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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 91/120)
o) that it is impossible for our physical beingřs capacity to reach or to keep it.ŗ That is in our days (the) teaching system from governments for mankind!

Governments (are) running in such a things. For what? To occupy (the) youth with learning and to leave them to do everything that they may be on their stations or on their chairs or on power center longly, as much as possible.

(But)- Subhanallah - the Lord of Heavens (is) making for everything a limit. When that limit is reached, you canřt push it forward or you canřt pull it forward, no! Subhanallah - since one week or more I am hearing that in France all students (are) leaving their schools, their learning centers, (that) they are leaving (the) universities and (are) running on streets like violent beings, like jungle people - they never look like people of forest, no, (in a) forest you may go around safely, but (in a) jungle you canřt - and they are running on streets, burning and breaking and throwing stones and making such a things that it is not for a student who learnt something to do this! That means the summary of their teachings was so bad that they prepared youngsters to be like violent beings through jungles.

We have a saying in Islam (?): Before everything…there is Adab that (it) is a real way that first everyone whom they are coming to learn[ing]-age [ought] to be taught.

One of Heavenly servants that they are living among people was saying: ŖO people, I was asking: ŘWhat is most important in Divinely Presence?ř Because people (are) coming to be unto two ways or directions: One group of people are running to learn, to learn, to learn much more knowledge about (the) creation or about this world. But some (other) people are not interesting to learn so many things about this material world, but they are interesting mostly how they can be in their Lordřs Divinely Presence, which thing is going to be much more important and lovely and respected and acceptable in Divine Presence. Andŗ, he was saying, ŖI was so long looking, looking, looking… but whom they were getting closer, more closer to their Lordřs Divinely Presence, they were coming closer not with so much knowledge of this world, but they are coming closer, because they are interesting to keep their Lordřs high respect. They were running to give much more high respect to their Lord. Therefore I was looking and seeing that those people, whom they are asking to give much more respect and glorifying to their Lord they are acceptable and they have been invited (by Allah Almighty): ŘCome closer, come closer, O My good servants!ř But those, whom they

are not interesting for their Lordřs respect and glorifying, (they are) never invited; no one (is) saying (to them): ŘCome closerŘ, because they are running away from their Lordřs Divinely Presence, (instead they are) running to such a (material) things that this whole world no value in Divinely Presence. They are running after so cheap and no value things, therefore Allah Almighty (is) never accepting (them).ŗ

What do you think: If a group of people (is) asking to visit their lord, their King, their Sultan and everyone (is) bringing something with them, what do your think, if (the) Sultan (is) looking (to) those people and looking what they are bringing, how should be his dealing with those people? For example: Some of them (are) bringing diamonds, some of them (are) bringing golden, some of them (are) bringing emeralds, some of them (are) bringing red rubies, some of them (are) bringing not white, but pink pearls.

(But) some (others) of them (are) loading on their shoulders straw, some of them (are) bringing fertilizer, some of them (are) bringing (something from the) dustbin, carrying garbage with them… What do you think he is saying? ŖCome, first you… ehhh, so bad smelling! From where (you are) bringing (this)? Take them away!ŗ

Dunya, this world is not so valuable; (it really has) no value for Allah Almighty, and He never looks (to) Dunya. If Allah (was) looking to Dunya, Dunya (was) going to be immediately a big ruby! (A) big ruby! But (He is) never looking. (Dunya is) so dirty, (a) so disliked thing, and whom they are running (rushing) on it, how He is going to say (to them): ŖWelcome to youŗ? (He is going to say:) ŖYou are leaving your Creator and (you are) running for (this) dirty life, no value life, (therefore,) if you are bringing something (of) no value, you are also (of) no value in My Divine Presence!ŗ

But people now they changed everything; they are asking to learn more and more and more useless things and (they are) leaving their Creator, their Lord. And they finished their chances (here) and finally they are going to be such (garbage)…

(It is like with) a person, who is cleaning his home or his garden and (then) making a heap of garbage, what he is collecting, (and then he is) bringing a match and making (a fire)…Now people (are) making themselves (of) no value and (a) fire (is) coming to burn them and to clean (the) world from those no mind people, no Adab people, no respect people, not believing people, to finish them to take them away!… And they are trying to make that fire now!…

May Allah protect us on His Good-Adab-Way! We are trying to be much more good mannered, good quality ones, much more acceptable ones in His Divinely Presence, not to be like garbage. People mostly now they are like garbage. Only few ones, few ones, few ones (that) they have some good quality, they should be protected.

