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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 39/120)
i-l anbiyaři wa-l mursalin wa alin kulli ajmain! Ziyadatan li sharfin Nabi wa alihi wa sahbihi... Fatiha.

Sohbet-99 Sohbet after Juma, Friday, 20.02.09 Keep Adab with your Lord!

As-salamu alaikum! Mamnunin? You are happy? No complaining? ... Allah Almighty created man Ŗmin adamin, la shayŗ, Allah Almighty created man from nothing. Allah Almighty (is) creating. If He (is) asking or if His Will, (His) Divinely Will, (is) asking to do something, to bring something, to create something, (it is) enough for Allah Almighty to say: ŖBe!ŗ and (it is) coming. If (He is) asking: ŖDonřt be, go awayŗ - finished: no universes, no galaxies, no suns, no worlds, no planets, no man, no any creation, nothing. He is Allah!

First you must learn who created you, o ignorant people that (are) living in (the) 21st century! (You are) following Shaytan, but (you are) not asking: ŖWho created me? Who (is) bringing me in existence?ŗ That is blame for mankind living on earth now. And they are claiming that: ŖWe reached the top of civilisation.ŗ No, you reached (the) deepest level of creation!

Allah granted to you (the) highest honour; (He) granted (it) to you and (He is) saying: ŖYou are My deputy. I created you, o man, the sons of Adam, (the) Children of Adam, I created you to be My deputies on this world.ŗ Then those 21st century ignorant nations and people they are never thinking on it; (they are) never saying: ŖO our Lord, You created us, we are thankful. All thanks, all glory, all honours, every respect (is) for You, o our Lord and we are making for You sajdah. You are our Lord, You are our Creator.ŗ

They are saying (this)? But (there is) coming a whip. Coming! (The) whip (is) coming, (the) whip (is) coming. Allah only may say for a whip: ŖLook after those thankless creatures, thankless mankind. Adibhum, teach them, train them, train them, train them, that they are not knowing My Rights. They (are) never giving to Me their full respect and full glory according to their sizes. They are not doing this.ŗ

Once upon a time Ŕ it is written through history books Ŕ once, (in) the time of (the) Umara, perhaps (the) Umara Umawayyin or Abassiyyin... - Donřt use (a) scale for anyone. (The) scale (is) only for Allah (to use)! Donřt say: ŖThis (is) good, that (is) badŗ; leave (the) last judgment for our Lord Allah Almighty. - At the time of one of that Amir al-Muřminin just happened in Basra, Iraq, so many troubles; people (were) doing so many things that all of it (are) against Islam and they were trying to follow Shaytan and not to follow (the) holy Prophets ways.

(The) Khalifa, that he was in Damascus, (the) Khalifa, Amir al-Muřminin, just (news) reached to him (about) what (was) happening in Iraq, what (was) happening among people. And just reached to him their bad (characteristics), (that) they were doing their worst among themselves, that (there was) never going to be a good dealing between themselves. Every(thing) forbidden through Shariatullah they were doing and they were making zulm, oppression. Then (the) Khalif (was) saying, when that news (was) reaching to him, he was saying: ŖI am sending (Hajjaj al-Zalim) to those people, whom they left the way, the Sunna of (the) holy Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa

sallam. I like to teach them, how they must be. I am going to teach them the way of Islam: that they should be good ones, (that) they should throw away Shaytan and Shaytanřs scholars and Shaytanřs followers. Li ajil tařadib, yuadibhum. I am asking to teach them high characteristics, high, highest adab, good ways, what Islam (is) ordering them.ŗ

Then he was sending from Damascus to Basra Hajjaj al-Zalim, that he was one famous oppressor, zalim. (He was) sending him and (was) saying to him: ŖLook after those people, whom they are living in Iraq; they are leaving the way of Allah and they are doing bad things that (the) holy ShariŘa (is) preventing. Go and look after them! Adibhum! Teach them, how must be Islam!ŗ

