparent that their skin and flesh and bones, nay, even the marrow of their bones were visible. Each one of the Huris wore upon her head a crown embellished with jewels, and each had forty thousand locks of sweetly scented hair curling down. Each lock was adorned with seventy thousand adornments, and each one of these trinkets separately emits the sweetest of notes, a delight to the ear. In front of each of the Huris seventy thousand servants stand in attendance. Around each of the thrones are set up stools made of silver, pearls, emeralds and camphor, each differing from the other.
“Then I beheld the rivers of Paradise, of milk, of water, of wine and of

honey. A branch of these four rivers flows to each one of the Paradise homes and the water is whiter than camphor, sweeter than honey and its scent more fragrant than musk.
“I also beheld there the springs of Rahiq, Salsabil and Tasnim. The banks of these rivers and the brim of these springs are of gold and pearls, of silver and rubies. The pebbles in the riverbeds and at the mouth of the springs are various precious gems and pearls of many colors. The foam upon the waters is of musk and amber, and around the fountainheads grow hyacinths and saffron crocus. The trees I saw there were so great that if a man on the back of a swift horse were to ride at full speed for seventy thousand years, he would not emerge from under its shade. The roots of these trees are of gold, their branches of ruby, pearls and chrysolite. Its leaves are of silk, brocade and velvet. Each one of its leaves reaches from one end of the world to the other. Each fruit of this tree is as great as a great water jug, and each one has seventy different flavors. Each of these fruits offers itself to the People of Paradise. Whenever they desire to eat of it, it falls from its branch and upon a platter of gold comes floating up to their mouths, without effort or a moment’s delay. Even were this tree to be at a distance of a thousand years’ wayfaring, as soon as one of the blessed wished for its fruit, it would be right there at his disposal, close to his lips. He would then eat from it as much as he wished, and after he had eaten, a new fruit would immediately take the place of the one consumed.
“I also beheld birds in these trees of Paradise, alike unto camels. They were colored in all the hues of Paradise. They flew about before the divans, singing hundreds of different tunes and melodies. The People of Paradise ask one of these birds, ‘Which is more beautiful, your voice or your form?’ and they receive this answer, ‘My flesh is the best of all.’ After saying this, he instantly turns himself into a roasted fowl and presents himself to the dweller of Paradise, should he have expressed an appetite. He is just as he wants him to be, and after he has eaten, he instantly comes back to life and sings anew in the boughs of the tree. All these birds sing the praises of the people of Paradise.
About the Paradise Gardens
“I was shown eight different Paradise gardens, and four of these were

actual gardens and orchards. Their names were Firdaws, Ma’wa, ‘Adn and Na’im. The four others contained palaces and pavilions amidst gardens and orchards. These were Dar-us-Salam, Dar-al-Jalal, Dar-al- Qarar, and Dar-al-Khuld.
“In each of these four last-mentioned gardens there were gardens and flowering meadows as numerous as the stars in the night sky and grains of sand in the desert.
“The sky of the highest Paradise is the base of the Divine Throne. I was shown only the mansions in the Paradise of ‘Adn (Eden), and they were as the starry skies at night. A great many of them were destined for my companions and for people of my nation. Each of these mansions was as great as the distance between Heaven and earth. Jibra’il showed me these mansions and told me the names of those who were destined to inhabit them. I espied one which was higher and larger than the others and I asked whose was this great mansion. Jibra’il told me, ‘It is the mansion of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq.’ Then he showed me those belonging to ‘Umar, ‘Uthman and Ali.
Here, the Holy Prophet paused to turn to Abu Bakr and he said to him:
“Oh Abu Bakr, I have seen your palace in Paradise, it is made all of red gold. And I have seen all the immense favors and rewards, which lie in store for you there.” To this Abu Bakr replied, “May the owner of that Paradise pavilion be sacrificed for you, oh Prophet of Allah !” The Holy Prophet then went and told ‘Umar that he had seen the palace destined for him in Paradise and that it was made of ruby. “A great many Huris were there, and as I entered inside it, I remembered your jealousy.” After this he said to ‘Uthman, “I saw you in each of the heavens, and I have seen and regarded your house in Paradise.”
After this He said to Ali:
“Oh Ali, I saw your shape in the fourth Heaven. I asked Jibra’il about it and he told me, ‘Oh Rasulullah , the angels yearned to see Ali, therefore the Lord Almighty created an angel in the form of Ali and placed him in the fourth Heaven where the angels can go to visit him. Then I went inside your designated palace. I picked a fruit of one of the trees and sniffed at it. A Huri came out from it, drawing her veil across her face. I asked her, ‘Who are you?’ She answered, ‘I was created for your brother and cousin Ali, oh Rasulullah .’”

