313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 41/120)
m a punishment from their head sides, from up, to send them My Punishment!ŗ And the holy Prophet (was) saying: ŖO my Lord, donřt destroy my Ummah with such a punishment coming from their head side!ŗ And Allah Almighty (was) sending again to His most beloved servant (His answer) and (was) saying: Ŗ... aw min tahti arjulikum... Or you must warn your Ummah: if they are not listening (to the) Holy Orders of (the) Holy Quran, Holy Orders of Heavens, (My) Heavenly Anger (is) able, full(y) able, to send on them a punishment (from) under their feet!ŗ Such an earthquake may destroy everything through not minutes, through seconds! Rasul Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam, that he is Rahmatun li-l Řalamin, (was) saying: ŖO my Lord, donřt destroy my Ummah with such a punishment coming (from) under their feet!ŗ
I heard that before 3 or 5 years ago, an earthquake happened in China, in a city only, that they are saying more than 90.000 people through seconds just passed away! And what happened from material damage, (what) happened through that city, they are saying, (was a damage of) 150 Billion Dollars, through seconds, what happened! You must fear from Allah! (He) may change East to West or East or West to East in seconds! Beware o people!
And (the) Prophet was knowing (this) and (he was) saying: ŖO my Lord, donřt destroy my Ummah (like this)!ŗ Allah Almighty (was) saying and warning: ŖO My Habib, O My beloved one. As long as they are coming against My holy ShariŘa, I must punish them!ŗ
ŖWa huwa qadiru Řala an yabatha alaikum adhaban min fauqikum aw min tahti arjulikum aw yalbisakum shiŘan yudhika bařadakum bařsa baŘd (?)... Or I am making them so many groups and they are coming to fight each other.ŗ Then (the) Prophet was saying (translating): ŖWhen the time of Mehdi coming and people they are not taking care for Holy Commands, (Allah Almighty is saying), I am making them so many groups of people, they are going to fight each other... I am making them to taste the bitter(ness) of Punishment!ŗ And Rasulullah sws was saying: ŖBefore Mehdi Ŕ alayhi salam Ŕ (is) coming, Arabs, qabařil l-Řarab, should be among themselves so many troubles, should be each one against (the) second one.ŗ
And that is what we are in it now! Because they left ShariŘatu-Llah and they are saying: ŖWe are following parliament system and we are following democracy.Ŗ Is it written on Holy Quran this? (It is) written: ShariŘatu-Llah! They left it and punishment just reached to them. Now what happening (in the) whole world they are looking and speaking and crying, but no way, till they must come to ShariŘatu-Llah, to ShariŘatu-Llah.
Allah - SubhanaHu wa tařala - forgive us and we are asking what He promised us: To send a Sultan. If (the) Sultan (is) not coming, never going to be the positions of Muslims good, going always down, not going up.
This is a something or (a) summary and I am speaking, as they are making me to speak, from (the) Holy Quran. No one can object on it, no:
We are oppressors and punishment comes! We may cry for innocent ones, but whom they are leading nations and whom they are leading countries, they canřt do anything. They canřt do anything, because Allah Almighty saying: ŖIf you are
going to be so many kind of states, I am not keeping you. I am ordering to you to be one hand!ŗ Now there is (one) billion and 500 [million] or two billion Muslims. What is their value? What they can do? Nothing, because they are doing against (the) Holy Orders of Heavens.
May Allah forgive me. I am only a warner, warner, warner... except this I canřt do anything...
May Allah forgive us and send for whole nations whom they are in need some, a new leader, not from earth, but heavenly, to save humanity. May Allah forgive us!
For the honour of (the) most honoured one, most glorified one, most beloved servant of Allah Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ
Sohbet-105 Sohbet from Juma, Friday, 09.01.09
A warning: Listen to your Lord‟ s Orders and follow the Seal of Prophets!
As-salamu alaikum! As-salamu alaikum...! Welcome to you. AŘudhu bi-llahi mina sh-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim La haula wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyi-l ŘAzim.
(Mawlana stands up in praise of the Prophet): Allahumma salli wa sallim Řala Nabiyyina Muhammad Řalayhi salam, salatan tadumu wa tuhda ilayhi, ma marra l-layali wa tula dawam...
Welcome to you. If our masters (are) giving a chance to address to you - not to you (only), (but) to (the) whole world people Ŕ (it will be) never ending, if we are speaking - one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year... But I am trying, as they are signing to me, to remind you (of) something, as much as possible for understanding, where we are now and this world, to where (it has) reached: Just our world and our period on this world (is) going to finish. We are the nation of (the) last Prophet, (the) Seal of Prophets (sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam), may Allah Almightyřs Glory and Blessing (be) on him, Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam.
We are living (a) in very difficult time, the time of (the) signs of Qiyama, the Day of Resurrection, (which is) just approaching. And so many signs (are) going to appear and finally it is going to finish, perhaps through (the) 15th century. Now we are in (the) 15th century, 1430, Muharramu-l Haram, (a month) that is just respected and honoured by the Lord of Heavens through His last Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam.
And it is mentioned through all Holy Books that when the Day of Resurrection (is) approaching, so many bad things, so many oppressions (are) going to appear
and mostly people (are) going to be unbelievers, mostly they are followers (of) Shaytan and their bad egos. That our ego always (is) ordering to do bad things; our ego is always against (the) Holy Commands of Allah Almighty. That is the reason (that) now everywhere oppressors they are on act (and) they are trying to do every bad thing against mankind, to make them to fall in hells here and Hereafter.
We are looking and seeing (that) everywhere people (are) running through streets, shouting and making demonstration! And demonstration, all of it, (is) against Heavenly Orders, (the) Heavenly Orders of the Lord of Heavens. And Allah Almighty, the Lord of Heavens, the Creator, He is warning: ŖO people, O people! If you are not listening to Me and obeying, I may send on you a punishment from Heavens or I may send a punishment to you (from) under your feet. Or I am making you so many different parties or groups of people, (that are) getting each one against the second one and they are beginning to fight each other, to do their worst to each other!ŗ
Even Allah Almighty (is) saying to them: ŖO people, peace is best for youŗ , but Shaytan (is) saying: ŖNo, war, it is best for you.ŗ And people (are) listening to Shaytan, not listening to their Lord, therefore everywhere now... oh oh oh!... (is) under fire. Under their feet or over their heads (is) on fire; (they are) killing, burning, and destroying everything, everywhere!
And people yet they are insisting not to obey to the Lord of Heavens! Eh! If they are insisting, that Heavenly punishment (is) coming on them, making them (into) groups and they are fighting each other, killing, burning and destroying. And Allah (is) saying: ŖO people, try to be god ones, try to be good servants for Me, try to be good ones for each other.ŗ (But) no one (is) listening...
