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MERCY OCEANS, Book 09 (Rise of Mahdi, 21 suhbat, 316 pages, 4/15)
dy knows the limits of that city. Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) said: "Qul law kanal bahru mi- dadal likalimati Rabbi ma nafidel kalimatu Rabbi walaw ji'na bimithlihi madadan". The words of my Lord - if the oceans, oceans followed and they were ink, it's not enough to write His Words. More comes afterwards.

In our presence Janab-u Rabbul Izzet nothing diminish- es. Nothing diminishes from our treasures, never. Yet Kalimatu Rabbi, from the wisdom of Allah Almighty if He speaks, in order to write that Shaykh Mehmet, "Law kanal bahru midadal likalimati Rabbi la nafidel kalimatu Rabbi, walaw ji'na Bimithlihi madadan". If the oceans were ink, the trees were pens they can't finish writing. There's a comparison between pre-eternal and eternal my son. Pre- eternal, eternal, amazing. "If the oceans were ink, the trees were pens," won't finish writing."

You have to believe. The honor of mankind is belief. Believers have honor. Unbelievers don't have honor. Marhaba Shah-e Mardan. After fajr prayer a believer, the believers either in dargahs, takkas or mosques, used to gather around a holy person and say: "let's listen and learn something." So, we also want to follow the way of the great ones. We get permission from Shah-e Mardan, he is the Head of all Tariqahs. Shah-e Mardan Hadrat

‘Ali ibn Abi Talib karram Allahu wajhahu isn't it ? Allahu Akbarul Akbar, Allahu Akbarul Akbar. Allahu Akbarul Akbar!

So many things. How much can an ant carry? It's either a bit, a piece of wheat, barley, or a sesame. That's what an ant can carry. An ant can't carry all the grain in the world. It takes according to its capacity, its ability. An ant takes its livelihood. It also hears the tasbih of the grain, which it brings. "Wa in min shay'in illa yusabbihu bi hamdihi" There's nothing that does not glorify Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala), "wa in min shay'in illa yusabbihu bi hamdihi" The whole body of an unbeliever also glori- fies Allah. But because of negligence he isn't aware of it. Every cell of ours glorifies Allah. Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah Sultan Allah, there's nothing that does not say this. It makes Tahmidi tamjid. It glorifies and makes tasbih. May Allah not make us from those unaware. Negligence takes away the honor of mankind. If he loses his guard for one second, he loses honor. Shaytan also pursues him to make him forget. Shaytan makes him forget, he says, Shaytan.

What makes Shaytan flee? Audhubillahi min ash- shaytanir rajim. Audhu makes him flee. Also when he hears the name of Shah-e Mardan he tries to find a place to escape. Because if Dhul Fiqar in Shah-e Mar- dan's hands once falls on him, he can't stand up again. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. The sects are truth. But there's a group in particular, the group of Shah-e Mardan. There are other groups, which are made up by Shaytan. Follow the group and way of Shah- e Mardan. Keep his direction. Be at his service. Pay ho- mage to him. This is a way leading to Paradise. Those against him are the groups of people without any group. Made up by Shaytan, unfortunately today all the world

is running after Shaytan's inventions. They don't care about the wisdom sent by Shah-e Mardan, the Door of the City of Knowledge. Hazahumullah. May Allah make their faces dark. That's why people of this age have no light in their faces. Is there light on the faces of those who forget Shah-e Mardan? Is there light in their hearts? Is there love in their hearts? Do they have wis- dom? No, never.

Open the door. How should I open? Say Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim. The door opens to you. How nice. Oh Shah-e Mardan be our witness. We said Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim, grant us. There's no limit to your wis- dom. An ant can carry small things, if he grants us in that way, he turns the world upside down. But nobody wants. When is there an aspirant? When there is en- dearment. The one who loves, wants. Who does not love, does not want. Hungry wants, who is full does not want. Ignorant wants, who knows what is he going to do? People, who know are holy ones. The ones, who don't know, they don't seek this secret.