And (the Khalifa was) sending Hajjaj al-Zalim, Hajjaj the oppressor. And he reached to Basra and (he was) getting up on (the) nimbar. And he was using (a) veil on his face and he was calling: ŖYa Ghulam, O my servant, stand up. Stand up and read (the) Khalifařs Khitab, speech or addressing, that he is addressing the people living in Iraq, in Basra.ŗ And then that Ghulam, that means his servant, (was) standing up and (he was) saying: ŖO as-salamu alaikum, ya Ahlu-l Basra. Hadha khitab mina-l khalifa to people in Basra.ŗ No one (was) saying: ŖWa alaikum salam.ŗ No one (was) saying: ŖWa alaikum salam, ya Amiru-l Muřminin.ŗ Then Hajjaj al-Zalim (was) ordering his servant: ŖStop! O people, I am looking and seeing that you are so dirty people, disobedient people, not knowing adab. I am coming to teach you, how you should be! I am looking you are dirty people, eating some of you some another, (making) fasad.ŗ

(He was) one person. He was saying: ŖI am looking and seeing all of you in wrong ways; you are not keeping ShariŘatullah, (the) holy ShariŘa. I am coming to teach you, how you should be! Ya Ghulam, O my servant, read (the) Khitabu-l Khalifa.ŗ (He was) addressing (them and saying): ŖI am looking and seeing (that) so many (of your) heads just reached to be cut down. You are so bad people and your works (are) out(side) of (the) ShariŘa. Now I am looking, I am looking, I am preparing for you a Heavenly Punishment that we have been ordered (to do).ŗ (He was) one person, (saying): ŖI am keeping my face, I am not opening yet my veil (for you) to look to me, who I am. Read once again, O my servant, read (the) Khitabu-l Khalifa, Amir al-Muřminin.ŗ

(His servant was) coming, standing up and saying: ŖSalam, ya ahlu-l Basra, ahlu-l Iraq. As-salamu alaikum.ŗ (Now) no one (was) sitting; everyone, even flies, (were) standing up and saying: ŖWa alaikum salam, ya Amiri-l Muřminin, as-salamu alaikum, ya Khalifatu Rasulillah!ŗ (They were all) standing up. ŖI am coming to teach you good adab mařa-l Umara, with your governments; how you must deal with people, how you must deal with Rasul Ŕ salawatullah wa salamuhu alayh, how you must do with your Lord Allah Almighty. I am looking you are out of everything; I am looking and I am coming to teach you. Training you.ŗ (He was) one person!

One person - if Allah Almighty (is) asking to do something, (He) may do that with a (single) man, (it is) enough. ŖWa li-llahi junudu samawati wa-l Řard.ŗ Allah Almighty He is not in need to send on you armies; (He) may send on you - what is that smaller than microbe? Virus. People (are) knowing there is (a) virus; (but is) anyone seeing (it)? Anyone catching (it)? Anyone (is) defending themselves against that virus?

O people living through (the) 21st century, how you are so ignorant ones? Why you are not thinking on it? Your Lord, your Creator, (is) looking and asking to teach you, because you are out of (the) holy ShariŘa. First of all Islamic countries; they are running after democracy, they are not trying to keep ShariŘatullah. (The) first punishment (is) coming on them!

I am making first, I am permitted to speak to whole people living on earth. I am not Hajjaj al-Zalim, but... I am only a weak servant of my Lord, (but) I am (an) authorized one to warn whole people, whole world people. I am nothing, but (He) who (is) making me to speak, He is most powerful. And (He is) looking now what we are doing and (He is) sending to you, O people of this world, sending to you something for punishing you!

It is not something that can be solved by (the) United Nations Assembly. (The) United Nations Assembly is against (the) Heavenly Orders. Heavenly Orders (are) so clear. I am sorry to say that so many - perhaps 45 - Muslim territories they are not taking their care for (the) holy ShariŘa. They should be punished. I am nothing, I am zero, behind of One. (I am a) zero on left, but that, if they are putting me in front of One, I can do enough. One (is) enough. If Hajjaj al-Zalim (was) enough to bring people to be good ones, we may do (something) also. I am zero and if the Lord of Heavens (is) putting me in front of One, I can do. If He (is) asking to make you that zero in front of One, you can do (also). But Allah Almighty (is doing), as He likes; FaŘalun lima yurid: He is doing everything, as He likes; no one (is) preventing Him. Allah! Ya Rabbana, ya Rabbana, ya Rabbana, ya Rabbana, ya Rabbana, irham zullana, irham daŘfana... bi jahi man ansalta alayhi Surat al-Fatiha.