I am sorry to say that first Arabs - that divinely Inspiration (was) coming on them through the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam - (and) they are understanding (the language) - they are doing against it. And now no one is happy except Shaytan and its followers...
O people! Come and listen to (the) Holy Orders of your Creator! Try to be obedient to Him, try to do your best for His creatures, particularly for mankind. If you are not doing (that), day by day that fire (is) going to get bigger, bigger, bigger, and then heavenly Anger, if (it is) reaching (to) you, (it is) coming to burn everything on earth.
When Sayyiduna Nuh had been sent as a great Prophet to whole nations and he was calling people (for) 950 years to obey to their Lord and to try to be good servants and also to be good ones to each other, every time they were insisting not to obey, not to listen. Then Allah Almighty (was) saying: ŖO Noah! I am going to take them away and I am going not to leave anyone from those, whom they are not coming to listen (to the) heavenly Orders, whom they are not coming to hear and obey!ŗ And He sent (a) flood. (The) flood. Whole people just drowned - finished. Only a handful people (that) they were in that Arch of Noah, had been saved, because they were (the) only believers and obedient servants.
That passed away. Now (it is the) same; perhaps much more (than) what did the nation of Noah people (are) doing (now); every bad thing and Allah Almighty (is) warning them: ŖO people, o My servants, beware (of) Shaytan! Beware (of) your
egos! Beware from dunya! If you are not taking your care, then I am going to burn you!ŗ He is not - Allah Almighty - taking (a) match and burning people, no! (He is) making people to find (a) big fire and they are trying to finish everything on earth!
I am sorry to say this and I am asking forgiveness from Allah Almighty and I am asking humbly, o our Lord, (for) what You promised us: (Someone) to come and to arrange the life of people on earth! First Mehdi Ŕ Řalayhi salam and then (the) Antichrist (is) coming to make much more trouble for mankind and then Jesus Christ, Sayyidina Isa, should come and should kill (him), taking away every Antichrist and their followers. Then (it) should be for a short time for dunya (that) people (are) obeying to their Lord and leading (a) silent, obedient life on earth, and then the Day of Resurrection (will be) just arriving. O people, I am sorry (about) what is going on, I am not happy. But mankind, disobedient groups (they are) becoming and Allah should punish (them).
May Allah forgive us! Ya Rabbi, ya Rabbi, affet! Ya Rabbi affet! Aslah lana shařnana. Anta Rabb, Anta-l Haqq, Anta-l Qadir wa-l Muqtadir. Qadiru-l mutlaq, Qadir Řala-l mutlaq sensin, ya Rabb! We are asking Your Blessings and Forgiveness! For the honour of Your most honoured glorified servant Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam.
As long as people (are) refusing the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam, trouble (is going to be) never ending and punishment never stopping. Come and believe in (the) truth of the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam! Try to follow him, you should be saved and sheltered here and Hereafter. Or (you will be) taken away, as (the) flood of Noah just took away whole nations, whom they were not accepting Noah Ŕ Řalayhi salam.
O our Lord, afwak wa ridaak! Ilahi, afwak wa ridaak! Aslah shanana wa shana-l muslimin, wa-nsurna Řala-l qaumi-l kafirin. Bi hurmati man anzalta alayhi Sura-l Fatiha.
Sohbet-106 Sohbet after Juma prayers, Friday, 02.01.2009 Message for Muharram Follow the safe way of Rasulullah! Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim As-salamu alaikum! This is (the) first Juma of (the) new month Muharramu-l Haram. Forgiveness and support from Allah Almighty for the honour of the Seal of Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam. Just we are in (the) Signs of Qiyama, that (is the) the Day of Resurrection, (and) that is 1430, (the) number of (the) Hijra year. May Allah make it for the honour of the Seal of Prophets 02.01.2009, to be happy Rasul Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam for his Ummah. And his Ummah (is all the generations) from (the time of Sayyidina) Adam... From Adam Ŕ alayhi salam Ŕ up to (the) end.
As (was) saying Rasulullah Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam that: [Adam wa man
dunahu tahta liwaři yaum al-qiyama!] Whole Prophets they have holy flags for every Prophet, they are coming under the most honoured and glorified flag of Islam that (it is the) Liwahi-l Hamd, coming under it. Rasul Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ (is) saying that: Ŗ(This) is (a) great honour that Allah Almighty presented it to me.ŗ And we are happy and we are proud (that) we are from his nation. And his nation (is the) last nation, (the) last Ummah; and after this Ummah (there will be) no any other Ummah coming, as Rasulullah Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ that he is Khatamu-l Nabiyyin. After him Ŕ salawatuLlahi wa salamuhu Řalayhi, (the) most honour and glory (be) for him Ŕ as he said: ŖI am the last prophet, and my nation is the last Ummahŗ and we have been honoured to be from his nation.
O people, O people, you are hearing or looking that everywhere (there are) troubles, problems and Řzulmř, oppression. Everywhere. Oh! And that is the result (of) that mankind they left Islam. Even Muslim nations they left Islam and (they are) trying to follow Non-Muslim ways and that is their Řjazař, punishment. Non-Muslims, because they are not coming to believe in (the) last prophet that (he is) mentioned from Sayyidina Adam, (the) first prophet. Up to (the) end he has been, he was (mentioned); just prophets they were giving good tidings to their nations (about him) - and (the) Non-Muslim world, because they are not believing in him, just punishment (is) coming on them. And Muslim nations, because they are leaving Shariat that just had been sent from Heavens, leaving that honoured Orders, heavenly Orders, leaving to follow the Seal of Prophets and they are running after Non-Muslimsř ways, to be like them, they are trying, therefore coming on them also punishment.
O people, if you are asking to be saved here and Hereafter, come and follow (the) Holy Orders of Heavens that we have been honoured with that. If anyone (is) running away, (there is) no saving for them or no saviour for them. O people, you are welcome here. From different distances, from different countries you are coming here. Keep what it has been said to you and try to follow the sheltered and protected way of Rasul, (the) Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ you should be sheltered here and Hereafter.
O people, keep (the) Holy Shariat, keep (the) holy Orders! Keep your children from dirty ways! Try to be good servants for Allah Almighty, because (it is) just approaching the Last Day, (the) Day of Resurrection. We hope that it is going to be (in the Hijra year) 1500. That (from the) year we have now (1430) (it is) 70 years. Other signs of Qiyama, big ones and small ones, (are) going to appear, and the Day of Resurrection (is) just reaching. Keep your faith, keep Islam, respect Islam, respect (the) holy Prophet!
