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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 32/120)
nd take this paper that it is so easy for carrying. Where I may keep my gold? Bring to us; we have a safe that no one can touch it because just controlled by electricity; if anyone touching may fall down dead. Don’t worry, bring and take one. The people saying, “OK, sir.― Bringing gold and silver, giving to bank and economist people, and taking papers, and then now they are

making, what? Saying, tricks, tricks, and traps!

Now saying, “Oh, we are bankrupt, we have now 700 billion debts. We are bankrupt.― US, may be bankrupt? Yes why not? Why not? Our 700 billion dollars, oh Shaykh, if it is not being billion, trillion finished because it is only written on paper 700 trillion dollars. Where going? On paper! On paper! And now they are crying, crying. We may say, doesn't matter.

Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh. What is that sound? That is sound of wolves coming on sheep flock. Coming, coming, coming and what they are coming, they are coming and crying, crying, they are saying all sheeps just disappeared and now we are so angry ones, what we can do? We can’t eat trees like sheeps, like cows, like asses, like donkeys. Where is our sheeps? Don’t ask sheeps, sheeps passed away. Huh? They must cry, small ones beginning.

What happened? Sheeps went away. What we are going to eat? Eat grass. We are not sheep to eat grass, our custom to eat meat. Our provision, our provision if they are not sheep they are wolves, bears also are even lucky than ourselves because bears may eat also pears and apples and everything may eat, animals also, and they are not asking animals, if it is going to be dead one or living ones. Eating. But they are wolves never eating, we can’t eat dead animals, what happened ourselves, oooh, finished, finished.

(Mawlana singing)

Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm.

(Mawlana speaks very playfully) What is that sound we are hearing? That is sound of dead people, they are taking dead animals to cemetery wah wah wah wah wah wah beginning to cry, they are after those people coming to you, to take you to your cemetery!

rum bom rom bom rom bom

Because our king’s order is, we are taking you to your cemetery because you are so troublemakers we must take you away. And now first Americans wolves crying, secondly French wolves they are laughing. So many times I am giving to you nasiha, advising to you. England saying so many times, Bank of England was saying to you, don’t take gold from you, don’t use paper money. So many times that ever happening, such a thing, even first times of mankind that they are on earth, but you are not listening to me.

Then, then, then, then, I take my pipe (Mawlana puts miswak in his hand, like smoking)

Because I am keeping whole gold, to say, Oh Bank of England. We are not listening to kings of jungles, we are lions. We are not listening. Eat carcass of people. We are very happy when we are eating carcass. Yes sir.

That is history of crisis. Which clever one giving gold and taking paper? Never

thinking what is finally what is coming because the Lord's Heavenly Orders, Heavenly Orders of Heaven. Lord of Heavens ordering, Oh people! If you are doing trading, give gold and buy it, give copper and buy it. Never the Lord of Heavens was happy to be changed gold and silver into paper. That is a warning, Heavenly warning that one day all of you going to die for that wrong way. You can't find anything to buy or to sell by papers.

O people! Come and listen Heavenly Order of the Lord of Heavens. If you like to save yourselves, don't try to do so many conferences and saying what we are doing now? And all of them they have fields of gold but laughing to people and saying, what we are going to do, our paper monies just finishing. What we can do, Oh people? Oh people! What is your opinion, sir, for saving people? Oh Your Excellency, knowing that we are thinking on it since crisis beginning ,yes sir, but crisis was beginning at the beginning of this century when you changed gold into paper monies.

Yes sir, but to do everything according to our ideas, new ideas, because we were thinking to build a new life system on earth, therefore useless. But I am sorry to say it is like a sila, gun, not going forward, coming back as we now knowing nothing to do to save ourselves. Oh our brother, don’t say that we don’t know, we are knowing so many things, but if we are doing that…new economical system, yes sir.

(Sound cuts out)

Don’t worry sir, our cases full with gold and give to people so many promising that, Oh people! don’t worry after two months we are giving to you what you lost 10 times more. All of you agree? Yes sir, we want 20 times more, no sir we can give our people 100 times more. Yes sir, yes sir. All of you agree? Yes sir. We find it that after 100 years we are giving to people 1000 times, don’t say 1000 times. Too much. Doesn’t matter, we are only writing, even you can write this. After 100 you are coming and saying where is 1000 times more? Huh? Who is living in that time? We are in cemetery and they are also in another cemetery.

