313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 61/120)
ashhadu anna Muhammadan Řabduhu wa rasuluh!
Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah min kulli dhanbin wa masia wa min kulli ma yukhalifu dina-l Islam...
As-salamu alaikum! Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! Meded, ya Rijalallah! AŘudhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Always you must think that Shaytan (is) around yourself, asking to cheat you! Never (he is) leaving man to be rest here or to reach his Lordřs pleasure! That is its target, Shaytanřs target; (he is) asking to make you to fall in troubles here and to fall... the Day of Resurrection to be carried to hell s - nothing else! And he is coming, coming to man as an advisor, saying: ŖI am your best advisor, listen to me!ŗ
He did his worst for first man Sayyidina Adam, till (he was) making him to be thrown away from Paradise! From (the) best life and best conditions to be pleased and in pleasure, (He was) making Adam to be thrown away, on this planet. This is its mission.
But Allah Almighty granted to man mind and will! These two important attributes (are the) biggest favour, biggest grants to ourselves! Allah Almighty just granted (them to) us through this life, not to fall in the traps of Shaytan.
Sayyidina Adam he did his Řwasiyař, oath, to his children and he was (the) first advisor for his children and he was Prophet. Allah Almighty (was) addressing to him and sending Gabriel to show the way to come back to Paradise. Shaytan (was) just thrown away, because he did his worst in (the) Divinely Presence. He did his courage to say - Astaghfirullah: ŖYou are wrong, I am right!ŗ This (is) never acceptable! Therefore every angel (was) kicking (from) behind him and throwing Shaytan to fall down. ŘTarku l-adabř, not to keep the high respect for Allah Almighty! How he can say this, to say: ŖYou are wrong, because You are ordering me to make sajdah, to bow (to) Adam. I am not getting obedient for You, because this Order is not true!ŗ Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah!
And (they are) on (the) same type, our egos; (they are the) same with Shaytan, because Shaytan and Řnafsř (are) on (the) same level! (The) teacher of our egos (is) Shaytan. And (the) students of Shaytan (are) our egos. Therefore (the) Prophet was saying: ŖIf you are asking (who is your) most terrible one, terrible enemy, donřt ask this one, that one… no, (the) most dangerous enemy is through your two sides: (it is) your ego! Beware, O servants of (the) Lord, beware of your egos! Every cursing (is) coming on you for the sake of your ego!ŗ This must be taught to people!
What they are teaching? (They are) teaching, how (the) atmosphere (is) getting
warmer… That is their biggest worry now, (for) mankind, nothing else! They are thinking: ŖWhen these mountains of icebergs (are) falling down, what it should be? (to) where we are going to run?ŗ I am saying: ŖThat is coming to cover every continent! Prepare for yourself, as Malaysian people; (they are) making their houses from wood, sit on it and look down…!ŗ No anything else (is their worry), Řhammuhumř; they are worrying about what should be!
Ya Hu, (are you) not thinking that one day you are going to akhirat, (that) one day (is) coming to you (to be) your last day? For everyone (there) should be one day (of) his life (that is his) last day - (for) what you are asking (about) this?
Because they are not believing! Shaytan (is) making, training ego, training egos, not to believe in anything!
Therefore this democracy-pocracy, (is the) dirtiest system for people, giving 100% freedom for egos! That is (the) command of Shaytan, (the) big Shaytan!
They are taking this, (their) whole care (is) going about this point and nothing else!
Ya Hu! We must die! (Even) if that icebergs and waters (are) not coming, we are going to die anyway, we are going to pass away! No one (is) coming... But (our) egos that… they are students and followers and Řmuridsř of Shaytan! Who has not a guide to Heavens, their guide is Shaytan!
And egos, they are so happy to follow Shaytan, because Shaytan (is) saying: ŖDonřt worry, do everything! Just I did it and I am free now! Donřt listen for Prophets, you may accuse them, every kind of dirty description or dirtiest characteristics, you may say. You must be free, and democracy now (is the) best system for peopleřs government system!ŗ And whole of them (are) falling in an endless crises and endless troubles, countless problems unsolved - they are now like no-mind animals!
That is Shaytanřs advice and Shaytan (is) ordering to them to: ŖLook, which one of you (is) more and most learned to be with his ego, to be servant to his ego, bring him (for) elections, make elections!ŗ
Allah (is) never ordering to make elections! (It is) pity for Muslims! Everywhere they are following Shaytanřs Řmuridsř; Shaytanřs followers (are) saying: ŖYou must be also like Europeans, Western people! If you are not going to be (like) Western people, you are always… going to be your value no value!ŗ
Therefore our people, Muslim people, they are also taking and making elections. And elections (are) not bringing best ones or better ones or good ones, but (they are) bringing worst ones! Allah Almighty (is) never ordering to make elections! It is not for believers! And thousands of years… You are from Egypt; you heard about Pharaoh (that) people (were) electing (a) Pharaoh?... Who is that one saying this, from where (they are bringing election)…? (Shaytan is) never leaving people to follow Heavenly Guidance!
Prophets (were) bringing Heavenly Guidance and they are guides! Anyone (who is) not accepting Heavenly Guidance and Guides, they are followers of Shaytan! And
Shaytan, (to) where it is going to fall, to be taken away the Day of Resurrection? He should (be) carried to hell s and (everyone) who (is) accepting him as their guide, and following his guidance, (they should) also (be) taken to hells!
As beginning now on earth that Last Days… Řayamu-l fitnař, corruption days now… If you are saying (this), no one (is) believing or saying: Ŗ(What) you are speaking, O Sheikh, (is) true!ŗ And Allah Almighty (is) ordering: ŖO My servants, believe in Me and follow My true ones, true servants!ŗ Which one (is) true (from those) ones now elected? (They are) perhaps (the) worst ones (who have been) elected up today!
O people, may Allah forgive us! We are in (the) holy month (of) Ramadan; (the) most blessed Month! Try to reach a power and authority on your ego, to be able to catch it and to ride on it, or it is going to ride on you, taking you to hells!