May Allah forgive us! Therefore I am asking: O our Lord, forgive us, because people are drunk with democracy; (they are) sleeping with democracy, awakening with democracy ŖDemocracy, democracyŖ…daily. There is (the prayer-beads, representing the) 99 Names (of Allah), but they are saying (instead of AllahŘs Holy Names) ŖDemocracy, democracy, democracy, democracY…100…

We shall begin second day another: democracy, democracy, democracyŖ… their Dhikr (is) going to be ŖDemocracy, democracy, democracyŖ…Everything for democracy! ŖO people, you must know that everything must be for democracy!ŗ ŖSay that: ŖEverything must be for Allah!ŗ ŖNo, you are wrong, you must say: Democracy, democracy…, every day!ŗ May Allah forgive us!

Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah… Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah… Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah… We are asking You, O our Lord, we are not asking democracy!

May Allah forgive us and bless you, for the honour of the most honoured one in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu ´alayhi wa sallam,


Sohbet-247 Sohbet 28.3.06, evening

The eclipse - a sign for Allah Almighty‟ s Power!

Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim

...Tomorrow is going to be eclipse. We Arabs are using one word for (the) sun (eclipse) and one (another word) for (the) moon eclipse. For Turkish people tutulmasi- for sun and for moon (same), so easy…

Everything in existence canřt do anything by itself. Everything (is) under (the) Dominion of Heavens. (Dominion is more than Malakut. Allah (is al) Muhaymin Řala-l mulk wa-l malakut.) Therefore - it is a big happening through sky, space, that (the) sun (is) going to lose its lights partly or completely and people (are) saying so many things.

And the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLahu ´alayhi wa sallam -, he was giving some information for (a) sun eclipse or (a) moon eclipse, but he is not going to give a full and complete tarif or tabir, description or definition about that, because (the) Prophet - sallaLahu ´alayhi wa sallam -, Sayyidina Rasulullah - sallaLahu ´alayhi wa sallam -, he was not ordered or authorized by Allah Almighty to give for everything that is going to happen through details, no. (He was) never authorized to give (a) full description or information how is going to be (an) eclipse for (the) sun or for (the) moon.

And his importance, (the) Prophetřs importance, was calling people to their Lordřs servanthood. As a person that he is looking after Sultanřs Palace, Mudir Tashifaat wa atřalimaat; if he is bringing a person to be on an important point for something through (the) Palace, he is only bringing him and saying: ŖThis is your importanceŖ, (he is) not standing and saying: ŖThis building (is) in such a way, this building in such a wayŖ, no…never (he is) getting in(to) details. What he (that person) should do, he is giving its details (about that) only, (he is) not going to make a description about (the) Palace, no.

Now (the) Prophet - sallaLahu ´alayhi wa sallam - he has been ordered to call people to servanthood for their Lord and it is not true to give that importance for a person, that he had been offered to do (something), to leave it and to look around and to ask for understanding. Now Allah Almighty (is) saying: 7 Heavens and 7 earths. We are going to know it, East and West, Western countries, Eastern countries. Now Shaitan (is) making people to lose their importance - what they have been called and offered and ordered to do this. A servant was cleaning (the) floor and he saw something there and (then he was) putting (away the) broom and (he was) looking and saying: ŖOhhh, look!ŗ No, it is not true (to do this)!

Therefore - (the) Prophet was knowing everything about creation - more than anyone; perhaps everyone (else was) taking from him (the) real information. For everything about their reality, he was knowing. Now he was saying: Ŗ(Solar) eclipse should be and some eclipse for moonŖ, but he is not going to bring a full description on it, because it is not necessary. He may only say that: ŖIt is some happening that only Allah Almighty He knows, how it is going on, an eclipse through (the) sun or (an) eclipse through (the) moon.ŗ He was not saying that a shadow from earth (is) coming on (the) moon or (that) a shadow from (the) moon (is) coming on (the) sun and getting that happenings (to be) through space, (to explain an) eclipse. No, he is not saying, not bringing details. He was only informing that (an) eclipse of (the) sun and (an) eclipse of (the) moon (are) from Allah Almightyřs big Signs of His Power Attribute, a big sign that He (is the) only One who is able to make this through space: to put on lights darkness for a while (and) then to carry that darkness (away) and light comes.