Oh friends! The friends of Shah-e Mardan, the ones, who wait for him and who carry his love and the ones who understand the honor of the Prophet, the power and majesty of Shah-e Mardan the ones who know and try to know. Seek. "Utlubu l 'ilma walaw bis Sin" isn't it? The hadith of the Prophet, from Shah-e Mardan. Seek wisdom. Whoever has that wisdom even in China, go, get it, he says. Because wisdom gives you honor and saves you. You'll be Muqarramin. The ones, who are close to Allah. When he says the ones close to Allah they are Ambiya, Awliya, Shah-e Mardan. You'll be close to them. Light is dressed upon you. Power is dressed, majesty is dressed. So, start Shah-e Mardan Alfu Salat Alfu Salam ala Sayyidil Awwalin wal Akhirin. Wa ala ali-

hi wa Sahbihi ajma'in. Wa Salamullah kadhalik ala Shah- e Mardan Hadrat 'Ali ibn Abi Talib Karram Allahu Wajh. May Allah make his face white.

"Wa Dhakkir" Amri llahi. "Wa Dhakkir fa inna Dh- dhi- kra tanfaul mu'minin" Remind he says. He didn't write "teach." He said "Wa dhakkir", he didn't say Allim. Wa Dhakkir. Quran Karim: "Wa dhakkir fa innadh- dhikra tanfaul mu'minin". Remind it says that mankind has honor. He has honor as much as he has wisdom. Ani- mals don't have honor, because they don't have wis- dom. The honor of mankind is how much he reveres Rabbul Izzet and Habibi Kibriya and Shah-e Mardan. He is given honor according to that. Take. It does not de- crease. One of the lovers said that way. "I searched in the assembly of knowledge, I requested. Wisdom comes last, it's adab, it's adab that comes first." Take care of adab, they'll give it to you. Not to shameless ones. The ones, who don't respect elders or younger ones who don't know Shah-e Mardan, who don't follow the way of Sultan of Ambiya, the Beloved of Allah, nothing is given to them. They put straw in front of them. Take the straw and eat it. That's what you know. The jeweler knows jewelry.

So many things. What we say, what they make us say, is not even a drop in the sea. Gives us ease, gives us pow- er. Our distress goes, we feel relieved. We become a lion, a horse. Our Master Hadrat 'Ali is Shah-e Mardan. When he roared the hearts of the unbelievers in the West and East trembled. Is it enough? How isn't it enough? Worthless, dirty unbelievers invented a ma- chine. East and West hears it. You say it's enough. When I say, if our Master Hadrat 'Ali calls it reaches East and West, you are puzzled. What is your inven- tion? It reaches East and West. Allahu Dhul Jalal with

His Divine Reverence respected Shah-e Mardan, how can his call not reach East and West? Reaches and ex- ceeds.

Oh Shah-e Mardan! Send us from your endearment. It's not sent, you will search he says. It's not sent. Seek so it will be given to you. Their door, Awliyai tahtaki babi la ya'lamahum illa Ghayri. Awliya, who are on My way, Shah-e Mardan, and Him. That is the way of My Be- loved. I have domes up in the sky. They don't see each other. They all have a different attribute. La ya'lamahum illa Ghayri. Nobody knows them except Me. My Awliya, Shah-e Mardan is one and only. Shah-e Mardan edu- cated countless ones. Tahtaki babi, Awliyai tahtaki babi. Beneath my domes. We say domes of sky. A dome. Who can count His domes? What is revered in each dome, the ones who revere Shah-e Mardan, who revere the Master of the Universe , who submit to Rabbul Izzet, they know. Try to be one of those.

Why do you walk on earth? Say Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim. Oh the owner of the Maydan! 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, oh Shah-e Mardan! Do not set us apart from your en- dearment. Do not let us leave your way. Let us not part from your honored way. This, this, for this reason oh friends! Listen to what Shah-e Mardan says. The Door of the City of Knowledge the one who is loved by the Be- loved of Allah. How is 'Ali ibn Abi Talib? What is he going to tell you? Follow. Did Hadrat 'Ali tell you to fol- low this dirty world?

Now so many people say they are 'Alawi, they are this, that. What do you have? What did you take from Shah- e Mardan? Fighting in this sewage called dunya. I'm going to take this carcass, you are going to take that carcass. There's nothing else you are interested in. Did

Hadrat 'Ali run after this world? You aren't ashamed to say we are 'Alawi, we are Shi'a? You all run after the car- cass of this world. You say we are 'Alawi, we are Shi'a. You are neither this nor that.