That is true, hip hip hurray, hip hip hurray, hip hip hurray! Salute to all of you, finished. He he he.

What we are saying today? I forget, because I am not preparing something but I am only transmitting. Therefore, what coming I must say. It is like theater. Two theatres. One theatre there is like drumming a person he said he is lucky, another saying crying. Therefore, we are under Heavenly control nowm as they are saying, I must say. Because I am blaming whole nations, for what? Oh Shaykh, for not sending me even paper money to make advertisement for their paper money. If not sending, I am making X on their big oak tree.

May Allah forgive us and send us a Holy One to correct everything, because everything now through the life of mankind on wrong way. The Lord never happy with their ways and He is going to punish them, then to send someone, Holy One from Heavens, to correct every wrong thing.

O people! Think on it. Think on it. This world… (adhan is called)

It is okay? Happy or not? Hearing and happy. (Sultan is singing) Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm.

O people! Come and listen to me. I am with you listening. The Holy Ones of Heavens coming for you. Such Holy Ones that they should guide you to the ways of Paradises. If not, whole responsibility should be on your shoulders, should be, and nothing can save you from your wrong steps. You may cry here, and through cemetery and the second world that the Lord of Heavens calling you for your judgment. May Allah forgive us.

Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm.

“Dumm― means continue on to true way, you should be happy. Be true ones (and) you should be saved here and Hereafter. Ameen. Fatiha. La illaha illAllah, tawbah ya Rabbi, tawbah astaghfirullah, tawbah astaghfirullah! Fatiha.

Wa min Allah at Tawfiq Sohbet-82 Transcript


Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani Sultanul Awliya Tuesday, Aug 04, 2009 | Lefke CY

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahim

And so ignorant ones to make Rasulallah (s) respect and asking to make the Seal of Prophets like themselves but they are black stones, and Rasul salawatullah wasalam `alayk Sayyidina Muhammad (s), you are yaqootun, diamond. No one can know your honour, your endless honour your Lord granted to you that nafsee fida (myself be a sacrifice for you).

Our souls just under your Holy feet; that is the honor for us for every creature to be a dust under your Holy feet.

"O Seal of Prophets! O most beloved one, most glorified one in Divinely Presence that Allah Almighty saying Nabi Musa, Sayyidina Musa "Fakhla n`alaik!" when he was arriving in the valley of Muqaddas Tuwa the Lord’s command, fakh la`nayk fa innaka bil waddee al-muqaddasi toowa!

This Allah jala Jalaluhu saying to Sayyidina Musa Alayhissalam take your shoes away and come!

What is it of value dunya of that place yes it is value because Lord of Heavens, Lord of creation endless Greatness, endless Glory, endless Majesty asking to speak to him and saying take your shoes I am addressing to you take your most respect for Me or your level should come My most beloved one the Night of Journey you should welcome him on Bait ul-Maqdis and he is coming out.

I am not saying to him ‘O Ya Muhammad take your shoes away, no! Until he reached, no any one reached to that level and Dhul `Arsh. He is Malik, He is Sultan, Sultan of Holy Throne no one, no any other creation maybe much more honoured like honoured `Arsh - Holy Throne. And the Lord’s Divinely Command, Divinely addressing coming to His most beloved, most honoured, most glorified, most majestic one that representing the Lord of Heavens. The Lord of Heavens addressing, o My most beloved one! Put your feet on Holy Throne to be honoured by stepping on it!

Where is those Shayateen, Wahabi’een that they are not giving real honour or running to understand who he is? Allah sending them someone to bring them on the line of good manners. Astagfirullah. Dastoor ya Sayyidee, ya Rasul Allah And on Arsh hu huu huuu huu huu huuu huuuu huuuu huuu huuuu huuu huuu huuu huuu huuuuu huuuu

"O My most beloved one. O My most respected one. O My most majestic one through my creation come to Me, come to Me and listen to Me. Huu huuu huuuu huuuu

All of creation saluted you the highest respect despite Wahabi people, Salafi people and those nations they are claiming they are Christians and they are not real Christians because Jesus Christ taking honour from that honored one. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar

(Mawlana singing)

Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm,…Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm,…Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm,…

Arch Angel Gabriel, Arch Angel Israfil, Arch Angel Mikhail, Arch Angel Isra’il and whole angels they are singing the Holy singing that they never sung it before and some singing after.