May Allah forgive us for his honour, the honour of (the) most honoured and glorified servant in (the) Divine Presence Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam,
Sohbet-107 A blessed Muharram for all of you! Maulana only gave a short speech last Cuma, Friday, and so I am adding a talk from Ramadan.
As-salamu alaikum, Khairiyah
Sohbet from Juma, Friday, 26.12.08 As-salamu alaikum! May Allah forgive us. This is as our Sheikh Hisham Efendi giving a khutba... Oh oh oh... dhu-l Qima, valuable. If anyone asking to know his way, must follow the way of Heavens. If they are leaving the way of Heavens, (they are) going to [irhabiyya = terrorism or] Wahhabiyya [? the word is not clearly audible in the recording], that means naru-l jahim, that means, hells. When they are running away to Prophet Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ, asking his Shafařat, intercession, who is giving his high respect to the Seal of Prophets, should reach intercession of the most beloved one, most glorified one in (the) Divinely Presence. Follow him, give as much as possible your high respect and glory to that one that whole creation created as Allah Almighty saying: ŖI created everything for your honor, O My beloved Servant!ŗ Beyond that belief (there is) no way to reach Allah Almightyřs Honor! Allah Almighty (is) never accepting anyone (who is) leaving (the) respect for His most respected servant. Never accepting anything, fardan aw naflan...
Therefore, O people, now Shaytan (is) trying to destroy our beliefs. That just 15 centuries we are on it, but some no mind people are asking to make another way, leaving (the) Prophet and asking to reach to Allah. If a person (is) leaving (the) bridge, (he) canřt step from one side to another side and Rasulullah Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ he is the main door for whole nations, for all creations, to reach Allah Almightyřs Glory and His Blessings!
O people, keep your stands/steps (?) on the way of Ahlu-l Sunnah wa Jamaat. Now Řshirdhimatu qalilař, (a) small group, they are trying to change our beliefs and to make us followers of an unknown person - no value for him. May Allah forgive us!
Pray for me! I am... with Allah Almightyřs Blessing (I have) reached to that old age and (I am) asking forgiveness from my Lord. I donřt know how long I am going to be with you. Everyone must pass from here to Allah Almightyřs Presence. Allah makes our faces shining, shining with Heavenly Nur, to be glorified in (the) Divinely Presence and acceptable.
O people, no any work or occupation may be more valuable than Allah Almightyřs worshipping. Leave everything and run (for) Allah Almightyřs worshipping! That is highest honor for you. If anyone (is) leaving that and running after dunya - no value for him.
O people, try to make Allah Almightyřs obedience first, then anything may be easy for you.
May Allah protect you and shelter you. For the honor of the most honored one,
beloved one, respected one, glorified one in His Divine Presence Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ. Fatiha.
Sohbet-108 Sohbet from Tuesday, 16.9.08 Be like brothers and sisters!
As-salamu alaikum!... Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah! AŘudhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La haula wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyyi-l ŘAzim Akbar bala Řala nas, (the) biggest cursing reason for people is to think that he is something! AŘudhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Now we are living in a time (that) from East to West, from North to South, people (are) running after (the) teachings of Shaytan. No one (is) running or no one (is) interesting for heavenly teachings. Therefore whole countries they are preventing... everywhere you can find that people, governments and teaching centers, they (are) never leaving anything to be learnt from Heavenly Knowledge. All of them they are trying to make satanic teachings up, heavenly teachings down and to be unknown, to disappear.
I was here, once... there is a mosque in (the) corner; one day people were coming and saying to me that (the) police, (a) car full of policemen (was) coming to (the) mosque and (that they were) entering with their shoes in it and carrying small children (away) - maybe 4 years, 5 years - and there were 3 or 5 small ones. Taking... police forces (were) coming there and entering (the) mosque, carrying (the) Imam also and taking (the) children to (the) police station! What is their mistake? Because there was a report against (the) Imam that: ŖHe is teaching small children (the) Holy Quran!ŗ
What we shall say! What we can do? Such people, Allah Almighty (is) giving His Blessings on them or cursing (is) coming on them?
That is an example. You can find everywhere (examples). But our governments they are so cursed governments; they are against everything that (is) coming (from) our traditional Knowledge, (the) Holy Quran and (the) holy Hadith. That is only a small example that we may understand. And everywhere, everywhere now, from East and West, from North to South, governments (are like this). I am sorry to say that even Muslim countries, they are not keeping (the) heavenly teachings to make it first, to teach heavenly teachings to people! All of them (are) running after satanic teachings. How they are expecting blessings from Heavens?
Therefore Allah Almighty (is) going to burn whole people on this planet - some of them (will burn) some others! That is the reason! (It) must be! We are saying: ŘMalhamat al-kubrař, Christians (are) saying: ŘArmageddonř.(It) must be; even they are not believing or they are not interesting in such a things, but even (a) handful people, they are knowing that the result of (the) cursing (is) going to be through Armageddon.
It should be a huge revenge of Heavens from living people, whom they are refusing to accept heavenly teachings. Allah Almighty should take them away! (That) must be!
ŖO My beloved one! If your nation (is) not respecting and accepting and practicing My Holy Commands, Heavenly Orders, I am taking My Revenge from them! I am making them to be enemies (to each other), not to be friends on earth!ŗ
You should find everywhere (that) people, they are not friendly to each other: even through your home, your children, they are not happy, they are not friendly to each other. Men and women, they are like enemies. Children, they are not friendly to their parents, (they are) never listening! (In) the smallest cell through people, here, you should find (that the) wife (is) enemy to her husband, (the) husband (is) like (an) enemy to his wife. And children they are like enemies for their parents and parents they are like enemies for their children. Children they are not friendly to each other, but they are enemies, like enemies, to each other. (Among) neighbours (it is) worse! (In) cities, villages, countries - everywhere there is a Ř nefretř, a hatred, people (are) hating each other, because all those things (are the) teachings of Shaytan, satanic teachings! And they are pumping that hatred among their people.
Pakistan! What (is) happening (there)? What is that foolishness, that wildness? Like beasts! What is this! That is their Islam? Islamic teaching (is) like this? Allah Almighty (is) ordering (to do) in such a way?
ŖKunu Řibadullahi ikhwana!ŗ Haqq! Allah Almighty (is) saying: ŖO Allah Almightyřs servants! Try to be like brothers with each other!ŗ What is that wildness? That is a time that as (the) Prophet Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ ( was) informing that: ŖPeople, should be their outlooking men, but inside they should be (like) wild beasts and (they are) asking to eat each other!ŗ
That is their civilization that they are getting proud, (saying) that: ŖWe have such a civilization!ŗ What is that civilization! That is civilization?
