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MERCY OCEANS, Book 09 (Rise of Mahdi, 21 suhbat, 316 pages, 10/15)
om skies. Ma- shaAllah! For this reason you will meet Shah-e Mardan in the assembly of those who are em- powered, are people who have power.
- What power carries our body for so many years? It is our spirit.
- May Allah increase the light in our faces. We want Allah to increase, so we'll be filled with light. People who see they say mashallah this is someone with light.
- The more you prostrate, the more you are dressed with light.
- This world is also loaded with spirituality. Who can give the best shape to objects, who can give the most beautiful shape?
- There's no imperfection in a globe or a circle.

- Run to the most beautiful. The most beautiful creation is human being. Know you are a human and know your Creator.
- The highest respect to our Creator is sajda. Ja- nabul Haqq says the closest maqam to Me is when My servant makes sajda for Me.
- Make sajda for Me. You may find Me. You'll see. Bend to ruku so I will lift the burdens off you. How beautiful! Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim.
- Say! Know the beauty and greatness in you. Shaytan is ugly, calls to his ugly way.
- Say Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim, he won't come close to you. Say Allahu Akbar! You'll find honor. Say, Ya Sayyidi Ya Rasulullah, intercede for us. Light descends on your face. Prosperity des- cends on your body.
- When we sit somewhere tell Shah-e Mardan's stories; stories of both him and those who are on his way. You'll find relief, make your day, your honor increase. Blessings increase, your home, your country may be in safety. May you defeat Shaytan.
- Oh Arabs you also think. You've gone too far, too far. You crossed the line but there's a stick in heavens for each one of you. We only tell, if you don't listen something may happen to you. The stick is coming. That stick won't listen - I'm a king, I'm Malik, I'm Amir. It will hit those, who leave the road
- I have permission from Shah-e Mardan. I will destroy Shaytan's sultanate. We'll show those who worship Shaytan inshaAllah


Allah Has Promised

Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani An- Naqshbandi, Sohbat of the 26th of March, 2013.

Thanks to our Lord, Salams to our Holy Prophet. Salams to the Awliyullah. Asbahna wa asbahal mulku lillah. We reached the morning in the kingdom of Allah Almighty. kingdom belongs to Allah. We reached the morning in it, we have been ho- noured. We are in the kingdom of Allah Almighty Mali- ku l-Mulk; The owner of the kingdom is Allah. Know your situation. As salamu alaikum. Ayyuhal Yaran, Mar- haba. Ay Yaran Sahibul Maydan Shah-e Mardan.Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Say Allahu Akbar. Praise our Lord.
Subhan Allah Walhamdulillah Wa la ilaha illAllah, waL- lahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa lillahi l-hamd.

What a beauty, beautiful beginning. In the palaces of kings and Sultans the trumpeters were blowing their trumpets for the coming morning. This was the tradi- tion of palaces. In the palaces of Sultans the first cere- mony in the morning, the Ottoman army band (Mehteran) were praising Allah saying Allahu Akbar.

Mehteran, calling Allahu Akbar. Glory is for Allah who is the Owner of earth and heavans, our Lord. This de- lightful and honourable status is a gift from Allah Al- mighty. Call Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, our army is forever victorious. O! glorious soldiers, our army is al- ways victorious. Why? Because they say Allah! The ones who are calling Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala), Allah won't let them down. Allah won’t let them be in misery. Say in the morning, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. Our army is forever victorious. Allahu Akbar, Masha'Allah. This is Gulbanki Muhammedi. Gulbanki Muhammedi.

Ya Rabbi, destur. Ya Sahibu l-Imdad. Give us strength, this is the morning greeting ceremony. From the palace of the Sultan of Islam, Gulbanki Muhammedi (Mehte- ran)is called. Mehter is playing, soldiers are calling Al- lahu Akbar, the earth and sky trembling. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar, our army is forever victorious. Learn, know the way. May Allah (jalla jalaluhu) dress you with majesty. Oh! Allah may send us blessings. Welcome, O Yaran! Sahib Devran Shah-e Mardan assembly. Look for such an assembly.