Then the Holy Prophet , the Messenger to both mankind and Jinn, the Imam of both Sanctuaries continued:
“Before me I heard footsteps and I asked Jibra’il, ‘Whose footfall is this?’ He answered me, ‘It is the tread of your Muadhdhin Bilal, oh Messenger of Allah!’”
According to one tradition, the Holy Prophet asked Bilal:
“On the night of my Mi’raj, I heard the sound of your step in the gardens of Paradise. What have you done to achieve such high rank?” Bilal answered the Prophet , “There is nothing very special in my works. Only, as often as I break my Wudu’, I perform ablution anew, and after repeating my Wudu’ I pray a prayer of two Rak’ats.” The Prophet then said, “These then are the actions which have allowed you to run ahead of me.”
The Holy Prophet continued:
“Again I heard the sound of a footfall ahead of me and I asked Jibra’il who told me, ‘It is the step of Ghamsa bint Milhan, a daughter of one of the Ansar renowned for her patience in poverty.’ I also saw two great mansions belonging to Zayd bin ‘Amr bin Nufayl, and I asked wherefore he was so honored. One reason was this: that he lived according to the law of ‘Isa, and another was that he accepted the new law when I was given prophethood and the law of ‘Isa was superseded, and he lived by it for the rest of his days. Therefore he was given double reward.
“Then I came upon domes built all of pearls and their mortar was of musk. I asked Jibra’il who they were meant for and he told me they were for the Imams and Muadhdhins of my nation.
“And I saw this, too: Ja’far ibn Abi Talib flying along with the angels. And I saw my uncle Hamza reclining on a divan in the Gardens of Bliss. I saw also my wife Khadija of blessed memory in a pavilion of pearls built over one of the rivers of Paradise.”
The Tuba Tree
Allah’s Messenger continued:
“I came upon a tree in Paradise of such beauty as nothing I had seen before this could equal. When I came up to its trunk and looked aloft, I

realized how tremendous a tree it was. Its boughs spread out in all directions so that nothing else was to be seen but this tree. It gave of such a fine scent that in all Paradise I had not smelled anything finer. I examined the whole tree. Its leaves were white and red and green and yellow and each had a special coating and covering in the distinctive colors of Paradise. The fruits of this tree were like long poles. Each one of them contained the pleasures and delights, all of the good tastes and smells that are found in Heaven and on earth - all were assembled in a single fruit of this tree.
“I remained spell-bound before the wondrous beauty of this tree and the loveliness of its form, and I asked Jibra’il, ‘What tree is this?’ Jibra’il told me, ‘Its name is ‘Tuba’, it is the Tuba Tree.’
The Waters of Kawthar
“In the middle of the Jannah, I saw a river that sprang from somewhere by the pillars on which rests the Divine Throne. Its flow was made up of water, milk, wine and honey, and yet these four did not mix. The banks of this river were of chrysolite and the pebbles of the riverbed were precious gems. Its mud was amber and its weeds were saffron crocuses. All along its banks were innumerable drinking cups of silver, as many as there are stars in the sky. Birds whose necks were as the necks of camels flew alongside. Aah, for to eat of their flesh and to drink of the waters of that river - a sign of the Lord’s manifest Favor!
“I asked Jibra’il about this river and he told me, ‘This is the water of Kawthar. Inform your nation of this. In every grove and garden of Paradise there flows a stream the waters of which rise from the spring of Kawthar.’ Along the banks of this stream, I saw tents of pearl and red ruby. I asked Jibra’il and he said, ‘Those are the dwellings of your wives.’ Within the tents I espied moon-faced Huris whose features shone with the radiance of the sun. All at once, they broke out into song, and this is what they sang:
We always sing our tune, never do we tire;
We are always pleased, and we know no sadness; We are always clothed, we are never bare.
We are forever young, and never shall grow old;