And (he) was saying that: ŖWhen darkness (is) coming, lights where (they are) going? Orŗ, he was saying, Ŗwhen lights (are) coming, where darkness (is) going? Only He knows, Allah AlmightyŖ, and (He is) giving (a) special knowledge about (the) creation to His most beloved servant Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLahu ´alayhi wa sallam - He was saying only: ŖThis is Řmin ayati-llahŘ, that is the sign of Allah Almightyřs Greatness and His Mighty Attribute that no one can stop it or no one can move it on.ŗ He said only this and that was more than enough for servants!

You must know that (He) who created (the) sun or (the) moon, only that One (is) going to make His Order to pass freely on (the) sun or (the) moon, only that One who can say: ŖDarkness come on sun and cover it, darkness come on brightening!ŗ Or He was (the) only One who can say: ŖMoon, cover (the) brightness and lights!ŗ No any one else. That is enough for ourselves! We have been never offered to get deeply deeply deeply, asking that reason, that reason, this going in such a way, in such a way, no, it is forbidden! You must use heavenly knowledge for making everything in its real cause, nothing else! But now they are saying so many things and they are forgetting (the) most important thing: that no any thing in existence (is) going to move by itself or to do something by itself.

But shaitanic teaching (is) saying to people: ŖDonřt ask anything about your knowledge; you must say that (the) moonřs shadow (is) coming on earth or (that the) sunřs shadow (is) coming on (the) moon and getting in existence moon eclipse or sun eclipse.ŗ They are saying so many things as (it is) their understanding and they are giving (their) last decision that it is going to be an eclipse for (the) sun or (an) eclipse for (the) moon, it is (something that is) going to be through creation. They are not saying that it is something that

(is) happening and taking effect from outside and (that someone is) making this, everything for eclipse, they are not saying this. They are saying so many reasons, like this coming and becoming eclipse for sun eclipse for moon…

And we are looking and seeing as (the) Prophet (was) saying: ŖThere are some signs; it is not an empty being, canřt be, must be behind it some reasons that Allah Almighty (is) asking to show His endless Power Oceans, to make people to bow to His servanthood and to take their care! That is the main purpose (for the) big signs from Allah Almightyřs endless Power Oceans.ŗ

Now people are expecting that (there) should be an eclipse tomorrow and tomorrow (also is) going to be (the) last Wednesday of Safar al-Khair. And it is not a coincidence, no, (it is happening) for some reasons! ŖWe are sending our Heavenly Signs to make people to come on the level of servanthoodŖ; not try to get up over servant hood; (over servanthood) only there is Lordship. Lordship is only for One and servant hood (is) for everyone (else)! (Allah is) asking to make them to know that that One only can do this and that: ŖO people, if you are doing something wrong, you must fear from your Lord Almighty Allah for a punishment here or Hereafter!ŗ Must be some warning. This is a warning, warning that people, when they are leaving (the) right path and turning into a wrong way, Allah (is) saying: ŖI am going to punish My servants!ŗ That is a sign that a punishment (is) approaching to mankind.

And I heard today from my son in law that he was saying: ŖWhen this eclipse of sun (is) happening, a second eclipse of sun perhaps (is) never going to happen (except) only after 6o years or 55 years.ŗ That means that it is a punishment or (a) sign of a punishment that (is) approaching for (the) bad actings of mankind on earth. (It is) coming! Then, when it is going to be 55 years, never going to happen this, because they are all going to be true ones and no need a warning for them that: ŖYou are on (the) wrong wayŗ and: ŖCorrect your steps!ŗ Therefore (for the next) 55 years or 6o years never (is) going to happen another eclipse of sun.

And I am getting good tidings that the time of Imanu Zaman Mehdi Sahibu Zaman (is) just coming, because it is a sign for his Zuhur, (the appearance) of Mehdi -alayhis salam - (He is) coming! That is a big sign, eclipse of sun; (and) also (it is) going to happen (an) eclipse of (the) moon, but much more important from other reasons (is) that Allah Almighty (is) making His servants to wake up and to look after themselves, to say: ŖWhat we are making?ŗ and: ŖWhere we are going?ŗ, ŖWhat we are doing?ŗ To make them to think on it, as after eclipse of sun it is going (to be), it is as a Heavenly Order to appear something as a punishment - earthquakes or Tsunami may be… and that (eclipse is) signing that (a) punishment (is) approaching.