Lets say, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Bismillahir Rah- manir Rahim. Begin with the Name of Allah Who is the Owner of the earth and heavens. Begin with His Name, teach all to begin with His Name. Let the earth know that over it there is the deputy of Allah Almighty -the human being. Say Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Let our army be forever victorious. They forgot. They have an army band. They play harmonica, what is the value? Shaytan's instrument. No value. Subhan Allah. People nowadays can't tell the difference between stone and diamond.

Marhaban. Ay Yaran. Shah-e Mardan. He is the Shah of Lions; Shah-e Mardan. Say Marhaba to him. Then the Marhaba comes back to us, opening our hearts to com- fort. May Allah dress us with His Greatness so that when unbelievers see us they tremble with fear. May the weapons in their hands misfire! Say Bismillahir Rahma- nir Rahim! Oh people! say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. O man, say Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim. If you forget, you will be forgotten. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. May our army be victorious. What a beautiful beginning, what a strong base. Janabu l-Haqq dresses them with the robes of majesty. When nations hear Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim, they fear. What is all of Frangistan (Europe/West) afraid of? That the Muslims once again say: Allahu Akbar. They made the Muslims forget to say Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim, and the Takbir Muhamma- di. Let us make them forget it, because there is no other way to control them. Their soldiers used to tremble and run from the sound of the Takbir. Because when we would call the Takbir. O look the secret! O because when we would call the Takbir, the honourable Angels of heavens also would make Takbir. And the Takbir of heavens would throw fear into the hearts of the unbe- lievers.

They would get confused and ask: what can be done? Our money is finished. Ya‚ how can your money finish? Eh, it is finished and we are left like this. You are left like this because you are unbelievers. In Islam there is no paper (money). The measure of value in Islam is gold and silver. Everything apart from this is toys. And so we see the whole world like this today: All of them are bankrupt. Listen, ey Yaran, what Shah-e Mardan says, Marhaban! Be at ease, don't be afraid. From unknown places gold will come to you. And silver will come, too.

When you are with Allah, Allah does not let us to be deprived of anything. He does not leave us hungry or dishonoured. Then you will make the world tremble. Unfortunately the Islamic world has forgotten the Tak- bir. Make Takbir! And you will make earthquakes in dunya. No! From here and there the latest fashion wea- pons are coming to us! They have no value.

O Islamic world, your strength is not with the weapons which unbelievers give to you. O Muslims, don't look to the weapon in your hand, but to the robe of majesty that Allah Dhul Jalal grants you. Once you have been dressed in this robe of heybet (majesty), the whole of world will experience an ”earthquake”.

Ya, a new Pope has come. He is thinking now: There is movement in the Islamic world. We shouldn't under estimate them. They are not few, there are three billion Muslims in the world. Their faith is firm like steel. They say La ilaha illaLlah. We tremble when they say La ilaha illaLlah. We use these bells to make the sound of their Takbir not heard. We ring our bells, the Islamic World makes Gulbanki Muhammadi. They ring bells when they rise in the morning. Making Takbir is not like ringing the bells! That is why there is confusion in their hearts and fear comes. If ever these Muslims happen to return back to themselves, their ways, they will sweep us all! Ring the bells! May the Takbir of the Muslims not be heard. Muslims say Takbir and the Muslim soldiers say: Allahu Akbar. Muslim soldiers say: Allahu Akbar. Are you making your soldiers say Allahu Akbar?

O Islamic states! Are you letting your soldiers call the Takbir in the morning? No, you aren't. You have no val- ue, no value at all. Make Gulbanki Muhammedi. Say Al- lahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar, our army is forever

victorious! Allahu Akbar. Mehter is calling! Raise the Ottoman flag, let its majesty be seen! May the strength of our ancestors be seen. You threw them away, now you are fighting each other! And you kill one another. Islam has not ordered this. Islam orders to revive! It does not say to kill people! Make people live. Teach people their humanity. Do not kill! Do not kill, don't oppress. Allah says, I have forbidden oppression to My- self! (I made it Haram to Myself) I have made Dhulm Haram for Myself. Fala tadhalamu, don't be cruel to one another. I Myself will come against the oppressors.