That is (the) only reason - ohhhh! - that people (are) going - speaking… coming -speaking… sitting - speaking… on false (?) Speaking, speaking, speaking… Shaytan (is) making themspeakers, Řspeakersř. ŖDonřt do anything, only you must speak! You say, then you stop; when you are tiring, X. (is) beginning… You begin now!ŗ
When (he is) finishing, tiring, (Shaytan is) coming, saying: ŖY., take his place, speak!ŗ Then (Shaytan is) coming to Z., saying: ŖO Z., ask for who is going to rest (?)…ŗ
ŖYou tried these things…ŗ also (he is) trying to address people and saying this and that, this and that…: ŗYou must not… because (there is) no result for my work, you must go to UK, because they are giving free money! You can find on streets also, because so many people (the) whole night London people, all of them, they are drunk people… So many times they are throwing, falling from them- ohhh!- Pounds or Shillings… You must not work! Go to UK!ŗ Saying A., giving, advising people: ŖCyprus finished, because their pockets empty, go there, UK! You, up to morning or after midnight, get out, like fox…ŗ
I was going around England, coming to home after tarawih, I was seeing so many fox running like that, like that… fox, because they are looking, if no one on street, they are coming out…
And he is advising: ŖYou must go the time of foxen, (when) they are getting out, you must get out, to look around…!ŗ This…
And everyone (Shaytan is) advising to go to Western countries, to collect money. New advisor for…Z. (is) saying: ŖNo, we must go UK or Holland… Holland is better for us! We must stop in front of pubs, when they are going like this, like that… people, because they are drunk, put them on earth and take everything, leave them only with inner clothes…ŗ When he is getting…: ŖOh, where is my clothes, where is my money, watch…?ŗ Then (the) police (is) carrying them to their homes… He is another advisor for example….
That is (the) democratical system to give people full freedom to do everything!
No! ShariŘa (is) putting limits of halal and haram! But Shaytan (is) saying to our egos: ŖDonřt listen, you must be free, 100 % free! Donřt listen to (the) ShariŘa of Islam! No, you must try to do everything, as you like!ŗ
And I am sorry to say that Muslims (are) making what (are) making European, Western people, their life-system; they are trying to be ŘWestern Muslimsř. To be Western and to be Muslim it is impossible, never coming together! ŘWesternized Muslimř and Muslim - never going to happen this! Western people, they are not Muslims! Their life-system is not Islamic, their schools (are) never Islamic, their works (are) never Islamic - what you are going to do there?
Eat dry bread in your territories and listen and hear adhan Muhammadi: ŖAllahu akbar, Allahu akbar!ŗ What you are listening in Western countries? Dang… dang dang… dang dung… dang dang… dang dung… all rings, bells of churches… Why you are going? You are not finding bread in your country? What (is) happening to you to be Řwesternized Muslimsř? That is Shaytans advice to people!
May Allah send us a Heavenly one who should be dressed Řheybatu l-Islamř, Glory and Power of Islam in him, to collect the hearts of people, to take (them) away from the hands of Shaytans and to give them to be leaders to Paradise!
We must bring (the) Prophets way back, the Seal of Prophets (way)! We must destroy (the) shaytanic Sultanate, we must try to bring Islamřs authority and glory on earth, to be living ones, glorious ones!
May Allah forgive us! Fatiha… Allah Allah… Allah Allah… Allah Allah… Aziz Allah… Allah Allah… Allah Allah… Allah Allah… Kerim Allah… Allah Allah… Allah Allah… Allah Allah… Subhan Allah… Allah Allah… Allah Allah… Allah Allah… Sultan Allah… Sultan Sensin, ya Allah, we are nothing!...
…O people, donřt think such a things (instruments, are) giving honour for us! (The) Prophet - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam - with his 124.000 Followers, he was making, addressing to his sahaba and he was on his camel… everyone they were hearing, as (if the) Prophet (was) near him and speaking! Islam (is) full with power! Sayyidina Omar, he was making khutba on (the) mimbar, and he was shouting: ŖYa Sariya, al-jabbal, al-jabbal!ŗ From Medina Munawwara to Iraq, Iraqian front, he was shouting! Sariya was (the) Commander in Chief of (the) Islamic Army and (the) enemies, they were coming from (the) backside. Sayyidina Omar (was) stopping (his) Khutba and (he was) addressing: ŖYa Sariya, al-jabbal, al-jabbal!ŗ He was addressing to Sariya: ŖO Sariya, beware, be careful! (The) enemy (is) coming (from) behind of you, (from) behind that mountain, keep (that) mountain!ŗ
How many distance? 40 days Řmasafař, traveling… Yes, and hearing! Islam (is) full with full power! But we are loosing our lives to follow unbelieversř technology! We are not in need (of) unbelieversř technology! One (Wali) is enough to stop them!
Sohbet-162 2.10.07 We need real guides! Or: Donřt come here to become something! We are all servants of Allah!
La ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah, Muhammad Rasulullah, Řalayhi salatullah… La ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah, Muhammad, Habibullah, Řalayhi salatullah… La ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah, Muhammad, Nabiyullah, Řalayhi salatullah wa salamuhu!
O our Lord, let us to say these holy words along our lives, to reach to You and to say: ŖLailaha ill-Allah, Muhammadur Rasulullah - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam!Ŗ That is treasure, that is countless treasures for mankind, but mankind now (is) going to be like animals - animals (are) better than them! Animals, they are glorifying and man they are never taking any care for their Lordřs glorifying. May Allah forgive us!
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!? O our Lord, donřt let us to be heedless even one second from You! To be with You!
You are with us, but we are heedless, we are not taking care to defeat heedlessness from ourselves! Heedless people they are open for every cursing, here and Hereafter!
Welcome to you, O our Lords servants! You are someones that (are) coming from long distances to this humble place, because people now are thirsty. A thirsty person, when (he is) running through a desert, (he is) running East or West to find an oasis. (The) desert (is) so big, maybe, you canřt find in it easily water, oasis! And if anyone (is) loosing his way through a huge desert, always (he is) asking to find someone to lead him or to guide him on a oasis. And he should be so happy, if (he is) finding a man, saying: ŖOh, this direction! Go, go, go - you can find an oasis, a little pool of pure desertřs water!ŗ
AŘudhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim! We are running to Allah from Shaytans traps, not to be caught by Shaytans trap.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. O our Lord, let us not to forget Your Holy Name! O our Lord, let us not to be empty our hearts from Your Love and Dhikr!
Destur, ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya!
You may find perhaps in desert so many people, but donřt think that everyone (is) knowing about (that) desertřs conditions or (the) direction of (an) oasis - it is so difficult! And so many robbers are looking to find someone (who) lost his way through that desert, to take what he is carrying with himself or killing (him) and then taking… countless! Therefore you must say: ŖAŘudhu bi-llahi mina
shaytani rajimŗ, because Shaytan has a worldwide Sultanate! Everywhere you can find someone (who) belongs to Shaytans Sultanate! You may look and see that you are thinking: ŘThat is a true guideř, but that is not a guide! He is only asking (for) what you are carrying from some materials and asking to kill (you) and to take (that)! Therefore- this world (is) also full with such shaytanic groups! They are trying to carry away every precious material that you have and leaving you through that huge desert to die and finish… he may take you camel, your ride, your materials through your pockets and leaving that person to die there and passing away…
O people, therefore we must try to have a real guide through our lives! Think that, you can imagine that you can find some person for your material aspects and so many people they may claim, asking to cheat you that: ŗI am such a person, I may teach you to find some treasures, come and follow me!ŗ So many! Now real ones, real guides, (are) hidden! They are not showing themselves, just they are hiding themselves!