Ya Shah-e Mardan. Dhul Fiqar is flaming. He will tackle the liars, the owners of meaningless claims. He took out his sword. It's near. It's near. Do not play! Do not talk nonsense! Do not cross the border! What is our border? Servanthood. No claims other than servanthood. Say we are 'Abd Allah. Do not claim we are Shiite or 'Alawi. Who are you? I'm the weak servant of Allah. What do you want? What we want is the Allah's approval. Which way can we find it? The way of Shah-e Mardan. He takes from his uncle's son Sayyidil Awwalin wal Akhirin, Mu- hammad Mustafa. Beware!

This is a sohbah. It is for waking up. When two believers come together, even there's enough time to milk two cows, they should say Marhaba, they should praise Shah-e Mardan. They should send Salatu Salam to Nabi of End of Times; should glorify Allah. Say "Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim" and walk. That's our program. Who don't obey, they are all rubbish. They are worthless.

Ya Shah-e Mardan send us your help. Send Mahdi from your sons. Send us a Sultan. Send us a Sultan to destroy the Sultanate of Shaytan. Ya Sayyidil Awwalin wal Akhi- rin, Our Master for the honor of Shah-e Mardan. May he have permission. Damascus and East shall be saved. May all people be saved. May they live with honor. Now people have life without honor. May Allah not leave us without the honor of belief. Wa dhakkir, O Beloved, remind, fa inna dh- Dhikra tanfaul mu'minin. Everyday I say. It's not the same everyday. It's presented in a differ- ent way. We say Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim. Even if we

said until the end of time, it does not end. Say the Bas- mala, stand up in the morning. Wash your face and hands. Prostrate to your Lord. Open the door with Basmala. Everything flows. If not, the world won't reach you. No benefit for you. It turns into a low life. Honored life is the life starting with Basmala. Remember Shah-e Mardan, his (salla 'llah 'alayhi wa Alihi wa sallam) un- cle's son. Send Salatu Salam to the Master of the Un- iverse. Step out with Basmala. Everything is serene. Otherwise trouble after trouble comes. Ya Rabbi let us repent. Do not send us away from Your servanthood. We are weak Ya Rabbi. Nobody listens to us. Send us the holy ones to listen to.

For the honor of the Beloved. Wa bi hurmatil Fatiha.

Chapter Summary
- The way of Allah won't get us tired. Way of Shaytan exhausts, crushes.
- Our Shaykh Sultanul Awliya used to say like that Shaykh 'Abd Allah Daghestani, "When two be- lievers come together, they should make soh- bah."
- Even if he does not know anything "Oh our be- lieving follower believing brother, how are you? Shukur Alhamdulillah, we're fine. We live with the beneficence. We thank our Lord, send Salat and Salam to His Messenger. We send also Sa- lam to Shah-e Mardan he should say.
- Even the trees lean towards each other. So even though our meeting is short and small we hope that our Lord Jalla wa Ala for the honor of His beloved and Shah-e Mardan may forgive us and bring us together with His clean servants.
- Let us say "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim". He says " Anything without the Basmala is infertile"
- meaning without solution or benefit.
- All wisdom, that comes from the Prophet, comes from Shah-e Mardan. We say as much as we receive from Shah-e Mardan. For this reason, the honorable Ashab of the Honorable Nabi, the fourth of Khulafa-i Rashidin Shah-e Mardan Ha- drat 'Ali ibn Abi Talib were undefeated. Always victorious. Our Master Hadrat 'Ali Shah-e Mar- dan.
- You have to believe. The honor of mankind is belief. Believers have honor. Unbelievers don't have honor.

