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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 89/120)
r head from Heavenly Orders, because Heavenly Orders (are) taking your freedom (away)!ŗ And people (are) asking (a kind of) freedom as jungle people. (Or, better:) not jungle man, jungle people; (rather) I mean to say: that wild animals and others. Our egos (are) asking…(and) Shaytanřs teaching (is): ŖMind your head to follow Heavenly Rules, Heavenly Orders, that (are) taking your freedom!ŗ

That is their understanding from Heavenly Books! And Shaytanřs way or Shaytanřs principle first, No. 1, (is): ŖYou must not follow any Heavenly Order and you just not step through Heavenly Rules! You must be free ones! You must not take any care for Heavenly Orders, because that is taking your freedom and you must try to be fully free ones. You must try to reach 100 % freedom!ŗ

And our governments (are) leaving people to be free; they are doing everything, as they like. But if anyone (is) touching for their kingdoms, quickly they are getting very angry (and) they are saying: ŖYou may be free, but not to pass over our freedom, our kingdom! Out of our… as long as you are keeping our kingdom, you are free ones - do everything! What animals (are) doing, you may do!ŗ ŖWe are free now for eating, drinking and zina, adultery, sex…Ŗ and they are fearing: ŖIf (an) earthquake (is) coming…?ŗ (The) earthquake comes after that biggest and most dirtiest thing adultery, sexual, sex.

Through their mumřs womb (already) they are learning! (The) first word that 21st century civilization (is) teaching children (to say, is): Sex, sex, sex… Islam (is) saying: ŖYou must try… Heavenly Orders (are) saying that you must first try to teach your child to speak (and) to say: Allah, Allah, Allah… or: Hu, Hu, Hu… or: La ilaha ill-Allah…!ŗ (But according to the) modern life principle (the first word is): Sex!

ŖFrom where you are coming, O my son? I am bringing you… do you think from market? (From the) market of your mum, I am bringing you… Look, how I bring you, look, I am making (it) now! Look, I am trying to bring another one like you. Look!ŗ In front of their children they are making… that is their civilization!

(That) sex and sexuality (is) just cursed from Heavens, and every crisis (is coming) after that! They are only thinking on that point, nothing else! Their civilization (is based) on it. Therefore governments (are) saying: ŖDonřt touch, donřt assault our kingdom, beyond that you do everything!ŗ and they are making like dogs, (how) making (a) male for (a) female - (and there is) no any blaming, anyone not blaming them. They are free to do that. They are saying: ŖI am free to do everything!ŗ

That is Shaytanřs teaching, making people to be like animals!

But they are going (even) more deeper and Allah Almighty (is) saying: ŖUlaika ka l-anřam bal hum afal…ŗ Those people are going to be like animals, but perhaps not (even like them), (because) animals have some ashaming. (So) those people (are) never going to be like animals also. Animals are covering their sex place with their tails, those without tail, people, they are opening (everything). Look, now summer (is) coming, look and see how they are running through streets! How they are expecting peace? War (is) coming! War (is) coming, (a) war that should be (the) last war, should be (the) biggest war, to take away (those dirty people)… (A) flood of blood (is) carrying them away, (a) flood of fire (is) burning them and (the) volcanořs anger (is) destroying them!

O people, you must accept truth! You must not follow liars and anti-Christs, you must not follow devils, you must not vote for devils! The anger of Heavens is not easy, in one moment (it is) finishing you!

Those foolish ones! For 189 person who died through (the) birdflu, they killed 125 million birds! Allah Almighty He has Power - when (the) Heavenly Anger (is) coming - to destroy all mankind without using anything! (He is just) sending one virus that no one can come in front of them for fighting; (even) we may send our armies, no one!