We are contented anytime, never are we cross. We shall always be, never we shall die.
We belong to them, and they to us forever; ah, everlasting bliss!’
“The Huris’ voices reached to all the far corners of Paradise. They reached every pavilion and every tree, and all resounded with such profound bliss that, were only the slightest part of it to reach the Earth, no trouble would remain upon it, nor death.
“Jibra’il then asked me, ‘Do you wish to behold their beauty?’ ‘Indeed, I do,’ I replied. Thereupon, one tent flap was lifted and I glimpsed a face of such beauty, that even were I to spend the rest of my life my life trying to describe it, I would not accomplish even a fraction of its description. Their faces were whiter than milk, their lips redder than red ruby, and more radiant than the sun. Their complexions were softer than the velvety petals of the red rose or the softest silken cloth. More luminous were they than the moon at its fullest, and their scent was more pleasing than musk. Their tresses were of the darkest shade of ebony. Some wore them plaited, while others wore their hair loose, and some bound it with ties. Those who wore their hair loosened were covered by it as by a tent when they were seated, their hair reaching down to their feet. Each had in front of her a servant. Jibra’il explained to me, ‘These are intended for your nation.’
“One of the most amazing things I saw in the Jannah was the four rivers that flowed through it.
As Allah Almighty describes in His Holy Book:
This is the similitude of Paradise, which the God-fearing have been promised: therein are rivers of water unspoiling, rivers of milk unchanging in flavor and rivers of wine – a delight to the drinkers, rivers, too, of honey purified; and therein for them is every fruit and forgiveness from their Lord. (Muhammad, 15)
To continue in the Prophet’s words:
“I asked Jibra’il, ‘Whence do these waters come and whither do they flow?’ He told me, ‘All I know is that they flow out of the pool of Kawthar, but their actual source I cannot tell. You are most highly esteemed in the Divine Presence; perhaps if you ask, you will be told.’ While yet thinking about this matter, my eye fell upon an angel so

great, Allah alone knows his true size. He had a great number of wings and he spoke to me, saying, ‘Place your blessed feet upon one of my wings and shut your eyes!’ I did as he bade me, and he flew off. After a while he told me to open my eyes again, and when I did so, I beheld a tree. Beneath this tree, I saw a dome, which was so great that were you to place the whole world upon it, it would resemble a bird that has alighted upon a huge mountain. There was a golden key to this dome and it had a door made of beryl. I then perceived that the four rivers issued from beneath that dome.
“After I had seen that much, I wished to return, but the angel said to me, ‘Don’t you wish to enter that dome and find out the actual source of these waters?’ ‘The door is locked,’ I answered. The angel replied, ‘But you have the key.’ ‘What is that key?’ I asked, marveling. The angel said, ‘The key is this:

Speak these words, and the door will open.’
“So I stepped forward and spoke these words: ‘BISMILLAH-IR- RAHMAN-IR-RAHIM;’ and lo, the door sprang open. I then saw that the four rivers flowed from the four walls of the building. The angel said to me, ‘Look carefully!’ and as I did so, I saw that on one wall were written the words; Bi-ISMi (In the Name of), on another wall: ALLAH (Allah), on the third wall: AR-RAHMAN (the All-Merciful), and on the fourth: AR-RAHIM (the All-Compassionate).
From the mouth of the letter ‘mim’ in the word Bi-ISMi flowed the river of water; from the eye of the letter ‘ha’ in the word ALLAH flowed the river of milk; from the mouth of the ‘mim’ in the word AR- RAHMAN flowed the river of wine; from the mouth of the ‘mim’ in the word AR-RAHIM flowed the river of honey. Thus I saw that the sources of the four rivers were these four holy words.
“When I wished to depart from this place, a Divine Address came to me, saying:
Inni man dhakarani bi-hadhihil-kalimat wa qala bi-qalbin salihin ‘Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim’ saqaitahu min hadhihil-anharul- arba’a.
(Whoever remembers Me by speaking these words BISMILLAH-IR-