Ya Sayyidee, ya Rasulallah, Ya Sayyidee, ya Rasulallah

Yet Christian world people reciting Old Testament and New Testament but they are blind ones yet they are not looking and seeing that ones that unknown one, only he is known in Divinely Presence. His real position and condition no anyone else may understand no! Because the Seal of Prophets, most beloved one, most beloved one, that representing the Absolute One from pre-eternal up to Eternal,

up to Eternity.

O those people whom they have been granted Holy books and Holiness of that books only for the Holiness of that one that granted by his Lord Almighty Allah.

Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah

Don’t say Dios, don’t say Theo, don’t say God but you must say “O our Lord!―

Ya Allah, AntAllah, Ya Allah, AntAllah La illaha il Allah, La illaha ilAllah AntAllah, AntAllah

O our Lord! Lord of whole creation from pre-eternal world up to last Eternal.

O people! Come and listen. O people! Leave to be drunk but try to listen, try to understand what Holy Books taking their holiness. For what they are Holy ones, for the honour for whom Holy Books going to be Holy Books? How they are Prophets how that Holy ones taking that honour from pre-eternal up to Eternal?

Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah

O subhan Allah! We are running to our Lord from Shaytans and its followers. Shaytan thinking that it has so power. On its power I am urinating - Shaytan's power that it claiming "I am powerful," I am urinating on Shaytan! Who believing in Shaytan on them also coming, and should be clean this world.

I am nothing but sometimes nothing may do something and something enough for cleaning this world from Shaytan and Shaytanic ways, Shaytanic ideas. I am that one that I am going to strike on his head to make that one and who is following that one. And I am so weak one. I am weak one. I am not saying I am powerful one and because I am ashaming to ask more than I have been granted. I am weakest one. I am ashaming to say that someone he is much more power astagfirullah. I am asking forgiveness to use any power belonging to Heavens for defeating dirty Shaytan and its followers.

Time is over and zero now coming command to move from left hand towards right hand. We are not fearing from Shaytan’s traps or tricks. Now it must know that weakest servant using his weakest power to put Shaytan, not only Shaytan but its followers in one trap only and one weakest coming and urinating on them, on that trap.


La ilaha illa-Llah, La ilaha illa-Llah

Most from everything that making angry Shaytan and its followers Adhan. Shaytan

was trying to be called its name every time on earth and it was ordering to its followers you must do as believers do for Sayyid al-awaleen wal akhireen Sayyidina Muhammad (s). As Muslim believers making last point of their respect and honouring, giving majesty to Muhammad (s).

(Shaytan saying: )

I was asking from my followers at least you are following me make every day five times to be called my name also. That is making me to be melt every time I am hearing Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Ashadu an la ilaha illa-Llah ashadu ana Muhammadan Rasuluh and his nation standing up and giving their salutes and most high respect I am melting. I did everything for my followers but only on that point I am not happy with my followers because they are not trying to make my name five times, leave five times, only once I was so happy. Once and you are following me fully O western people and western life lovers from eastern people from Muslim countries.

I understand European western life people I am understanding that fully they are following me and it is okay and I am so angry every time when the followers of that one, who is that one, say his name Muhammadun basharun wa laysakal bashari

Huwa yaqootatan wan-naasu ka’l-hajari Muhammad is a man but not like any man,

Muhammad is a diamond and all other mankind are pebbles.