Take your Tauba (repentance)! We are not asking (about that) Řfine lines that running under continentsŘ; they are all stories, no reality! May Allah forgive us and protect you from (the) Last Daysř punishments!

We are waiting (for the) good days with Mehdi - alayhi salam, Imamu Zaman, and also to be taken away every false and bad things and (the) coming (of) good days, good works for people; lightened days and lightened nights.

May Allah forgive us! Therefore we are saying: Now people are fearing and

running away from their homes, putting tents, but no one (is) knowing the time of that happening or of (an) earthquake. They may expect (it) to be (on the) last day of Safaru-l Khair; if not happening (that day), (it may be) one day after, if not happening, one week after, one month after, one year after… suddenly (it) may appear that punishment. Therefore we are asking forgiveness and that Allah protects you and shelters us here and Hereafter!

For the honour of the most honoured one in His divine Presence, Sayyidina Muhamad - sallaLahu ´alayhi wa sallam - Fatiha. Sohbet-248 Sohbet from 19.02.2006

O our Lord- save our souls!

Meded, ya Sultanu-l Anbiya Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya Meded, ya RijalaLlah! A´udhu bi-Llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAdhim. As-salamu alaikum! It is a short association and we are trying to follow the ways of holy people. And who is living on earth - billions of people are living - they are two kinds of people: Holy ones and unholy ones.

I was once passing through Switzerland on my way from London to Cyprus. There is a famous monastery, St.Nicolaus (von der Flüe), always (when) I am passing, his spirituality was asking me to come closer and he was taking familiarity from my spirituality. I was passing and coming there, stopping and visiting the monastery and his tomb also.

Once I was there, just I visited and (I was) coming out, a person (was) coming and he said that: ŖI am priest of this monasteryŗ and I was addressing to him: ŖYour holiness.ŗ He said to me: ŖI am not a holy one. If you are saying Řholinessř, holiness inside, buried there, but I am ordinary priest, I am not holy one.ŗ I said to him: ŖWhat about Pope?ŗ ŖHe is not also a holy one; he is also a person that appointed by some group of religious people (that) we are saying ŘCardinalsř (for them). Holiness that is a grant and blessing from Heavens. Whom they are appointed by someones on earth, they are not holy ones. ŘHolinessř is a rank that (is) granted from Heavens to the Lord of Heavensř servants.ŗ I said: ŖWhat you are speaking, it is true. When they are appointed by governments, they canřt be holy ones.ŗ To be Ř(His) Holinessř that is something belongs to Heavens; that is not a reward or such a thing that people may give to anyone. Yes, I may dress like dress of Popes or Saints - their clothes is holy clothes, as we are looking - but inside, no. Donřt think if a person dressing what dresses (a) holy man, (he is) going to be (a) holy one, no! Clothes we are understanding, but not that person. We are speaking on that point [so] that people must know some of them

are holy ones, and mostly they are ordinary people.

For example: Canřt be a person King, (even) if he is going to dress Kingřs dressing; even putting on his head a crown, he is not going to be a King,no!

But now (this is) through whole nations and people are not asking who is holy one or not. They are not understanding what is (the) mission of (the) holyones. People now (are) going to be (all) on the same line - that their mission (is) to work for Dunya. Who (is) working for Dunya, he is not a holy one, no. Who (is) working for his Lord, he is holy one. Holy one is a clean person, no dirtiness on them for Dunya, no. But who [is] working for Dunya, they are all of them just going to be dirty from Dunya. You may say, there is a pond; who is swimming in that pond, clean one, he is clean, but who [is] falling in[to] a dirty pond, he should be dirty. Dunya is dirty and we are not created for Dunya, no, we are created for the Lords servanthood.

Who choosing to be servant of his Lord, his life is clean and he is reaching through his cleanliness his Lords Divine Presence. Clean ones. Who [is] choosing Dunya, all of them just coming in a dirty pond and they should be left through that dirty place. It is so clear, so clear!