- We get permission from Shah-e Mardan, he is the Head of all Tariqahs. Shah-e Mardan Hadrat ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib karram Allahu wajhahu
- There's nothing that does not glorify Allah (sub- hanahu wa ta'ala), "wa in min shay'in illa yusab- bihu bi hamdihi". The whole body of an unbeliever also glorifies Allah. But because of negligence he isn't aware of it. Every cell of ours glorifies Allah.
- Negligence takes away the honor of mankind.
- Follow the group and way of Shah-e Mardan. Keep his direction. Be at his service. Pay homage to him. This is a way leading to Paradise. Those against him are the groups of people without any group. Made up by Shaytan, unfortunately today all the world is running after Shaytan's in- ventions.
- That's why people of this age have no light in their faces. Is there light on the faces of those who forget Shah-e Mardan? Is there light in their hearts? Is there love in their hearts? Do they have wisdom? No, never.
- Animals don't have honor, because they don't have wisdom. The honor of mankind is how much he reveres Rabbul Izzet and Habibi Ki- briya and Shah-e Mardan. He is given honor ac- cording to that.
- The ones, who don't respect elders or younger ones who don't know Shah-e Mardan, who don't follow the way of Sultan of Ambiya, the Beloved of Allah, nothing is given to them.
- Why do you walk on earth? Say Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim. Oh the owner of the Maydan! 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, oh Shah-e Mardan! Do not set us apart from your endearment. Do not let us

leave your way. Let us not part from your hon- ored way.
- This is a sohbah. It is for waking up. When two believers come together, even there's enough time to milk two cows, they should say Marha- ba, they should praise Shah-e Mardan. They should send Salatu Salam to Nabi of End of Times; should glorify Allah. Say "Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim" and walk. That's our program. Who don't obey, they are all rubbish. They are worthless.


To the New Pope

Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani An- Naqshbandi, Sohbat of the 15th of March, 2013.

Rijal Allah/ Men of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) Sit comfortably, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi. Do not be official, what can we do. There is difficulty when being official. Marhaba. Marhaba ey hadi-
run/present ones Ey Yaran! The lovers of Shah-e Mar- dan, The ones who love Shah-e Mardan. We shall make a gathering in his name. Oh Shah-e Mardan, look down on us. Shah-e Mardan 'Ali ibn Abi Talib (radi Allahu 'anhu). God bless him. He struck his sword at the castle of Khaybar. He was very fierce. Allah's (subhanahu wa ta'ala) Lion.

The Jews were there. They controlled the roads. They didn't allow anyone to come or go. That is where he went to conquer. He wanted a soldier to fight against, is there anyone? The fighting started one-on-one, then the battle and killing continued at the Castle of Khay- bar, the Jewish Leader, Shah-e Mardan was asking for a soldier. It is the field for soldiers. If there is anyone, let

him come out to the field. He rode upon Duldul. It was his famous mount, Duldul, right? If he wants it will go slow, if he wants, with wings. Duldul could fly like an eagle. MashAllah. As Salamu Alaykum ey Yaran. The ones who love Shah-e Mardan. The ones who love him. Allah Allah. Allah Allah.

He was asking for a soldier, at the Castle of Khaybar. A warrior from that place. Let him come out for battle. He came out to the field. Hadrat 'Ali (radi Allahu 'anhu), Shah-e Mardan riding on Duldul. He was riding the horse, Duldul. He had a ride called Duldul. If he wants, it will go slowly, if he wants Duldul will go like the wind. He went to the field with Duldul and asked for a soldier. Whoever there is, will come to the field of sol- diers. He came, the Jewish leader of that place, he came, and when Hadrat 'Ali (radi Allahu 'anhu) saw him, he didn't even go down to his level. There was no one-on- one fighting, no. As soon as he came, he raised Dhul Fiqar, and with one blow sliced him into two. When the end of Dhul Fiqar hit the ground, water flowed out. That water is still flowing.

One time, with Allah's (subhanahu wa ta'ala) permis- sion, Shukr Allah Salatu Salam on our Prophet (sallalla- hu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam) and Shah-e Mardan. I passed through there, Hajji Mehmet. We also prayed there. I was going to Saudi Arabia traveling by road. The water is still flowing from there. Because when Hadrat 'Ali (radi Allahu 'anhu) swung his sword, he stabbed their leader and from his fierceness, water came out of the ground. That water is still flowing. I drank from it, Alhamdulillah. Sometimes fierceness is coming. Who are we, and what is our fierceness? We are nothing. As- taghfirullah Astaghfirullah. The door of the Castle of Khaybar, right? He forced it open with one push. That

castle is still there, Sh Mehmet. We passed through there, I also prayed there. Water is flowing from where his sword hit. It is a spring. It started to flow, and Shah- e Mardan and the soldiers of Islam drank from that wa- ter. They made abulution, prayed, and went through. Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) granted me the chance to reach that holy place once. I also prayed and drank from the water. Shukr Allah. The barakah/blessings of that water, until Judgement day, will not leave us. That blessing is there.