I am very old one, I am not hoping anything from dunya now; I am only a warner, warning people. Anyone (who) may listen,(may) listen or, (if they are) not listening, their heads (are) going... People now they are very happy to play football. That time, instead of football, heads (are) going to be football. Hasaru-l hasa. Warning and warning, o people.

May Allah forgive me. ŖForgive me.ŗ I am asking forgiveness. You ask forgiveness! Say: ŖAstaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirulllah, tubna wa rajaŘna ilayka, ya Rabb. La tatrukna, ya Rabbana, O our Lord, donřt leave us to go on wrong ways! Make Your good servants to collect Your servants on (the) Right Path.ŗ

Bi jahi man ansalta alayhi Suratu-l Fatiha.

I am weak. I am weak, (but) I may, they can do to make me to speak up to next week. It is ok, but our size, our capacity, (is) very short, therefore I am only addressing to whole nations, to whole mankind, to whole children of Adam, to take their attentions not to fall, not to fall in hells. I am asking people to be happy in paradises. I am sorry to look and see all mankind running to reach to hells and nothing else.

Fatiha...Tired? Tired, o Řahmaksř?... Allahumma salli wa sallim Řala Nabiyina Muhammad alayhi salam, salatan tadumu wa tuhda ilay, ma mara l-layali wa tula dawam...

Sohbet-100 Sohbet after Juma, Friday, 13.02.09 Who is sitting on Arshu Rahman?

Alhamdulillahi-ladhi hadana li-l imani wa-l islam wa sharafana bi Nabiyyihi Sayyidina Muhammadin alayhi salatu wa salam. Ya Sayyidi-l awwalina wa-l akhirin, ya Sayyidi, ya Rasulallah, ishfa lana, ya Sayyidi! Destur, ya Rijalallah, Meded, Meded!

Audhu bi-llahi mina sh-shaytani rajim Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim La haula wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyiřl ŘAzim.

Allah, Allah... Ashhadu an la ilaha ill-Allah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan Řabduhu wa habibuhu wa rasuluh.

Ařudhu bi-llahi mina sh-shaytani rajim. O people, run to Allah from Shaytan! Shaytan (is) asking to take you to Hells! Say: ŖBismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim!ŗ That is (the) greatest honour that you have been granted, to say: ŖBismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim.ŗ Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord, we are so, so happy, grateful and (it is a) big chance, (the) biggest chance, (we are) fortunate that we have been from the nation of the Seal of Prophets, (the) most glorified and most beloved and most honoured servant of the Lord of Heavens. O people, give your most high respect to that one that he is in (the) divinely Presence (the) most high servant.

I am asking some no mind Řdoctorsř: ŖWhat is your opinion about Arshu-llahi-l ŘAzim?ŗ Allah Allah! Arshu-llahi-l Ř Azim (is the) Divinely Throne. Allah Almighty created that most respected Throne, (the) Divinely Throne, and He ordered to four angels - Sayyidina Gibril, Sayyidina Israfil, Sayyidina Mikail (and) Sayyidina Azrail - to take, to carry (it). But they canřt be able to carry (the) Divinely Throne. Huuu! Then Allah Almighty created such (an) amount from angels, they are huge angels, for helping, for carrying that Divinely Throne. They also canřt be able to carry (it). Then Allah Almighty (was) ordering to (the) angels to say: ŖAllahumma la haula wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyi-l ŘAzimŗ. ŖQulu, say: La haula wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyi-l ŘAzim!ŗ They said (it) and they are going to (be) able to carry (the) Divinely Throne.

