313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 58/120)
e defenders of shaytanic ways or regimes! Try to be defenders of Heavens, Heavenly Truth! If you are doing (that), you should be in safety here and Hereafter. If you are not doing that, then their final station should be through hells.
May Allah forgive us! People, now it is winter time. Whole trees they are leaving their leaves (and they are) sleeping, sleeping till spring-time. Spring-time (the) Holy Command (is) coming to nature: ŖWake up! Just winter passed away, wake up!ŗ and this water by its Lordřs Command (is) beginning to move through (the) trees that you are saying: ŖThese trees, they are now just dried.ŗ They are thinking that (the trees are) dry, and they are intending to cut them, but that time the Holy Command (is) coming from Heavens to nature: ŖWalk through the veins of trees by your Lords Command!ŗ And (it is) beginning, and (it is) beginning to be seen buds.
(Those) people (are) saying: ŖYou must not leave this; we must take that buds away!ŗ
(It) canřt be! (The) Holy Command just arrived, they are awakening, no one can make them once again to sleep!
Now (we are) in that days! I hope that (the) beginning of (the) Islamic calendar, Hijra calendar, (there is) going to be coming (that) command from Heavens to nature: ŖWake up! By your Lordřs command, wake up!ŗ And that (what)
people (were) thinking (has) died, (is) beginning to awaken!
Ma sha Allah! (It) should be in such a way that people they are thinking they are living in paradise. That is a short time, but it should be on earth (the) appearance of paradise that Dajjal, Antichrist, and his group should be taken away, (and there) should remain only believers. Whom they are sincere believers, they should remain and (the) majority should be taken away. Keep yourself!
I am nothing, but, as our Holy Prophet and Heavenly Orders (are) saying to make people to wake up, that is an Řintibahř, (a) warning, (a) warning to stand up. That means: donřt lie on railway, because (the) train (is) coming and who (it is) finding on its way, (it is) cutting! Wake up! (But people are) saying: ŖNo, nothing, we are rest here. ŗ (And the train is coming:) Uhhhhh Time is over!
May Allah forgive us! And - use your minds and think on your position! Think: ŖWhat I am doing?ŗ Think: ŖFor whom I am working? For my Lord, His Pleasure, or I am working to make Shaytan pleased with me?ŗ Look! Keep that balance, you should be safe, if not, you are going to finish. May be, a handful people may remain, doesnřt matter. Allah Almighty (was) sending (a) flood at the time of Noah Ŕ alayhi salam - and on our most precious Prophet - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam. That time Allah (was) sending (a) flood and taking only one handful people, they are not reaching, their numbers, to 100, they only landed in (the) arch. From that, look, billions of people (are) coming from that people.
Therefore now Allah Almighty (is) sending not (a) flood of water, but sending fire! Every nation (is) preparing more power, more fire, to destroy inside and outside. No mercy through their hearts - finished! No justice, no mercy! They are going to finish! Finishing, then Allah Almighty (is) sending new ones, new ones!
In a handful years you should find this world full with believers, whom they are saying: La ilaha ill-Allah. La ilaha ill-Allah. (Sheikh is making a short Dhikr: ..) La ilaha ill-Allah, Sayyiduna wa Nabiyyuna Muhammadur Rasulullah.
May Allah guide us to His enlightened Way to Paradise! Be patient, donřt run on streets, donřt join to those people, or you are taking your punishment on yourselves! Cursing (is) coming on those people (that) they are running on streets. I am sorry to say like Pakistan people, they are Muslims, they are running on streets and (are) shouting. I am saying: ŖWhy? You are Muslims, why (you are) running on ways? Why (you are) not going to mosques, to say: ŘO ya Rabbi, ya Rabbana, save ourselves!ř What you are running on streets, how you are Muslims?Ŗ That people - turbans, long beards for what this?
What is that politics? Politics (is) shaytanic, everywhere destroying. But people (are) running on ways. Ya Hu, there is mosques, go and say: ŖO our Lord, (save ourselves)!ŗ
Tauba ya Rabbi! Ya Muhawwil al-ahwal, hawwil halana ila ahsani l-hal! Ya Muslaha salihin, ya Muslaha salihin, ya Muslaha salihin, aslih shanana wa shana-l Muslimin, fansura Řala-l qaumi-l kafirin, wa-nsur Sultanana, Sultanu l-Muslimin, Sultanu l-insi wal jinn, Sayyidina Mehdi - alayhi salam -, azharahu-Llah, ajallahu-Llah, ayadahu-Llah, akramahu-Llah, azamahu-Llah,
bi jahi Nabiyyihi l-karim, bi hurmati l-Fatiha!
Sohbet-153 Sohbet from January, 1st(2008) For the occasion of the ŘNew Yearř celebration The Sound of Haqq must be heard in East and West!
Destur ya Sayydi, Meded As-salamu alaikum! About one week I am not enough strong to speak to you and people (are) rushing on me. Alhamdulillah, today a little bit my Lord granted (me) power for addressing to you. May Allah bless His most beloved servant, (His) most glorious servant Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam -, that we are in existence through that one.
Audhu bi-llahi mina Shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Allah Almighty first of all (is) warning: ŖO people, O My servants, beware (of) Shaytan!ŗ
Up to day I (am) never looking and seeing a writing: ŘO people, beware (of) Shaytanř. But (in front of) so many houses you may find a writing: ŘBeware (of the) dog!ř That means (that) dogs (are) more, much more important than Shaytan. That means! They are saying: ŘBeware (of the) dog!ř Why (they are) not warning people, (those,) whom they are leaders or guides, to say to people: ŖBeware (of) Shaytanŗ? Therefore, we are asking to follow and to listen and to obey to our Lords Advice. He created us and (He is) warning us: ŖBeware (of) Shaytan!ŗ
Now we are saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, (the) first awakening. (The) first awakening is to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. That prevents Shaytan to reach to you. We are weak people, coming here... through billions of people coming here a handful people, but the sound of Haqq may be heard through East and West, that the Lord (is) saying : ŖMy servants, beware [of] Shaytan!ŗ If they are not hearing today, tomorrow (they) must hear, or after tomorrow, after tomorrow. Today we are here a handful people from different places of this world, from different countries, different races, different colours, different languages... we are here, and today is a holiday. It is not good to say a Řholy dayř, but that is, for whole people, when they are not working, it is Řholidayř.ř Holidayř means to give yourself that day for holy tings, to make Allah Almighty happy with you. That is Řholyř day. Not those people that they are getting disobedient to their Lord and they are saying: ŖThis is a holiday!ŗ No, that is Shaytans holiday!
