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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 49/120)
Doesnřt matter, ya Sheikh, we are Pakistani people, why you are... We are democratical people, therefore we are trying to bring democracy to your mental house...ŗ

Ya Hu, mental house (is) never accepting democracy... S., here can be democracy in our place? In mental house you saw there is democracy? ŖMust be!ŗ And coming, others coming, particularly ladies, sitting and most speakers - after some nations that they have medal also for speaking - if they are beginning, from morning up to evening, from evening up to morning - (are) Pakistani people... Never ending and saying this and that, this and that... : ŖMy family, my daughter, my son, my husband escaping... making me...ŗ and I am saying: ŖQuickly finish this and get out! I am fed up from this! And you are bringing also whole garbage to here! I canřt sleep nighttime, because you are making so many things and (that is) injuring my heart and I canřt sleep...ŗ In such a way! They are thinking that only they must speak. It canřt be.

When we are saying something here, you must keep it! It is enough for whole nations! Donřt come and to say to me for dunya this or that, no, it is no good! Therefore 24 hours, it is not enough for me for answering people! Sometimes I am swearing, I am getting angry. When I am getting angry, they are very happy: ŖMaking Sheikh to be angry...ŗ

O people, speak and give (a) short report (of) that you are in need. If you are not finding (an answer) through our meetings, then you may ask. But our meeting it is enough, (here is) no need to ask. They are saying: ŖYou must be patient or you must be thankful. Everyone living on earth - some of them must be thankful, some of them must be patient. (There is) no middle. If anything (is) disturbing you, try to be patient, till Allah Almighty (is) changing (it). And ask (for the) reason and (the) reason (is) what we are speaking on it now. Keep it! They are saying: ŘO people, try to be with Allah! You should be happy! Donřt be with Shaytan or with dunya - you should be sad always!ř Ŗ

That is (the) summary. But people (are) asking this, asking that... I am saying: ŖBe with Allah!ŗ

ŖHow Ican be?ŗ

ŖFind those servants, whom they are always with their Lordřs Divinely Presence. Look (to) them and take, what you are in need, then you may be with Allah. Donřt say (a) long conversation, no! You must be thankful or you must be patient!ŗ

May Allah forgive us!

We are trying to teach or train ourselves, how we can be able to safe ourselves from the hands of Shaytan and its deputy, our egos. Try and ask from Allah Almighty a support in front of Shaytan and your ego, you should be happy here and Hereafter! O Allah, forgive us! And you just think on it that you are in need (of) forgiveness (in) every moment! O our Lord, forgive us and grant us from endless Blessings to make You,

O our Lord, pleased with us!

Try to make your Lord pleased with you! That is! Whole Prophets (were) calling people on that point: ŖO people, come and try to make your Lord pleased with you!ŗ Nothing else! If your Lord (is) not going to be pleased with you, what is the benefit to have whole treasures of this world? Nothing!

May Allah forgive us and bless you. For the honour of the most honoured servant, (the) glorified servant of Allah Almighty, Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Ř alayhi wa sallam -,



Sohbet from 15.07.08 Come from yourself to Yourself

Welcome to you! Shukr Allah! We are thanking to Allah, Shukr, and we are saying: Ashhadu an la ilaha ill-Allah wa ashhadu anna Sayyidina Muhammadan Řabduhu wa habibuhu wa rasuluh - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam.

We are now Muslims.

Now we are living in a time that ignorance just reaching to everyone and so many people they are not using their minds and objecting (on) subjects of Islam. We are asking from Allah Almighty not to be from those no mind people and we are saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. That is the sign of Muslims.

We have been ordered to run away from most dangerous and difficult enemy of mankind Shaytan. We must ask from Allah Almighty His Protection. If we are trying to fight or to defend yourself by yourself, it is impossible. But we must ask protection and we are asking Allah Almightyřs shelter to be in safety. You must not forget that you are servants of Allah Almighty. Who created you? Ask! Who designed you? O man, you must ask this and must try to teach yourself as well as your children.

But Shaytan he did his worst for whole mankind, using hundreds and thousands of tricks and putting countless traps for mankind to make them to forget who they are, how we are in existence, but... Shaytan (is) trying to make people not to remember, making them to forget. They are not asking. People they are not asking. People asking for a useless, tasteless question, but main question that man must ask: Who am I, how I am in existence, from where I am coming? No one (is) asking and people, universities, education systems, they (are) never taking any care to carry books, Heavenly Books. They are not using or asking - how people (are) going to learn?

