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A Scent of Saintliness (32 Sohbats, 144 pages, 3/4)
a, “O Lord give them from Your treasures. ” Sulayman (as) was king but he owned nothing of his own except what he earned with his own hands.

Allah ordered the Jinn to dive into the sea for gold and pearls. In one night the Jinn filled one room with gold and pearls. S. Sulayman (as) put it all on horses and camels and ordered the caravan up the mountain. They took the main road while he took a shortcut.

S. Sulayman (as) reached the house and found it surrounded by people. The lady sat behind a curtain. She had accepted the proposal of one good man as the King had ordered.

Her two daughters were playing outside when she called them in to look at the beautiful new dresses they had been given. She told them that they would have a stepfather now to look after them.

The daughters ran out crying and hugging each other. They cried, “We used to have a mother but now we have no one. ” All the guests began to cry with



The mother took off her new dress and said I will not marry. Everyone left except Sulayman (as).

At that time the caravan arrived with the gold and pearls. Sulayman (as) filled the room with treasure. “This is for you. You can give it or keep it. ” The lady and her girls were now very rich and they paid for the foundation of the Masjid al-Aqsa.

Sulayman (as) was only fifty-two when he died; leaning on his stick watching while the Jinn finished the temple..

Suhbat 19
There was a thief who was very evil. No one was safe from his crimes. He lived

during the time of Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani (q). One day a murid was going to dhikr using the mountain road. The thief could see that the murid car- ried something under his arm. It was honey that he was taking to the Shaykh so that all the murids could

have a spoonful.

The thief took the honey, which the murid relin- quished out of fear for his life. The thief made off with the honey but after a few moments he had what was for him an astonishing thought. It occurred to him that so many could have shared in this honey if he had not taken it all. And he began to feel bad. He felt so bad that he caught up with the murid and gave the honey back.

The thief went home and told his wife of the very


strange and unprecedented thing he had done. That night he died. His corpse became stuck to the earth and they could not lift it for two days. They went to S. Ab- dul Khaliq (q) and he came with two hundred murids. He looked and saw the body stuck to the earth like a stone.

The shaykh asked the wife how long they had been married. She said fourteen years. “In all that time did he do any good deeds?” “No,” she answered, “noth- ing. ” Then she remembered the jar of honey, and the fact that even her husband was surprised at himself.

S. Abdul Khaliq (q) began to circle around the corpse saying, “O Allah, you promised me that who- ever served me will receive paradise. This thief carried a jar of honey for my murid for five minutes, even if that was not his intention. He carried honey for us. He served us. ”

Then S. Abdul Khaliq (q) pushed the corpse and it moved. He washed and buried it himself.

He said, “Whoever serves the Naqshibandi Shaykhs, even as little as a grain of wheat, they will carry them. Allah gives the Shaykhs the right of in-


tercession for them. The Shaykhs will not pass through the Day of Judgment without taking those who served, however little, with them. ”
Suhbat 20

One day they asked the Prophet (sas), “What is wudu / ablution?”

Heexplained that when Allah ordered S. Adam (as) not to eat from the wheat tree and he disobeyed, he had to wash. He had to wash his face because he looked at the tree. He had to wash his hands because he touched the tree. He had to wash his feet because

they walked to the tree. In his regret for eating of the tree he put his hand on his head, so he had to wash his head. It became obligatory for us to wash these four areas.

Adam (as) washed because of his sin but we wash for the reward, sawwab.

Whoever washes his face for prayer Allah gives him beauty like the Prophet Yusuf (as).

Whoever washes his hands to the elbow reaches the station of the Prophet Musa (as), and brings his


hand out white and will take his book in his right hand.

Whoever washes his head reaches the station of the Prophet Sulayman (as) who was given the sultan- ate over men and Jinn. The one who washes receives a crown of honor.

Whoever washes his feet for prayer, reaches the station of the Prophet Muhammad (sas) who rode on the Buraq. The one who washes, on the last day will ride not walk to meet the Prophet (sas).

Whoever makes wudu followed by two rakats, Allah forgives him all his sins.

Once there was a murid of a Shaykh who asked to learn the art of Alchemy that would allow him to turn copper and iron into gold. The Shaykh told him to stay one year and every time he makes wudu he should pray two rakats.