Now, today there is a speciality through East and West, including (the) Islamic world, including Muslims. For what? They are saying: ŖToday (is) the first of a new year!ŗ What is new year, new born year? 2008. They are adding this. Today (is) 1st January of 2008. This happening that just before (to)day, last night, it was the last night, they are saying, for 2007. And people, I donřt know from where they are making such a things? Perhaps it was something in Christianity; they are saying: ŖThat it is the birthnight or birthday of Sayyidina Isa - alayhi salam , Jesus Christ.ŗ Even Christians they are not coming all together
to say: ŖThat night was the birth night of Jesus Christ.ŗ They are coming (to) each other with wrong ideas. Some of them (are) saying: ŖIt was (the) 25th,ŗ some (are) saying: ŖJust (it was the) 31st of Januaryŗ, some others (are) saying another, another, another... and it is just clear... And every historian person they are knowing that no one was expecting that should come such a person and he should be a prophet, just surrounded with Řkhawariqř, miraculous powers, miracles... No one (was) expecting and no one knowing that Sayyidatina Maryam - alayha salam, she was carrying a baby, no, because she was well-known that (she was) unmarried and she was just granted for the Lordřs service. Therefore it was impossible (for) anyone to follow her (to) where she was going and bringing that baby, no, in opposite. When they are hearing that, such a thing, they were so angry people. First of all their nation, Banu Israel, Children of Israel, (were) very angry. And there was Zakariya alayhi salam; they were accusing Sayyidina Zakariya - Astaghfirullah! Therefore, (it was) never written through any history book that Jesus Christ (was) born on that night or that night. (There is) no any Řdalilř, proof. (There is) no proof for them! Therefore it is, from the base, it is nonsense, (it) canřt be believed such a thing! And historians, they never writing such a thing, if they are not... 100% or less or more satisfaction through their hearts. All of them after written and they are saying: ŖThis night or that night.ŗ
Yes, if they are accepting that, before time it was, if we are accepting that, it was a holy night. Holy night, not dancing night! Not to do every bad thing that Heavens (are) preventing and cursing! That is not such a night! If really it was that night, it was a holy night and they must come to their churches or their monasteries or everywhere that they are praying, Christians; they must come, they must do their thanks to Allah Almighty and to ask forgiveness! That was suitable (for) such a Heavenly event (that) just happened, to say: ŖO our Lord, thanks that You sent us a guide to reach to Your Divinely Presence!ŗ That was suitable. But now... what they are doing? What they are doing! They are doing every cursed acting and they are saying: ŖThis is a free night for us to do everything!ŗ Governments (are) coming to be drunk; governments (are) drunk (?), everywhere whole people, they are drunk, they are saying: ŖThis night is free to do everything. We can do everything!ŗ Okay, you can do, but what about for Muslims? (In Turkish: Eh, we celebrated it in our house. We prepared a Turkey, prepard the table, we dressed new clothes, we danced, we congratulated each other for the new year, we did everything...no money is left in our pockets... we woke up in the dirt next morning... )
What about for (the) Muslims world?... S.!... Sleeping?... For (the) Muslim world we are saying...they are following (the) Christian world. And the Seal of Prophets was saying... in a paper, (on a) calendar, in one paper, it is written the meaning of one Hadith Sharif... I am saying (the) origin of (this) Hadith Nabawi Sharif sws, then (about its) meaning a little bit I may say, insha Allah... Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Qala al-Nabi - alayhi salat wa salam... Once the Seal of Prophets was saying to his companions: ŖO my companionsŗ, ...(?) That is a Řmuřjizař, miracle, that he is warning his nation from coming days (that) they are reaching... Rasulullah (was) saying:
ŖO my nation and O my companions! You are going to follow the ways of those people, first Jewish people, second Christians; both of them, they passed before you. (The) Old Testament for Jewish people, they left it. (The) New Testament, Christians, they are changing every kind, and they are doing every bad thing and
(they are) saying: ŘThat is true way, our nations (way)!ř
O my nation, I am looking and seeing that you are running after Jewish and Christians ways, that it is haram, prevented, Allah Almighty never likes it! (It is) never acceptable, but you are going to do, as they are doing, following them on their foot(step)s; where they are putting their foot, you are putting our foot there! Even... there is a creature, (it has) small legs, but you can see no any bones. Small feet. They are making their holes to get in safety from other creatures so narrow, only it may enter; because (it has) no bones, (it is) coming (in). If they are doing this, from those people, whom they (have been) given holy books, you are going to follow them foot on foot; you are going to do, as they are doing!ŗ And you may see in streets people, their dressings; particularly young girls, what they are dressing, (is) so narrow, so narrow! Because it is new fashion. And (they are) sending (that) - Jewish and Christians - to (the) Islamic world, to do (it) and to dress (in such a way)and (they are) saying: ŖThat is (the) new fashion and (it is) modern, modern life, this!ŗ
That is Prophetřs informing ourselves. Is it alright or not? (The) Prophet was saying with a powerful speaking that: ŖYou are going to do that! ŘMuhaqqaqř, no doubt, you are going to do!ŗ
Before 15 centuries he was saying what we are in it now. And we are asking... and today, (in the) morning, I am asking: ŖWhat news? Any news?ŗ and first, just as (we are) opening (the TV), (they are showing) from Baghdad, Baghdad, that people are living, killing and bombing... and they are all of them through streets, shouting, drinking, making every forbidden thing... Look! If I am saying to them: ŖGo, there is Sultan Gilani, Abdul Qadr Gilani - qaddassaLlahu sirrahu-l Řali! Go there and ask him, he is Sultan, he may send away every Řmujrimř, criminal, may send them away through one night!ŗ they are saying: ŖEhhh, for what we are going? Yet you are believing in such a things?ŗ And they should be punished! (The) Arab world should be punished! (The) Islamic world should be punished! Just now trees (are) throwing their leaves, (and the) Islamic world (is) going to be like this... Beware, beware (of) Shaytan! Shaytan, (to) where (he is)bringing people? May Allah forgive us!
O our Lord, donřt write our names with such a people! Keep ourselves on Your right path! Amen, ya Allah!
That is a warning! Anyone listening, (it is) for himself! (If) not listening, his punishment for him or for her should be. May Allah forgive us and send us such a people! If they are coming and finding... Also there is 40 powerful people on earth that may be their power like (the) power of Sayydine Gilani - Allah bless him. If you can find one of them, he may do as (he is) doing, Gilani Hazretleri... But they are not looking! They are saying: ŖThis is (fairy-)talesŗ... Therefore, today, Alhamdulillah, just I am warning my ego and all of you also here: Beware! When a Heavenly punishment (is) coming, it is so difficult to be taken away! If (it is) reaching, (it is) reaching and finishing them... May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam wa ala alihi wa sahbihi...
Fatiha! Sohbet-154 Sohbet from Sunday 2.12.07 Keep Allahs Rights and He keeps yours! As-salamu alaikum! Welcome to you, O Muslims, Muřmins, Ummatu-l Habib, most beloved Prophet in Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam -... We are his nation...
Allah ya Daim, Allah ya Daim, Allah ya Daim... Allah ya Subhan, Allah ya Subhan, Allah ya Subhan... Allah ya Sultan, Allah ya Sultan, Allah ya Sultan...