Allah Almighty just sent on Nimrod one army from mosquitoes (that) they canřt shoot them, canřt use their spears (for them), they canřt use their swords! (And they were) coming and eating them, (for) Nimrud to see the power of the Lord of Heavens! (And) it was (a) so small show, (a) very simple show, showing to Nimrud (the Power of the Lord of Heavens) that he was asking to fight the Lord of Heavens and (was) asking from Abraham - ´alayhi salam: ŖLet your Lord send His armies to fight my army!ŗ (And) Allah Almighty (was just) sending armies from mosquitos (and)…

Uhhhhhhh….. first their senses, nerves, (were) finishing! That sound that (was) coming from (those) mosquitoes, (was) making their senses to fall down and they were trembling like a tree in front of (the) storm; (they were) falling down and that mosquitos (were) eating them… That was a show from Heavenly powers to Nimrud.

Now the Lord of Heavens, if He is asking to do (and) to give their punishment to those people who say: ŖNo GodŖ, (He is) sending first, as a first messenger, (the) birdflu. (And) they canřt see it (the virus), only that is their imagination, but that imagination (is) making (the) whole world to shake, like trees (are) shaking in front of storms.

Now (He) who sent that virus for chicken, for birds, may send another virus, (which is) much more powerful: if (it is) touching one of them, one man (in the) morning, (he) canřt reach to (the) evening, (and) if (it is) touching (him) in (the) evening, (he) canřt reach (to the next) morning…

Once upon a time in Basra - that is some knowledge that (is) reaching to me from old books, from old messages, from Islamic sources - once (it) happened such a dangerous attack through (a) virus, that they are saying (was) Řta´unŘ [plague]; that means, if a person (has) just (been) shot by a spear, (there is) no hope for him to live. That (is a) small, very small size (virus) that even (the) most powerful microscope canřt catch - and they are asking to find a medicine for

that virus!

I sent a message to all big ones and I am saying also: ŖO people, O doctors, O scientist people. It is so easy, why you are asking a new medicine? You may catch (that) virus and open its mouth, put a little bit (of) dust on it, (and) just (it is) falling (down) dead. It is so easy, why not catch it and open (its) mouth and put in it one small piece of dust? It is their medicine, quickly (they are) finishing!ŗ ŖO Sheikh, what is that!ŗ

One person once upon a time was selling jars. He was going to a village for selling, (and) on (his) way its animal something making it to fear and (it was) throwing away whole jars, (all of them were) going to be broken. (Then) that person (was) sitting (down) and (was) thinking and crying: ŖOhhh, my capital just finished! What I am going to do now?ŗ Then (there was) coming an inspiration to that person and he was saying: ŖOh, very good, now another inspiration (is) coming that it is very good. Very good profit (is) coming, I should think!ŗ Sitting and making all things like dust (into his bags), filling his bags and going.

Those people were not too much learnt on mountains, (and) he came (there) and (hw was) saying: ŖO people, who is complaining from flees jumping everywhere? I am bringing to you (a) first class medicine! You should be very happy! When you are using (it), you can save yourself from that flees!ŗ ŖO very good, how much it is?ŗ (And he was) finishing (his business), then riding on (his) horse and running away, not to be known… He was running away and after a distance he was looking, if anyone (was) coming behind him, and he saw a group of people coming after him. And he was so speedfully running, quickly, (but) they were also running, running, (and) then he was saying: ŖThey are reaching to me, I must stop.ŗ (So he was) stopping and (they were) coming (and saying): ŖYa Hu, our brother, you bring this medicine, but you are not saying, how we can use it!ŗ (Normally) it is written on medicine also the way of using it! And he said: ŖI forget.ŗ ŖAnd we forgot also to ask you, how we can use it!ŗ ŖO brothers, it is so easy! You can catch (the) flee and opening its mouth and taking this powder, putting in it, (and) in that moment, instantly, (it is) dying!ŗ ŖVery good! But -if we are reaching to catch it, (then there) no (more) need to put that; we may do like this… [squash it] finished. ŖAnd he said: ŗIt is also (a) true way, but it is giving too much trouble for flees. Use this, it is much more civilized.ŗ (Like now people taking… civilized people using in that way to show that they are civilized people. 21st century!…?) ŖIt is okay also, I am not objecting, but this way (there) is much more guarantee. Perhaps when you make like this… it may fly, but when (you are) catching (it) and (you are) opening its mouth and putting this, (then, in) one moment (it is) finished… But your way (is) also (good)… doesnřt matter!Ŗ ŖBarakallah, thank you! We are happy, we may go now!ŗ (And he was) also taking money (and) running away…