RAHMAN-IR-RAHIM with a pure heart and sincere intent, him I will give to drink from these four rivers of Paradise.)
All Praise is due to the Lord of the Worlds, Amin.
“I saw some palaces and pavilions of the Jannah, which were of pearls and rubies. Between each of them lay a distance as great as east is removed from west. I asked Jibra’il, ‘For whom are these pavilions?’ and he told me, ‘They are for such people as took a blind man by the hand and led him for seven paces.’ I asked, ‘Shall I give news of this to my nation?’ and he answered, ‘Yes, give them the good news, but know that there is even better cheer yet ahead, and tell them of that as well. If a Muslim rises in the morning, saying ‘Bismillahir-rahmani-r- rahim’, then makes his ablution and prays his morning prayer, Allah Almighty will prepare for him a place in Paradise which is twenty times as large as the Earth from east to west.’
“After this, I came to see Idris, the Prophet, and I saluted him. He returned my Salams ceremoniously and bade me welcome. I then said to him, ‘What a beautiful place you have come to dwell in!’ He said to me in response, ‘What is it to me; if only I could have been in the world now to be reckoned as one of your nation!’ I then said, ‘You have been spared the pangs of death and have reached this high station; what do you want of the world?’ He answered me, ‘And if I had to suffer the death throes of the entire world since the day of its creation, if only I had been honored to be alive in your time, thus to be counted as one of your nation...’ I then asked him, ‘Oh my brother Idris, what is the reason for this desire of yours?’ He replied, ‘Whichever Paradise mansion I go to, however many Huris I turn towards, all of them are saying, ‘We belong to the nation of Muhammad .’
“One day I came to a mountain, which they call the ‘Jabal-ur-Rahma’, the Mount of Mercy. Its peak reaches up to the Divine Throne and it is made of musk and amber. There are two entrances set upon this mountain, both made of pure white silver. The distance between these two doors is so great that a rider galloping in haste upon a swift steed for five hundred years would not be able to cross it. Inside it were such a great number of palaces and mansions that would be impossible to enumerate. To attempt to describe their beauty and splendor is likewise beyond all human means. I asked, These mansions belong to which

one of the Prophets?’ The Lord Almighty then addressed me, saying, ‘This is not a place belonging to any Prophet, but for any one of the nation of Muhammad who prays two Rak’ats, to him I will give a mansion here.’ For these reasons I wish to belong to your nation.’
“In a word, I there witnessed Divine Gifts of Grace such as no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no man’s heart has ever imagined. After all was done, I left the Jannah together with the Angel Jibra’il and we descended once more to the seventh Heaven. I spoke to the Prophet Ibrahim. We saluted each other and he congratulated me on my Mi’raj. He did not put any questions to me.
“Then we descended to the sixth Heaven and I met the Prophet Musa who also congratulated me on the Mi’raj. We greeted one another, then he asked me, ‘Oh Rasulullah , what has been imposed upon your nation?’ I began to tell him, ‘The Lord has commanded them to pray fifty times during one night and one day, to fast six months of the year, to wash seven times when having incurred a state of major impurity, and to wash a contaminated garment seven times to purify it.’ When Musa had heard all this, he replied, ‘Your nation has not the strength to keep all these commands. By Allah, before your time, I have experienced the nature of man, I employed various and sundry means to persuade my nation, the Bani Isra’il, by oath and by injunction. Still, they could not fulfill this obligation. Go back, implore the Lord that He lessen the burden for your nation.’
“Thereupon I turned back until I reached the Sidrat-al-Muntaha where I threw myself down in prostration before the Lord, pleading with Him, ‘Oh my Lord, my nation is a weak nation; fifty prayer times a day, six months of fasting, seven purification baths, they and I will not be able to keep, and we will fall short of our requirements. By Thine Grace and Loving kindness, lighten our load!’
“After this plea, ten prayer times, one month of fasting and one bath were lifted. Again I met the Prophet Musa and told him what I had been given. He said, ‘Your nation will still not be able to carry forty periods of prayer, five months of fasting and six purification baths, they will fall short of their requirement. Have pity on your nation and plead for their load to be lightened. ‘ So again I went back to the Sidra and begged Allah to lighten my nation’s burden. Again ten prayer times, one month of fasting and one bath were lifted from them. I