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
O our Lord, your Creator, we are asking Your forgiveness, because we are not good servants!
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Shaytan (is) not leaving ourselves to be a good servant and we are runningafter shaytanic ways and (we are) leaving Allah Almightyřs invitation thatour Creator, the Lord of Heavens, He is calling ourselves: ŖO Children of Adam, come to Me, run to Me, I am your Lord! Obey to Me, be obedient servants to Me, I may give to you everything here and Hereafter!ŗ
Five times, daily five times (He is) calling - (are the) people hearing? They are putting loudspeakers on minarets, to make people to hear, but they are not hearing. Before, people they were preparing everything according (to) the times of praying. Now people (are) taking away the times of prayings. They are running after the times of work: ŖOh, I am too late, I must run, I must run! Too late!ŗ Yes, with Samsonite... ŖQuickly!ŗ ŖTowhere?ŗ ŖI amlate!ŗ ŖFor what?ŗ ŖFormy work, for my job!ŗ
Do you think that it is so important? O heedless people, do you think that your works, your jobs, (are) more important than prayings and worshipping and servanthood to Allah Almighty? No mind people! They should be punished! They know to run: ŖOh, I am so late to my shop, to my business!ŗ Most important thing for mankind! I am swearing on our heedless people that their names under the name of to be Muslim, Muslim countries. Even in such a small place that some heedless cursed people (are) not leaving (people), if anyone (is) asking to go for Salat al-Jumuřa. They are not going and preventing their staff and workers to go to praying and (they are) threatening them, saying: ŖIf you are going, I am sending you away!ŗ and that (one is) fearing. For what fearing? That is big blame for mankind, for every people, particularly for Muslims that they are preventing prayings in spite (of being) Muslims. LaŘnatu-llah Řalayhim, Allah cursing them! More important: ŖI am too late, too late...ŗ One hand putting this, another one... You must think on it, youngsters! Old people that they are tired and retired...
That is the reason that (the) whole dunya just fell in a deepless ocean of
troubles. You canřt find any place that they are saying: ŖOh, we are happy...!ŗ (There is a noise in the microphone, Sheikh is saying: ŖShaytan! Very unhappy... look, he is blowing the whistle... close it! Close your telephones! You are making a way to enter here Shaytan through your telephones... Alhamdulillah, I am not putting...!ŗ) Yes, Sir. Allahumma la haula wa la quwatta ila bi-llahi al-ŘAliyyi l-ŘAzim!
(The) most important thing for mankind now (is) to make happy their egos, to make pleased Shaytan. They are not thinking to make their Lordřs pleasement and pleasure. They are running to welcome... they are welcoming Shaytan, but not their Lordřs Commands. What is your hope from such a people? Six or more billion people (are) running after Shaytan, including Muslim territories, changing everything against (the) Holy Quran. They are saying: ŖDemocracy!ŗ Pakistan - democracy, Turkestan - democracy, in Ajamistan - democracy, in Egypt - democracy -all democracy. That is that Allah Almighty (is) getting angry with those people. No democracy in Islam, but there is ShariŘatullah, Holy Commands of Allah! You must obey or you should be taken away! ŖWhat happened?ŗ ŖAh, my head!ŗ Then (they are) putting (him) in that machine, saying: Ŗ(There is) something through your head. We are thinking a small creatureŗ - that they are saying Řvirusř- Ŗ(is) coming on it and beginning to eat your mind.ŗ ŖWhat we shall do?ŗ ŖWe must open your head and we must look where it is that virus...ŗ Even under (the) microscope you canřt see it, (it is) so small! (They are) saying: Ŗ(There is) no any other way to save you, only to cut your head... We may cut your head and throw (it) away... Ŗ ŖWhat (is) happening (then)?ŗ ŖWe shall, you are not new, you are not cosmopolitan?ŗ ŖYes.ŗ Cosmopolitan person, its head (is) just rotten, because in it (there is a) virus, you canřt... cut your headŗ and (they are) throwing (it) away and bringing another head. ŖWhich head you prefer? There is donkeyřs head, there is cowřs head, there is fox head, there is wolf head, there is dragon head... Which one you (are) preferring?ŗ ŖAudhu bi-llah!ŗ Ŗ(There is) no way for you, we must change your head!ŗ Abdur Rauf! There is goats also, with beard also, better for you...
Allah the Creator, (The) Mighty, Almighty, All-Merciful, Almighty Allah, may send to that person a virus, and he is young and (there is) no any cure for that person, only to cut his head: throw away and go away! So many people now... every day they are cutting heads, looking: ŖWhere is this (virus)...?ŗ Donřt believe! Even (if) they are putting like such thing (to look inside the head) - donřt believe that they are looking and seeing something! No one (is) understanding what is the reason for that headache for them! Headache, making headache for mankind, Shaytan! Shaytan (is) sitting in their heads! (He) canřt enter, canřt enter heart, but (he) may enter (the) head, yes, Sir?... Sleeping? Ehhh...
Billions of people, they are on wrong way; no respect for their Lord, for their Creator, no obediency, no servanthood for their Lord. They are asking to live (free), because their teacher Shaytan (is) teaching them: ŖYou must be free!ŗ Free - from free what coming? Freedom. Yes, freedom. ŖYou must be free! I am free one.ŗ...ŗ What do you want, O youngsters?ŗ ŖW e are asking freedom!ŗ (They are) shouting on streets, thousands of people. For what? They are not knowing, but Shaytan (is) saying: ŖYou must do this for your freedom.ŗ (They are) changing one party to another, but people (are) never getting to be satisfied, (they are) saying: ŖWe are asking freedom!ŗ Ya Hu, that, this (is the) same
also, so many parties, all (of them) same, (are) saying to you: ŖYou should be free! We are coming for the freedom of our nation.ŗ What happened? Therefore - ŖYou may be free to enter marketsŗ, (and they are) taking everything inside and (they are) saying: ŖWe are free for this, because our government (is) saying (that) we have been granted freedom!ŗ ŖThis car must be for me!ŗ ŖYa Hu, this is...ŗ ŖI am free to take!ŗ ŖThat plane must be for me!ŗ ŖFor what?ŗ ŖWe are so (many), 100 persons, a group, we must have that airplane for ourselves!ŗ
Because the time is freedom of people, therefore (we are in the) worst situation that never passed like that time that we are in it through past time, no! No, because one King, one Emperor was looking after them. Everything that (was) belonging to (the) Sultan, they canřt be courage to come and to say: ŖI am taking thisŗ, because (the) Sultan (is) keeping, keeping his nation, not giving shaytanic freedom. Shaytanic freedom (is) making (the) whole world now to be angry, to be hungry, to be in worst condition. That is the reason. Shaytan (is) their teacher, shaytanic teachings. They are teaching youngsters on such a subjects: ŖYou must be free.ŗ When they are giving: ŖWhen we are graduating you, you must be free from everyone. Donřt believe and donřt follow those people whom they are saying (about) heavenly people, heavenly books, and about religions; donřt believe to them!ŗ Therefore you canřt find anything from Holy Books through universities. They may bring the lowest personřs writing as a book and (they are) saying: ŖIt is very good for people.ŗ Yes, very good for bad people, but they are preventing (the) Holy Quran, (the) Old Testament, (the) New Testament and (the) Psalms, they are preventing, they are saying: ŖThis is not a church, this is not a mosque, that is not a Tekke, a Dergah, no, this is freedom!ŗ
Once I was in New York and people (were) taking me to (the) UN-center and one group of our people (that) was not praying Zuhr, was praying and just (were) rushing on them so many guards, shouting: ŖOh, it is prohibited, forbidden, to make here any service of any religion! This is a free place, here there is no God!ŗ Tu, Jahannamiyyun! In such a way Muslim countries (are) going and representing themselves there. Allah (is) cursing them! May Allah forgive us...