But they were looking that under their feet (there was) nothing. They were standing on their Stations. When they were saying: ŖLa haula wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyi-l ŘAzimŗ, their feet (were) getting up also, with (the) Divinely Throne up, and they were fearing to fall down and they (were) also catching (the) Divinely Throne and now no one (was) knowing, whom (was) carrying (the) Divinely Throne: (these) angels or (was it that the) angels, just they have been held through that Divinely Throne?

This is an introduction or preface that we are saying for some Řdoctorsř. All Řdoctorsř (are) empty ones; they are not understanding anything from spirituality. They are material people, like materialist people; their ideas, all of them, (are) material or materialist fault thinking. They are not understanding (anything) beyond materiality.

Doctor ŘFilanř, that he is chief of any religious university. Whole religious universities, (those) that they are teaching people, (those that) they are teachers, all of them, (are) so [much] closer to materialist ideas, but never they are coming closer to spirituality. Therefore they changed their names,as materialist people, saying: ŖWho is that one?ŗ ŖDoctor Haci Mestan... Doctor Ahmad Majnun...ŗ how their names (are)... Wa Rasul yaqul, nabi alayhi salatu wa salam, (was saying): ŖMan tashabbaha bi qaumin, fa-huwa minhum...ŗ; who is making himself to look like any group of people, or (any) group of ideas, they are from those people.

Why you are using (the title) Řdoctorř, O Muslims, Muslim professors? Muslims, why you are not using Řalimř, Řulamaař (?), why you are using Řdoctorř? What is the value (of) that title (Řdoctorř) through Heavens? (It is) just thrown down! But you are going to be proud that (it is) written in front of your names Řdoctorř Filan... Dr Ayhan... Dr Sayhan... Dr Shaytan... No doctor in Islamic literature, no! That never accepting! La haula wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyi-l ŘAzim!

Those people that they are more closer to materialism than spiritualism, if you are asking (them): ŖThat glorified Throne, (the) Divinely Throne - you know Throne - for whom (it is)? For whom?ŗ We may say for an understanding: Through (a) Kingdom, through their palaces, there is a Throne that (there is) sitting on it (a) King or (a) Queen or (an) Emperor or (an) Empress.

ŖThat Arshullah, (the) Divinely Throneŗ, Iamaskingthose Řdoctorsř, Ŗfor whom (it is)? Who is going to sit on it or to be on it?ŗ No answer. No answer. No answer, but (there) must be (an) answer!

ŖFor whom Allah Almighty created (that) Arsh, (the) holy Throne, (the) Divinely Throne? Like that Divinely Throne, if (there) may be a Throne more than (it), bigger, more than enlightened from that Arsh, what do you think - to whom or to whom (is) that Throne, (the) holy Throne?ŗ No answer. But they must say, they must learn! They must learn - it is not for Allah! ŖIt is not for Allah. Allah Almighty, no anything from His creatures may carry Him, ha sha! No, no! Allah Almighty, no one knows His Greatness, and (no) any creature may... how can be able to carry the Lord of Heavens, the Lord of Creation?ŗ They are saying nothing, no answer, but I may say: ŖThat is for the honour (of the) most honoured servant of Him Almighty, Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam!ŗ

Where should be (the) Maqamu-l Mahmud? Where it should be? (The) Maqamu-l Mahmud (is) on (the) Arsh also! That name (is) for the honour of (the) Divinely Throne; that is Maqamu-l Mahmud. (It) canřt be for anyone, only for one. And the Seal of Prophets, (the) most honoured and glorified one, was saying that: ŖIt is only for one and I hope to be that one!ŗ Therefore you must ask that: ŖAllahumma Řati Sayyidina Muhammadan Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam Ŕ ashafaŘa wa l-wasila wa bŘathhu Maqamu-l Mahmud alladhi waŘadtah!ŗ That is (a) Dua, you must ask that he should be granted (it) and (be) honoured and glorified through that Arshu Rahman. Allah Allah...