Now people, as you said, it is possible, when I am saying for virus, I am saying to catch it and put injection, slowly, slowly, slowly, till dying, leave it…

Allah Almighty can do anything! He is able to do anything! (He) may send another virus that (is) never working on any other creature, only (on) man, and billions should be taken away…

Beware, O people, from (the) Heavenly Anger! I am warning whole mankind now! I

am nothing, but I am warning whole mankind, not to be against (the) Orders of Heavens! Beware (of) Shaytan and you must follow your Lordřs Commands to be here and Hereafter in peace and in satisfaction and in pleasure! If you are not accepting (that) - everyone (is) carrying their (own) responsibility. That is the summary of all Holy Books: If you are accepting, Allah (is also) accepting your repentance; if (you are) not accepting, His Divinely Revenge and Anger (is) approaching to mankind!

May Allah protect you and give His Blessings to you and forgive me! For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divinely Presence…

Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah… Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah… Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah! You are Sultan, O our Lord!

Forgive us for the honour of Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu ´alayhi wasallam, Fatiha. Sohbet-242 Sohbet from 16.04.06

Islam came to give us eternal life, not to kill!

Audhu bi-llahi mina Shaytan rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l řAliyu-l Adhim. As-salamu alaikum, wa rahmatullah wa barakatu! That is a Blessings from Heavens to the Children of Adam that they are living on this planet, over the world: ŘAs-salamu alaikumř belongs to Heavens. Good morning, good evening, bonsoir, bongiorno, kalimeras, kalisperas, günaydin, tünaydin…these words belong to earth, nothing in it.

As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu, it is holy words, holy words, that all Prophets were using (and) Allah Almighty (Himself) using (them) and saying: ŖSalamun Řala Nuhin bi-l Řalamin…Salamun Řala Musa wa Haroun…Salamun Řala Ilyasin…Salamun Řala IbrahimŖ…

Salam (is) from Heavens to the Children of Adam. Who (is) accepting that Heavenly Salam, they should be happy, they should be under His Divinely Protection. Therefore the Seal of Prophets - sallaLlahu ´alayhi wa sallam - was urging his Ummah to say much more ŖSalam, Salam.ŗ Salam, peace, as much as you are using it, coming from Heavens Blessings. Salam (is) calling down Blessings from Heavens and Heavens belongs to Allah Almighty.

Everything for Him and Allah Almighty likes to give His Blessings, but people are not thinking on it, particularly in our days people; (they are) never taking any care on Heavenly Blessings or Blessings from Heavens to come on them. And

when they are loosing Blessings, instead [of] Blessings cursing [is] coming, (a) cursing that so many nations after Heavenly cursing (were) just destroyed and taken away.

And now it is Last Days. We are reaching Last Days or we reached Last Days, and after Last Days… That means a train (is) just entering (the) station area; after a while the train must stop.: ŖLast station!ŗ- stopping there. And now our world also just reached Last Days, showing. Showing (the station) ŘLast DaysŘ, that means you are reaching the Day of Resurrection; that means the period of this world and life on it (is) going to be ended, to finish. You are going and the trumpet is blown, that means no any creation (is) going to be in life. Taking their lives; after that trumpet nothing (is) going (to be) alive on this world, finished. (The) Book (is going to be) closed and to be taken in Divine Presence.