Rehabilitation... civilization...They are saying Ř21ST century civilizationř! ŘTuř [spitting] on their civilization! Such a civilization that they are going to put, if they can able to put something through the center of this planet, to make it: Bumm... (to explode)!
That is their civilization! All they are teaching and following shaytanic teachings - they should be punished! Leave their ways, come (to the) heavenly teachings! If not, you are going also...
Because satanic teachings (are) teaching people, saying that: ŖOh, you are something! You have such a degree, you are doctor, you are PHD, you are professor, you are this, that...ŗ Shaytan (is) blowing through everyone to be seen (big)... There is a kind of mirror [distorting mirror] that if you are looking, you are seeing yourself like this... (big). Shaytan (is) putting in front of everyone now such a mirror: ŖOh, I am... I may swallow East and West!ŗ La haula wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyyi-l ŘAzim!
O people. I am ashaming to sit on this (chair), but now I have an excuse or (else) I was like to sit down. But one of [the] reasons that I am sitting here
(is) for my body (is) not enough resting, when I am sitting like you and my mind is going to be occupied with my bodyřs rest. Secondly: first Rasulullah Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ he was sitting everywhere with people. Even in Masjid al-Nabawwi al-Sharif, (the) first worshipping place, he was first sitting. Then, when people (were) getting too much, he was standing, because if you are seeing, who is addressing to people, it is much more affective to you. Therefore he was standing. And when (the) people (were) getting more and more, one person, who was knowing to make carpentry, he made three steps that (the) Prophet Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ may stand on it and give his speech, khutba, to people.
That means, it is not forbidden if we are sitting to be seen. Then - this is (the) mimbar. The Juma praying (the) Imam (is) getting up. For what? (For) people to look to him! If (he is) sitting and speaking, people (are) not seeing, it is not so much interesting. When (he is) getting up and speaking, people may look to him, may hear, may understand. That is the reason that I am sitting here; not for pride, no! If you are getting to be proud with your sitting, with your standing, that is forbidden. Therefore I am sitting here and addressing to you, as much as possible people to look and to see and to listen and to obey. May Allah forgive us!
(It is) not (that) I am saying that: ŖI am Dr.ŗ - I am not (a) Dr.! Now learnt people they are taking such a foolish titles, saying: ŘDr.ř. ŗWho is that?ŗ ŖDr.Mahmoud Barazani.ŗ ŖWho is that?ŗ ŖHe is... You donřt know that he is the Chief of Azhar?ŗ Ŕ And he looks like our Sheikh, kuwatli...- Yes. He is saying, he is so happy and proud to be written before his name ŘDr.
Doctor, tractor, and director Ŕ on same Řmasji [?]ř... But if you are saying: ŖYou are tractorŗ, (he is) very angry! (If you are saying): ŖDr...ŗ, (he is) very happy!... You are tractor?... Tractor here! He is Director! Very happy to be Dr. Amanullah. If anyone (is) saying: ŖNo Dr., you are tractor Amanullah (he is going to be) very angry... yes, Sir...
Sheikh Abd al-Salam Ŕ Allah yadhkuruhu bi l-khayr! Ŕ he was our Grandsheikhřs servant (for) so many years very humble people. You, perhaps some of you know him, Sheikh Abd al-Salam. (He is a) humble person, really humble person! He took a real Řtarbiyyař, teaching, good teaching, from our Grandsheikh. He (was) always using to say (something) that I like it too much, but I (am) never speaking... what was that?. Always (he is) using (that): ŖRahima-Llahu mrařan Řarifa Řandahu wa waqafa Řindahu!ŗ
So beautiful Ŕ but people they (are) never knowing their real situation! [It means,] ŖLet Allah Almighty bless a person, who (is) knowing about himself, about his servanthood, Řubudiyyař, and (who), when (he is) reaching to that level, (is) never asking more.ŗ The last honour point for a person (is) to know
about himself, where is his limits and (then he is) standing there. Our last limit it is our servanthood, nothing else! Other titles, put (in the) WC! (The) real title of honour for you it is to know that you are a humble servant in (the) divinely Presence of your Lord, Allah Almighty.
Therefore (the) Prophet (was) saying: ŖAshhadu an la ilaha ill-Allah wa ashhadu ana Muhammadun Řabduhu wa rasuluh!ŗ First Rasulullah Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ he is servant, then Allah Almighty (is) dressing him to be on behalf of Him (and) to call people to (the) Divinely Presence.
May Allah forgive us! Fatiha!... Allah forgives us... Allah forgives us... Allah forgives us... La ilaha ill-Allah...
Sohbet-109 Sohbet from Friday, after Juma prayer and Hadra, 05.12.08 Don‟ t leave your Lord‟ s Blessings for dunya!
O people, we are saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina Shaytan rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Allah Almighty sharafana, (is) giving honour, endless honour, for us and (is) granting from His endless Mercy Oceans, that He granted us to say: ŖLa ilaha ill-Allah, Sayyiduna Muhammadun Rasulullah Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallamŗ and He is just granting us to be able to say: ŖBismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.ŗ
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. That is the key of whole Mercy Oceans: to say: ŖBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimŗ. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim (is) opening all Mercy Oceans and (then there is) running on us Divinely Blessings.
We are asking forgiveness through these holy days, through this holy month Dhu l-Hijja, asking from our Lord to grant us to be visitors of His House of Lord, (the) House of (the) Lord, Baitullah. To be for a visiting even once through our life that is the key of Paradises. Who may visit that holy House, (the) House of (the) Lord, finally he must reach Allah Almightyřs Blessings through eternal life.
O people, dunya is nothing! Try to be honoured here and Hereafter; donřt leave your Lordřs Blessings for dunya! Dunya (is) nothing! Dunya it is not our final target, no!
O people, I am sorry to say that now whole nations, whole mankind, (is) running after dunya, asking to reach some more from dunya. That is very sorrowful for mankind and we are looking and seeing that mankind they are doing their worst; instead to do their best (they are) trying to do their worst for everyone. That is not a real position or real target for mankind.
Allah Almighty He created mankind to be for Him obedient servants, not to leave Allah Almightyřs divinely servanthood and (to) run after Shaytan. It is so simple for whole Divinely Messages. Whole Messengers (were) coming only to teach mankind what is their missions through this life, what they must do, how they must live.