They are saying: ŖWhat you are saying? (You are) making shirk!ŗ ŖYour shirk (is) under my feet; your understanding also (is) under my feet! You are understanding nothing! You are materialist people, but we are believing in spirituality and

spiritual worlds and beyond that, beyond that, beyond that!ŗ

O people, give your most high respect for that one, who (is) glorified in (the) Divinely Presence (in a way), (in) which no one (has been) glorified, as he had been glorified! You must be happy and you must respect him and you must follow him! (He is) teaching you the ways of spirituality, and spiritualism (is) beyond materialism. No materialism there, but spiritualism.

O people, now (the) whole world (is) running after material, materiality, and they were thinking that materiality can save them or can take them to such a highest positions that nothing may take them from that level. And whole materialism (is) under the feet of that one and he is standing on it and his honour and his lights, no one can reach or can understand who he is. (There is) no measure for Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam Ŕ, for his greatness and honour and glory that (has been) granted (to him) by Allah Almighty. Ohhh! Allah! Allah! Allah!

O people that (you are) living on earth now: you are all Zalim, oppressors, because you are not giving the rights that (have been) granted from Allah to Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam. And you are not giving your respect, therefore you are coming down, down, down; daily you are going deeper, deeper through dark worlds. (There is) no way for mankind now to save themselves from crises and wars and fightings and everything that (is) giving to people unrest positions. You canřt save yourselves from that, only when you are coming and giving your high honour, (your) highest honour and glory that (has been) granted by his Lord to Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam. That is the way! Your materiality ideas (are) never bringing to you anything, but (are only) making much more trouble and much more problems for mankind.

O people, come to (the) right way! I am calling every religious people, first of all, to think what had been said now; to think on it. If not thinking - the (divine) punishment that just fell on nations, whom they were denying and getting rebellious and disobedient for their Prophets and not giving high respect to their Lord - that punishment (is only) looking (for) an order to fall on earth, to take from six (people) five and (there will be) remaining (only) one.

May Allah forgive us. May Allah bless you (and) me also and give His Mercy to whole nations and a good understanding for their Prophets, particularly whole Prophets that they are followers of the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam wa sharafah wa karamah.

Al Fatiha.

Sohbet-101 Sohbet from JumŘa, Friday, 06.02.09

A warning to the heads of nations: Stop wars and killing!

Destur, ya Rijalallah, Meded! Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! Meded! As-salamu alaikum, O muřmins and muřminas, welcome to you! From far distances you are coming; may Allah bless you and your descendants and ancestors and forgive me also. We are in need (of) Allah Almightyřs Forgiveness.

And we are saying: Ařudhu bi-llahi mina sh-shaytani r-rajim. We are running away from Shaytan, because Shaytan, that one, (he) is (the) worst enemy of mankind. We must run away from him!

And we are saying: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. That is (the) highest honour that we have been granted from Allah Almighty, to say: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Who (is) going to say: Bismillahi r-Rahmanir r-Rahim, (he is) running to Allah and Allah Almighty (is) sheltering that servant from Shaytan and its bad actions.

Shaytan, the enemy of mankind, (he is) always running after mankind to call them on bad ways that everything that Shaytan (is) teaching people, it is against humanity. And Allah Almighty (is) sending His most beloved and most glorified, (the) most honoured one in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam - ... (Here the Sheikh is standing up)... Ya Sayyidi, Meded! ... (They are) like two poles - positive and negative. (Sayyiduna Muhammad- sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam -, the) positive (pole, is) calling people to Paradise and (Shaytan, the) negative (pole, is) calling people and urging people to reach to Hells.

And people mostly they are running after Shaytan, because (the) shaytanic teaching it is suitable for our bad egos. (The) ego (is) like, just like or similar of (to) Shaytan. Shaytan (is) outside, and (the) ego (is) inside, (and) both of them (are) against humanity. We have been ordered to fight against Shaytan and Ŗnafsŗ, our egos. If we are surrendering to them, they are taking us to hells.