One year passed and the murid was drawing wa- ter from the well. When the bucket reached him he saw it was full of gold. The murid in disgust poured the gold back into the well because now he wanted water for wudu more than he wanted gold.

The Shaykh told him that he now had the power


of Alchemy. But wudu is of more value.

The Companions asked the Prophet (sas) how will he know his umma on the day of judgment. He said, “I will know them by their lights. The places they washed for wudu will glow with light. Those body parts are shining, that is how I will recognize them. ”

Whoever makes wudu Allah protects from all sin.

It is the weapon of a believer to always have wudu.

One day they went to a monastery and knocked. They waited a long time before anyone answered. They thought maybe enemies were hiding inside so they all went to make wudu before entering. Wudu is protection for the believer.

One day the tyrant Haj jaj arrested a man in order to execute him but the man told them, “Today you can- not kill me because the Prophet (sas) said that he who makes wudu and does two rakats no harm can befall him. ” So the police had to leave him alone.

Aisha (ra) asked the Prophet (sas) about women. When she has her period, at prayer time she should re- cite:

100 astaghfirullah


100 la ilaha ilallah and she must be thankful for having her period. When she makes ghusl she should pray two rakats,

the first with Surat ul Kafirun and the second with Surat ul Ikhlas.

She gets the sawwab of forty martyrs, and Allah forgives her from one period to the other. If you make wudu during that time it doesn’t count.

Allah will never waste good deeds. It is no differ- ence to Him if you are man or woman.

When S. Hawwa (as) came from Paradise she began to pray then she got her period. She asked Adam (as), he asked Jibrail (as) and he asked Allah, Who said she should not pray until it was over.

Then Ramadan came and Hawwa (as) fasted until she got her period. Then she asked Adam (as). He told her to eat. After Ramadan was over S. Ji- brail (as) came to Adam (as) to tell Hawwa (as) to make up the fast days she missed. For prayer the order came from Allah, but for fasting the order only came from Adam (as). So prayer need not be made up.

Also prayer is required for the whole year but fasting only once.

You must make up missed fasting days before next Ramadan or fast sixty days for each day you missed. This is not for the days missed for sickness or pregnancy or nursing.

And you can use other fasting days to make up your debt but you must make an intention the night be- fore and then insh’Allah, Allah will give you the sec- ond as well. The most important one is your debt.

If you fast six days in Shawwal that is good. When Ramadan is done we leave the small jihad for the big jihad. The six days of Shawwal are harder than all of Ramadan.

Allah made the creation in the six days of Shaw- wal. These 6 days begin on the second day of Shaw- wal. Some people say it’s any six days but really it is the first 6 because these were the creation of the world.

The human being has three hundred sixty organs and should make sadaqa for each day of the year. The debt man owes for each organ could kill the whole world. But each one must get an individual death. Death is very difficult, each organ gets its own but Allah makes it easy so that the organs all die together, like a drink of cold water.

Allah will give those who fast the six days all the luxuries of Paradise.

S. Dhul Nun al Misri was at the Ka’aba mak- ing Khalwat. There was another man next to him also making Khalwat. They became like brothers after spending so much time near each other.

The man was terrified of dying, of the questioning and of being alone in the grave. So the two made a pact that whoever died first the other would accompa- ny him to the grave and stay all night to help answer the questions of the angel.

The other man died and Dhul Nun washed him and after maghrib he stayed by the grave waiting. He fell asleep. Then he awoke to a voice, “O Dhul Nun, go home. He doesn’t need you. ”

Dhul Nun got up, got wudu, and prayed two rakats. Again he fell asleep and awoke to a voice, “He doesn’t need you. He isn’t in the grave anyway. ”

Where is he?” asked Dhul Nun. “Allah put him in his station (maqam). ”


“What did he do to reach that station?”

“He fasted the six days of shawwal. If you want this station fast those days. ”

Suhbat 21

One day S. Musa (as) was giving a very strong sohbat. “Is there someone who

knows more than you?” the people asked him. “No,” he said. Allah was displeased with this answer and the pride that it showed. It came to Musa’s (as) heart that if he had said, “Allah knows more,” it would have been better. Then he began to wonder if there was someone who knew more than he. Allah answered, “Yes there is. ” He told Musa (as), “Take a loaf of bread and a dry fish and travel until the fish becomes alive again. There you will meet the one who knows more. ” So Musa (as) took his boy and they walked by the sea a long time.