(It is a) bad condition, (the) worst condition now, therefore (is) coming such a thing that through (the) Old Testament, (the) New Testament it is well mentioned as a sign of (the) Last Day: Armageddon. (It) should be! From six, if (there are) six billions, five billons must be taken away; killed and taken away. Only one from every six, one should be lived. Beware! First keep your Lordřs Rights, and Allah Almighty He is making guarantors on your rights on earth. If you are not keeping (His Rights), (there is) no guarantor from Heavenly guarantors for mankind. They are in front of fire.
May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam -, Fatiha...
So many people (are) going to be unhappy - they should find a day that they should say: Ŗ(The) Sheikh was saying truth!ŗ... (The) first right (is the) Right of Allah; you must fulfil (it), then look after yourself. If you are beginning with shaytanic works, you (are) never going to be happy here or Hereafter... Allahumma salli wa sallim Řala Nabiyyina Muhammad Řalayhi salam, salatan tadumu wa tuhda ilayh, mamarra layali wa tula dawam...
Sohbet-155 Sohbet from Sunday, 9.12.07 Allah‟ s Doors are always open!
Destur, ya Rijalallah, Destur, ya Sultanu-l Awliya... Allah, ya Daim... Allah, ya Subhan Allah, ya Sultan... Ma sha Allah! Ma sha Allah, ma sha Allah! As-salamu alaikum! Welcome, welcome to you!
Ya Rabbi, ya Allah! Shukr, ya Rabbi, Shukr, Alhamdulillah! Tauba, ya Rabbi, Tauba, Astaghfirullah...
O our Lord, we are Your weak servants...We are asking Heavenly Support, O our Lord, send us Heavenly Support to stand up, to stand up for Your Servanthood. Real Muřmin who is running to do his servanthood better and trying... who asking much more pleasure from his Lord, he is going to make everything for Allah.
Destur, ya Sayydi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya
May Allah forgive us. We are in need (of His) Forgiveness. It is a humble meeting, and we are asking from Allah Almighty not to close our doors, always to be open for servants of our Lord, as Allah Almighty never closing His doors, always it is open. Therefore, in Holy Land, Mecca Mukarrama, Haram, Holy House of Lord, before we are knowing that that Holy Land around House of Lord there was 40 entrances, but no this, doors, anything, it is open. That means, Allah Almighty never closing His doors to His servants. 24 hours it was open, anyone coming, may enter freely, no any time that you may say you canřt pray here this hour, you canřt do your Tawwaf, turning around House of Lord, it was so open, no one standing through that doors, to look after people: ŖWhat you are bringing?ŗ, ŖWhat you are taking?ŗ, no! That means Allah Almightyřs - that it is a grant from our Lord - doors open anytime, anytime!
And they built new building around House of Lord, Kařba Muazzama, and they put doors, it was not true! Then Allah Almighty teaching His servants, or He is asking to remind His servants whom they are saying: ŖWe are servants of House of Lordŗ, not to close anytime that doors, to be shut, no. Therefore 1400, year of 1400 of Hijra, Prophetřs pilgrimage, sending Allah Almighty a group of people and they are getting in and closing doors and they are trying to do everything they like to do against government. They are hiding themselves, and closing doors. Allah Almighty making them to learn that it is not true to put (doors), shutting doors, no! And so many people just killed from (Saudi-) Kingdom, soldiers and civilians also. Then they are taking (the doors) away. I donřt know yet they are keeping it there? No! Must be Allah Almightyřs Doors always open, without any reason or condition, no.
And we also trying to make free lands for everyone to come and to worship, without asking: ŖWho are you?ŗ No; we are knowing that everyone they are servants or our Lord, He created them and He is that One who directing His servants on their destinations. That is important. Allah Almighty only He is
sending people on their destinations. And we are asking to make everywhere free lands for everyone who asking to come and to worship to his Lord, as he likes! Therefore we are, it is forbidden to put guardians on doors or to come and to say people: ŖYou are doing wrongŗ, no, you are not authorized to say people: ŖYou are wrongŗ! He is inviterˉHis servants! You must not interfere, involving with anyone, no, it is not for you! You are only one servant. And everyone is servant, coming everyone for Allah there! They are coming, they are invited also and coming, you must not interfere or involving what they are doing, no, donřt say: ŖThis is wrong, that is trueŗ, leave them!
If a person playing and he is saying: ŖI am playing for the pleasure of my Lordŗ, Allah Almighty He is accepting! You are never authorized to say that is no good, it is haram, no. That person coming and playing there. ŖFor what you are playing?ŗ ŖPlaying for my Lord.ŗ That is acceptable in Divinely Presence. Maybe a person doing something, not for Allah, even praying, but not for Allah, it is thrown away. Therefore they are guests of House of Lord and guest and host Allah Almighty He is making on behalf of Himself Almighty to be host for His pilgrims. He may correct. Donřt say: ŖThis is wrongŗ, no, leave what they are doing. They are coming for Allah!... Sleeping?... They are coming for Allah, not for you, leave them! Therefore we are trying to make so many centers or houses for people to come freely, to do their worshipping freely and we must Řikramř, respect them and we must prepare for themselves what they may be in need. Without asking from them anything. That is important. But now people, everywhere that people, even in House of Lord asking money, money, money... So many places never leaving to get in, some holy places and asking money, money, money, cutting tickets - for what this? So many wrong things people! It is not a business, that is forbidden, haram, forbidden to take anything who coming and asking to pray. Therefore, government of the way that they are involving and making people you may go, you canřt go, give this money, take this ticket, they are all wrong people, wrong governments! That area must be free, absolute free must be!