Two things. One: Allah Almighty (is) asking from you, O mankind, to keep our promises that we should be His servants (that) we shall try to keep His servanthood. Before everything you must think (on this) first target, (on this) first final asking, your final, what you are asking from Allah: to be His servants, to keep His servanthood. Before everything you must try to complete His servanthood first. And then, (there is the) second order for your mission that th
Link: https://www.nvrislam.net/index.php?j=eng&post=5872
m a punishment from their head sides, from up, to send them My Punishment!ŗ And the holy Prophet (was) saying: ŖO my Lord, donřt destroy my Ummah with such a punishment coming from their head side!ŗ And Allah Almighty (was) sending again to His most beloved servant (His answer) and (was) saying: Ŗ... aw min tahti arjulikum... Or you must warn your Ummah: if they are not listening (to the) Holy Orders of (the) Holy Quran, Holy Orders of Heavens, (My) Heavenly Anger (is) able, full(y) able, to send on them a punishment (from) under their feet!ŗ Such an earthquake may destroy everything through not minutes, through seconds! Rasul Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam, that he is Rahmatun li-l Řalamin, (was) saying: ŖO my Lord, donřt destroy my Ummah with such a punishment coming (from) under their feet!ŗ
I heard that before 3 or 5 years ago, an earthquake happened in China, in a city only, that they are saying more than 90.000 people through seconds just passed away! And what happened from material damage, (what) happened through that city, they are saying, (was a damage of) 150 Billion Dollars, through seconds, what happened! You must fear from Allah! (He) may change East to West or East or West to East in seconds! Beware o people!
And (the) Prophet was knowing (this) and (he was) saying: ŖO my Lord, donřt destroy my Ummah (like this)!ŗ Allah Almighty (was) saying and warning: ŖO My Habib, O My beloved one. As long as they are coming against My holy ShariŘa, I must punish them!ŗ
ŖWa huwa qadiru Řala an yabatha alaikum adhaban min fauqikum aw min tahti arjulikum aw yalbisakum shiŘan yudhika bařadakum bařsa baŘd (?)... Or I am making them so many groups and they are coming to fight each other.ŗ Then (the) Prophet was saying (translating): ŖWhen the time of Mehdi coming and people they are not taking care for Holy Commands, (Allah Almighty is saying), I am making them so many groups of people, they are going to fight each other... I am making them to taste the bitter(ness) of Punishment!ŗ And Rasulullah sws was saying: ŖBefore Mehdi Ŕ alayhi salam Ŕ (is) coming, Arabs, qabařil l-Řarab, should be among themselves so many troubles, should be each one against (the) second one.ŗ
And that is what we are in it now! Because they left ShariŘatu-Llah and they are saying: ŖWe are following parliament system and we are following democracy.Ŗ Is it written on Holy Quran this? (It is) written: ShariŘatu-Llah! They left it and punishment just reached to them. Now what happening (in the) whole world they are looking and speaking and crying, but no way, till they must come to ShariŘatu-Llah, to ShariŘatu-Llah.
Allah - SubhanaHu wa tařala - forgive us and we are asking what He promised us: To send a Sultan. If (the) Sultan (is) not coming, never going to be the positions of Muslims good, going always down, not going up.
This is a something or (a) summary and I am speaking, as they are making me to speak, from (the) Holy Quran. No one can object on it, no:
We are oppressors and punishment comes! We may cry for innocent ones, but whom they are leading nations and whom they are leading countries, they canřt do anything. They canřt do anything, because Allah Almighty saying: ŖIf you are
going to be so many kind of states, I am not keeping you. I am ordering to you to be one hand!ŗ Now there is (one) billion and 500 [million] or two billion Muslims. What is their value? What they can do? Nothing, because they are doing against (the) Holy Orders of Heavens.
May Allah forgive me. I am only a warner, warner, warner... except this I canřt do anything...
May Allah forgive us and send for whole nations whom they are in need some, a new leader, not from earth, but heavenly, to save humanity. May Allah forgive us!
For the honour of (the) most honoured one, most glorified one, most beloved servant of Allah Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ
Sohbet-105 Sohbet from Juma, Friday, 09.01.09
A warning: Listen to your Lord‟ s Orders and follow the Seal of Prophets!
As-salamu alaikum! As-salamu alaikum...! Welcome to you. AŘudhu bi-llahi mina sh-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim La haula wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyi-l ŘAzim.
(Mawlana stands up in praise of the Prophet): Allahumma salli wa sallim Řala Nabiyyina Muhammad Řalayhi salam, salatan tadumu wa tuhda ilayhi, ma marra l-layali wa tula dawam...
Welcome to you. If our masters (are) giving a chance to address to you - not to you (only), (but) to (the) whole world people Ŕ (it will be) never ending, if we are speaking - one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year... But I am trying, as they are signing to me, to remind you (of) something, as much as possible for understanding, where we are now and this world, to where (it has) reached: Just our world and our period on this world (is) going to finish. We are the nation of (the) last Prophet, (the) Seal of Prophets (sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam), may Allah Almightyřs Glory and Blessing (be) on him, Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam.
We are living (a) in very difficult time, the time of (the) signs of Qiyama, the Day of Resurrection, (which is) just approaching. And so many signs (are) going to appear and finally it is going to finish, perhaps through (the) 15th century. Now we are in (the) 15th century, 1430, Muharramu-l Haram, (a month) that is just respected and honoured by the Lord of Heavens through His last Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam.
And it is mentioned through all Holy Books that when the Day of Resurrection (is) approaching, so many bad things, so many oppressions (are) going to appear
and mostly people (are) going to be unbelievers, mostly they are followers (of) Shaytan and their bad egos. That our ego always (is) ordering to do bad things; our ego is always against (the) Holy Commands of Allah Almighty. That is the reason (that) now everywhere oppressors they are on act (and) they are trying to do every bad thing against mankind, to make them to fall in hells here and Hereafter.
We are looking and seeing (that) everywhere people (are) running through streets, shouting and making demonstration! And demonstration, all of it, (is) against Heavenly Orders, (the) Heavenly Orders of the Lord of Heavens. And Allah Almighty, the Lord of Heavens, the Creator, He is warning: ŖO people, O people! If you are not listening to Me and obeying, I may send on you a punishment from Heavens or I may send a punishment to you (from) under your feet. Or I am making you so many different parties or groups of people, (that are) getting each one against the second one and they are beginning to fight each other, to do their worst to each other!ŗ
Even Allah Almighty (is) saying to them: ŖO people, peace is best for youŗ , but Shaytan (is) saying: ŖNo, war, it is best for you.ŗ And people (are) listening to Shaytan, not listening to their Lord, therefore everywhere now... oh oh oh!... (is) under fire. Under their feet or over their heads (is) on fire; (they are) killing, burning, and destroying everything, everywhere!
And people yet they are insisting not to obey to the Lord of Heavens! Eh! If they are insisting, that Heavenly punishment (is) coming on them, making them (into) groups and they are fighting each other, killing, burning and destroying. And Allah (is) saying: ŖO people, try to be god ones, try to be good servants for Me, try to be good ones for each other.ŗ (But) no one (is) listening...