They arrived at a beautiful place and he fell asleep.

S. Musa (as) told the boy to wait while he rested and then they would continue. The boy saw the fish coming alive. It jumped into the sea and swam away although


it had been half eaten.

S. Musa (as) awoke and they continued walking. After a while they began to get hungry and then the boy remembered that the fish had swum away. Shay- tan had made him forget.

So they returned to the place where the fish had come alive. There they found a man covered in an abaya. Musa (as) said, “Teach me what Allah has taught you. ” The man answered, “Allah taught me something and he taught you something else. You can- not be patient with me long enough to learn what I know. ”

Musa (as) said, “I will be patient. ”

“Then don’t ask any questions, ” said the man.

They got on a boat. The boatman ferried them across the river without payment. Then Musa’s (as) teacher broke a board in the bottom of the boat and threw it in the sea.

S. Musa (as) forgot his promise. He said, “Why did you do that? The boatman was so kind to us. ”

“Didn’t I tell you, you couldn’t keep patient?” Musa (as) promised again not to ask questions.


Then the ship reached land. They saw some boys playing. The most beautiful one Khidr (as), for that was the name of this teacher, struck and killed.

At this Musa (as) got really angry. The boy was innocent. He was not a grown man full of sins. “How could you do this?”

“Didn’t I tell you, you could not keep patient with me?” said Khidr (as).

“If I do it again you can send me away,” said Musa (as) and they traveled on.

They reached a village. They had no food or wa- ter. No one in the village accepted them as guests. As they were leaving they found an old wall collapsing. Khidr (as) put his hand on the wall and it straightened.

Musa (as) this time was very upset. “If you had asked money for this work we could have eaten. ”

“Now we must separate, ” said Khidr (as). “But let us eat first and I ’ll explain after. ”

A deer passed by. Khidr (as) pointed and the deer fell down dead. Half of it was cooked and half of it was still raw. “The grilled half is for me,” he said, “and the raw half is for you. ”


Musa (as) said, “Can’t we share the grilled half?

What can I do with the raw half?”

“You asked to be paid for your work so Allah sent you the raw meat. ”

“But let me eat a little from your half, ” said Musa (as). But when he reached for some of Khidr’s (as) half it became raw again, dripping with blood.

S. Khidr (as) ate and prayed.

S. Musa (as) was still collecting wood in order to cook his half. Finally he finished and ate.

Khidr (as) got the skin and put the deer back to- gether. The deer walked away. “Now I will explain, ” he said.

“The owners of the boat were good people. To- gether they supported a large family. The next day a tyrant King was coming to take all the sound boats. I made it look like it was not a good boat. ”

“As for the boy, his parents are pious and the boy was going to cause them trouble. I killed him before he committed sins and brought shame to his parents and I asked Allah to give them another child. He is going to give them a girl who will be grandmother to seventy


Prophets. ”

“Inside the wall that we repaired was a treasure belonging to two orphans. Their father, who died, was a righteous man. His grandfather, seven generations back, was a saint and Allah blesses the family for that many generations. We protected the inheritance of the orphan boys. ”

Khidr (as) then disappeared.

Muhammad (sas) said that surely Allah blessed Musa (as), but if only he had had more patience he would have learned a lot more..

Suhbat 22
In the time he was in Madina the Prophet (sas) was sending letters to the Heads of

State of the great nations in the area. He sent to the Sultan of Iran. The king locked that letter in a box so that no one could possibly read it and leave the worship of fire to become Muslim.

The king had a ten year-old son who said fire shouldn’t be worshipped because it burns. One day the boy was looking in his father’s private storage room and found the letter from the Prophet (sas) in the strange little box. He read the letter and knew immediately that this is how we should worship.

He entered into a holy state and started singing praises on the Prophet (sas), saying he loved Muhammad (sas) and would sacrifice himself for Muhammad (sas). His father came and found him reading the letter and singing. The king beat his son and


pulled him out of the room saying we’ve worshipped fire for a thousand years. But the boy believed strongly. The king said you are my heir; you must follow in my footsteps. The boy said I don’t want the throne or the fire.