They are teaching so many nonsense subjects through hundreds of books and they are teaching only to deny and they are teaching to students not to ask: ŖWho am Iŗ? No! So many branches of their knowledge - it is really they are not knowledge, because real knowledge, if you are using it, every knowledge must

take you to (the) Divinely Presence of Allah Almighty! That is knowledge! So many branches, but if you are taking that, going to find books of knowledges, but now people they are using and looking only outlooking of trees; they (are) never interesting how that apple happened. How that tree that we are thinking it is (a) dry tree through winter time... we are thinking: ŖOh, that finished, no more on it leaves or fruits, or, now we are looking that just that dried!ŗ But when coming spring time, they are surprising, saying: ŖOh, yesterday we were thinking that this tree just dried, how now it is beginning (and) brings fruits and leaves and getting in such a beautiful new, beautiful show from that tree, how happened?ŗ They are not asking!

They are saying: ŖEh, that is apple treeŗ or: ŖThat is a, so many fruits, just awakening. We were thinking that it is dried one, but now we are looking that (there are) growing new leaves, new flowers and after flowers coming so many kinds of fruits!ŗ They are not saying this, not thinking on it! I am asking: ŖYa Hu, why (you are) not asking to (the) pine tree: ŘWhere (are) your fruits, where is your flowers?ř They have also [fruits], but it is not well seen like other trees. Mankind now they are drunk ones and drunkenness (is) coming from their heedlessness, coming from their ignorance, coming from that those people are not using their minds. If they are using their minds they should find so many things -but they are not using, they are only looking (to the) outlooking of everything (?).

Then we are coming to mankind. Mankind how, how they are coming? What happening? Mum and dad sleeping and then coming a baby after 9 months and some days. They are not thinking on it, who can be able to do that. No one (is) asking. That is all knowledge, they (are) never thinking or asking to learn anything, they are saying: ŖNature, nature...ŗ Their ways up to Hells with their nature! What (is) happening? (There is) dry earth and coming on it rains and that dry earth (is) beginning to bring so many plants, so many kinds of flowers and plants and trees -what (is) happening? It is only earth and (there is) coming on it rainsfrom up - how (these flowers are) coming (up)?

Perhaps also you have never been born, when I was going to Medina Munawwara- Řala sakinaha afdalu salat wa taslim Ŕ Prophetřs holy city, with my Grandsheikh, maybe now more than 50 years. I am going with my Grandsheikh for a seclusion through that holy land that Allah Almighty (is) giving holiness through that earth. We are coming from Damascus to (the) Prophetřs holy city. We are coming down, we are taking our car to reach to (the) holy city and we are passing through deserts. (It was) whole sand, sandy, nothing on it. We passed away and (we are) coming. Then, when we are making, as we have been ordered for seclusion... seclusion (is) taking people from outside to himself. Now people mostly their eyes (are on the) outside, around themselves. They are forgetting themselves, but their interest (is in) what is around themselves.

No! Begin first from you! Look to you, then look what (is) around! Seclusion (is) taking man from outside to his real being inside. Therefore, no one can be a ŘDalilř, (a) guide, if no guide, no one (is) learning anything. You must find a guide for guidance, because you canřt find the way to you without a guide. Therefore seclusion, it is most important; (it is the) most important thing that makes ourselves to reach to ourselves. If you are not finding a guide and living 70 years, 80 years or 90 years or less, but you are going, knowing nothing about


Therefore, Allah Almighty (is) sending His Prophets: to make you to know who are you. Making, taking you from outside to inside, taking you to yourself. Or you are ignorant people, like so many kinds of animals...

Now people they are thinking: ŖOh, doctor Z., doctor A., doctor S.ŗ- so many doctors... and they are knowing nothing... you must... Therefore Allah Almighty (was) sending first Prophet, Sayyidina Adam, (the) first guide for his children and after himself (there were) coming from his grandsons, grandsons, grandsons... reaching up to the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam - and finally he is coming to take people to themselves, to make them to know: who are you.

(The) last and biggest guide for mankind (was) Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam. (Even) if life on earth (is) going to be up to eternal, he is enough! He is enough to be a guide for billions, trillions people that may come. Therefore, his guidance (was) just granted to him through (the) Holy Quran. (The) Holy Quran is enough for every nation through centuries. Up to eternal! (There is) no need to come a new guide with a Holy Book, no, (the) Holy Quran (is) enough to take you to you! That is important!