Allahu Akbar. Ay Shah-e Mardan Masha'Allah. Say Sub- han Allah, Inna Fatahna Laka Fathan Mubina (48:1). Raise the Islamic Flag, O Muslim states! Every one of you has made an artificial flag for your country! That has no meaning, makes no sense. Say: Inna Fatahna La- ka Fathan Mubina. (48:1) So that the Angels will come to you for help! Ya, no, you say: We have money, and, Europe will give us weapons. America will give us can- nons. Do not trust them! Be firm/straight, Shah-e Mar- dan, Shah-e Mardan, may Allah sanctify his secret, the Lion of Allah, is not happy with what you are doing. O Muslims if he draws Dhul Fiqar (his sword) he will first cut the heads of those who have brought the Muslims to this state. I don't know what will happen this coming Rajab.

Hajjaj al -Dhalim said in his first Khutba to the people of Basra. I am seeing ready the heads that are to be col- lected. I have come here for that, he said. Get ready the heads to be collected. Not only millions, but billions of them. Do not sleep! If Shah-e Mardan draws his sword no one in dunya will remain who is against Islam. He will sweep them all! You will see how is the Lion of Al- lah! Who are you, who are your soldiers! Just do what

you are doing! In Europe they didn’t like the Sultans, they deceived our foolish ones into removing the Sul- tans! And they removed the Sultan! Misery came to countries that remove their Sultan! Libya, Egypt, Hijaz, Turkey, Balkans, Caucasus, Iran are all in this situation. They are Saifu l-Maslul min Sufulillah. Sultans are the drawn swords of Allah! Dhillullahi Fil Ard. Sultan dhillul- lah fil ard; the Sultan is the drawn sword of Allah on earth. You removed your kings, Shaytans are on your heads. You came into such a situation that you cannot get out of it, neither with war nor with peace.

Ya, O Shah-e Mardan, O Sultan of the Meydan(arena) send us help! Send us the Sultan! Those who don't want the Sultan, may not reach to Ramadan. May it not be known where they will be buried! May Allah finish their idols. Here Islam is coming! So the old and new Pope are thinking: What are we going to do? I cannot control them, so I quit. If there is anything you can do, do it, said the old Pope. We cannot make them (Islam) sleep any more. This is what the old Pope is saying to the new one. Our actions don't make them sleep, but rather wakes the sleeping Islamic World. I couldn’t do any- thing. Do what you can do, said the old Pope. And the new one said, what shall I do? I am not saying that I can do what you couldn’t do. They gave me a title, I have got nothing else! I can neither say I have help from hea- vens nor can I influence people on earth. I remained like you and I see that after you there is nothing I can do. The one that preceded me knew it, he quit. You left and I will also leave, he may say. Maybe the new Pope changes and Prophet Isa ('alayhi salam) will come down.

O Shah-e Mardan, may your signs be seen. Rajabun ajaibun, Rajab is coming after one month. The Prophet

(sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam) said Rajabun ajai- bun. In Rajab there will be strange happenings. For those on the side of Haqq, there will be honour. For those who don't keep the side of Haqq they will be ashamed. Sweeping away. Say Bismillahir Rahmanir Ra- him. Ay Yaran, lovers of the Sahibu l-Maydan, ay Yaran. The Sultan, Shah-e Mardan! Say and teach the truth! If not, your head will also roll‚you will be finished! There will be no harm for Muslims! Know this! The others will all be sent to the other side‚ like rubbish, not seeing the heaven.

Say Allah. Dont fear! Say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Allah(jalla jalaluhu) is with us! If you don't say Allah, Shaytan will be with you. And Shaytan will curse you with oppression. Aman, Ya Rabbi. Tawba Ya Rabbi, Tawba, Astaghfirullah. Do not leave us to our bad ego. Let the good news our Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa aa- lihi wa sallam) said, happen. Astaizubillah, Wa`ada Al- lahu l-Ladhina 'Amanu Minkum Wa 'Amilu s-Salihati Layastakhlifannahum Fi l-'Ardi Kama Astakhlafa Lladhi- na Min Qablihim Wa Layumakkinanna Lahum Dinahu- mu Lladhi Artada Lahum (24:55) This is a holy verse that all of them know. Holy verse, Allah is promising. Wa'ada Llahu Lladhina 'Amanu Minkum Wa 'Amilu s- Salihati La Yastakhlifannahum Fi l-'Ardi Kama Astakhla- fa Lladhina Min Qablihim. Power is coming to Islam!