Yes, I think... not think, I am looking and seeing that in our days everything going to be wrong. Everything that governments doing, they are wrong, they never practising Holy ShariŘat, Holy Rules, Heavenly Rules, they never
Link: https://www.nvrislam.net/index.php?j=eng&post=5889
e defenders of shaytanic ways or regimes! Try to be defenders of Heavens, Heavenly Truth! If you are doing (that), you should be in safety here and Hereafter. If you are not doing that, then their final station should be through hells.
May Allah forgive us! People, now it is winter time. Whole trees they are leaving their leaves (and they are) sleeping, sleeping till spring-time. Spring-time (the) Holy Command (is) coming to nature: ŖWake up! Just winter passed away, wake up!ŗ and this water by its Lordřs Command (is) beginning to move through (the) trees that you are saying: ŖThese trees, they are now just dried.ŗ They are thinking that (the trees are) dry, and they are intending to cut them, but that time the Holy Command (is) coming from Heavens to nature: ŖWalk through the veins of trees by your Lords Command!ŗ And (it is) beginning, and (it is) beginning to be seen buds.
(Those) people (are) saying: ŖYou must not leave this; we must take that buds away!ŗ
(It) canřt be! (The) Holy Command just arrived, they are awakening, no one can make them once again to sleep!
Now (we are) in that days! I hope that (the) beginning of (the) Islamic calendar, Hijra calendar, (there is) going to be coming (that) command from Heavens to nature: ŖWake up! By your Lordřs command, wake up!ŗ And that (what)
people (were) thinking (has) died, (is) beginning to awaken!
Ma sha Allah! (It) should be in such a way that people they are thinking they are living in paradise. That is a short time, but it should be on earth (the) appearance of paradise that Dajjal, Antichrist, and his group should be taken away, (and there) should remain only believers. Whom they are sincere believers, they should remain and (the) majority should be taken away. Keep yourself!
I am nothing, but, as our Holy Prophet and Heavenly Orders (are) saying to make people to wake up, that is an Řintibahř, (a) warning, (a) warning to stand up. That means: donřt lie on railway, because (the) train (is) coming and who (it is) finding on its way, (it is) cutting! Wake up! (But people are) saying: ŖNo, nothing, we are rest here. ŗ (And the train is coming:) Uhhhhh Time is over!
May Allah forgive us! And - use your minds and think on your position! Think: ŖWhat I am doing?ŗ Think: ŖFor whom I am working? For my Lord, His Pleasure, or I am working to make Shaytan pleased with me?ŗ Look! Keep that balance, you should be safe, if not, you are going to finish. May be, a handful people may remain, doesnřt matter. Allah Almighty (was) sending (a) flood at the time of Noah Ŕ alayhi salam - and on our most precious Prophet - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam. That time Allah (was) sending (a) flood and taking only one handful people, they are not reaching, their numbers, to 100, they only landed in (the) arch. From that, look, billions of people (are) coming from that people.
Therefore now Allah Almighty (is) sending not (a) flood of water, but sending fire! Every nation (is) preparing more power, more fire, to destroy inside and outside. No mercy through their hearts - finished! No justice, no mercy! They are going to finish! Finishing, then Allah Almighty (is) sending new ones, new ones!
In a handful years you should find this world full with believers, whom they are saying: La ilaha ill-Allah. La ilaha ill-Allah. (Sheikh is making a short Dhikr: ..) La ilaha ill-Allah, Sayyiduna wa Nabiyyuna Muhammadur Rasulullah.
May Allah guide us to His enlightened Way to Paradise! Be patient, donřt run on streets, donřt join to those people, or you are taking your punishment on yourselves! Cursing (is) coming on those people (that) they are running on streets. I am sorry to say like Pakistan people, they are Muslims, they are running on streets and (are) shouting. I am saying: ŖWhy? You are Muslims, why (you are) running on ways? Why (you are) not going to mosques, to say: ŘO ya Rabbi, ya Rabbana, save ourselves!ř What you are running on streets, how you are Muslims?Ŗ That people - turbans, long beards for what this?
What is that politics? Politics (is) shaytanic, everywhere destroying. But people (are) running on ways. Ya Hu, there is mosques, go and say: ŖO our Lord, (save ourselves)!ŗ
Tauba ya Rabbi! Ya Muhawwil al-ahwal, hawwil halana ila ahsani l-hal! Ya Muslaha salihin, ya Muslaha salihin, ya Muslaha salihin, aslih shanana wa shana-l Muslimin, fansura Řala-l qaumi-l kafirin, wa-nsur Sultanana, Sultanu l-Muslimin, Sultanu l-insi wal jinn, Sayyidina Mehdi - alayhi salam -, azharahu-Llah, ajallahu-Llah, ayadahu-Llah, akramahu-Llah, azamahu-Llah,
bi jahi Nabiyyihi l-karim, bi hurmati l-Fatiha!
Sohbet-153 Sohbet from January, 1st(2008) For the occasion of the ŘNew Yearř celebration The Sound of Haqq must be heard in East and West!
Destur ya Sayydi, Meded As-salamu alaikum! About one week I am not enough strong to speak to you and people (are) rushing on me. Alhamdulillah, today a little bit my Lord granted (me) power for addressing to you. May Allah bless His most beloved servant, (His) most glorious servant Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam -, that we are in existence through that one.
Audhu bi-llahi mina Shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Allah Almighty first of all (is) warning: ŖO people, O My servants, beware (of) Shaytan!ŗ
Up to day I (am) never looking and seeing a writing: ŘO people, beware (of) Shaytanř. But (in front of) so many houses you may find a writing: ŘBeware (of the) dog!ř That means (that) dogs (are) more, much more important than Shaytan. That means! They are saying: ŘBeware (of the) dog!ř Why (they are) not warning people, (those,) whom they are leaders or guides, to say to people: ŖBeware (of) Shaytanŗ? Therefore, we are asking to follow and to listen and to obey to our Lords Advice. He created us and (He is) warning us: ŖBeware (of) Shaytan!ŗ
Now we are saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, (the) first awakening. (The) first awakening is to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. That prevents Shaytan to reach to you. We are weak people, coming here... through billions of people coming here a handful people, but the sound of Haqq may be heard through East and West, that the Lord (is) saying : ŖMy servants, beware [of] Shaytan!ŗ If they are not hearing today, tomorrow (they) must hear, or after tomorrow, after tomorrow. Today we are here a handful people from different places of this world, from different countries, different races, different colours, different languages... we are here, and today is a holiday. It is not good to say a Řholy dayř, but that is, for whole people, when they are not working, it is Řholidayř.ř Holidayř means to give yourself that day for holy tings, to make Allah Almighty happy with you. That is Řholyř day. Not those people that they are getting disobedient to their Lord and they are saying: ŖThis is a holiday!ŗ No, that is Shaytans holiday!