Yes, we are going for that purpose, to make a way, my Gandsheikh (was) asking to make a way from me to me. I was in seclusion three months (then) coming back, coming back to Damascus when I finished and Grandsheikh was there. By his orders I am coming and I am looking that sandy plains, sandy lands: (there were) countless coloured flowers! How (it) happened? Because once that we were in seclusion, (there was) coming a rain. That rain (was) giving life with (the) Holy Command of Heavens and it was like so beautiful, beautiful lands, with every kind of flowers! Subhanallah, (the) sun (was) giving different colours. In Europe you can find lands with flowers, but it is not so (many) different kinds; maybe 5 kinds, maybe 10 kinds, but (in) those countries (the) sun, by (the) Holy Command of Allah (is) giving so many countless colours, so many plants. We looked. Then I was thinking that: ŖIt is like a carpet just worked on it, so beautiful!ŗ Therefore I am saying...

Why they are not asking: ŖHow that happened? What is its secret power?ŗ They are saying: ŖNatureŗ - what is nature? Nature (is) under the control of one Angel... I am ashaming to say that Allah Almighty (is looking)... If Allah Almighty (is) looking once (to this) earth, this earth (is) going to be Paradise. And His Territory, Divinely Territory, (is) countless...

O people, come and learn before (it is) coming to you (the) Angel of Death to take you from this life to (the) graveyard! Try to learn something! But people, only they [are] learning how they can reach material aspects through this life and their only targets (are) how they may be, how they may give their physical beingřs pleasure. (They are) getting much more money - for what? To give their physical being much more pleasure. And it is going against.

If a person (is) not taking so much care for their physical being, they may live after 70, 80, 90, 100! But those, whom they are asking to give much more pleasure to their physical being: Go and learn, go and look through (the) cemetery the day of their death! They are not getting up more than 60 years, or

50 years...O people, think on it!

May Allah forgive us... It is enough for anyone, who can think on it. If (he is) not using (his mind), he is like animals. Animals they are not thinking. The main part, difference, between man and animals (is that) man (is) thinking, animals (are) not thinking. And whom they are not thinking on such a subjects, their level (is) going to be (the) level of not thinking creatures, animals.

May Allah forgive us and grant us from His endless Blessings to follow Prophets and their inheritors. For the honour of the most honoured one, Sayyidina Muhammad- peace be upon him- - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam -, Fatiha.

Allahumma salli wa sallim Řala Nabiyina Muhammad alayhi salam, Salatan tadumu wa tuhda ilay, mamara l-layali wa tula dawam...

Sohbet-128 An evening Sohbet of Maulana

No Honor for Donkeys

...Why you are sitting?... For what waiting?...For nothing!...For nothing? Do you think that you have been created for nothing?... For what you have been created?

(Someone answers, ŖTo be the servant of our Lord, the God.ŗ) How you learnt it? (ŖFrom you...from the Holy Quranŗ)

Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah... Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah...!

He is Sultan! Allah Almighty, He is Subhan and He is Sultan. And we are servants. A servant must speak on behalf of his boss! Do you think anyone of Buckingham Palace is speaking for himself, (his) own, or he is saying: ŖI am speaking on behalf of her Majesty QueenŖ? Therefore, if we are servants, we must speak on behalf of our Lord and we must say: ŖBismillahir Rahmanir RahimŖ. That is the sign of servanthood. If anyone (is) forgetting (this), he is also forgotten.

We are thanking to Allah that (He) created us, as He likes. He is (the) Creator! No anyone may claim to say: ŖI am Creator.ŗ

On this planet who is… among creatures, who is most mighty? In the forest (it is the) lion... (The) Prophet - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - (was saying): Ŗ(The) mighty creature is mankind.ŗ And also forest people they are fearing from mankind.

When creatures (were) knowing that Adam - peace be upon him and upon the most honoured Prophet in (the) Divinely Presence - when he had been created and

granted also a Řjawharř, a jewel, they were asking: ŖWho is that new creature that Allah Almighty just created that one? What is his qualification or specialty among other creatures?ŗ They have been informed that he, Adam Ŕ peace be upon him and upon the Seal of Prophets S.ayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - they have been told and informed that Allah Almighty granted to Adam some precious quality, that no others (were) just granted, no. ŖWhat is thatŗ, they are asking? ŘAql, mind, that Adam is specialized to be granted by mind!ŗ And then whole creatures they are falling in a fear.