A priest came and offered to re-train him. They shackled his legs and gave him the job of feeding the fire, thinking that he would fall in love with the fire as he was serving it. After some time the king came and checked the boy to see if he had changed. He found the boy still reciting the letter after ten years. So the king kept his son like this, beating him time after time, but the boy Finally, the boy had had enough; he prayed desperately for help. That night in a dream he heard the name Jibrail (as). He was shackled and guards watched him constantly but in his dream Jibrail (as) freed him and he could run away. He awoke and found that Jibrail (as) had really freed him and the guards were sleeping, so he ran away.

He ran to the mountains to a Christian monastery seeking refuge. They refused him entry, saying the


king would kill them and destroy the monastery. They agreed to hide him only for a few days. One of the monks who had been formerly a fire worshipper said he would tell his father that he had died. That man went to the king and told him that the king’s enemy had caught the boy and killed him. The king said he would not make a war because the boy (Salman al-Farsi (ra)) was not worth it.

This monastery was sending missionaries to Constantinople. They put the boy in a box and sent him so that he could escape. They taught him about Christianity. There was one priest who was a true believer in the One God, not the trinity. He told the boy that if he was sincere then he could find the man to teach him the true religion. A prophet was expected soon in a distant desert land. The monk told him, “I believe also but I don’t have the strength to go or show myself, but if you go my heart goes with you. ” He rented the boy a camel and found him a caravan willing to take him to this desert land. On the way the caravan people asked the boy if he had any family. When they found he had no one they captured him because they turned


out to be slave-traders. They sold him and his situation became much worse. A Jew from Medina bought him to work in his date gardens. They made him a palm branch hut as a house.

He worked all day and rested in the hut at night. He received only a handful of dates each day to eat. The priest in Sham had told the boy that a Prophet was coming who could be recognized by three signs. First, he would eat from whatever gifts the people gave him. Second, he would not eat from anything given as sadaqa/charity, and third, he would have a special mark on his back.

Salman (ra) was working among the date palms when he heard that the Prophet (sas) had arrived. When he asked his owners about the man who had just arrived from Mecca they beat him until his mouth was bloody.

He dared not ask again but he overheard more about the Prophet’s (sas) arrival while working. He decided that he would go secretly at night to see the Prophet (sas). He saved his portion of dates and gave


them as a gift to the Prophet (sas) and the Prophet (sas) ate of them, even though it was the poor gift of a slave. The second night he went again and gave the Prophet (sas) dates as sadaqa and watched. The Prophet (sas) did not eat of them but gave them to his companions, fulfilling the second sign. Later he followed behind the Prophet (sas) trying to peek at his back while he was walking. The Prophet (sas) turned to him and said, “Ya Salman, here is the sign that you seek, ” and he let his cloak slip off his shoulder to reveal the sign on his back.

Salman (ra) was not free to follow the Prophet (sas), so he asked his owners how much it would cost to buy his freedom. They agreed to sell him for an ocre of gold and a parcel of land planted with palms bearing fruit. This usually requires that the trees be at least twelve years old. Salman (ra) went to the Prophet (sas) and told him the price. The Prophet (sas) had a piece of gold the size of an egg and told him to give it to the Jew. The Jew said this was not enough but when they weighed it they found that it was just exactly the


right amount. That solved the gold problem.

Then, the Prophet (sas) told the Sahaba to bring palm trees, as many as they could. He said they needed more than a thousand palm trees. Hetold them to make holes and prepare the field. The Prophet (sas) planted each seedling in every hole with his own hand and each one that he planted gave fruit immediately. These trees still bear fruit in Medina and are called the ‘dates planted by the Prophet (sas)’. They are small, black, very sweet, and expensive. Salman (ra) told his owner to come look at his garden. The Jew said you could not have finished all that work in so little time but when he saw the trees he freed Salman (ra) and became a Muslim himself.

Salman (ra) is the master of the Persian people. There was one man, a Jew, who acted as translator between the Prophet (sas) and Salman (ra), but he changed the words. Jibrail (as) came and told the Prophet (sas). The Prophet (sas) asked the Jew, “Why are you changing mywords?” The Jew denied it and asked, “Do you understand Farsi?” Jibrail (as)


put his saliva on Salman’s (ra) tongue and he answered the Jew in fluent Arabic. Sayyidina Salman (ra) is one of the biggest alims/ wise men. He lived for more than 100 years.
Suhbat 23
The Prophet sent letters to all the heads of state inviting them to Islam:

He sent to Habasha (Ethiopia): The Negus accepted and became Muslim.