came back to the Prophet Musa and told him what I had received. He said, ‘Your nation is a weak nation, thirty times of prayer, four months of fasting and five baths are still too much for them. Go back and ask for their load to be lightened.’ Again I returned to the Sidra and threw myself down before the Almighty, praying that He might lift some more of the load off my nation, and again my prayer was granted. I came back and spoke once more to the Prophet Musa; again he sent me back, and I went yet again to plead with the Lord and to ask for more lightening of the task. In this way it went on, until I had received the command for my nation to keep five prayer times during one night and one day, to fast one month a year, to bathe once for purification and to wash their polluted garment once only. When I came back and told Musa what the Lord had commanded, he said, ‘Go back again and ask to be given less.’ But I replied, ‘I have now gone many times and asked for the load to be lightened for my nation, and each time the Lord granted it to me. I am ashamed to go back again, this much I am willing to accept.’
“After I had left Musa, I received a Divine Call, ‘I have lightened the load of worship for My servants, I accept that they pray five prayers daily. Oh Muhammad, let them pray five times a day and I will grant them the reward of fifty prayers. Anyone belonging to your nation who intends an act of goodness and later fails to carry it out, I will grant him one reward him in accordance with his intention. If he performs the action as he intended, I will grant him a tenfold reward, and increase it up to seven hundred fold, layer upon layer of recompense. Even if he intends to perform a sinful action and in the end he does not do so after all, I will write a reward for him for not having committed a sin. And should he commit it, I will write for him a single sin.’
“After this, I climbed upon the wing of the Angel Jibra’il and we came to the Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem). I saw the Buraq tied to the ring where I had left him. I entered the mosque and prayed there two Rak’ats of thanks to Allah Almighty for His Infinite Grace and Favor, Mercy and Munificence upon me, all praises be to Him Almighty! Then I mounted again upon the Buraq and in less time than it takes to bat an eyelid, I arrived back in Mecca. By the Infinite Power of Allah, I found that during my absence my bed had not even grown cold yet.”
The Duration of the Mi’raj

‘Ammar told us, “The Mi’raj of our Holy Prophet took place in three hours.” Abdullah bin Munabbih however tells us, “Rasulullah’s Mi’raj was accomplished within four hours.”
The truth of the matter is that Allah alone knows how long it really took. It is one of the articles of our faith to fully believe in the reality of this Mi’raj. Whoever refuses to believe that the Holy Prophet went as far as Jerusalem is reckoned an unbeliever. For there are hard proofs for this fact, as declared in the Holy Book of the Quran:
Glory be to Him who carried His servant by night from the Holy Mosque to the Further Mosque the precincts of which We have blessed, that We might show him some of Our signs. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. (The Night Journey, 1)
Whoever denies that the Prophet actually ascended from the Masjid-al-Aqsa (Jerusalem) to the heavens is a heretic (literally, an inventor of harmful innovations) and has gone astray. For it has been determined by way of Hadiths of many different paths of extraction that the Prophet did actually ascend to the heavens. We declare our belief and confirm them all.
Therefore, because the honor of ascension was granted to him, the Holy Prophet bears the epithet of Sahib-al-Mi’raj, ‘He who was granted ascension to the heavens’. May Allah’s Blessing and Benediction be upon him, Amin.
The Prophet’s Return From Mi’raj
Another one of the Holy Prophet’s names is al-Muayyad, ‘he who is strengthened, corroborated’, for Allah Almighty confirmed all that he brought home from his Mi’raj.
When Muhammad returned from his Mi’raj, he asked the angel Jibra’il, “Who will believe me when I tell them that I have performed a Mi’raj?” Jibra’il then answered him, “Abu Bakr will confirm whatever you say, for he is Siddiq, Truthful.”
When it was morning, the Holy Prophet stepped forth into the Haram-ash- Sharif in an exalted state of bliss and enlightenment. When he sat down, Abu Jahl, the enemy of Allah went up to him and, seeing the Prophet in an aura of light and majesty, he thought to himself, “There is something strange about this; let me go and find out and see whether I can’t manage to annoy him a bit.” So he sat down beside the Holy Prophet in order to vex him in some way and said to