Now, today there is a speciality through East and West, including (the) Islamic world, including Muslims. For what? They are saying: ŖToday (is) the first of a new year!ŗ What is new year, new born year? 2008. They are adding this. Today (is) 1st January of 2008. This happening that just before (to)day, last night, it was the last night, they are saying, for 2007. And people, I donřt know from where they are making such a things? Perhaps it was something in Christianity; they are saying: ŖThat it is the birthnight or birthday of Sayyidina Isa - alayhi salam , Jesus Christ.ŗ Even Christians they are not coming all together
to say: ŖThat night was the birth night of Jesus Christ.ŗ They are coming (to) each other with wrong ideas. Some of them (are) saying: ŖIt was (the) 25th,ŗ some (are) saying: ŖJust (it was the) 31st of Januaryŗ, some others (are) saying another, another, another... and it is just clear... And every historian person they are knowing that no one was expecting that should come such a person and he should be a prophet, just surrounded with Řkhawariqř, miraculous powers, miracles... No one (was) expecting and no one knowing that Sayyidatina Maryam - alayha salam, she was carrying a baby, no, because she was well-known that (she was) unmarried and she was just granted for the Lordřs service. Therefore it was impossible (for) anyone to follow her (to) where she was going and bringing that baby, no, in opposite. When they are hearing that, such a thing, they were so angry people. First of all their nation, Banu Israel, Children of Israel, (were) very angry. And there was Zakariya alayhi salam; they were accusing Sayyidina Zakariya - Astaghfirullah! Therefore, (it was) never written through any history book that Jesus Christ (was) born on that night or that night. (There is) no any Řdalilř, proof. (There is) no proof for them! Therefore it is, from the base, it is nonsense, (it) canřt be believed such a thing! And historians, they never writing such a thing, if they are not... 100% or less or more satisfaction through their hearts. All of them after written and they are saying: ŖThis night or that night.ŗ
Yes, if they are accepting that, before time it was, if we are accepting that, it was a holy night. Holy night, not dancing night! Not to do every bad thing that Heavens (are) preventing and cursing! That is not such a night! If really it was that night, it was a holy night and they must come to their churches or their monasteries or everywhere that they are praying, Christians; they must come, they must do their thanks to Allah Almighty and to ask forgiveness! That was suitable (for) such a Heavenly event (that) just happened, to say: ŖO our Lord, thanks that You sent us a guide to reach to Your Divinely Presence!ŗ That was suitable. But now... what they are doing? What they are doing! They are doing every cursed acting and they are saying: ŖThis is a free night for us to do everything!ŗ Governments (are) coming to be drunk; governments (are) drunk (?), everywhere whole people, they are drunk, they are saying: ŖThis night is free to do everything. We can do everything!ŗ Okay, you can do, but what about for Muslims? (In Turkish: Eh, we celebrated it in our house. We prepared a Turkey, prepard the table, we dressed new clothes, we danced, we congratulated each other for the new year, we did everything...no money is left in our pockets... we woke up in the dirt next morning... )
What about for (the) Muslims world?... S.!... Sleeping?... For (the) Muslim world we are saying...they are following (the) Christian world. And the Seal of Prophets was saying... in a paper, (on a) calendar, in one paper, it is written the meaning of one Hadith Sharif... I am saying (the) origin of (this) Hadith Nabawi Sharif sws, then (about its) meaning a little bit I may say, insha Allah... Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Qala al-Nabi - alayhi salat wa salam... Once the Seal of Prophets was saying to his companions: ŖO my companionsŗ, ...(?) That is a Řmuřjizař, miracle, that he is warning his nation from coming days (that) they are reaching... Rasulullah (was) saying:
ŖO my nation and O my companions! You are going to follow the ways of those people, first Jewish people, second Christians; both of them, they passed before you. (The) Old Testament for Jewish people, they left it. (The) New Testament, Christians, they are changing every kind, and they are doing every bad thing and
(they are) saying: ŘThat is true way, our nations (way)!ř
O my nation, I am looking and seeing that you are running after Jewish and Christians ways, that it is haram, prevented, Allah Almighty never likes it! (It is) never acceptable, but you are going to do, as they are doing, following them on their foot(step)s; where they are putting their foot, you are putting our foot there! Even... there is a creature, (it has) small legs, but you can see no any bones. Small feet. They are making their holes to get in safety from other creatures so narrow, only it may enter; because (it has) no bones, (it is) coming (in). If they are doing this, from those people, whom they (have been) given holy books, you are going to follow them foot on foot; you are going to do, as they are doing!ŗ And you may see in streets people, their dressings; particularly young girls, what they are dressing, (is) so narrow, so narrow! Because it is new fashion. And (they are) sending (that) - Jewish and Christians - to (the) Islamic world, to do (it) and to dress (in such a way)and (they are) saying: ŖThat is (the) new fashion and (it is) modern, modern life, this!ŗ
That is Prophetřs informing ourselves. Is it alright or not? (The) Prophet was saying with a powerful speaking that: ŖYou are going to do that! ŘMuhaqqaqř, no doubt, you are going to do!ŗ
Before 15 centuries he was saying what we are in it now. And we are asking... and today, (in the) morning, I am asking: ŖWhat news? Any news?ŗ and first, just as (we are) opening (the TV), (they are showing) from Baghdad, Baghdad, that people are living, killing and bombing... and they are all of them through streets, shouting, drinking, making every forbidden thing... Look! If I am saying to them: ŖGo, there is Sultan Gilani, Abdul Qadr Gilani - qaddassaLlahu sirrahu-l Řali! Go there and ask him, he is Sultan, he may send away every Řmujrimř, criminal, may send them away through one night!ŗ they are saying: ŖEhhh, for what we are going? Yet you are believing in such a things?ŗ And they should be punished! (The) Arab world should be punished! (The) Islamic world should be punished! Just now trees (are) throwing their leaves, (and the) Islamic world (is) going to be like this... Beware, beware (of) Shaytan! Shaytan, (to) where (he is)bringing people? May Allah forgive us!
O our Lord, donřt write our names with such a people! Keep ourselves on Your right path! Amen, ya Allah!
That is a warning! Anyone listening, (it is) for himself! (If) not listening, his punishment for him or for her should be. May Allah forgive us and send us such a people! If they are coming and finding... Also there is 40 powerful people on earth that may be their power like (the) power of Sayydine Gilani - Allah bless him. If you can find one of them, he may do as (he is) doing, Gilani Hazretleri... But they are not looking! They are saying: ŖThis is (fairy-)talesŗ... Therefore, today, Alhamdulillah, just I am warning my ego and all of you also here: Beware! When a Heavenly punishment (is) coming, it is so difficult to be taken away! If (it is) reaching, (it is) reaching and finishing them... May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam wa ala alihi wa sahbihi...
Fatiha! Sohbet-154 Sohbet from Sunday 2.12.07 Keep Allahs Rights and He keeps yours! As-salamu alaikum! Welcome to you, O Muslims, Muřmins, Ummatu-l Habib, most beloved Prophet in Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam -... We are his nation...