Flying creatures they are saying: ŖEven mankind, even Adam, he canřt fly, but with his mind, he may catch ourselves!ŗ And then creatures living through oceans that they are knowing this, they are saying: ŖFinished, we canřt do anything and we canřt escape. If they have been granted that Řjawharř, jewel, mind, if they are specialized with mind, we canřt escape from their hands! Even they are not able to swim under oceans, under seas, but if they have been granted that mind, finished, he can reach to ourselves alsoŗ and (also) flying creatures (are) saying: ŖFinished, we canřt escape from mankind!ŗ

Therefore I am speaking on such a things with our Grandsheikhřs permission and I am suggesting, saying, that (the) most mighty creature on earth is mankind. Yes or not? We are saying lions, dragons, elephants, you are saying crocodile - (but) the sons of Adam they are not fearing from them! They may shoot flying ones, they may shoot running away ones, they may shoot under seas also.

Therefore, mankind they are on behalf of Allah Almighty; they are khalifs, governing, and Allah (is) putting (the) whole world, everything on it, under the command and control of mankind. Therefore mankind is mighty one, even they are… Allah Almighty (is) saying for them: ŖWa khuliqa insana daŘifaŗ, Řinsanř is just created weak. Coming baby and that needs years to stand up! A sheep (is) bringing a lamb - after one hour (it) may stand up, may walk! Therefore, we must know that we are mighty ones for what? With some secret treasure just granted to ourselves, (that has) even never (been) granted to angels! And (any) other creation (is) never reaching to that special being that (has been) granted mankind from their Lord Allah Almighty. But we are not asking to know about ourselves!

Shaytan (is) making us not to ask about ourselves. Shaytan (is) carrying people to learn for everything. If you are asking for an ant, perhaps through books you can find hundred kinds of ants, thousands and thousands kinds of birds or fishes -but Ŗwho are youŗ they are not knowing! Who are you? How you have been in existence? No one (is) asking! (They are) running around, not coming to (the) treasure.

Till you are reaching to that treasure, you are not going to be a real successor, real Řkhalifř of Allah Almighty, real deputy for Him, only you may be an imitated Řkhalifř, (an) imitated one for this life, nothing else!

And Shaytan now he is so keenly running after mankind and making them… and occupying them, so that they are not going to ask: ŖWho am I?ŗ [He says:]ŖDonřt ask this!ŗ Because, if you are knowing something about yourself, (there is)

going to open in front of you an endless Ocean of Knowledge, Wisdoms, Power Oceans, Beauty Oceans, Perfection Ocean, Wisdom Oceans, Oceans… that if numbers (are) getting to be ended, that kind of Oceans (are) going to end. Oceans… abhur.. Donřt think that (the) first Ocean (is the) same (like the) second Ocean (and the) third ocean! If you are saying this, they must be only one. ŘOceansř that means: different. Their beings, their appearance (is) just different.

And (if you are asking): ŖHow many oceans (are there)?ŗ And we may say: ŖWhen numbers (are) ending, if you are saying that this number (is) the end of numbers, then I am saying to you the number of oceans! You may reach a huge number, but you canřt say ŘThat is the last numberř, because if you are saying 1000 zeros in front of 1 and you are saying: ŘThis is (the) last numberř, and I am saying: ŘYes, now it may be up to here, it is (the) last number, but what about if you are saying: Ř(one) billion is (the) last numberř? If I am saying, putting 1 in front of it, (it is) going to be one billion and 1, one billon and 2, one quadrillion and 4... Oceans! Never-ending!ŗ

What you are asking? What you learnt? What you learnt through this life? Football, volleyball, fighting, killing, swearing, burning, throwing, hitting, drinking… doing everything that it is not acceptable in (the) Divine Presence. You are doing this - what is the benefit? You may do this, but you are never knowing about yourself!

ŖWho are you?ŗ

ŖI have a birth certificate, identity card...ŗ

ŖThat is yourself? This, how you know, that it is yourself?ŗ ŖMy photograph (is) there...ŗ ŖYes, but you are like this, only (a) head? Where is your legs, where is your head, where is your… you (are like) this, this? Look!ŗ

ŖYes, I am this one. To be well-known they are ordering to make my head open also. If I am putting this (hat), they are saying: ŘYou are not this, [or] that one.řŗ

ŖIdentity card! Your personality (is) only two words: name, surname, mums name, dads name, date of birth, place od birth - that is your knowledge about yourself? Ptu!ŗ True or not, ya Sheikh?…

That is our problem… candidate of to be Sheikh X.