O scholars, this is a holy verse! Have you not read it? Wa'ada Llahu Lladhina 'Amanu Minkum Wa 'Amilu s- Salihati - Allah is promising. La Yastakhlifannahum Fi l- 'Ardi Kama stakhlafa lladhina Min Qablihim. Wa La yu- makkinanna Lahum Dinahumu lladhi Artada Lahum Wa La yubaddilannahum Min Ba'di Khawfihim 'Amnan Ya'budunani La Yushrikuna Bi Shay'an Sadaq'Allahul azim. Subhan Allahil aliyyil azim. Fatiha.

Your weak servant, forgive me my Lord! May we also see those days of wadullahi. Allah is promising the superior- ity of Islam, to finish unbelief. The holy verse says, we have no fear! Believe and be safe! This is what Shah-e Mardan is saying today. This is our sohbet today. Ay Yaran, let us stop here, not go deeper! May Allah give you light; light on your face and joy in your hearts. May you not complain of anything. Keep the way of Shah-e Mardan. Let's say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Ya Rab- bi, You know best. We are weak. Send us Sahib, the Sul- tan. Fatiha.

Chapter Summary
- The ones who are calling Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala), Allah won't let them down. Allah won’t let them be in misery.
- May Allah dress us with His Greatness so that
when unbelievers see us they tremble with fear. May the weapons in their hands misfire!
- If you forget, you will be forgotten.
- When nations hear Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim, they fear. What is all of Frangistan (Eu- rope/West) afraid of? That the Muslims once again say: Allahu Akbar. They made the Muslims forget to say Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim, and the Takbir Muhammadi. Let us make them for- get it, because there is no other way to control them.
- In Islam there is no paper (money). The measure of value in Islam is gold and silver. Everything apart from this is toys. And so we see the whole world like this today: All of them are bankrupt. Listen, ey Yaran, what Shah-e Mardan says, Marhaban! Be at ease, don't be afraid. From un- known places gold will come to you. And silver will come, too.
- Islamic states! Are you letting your soldiers call the Takbir in the morning? No, you aren't. You have no value, no value at all.
- Say: Inna Fatahna Laka Fathan Mubina (48:1) So that the Angels will come to you for help! Ya, no, you say: We have money, and, Europe will give us weapons. America will give us cannons. Do not trust them!


In Heavens is Your Provision

Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani An- Naqshbandi, Sohbat of the 27th of March, 2013.

Marhaba, Ey Yaran Shahu Marhaba ey Yaran Shah-e Mardan Marhaba. As salamu alaikum, O those who want to keep the way of Shah-e Mardan, the believers, who love him. Marha-
ba, may divine peace be upon you. We have entered a new day. Shukr/thanks to our Lord Janaballah, Shukr to Him that we are not bound to bed. We are in this Der- gah, Tekke, which for Muslim people used to be a room to sit down and be friendly with each other after com- ing out of the mosque. There used to be a room where people sat in rows and greeted each other. Marhaba, they used to say Marhaba. Yawmu jadid, this is a new day. A new Tajalli is coming. The old is constantly changing. Let us say: Ey Yaran Shah-e Mardan, As sala- mu alaikum, may peace be upon you, wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. May Allah’s Mercy and Blessings be upon you. Let us say and blow on ourselves: Bismillahir

Rahmanir Rahim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Bismil- lahi lladhi la Yadurru ma'a Ismihi shay'un fi l-ardi wa la fi s-sama'i wa Huwa s-Sami'u l- 'Alim. And whatever wor- ries you have, will leave you.