But people are thinking that: ŖOh, (there are still) so many thousands of years for this worldŗ or Ŗso many millions years to be ended this solar system or this galaxy, (until it) may be finished.ŗ How it can finish? They are saying: ŖWe are looking, muraqaba, observing, we are looking up through Heavens, no, through spaceŖ - they are not saying ŘHeavensŘ, they are saying Řspaceř Ŗ - and through space just we recorded some HolesŖ, they are saying ŘBlack HolesŘ, Ŗand we are looking that Black Holes (are) swallowing (everything), like (a) hoover. (What is) passing around them, (they are) taking, and disappearing…ŗ They are recording that Black Holes, but there is some another holes that perhaps on same stage: one side (is) swallowing, one side (is) making another galaxies and sending (them) away… But that (is) unknown…

They are looking only for creation that they are disappearing, finishing, and really the creation (is) running, creation (is) never going to stop. From which time (it is)? For creation (there is) no time! Creation (is) running on, no one (is) knowing its beginning or ending, only you are looking and seeing that we have been landed on that planet and we canřt know when it happened and we (are) never going to know when it is going to be ended. But creation, Allah Almightyřs Divinely Attribute (is) to create; He is Creator. You may ask: ŖFrom which time?ŗ No time! No watch… to see) which hour (it is) beginning? They are saying: Ŗ(There was a) ŘBig Bangř in one billionth part of one secondŖ, they are saying so nice and people (are) saying: ŖBig Bangŗ - (let Big Bang fall on your head… Big Ben in London… Bells on that Big Bang falls on them! And they are saying: ) ŖThis is true.ŗ They are saying for Heavenly Books: ŖWe are not acceptingŖ, but (they are) accepting that Big Bang! Big Bang (is) kicking and eating them! That is famous knowledge for them and also Darwinřs theory; his famous theory for the beginning of life. They are thinking that they were ready and looking, not happening. ŖHoly Booksř Versesř knowledgeŗ, they are saying, Ŗwe are not acceptingŖ, but (for) such foolishness (like these theories) they are saying: ŖThat is Řpositive knowledgeŘ.ŗ That canřt be positive knowledge! They are only their imagination, theory!

They are saying: ŖFrom apes coming manŗ and one person (was) asking me: ŖOh Sheikh, they are saying that mankind (is) coming from apes. But I am surprising -apes from where coming?Ŗ I am saying: ŖYa Hu, you are no mind person! If mankind (is) coming from apes, apes (are) also coming from man, finishedŖ… (Hmmm, I was) never thinking on itŖ… ŖOnly (that) apes (are) created nighttimes, man on daytimeŖ… Never thinking!

We have been honoured by knowledge; the honour of mankind (is) by knowledge, because angels were saying: ŖO our Lord, You are saying that ŘI am creating a new creature to be My deputy on earth, My KhalifaŘ, and our knowledge (is) reaching (to and), we are knowing about that new creature that they should be with each other so rough, so pitiless, so oppressors, so violent, (that) even wild animals should be ashaming when they are looking the violence of that creature that You named them ŘBani AdamŘ, Adam!ŗ

(Now people (are) looking and seeing some creatures, lions and wild animals, running after some other animals, hunting them and eating, and they are saying: Ŗ(They are) so wild creatures!ŗ But those creatures, wild animals, they are saying: Ŗ We are only hunting one for our provision. Then we are sitting and making glorifying our Lord that He gave, (He) granted us to eat (and) to be satisfied and we are glorifying our Lord. But you, mankind, we are hunting one, but you are killing, killing thousands and millions (of) people - how you are blaming ourselves that we are wild animals? You are most wild creatures!ŗ)

And [the] angels were saying this that they were astonishing, hayret, hayran, mutaajiban… they are not getting against that (what) Allah Almighty (is) creating, but they (were) giving their mutaala, their opinions on that point, and Allah Almighty (was) saying:

ŖI know. I know what you know, (and) I (also) know what you are not knowing!ŗ And: ŗ… Řallama-llaha Adam asma…ŗ then Allah Almighty (was) teaching Adam, giving to Adam (a) knowledge that angels they are not knowing, (not) even Azazil, Shaytan. (Before getting against the Order of Allah Almighty Shaytanřs name was Azazil, an honoured name, but when he did (that rebellion) against the holy Command, just changed his creation and his name also just changed.)