That making me to be melt. I understanding western people they are not following him and I am angry with them also that even once they are ringing every time dumm, dumm, dom…

Therefore I am not ordering to you I never said to you to make that ringing dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, I never said to you. Where is my name? Look at followers of that one, his name even if disobedient of Holy orders, but five times saying Muhammadun Rasul Allah (s) Ashadu an la ilaha ill-Llah wa ashadu ana Muhammadan Rasuluh

That making me to be melt every time I am hearing Adhan, melting, melting, melting and I am finishing and I am so angry with my real followers through western countries, through most improved people, most civilized, my followers not saying my name even once. Also I left them even weekly they are not making my name up, weekly they are coming to cathedrals and church but the are saying dong dong dong dong…

Leave that dong dong, say my name that I am chosen one to take you to Hell. Why you are not saying my name? Look Muslims even I make them to like the western life of people, they are so ghafil heedless people now but yet they are calling that one’s Holy name. I am, I was trying not to say but from Heavenly one making my tongue to say Holy one. You are saying Sayyidina Muhammad (s), I never like to speak his name but when I am asking to say his name they are making me to say that Holy one. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar

I meet eastern people eastern countries that belongs to western countries they

are very, very, very interested to be like my western followers, I did it, but they never leaving that they are saying Adhan and making that one’s name up. That making me every time to be melt like lead to melt my heart.

You are following me and you are saying 100% we are followers you, why not saying even once a day, leave once a day, through one week, why not you are saying that for my name to be up my name? Look Muslims they are following you I just made them to follow you but even now they are saying when that one’s Holy name, huh, huh Holy name, what is Holy name, (saying Shaytan), I don’t know how I am saying Holy one? I can’t be able to say “that one― but I may say Holy one. If you are understanding, you may understand what I mean to say.

O people! That one is Holy one. Say this to Wahabi followers they should be very angry because they are giving a respect to that one even they are not saying Holy but I am saying for that one, Holy one. Therefore, their ranks coming under my rank, Wahabis ranks. May Allah forgives us, Ya Shaykh. Is it enough? This is something not prepared before but it is something that most weakest servant’s heart, it was enough to declare that declaration even from now up to next week, up to next month, up to next year, up to end of the world, up to Eternity!

Allahu Akbar wa lillahi ’l-hamd

dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm,

(Singing in Turkish)

dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm,

Who leaving that Holy one’s way and asking new ways to save mankind you can’t do. Come to Holy Shariah you should be saved or not your way going to Hells, Hells, Hells, Hells. Fatiha.

Wa min Allah at Tawfiq

Sohbet-83 Neither Space Nor Time can Contain Allah Subhanahu wa Ta`ala Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani Sultanul Awliya Thursday, Jul 23, 2009 | Lefke CY

Dastoor ya Rijaal Allah, madad Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah, Sultan Allah, Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah, Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah Ashadu an la ilaha ill-Llah wa ashadu ana Sayyidina Muhammadin `abduhu wa habeebuhu wa Rasuluh

We are weak servants, we are nothing. O our Lord, give us something for understanding, give us to learn. Help send from Your Heavenly support. Help.

Help us. We are on this planet helpless o the Lord of creation.

We are asking for the honour most honoured in Your Divinely Presence Sayiddina Muhammad (peace be upon him) that You honored him, You glorified him andhis being is majestic. He is carrying from Your endless Majestic Oceans only as an atom no more. Whole Majesty for You o our Lord nothing else in existence.

You are the Creator You are Giving, Kareem, Generous, You are Ever Generous.No limits, no limits for Your generosity, no limits for Your Greatness, no limits for Your Majestic Essence. Allahu Akbar You are Akbar. O our Lord send us for the honour of Your most generous creature that You created from pre-eternal up to eternal for honour of that one send us one to help us that one You know him.

Welcome for our listeners. All of us creatures all of us member of mankind that he is created by Eternal Creator and He Almighty He Who is Majestic, Majestic being only for Him and His Majesty can’t be known where end but may appear as an appearance through smallest creation that we are knowing and that is atoms. His Majestic Being just may be seen through one atom.

An atom 's history or atom’s history no one can be able to surround its limits or to reach an atom’s last limits, that atom carrying and standing up tomake to be witness for its Creator and for its Creator’s Majestic Being every atom is standing up and saying You only o our Lord. You are Creator Your Majesty endless o our Lord that is the meaning of tasbeeh glorifying His Majesty and declaring His Majestic Being. That is a very very simple description of tasbeeh to give Majestic declaration of His Divinely Being. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. Everything calling us to believe in Him. Dumm dumm dumm.