Shah-e Mardan, ey Yaran; Yaran Shah-e Mardan. Oh Lion of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala). He was riding upon Duldul. Hadrat 'Ali (radi Allahu 'anhu) Karrar is his name right, the name of Hadrat 'Ali Effendi? Karrar is another name of Shah-e Mardan.(Karrar: The one who attacks his enemy again and again, relentlessly) Ya Rab- bi from their blessings, from the blessings of Habibul- lah, let us also be dressed; let the mightiness of Islam be seen. The unbelievers are standing up, they are saying, "We are ruling the world". We are saying to them, if you rule this world, this world is a WC, take it and pour it over your heads. Let them wear it on their heads. The believers don't go down to that low level. They don't go down to the low level of ruling the world. The world will follow after them. That is Shah-e Mardan. He has Dhul Fiqar in his hand. The nation of unbelievers is still trembling. They know, they are not oblivious. Because the Seal of the Prophets' cousin, the Lion of Allah (sub- hanahu wa ta'ala) is here.

And his name is written, they don't say, those who don't have Iman/faith, the people without faith. Those who claim to have faith in Isa ('alayhi salam)/Jesus Christ. So you believe in Isa ('alayhi salam)/Jesus Christ, then you put him on the cross? The great Prophet, Allah's (sub-

hanahu wa ta'ala) beloved Messenger whose honor is in the last days, "After me the Seal of Prophets will come." And his uncle's son, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, is Shah-e Mar- dan, he is Karrar. When he strikes, the walls of the cas- tle are destroyed. With one strike at the Castle of Khaybar, it reached the water and began to flow. Shukr Allah I drank from that water. That water is flowing in the middle of the desert. Shaykh Mehmet, my son, was not born at that time. Allahu Akbar. How nice, Shah-e Mardan. Karrar, to call him karrar, right? Remind me, does this title have another part?
Haydar-i Kerrar. (The lion that attacks relentlessly). Kerrar! Allahu Akbar. Allah's (subhanahu wa ta'ala)
Lion, no one can stand against him. Shah-e Mardan.
Sayyidina Muhammad's (sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam) uncle's son. Hadrat 'Ali (radi Allahu 'anhu) May Alah bless him. MashaAllah. Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) allowed me to pass through there. And I drank from the water. That water is still flowing there. Insha Allah you will also go there. He will go my son will go. It is not impossible. It is closed now but it will open. Love is coming to me for him. Even though I have no energy, when mentioning Allah's (subhanahu wa ta'ala) Lion, Shah-e Mardan, power is coming. I have no energy to speak. His name Karrar, the Lion of Allah, who no one can stand against. When I call his name, Shah-e Mar- dan, power comes to me. I don't know anything. I don't claim to know anything. I am talking about the honora- ble one, Our beloved Prophet's beloved cousin, Shah-e Mardan. If we mention from now until the Day of Judgment, it will not finish and it has no end.

And he is "Aliyun babuha" Prophet said, I am the City of Knowledge. Every knowledge is from me. I am the City

of Knowledge. Whoever enters the city, will find every- thing. Whoever enters our city, will find and know eve- rything. These people are saying, "We did this, we did that". Ya Hu Allah's (subhanahu wa ta'ala) religion, "In- na d-dina 'Indallahil Islam" (3:19) In Allah's presence, the only religion that is accepted is Islam. All Prophets were Muslim. They did not worship Christos. Christos, Isa ('alayhi salam)/Jesus christ. Who was Isa ('alayhi salam) prostrating to? Say! Was Isa ('alayhi salam) worshipping himself? Hasha/Never. Isa ('alayhi salam)/ Jesus Christ. Why do you not say, to Whom did Isa ('alayhi salam) prostrate? Was he prostrating to himself? Who was he prostrating to? The One Who created him, he pro- strated to his Lord. Why don't you do that, you say 'we are Christian'.