Therefore, we are saying that so many (of) our - not so many, (a) handful people, but coming from far distances, from far East, from far West, from North and South… they are running and coming here, and they are thinking that: ŘWe are reaching and finding a good centerř, as a thirsty person (who is) findinga small oasis. This is a small, very small place, unknown place, and the Lord of Heavens, if His servant (is) asking to find Him, to reach to Him… He is trying His servants, never leaving without trying: ŖLanabluwannakum… I must try you with everything!ŗ This must be! Without trying, (He is) never accepting (you)! And (He is) making them to run through East and West and maybe their way (is) passing through a spring or oasis, and they are looking: ŖOh, no one here! No hundreds of people, no thousands of people, no a special building here, no paymentŗ - because everything now (is) just based on material benefit - ŖWe are going to East and West, so many centers, but first of all they are asking some material! They are not opening their doors and to say: ŘWelcomeř to you! This is a very unthinkable place! We must try, what there it is and who is looking (after) that place, what they are doing…ŗ
And people (are) coming from South Africa, coming from Finland, coming from Japan, coming from Uyguristan… coming from Turkestan, coming from Russia, coming from Egypt… very clever ones, Egyptians, because they are happy to find a treasure always… digging, digging, digging everywhere… Sometimes coming (a) sheep-merchant from New Zealand, looking… ŗHow many sheep here…? We can do a big business here…ŗ Everyone (is) coming, looking…
I am coming and people (are) running on me, they are thinking that I am a dangerous person! They are catching me, not to touch to people…I am saying: ŖYes, ohhh, welcome, my clients!ŗ First I am standing in front of (the) mirror and I am beginning to speak (to) who is in (the) mirror… People (are) saying: ŖWho is that one?ŗ I am saying: ŖThat one, that I am looking to him, he is (the) chief of this mental-house…ŗ ŖMental house?ŗ ŖYes, Sir! Any kind of mental-house people you can find here! Coming everyone with such a special demands, coming here, to find… everyone (is) claiming that: ŘI am this one or that oneř…ŗ
Once upon a time one new coming person, (a) new client (was) coming (to the
mental-house), and (the) doctor (was) taking him to show (him to the) old clients: ŖWhat is your position?ŗ (he was) asking to (the) new client and he is saying:
ŖI am… I have a prophecy from our line on (the) 12 tribes of (the) Children of Israel!ŗ
ŖVery good! Congratulations to you, that you are coming with such a brilliant title! Please come with me, here is (the) center… We shall look, we shall investigate you, (if) your name is written or not…ŗ
ŖYes Sir, I am ready to find that, if (there is) such a person, to give me a certificate of prophecy!ŗ
(And they are) coming, going through a big hall, coming and entering. One of (the) clients, one of them, (with a) big beard, (a) white beard- like me-, (was) sitting on (a flatboard?)… and in front of him, there was a big book - like (the) books of Brookland-Cemetery… big books there, (for the names of those) who passed (away) and (who are) buried in that (cemetery)… Who (is) coming from London?... Big books!…
(They were) coming, (and) he is looking: ŖDoctor, who is with you, O my servant?ŗ
ŖYour weak servant...ŗ ŖWelcome! Who is your friend?ŗ ŖOh, our master…ŗ ŖDonřt say Řour masterř, I am Lord, your Lord!ŗ
ŖDoesnřt matter! This (one) coming (is a) new one and he is claiming that he is one of (the) prophets of (the) Children of Israel…ŗ
ŖOne moment…(he is looking in his book) - that is (a) liar! I never sent such a prophet to people... take him out!ŗ … You know such a…?
They are beginning… I am saying: ŖLook, who is in it? If you can understand him, then it is good for you to be here, as you like…ŗ
ŖWho are you?ŗ I am asking (the one in the mirror). ŖYou know that I am the chief of this International Mental-House? You know that I am that one?ŗ ŖHmmm…Say to him that: ŘWelcome to our centerř, that he never can find such a center through East and West! That is (an) authorized mental-house center and this one in (the) mirror, he is (the) chief of them!ŗ And I am very happy…
You understand?... Never understanding, but what (can we do?)… Get in, then you understand…
Therefore, here (are) coming people, asking to know or to learn something. Yes, there is something, it is well-seen, you may see, (and) there is something, that it is secret.
Therefore coming here sometimes our brothers, sometimes bringing, catching someones through markets and bringing, (and) I am looking ohhh, 2 meter people! ŖWho is that one?ŗ
ŖThat one just we hunted him from Lefke Gardens and (we are) bringing (him) here… If you like to sit and to speak to him? Perhaps - now he is wild - (he) may be friendly to you, to your people.ŗ
And I am saying: ŖIt is my mission to hunt people and to make them to be familiar ones! If they are happy, welcome! We are not asking anything, except our Lordřs pleasure!ŗ Therefore, coming so many people… and one of chief of them, Y.… my deputy on mountain…Y. from German Nation… from every country I may find… This (one is) new coming, I hunted him, B., new hunted… he was (like a) wild donkey, (now he is) coming, slowly, slowly, familiar to me… before (he was) making like this… kicking, asking to bite me, but now slowly (he is) coming familiar to me, saying:
ŖO Sheikh Effendi, you are so famous…ŗ
ŖYes, I am famous one through East and West for mental house people!ŗ
Therefore, you are welcome! Be, as much as you can, to be humble! Be humble! Allah never likes arrogant people, no! All of us (are) His servants! Who (is) asking, coming to here for (to) take something - nothing we are giving! Only we are trying to teach mankind that they are servants! That is (an) important point that all prophets (were) coming and around prophets (they were) only (a) handful people always, but shaytanic groups- countless! Because Shaytan (is) asking to teach them, to say to them: ŖYou are our Lord! Try to reach Lordship!ŗ Lordship (is) only for One, for Allah! You must try to say that:
ŖI am a servant, (a) weak servant for the Lord of Heavens!ŗ
This is (the) summary of our centers directions… or, you may say another word, that is our purpose to be here. And people mostly they never like to be servants, people always they are running to be something! And our center (is) running to make them to accept that: ŖYou are nothingŗ, but Shaytan (is) making them to ask: ŖIf you are going to that place, ask from (that) Sheikh to give to you something, some specialty! What is (the) specialty of your Sheikh through that unknown village? Ask him!ŗ
May ask - I am saying: ŖI am only nothing and asking to make people to accept that they are nothing!ŗ
Donřt come here to be something!