Allah ya Daim, Allah ya Daim, Allah ya Daim... Allah ya Subhan, Allah ya Subhan, Allah ya Subhan... Allah ya Sultan, Allah ya Sultan, Allah ya Sultan...
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
O our Lord, your Creator, we are asking Your forgiveness, because we are not good servants!
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Shaytan (is) not leaving ourselves to be a good servant and we are runningafter shaytanic ways and (we are) leaving Allah Almightyřs invitation thatour Creator, the Lord of Heavens, He is calling ourselves: ŖO Children of Adam, come to Me, run to Me, I am your Lord! Obey to Me, be obedient servants to Me, I may give to you everything here and Hereafter!ŗ
Five times, daily five times (He is) calling - (are the) people hearing? They are putting loudspeakers on minarets, to make people to hear, but they are not hearing. Before, people they were preparing everything according (to) the times of praying. Now people (are) taking away the times of prayings. They are running after the times of work: ŖOh, I am too late, I must run, I must run! Too late!ŗ Yes, with Samsonite... ŖQuickly!ŗ ŖTowhere?ŗ ŖI amlate!ŗ ŖFor what?ŗ ŖFormy work, for my job!ŗ
Do you think that it is so important? O heedless people, do you think that your works, your jobs, (are) more important than prayings and worshipping and servanthood to Allah Almighty? No mind people! They should be punished! They know to run: ŖOh, I am so late to my shop, to my business!ŗ Most important thing for mankind! I am swearing on our heedless people that their names under the name of to be Muslim, Muslim countries. Even in such a small place that some heedless cursed people (are) not leaving (people), if anyone (is) asking to go for Salat al-Jumuřa. They are not going and preventing their staff and workers to go to praying and (they are) threatening them, saying: ŖIf you are going, I am sending you away!ŗ and that (one is) fearing. For what fearing? That is big blame for mankind, for every people, particularly for Muslims that they are preventing prayings in spite (of being) Muslims. LaŘnatu-llah Řalayhim, Allah cursing them! More important: ŖI am too late, too late...ŗ One hand putting this, another one... You must think on it, youngsters! Old people that they are tired and retired...
That is the reason that (the) whole dunya just fell in a deepless ocean of
troubles. You canřt find any place that they are saying: ŖOh, we are happy...!ŗ (There is a noise in the microphone, Sheikh is saying: ŖShaytan! Very unhappy... look, he is blowing the whistle... close it! Close your telephones! You are making a way to enter here Shaytan through your telephones... Alhamdulillah, I am not putting...!ŗ) Yes, Sir. Allahumma la haula wa la quwatta ila bi-llahi al-ŘAliyyi l-ŘAzim!
(The) most important thing for mankind now (is) to make happy their egos, to make pleased Shaytan. They are not thinking to make their Lordřs pleasement and pleasure. They are running to welcome... they are welcoming Shaytan, but not their Lordřs Commands. What is your hope from such a people? Six or more billion people (are) running after Shaytan, including Muslim territories, changing everything against (the) Holy Quran. They are saying: ŖDemocracy!ŗ Pakistan - democracy, Turkestan - democracy, in Ajamistan - democracy, in Egypt - democracy -all democracy. That is that Allah Almighty (is) getting angry with those people. No democracy in Islam, but there is ShariŘatullah, Holy Commands of Allah! You must obey or you should be taken away! ŖWhat happened?ŗ ŖAh, my head!ŗ Then (they are) putting (him) in that machine, saying: Ŗ(There is) something through your head. We are thinking a small creatureŗ - that they are saying Řvirusř- Ŗ(is) coming on it and beginning to eat your mind.ŗ ŖWhat we shall do?ŗ ŖWe must open your head and we must look where it is that virus...ŗ Even under (the) microscope you canřt see it, (it is) so small! (They are) saying: Ŗ(There is) no any other way to save you, only to cut your head... We may cut your head and throw (it) away... Ŗ ŖWhat (is) happening (then)?ŗ ŖWe shall, you are not new, you are not cosmopolitan?ŗ ŖYes.ŗ Cosmopolitan person, its head (is) just rotten, because in it (there is a) virus, you canřt... cut your headŗ and (they are) throwing (it) away and bringing another head. ŖWhich head you prefer? There is donkeyřs head, there is cowřs head, there is fox head, there is wolf head, there is dragon head... Which one you (are) preferring?ŗ ŖAudhu bi-llah!ŗ Ŗ(There is) no way for you, we must change your head!ŗ Abdur Rauf! There is goats also, with beard also, better for you...
Allah the Creator, (The) Mighty, Almighty, All-Merciful, Almighty Allah, may send to that person a virus, and he is young and (there is) no any cure for that person, only to cut his head: throw away and go away! So many people now... every day they are cutting heads, looking: ŖWhere is this (virus)...?ŗ Donřt believe! Even (if) they are putting like such thing (to look inside the head) - donřt believe that they are looking and seeing something! No one (is) understanding what is the reason for that headache for them! Headache, making headache for mankind, Shaytan! Shaytan (is) sitting in their heads! (He) canřt enter, canřt enter heart, but (he) may enter (the) head, yes, Sir?... Sleeping? Ehhh...
Billions of people, they are on wrong way; no respect for their Lord, for their Creator, no obediency, no servanthood for their Lord. They are asking to live (free), because their teacher Shaytan (is) teaching them: ŖYou must be free!ŗ Free - from free what coming? Freedom. Yes, freedom. ŖYou must be free! I am free one.ŗ...ŗ What do you want, O youngsters?ŗ ŖW e are asking freedom!ŗ (They are) shouting on streets, thousands of people. For what? They are not knowing, but Shaytan (is) saying: ŖYou must do this for your freedom.ŗ (They are) changing one party to another, but people (are) never getting to be satisfied, (they are) saying: ŖWe are asking freedom!ŗ Ya Hu, that, this (is the) same
also, so many parties, all (of them) same, (are) saying to you: ŖYou should be free! We are coming for the freedom of our nation.ŗ What happened? Therefore - ŖYou may be free to enter marketsŗ, (and they are) taking everything inside and (they are) saying: ŖWe are free for this, because our government (is) saying (that) we have been granted freedom!ŗ ŖThis car must be for me!ŗ ŖYa Hu, this is...ŗ ŖI am free to take!ŗ ŖThat plane must be for me!ŗ ŖFor what?ŗ ŖWe are so (many), 100 persons, a group, we must have that airplane for ourselves!ŗ
Because the time is freedom of people, therefore (we are in the) worst situation that never passed like that time that we are in it through past time, no! No, because one King, one Emperor was looking after them. Everything that (was) belonging to (the) Sultan, they canřt be courage to come and to say: ŖI am taking thisŗ, because (the) Sultan (is) keeping, keeping his nation, not giving shaytanic freedom. Shaytanic freedom (is) making (the) whole world now to be angry, to be hungry, to be in worst condition. That is the reason. Shaytan (is) their teacher, shaytanic teachings. They are teaching youngsters on such a subjects: ŖYou must be free.ŗ When they are giving: ŖWhen we are graduating you, you must be free from everyone. Donřt believe and donřt follow those people whom they are saying (about) heavenly people, heavenly books, and about religions; donřt believe to them!ŗ Therefore you canřt find anything from Holy Books through universities. They may bring the lowest personřs writing as a book and (they are) saying: ŖIt is very good for people.ŗ Yes, very good for bad people, but they are preventing (the) Holy Quran, (the) Old Testament, (the) New Testament and (the) Psalms, they are preventing, they are saying: ŖThis is not a church, this is not a mosque, that is not a Tekke, a Dergah, no, this is freedom!ŗ
Once I was in New York and people (were) taking me to (the) UN-center and one group of our people (that) was not praying Zuhr, was praying and just (were) rushing on them so many guards, shouting: ŖOh, it is prohibited, forbidden, to make here any service of any religion! This is a free place, here there is no God!ŗ Tu, Jahannamiyyun! In such a way Muslim countries (are) going and representing themselves there. Allah (is) cursing them! May Allah forgive us...