I am sorry to say that first Arabs - that divinely Inspiration (was) coming on them through the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam - (and) they are understanding (the language) - they are doing against it. And now no one is happy except Shaytan and its followers...
O people! Come and listen to (the) Holy Orders of your Creator! Try to be obedient to Him, try to do your best for His creatures, particularly for mankind. If you are not doing (that), day by day that fire (is) going to get bigger, bigger, bigger, and then heavenly Anger, if (it is) reaching (to) you, (it is) coming to burn everything on earth.
When Sayyiduna Nuh had been sent as a great Prophet to whole nations and he was calling people (for) 950 years to obey to their Lord and to try to be good servants and also to be good ones to each other, every time they were insisting not to obey, not to listen. Then Allah Almighty (was) saying: ŖO Noah! I am going to take them away and I am going not to leave anyone from those, whom they are not coming to listen (to the) heavenly Orders, whom they are not coming to hear and obey!ŗ And He sent (a) flood. (The) flood. Whole people just drowned - finished. Only a handful people (that) they were in that Arch of Noah, had been saved, because they were (the) only believers and obedient servants.
That passed away. Now (it is the) same; perhaps much more (than) what did the nation of Noah people (are) doing (now); every bad thing and Allah Almighty (is) warning them: ŖO people, o My servants, beware (of) Shaytan! Beware (of) your
egos! Beware from dunya! If you are not taking your care, then I am going to burn you!ŗ He is not - Allah Almighty - taking (a) match and burning people, no! (He is) making people to find (a) big fire and they are trying to finish everything on earth!
I am sorry to say this and I am asking forgiveness from Allah Almighty and I am asking humbly, o our Lord, (for) what You promised us: (Someone) to come and to arrange the life of people on earth! First Mehdi Ŕ Řalayhi salam and then (the) Antichrist (is) coming to make much more trouble for mankind and then Jesus Christ, Sayyidina Isa, should come and should kill (him), taking away every Antichrist and their followers. Then (it) should be for a short time for dunya (that) people (are) obeying to their Lord and leading (a) silent, obedient life on earth, and then the Day of Resurrection (will be) just arriving. O people, I am sorry (about) what is going on, I am not happy. But mankind, disobedient groups (they are) becoming and Allah should punish (them).
May Allah forgive us! Ya Rabbi, ya Rabbi, affet! Ya Rabbi affet! Aslah lana shařnana. Anta Rabb, Anta-l Haqq, Anta-l Qadir wa-l Muqtadir. Qadiru-l mutlaq, Qadir Řala-l mutlaq sensin, ya Rabb! We are asking Your Blessings and Forgiveness! For the honour of Your most honoured glorified servant Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam.
As long as people (are) refusing the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam, trouble (is going to be) never ending and punishment never stopping. Come and believe in (the) truth of the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam! Try to follow him, you should be saved and sheltered here and Hereafter. Or (you will be) taken away, as (the) flood of Noah just took away whole nations, whom they were not accepting Noah Ŕ Řalayhi salam.
O our Lord, afwak wa ridaak! Ilahi, afwak wa ridaak! Aslah shanana wa shana-l muslimin, wa-nsurna Řala-l qaumi-l kafirin. Bi hurmati man anzalta alayhi Sura-l Fatiha.
Sohbet-106 Sohbet after Juma prayers, Friday, 02.01.2009 Message for Muharram Follow the safe way of Rasulullah! Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim As-salamu alaikum! This is (the) first Juma of (the) new month Muharramu-l Haram. Forgiveness and support from Allah Almighty for the honour of the Seal of Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam. Just we are in (the) Signs of Qiyama, that (is the) the Day of Resurrection, (and) that is 1430, (the) number of (the) Hijra year. May Allah make it for the honour of the Seal of Prophets 02.01.2009, to be happy Rasul Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam for his Ummah. And his Ummah (is all the generations) from (the time of Sayyidina) Adam... From Adam Ŕ alayhi salam Ŕ up to (the) end.
As (was) saying Rasulullah Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam that: [Adam wa man
dunahu tahta liwaři yaum al-qiyama!] Whole Prophets they have holy flags for every Prophet, they are coming under the most honoured and glorified flag of Islam that (it is the) Liwahi-l Hamd, coming under it. Rasul Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ (is) saying that: Ŗ(This) is (a) great honour that Allah Almighty presented it to me.ŗ And we are happy and we are proud (that) we are from his nation. And his nation (is the) last nation, (the) last Ummah; and after this Ummah (there will be) no any other Ummah coming, as Rasulullah Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ that he is Khatamu-l Nabiyyin. After him Ŕ salawatuLlahi wa salamuhu Řalayhi, (the) most honour and glory (be) for him Ŕ as he said: ŖI am the last prophet, and my nation is the last Ummahŗ and we have been honoured to be from his nation.
O people, O people, you are hearing or looking that everywhere (there are) troubles, problems and Řzulmř, oppression. Everywhere. Oh! And that is the result (of) that mankind they left Islam. Even Muslim nations they left Islam and (they are) trying to follow Non-Muslim ways and that is their Řjazař, punishment. Non-Muslims, because they are not coming to believe in (the) last prophet that (he is) mentioned from Sayyidina Adam, (the) first prophet. Up to (the) end he has been, he was (mentioned); just prophets they were giving good tidings to their nations (about him) - and (the) Non-Muslim world, because they are not believing in him, just punishment (is) coming on them. And Muslim nations, because they are leaving Shariat that just had been sent from Heavens, leaving that honoured Orders, heavenly Orders, leaving to follow the Seal of Prophets and they are running after Non-Muslimsř ways, to be like them, they are trying, therefore coming on them also punishment.
O people, if you are asking to be saved here and Hereafter, come and follow (the) Holy Orders of Heavens that we have been honoured with that. If anyone (is) running away, (there is) no saving for them or no saviour for them. O people, you are welcome here. From different distances, from different countries you are coming here. Keep what it has been said to you and try to follow the sheltered and protected way of Rasul, (the) Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ you should be sheltered here and Hereafter.
O people, keep (the) Holy Shariat, keep (the) holy Orders! Keep your children from dirty ways! Try to be good servants for Allah Almighty, because (it is) just approaching the Last Day, (the) Day of Resurrection. We hope that it is going to be (in the Hijra year) 1500. That (from the) year we have now (1430) (it is) 70 years. Other signs of Qiyama, big ones and small ones, (are) going to appear, and the Day of Resurrection (is) just reaching. Keep your faith, keep Islam, respect Islam, respect (the) holy Prophet!