Every atom calling us to believe in Him to believe in His Majestic Being and His Almighty Essence calling us to say Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah. Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah. If leaving Allah Almighty one atom to make its witnessing for the Majestic Being of an Almighty Being of the Lord of Creation this world going to come to be like this.

Only one light Shaykh through whole year Shaykh Hisham through whole year only one opportunity just granted to one atom for declaration. Its declaration for its Creator so that that is only once happening through whole year the Night of Power. The Night of Power it is a good name to be Night of Power. The Lord of creation asking to show something that it is going to be an appearance on an one atom’s creation asking to make whole creation to see some sight about that witnessing to our Lord’s Glorious Being that going to appear through smallest part of creation, atom that is.

Therefore it is a good understanding to say for Laylat-ul Qadr, the Night of Power. The Night of Power means to appear to come in sight, to come in sight of someones for creatures about His power. Power of night, night power, Night of Power more than this can’t carry creation only to disappearing instantly. Therefore, only on one atom that we are knowing it is smallest part of creatures in creation that Divinely appearance ordering for that smallest piece of creation look and be thaabit, firm, be firm coming Divinely appearance onyou.

Coming on that that we can’t make it two parts only one part. Look coming Divinely appearance on you now to show whole creation about His Majestic Being.

The Night of Power now and that one when coming you can’t find in exist to stand all of them falling on sajda that no more can’t carry.

Even Shaykh Hisham even maybe like this creation billions and billions, trillions and trillions, or quadrillions times big but can’t carry more than this appearance on that point that it is a smallest part of creation. Can’t carry more than this whole creation just disappearing and getting in endless Eternal Oceans of the Lord of creation Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar.

O people! We are wasting our precious times. We are losing our chance for understanding such a things. And we are occupying ourselves with nonsense; no valuable things and we are losing our chance to knowing about such Heavenly understandings. We may be so no hope, no hope, hopeless, hopeless. No more chance should be granted for this creation to come back and to understand passed away finished, that passing never coming back. Everything in Divinely appearance getting only once no more to be a second just changing thatfinished.

O people! We have been granted and we are so lucky ones that the Lord of Heavens bringing ourselves from nothing to something. We are coming from nothing and appearing as something.

Both of them nothing but Divinely appearance from pre-eternal up to Eternal and we are speaking on something making our understandings to tremble because the Lord of Heavens for His endless Majesty or Mighty Majesty for the Lord of Heavens it is.

We are speaking on a point that it is impossible to imagine taking ourselves out of our imaginations also. Therefore, mankind that he is representing Allah Almighty’s Majesty in the size of sizeless Being.

He is Almighty. (Something in Arabic) Impossible to surround the Creator’s Majestic Being, space and (Something in Arabic) imagine the space of His Majestic Being. No time for His existence and no any no any seat or no anything from makaan, seat surrounding Him never.

He is never in need to be a seat for Him or to be asked how many billions years for His existence no. Zamaan wa makaan, time and space impossible, impossible. Therefore, we are speaking on a point that to bring to people a meaning from tasbeeh glorifying Him or tasbeeh that means to declare His most Majestic, Most Mighty Majestic Being.

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar (Adhan being called)

We are luckiest ones through creatures as well as we are so unlucky ones our among creatures because we have been granted such a marifat, Divinely knowledge and we are not taking care as well as we are such a creatures that we are not giving our whole being for understanding for the Lord of creation through one atom and less and less and less.

We are speaking now, they are making me to address people according to their pride that they are knowing. To make their knowledge under zero. From zero there is also under zero so that they can’t be able to be their heads up. They are knowing nothing. No one can object on this point from beginning up to

end. Powerful opening coming to take away as a river coming and everything finding on it life carrying it away. And coming… Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar… Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar…

La ilaha il-Llah, La ilaha ill-Llah. Allah jalla Jalaaluhu jalal… No any explanation for that point. jala Jalaaluhu…

The meaning of jala Jalaaluhu, what is the meaning of Jalal can’t be knowing from pre-eternal up to Eternal. And we are knowing nothing, only nothing from beginning up to Eternal. But Allah Almighty He is happy with us what we are knowing. Therefore, when a person his soul leaving his temporary body, and getting free he is going to be asked what you learned? What you learned? And the laws of that what you learned endlessly, countless levels from pre-eternal up to Eternal endlessly running that levels, never ending, never ending.