And Allah Almighty (was) sending His selected ones from (among) His servants, whom they are Prophets. (They were) taking Lights from (the) divinely Lights that Lights Allah (had) granted to His most beloved, most honoured, most glorified servant Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam. Who (is) running to him, (he is also) taking from that Lights, Divinely Lights, Heavenly Lights.

O people! (This is) something, that (is) coming to me to address to you. It is not only for a handful (of) people, but I am addressing for whole nations. (And it is) through (all) Holy Books; beginning from (the) Holy Pages that (were) granted (to) S.Adam - peace be upon him, then to Idris Nabi, then to Abraham - peace be upon them. Then coming Taura, Taura to S.Musa a.s., and then... coming Holy Book Taura, Old Testament, and (the) Evangelo, (the) Injil, that (it) is (the) New Testament, and just (was) given (the) Psalms (to) Dawud Ŕ Řalayhi salam.

Then, at the end of heavenly messages, (it) just reached to (the) most honoured and glorified servant in (the) Divinely Presence, that Allah Almighty (is) granting to him (on) the Day of Resurrection (the) ŖMaqamu-l Mahmudŗ, (the) highest, highest position, highest station.

Just Allah Almighty (is) making that Station (for) only one through (His) creatures; through all mankind (he is the) chosen one for that highest, highest honoured, highest glorified Station ŖMaqamu-l Mahmudŗ. When (it is) going to be (the) Last Day, Allah Almighty (is) calling: ŖO Muhammad, o My servant, o My most beloved one! That highest station or stage it is for you only, not anyone else! Come and stand up on that highest, highest Station, Maqamu-l Mahmud!Ŗ Salawatu-llahi wa salamuhu alayh!

124.000 Prophets just Allah Almighty (was) sending; beginning from Sayyidina Adam Ŕ peace be upon him Ŕ and (with) the last and highest, (the) most honoured, most glorified Prophet, the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad- sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam -, (it was) finishing... Allah Allah...

He is just honoured by his Lord, but now we are living in a time (where) even Muslims that they are saying: ŖLa ilaha illa-Allah, Muhammad Rasulullah - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam -ŗ, they are looking and saying, if anyone (is) giving (his) most high respect to Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam -, they are refusing (that), saying: ŖNo, (that is shirk)ŗ , saying: ŖNoŗ! (The) honours that (have been) granted from Allah Almighty, all of them, beside that (, which has been) granted to Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam -, (is) going to be as a spot, but those no mind people they are saying that - if we are respecting the Seal of Prophets - we are doing partnership.

No mind people! What (has been) granted (to) the Seal of Prophets... at least he is a man that Allah Almighty created him and granted to him that honour. But so many people from (the) Islamic World (are) quarrelling with Ahlu-l Sunnah, saying, if we are making that high respect: ŖIt is not true, (it is) going to be shirk!ŗ

O no mind people! How (it) can be (that) one (man who has been) created by Allah Almighty (is going) to be His partner? But no mind! They are so ignorant ones; never understanding anything from the Kalimatu Shahada that Allah Almighty (is) ordering people to say, to accept and say: ŖSay: We are witnesses (of) the Oneness and Unity of Allah Almighty (La ilaha ill-Allah) and then (that) just He granted among yourself (to) Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam - (honour) as His most beloved, most honoured and glorified servant (Muhammad Rasulullah).ŗ Allah (Almighty is) saying: ŖHe is My servant!ŗ As much as you can give to him from respect - that respect (is always) on limits. Besides Allah Almightyřs respect to Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam -, (the) whole creation, what they can give (from) respect to Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam -, it is nothing! But those square-head people they (are) never understanding and (they are) saying so many wrong things for Ahlu-l Sunnah wa Jamaat.

But we are on power! We are supported by Heavenly Powers! We are not fearing what they are claiming and saying!

They know that there is (a) Hadith (saying) that: (There) may be a person (whom) you can see in old clothes (and) without shoes and (he has) nothing on his head; only (there) may be one piece of cloth for downstairs and over (his upper body there) may be one (piece of cloth) or not. But if that one (is) asking from Allah Almighty anything, Allah Almighty (is) granting (it to him) just that time! How we are saying about (the) Prophet, the Seal of Prophets - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam - (the) most beloved one that (the) whole (of) creation (was) created (just) for his honour!