Every center you may run to them and they may promise to you that: ŖIf you are following ourselves, we are making you something!ŗ
No! If anyone (is) coming here, claiming that he is something or asking to be something, we are saying: ŖNo, here we are not giving anything to people! We are asking to teach people that they are nothing, to take away their egoistic
claiming, to make their egos under their feet! That is our final target! (If) anyone (is) happy with us, (he) may come!ŗ
But I donřt think that people (are going to be) happy to try to be nothing…
Therefore we are (a) handful people (only) and I am saying: ŖOh… (a) small group of people - no headache! If (there was) coming big groups - they are headache! Let them to go through East and let (them) to ask who may give (to) them something… We are not giving something, but we are taking everything, making them to be nothing, nothing, nothing!ŗ
May Allah forgive us, ya Rabbi, for the honour of this holy month and the honour of Your most beloved and glorified and praised servant Sayyidina Muhammad - peace be upon him!
O our Lord, forgive us! Grant us from Your endless favours to be Your servants - small, weak servants, O our Lord! Donřt give Your Punishment on Your weak servants, O our Lord!
4.10.07 About the Prophet‟ s „TV‟ -Channel Or: Ask Allah for more and more divinely Knowledge
… I am looking our clients (are) getting more… how happened?... What happened, anything (is) happening in (the) universe? What about?... Allahu akbar!
Welcome to you, welcome! S., what happened in Ibiza? Anything happened that you are coming here also?
As-salamu alaikum, Řibadu r-Rahman, people, whom they are asking to make their Lord pleased with them! We are not coming here for dunya! You have dunya, you are coming here only for something… perhaps it is difficult to give a description on it, but it is something from your inside, pushing you or pulling you to be here…
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!
(Sheikh is making a short Dhikr:) Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim… Ma sha Allah!
Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! Meded, ya Rijalallah!
What you are sending here… It is an association. I am not claiming that I am knowing something, but Allah Almightyřs good servants (are) keeping me, sending me to be here, to address to people. ŖEvenŗ, I am saying, ŖI donřt know anything to sayŗ, but they are
answering: ŖWe know, that you donřt know, but we shall reach to your heart and from your heart (it is) reaching to your speech! We are controlling you, that is important! We are controlling you; if we are closing, you canřt speak! If we are opening, (it is) coming to you and you can understand, (and) then people may understand something (also).ŗ And I am asking to be this meeting a holy meeting!...
I am using telescope now… sometimes I am not looking, seeing watch…Yes Sir!... Subhanallahil-ŘAliyyi l-ŘAzim! When (the) heart is occupied with something else, this (spiritual connection is) cut down…
Keep your hearts with my heart! ŖMina l-qalbi ila l-qalbi sabila…ŗ; from heart to hearts there are so many ways or connections.
You are saying, you are using some (instruments), these telephones, for example; it is not connected. When you are looking, it is not connected with any material, but (even) without that connection, you can reach to anyone through East and West! It is now so simple or becoming this something normal! Everyone, when they are speaking, using this phone, never thinking on it: ŖHow this is speaking? How I am hearing? How my sound from here (is) reaching to Far East, to Far West?ŗ No one (is) thinking on it! Now it is going to be a very normal thing.
And at the beginning there was two small cups from copper, one wire; from here (one was) speaking and that line (was) taking (the sound) to (the) other (person)s ear and hearing! That was the beginning, but now just it reached to its highest position! That time people were surprising.
And I also; I first I saw it in (the palace of) his Majesty, Malaysian Sultan Perak- ayadahullah, Allah gives him long life more power to carry on on his Sultanate!
I was there and Sultans Prince, Raja Ajman, his Highness. There was (a call) and taking first one (of) such an instrument and he was speaking. I am getting so surprised! I am looking a small box and he was speaking and I was asking: ŖHow it can be?ŗ This (phone here) is same, but it was like one kilogram, so heavy, now it is so light! But yet, Subhanallah, ma fi nasib, no chance for me to learn where they are making, pressing or not pressing this…. ŖCome!ŗ (I am) shouting, ŖI am not understanding, which part you are pressing…!ŗ My grandson (is) coming, saying: ŖO my grandfather, Dede, here, here…!ŗ ŖWhere…?ŗ Yet I am not learning…
Now they are making me to speak on that channel…
They have countless channels for speaking… every holy one he was a special channel, no one (is) going to be like the second one… Allah Almighty (is) creating everything (as) one, Allah Almighty (is) not making photocopy, no!
Never Allah Almighty (is) making copy, photocopy, no! MubdiŘ! His Holy Name MubdiŘ, that means, everything (that He is) bringing in existence, (there is) no any example before, no, (it is) new! Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar! Subhanallah! Therefore, (there are) countless channels for holy people - what about other people?
Other people, they are not preparing their channels, therefore they canřt hear, they canřt looking, they canřt see, they canřt hear!
What do you think? When (the) Prophet he was speaking… do you think that (the) most praised one, when he was addressing to people, (he was) only speaking? We are doing this! (There) must be a difference for (the) Prophet that he was always in connection with Heavenly Beings, with Heavens! When he was speaking, as a professor - it is for an example for you - some professors (are) showing (something) on a board; from that side (the) machine (is) showing and he was explaining: ŘThis, that, this, that…ř
Do you think that (the) Prophet - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam - (was) speaking only? When he was speaking, bringing something from Heavens, he was also using that channel (and) showing them! (The) Sahaba, they were looking, when he was speaking about Heavens! As much as possible… or on their understanding (level) he was showing (them) also!
And donřt think that all sahabas understanding (was) on (the) same level, no!
Siddiq (was) looking, seeing something, Sayyidina Omar (was) looking, seeing something else, Sayyidina Uthman (was) looking, seeing something else, Sayyidina Ali - alayhi salam-, (when) he was speaking, he was looking and he was seeing something else!
People they (are) never understanding yet from Islam anything! From (the) real Islam, how was, it is, its beginning! Must show! ŖLaysa l-khabaru ka l-ayam!ŗ You can hear something, but when you are looking (on) TV, what I am saying… this (is) something else, that, without this (showing), it is something else! And according to their understanding level, through their spiritual power and highness, they are looking and understanding.
As in a… there is looking places to skies… observatories; everywhere there is so many buildings of telescopes, but every telescope is not on (the) same power!
I am remembering - just Allah Almighty (is) giving me (the) hobby to read, that is my hobby: I like to read… so many books I read!… And once I was looking (into) this astronomy (book), I was looking and reading that a huge telescope (had) just (been) put on service, but it was written next to that huge telescope: ŖForbidden to look by eyes, naked eyes!ŗ
That famous Řalim, astronomer, one day (he was) coming and seeing that writing. Then (he was) looking around, seeing no one…, then (h
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ashhadu anna Muhammadan Řabduhu wa rasuluh!
Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah min kulli dhanbin wa masia wa min kulli ma yukhalifu dina-l Islam...
As-salamu alaikum! Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! Meded, ya Rijalallah! AŘudhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Always you must think that Shaytan (is) around yourself, asking to cheat you! Never (he is) leaving man to be rest here or to reach his Lordřs pleasure! That is its target, Shaytanřs target; (he is) asking to make you to fall in troubles here and to fall... the Day of Resurrection to be carried to hell s - nothing else! And he is coming, coming to man as an advisor, saying: ŖI am your best advisor, listen to me!ŗ
He did his worst for first man Sayyidina Adam, till (he was) making him to be thrown away from Paradise! From (the) best life and best conditions to be pleased and in pleasure, (He was) making Adam to be thrown away, on this planet. This is its mission.
But Allah Almighty granted to man mind and will! These two important attributes (are the) biggest favour, biggest grants to ourselves! Allah Almighty just granted (them to) us through this life, not to fall in the traps of Shaytan.
Sayyidina Adam he did his Řwasiyař, oath, to his children and he was (the) first advisor for his children and he was Prophet. Allah Almighty (was) addressing to him and sending Gabriel to show the way to come back to Paradise. Shaytan (was) just thrown away, because he did his worst in (the) Divinely Presence. He did his courage to say - Astaghfirullah: ŖYou are wrong, I am right!ŗ This (is) never acceptable! Therefore every angel (was) kicking (from) behind him and throwing Shaytan to fall down. ŘTarku l-adabř, not to keep the high respect for Allah Almighty! How he can say this, to say: ŖYou are wrong, because You are ordering me to make sajdah, to bow (to) Adam. I am not getting obedient for You, because this Order is not true!ŗ Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah!
And (they are) on (the) same type, our egos; (they are the) same with Shaytan, because Shaytan and Řnafsř (are) on (the) same level! (The) teacher of our egos (is) Shaytan. And (the) students of Shaytan (are) our egos. Therefore (the) Prophet was saying: ŖIf you are asking (who is your) most terrible one, terrible enemy, donřt ask this one, that one… no, (the) most dangerous enemy is through your two sides: (it is) your ego! Beware, O servants of (the) Lord, beware of your egos! Every cursing (is) coming on you for the sake of your ego!ŗ This must be taught to people!
What they are teaching? (They are) teaching, how (the) atmosphere (is) getting
warmer… That is their biggest worry now, (for) mankind, nothing else! They are thinking: ŖWhen these mountains of icebergs (are) falling down, what it should be? (to) where we are going to run?ŗ I am saying: ŖThat is coming to cover every continent! Prepare for yourself, as Malaysian people; (they are) making their houses from wood, sit on it and look down…!ŗ No anything else (is their worry), Řhammuhumř; they are worrying about what should be!
Ya Hu, (are you) not thinking that one day you are going to akhirat, (that) one day (is) coming to you (to be) your last day? For everyone (there) should be one day (of) his life (that is his) last day - (for) what you are asking (about) this?
Because they are not believing! Shaytan (is) making, training ego, training egos, not to believe in anything!
Therefore this democracy-pocracy, (is the) dirtiest system for people, giving 100% freedom for egos! That is (the) command of Shaytan, (the) big Shaytan!
They are taking this, (their) whole care (is) going about this point and nothing else!
Ya Hu! We must die! (Even) if that icebergs and waters (are) not coming, we are going to die anyway, we are going to pass away! No one (is) coming... But (our) egos that… they are students and followers and Řmuridsř of Shaytan! Who has not a guide to Heavens, their guide is Shaytan!
And egos, they are so happy to follow Shaytan, because Shaytan (is) saying: ŖDonřt worry, do everything! Just I did it and I am free now! Donřt listen for Prophets, you may accuse them, every kind of dirty description or dirtiest characteristics, you may say. You must be free, and democracy now (is the) best system for peopleřs government system!ŗ And whole of them (are) falling in an endless crises and endless troubles, countless problems unsolved - they are now like no-mind animals!
That is Shaytanřs advice and Shaytan (is) ordering to them to: ŖLook, which one of you (is) more and most learned to be with his ego, to be servant to his ego, bring him (for) elections, make elections!ŗ
Allah (is) never ordering to make elections! (It is) pity for Muslims! Everywhere they are following Shaytanřs Řmuridsř; Shaytanřs followers (are) saying: ŖYou must be also like Europeans, Western people! If you are not going to be (like) Western people, you are always… going to be your value no value!ŗ
Therefore our people, Muslim people, they are also taking and making elections. And elections (are) not bringing best ones or better ones or good ones, but (they are) bringing worst ones! Allah Almighty (is) never ordering to make elections! It is not for believers! And thousands of years… You are from Egypt; you heard about Pharaoh (that) people (were) electing (a) Pharaoh?... Who is that one saying this, from where (they are bringing election)…? (Shaytan is) never leaving people to follow Heavenly Guidance!
Prophets (were) bringing Heavenly Guidance and they are guides! Anyone (who is) not accepting Heavenly Guidance and Guides, they are followers of Shaytan! And
Shaytan, (to) where it is going to fall, to be taken away the Day of Resurrection? He should (be) carried to hell s and (everyone) who (is) accepting him as their guide, and following his guidance, (they should) also (be) taken to hells!
As beginning now on earth that Last Days… Řayamu-l fitnař, corruption days now… If you are saying (this), no one (is) believing or saying: Ŗ(What) you are speaking, O Sheikh, (is) true!ŗ And Allah Almighty (is) ordering: ŖO My servants, believe in Me and follow My true ones, true servants!ŗ Which one (is) true (from those) ones now elected? (They are) perhaps (the) worst ones (who have been) elected up today!
O people, may Allah forgive us! We are in (the) holy month (of) Ramadan; (the) most blessed Month! Try to reach a power and authority on your ego, to be able to catch it and to ride on it, or it is going to ride on you, taking you to hells!