May Allah forgive us for his honour, the honour of (the) most honoured and glorified servant in (the) Divine Presence Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam,
Sohbet-107 A blessed Muharram for all of you! Maulana only gave a short speech last Cuma, Friday, and so I am adding a talk from Ramadan.
As-salamu alaikum, Khairiyah
Sohbet from Juma, Friday, 26.12.08 As-salamu alaikum! May Allah forgive us. This is as our Sheikh Hisham Efendi giving a khutba... Oh oh oh... dhu-l Qima, valuable. If anyone asking to know his way, must follow the way of Heavens. If they are leaving the way of Heavens, (they are) going to [irhabiyya = terrorism or] Wahhabiyya [? the word is not clearly audible in the recording], that means naru-l jahim, that means, hells. When they are running away to Prophet Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ, asking his Shafařat, intercession, who is giving his high respect to the Seal of Prophets, should reach intercession of the most beloved one, most glorified one in (the) Divinely Presence. Follow him, give as much as possible your high respect and glory to that one that whole creation created as Allah Almighty saying: ŖI created everything for your honor, O My beloved Servant!ŗ Beyond that belief (there is) no way to reach Allah Almightyřs Honor! Allah Almighty (is) never accepting anyone (who is) leaving (the) respect for His most respected servant. Never accepting anything, fardan aw naflan...
Therefore, O people, now Shaytan (is) trying to destroy our beliefs. That just 15 centuries we are on it, but some no mind people are asking to make another way, leaving (the) Prophet and asking to reach to Allah. If a person (is) leaving (the) bridge, (he) canřt step from one side to another side and Rasulullah Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ he is the main door for whole nations, for all creations, to reach Allah Almightyřs Glory and His Blessings!
O people, keep your stands/steps (?) on the way of Ahlu-l Sunnah wa Jamaat. Now Řshirdhimatu qalilař, (a) small group, they are trying to change our beliefs and to make us followers of an unknown person - no value for him. May Allah forgive us!
Pray for me! I am... with Allah Almightyřs Blessing (I have) reached to that old age and (I am) asking forgiveness from my Lord. I donřt know how long I am going to be with you. Everyone must pass from here to Allah Almightyřs Presence. Allah makes our faces shining, shining with Heavenly Nur, to be glorified in (the) Divinely Presence and acceptable.
O people, no any work or occupation may be more valuable than Allah Almightyřs worshipping. Leave everything and run (for) Allah Almightyřs worshipping! That is highest honor for you. If anyone (is) leaving that and running after dunya - no value for him.
O people, try to make Allah Almightyřs obedience first, then anything may be easy for you.
May Allah protect you and shelter you. For the honor of the most honored one,
beloved one, respected one, glorified one in His Divine Presence Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ. Fatiha.
Sohbet-108 Sohbet from Tuesday, 16.9.08 Be like brothers and sisters!
As-salamu alaikum!... Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah! AŘudhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La haula wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyyi-l ŘAzim Akbar bala Řala nas, (the) biggest cursing reason for people is to think that he is something! AŘudhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Now we are living in a time (that) from East to West, from North to South, people (are) running after (the) teachings of Shaytan. No one (is) running or no one (is) interesting for heavenly teachings. Therefore whole countries they are preventing... everywhere you can find that people, governments and teaching centers, they (are) never leaving anything to be learnt from Heavenly Knowledge. All of them they are trying to make satanic teachings up, heavenly teachings down and to be unknown, to disappear.
I was here, once... there is a mosque in (the) corner; one day people were coming and saying to me that (the) police, (a) car full of policemen (was) coming to (the) mosque and (that they were) entering with their shoes in it and carrying small children (away) - maybe 4 years, 5 years - and there were 3 or 5 small ones. Taking... police forces (were) coming there and entering (the) mosque, carrying (the) Imam also and taking (the) children to (the) police station! What is their mistake? Because there was a report against (the) Imam that: ŖHe is teaching small children (the) Holy Quran!ŗ
What we shall say! What we can do? Such people, Allah Almighty (is) giving His Blessings on them or cursing (is) coming on them?
That is an example. You can find everywhere (examples). But our governments they are so cursed governments; they are against everything that (is) coming (from) our traditional Knowledge, (the) Holy Quran and (the) holy Hadith. That is only a small example that we may understand. And everywhere, everywhere now, from East and West, from North to South, governments (are like this). I am sorry to say that even Muslim countries, they are not keeping (the) heavenly teachings to make it first, to teach heavenly teachings to people! All of them (are) running after satanic teachings. How they are expecting blessings from Heavens?
Therefore Allah Almighty (is) going to burn whole people on this planet - some of them (will burn) some others! That is the reason! (It) must be! We are saying: ŘMalhamat al-kubrař, Christians (are) saying: ŘArmageddonř.(It) must be; even they are not believing or they are not interesting in such a things, but even (a) handful people, they are knowing that the result of (the) cursing (is) going to be through Armageddon.
It should be a huge revenge of Heavens from living people, whom they are refusing to accept heavenly teachings. Allah Almighty should take them away! (That) must be!
ŖO My beloved one! If your nation (is) not respecting and accepting and practicing My Holy Commands, Heavenly Orders, I am taking My Revenge from them! I am making them to be enemies (to each other), not to be friends on earth!ŗ
You should find everywhere (that) people, they are not friendly to each other: even through your home, your children, they are not happy, they are not friendly to each other. Men and women, they are like enemies. Children, they are not friendly to their parents, (they are) never listening! (In) the smallest cell through people, here, you should find (that the) wife (is) enemy to her husband, (the) husband (is) like (an) enemy to his wife. And children they are like enemies for their parents and parents they are like enemies for their children. Children they are not friendly to each other, but they are enemies, like enemies, to each other. (Among) neighbours (it is) worse! (In) cities, villages, countries - everywhere there is a Ř nefretř, a hatred, people (are) hating each other, because all those things (are the) teachings of Shaytan, satanic teachings! And they are pumping that hatred among their people.
Pakistan! What (is) happening (there)? What is that foolishness, that wildness? Like beasts! What is this! That is their Islam? Islamic teaching (is) like this? Allah Almighty (is) ordering (to do) in such a way?
ŖKunu Řibadullahi ikhwana!ŗ Haqq! Allah Almighty (is) saying: ŖO Allah Almightyřs servants! Try to be like brothers with each other!ŗ What is that wildness? That is a time that as (the) Prophet Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ ( was) informing that: ŖPeople, should be their outlooking men, but inside they should be (like) wild beasts and (they are) asking to eat each other!ŗ
That is their civilization that they are getting proud, (saying) that: ŖWe have such a civilization!ŗ What is that civilization! That is civilization?