So do not sleep at the time of the morning prayer. Get up and look for the Irfan Majlis, the assembly of seekers of divine knowledge. Even if you are only three people, sit and say: Marhaba, Ay Shah-e Mardan. Marhaba ey Shahi Mardan, Marhaba. How nice it is, but they re- moved‚ Marhaba. The day was born and the evening came and they spent it with useless talk. They went far from spirituality. The twenty-first century according to them. Allah knows which century it really is. These people have been stripped of spirituality, remain as if naked. Pity. Spirituality is the support of the physical being. Without spirituality the physical being is like a strange creature without bones. Without bones we can- not stand up. And a being without spirituality is like a creature without bones. How shall I say? Like a slug. They call it slug because it has no bones. Even an ant has some kind of bone structure according to its crea- tion so that it can walk and run about. It has a head, eyes, tongue, hands and feet. It knows where to go. It goes and finds its provision that is appointed for it from heavens.

You see that ant go by with a straw in its mouth. This is its provision and it is happy with it and says: Let us glo- rify Allah, our Mawla who is giving us our provision. Subhan Ya Rabbi. "You gave me my provision" the ant says. Any grains it carries to its home. Whatever grains, it carries to its home and gives Shukr/thanks to its Lord and says, it is a new day and our Lord has not left us hungry today. It is not from the way of our Mawla, Our Lord, the Absolute Owner of Mulk and Malakut, to

leave His servants hungry, not even ants. So why are you so confused? They shout: We are hungry. Allah. Tawba Ya Rabbi. Tawba Astaghfirullah. As salamu alai- kum ey Yaran Shah-e Mardan. How beautiful, We made Sajdah to our Lord. And what is our Sajdah worth? We did only a little but in front of Allah’s Greatness what we do is nothing. Our Dhikr is giving us honour. So let us say, Ey Yaran Shah-e Mardan.

Who wants to become a close friend to the Lion, O be- lievers, O Muslims! May peace be upon you. You are the close friends of Shah-e Mardan. How nice, how beauti- ful! Learn Islam. Let's say Shukr to our Lord. What is opening the treasures of earth and heavens is the key: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Say. Wa s-Salamu alaikum, ay Yaran Shah-e Mardan. How beautiful are these people. Light is streaming from their faces. They are joyful, they are joyful. They are happy and content with their Lord. And they want their Lord to be happy with them. Oh! Our Lord! Your Kingdom has no limits. We are nothing and what we do for our Lord is nothing, yet the Angels say, enough what you are doing out of re- spect for your Lord’s Favours, and how you appreciate them, it is enough for you. Appreciate your Lord’s Fa- vours to you. Ya Rabbi, Shukr to You. You gave us these favours, brought us from nothing to being; to be ready in the assembly of Shah-e Mardan. Among the creatures there are those dirty ones and You didn’t make us from them, Our Lord! We are like the lions, the kings of the Forest, like lions - human beings we are. Our Lord created us as such. Shukr Ya Rabbi. Shukr Ya Rabbi, Shukr Alhamdulillah.

Say that you are happy with your Lord and treasures will open to you by the Order of the Lord, the Angels will open it for you. Say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Allahu Akbar. The servant who is standing up when he is saying the Basmala, who is making Sajdah for his Lord, will not say, I am ill. Lights open on his face and his body is at rest. He will not suffer. My son Shaykh Mehmet, from our old customs, when the young used to kiss the hands of the elders, they used to say to them, "May you see good days, O our son". They used to say this. The dua of these old people is not rejected.

When you say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim the body will not suffer. The key that opens all the maqams of honour is Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Refrain from asking something belonging dunya. One man entered the assembly of the Padishah, and he was astonished by the Sultanate. He was astonished by the Sultanate. The Sultan said, let us see what this man wants. I want something to fill my stomach, said the poor man. That has already been given, said the Sultan. Allah is saying there is no ant without its provision. I created the ant along with its provision! The provision comes at the time of birth. Before the child is born, the milk of its mother does not flow. But when it is born, the milk channels open. Think on this! Think! This small baby when it is born, immediately looks for his mother's milk. Who taught him this? Has it worked for its provi- sion in the market? No Because he is needy, the baby, Allah granted him his mother's milk.