That is (the) only reason - ohhhh! - that people (are) going - speaking… coming -speaking… sitting - speaking… on false (?) Speaking, speaking, speaking… Shaytan (is) making themspeakers, Řspeakersř. ŖDonřt do anything, only you must speak! You say, then you stop; when you are tiring, X. (is) beginning… You begin now!ŗ
When (he is) finishing, tiring, (Shaytan is) coming, saying: ŖY., take his place, speak!ŗ Then (Shaytan is) coming to Z., saying: ŖO Z., ask for who is going to rest (?)…ŗ
ŖYou tried these things…ŗ also (he is) trying to address people and saying this and that, this and that…: ŗYou must not… because (there is) no result for my work, you must go to UK, because they are giving free money! You can find on streets also, because so many people (the) whole night London people, all of them, they are drunk people… So many times they are throwing, falling from them- ohhh!- Pounds or Shillings… You must not work! Go to UK!ŗ Saying A., giving, advising people: ŖCyprus finished, because their pockets empty, go there, UK! You, up to morning or after midnight, get out, like fox…ŗ
I was going around England, coming to home after tarawih, I was seeing so many fox running like that, like that… fox, because they are looking, if no one on street, they are coming out…
And he is advising: ŖYou must go the time of foxen, (when) they are getting out, you must get out, to look around…!ŗ This…
And everyone (Shaytan is) advising to go to Western countries, to collect money. New advisor for…Z. (is) saying: ŖNo, we must go UK or Holland… Holland is better for us! We must stop in front of pubs, when they are going like this, like that… people, because they are drunk, put them on earth and take everything, leave them only with inner clothes…ŗ When he is getting…: ŖOh, where is my clothes, where is my money, watch…?ŗ Then (the) police (is) carrying them to their homes… He is another advisor for example….
That is (the) democratical system to give people full freedom to do everything!
No! ShariŘa (is) putting limits of halal and haram! But Shaytan (is) saying to our egos: ŖDonřt listen, you must be free, 100 % free! Donřt listen to (the) ShariŘa of Islam! No, you must try to do everything, as you like!ŗ
And I am sorry to say that Muslims (are) making what (are) making European, Western people, their life-system; they are trying to be ŘWestern Muslimsř. To be Western and to be Muslim it is impossible, never coming together! ŘWesternized Muslimř and Muslim - never going to happen this! Western people, they are not Muslims! Their life-system is not Islamic, their schools (are) never Islamic, their works (are) never Islamic - what you are going to do there?
Eat dry bread in your territories and listen and hear adhan Muhammadi: ŖAllahu akbar, Allahu akbar!ŗ What you are listening in Western countries? Dang… dang dang… dang dung… dang dang… dang dung… all rings, bells of churches… Why you are going? You are not finding bread in your country? What (is) happening to you to be Řwesternized Muslimsř? That is Shaytans advice to people!
May Allah send us a Heavenly one who should be dressed Řheybatu l-Islamř, Glory and Power of Islam in him, to collect the hearts of people, to take (them) away from the hands of Shaytans and to give them to be leaders to Paradise!
We must bring (the) Prophets way back, the Seal of Prophets (way)! We must destroy (the) shaytanic Sultanate, we must try to bring Islamřs authority and glory on earth, to be living ones, glorious ones!
May Allah forgive us! Fatiha… Allah Allah… Allah Allah… Allah Allah… Aziz Allah… Allah Allah… Allah Allah… Allah Allah… Kerim Allah… Allah Allah… Allah Allah… Allah Allah… Subhan Allah… Allah Allah… Allah Allah… Allah Allah… Sultan Allah… Sultan Sensin, ya Allah, we are nothing!...
…O people, donřt think such a things (instruments, are) giving honour for us! (The) Prophet - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam - with his 124.000 Followers, he was making, addressing to his sahaba and he was on his camel… everyone they were hearing, as (if the) Prophet (was) near him and speaking! Islam (is) full with power! Sayyidina Omar, he was making khutba on (the) mimbar, and he was shouting: ŖYa Sariya, al-jabbal, al-jabbal!ŗ From Medina Munawwara to Iraq, Iraqian front, he was shouting! Sariya was (the) Commander in Chief of (the) Islamic Army and (the) enemies, they were coming from (the) backside. Sayyidina Omar (was) stopping (his) Khutba and (he was) addressing: ŖYa Sariya, al-jabbal, al-jabbal!ŗ He was addressing to Sariya: ŖO Sariya, beware, be careful! (The) enemy (is) coming (from) behind of you, (from) behind that mountain, keep (that) mountain!ŗ
How many distance? 40 days Řmasafař, traveling… Yes, and hearing! Islam (is) full with full power! But we are loosing our lives to follow unbelieversř technology! We are not in need (of) unbelieversř technology! One (Wali) is enough to stop them!
Sohbet-162 2.10.07 We need real guides! Or: Donřt come here to become something! We are all servants of Allah!
La ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah, Muhammad Rasulullah, Řalayhi salatullah… La ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah, Muhammad, Habibullah, Řalayhi salatullah… La ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah, Muhammad, Nabiyullah, Řalayhi salatullah wa salamuhu!
O our Lord, let us to say these holy words along our lives, to reach to You and to say: ŖLailaha ill-Allah, Muhammadur Rasulullah - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam!Ŗ That is treasure, that is countless treasures for mankind, but mankind now (is) going to be like animals - animals (are) better than them! Animals, they are glorifying and man they are never taking any care for their Lordřs glorifying. May Allah forgive us!
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!? O our Lord, donřt let us to be heedless even one second from You! To be with You!
You are with us, but we are heedless, we are not taking care to defeat heedlessness from ourselves! Heedless people they are open for every cursing, here and Hereafter!
Welcome to you, O our Lords servants! You are someones that (are) coming from long distances to this humble place, because people now are thirsty. A thirsty person, when (he is) running through a desert, (he is) running East or West to find an oasis. (The) desert (is) so big, maybe, you canřt find in it easily water, oasis! And if anyone (is) loosing his way through a huge desert, always (he is) asking to find someone to lead him or to guide him on a oasis. And he should be so happy, if (he is) finding a man, saying: ŖOh, this direction! Go, go, go - you can find an oasis, a little pool of pure desertřs water!ŗ
AŘudhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim! We are running to Allah from Shaytans traps, not to be caught by Shaytans trap.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. O our Lord, let us not to forget Your Holy Name! O our Lord, let us not to be empty our hearts from Your Love and Dhikr!
Destur, ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya!
You may find perhaps in desert so many people, but donřt think that everyone (is) knowing about (that) desertřs conditions or (the) direction of (an) oasis - it is so difficult! And so many robbers are looking to find someone (who) lost his way through that desert, to take what he is carrying with himself or killing (him) and then taking… countless! Therefore you must say: ŖAŘudhu bi-llahi mina
shaytani rajimŗ, because Shaytan has a worldwide Sultanate! Everywhere you can find someone (who) belongs to Shaytans Sultanate! You may look and see that you are thinking: ŘThat is a true guideř, but that is not a guide! He is only asking (for) what you are carrying from some materials and asking to kill (you) and to take (that)! Therefore- this world (is) also full with such shaytanic groups! They are trying to carry away every precious material that you have and leaving you through that huge desert to die and finish… he may take you camel, your ride, your materials through your pockets and leaving that person to die there and passing away…
O people, therefore we must try to have a real guide through our lives! Think that, you can imagine that you can find some person for your material aspects and so many people they may claim, asking to cheat you that: ŗI am such a person, I may teach you to find some treasures, come and follow me!ŗ So many! Now real ones, real guides, (are) hidden! They are not showing themselves, just they are hiding themselves!