He Almighty (was) teaching Adam (a) knowledge that angels (were) not knowing and Allah Almighty (was) asking: ŖSay, o angels, the names (of) that (which is) surrounding you; the names (of) everything that (is) surrounding you!ŗ and they are saying: ŖO our Lord, we havenřt (been) granted such a knowledge!ŗ And Allah Almighty (was) ordering: ŖO Adam, teach them! Say!ŗ And Adam (was) beginning to say what Allah Almighty granted to him from knowledge and the angels (were) bowing. Then Allah Almighty (was) ordering: ŖBow to Adam!ŗ

The honour that (was) granted (to) Adam - ´alayhi salam - (was) for that knowledge that no one (was) granted from (other) creatures; it is the honour of mankind, but now I am sorry to say that those people, whom they are claiming that they are Řscholarsř or Řscientistsř or Řmastersř or ŘdoctorsŘ, they are not saying Holy Booksř Knowledge as a knowledge! That is ŘinhitatŘ, a falling from the level of mankind down.

Just they fell down from the knowledge, from the level of mankind coming (and) falling down and going to be on the level of animals. And animals (even) are not accepting them, (but) kicking them down, those people, whom they are not accepting Heavenly Booksř Knowledge as a knowledge. Kicking them away. ŖThey are like animals,ŗ Allah (is) saying, Ŗ(and) not only like animals, but their level (is even) lower than the level of animals!ŗ Animals are knowing their Lordřs Name, their Lord, that He is creating them, but those two legs animals, whom they are saying: ŖWe are scholars, scientists and doctorsŖ, their level (is) under the level of (those) 4 legs creatures.

And you are looking now their theories to where (they are) bringing them! Their theories (are) bringing them to kill each other! A lion (is) hunting one, but they are killing hundreds. Look what they are doing in their countries! They kill each other and they are killing innocent people!

And on the Day of Resurrection Allah Almighty is going to ask: Ŗ…bi ayyi dhanbin qutilat…ŗ It is not only (in) the Days of Ignorance Time (that) Arabs were burying their children (alive), killing their children, but Allah Almightyřs information for the Day of Resurrection is so clear: Ŗ ŘMau´udař that innocent person, bi ayyi dhanbin qutilat, why they have been killed?ŗ On behalf of Řmau´udaŘ, on behalf of innocent persons, Allah Almighty (is) ordering to angels: ŗAsk those oppressors, killers, tyrants, why they killed?ŗ

Pharaoh was killing small ones, Nimrud killed thousands of small innocent children and now Allah Almighty (is) asking to those tyrants that they are taking the whole power in their hands and they are inventing so many terrible dangerous weapons, throwing (them) and killing so many people. Allah Almighty (is) ordering angels: ŖAsk those tyrants, qatal, on behalf of those innocent people - small ones, big ones - why they have been killed. Why they killed them, for what?ŗ

If they are Muslims, they must understand! Non-Muslims also must understand! Why they are killing? Islam (is) coming to give life, not to kill! Whole their activities (are) against Islam - Allah Almighty should take His Revenge from those tyrants. Soonerly now coming!…

O people, you must understand real Islam and (the) invitation of Islam! Islam, to where (it is) calling you? Calling you to fire or to Paradise? And whom they are oppressors and tyrants, how you may say: ŖThey are Muslims and they go to ParadiseŖ? Paradise (is) just forbidden for them! Try to understand real Islam! (Islam is) making people to reach eternal life! Islam (is) coming to take people to eternity… eternity… to give them through eternity eternal life. That is Islamřs mission, but it is (a) misunderstanding; that Shaytan (is) teaching them, to speak against Islam. No! Muslims, what they are doing, it is not Islamřs mission! Islam (is) not coming to kill, (but it is) coming to give life!