All Prophets that came, that have been sent, they are all of them chosen ones, they are saying [the] same thing. Donřt think Adam - ´alayhi salâm - was saying other words that what we say now. Donřt think Noah - ´alayhi salâm - was calling his people to another station. Donřt think Abraham - ´alayhi salâm - and his sons, grandsons and lines of Prophets through 12 tribes - thousands of Prophets -, donřt think they were calling people to Dunya, no, but they were calling them to be for their Creator, the Lord of Heavens: ŖCome and be servants for your Lord Allah Almighty!ŗ Shaytan calling people: ŖNo, you must try… you must run after Dunya and you must try to enjoy your physical being with so many things from Dunya!ŗ Shaytanřs calling that.

All Prophets just called!

Now we are living in a time [when] there is a Muslim world (and) there is a Non-Muslim world; Non-Muslim world means Christian world and then Jewish world - that they are also Book-given-people, all of them - and there are so many millions or billions people, they are never taking care or never interesting in Holy Books and following some Řways from old timeŘ. And now the representatives of Muslim world, the representatives of Non-Muslim world, the representatives of Christians, the representatives of Jewish faith, all of them [are] never getting a power for defeating Satan from people. Satans power coming over their powers! They are in such a way that their faith [is] not enough for defending [the] Truth - and the Lord of Heavens sent all Prophets and their real inheritors, (as) defenders of Truth.

And Truth [is] coming from Heavens. Truth is not from earth; the Balance of Truth [is] coming from Heavens. Every balance that they are doing now - nations and their religious people -, their balance [is] from earth, therefore they are not able to make defence or to be defenders of Truth. They are following their egoistic interests; they are interesting only for Dunya and canřt be able to be defenders of Truth.

First of all that we must do our defence to make people to believe in [the] Lord of Heavens, their Creator, and secondly we must do our defence for defending that: ŖO people, take your true ways according (to the) Rules of Heavens that just had been sent through His chosen people, honoured people that they are Prophets!ŗ

We are not saying: ŖHow we are going to be defenders of Truth?ŗ Therefore, Truth -now perhaps [there are] 6 billion people - you canřt find even one million people to be real defenders for Truth. That means: all our destinations through wrong heads that are not knowing [the] true destination of mankind; and we are accepting them and following them and we are going to be defenders for Shaytan, defenders for Shaytanic ideas. Now people [are] defenders of satanic ideas and works and activities, [so] that what they are doing, [is] carrying Heavenly cursing on[to] earth! What do you think now today through East and West, from North to South? [Do] you think Heavenly Blessings [are] coming on earth or cursing [is] coming? Cursing [is] coming, because we are not defenders of Truth, not following Prophets and their real inheritors. That is it, nothing else!

People running to do this, to do that, to stop this…stopping that and beginning another cursing there, coming another… Every day and night another kind of cursing coming, unexpected… Unexpected, until they are saying: ŖO our Lord, save ourselves!ŗ

If a ship [is] going to sink, giving announcement: ŖSOS…SOS…SOS!Ŗ Calling. What does it mean SOS? ŖO people, we are going to die, save our souls!ŗ

Not your souls! [They should be] saying: ŖSOB, SOB, SOB!Ŗ It is better, because people canřt say, ordinary people canřt say ŘsoulsŘ. [They] may say: Ŗ(Save our) bodiesŖ - without souls. Why not sending - they are sending that announcement through 4 directions - (and) calling: ŖO people, we are in a dangerous position. [The]cean [is] going to swallow our ships and ourselves! Please, quickly reach to ourselves and save our bodies!ŗ Not souls! Why [are they] not saying [it], these people, 21st century people? Why not sending their announcement: ŖO our Lord, save our souls?ŗ Why not saying?

People [are] running through [the] streets, Muslim people, for a nonsense person drawing. That is Islamic way? No! Why not going to mosque and saying: ŖO our Lord, You said, You promised for Your Beloved Servant that You are going to be Guarantor for him! Please, send us armies from Heavens, as You did some time (ago as) we are believing. Send us to destroy their technology, their nuclear weapons, send us to destroy their whole nuclear bombs!ŗ Why not saying? On streets, burning cloth (flags)! That is Islam? That [is the] saying [of] our Prophet and our Holy Book? Written in such a way? Allah knows!

Therefore I am saying that I heard a punishment is coming for the inhabitants of this world: One punishment for Non-Muslims, seven punishments for Muslims, because they lost their way! Keep yourself! Run and ask holy ones! One holy one may shelter you, but 1000 regiments cannot shelter you. That is the head of crises and that is its treatment. May Allah forgive me…

Therefore ? coming, I am saying: ŖO our Lord, send us Your Sultan!ŗ Sultan means: who has Heavenly Power!