Therefore, we are saying that so many (of) our - not so many, (a) handful people, but coming from far distances, from far East, from far West, from North and South… they are running and coming here, and they are thinking that: ŘWe are reaching and finding a good centerř, as a thirsty person (who is) findinga small oasis. This is a small, very small place, unknown place, and the Lord of Heavens, if His servant (is) asking to find Him, to reach to Him… He is trying His servants, never leaving without trying: ŖLanabluwannakum… I must try you with everything!ŗ This must be! Without trying, (He is) never accepting (you)! And (He is) making them to run through East and West and maybe their way (is) passing through a spring or oasis, and they are looking: ŖOh, no one here! No hundreds of people, no thousands of people, no a special building here, no paymentŗ - because everything now (is) just based on material benefit - ŖWe are going to East and West, so many centers, but first of all they are asking some material! They are not opening their doors and to say: ŘWelcomeř to you! This is a very unthinkable place! We must try, what there it is and who is looking (after) that place, what they are doing…ŗ
And people (are) coming from South Africa, coming from Finland, coming from Japan, coming from Uyguristan… coming from Turkestan, coming from Russia, coming from Egypt… very clever ones, Egyptians, because they are happy to find a treasure always… digging, digging, digging everywhere… Sometimes coming (a) sheep-merchant from New Zealand, looking… ŗHow many sheep here…? We can do a big business here…ŗ Everyone (is) coming, looking…
I am coming and people (are) running on me, they are thinking that I am a dangerous person! They are catching me, not to touch to people…I am saying: ŖYes, ohhh, welcome, my clients!ŗ First I am standing in front of (the) mirror and I am beginning to speak (to) who is in (the) mirror… People (are) saying: ŖWho is that one?ŗ I am saying: ŖThat one, that I am looking to him, he is (the) chief of this mental-house…ŗ ŖMental house?ŗ ŖYes, Sir! Any kind of mental-house people you can find here! Coming everyone with such a special demands, coming here, to find… everyone (is) claiming that: ŘI am this one or that oneř…ŗ
Once upon a time one new coming person, (a) new client (was) coming (to the
mental-house), and (the) doctor (was) taking him to show (him to the) old clients: ŖWhat is your position?ŗ (he was) asking to (the) new client and he is saying:
ŖI am… I have a prophecy from our line on (the) 12 tribes of (the) Children of Israel!ŗ
ŖVery good! Congratulations to you, that you are coming with such a brilliant title! Please come with me, here is (the) center… We shall look, we shall investigate you, (if) your name is written or not…ŗ
ŖYes Sir, I am ready to find that, if (there is) such a person, to give me a certificate of prophecy!ŗ
(And they are) coming, going through a big hall, coming and entering. One of (the) clients, one of them, (with a) big beard, (a) white beard- like me-, (was) sitting on (a flatboard?)… and in front of him, there was a big book - like (the) books of Brookland-Cemetery… big books there, (for the names of those) who passed (away) and (who are) buried in that (cemetery)… Who (is) coming from London?... Big books!…
(They were) coming, (and) he is looking: ŖDoctor, who is with you, O my servant?ŗ
ŖYour weak servant...ŗ ŖWelcome! Who is your friend?ŗ ŖOh, our master…ŗ ŖDonřt say Řour masterř, I am Lord, your Lord!ŗ
ŖDoesnřt matter! This (one) coming (is a) new one and he is claiming that he is one of (the) prophets of (the) Children of Israel…ŗ
ŖOne moment…(he is looking in his book) - that is (a) liar! I never sent such a prophet to people... take him out!ŗ … You know such a…?
They are beginning… I am saying: ŖLook, who is in it? If you can understand him, then it is good for you to be here, as you like…ŗ
ŖWho are you?ŗ I am asking (the one in the mirror). ŖYou know that I am the chief of this International Mental-House? You know that I am that one?ŗ ŖHmmm…Say to him that: ŘWelcome to our centerř, that he never can find such a center through East and West! That is (an) authorized mental-house center and this one in (the) mirror, he is (the) chief of them!ŗ And I am very happy…
You understand?... Never understanding, but what (can we do?)… Get in, then you understand…
Therefore, here (are) coming people, asking to know or to learn something. Yes, there is something, it is well-seen, you may see, (and) there is something, that it is secret.
Therefore coming here sometimes our brothers, sometimes bringing, catching someones through markets and bringing, (and) I am looking ohhh, 2 meter people! ŖWho is that one?ŗ
ŖThat one just we hunted him from Lefke Gardens and (we are) bringing (him) here… If you like to sit and to speak to him? Perhaps - now he is wild - (he) may be friendly to you, to your people.ŗ
And I am saying: ŖIt is my mission to hunt people and to make them to be familiar ones! If they are happy, welcome! We are not asking anything, except our Lordřs pleasure!ŗ Therefore, coming so many people… and one of chief of them, Y.… my deputy on mountain…Y. from German Nation… from every country I may find… This (one is) new coming, I hunted him, B., new hunted… he was (like a) wild donkey, (now he is) coming, slowly, slowly, familiar to me… before (he was) making like this… kicking, asking to bite me, but now slowly (he is) coming familiar to me, saying:
ŖO Sheikh Effendi, you are so famous…ŗ
ŖYes, I am famous one through East and West for mental house people!ŗ
Therefore, you are welcome! Be, as much as you can, to be humble! Be humble! Allah never likes arrogant people, no! All of us (are) His servants! Who (is) asking, coming to here for (to) take something - nothing we are giving! Only we are trying to teach mankind that they are servants! That is (an) important point that all prophets (were) coming and around prophets (they were) only (a) handful people always, but shaytanic groups- countless! Because Shaytan (is) asking to teach them, to say to them: ŖYou are our Lord! Try to reach Lordship!ŗ Lordship (is) only for One, for Allah! You must try to say that:
ŖI am a servant, (a) weak servant for the Lord of Heavens!ŗ
This is (the) summary of our centers directions… or, you may say another word, that is our purpose to be here. And people mostly they never like to be servants, people always they are running to be something! And our center (is) running to make them to accept that: ŖYou are nothingŗ, but Shaytan (is) making them to ask: ŖIf you are going to that place, ask from (that) Sheikh to give to you something, some specialty! What is (the) specialty of your Sheikh through that unknown village? Ask him!ŗ
May ask - I am saying: ŖI am only nothing and asking to make people to accept that they are nothing!ŗ
Donřt come here to be something!