May Allah forgive me and bless you!

For the honour of the most honoured one, Nabiyyu Rahma, for the honour of Mercy-Prophet that his existence is for mercy and blessings for whole creation - Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu ´alayhi wa sallam -,


Sohbet-243 Sohbet from 9.4.06

“O My servant - come to Me and I shall grant to you Eternal Love!“

Welcome to you, Happy Birthday to me!… As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahu wa barakatu!… Audhu bi-llahi mina Shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya Meded, ya Rijalallah!

It is a humble meeting. I think that Prophetsř meetings were also (only) small groups of people. (If) big groups of people (are) gathering, coming together, they are mostly followers of Shaytan… This is an island; perhaps there are one million people here. What do you think how many such meetings you can find on this island?

Today it is holiday (Sunday), and people (are) trying to make their physical being to be happy. And everyone (is) thinking to make their physical being (to) enjoy; no one (is) thinking to come and listen (to) something that belongs to their spiritual being. Perhaps you can find some people, a handful people, going to churches or cathedrals for a few minutes- not few hours; (but they) may come as a habit (only), as a habit they are using it (and) going to churches, because it is Sunday, but - what they are doing? They are doing something with their physical being; (they are) never asking to give something from spirituality to their souls, (and) therefore they are coming and doing something, then getting away, running away, because Shaytan (is) not going to be happy that people may be through worshipping-places. Shaytan (is) getting impressed (under pressure), feeling himself through praying-places unhappy, as a person in prison. Therefore, (even) if he canřt prevent a person to go for Sunday prayings, (but) they are going only for a short time and then (they are) running away. To where running? To enjoy their egos, to enjoy their physical beings.

ŖOhhh, where are you? So late, o our brother! We were expecting you to come earlier and we were waiting for you a long time. Where are you?ŗ He may say- some of them (are) going to be ashamed to say: ŖI was in church or in synagogue or any other, cathedralŖ, (so) they are saying: ŖYes, I was so tired; I was late to sleep and I am getting up late, therefore I am sorry that I am not reaching to you…ŗ Drinking also, never knowing his right hand or his left hand…ŗSorry, Sir, I was running, but (there was) heavy traffic, making me (to be late)…ŗ And people (are) saying: ŖYes Sir… we may sit now, we may enjoy ourselves…What you are eating?ŗ ŖBring me soup.Ŗ… ŖI donřt like it… What is in menu?…Hmmm…I am doing diet from salt, but I must eat (something)…I am sorry to eat sweet, because I am making diet…Ŗ ŖWhat you like to eat (now)?ŗ ŖBring to me…Hmmm…bring to me Whiskey to forget what I am feeling! Today I am feeling bad…ŗ and they are running through such an atmosphere that it is a prison for (our) souls, but egos are thinking (that) it is their field to make themselves enjoy. And people (are) running; they are not understanding that enjoyment (is) not coming from outside, enjoyment (is) coming from inside. You may prepare everything for your enjoyment

around yourself, but if that enjoyment (is) not coming through your heart, it is going to be like a prison (for you). But people (are) running on it.

Therefore - mostly people now (are) running to fulfil their physical desires. And a person is going to be first through his youth time as a new car- running, but when (the) years (are) coming on it, coming on it, (that) car (is) going to be (an) old car, and so many problems (are) getting out. Every day you must visit the garage: ŖLook what is wrong!ŗ and that mechanist (is) looking, saying: ŖWe must take thisŖ…Taking and after three days coming (Again): ŖLook- what is this?ŗ ŖOh, another point not good now. We may putŖ…. Then (finally he is) getting fed up and taking it to (the) auto-cemetery, saying: ŖOhhh, I am happy (now)!ŗ