O people! Dum dum for you, dum dum dum dum Come and believe into your Creator Almighty Allah, (singing) dumm dumm dumm For Allah Almighty’s Sultanate, Majesty O Shaykh Hisham Effendi, so brilliant, so Majestic.

Therefore, reaching to me some knowledge from Holy Knowledge of Heavens that greatest creature that is Divinely Throne, `Arshullah in every moment, not moment, less, less, less, less, that is dressing 70 thousand of colours from light, it is so weak word. So weak word. Tajalli, manifestation and appearance dressing Holy Throne of the Lord of Heavens through every smallest part of time just dressing 70,000 new colors with new appearances. Don’t think that what we are saying it is in a darkness knowledge, no no. The appearance only coming on Holy Throne of the Lord of Heavens on every smallest part of time just dressing 70000 different colours of light! Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar.

Magnificent and Majestic! O people! Come and listen. O people! Dumm dumm to you come and listen to me, come and enjoy with me, it is for you forever. Come and believe and follow me you should reach some limits and they are unlimited limits! Fatiha!

[Shaykh Hisham says, Allah gives you more Sayyidee] Fatiha

Therefore, I am so happy O people, I shave my head! Ha ha ha and I am very happy! And I am asking to be put on my head such an honour crown for new understanding, ameen!

[Shaykh Hisham says, Mawlana on the Internet there is one lady that she asked, you know her, Gulshen her name is, she is asking permission to translate this into Turkish, she is already translating this into Turkish, I said no problem…]

May Allah gives her such an authority to make a translation, I don’t know. I don’t know even myself I may say that I am so weak to make a translation of this into Turkish because Turkish less than anything for giving a meaning such a Majestic declarations.

If you are using the words that it is artificial… Ayna Musa, ayna `Isa, ayna nuh, anta ya Siddiq `aasee, tub il al-mawla al-jaleel. Anbiya, whole Prophets they are trembling to enter such a channels of ma`rifat, Heavenly Knowledge, trembling.

Ayna Musa, ayna `Isa, ayna nuh, anta ya Siddiq `aasee, tub il al-mawla al-jaleel. Allahu Akbar

Anbiya whole big Prophets they are getting to be in front such a knowledge saying “we know nothing, understanding nothing…―

O Siddiq! How you are claiming that you are understanding…? Ask forgiveness from the Lord of Heavens, Allahu Akbar. Fatiha.

Wa min Allah at Tawfiq

Sohbet-84 Oh Idiot Scientists, Answer this Simple Question if You Can Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani Sultanul Awliya Thursday, Jul 30, 2009 | Lefke CY

A`udhu billah min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem.Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem La hawla wa la quwatta illa Billahi-`aliyyi’l-`adheem

Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah

You are Sultan, "O our Lord! You are our Creator. O people give your most high respect to our Lord’s most honored and most glorified servant Sayyidina Muhammad (s), peace be upon him. Allahuma salli wa sallim wa baarik `alayh.

Dastoor ya Rijaal Allah, madad O holy ones!

For the honor of the Seal of Prophets give us support from your holy powers. If no holy powers you cannot see anything in existence. Shaykh Adnan, come and sit here. Must be holy powers keeping this earth and others (amana wa sadaqna). Do you think there is only one earth? One planet for the Lord of creation all things that belong to Allah are continuously, never ending, continuously without beginning or ending (amana wa sadaqna) and our haz luck, we are lucky that we have been granted to be in existence. (amana wa sadaqna)

No one can give an existence to himself, even Prophets, even holy ones, even planets, even our solar system. Do you think that the solar system can give an

existence to itself to be in existence? What is that foolishness of living people now that they are looking with empty eyes, for everything. They are using only a material looking. No more.

Once Shaykh Adnan, we were walking, through Dimashc, Damascus streets, I was walking with my Grandshaykh and we were passing through shops. I saw that my Grandshaykh who he is representing highest spiritual power now on earth (amana wa sadaqna) on behalf of Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad (s) he was standing and looking, (vitrine, show windows, display window) display window, it was a shop and some materials in it, one moment, less than one moment, he was looking and pa