Every center you may run to them and they may promise to you that: ŖIf you are following ourselves, we are making you something!ŗ
No! If anyone (is) coming here, claiming that he is something or asking to be something, we are saying: ŖNo, here we are not giving anything to people! We are asking to teach people that they are nothing, to take away their egoistic
claiming, to make their egos under their feet! That is our final target! (If) anyone (is) happy with us, (he) may come!ŗ
But I donřt think that people (are going to be) happy to try to be nothing…
Therefore we are (a) handful people (only) and I am saying: ŖOh… (a) small group of people - no headache! If (there was) coming big groups - they are headache! Let them to go through East and let (them) to ask who may give (to) them something… We are not giving something, but we are taking everything, making them to be nothing, nothing, nothing!ŗ
May Allah forgive us, ya Rabbi, for the honour of this holy month and the honour of Your most beloved and glorified and praised servant Sayyidina Muhammad - peace be upon him!
O our Lord, forgive us! Grant us from Your endless favours to be Your servants - small, weak servants, O our Lord! Donřt give Your Punishment on Your weak servants, O our Lord!
4.10.07 About the Prophet‟ s „TV‟ -Channel Or: Ask Allah for more and more divinely Knowledge
… I am looking our clients (are) getting more… how happened?... What happened, anything (is) happening in (the) universe? What about?... Allahu akbar!
Welcome to you, welcome! S., what happened in Ibiza? Anything happened that you are coming here also?
As-salamu alaikum, Řibadu r-Rahman, people, whom they are asking to make their Lord pleased with them! We are not coming here for dunya! You have dunya, you are coming here only for something… perhaps it is difficult to give a description on it, but it is something from your inside, pushing you or pulling you to be here…
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!
(Sheikh is making a short Dhikr:) Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim… Ma sha Allah!
Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! Meded, ya Rijalallah!
What you are sending here… It is an association. I am not claiming that I am knowing something, but Allah Almightyřs good servants (are) keeping me, sending me to be here, to address to people. ŖEvenŗ, I am saying, ŖI donřt know anything to sayŗ, but they are
answering: ŖWe know, that you donřt know, but we shall reach to your heart and from your heart (it is) reaching to your speech! We are controlling you, that is important! We are controlling you; if we are closing, you canřt speak! If we are opening, (it is) coming to you and you can understand, (and) then people may understand something (also).ŗ And I am asking to be this meeting a holy meeting!...
I am using telescope now… sometimes I am not looking, seeing watch…Yes Sir!... Subhanallahil-ŘAliyyi l-ŘAzim! When (the) heart is occupied with something else, this (spiritual connection is) cut down…
Keep your hearts with my heart! ŖMina l-qalbi ila l-qalbi sabila…ŗ; from heart to hearts there are so many ways or connections.
You are saying, you are using some (instruments), these telephones, for example; it is not connected. When you are looking, it is not connected with any material, but (even) without that connection, you can reach to anyone through East and West! It is now so simple or becoming this something normal! Everyone, when they are speaking, using this phone, never thinking on it: ŖHow this is speaking? How I am hearing? How my sound from here (is) reaching to Far East, to Far West?ŗ No one (is) thinking on it! Now it is going to be a very normal thing.
And at the beginning there was two small cups from copper, one wire; from here (one was) speaking and that line (was) taking (the sound) to (the) other (person)s ear and hearing! That was the beginning, but now just it reached to its highest position! That time people were surprising.
And I also; I first I saw it in (the palace of) his Majesty, Malaysian Sultan Perak- ayadahullah, Allah gives him long life more power to carry on on his Sultanate!
I was there and Sultans Prince, Raja Ajman, his Highness. There was (a call) and taking first one (of) such an instrument and he was speaking. I am getting so surprised! I am looking a small box and he was speaking and I was asking: ŖHow it can be?ŗ This (phone here) is same, but it was like one kilogram, so heavy, now it is so light! But yet, Subhanallah, ma fi nasib, no chance for me to learn where they are making, pressing or not pressing this…. ŖCome!ŗ (I am) shouting, ŖI am not understanding, which part you are pressing…!ŗ My grandson (is) coming, saying: ŖO my grandfather, Dede, here, here…!ŗ ŖWhere…?ŗ Yet I am not learning…
Now they are making me to speak on that channel…
They have countless channels for speaking… every holy one he was a special channel, no one (is) going to be like the second one… Allah Almighty (is) creating everything (as) one, Allah Almighty (is) not making photocopy, no!
Never Allah Almighty (is) making copy, photocopy, no! MubdiŘ! His Holy Name MubdiŘ, that means, everything (that He is) bringing in existence, (there is) no any example before, no, (it is) new! Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar! Subhanallah! Therefore, (there are) countless channels for holy people - what about other people?
Other people, they are not preparing their channels, therefore they canřt hear, they canřt looking, they canřt see, they canřt hear!
What do you think? When (the) Prophet he was speaking… do you think that (the) most praised one, when he was addressing to people, (he was) only speaking? We are doing this! (There) must be a difference for (the) Prophet that he was always in connection with Heavenly Beings, with Heavens! When he was speaking, as a professor - it is for an example for you - some professors (are) showing (something) on a board; from that side (the) machine (is) showing and he was explaining: ŘThis, that, this, that…ř
Do you think that (the) Prophet - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam - (was) speaking only? When he was speaking, bringing something from Heavens, he was also using that channel (and) showing them! (The) Sahaba, they were looking, when he was speaking about Heavens! As much as possible… or on their understanding (level) he was showing (them) also!
And donřt think that all sahabas understanding (was) on (the) same level, no!
Siddiq (was) looking, seeing something, Sayyidina Omar (was) looking, seeing something else, Sayyidina Uthman (was) looking, seeing something else, Sayyidina Ali - alayhi salam-, (when) he was speaking, he was looking and he was seeing something else!
People they (are) never understanding yet from Islam anything! From (the) real Islam, how was, it is, its beginning! Must show! ŖLaysa l-khabaru ka l-ayam!ŗ You can hear something, but when you are looking (on) TV, what I am saying… this (is) something else, that, without this (showing), it is something else! And according to their understanding level, through their spiritual power and highness, they are looking and understanding.
As in a… there is looking places to skies… observatories; everywhere there is so many buildings of telescopes, but every telescope is not on (the) same power!
I am remembering - just Allah Almighty (is) giving me (the) hobby to read, that is my hobby: I like to read… so many books I read!… And once I was looking (into) this astronomy (book), I was looking and reading that a huge telescope (had) just (been) put on service, but it was written next to that huge telescope: ŖForbidden to look by eyes, naked eyes!ŗ
That famous Řalim, astronomer, one day (he was) coming and seeing that writing. Then (he was) looking around, seeing no one…, then (h
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