O man, be human! La Hawla Wa La Quwwata illa BiLla- hil Aliyyil Azeem. To where has our bad ego brought us? Think on this! Think, Allah says, think well "Fadhkuruni 'Adhkurkum" (2:152). Think. Shukr to our Lord Who created us! Say oh our Lord Who sends us countless fa- vours. I already sent, He says. Your provision is not with your money O mindless children of Adam. They are looking for provision with paper. Mindless people! So

many Prophets have come. And the Prophet of the End of Times also came and said: Wa riziqu fi s-sama. Your provision is coming from heavens, every day it is brought down. Every creature’s provision comes down. So why are you in such a confusion and say: We have no paper money left. What money? Paper money. Paper is not money, if so; you will perish! Your prosperity will perish! No way with paper money! Allah Dhul Jalal gave gold and silver and didn’t make them like iron, copper, aluminium, sulphur or other matter. He sent gold and silver with Baraka. He said: This I gave to you. Take it and appreciate it. Use them when paying. This is one of the smallest grants from My Greatness that has been granted you. Use this grant of Janaba Allah.

Hey! Ignorant people, you didn’t pay attention to this! You go in the streets and shout: "We are hungry, we are hungry". Shame on these people! If all the people in this huge world would gather on this island they wouldn’t fill the island. And there is everything in this big world, creation of the seas and many more creations on earth. Yet you say: We are hungry. People are always hungry, only satiated with dust when they are buried. When dust is put on the balance the hunger of people finishes, they say. This is what we want them to say. Say Allah! He is the Sultan of heavens and earth. He is Sultan, He is Subhan! At His door nobody stays hungry not even an ant. What is your confusion? They sank below the level of ants!

Ey! Shah-e Mardan! Subhan Allah. How beautiful! How beautiful is the assembly of blessed ones. Ey Yaran Shah-e Mardan. Say! We open our assembly in his name. I am not someone who knows and speaks but there is someone who makes me speak. How beautifully He makes me speak. But they are not listening. Instead

they are watching so many things on TV. How are we going to live? What we do if we lose our salaries? Loser! If you place your hope on a salary! Where are Allah's Treasures? You rely on the government. You say: I am receiving a salary from the government and I am at rest. Now you are at unrest. There is no goodness in the money you get from government. Ask your provision from Allah! Ask rizq from Allah! Collect grass/herbs and gain three Kurush or five Kurush. There is Baraka in this, not in government salaries. Because it is paper, someone may hold it in his hand or use it in toilet(!) Hasha minal huzur! Excuse us! This is paper, gold is precious. Do you use gold in the toilet!? They have for- gotten that they are human beings. Twenty-first century Allah knows best which century it really is?

They say: Our money is finished. Money may finish but not your provision. The One who gives the rizq is Allah. His rizq does not depend on your money. There are so many animals, wild ones, wandering the mountains, Not one of them sits and thinks: What are we going to eat today. It does not say: How is our day going to go by? It says: My Creator knows, He brings my provision in front of me and what He brings I am eating. These people have reduced themselves to below the level of animals. They have forgotten their Lord. They have for- gotten Allah, that He is the One who sends provision from Heaven. Now heavens have been opened and it is raining, raining, raining. There is snow everywhere. Go on, search for your rizq on earth. He has closed every- thing under snow now. Closed. You can’t find your food. In snowy areas there are bears, wolves and other crea- tures of Allah. Their stomachs are full. Their stomachs are full and they go around happily.

"Our Lord feed us." He is Subhan, He is Sultan. And you are human beings. Go out into the snow and find your rizq if you can! He has closed it for you! If He wants, He closes doors with snow. If He wants, He closes with fire. There are mountains on earth from which fire comes out (volcanos). When it erupts nothing and no one can stand in front of it. It leaves no animal nor any human being (alive). Ya Hu, if you throw a spadeful earth on a fire that you have lit on earth, it is extinguished. They don't ask from where comes this fire under these huge mountains? They run in the streets: we are hungry, we are hungry. Hungry? Die from hunger! Hasha minal hu- zur. Ya, Ya.