him in mockery, “Oh Muhammad , you look so happy. I guess you must have come across something useful?” “Yes indeed,” replied the Holy Prophet . Abu Jahl then went on, “And what was that?”
“Last night the Angel Jibra’il came to me and took me along with him while I was wide awake.” Abu Jahl asked, “Where did he take you to?” The Holy Prophet answered, “He led me from the Kaba al-Mukarrama to the Bayt-al- Maqdis (Masjid-al-Aqsa). Abu Jahl then asked, “You are telling me, that this very night you were at the Masjid-al-Aqsa (in Jerusalem), and that you came back to Mecca and are right here among us this morning?” “Yes,” replied the Holy Prophet , the Rightly-Guided Messenger, the Intercessor on the Day of Reckoning. Abu Jahl then had this suggestion to make, “If I called together the people, would you repeat to them what you have just told me?” “Yes,” said the Holy Prophet . Thereupon, Abu Jahl called out in a loud voice so all could hear, “Come here, all you sons of Ka’b, oh people of Quraysh!”
When they had all assembled and were seated around him, Abu Jahl turned to the Prophet Muhammad and asked him to repeat before the assembled Quraysh what he had told him privately. The Holy Prophet then said, “Last night Jibra’il came to me and took me along with him.” “Where did he take you to?” everyone wanted to know. “He took me to the Bayt al-Maqdis, to Jerusalem,” said the Prophet . They said, “Last night you went all the way to Jerusalem and yet you are here among us this morning?” To this the Holy Prophet , the Prince of the Prophets, the Light of the Eyes of the Saints replied, “Yes, indeed.”
But they would not believe him and said he lied.
Aisha as-Siddiqa (the Truthful) relates the following concerning this controversy:
“When the story of the Mi’raj became known, some of those who had declared their faith earlier, apostatized and fell away from their new faith. Some of the idolaters went to Abu Bakr and told him about this. His response was to ask them, ‘Is that really what he says?’ ‘Yes, that is what he claims.’ ‘If he says so, then it must be true. If he says that he went and came back in one night, then he truly did do so.’ Again they asked him, ‘Do you then confirm the claims he makes?’ Abu Bakr replied, ‘And were he to claim to have gone even farther than that and to have returned in that same night, I would believe him and confirm the truth of it.’ From that day on, Abu Bakr was given the by-name ‘as-Siddiq’, a title meaning ‘the eminently Truthful’.”

The assembled idolaters challenged the Holy Prophet , saying:
“We know what the Holy Mosque, the Bayt-al-Maqdis in Jerusalem looks like; if you have truly been there, you will be able to answer our questions when we ask you concerning its shape and aspect? There are many among us who have been there on repeated occasions. If you can give the answers corresponding to reality, it will be known that you have really been there.”
Then they began to ask him questions concerning the appearance of the Bayt-al- Maqdis. The Lord of Absolute Power, Allah Almighty then revealed to the Holy Prophet a vision of the Bayt-al-Maqdis at Jerusalem, so that he saw it before his very eyes. Whatever they asked him about it, he was able to describe to them all the details of the holy site. The men listening to him were forced to admit, “By God, everything he tells us about it is true. Even those among us who have been there many times could not describe it in such accur