They are doing. Man (is) doing trouble to each other, because they are not knowing the honour of mankind. If I am learning about your honour, I am keeping my respect to you. If I am not knowing… Do you think that a person (is) respecting his donkey? No, because he knows (he is a) donkey. Donkeys level is well-kown, how you are going to respect?

ŘInsanř, man - if (one is) knowing the level of mankind, their honour, (one) must give his respect. When (they are) giving respect to each other, peace (is)

coming. As long as you are not respecting each other, never (there is) coming peace on earth. Therefore Islam (is) bringing respect from the Lord of Heavens to mankind and ordering to give their respects to each other.

May Allah forgive us. For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam -, Fatiha. Sohbet-129 Sohbet from Saturday, 14.06.08 The Power of Allah for His Holy Ones

Allahumma salli wa sallim Řala Nabiyina Muhammad alayhi salam, salatan tadumu wa tuhda ilayh, ma marra layali wa tula dawam...

Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La haula wa laquwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyi-l ŘAzim Meded, ya Rijalallah!

Here is our brother Sheikh Gibril Fuad Haddad, (a) famous author and authority in holy Hadith and what (is) related (to it), (the) knowledge of Hadith al-Sharif. And we have been honoured with him through days, 3 days, 4 days, I donřt know... (he is) asking something for an understanding about secret knowledge in Islam.

And we are saying:

By the Name of Allah Almighty most Merciful, most Magnificent and most Beneficent. May Allah make us to say something that it should be as a guidance for whole mankind. He may do- Allah Almighty- an ant to talk and He, Almighty Allah, if He (is) asking to make through an ants language to address whole mankind, as it is mentioned in Holy Quran...

And we are saying:

Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

O our Lord, forgive us, forgive Your weak servant, forgive Your Most Beloved Umma, his nation, we are in need (of) Your Blessings and we are asking also a support from (the) beloved ones that they are Awliya, as (with) support from them that we can be able to address to whole people.

And Islam (is) just coming with a message from (the) first time of (the) prophecy of the Seal of Prophets up to (its) end (and) therefore every addressing that (is) coming through (the) most beloved and glorified servant of Allah Sayyidina Muhammad, it is for whole nations of mankind.

And (this is) from his holy teachings to nations that: Allah Almighty, He likes His servants to be in love with His Awliyas, with His Holy Ones. That is a very important pillar in Islam: that Muslims must look after holy ones through the nation of Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam Ŕ and to be in love with them,

to give their love to them and (their) high respects also. That is one of (the) most important pillars that Islam (is) teaching mankind: ŖO mankind! You must look (for) holy ones!ŗ

Who are the holy ones?

Once I was passing through Switzerland on my way to Germany and through that country there is a famous monastery on the way... and his name (is St.) Nikolas (von der Flühe). Always (when) I am passing, his spiritual being (is) asking from me to: ŖCome down and visit me!ŗ (He is) a holy one; he was feeling a refreshment every time when I am passing through there and coming down and visiting him.

Once I was passing and coming, after visiting, coming down the stairs, I saw a person that he looks like that he must be a priest. I am saluting, (and) he is also greeting me and I am saying: ŖYour holiness (are) looking after this holy place?ŗ and he was answering: ŖI am sorry, O Sheikh, I am not a holy one.ŗ


ŖYou know whyŗ, (he was) saying. And I am saying: ŖWhat about (the) Pope?ŗ And he said to me - I am not lying, insha Allah, I am speaking (the) truth! I am asking: ŖWhat about (the) Pope, his Holiness?ŗ

ŖNever! Never! Becauseŗ, he was saying, Ŗ(the) holy one (is the one) inside, that I am on his service here.ŗ

And he is signing to me, who is holy or not. I was ashamed to say: ŖWhat about for me?ŗ I was fearing, not to say: ´You are also like... ´

ŖO Sheikh, you know something. I know why you are coming here. I (have) never seen a Muslim authority or Řalim, scholar, or imam, coming and visiting here. Therefore I am understanding that you are not an ordinary one from those people.Ŗ

I am saying: ŖAllah knows. Why there are not holy ones?ŗ

ŖO Sheikh, people that they are official, officiality sending away sincerity, and sincerity, when (it is) leaving a person, he canřt be a holy one. One of (the) most important conditions (is) to be sincere, to be a holy one. Whole people, those people, they are all official people and through official people you canřt find a holy one.ŗ

He was saying this. And I left him and passing and going. Now we are coming to our speech that it is from heavenly powerful ones, from holy ones. They are saying that (the) first condition of (being) believers (is): they must look and they must try to find a holy one. Because Allah Almighty He loves His servants to love what He is loving them and they are Awliyas.