Banks don't give money, what is bank's money? Paper with a stamp on it, take it and wipe your whatever with it. People have forgotten their humanity. And unfortu- nately there is no authority left in these times that teaches people humanity. Neither in Islam nor in Chris- tianity. The Christians elect a president/head from among themselves, but they don't call him president, they call him Pope. He cannot say: "O people,humans don't die from hunger, our rizq comes down from hea- vens" "So go and busy yourselves with your works and you'll collect your rizq". He does not tell them this but makes sign with his hand, the sign of the cross. It makes no sense, furthermore those bells are making most of them deaf. No benefit, no use.

Oh! people! Come to know your Lord! Know your Crea- tor. In all four seasons He is feeding us and letting us enjoy all kinds of provisions. Make sajda, prostrate to your Lord. Say Allahu Akbar! Ey Shah-e Mardan, the respected one, there are lovers of you from East to West. But we want that all come to know these words and show respect to their Lord and say: Bismillahir

Rahmanir Rahim. "Yawma Tubaddalu l-'Ardu Ghayra l- 'Ardi" (14:48) True? A day will come when this world will be a different one. That is why it is said: Yawmun jadid, rizqun jadid –every day has its Tajalli. May Allah not throw us away from His service. May He not make us think about the concerns of our stomach: What will we eat, how will we get by? Who is saying this has no faith. They have no peace, no rest. Say Bismillahir Rah- manir Rahim.

Say: Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim and go out and see what is your provision. Do not sit around idly - say all the Prophets. Ya'tika rizqu kharriq Yadaik - move your hands, Ya'tika rizqu. (He will give) Move a little bit; dunya is wide open. Your provision will come. Say Bis- millahir Rahmanir Rahim, Shah-e Mardan orders this. And Sultanul Anbiya, Allah's Beloved One, orders him and Allah has taught this to him (the Prophet). Then will come Hayatun Tayyiba (a beautiful life). Then your life will be Hayatu Tayyiba, a happy life, beautiful life. If not, your life will be like a mill that crushes you. And like what remains of the olives that come out of the olive mill, you will be like that.

Oh people listen to Shah-e Mardan! Marhaba ay Yaran, O friends who know Allah. Marhaba to you. May dunya be at your service. May it serve you. May your provision come to your feet. May you not have to run after your rizq. There are some people who run after their rizq to find and take it. And there are some other people that rizq runs after them, saying: Take me. The Creator is Subhan. Shah-e Mardan is giving us this advice, this sohbet, so that we can wake up. We became like crea- tures that have forgotten their humanity in this world. Our works and strength are inventing traps for each other. Our work and power are used to finish and kill

one another. You have nothing else to do. Instead of building you are destroying. Allah is sending everyone his provision. Do not shout in the streets! Do not shout!

Have you ever seen an animal that is shouting: we are hungry! Each collects its own provision. Some animals are chewing the cud, some are digesting quickly. All are content. They don't say: My stomach hurts or my head hurts. But there is nobody among people now who does not have a headache or etc. May Allah forgive us. O Shah-e Mardan. May Allah grant us from your Adab. May we keep the way you showed. May we get closer to our Lord! What is our life for? May we be close to the Lord of heavens and earth. May we be close to our Lord, The Sultan, Sultan above all sultans. You are the Sultan, You are the Subhan. Subhan Sen'sin, Sultan Sen'sin. Subhan Sen'sin, Sultan Sen'sin. Say it and say Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim and all closed doors will open. Oh people no closed door will be left, all will open.

O people, you have forgotten your humanity. Their ef- forts are for what they eat and drink, entertaining their egos and to finish each other and kill each other. They have become wild, wild people have filled the world. May Allah send us holy ones who will protect us from their evil. Let us walk a bit to the side of Allah. May our life change. May our mind change. May our houses and children change. Let them say: Allah. No fear for those who say Allah! Wa min Allahu tawfiq. Say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. O Shah-e Mardan look to us. O Aw-