I was in Damascus at the end of the Second War - no one was born from you - and the French forces were bombarding from Mezze; it was a center of army, protected with everything. They were bombarding Damascus and we looked and [as we] saw that one shell [was] coming on Sayyidina Yahya, Yahyařs tomb, just appeared a hand, taking that shell and throwing away. And I was also looking in Homs, [a] famous place in Syria [in the] time of Christians and after Christians Muslims - they were bombarding from Qal´a, sheltered place, and army there and bombarding. I was in Sayyidina Khalid ibn Walidřs mosque - Allah bless him - also coming a shell. Passing and they were taking as their target to destroy that holy tomb of Prophets people, Sayyidina Khalid ibn Walid - radiyaLlahu ´anh. Only one piece coming on minaret and falling down. I was there. That shell passed away.

We have power! We are not weak people! Now - we are weak people, but inheritors of Prophets have such power! But people are not believing in holy ones. They are finished…

Therefore every day one punishment on Islamic world coming, coming, coming…

May Allah forgive us and bless you for the honour of the most honoured one in His Divine Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu ´alayhi wa sallam,


Sohbet-249 A sohbet by our beloved Master Shaykh Nazim Efendi Lefke, Thursday, 22 November 2001, 7 Ramadan 1420 A´udhu billahi min ash-shaytan rajim Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim


Without "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" no action is good; and Shaytan is attempting to interfere 70 times in its recitation to spoil it. To forget "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" means to forget Allah, and without Allah there is no foundation and no support for anything.

"Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" has been granted to the Prophet's Ummah of the Last Days, and it is the biggest mercy. When Allah created the Tablet and the Pen and ordered the Pen to write "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" it needed 700 years for this magnificient writing. Who can say "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" with ta'zim - with magnification of Allah's Glory - gets the reward of 700 years.

Now all ways are closed except the way of "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" no

matter what is to be done. If you use "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" all doors open, if not, they are closed and of no use.

When they took away the Basmala everything went down. So now they are asking: "What is going to become of us?" Their way is towards Allah's Divine Punishment, hell. For them it is finished in Dunya and in Akhirat.

Write "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" everywhere - on your house, over the door, as people go in under the Basmala; in the car - write it and don't be afraid, for with "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" nothing bad can happen. They are asking you to have strong faith.

Allah was saying that the Holy Quran is the reason for some to rise and for others to fall, fall down to asfala safilien - the lowest of the low. Yesterday the Quran was our crown. Adherence to its holy teachings and Divine Principles was the cause for the Ottomans to reign for 700 years. Now they are gone and their memory is no longer respected. Because they are not respecting Allah's Word, that means they don't respect Him. And so Allah has made them to be dishonoured among people. Our grandfathers were honoured, their grandchildren became dishonoured.


Sultan Mahmud (jannat makan) passed a place where two blind men were sitting reciting: One was saying "Ya Ma´bud, ya Mabud..." (calling on Allah), the other one: "Ya Mahmud, ya Mahmud..." (repeating the name of the Sultan). The Sultan was pleased with the one who called his name and so he ordered him to be rewarded. He sent him a gift of a chicken and had it stuffed with gold. As the blind man was not hungry he didn't discover the gold. Instead he asked the other one: "If you like to take this chicken, I am selling for two coins." The other one agreed. When he discovered the gold inside, he quickly excused himself, went home, ate the chicken and hid the gold. Then he returned to his spot and with full power continued his Dhikr: "Ya Mabud, ya Mabud." The other one also continued his chanting the name of the Sultan.

When the Sultan passed again to see how the man he wanted to reward was, he was surprised to find the other one calling on Allah with full power and his 'favourite' the same as before. He asked his soldiers if they had not given the gold to him. As they said they did, he ordered them to give another chicken stuffed with gold to that man. The same thing happened. As he was not particularly interested in the chicken, he sold it to his neighbour again who took it home and hid the gold. Coming back his Dhikr was more powerful than ever.

The Sultan was very surprised. As he didn't understand what was happening he ordered his 'favourite' to be brought into the palace, so he could reward him there directly. They brought him in and told him to take hold of t