(It is a) bad condition, (the) worst condition now, therefore (is) coming such a thing that through (the) Old Testament, (the) New Testament it is well mentioned as a sign of (the) Last Day: Armageddon. (It) should be! From six, if (there are) six billions, five billons must be taken away; killed and taken away. Only one from every six, one should be lived. Beware! First keep your Lordřs Rights, and Allah Almighty He is making guarantors on your rights on earth. If you are not keeping (His Rights), (there is) no guarantor from Heavenly guarantors for mankind. They are in front of fire.
May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam -, Fatiha...
So many people (are) going to be unhappy - they should find a day that they should say: Ŗ(The) Sheikh was saying truth!ŗ... (The) first right (is the) Right of Allah; you must fulfil (it), then look after yourself. If you are beginning with shaytanic works, you (are) never going to be happy here or Hereafter... Allahumma salli wa sallim Řala Nabiyyina Muhammad Řalayhi salam, salatan tadumu wa tuhda ilayh, mamarra layali wa tula dawam...
Sohbet-155 Sohbet from Sunday, 9.12.07 Allah‟ s Doors are always open!
Destur, ya Rijalallah, Destur, ya Sultanu-l Awliya... Allah, ya Daim... Allah, ya Subhan Allah, ya Sultan... Ma sha Allah! Ma sha Allah, ma sha Allah! As-salamu alaikum! Welcome, welcome to you!
Ya Rabbi, ya Allah! Shukr, ya Rabbi, Shukr, Alhamdulillah! Tauba, ya Rabbi, Tauba, Astaghfirullah...
O our Lord, we are Your weak servants...We are asking Heavenly Support, O our Lord, send us Heavenly Support to stand up, to stand up for Your Servanthood. Real Muřmin who is running to do his servanthood better and trying... who asking much more pleasure from his Lord, he is going to make everything for Allah.
Destur, ya Sayydi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya
May Allah forgive us. We are in need (of His) Forgiveness. It is a humble meeting, and we are asking from Allah Almighty not to close our doors, always to be open for servants of our Lord, as Allah Almighty never closing His doors, always it is open. Therefore, in Holy Land, Mecca Mukarrama, Haram, Holy House of Lord, before we are knowing that that Holy Land around House of Lord there was 40 entrances, but no this, doors, anything, it is open. That means, Allah Almighty never closing His doors to His servants. 24 hours it was open, anyone coming, may enter freely, no any time that you may say you canřt pray here this hour, you canřt do your Tawwaf, turning around House of Lord, it was so open, no one standing through that doors, to look after people: ŖWhat you are bringing?ŗ, ŖWhat you are taking?ŗ, no! That means Allah Almightyřs - that it is a grant from our Lord - doors open anytime, anytime!
And they built new building around House of Lord, Kařba Muazzama, and they put doors, it was not true! Then Allah Almighty teaching His servants, or He is asking to remind His servants whom they are saying: ŖWe are servants of House of Lordŗ, not to close anytime that doors, to be shut, no. Therefore 1400, year of 1400 of Hijra, Prophetřs pilgrimage, sending Allah Almighty a group of people and they are getting in and closing doors and they are trying to do everything they like to do against government. They are hiding themselves, and closing doors. Allah Almighty making them to learn that it is not true to put (doors), shutting doors, no! And so many people just killed from (Saudi-) Kingdom, soldiers and civilians also. Then they are taking (the doors) away. I donřt know yet they are keeping it there? No! Must be Allah Almightyřs Doors always open, without any reason or condition, no.
And we also trying to make free lands for everyone to come and to worship, without asking: ŖWho are you?ŗ No; we are knowing that everyone they are servants or our Lord, He created them and He is that One who directing His servants on their destinations. That is important. Allah Almighty only He is
sending people on their destinations. And we are asking to make everywhere free lands for everyone who asking to come and to worship to his Lord, as he likes! Therefore we are, it is forbidden to put guardians on doors or to come and to say people: ŖYou are doing wrongŗ, no, you are not authorized to say people: ŖYou are wrongŗ! He is inviterˉHis servants! You must not interfere, involving with anyone, no, it is not for you! You are only one servant. And everyone is servant, coming everyone for Allah there! They are coming, they are invited also and coming, you must not interfere or involving what they are doing, no, donřt say: ŖThis is wrong, that is trueŗ, leave them!
If a person playing and he is saying: ŖI am playing for the pleasure of my Lordŗ, Allah Almighty He is accepting! You are never authorized to say that is no good, it is haram, no. That person coming and playing there. ŖFor what you are playing?ŗ ŖPlaying for my Lord.ŗ That is acceptable in Divinely Presence. Maybe a person doing something, not for Allah, even praying, but not for Allah, it is thrown away. Therefore they are guests of House of Lord and guest and host Allah Almighty He is making on behalf of Himself Almighty to be host for His pilgrims. He may correct. Donřt say: ŖThis is wrongŗ, no, leave what they are doing. They are coming for Allah!... Sleeping?... They are coming for Allah, not for you, leave them! Therefore we are trying to make so many centers or houses for people to come freely, to do their worshipping freely and we must Řikramř, respect them and we must prepare for themselves what they may be in need. Without asking from them anything. That is important. But now people, everywhere that people, even in House of Lord asking money, money, money... So many places never leaving to get in, some holy places and asking money, money, money, cutting tickets - for what this? So many wrong things people! It is not a business, that is forbidden, haram, forbidden to take anything who coming and asking to pray. Therefore, government of the way that they are involving and making people you may go, you canřt go, give this money, take this ticket, they are all wrong people, wrong governments! That area must be free, absolute free must be!
Yes, I think... not think, I am looking and seeing that in our days everything going to be wrong. Everything that governments doing, they are wrong, they never practising Holy ShariŘat, Holy Rules, Heavenly Rules, they never
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