Rehabilitation... civilization...They are saying Ř21ST century civilizationř! ŘTuř [spitting] on their civilization! Such a civilization that they are going to put, if they can able to put something through the center of this planet, to make it: Bumm... (to explode)!
That is their civilization! All they are teaching and following shaytanic teachings - they should be punished! Leave their ways, come (to the) heavenly teachings! If not, you are going also...
Because satanic teachings (are) teaching people, saying that: ŖOh, you are something! You have such a degree, you are doctor, you are PHD, you are professor, you are this, that...ŗ Shaytan (is) blowing through everyone to be seen (big)... There is a kind of mirror [distorting mirror] that if you are looking, you are seeing yourself like this... (big). Shaytan (is) putting in front of everyone now such a mirror: ŖOh, I am... I may swallow East and West!ŗ La haula wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyyi-l ŘAzim!
O people. I am ashaming to sit on this (chair), but now I have an excuse or (else) I was like to sit down. But one of [the] reasons that I am sitting here
(is) for my body (is) not enough resting, when I am sitting like you and my mind is going to be occupied with my bodyřs rest. Secondly: first Rasulullah Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ he was sitting everywhere with people. Even in Masjid al-Nabawwi al-Sharif, (the) first worshipping place, he was first sitting. Then, when people (were) getting too much, he was standing, because if you are seeing, who is addressing to people, it is much more affective to you. Therefore he was standing. And when (the) people (were) getting more and more, one person, who was knowing to make carpentry, he made three steps that (the) Prophet Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ may stand on it and give his speech, khutba, to people.
That means, it is not forbidden if we are sitting to be seen. Then - this is (the) mimbar. The Juma praying (the) Imam (is) getting up. For what? (For) people to look to him! If (he is) sitting and speaking, people (are) not seeing, it is not so much interesting. When (he is) getting up and speaking, people may look to him, may hear, may understand. That is the reason that I am sitting here; not for pride, no! If you are getting to be proud with your sitting, with your standing, that is forbidden. Therefore I am sitting here and addressing to you, as much as possible people to look and to see and to listen and to obey. May Allah forgive us!
(It is) not (that) I am saying that: ŖI am Dr.ŗ - I am not (a) Dr.! Now learnt people they are taking such a foolish titles, saying: ŘDr.ř. ŗWho is that?ŗ ŖDr.Mahmoud Barazani.ŗ ŖWho is that?ŗ ŖHe is... You donřt know that he is the Chief of Azhar?ŗ Ŕ And he looks like our Sheikh, kuwatli...- Yes. He is saying, he is so happy and proud to be written before his name ŘDr.
Doctor, tractor, and director Ŕ on same Řmasji [?]ř... But if you are saying: ŖYou are tractorŗ, (he is) very angry! (If you are saying): ŖDr...ŗ, (he is) very happy!... You are tractor?... Tractor here! He is Director! Very happy to be Dr. Amanullah. If anyone (is) saying: ŖNo Dr., you are tractor Amanullah (he is going to be) very angry... yes, Sir...
Sheikh Abd al-Salam Ŕ Allah yadhkuruhu bi l-khayr! Ŕ he was our Grandsheikhřs servant (for) so many years very humble people. You, perhaps some of you know him, Sheikh Abd al-Salam. (He is a) humble person, really humble person! He took a real Řtarbiyyař, teaching, good teaching, from our Grandsheikh. He (was) always using to say (something) that I like it too much, but I (am) never speaking... what was that?. Always (he is) using (that): ŖRahima-Llahu mrařan Řarifa Řandahu wa waqafa Řindahu!ŗ
So beautiful Ŕ but people they (are) never knowing their real situation! [It means,] ŖLet Allah Almighty bless a person, who (is) knowing about himself, about his servanthood, Řubudiyyař, and (who), when (he is) reaching to that level, (is) never asking more.ŗ The last honour point for a person (is) to know
about himself, where is his limits and (then he is) standing there. Our last limit it is our servanthood, nothing else! Other titles, put (in the) WC! (The) real title of honour for you it is to know that you are a humble servant in (the) divinely Presence of your Lord, Allah Almighty.
Therefore (the) Prophet (was) saying: ŖAshhadu an la ilaha ill-Allah wa ashhadu ana Muhammadun Řabduhu wa rasuluh!ŗ First Rasulullah Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam Ŕ he is servant, then Allah Almighty (is) dressing him to be on behalf of Him (and) to call people to (the) Divinely Presence.
May Allah forgive us! Fatiha!... Allah forgives us... Allah forgives us... Allah forgives us... La ilaha ill-Allah...
Sohbet-109 Sohbet from Friday, after Juma prayer and Hadra, 05.12.08 Don‟ t leave your Lord‟ s Blessings for dunya!
O people, we are saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina Shaytan rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Allah Almighty sharafana, (is) giving honour, endless honour, for us and (is) granting from His endless Mercy Oceans, that He granted us to say: ŖLa ilaha ill-Allah, Sayyiduna Muhammadun Rasulullah Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallamŗ and He is just granting us to be able to say: ŖBismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.ŗ
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. That is the key of whole Mercy Oceans: to say: ŖBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimŗ. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim (is) opening all Mercy Oceans and (then there is) running on us Divinely Blessings.
We are asking forgiveness through these holy days, through this holy month Dhu l-Hijja, asking from our Lord to grant us to be visitors of His House of Lord, (the) House of (the) Lord, Baitullah. To be for a visiting even once through our life that is the key of Paradises. Who may visit that holy House, (the) House of (the) Lord, finally he must reach Allah Almightyřs Blessings through eternal life.
O people, dunya is nothing! Try to be honoured here and Hereafter; donřt leave your Lordřs Blessings for dunya! Dunya (is) nothing! Dunya it is not our final target, no!
O people, I am sorry to say that now whole nations, whole mankind, (is) running after dunya, asking to reach some more from dunya. That is very sorrowful for mankind and we are looking and seeing that mankind they are doing their worst; instead to do their best (they are) trying to do their worst for everyone. That is not a real position or real target for mankind.
Allah Almighty He created mankind to be for Him obedient servants, not to leave Allah Almightyřs divinely servanthood and (to) run after Shaytan. It is so simple for whole Divinely Messages. Whole Messengers (were) coming only to teach mankind what is their missions through this life, what they must do, how they must live.
Two things. One: Allah Almighty (is) asking from you, O mankind, to keep our promises that we should be His servants (that) we shall try to keep His servanthood. Before everything you must think (on this) first target, (on this) first final asking, your final, what you are asking from Allah: to be His servants, to keep His servanthood. Before everything you must try to complete His servanthood first. And then, (there is the) second order for your mission that th
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