Who was Isa ('alayhi salam) prostrating to? Say! Did Isa ('alayhi salam) not have anyone to prostrate to? Why Don't you say! To Whom did Isa ('alayhi salam) pro- strate? I am asking all the Jesuits. I am asking the Chris- tians. I am asking, Who was Isa prostrating to? Was he prostrating to himself? To Whom was Isa's ('alayhi sa- lam) prostration? Did Isa ('alayhi salam) not prostrate to anyone? Why aren't these people prostrating? The Pope was changed. Everyone became unsettled. Who does the Pope prostrate to? If he prostrates to Isa ('alayhi salam), then who does Isa ('alayhi salam) pro- strate to? To Whom is Isa ('alayhi salam) prostrating? If he is a god, and they are calling him a god, and then they are putting him on a cross. If he is God, why couldn't he defend himself? What kind of God is this? If five worthless people hang him on the cross, what value does he have? What value?

Who did Isa ('alayhi salam) prostrate to? I am asking the whole Christian world. I am also asking the new

Pope. Let him say, did Isa ('alayhi salam) prostrate? I am asking the new Pope and the old Pope as well. Did the Christian world choose you to prostrate to you? I am asking, who is the Pope representing? If he is representing Isa ('alayhi salam), did Isa ('alayhi salam) prostrate? To Whom did Isa ('alayhi salam) prostrate? Isa ('alayhi salam) prostrated to his Lord. You are call- ing Isa ('alayhi salam) a god, who does God prostrate to? Did the disciples of Isa ('alayhi salam) prostrate to him? Hasha/Never Isa ('alayhi salam) did not say, "I am your Lord, prostrate to me". He did not say, "make a cross, hang me on the cross". The cross is everywhere, show me naked on the cross. Is this your honor, your religion, your faith? Tell me People of the Book, the na- tion of Isa ('alayhi salam), Christians. Christos, in Greek. Did he force them to prostrate to him? Did the disciples prostrate to Isa ('alayhi salam)? What is this? The world became unsettled, these millions of people.

What did you elect? What is election? Oh Shaykh, we are now in the time of democracy. Everything happens by election. So we came together we said, "Let him go, let him go where he goes". "We will come up with a new one, and put him in charge". I am asking the new one and the old one, did Isa ('alayhi salam) prostrate? You are saying, "The son of Allah". Hasha/never. If the Owner of the heavens is his father, did Isa ('alayhi sa- lam) prostrate to his father? Did he prostrate to Him on earth? Tell me! Why do not you prostrate, instead you do this and that with your hand. Who instructed you to do that? Ey Shah-e Mardan! Ey 'Ali ibn Abi Talib. We are asking. The Christian world was shaken. Millions of people chose this Pope. Was he chosen from the hea- vens or chosen from earth? If it is from heavens, there is no need for election. Are you choosing a watermelon or

a melon? Someone who does not even know how to choose a watermelon. You can't choose someone as a representative of Allah. This is Batil/falsehood.

Men and women are going, everyone, all these millions of people. What value do these millions of people have? Let them answer. The new Pope should answer, did Isa ('alayhi salam) prostrate or not? If you say he did not prostrate, you are wrong. If Isa ('alayhi salam) is the son of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala), then he prostrated to his father. How else can he glorify Him? By prostrating to Him. It means he prostrated to his father. And this is made up talk. Isa ('alayhi salam) is not the son of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) because Allah does not have children. Allah is not a person. A person cannot be God. Get your mind straight. Forget this falsehood.

We chose a new Pope. But who chose him? Out of a pile of watermelons, which one is good? You do not even know, you people. Not from the Cardinals. What are Cardinals? Isa ('alayhi salam) had twelve disciples. Did the twelve disciples prostrate to Isa ('alayhi salam)? Or did they prostate to the Lord Who made Isa ('alayhi sa- lam) a Prophet? Did Prophet Isa ('alayhi salam) say, "Oh my disciples, prostrate to me". Hasha/Never. Did Prophet Isa ('alayhi salam) say, "hang me on the cross"? How can you hang him on the cross? You say he is the son of the Lord, then hang him on the cross? What au- thority do you have? What authority will Allah have then? Can you have a Lord who does not even defend His own son? Never! Well, this is how we choose our Pope. We decide however we want. We say this, we say that. We say, "there is no one more advanced than we." Falsehood has no reality or foundation. It is a show. Sa- tan is playing with the Christian world, all of them.