Secondly, another condition of believers - that now people all of them they left both sides: Muhabbatu-l Awliya, bughdu li-ad i-Llah. Two legs. And now people, second condition that they are saying that it is important for (an) improvement through spirituality, through heavenly levels: (the) first condition (is) to

love that Allah loves them, (the) second (is) to make, to be, to hate from those people, that Allah (is) hating them.

I am sorry to say that, as we are saying from (the) heritage of (the) Prophet, just we are on it, that people 100 % through (the) Islamic world, they left them; they left Awliya-ullah, they left (the) holy ones and they (are) just fighting (the) holy ones and saying bad things about themselves. And, secondly, whole people (are) running after hateful ones; they are embracing (them) and Awliyas (are) kicking them out!

First happened this in (the) holy land, Hijaz: They destroyed even Sahabas (tombs) that Allah Almighty (is) happy with them here and Hereafter and giving His Divinely Pleasement to them (saying): ŖI am pleased with you!ŗ

We have an adab in Islam: That person that he is an honored one and also he is a holy one, even... in our real adab we are not permitted even to touch their cats! Even cats, no, that belongs... sometime cats (are) coming and (are) sitting on their Sajadah, (their prayer-)carpets, you canřt do like this... because (it is) sitting nearby to that holy one! That (is) making (the) holy one unhappy. How about their followers, or how about Prophetřs beloved Sahaba, Companions?

And they are destroying (their tombs)! Allah (is) destroying their kingdoms! And everywhere that people (are) not asking Awliyaullah, holy ones, they should disappear, to be taken away, to be carried away!

I am looking today that TV and there is a program that American or Western technology (is) improving some planes (to fly) without a driver in it, by itself. And they are never be caught and their forms - so Řajaibř, so wonderful, how they are flying, bombing. And they are saying: ŖLaser bombing.ŗ You know that, the last technology. (There is) coming a red laser on anything- uhhh! I am looking, I am trembling. Then Grandsheikh (was) saying to me: ŖO Nazim Effendi, why you are trembling?ŗ

ŖYa Sayyidi, these are huge ones, we have nothing!ŗ

ŖWe have nothing? We have something! They have nothing, we have something! That (what) we (are) knowing, they are not knowing! Yařlamuna zahira min hayati dunya. They are knowing something that belongs (to) this world, but we have something (that is) beyond this level of technology, we have something else! Do you remember?ŗ

ŖYes Sir!ŗ

ŖThat at the end of (the) Second (World) War that French Armies, they are bombarding Sham Sharif? And I showed you that from Mezze (the) French army (was) bombarding Damascus with biggest bombs. Just (one was) arriving to the tomb of Sayyidina Yahya, just coming on it, and just appeared a hand and (it was) taking this bomb and throwing (it) away. I showed you (this), why you are fearing? What is their technology? That power that Allah Almighty ´sakhara lahum´, (is) giving them a permission to do this, to do that, but they (are) never reaching over Heavens, they are always under Heavens. Whom they have Heavenly Powers, they are up, whom they are not

granted, always (they are) down - donřt worry!ŗ

(These words were) making through my heart a peace. Pleasure and peace. Now I am okay. I am not fearing what they are doing. You, when I am ordering to you: ŖMake your finger like thisŗ, all of them (are) falling down!

But people, they are not understanding Islam, not understanding the power of (a) Wali! They (are) never understanding (the) Holy Power that (is) through Awliya, holy ones! And (the) Christian world (is) running and they are saying: ŖWe caughtŗ Ŕ Romans Ŕ Ŗcaught Jesus Christ and we are putting him on (the) cross.ŗ What about Awliyas of every time? And he was prepared...

That is some secret knowledge that we are speaking on it; you canřt find that through their books or other books. We are not making it more clear; but Jesus Christ, when he had been invited to rise up to Heavens, he was prepared; not even from one kilometer distance, canřt be anyone to put one foot towards to him, to catch him! What they are thinking (about) Jesus Christ? Hah? What is that, no mind people! If (he) was using that power, opening, he may burn East and West, when he was ready with Archangel Gibril to ta