Those people, they are thinking that they can do something. They canřt do Řsomethingř, they canřt do anything! They are depending (relying) on their rockets, depending (relying) on their navies or so many bad weapons (that) they did it, they are saying: ŖNo, we are so so powerful! We are... Never mind, what you are saying, we can do anything!ŗ You canřt do anything!

One person Ŕ (such) as (the) Prophet was describing his outlooking, < because you are looking (to) out(ward) dressings, you are not looking (to) the hearts of people. That oneřs clothes (may be) only two pieces of clothes, you are looking (to) that, (but) his Creator (is) looking (to) his heart > - if he (is) saying for dunya: ŖDonřt turn from East to West, (but) come from West to Eastŗ, (it) may come!

I am warning whole people, whom they are trying to bring something against (the) Divinely Laws and Orders! No, you canřt find a way! Any time Allah Almighty may order to (the) Angel of Death, Archangel Azrail: ŖTake all of them! (Take their) souls!ŗ And Archangel Azrail (is) never in need to use weapons or nuclear-heads. What is that nuclear-heads! On their heads - finishing. (He is) making: ŖHuuuuuu...ŗ (and they are) finishing. But they are not believing... and who is not believing, (there is) no way for them here or Hereafter to be saved.

And we are warning everyone that their intent(ion) is no good. No good! They are asking to destroy and to kill millions, ten millions, perhaps billions (of) people with their rockets! I am nothing, but my warning is something! Before they are using that, we may... (Before they are) going to command to fire, to send up that rockets, they should die!

You canřt touch, you canřt kill the children of Adam! Allah Almighty created them; (He is) not giving to you power and authority to kill innocent people with your rockets! Iranians, Israelis, East and West people - we are going to prevent them! Death (will be) reaching (to) them, before they are touching that button!

May Allah forgive us. O people, Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar! Allah Subhana Hu wa tařala, Allah Almighty, no one knows what He is doing, but there is some Divinely Ordersř appearance (tajalli); that appearance, (if it) is just reaching, changing everything on earth!

People they are fearing from rockets, coming from Iran. ŖUhassir raisahum(?)ŗ Donřt touch, donřt do, donřt throw! If (you are) not listening, you are going (to finish), before that rocket (is) reaching you! And donřt think that Heavens (is) without guardians! That guardians, if (they are) making like this... most powerful rockets (are finishing)...

I am warning and I am nothing! I am zero, behind one. (But) if I am coming (in) front of 1, I may do (something), I have power. Now I am zero, on left hand. If (I am coming on the) right hand, we have power! Like... ten worlds like this, in one second may take them away, one zero. If two zeros, making more. If three zeros, making much more. Much more!

You must believe that Allah (is) Qadiru-l mutlaq, muqtadirun Řala-l itlaq (?). Understanding? Arabs! Arabs (are) fighting, (but) not for Allah! Not for Allah! Allah (is) never happy (with) who is not fighting for His honour!

If they are moving by shaytanic orders, heavenly Orders (are) saying: ŖStop! Stop it! Keep (your rockets), or we are reaching to you (from) under your feet or (from) over your heads, (so) you are not knowing, where going your heads from your legs!ŗ I am fearing from Allah! May Allah forgive me.

I am only (a) warner for whole nations: including Russia, including India, including China, including America, including Turkey, including Egypt, Libya, Hijaz - everywhere!

If they are looking through their Holy Books, (they) may understand, what we are saying; if it is true or wrong. Yes; warning (the) Pope, warning Patriarchs, warning Rabbis. Stop killing people! Stop wars! And try to be servants of your Creator! If not, you should be punished!

Common people (are) going to be under shelter, divinely shelter, but the heads (of nations) should be taken (away) in a second!

Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah... Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Allah...

Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah... Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah!


Sohbet-102 Sohbet after Juma, Friday, 30.01.0