He sent to Constantine: He ripped the letter up and his land was later ripped up.

He sent to Persia: Persia accepted because Salman al-Farsi (ra) accepted for them.

He sent to Egypt: Egypt accepted and sent two slave girls as a gift, one of whom became the Prophet’s (sas) wife, Maria, the mother of Ibrahim (ra). The land became Muslim.

He sent to the Rulers of Yaman: They accepted..
Suhbat 24

The first prophet was Adam (as), and after him came Idris (as). Idris (as) was the

first to write with a pen and he could determine direction from the stars. He was also the first to tame animals. Once he saw in the countryside a hen with a chick. The rooster was digging up seeds for the hen and chick to eat. S. Idris (as) liked this so much, that the rooster was behaving like a man, providing for his family, that he tamed the chicken.

Horses were wild. He tamed them to use in war. He gave each member of his household a horse to tame. But the people began to complain. They said they could hardly find enough food for themselves and their families. How could they feed these big animals? At that time horses ate the same food as people. So S. Idris (as) put the horses in the pasture and taught them to eat grass.


S. Idris (as) recited the Holy Names at all times. Azrail (as) heard him one day and asked Allah for permission to visit Idris (as). Azrail (as) would visit him often. Then one day Idris (as) asked permission to visit Azrail (as). Allah gave permission. So Azrail (as) took Idris (as) to his maqam and sat him in his chair. Then Idris (as) asked Azrail (as) to go look in the Book of Life and see how much time he had left. Azrail (as) went to the Tablet and found that Idris (as) would live a very long time and not die until he sat on the chair of Azrail (as). Azrail (as) ran back and found Idris (as) already dead, sitting in his chair, and he prayed, “O Allah, I took him alive to visit me. Please let me return him alive. ”

Allah fulfilled his du’a and Idris (as) lived again. Azrail (as) intended to return him to earth right away but Idris (as) asked if he could visit paradise first. To do this he had to pass over the sirat/ the bridge. Allah gave permission, and so Idris (as) passed over the sirat, entered Paradise, and sat in the seats of Paradise. When Azrail (a) offered to take him back to earth Idris (as) refused to go. He said, “I died, I crossed the


sirat, I sat in paradise. I have fulfilled Haqq. I am not going back to the world of dunya. ”

Allah answered that this was true. So Heordered Idris (as) left in paradise where he makes clothing for its inhabitants. It used to be the practice that whoever wanted his child to be a tailor would give sadaqa to Idris (as), the master tailor.

No one knew this story, or what had happened to the Prophet Idris (as) until The Quran was revealed. Idris (as) resides in the Fourth Heaven. He is the master of the heavens because this is the central heaven. There are four prophets still alive: two on earth,

Khidr (as) and Ilyas (as), and two in heaven, Idris (as) and Isa (as).

Before the time of Idris (as) people dressed in leaves. But Idris (as) saw the spider spinning. He learned spinning and weaving from watching th spider. He and his wife wove and cut clothes. He had his wife lie on the fabric and he cut around her with a stone. He sewed it together with the thorn of a palm tree as a needle. When people saw his wife’s new clothes they liked them very much. Before that they were wearing


leaves and skins. In the mawlid there is a verse about Idris (as) making clothes with his tasbih, Subhan Allah.
Suhbat 25

In the time of Adam (as) there was a man named Ooj. He was a giant. His head

reached up to the clouds. When he walked in the sea the water only came up to his knees. When he was hungry he collected the whales with his hands, fried them on the sun and ate them. If he got upset with a town he jumped on it and killed all the people in it.

He had a very long life, but he was always hungry. He lived until the time of Musa (as) and lived in Jaffa. He worked for his food by carrying wood.

When the Bani Israil were ordered to enter the Holy Land they refused to obey because they had heard that there were terrible giants in Palestine. The Bani Israil went to the border but then were too afraid to cross. They told Musa (as) to go alone with Harun (as) and they would wait for them. All the


army refused to move so the two brothers went on by themselves in obedience to their Lord.