The Pope should answer, did Isa ('alayhi salam) pro- strate? I do not want any other question. Did Isa ('alayhi salam) prostrate or not? If they are son and father like you say, the son must glorify his father. The best way for man to glorify his Lord is by sajdah/prostration. Did Isa ('alayhi salam) prostrate or not? They should tell me this. Did he prostrate to his father or not? Then they should tell me, that Allah (jalla wa ala) sent His son to earth to be hung on the cross, to make a cross, then stand in front of it and bow. Which book, which Bible is this written in? Why are you leaving the truth? I am asking, did Isa prostrate or not? Let them say, Isa ('alayhi salam) did not prostrate to anyone. Is that why you are not prostrating to anyone? Then why are you prostrating in front of the cross? What does the cross have that you are standing and prostrating in front of it, kissing it, holding it up. What kind of religion is this? The great Prophet Isa ('alayhi salam), if he could not defend himself. They say he is the son of Allah (subha- nahu wa ta'ala). If Allah did not defend His son what kind of Allah is this? Allah left His own son to the dogs who have no faith, no religion and let them crucify him. What is this?

Millions of people, they are humans. I don't want what a human chooses. I am asking, did Isa ('alayhi salam) pro- strate to anyone or not? Well, they are going to say, "to his father". Well, then why don't you prostrate? If Prophet Isa is Allah's (subhanahu wa ta'ala) son, Ha- sha/never! If Prophet Isa is Allah's (subhanahu wa ta'ala) son, did he prostrate to his father or not? They cannot say he did not. Very well, I am asking if Isa ('alayhi salam) prostrated or not. It means, Isa ('alayhi salam) did prostrate. Then did the Pope ever prostrate? Who does the Pope prostrate to? Does he prostrate to

the cross? What authority does the cross have? What is it? This is following Satan. Is this the honnor the Chris- tion world is saying. Your Pope has no value.

I am also asking the Orthodox. I am also asking the Ma- ronite. I am asking the Jesuit. I am asking all of them, did Prophet Isa prostrate or not? If they say he did not prostrate, did Prophet Isa tell you to prostrate to him? Leave that. After they hung Isa ('alayhi salam) on the cross, did he say 'come and worship me'? What is this? What kind of lie is this? The time is near. Judgment Day is near. Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) the Owner of the heavens and earth, will be the Judge. Made up things will not be accepted. These things don't happen with ceramonies. I am also a son of Adam ('alayhi salam), I am asking. They blame us, we are Muslims. Well, we prostrate to our Lord. Is there anyone of you who pro- strates to your Lord? If there is, let the Pope come out and say that he prostrates. Why does he not prostrate? Why does he not prostrate to Prophet Isa? Who is the Pope representing? He claims to represent Isa ('alayhi salam). Well, didn't Isa prostrate to anyone? If he did, to whom did he prostrate? Did Isa ('alayhi salam) pro- strate to the cross? What kind of business is this? What kind of lie, a big lie.

They say a snake swallowed an elephant. Well, is this heard of? A snake swallowing an elephant? Well, they have now become from these people. They say, the snake has swallowed the elephant. Where is the ele- phant? In the snake's belly? Astonishing! And the snake continues to go like this. Where is the elephant? Do not ask about the elephant! Do not confuse the matter. We will choose and be chosen. We give titles. We say, "He is Pope, he is top. We say whatever we want. Do not inter- fere with us." I won't. But you blame Muslims. You don't

accept our religion. We, who prostrate to our Lord. Who do you prostrate to? Let them say, the Pope should say too. The one before him and the one after should say too. Did Isa prostrate or not? Our case is beyond this. If he didn't prostrate, that means he does not glorify his Lord. And you claim he is the son of the Lord.

Okay, let's say he is the son, how can he glorify his fa- ther? By sajdah/prostration. "Lilmala'ikati sjudu Li'dama Fasajadu 'Illa 'Iblisa" (2:34) A creation who submitted to the Will of Allah and prostrated. All the Angels pro- strated in honor of Adam ('alayhi salam). "Illa iblis". Sa- tan said, "I will not." Only satan did not prostrate. I am asking the whole Christian world, do they not know the one who disobeyed, did not prostrate? It is written in their own Bible. Why is it that even though it is written in the Bible it is written that satan did not prostrate. He