And man (is like this: (A) young man is like a new car, but youngsters (are) thinking that that youth-time should go (on) forever. Youth (is) thinking in such a way, and (so they are) wasting their youth energy and using themselves badly. Then, after 20 years, they are becoming to be old ones and coming, coming, coming…and- ŗAshadu an la ilaha ill-Allah, Ashadu ana Muhammadun Rasulullahŗ- (they are) finished…

This is a humble meeting. We are calling you, o people, to your Lord, who may give to you always youth power! Your car (is) never getting to be old, because you are using it in a good way, (and) you (also) may be 9o years, (but,) because you are looking after your physical being smoothly, gently, you can find it up to 9o years in a good condition. Perhaps may be an old Rolls Royce machine better than (these) new plastic cars, (because for) plastic cars (they) are not using tin (anymore) …

Therefore- whom they are living for their Lord, (they are) never loosing (anything) from their physical power and also they are growing and getting much more powerful through their spirituality. (Their) spirituality (is) getting more powerful, more than their physical being. And spiritual power can do something that technology even canřt dream (of)! We have such a power, but we are not going to make montage…(If the) montage of our physical being (is) going to be strong, never (it) gives a wrong acting or work, always (it is) on its complete power. Therefore spiritual people are not getting down- because (it is our) spirituality that (is) supporting our physical being, but our physical being canřt support our souls- (and) therefore Prophets and their inheritors, Prophets and Saints, their physical bodies (are) just supported through their spiritual power. (They are) standing up, not coming down, but (those,) whom they lost that chance, they are getting down, down, down, and getting to be on the point of zero, finishing.

O people, spirituality is (the) most important factor for mankindřs peace and satisfaction and their enjoyment here and Hereafter! And spirituality- from where (it is) taking that power?

One word- Love! Love gives our spirituality power! Our bodies (are) standing up with eating and drinking, but our spiritual being, their power, (is) just coming from (the) Love of the Lord of Heavens! If you can keep that Love through your heart, you are full- as a car, whose tank is full with fuel. (But) when (the fuel is) finishing, coming this needle down, (and) when (it is) coming on (the) zero point, (the car is) stopping. And we are in need- more than eating,

drinking, working - Love from Heavens!

Love of Heavens (is) like springs running on earth; who may take (from) it, they are always young, powerful, hopeful and perfect and enjoy! If not coming Love to your heart- you canřt reach to your Lord without a means. As a person canřt reach to Niagara Falls without pipes. You can reach and drink there? (No, it is) taking you away! But (if you are) putting (the water) in pipes and (it is) coming to taps, taps, you are opening and taking.

Therefore (the) Heavenly Love that (the Lord has) granted to mankind, (is) just (found) on Heavens. If anyone (is) asking (for that Love), they must use that pipes, (the) pipes of (the) Springs of Love, (which are) coming through Prophetsř hearts. Reach someoneřs heart, (and) you should take from him. Without Love a person is (like) a dry wood!

Love (is) making these trees to open and flowering. If no Love (is) coming to them, they are like dry woods. (In) springtime that love (is) coming from up; not from earth, (but) from up (it is) coming and (they are) flowering. Look! Look!…

Who (is) asking (for that Love)? No one (is) asking! No one (is) asking that Love! (The) love of (the) physical being is (a) dirty love, (is) rubbish, to be put into dustbin. Love Springs (are) coming from up and you are looking (that) as much as you can give from wells water, trees (are) not getting happy, (they are also) asking (for that Love) from up to come (to them)! O people, think on it! But people they lost to think! Look trees, flowers- from where they are taking that enjoyment and opening? Water? No, it is not enough. But we are not using our minds to think that (the) Love of Heavens (is) reaching to nature. Nature was sleeping, on that (Love coming, it is) awakening…

But people now (are) saying: ŖWe reached (the) top of civilizationŗ, and they are all liars and cheating ones! No, technolog