They sent twelve good men on before them to scout out the land. They found there really were giants living there. Among the twelve were two who would become prophets and their light shone on their faces so the giants were respectful of them. But the giants decided to test them to see just how wise they really were.

Giants grow giant fruits and vegetables. They got a huge melon and gave it as a gift to the prophets to take home. How could they take such a huge gift? They could neither carry it nor roll it. So the twelve got a long stick and stuck it through the melon and carried it six on a side.

The twelve good men promised not to tell the Bani Israil that the giants were not fierce. The ten who were not prophets forgot their promise and told. Only the two prophets did not tell. But either way they told the people to obey Allah because what He promised would happen. The Bani Israil still refused to cross the Jordan River and take the land promised them.


Then the giants sent Ooj to kill the prophets. S. Musa (as) and S. Harun (as) were the only ones who could see what looked like a mountain carrying a mountain coming towards them. This was Ooj carrying a hill to throw on the Bani Israil.

S. Musa (as) was ten meters tall and his staff was ten meters long. He jumped ten meters in the air and hit Ooj on the ankle. Allah sent his servant from hell with a stone. The stone hit the hill and made a hole in it so, like a necklace, it fell around the neck of Ooj at the same time Musa (as) hit him on the ankle. The hill fell and killed Ooj. S. Musa (as) informed the Bani Israil that Ooj was dead, but Allah had already written for them forty years in the desert for their disobedience.

They walked all day and slept at night and when they awoke they were in the same place every morning. Musa(as) was ordered to hit a stone with his stick twelve times and twelve springs arose, giving each tribe water. Allah provided quail and manna for them to eat.

After forty years most of the old people had died.


One day Musa (as) and Harun (as) were walking and they saw a tree with a soft, beautiful bed beneath it. Harun (as) lay down on it and he disappeared. S. Musa (as) went back to tell the Bani Israil and they accused him of killing his brother out of jealousy. They said they had always loved Harun (as) more. Musa (as) had to take them to the spot and pray Allah to show them his brother on the bed before they would believe him.

Musa (as) himself was never sick. He had been sick once and didn’t like it and so he had prayed to Allah to never let him be sick again. So Allah dressed His Prophet in the dress of health, and from that time on he was never sick again. Musa (as) also asked Allah not to take his soul in death until he walked into his own grave and lay down. One day, when Musa (as) was out walking in the hot sun, he came across a group of young men digging a grave. They told him they were unsure if they had dug the proper size grave, and asked if he would please try it out for them so they could see. It was cool down in the grave, so Musa (as) stepped


in and lay down. Azrail (as) came immediately and took his soul. The angels washed him and put him in the grave and covered it. No one knows to this day where he is buried.

Yusha (as) replaced him as prophet and led the Bani Israil into the Promised Land. The old ones were gone and the young ones were now old. They entered Palestine as Allah ordered, defeating the giants just as they would have if they had obeyed forty years before.

The Jews used to wash naked. Only Musa (as) was modest and kept himself covered even while washing. So the people said there must be something wrong with him, that he was deformed or he was hiding something. One day while Musa (as) was changing behind a rock, Allah made the rock to run away so that the Jews could see their Prophet naked and know that he had no defect of any kind. Musa (as) was angry and hit the rock with his stick. It broke into three parts. Allah told him to take those three parts with him wherever he went. From that day on, they walked beside him and


gave water. Those three stones were the ones who later called to S. Daud (as) on the road to pick them up and that he put into his slingshot to kill Jalut, the giant.
Maqam S. Musa

Suhbat 26

One day Shaytan came to Musa (as) to give him waswas/doubts. Shaytan whispered

from in front but it didn’t work. He came from behind but it didn’t work. He came from on top but it didn’t work. So he came from under his feet; waswas came from Jebel Sinai saying, “Why are you just talking to Allah? Why is He not showing Himself to you?”

So Musa (as) asked Allah to show Himself to him. Allah agreed. He told Musa (as) to look at the

mountain across the way. He would show Himself to the mountain, because He could not show Himself directly.

Musa (as) heard thunder, a voice like thunder as if inside there were many lions roaring. These were gigantic angels all telling Musa (as) that he had asked for something way too big.

On his right side were angel lions as far as he

