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A Scent of Saintliness (32 Sohbats, 144 pages, 1/4)
A Scent of Saintliness (32 Sohbats)

Suhbat 1

When Musa (as) went up Mt. Sinai he told his people he would be gone for

forty days. But the Bani Israil in those days count- ed the day as one and the night also as one. So they reached forty days in half the time and they thought that because of their sins their prophet had been taken away from them.

Earlier when Musa (as) had led them out of Egypt they had crossed the Red Sea safely by Al- lah’s permission. Pharaoh and his armies following behind them had been drowned when the sea closed back over them. All the soldiers with their armor, their weapons, their gold and silver, all were covered by the sea. The law of the Jews forbids them from taking the spoils of war. The weapons and artifacts that washed up onto the shore had to be destroyed by burning. This left only a molten mass of the metals from which they


were made.

There was a man called Samiri, a companion of the Prophet Musa (as). At the time when Samiri was a child, Pharaoh had ordered the killing of all the boys of the Bani Israil. Samiri’s parents sent him into the desert to protect him from Pharaoh. Jibrail (as) would come and suckle these small sons of the Bani Israil with his wings. Because of this Samiri was very familiar with the Archangel and, unlike most people, he could see Jibrail (as) riding the Horse of Life when he came to visit Musa (as). Samiri gathered the sand from the hoof print of this horse and hid it in his jubba.

Samiri made his living as a goldsmith. He took the melted gold from pharaoh’s army and mixed it with the sand from the footprint of the Horse of Life and fash- ioned a statue of a golden calf that moved and talked because of the power of that sand.

The Bani Israil were always asking for a god idol to worship just as their neighbors had. Samiri told them that their prophet Musa (as) had forgotten to give them their idol and so now he would give them this calf to be their god.


The Bani Israil began to worship this calf and dance around it.

At that time the Bani Israil numbered seventy thousand people. Only twelve thousand did not suc- cumb to worshipping the calf. Sayyidina Harun (as) went with that twelve thousand to another distant place. Meanwhile, S. Musa (as) was in khalwat on Mt. Sinai waiting to be given the Torah. He was so close to Heaven that he could hear the leaves being cut and the scratching of the Divine Pen. There were so many leaves of the Torah that not even seven camels

could carry them all.

Jibrail (as) came to S. Musa (as) and told him that his people had gone astray and were worshipping a calf. S. Musa (as) in anger said, “O my Lord. You are the One Whoguides and the One Whomisguides. It is You Who has misled them. ”

S. Musa (as) got the Torah and came down to his people. He saw them dancing around the calf. He grabbed Harun (as) by the beard accusing him of mis- leading the people. Harun (as) explained that, fearing for his life, he had left the people alone.


Musa (as) then threw the Torah to the ground.

Two pages broke and the writing flew away.

“Why didn’t you wait the forty days for me to re- turn?” Musa (as) asked his people.

“Samiri deceived us, ” they answered. The pun- ishment of Samiri was that from that day to the end of time no one talked to him or came near him.

As for the calf, they burned it, but gold doesn’t burn it only melts. So S. Jibrail (as) told Musa (as) to go to the bank of the Nile and gather a grass grow- ing there called, “Kimiya”. This herb would make the gold burn to ashes. Musa (as) sent his nephew Qarun to collect a handful of this grass but Qarun was greedy and he took a camel load for himself and he hid it. S. Musa (as) spread the handful of Kimiya on the calf and it burned to ashes.

At that time the law of the Bani Israil required a physical punishment for every breach of the law; they could not just be forgiven as we can be now. Their sins were written by the Divine Will on the foreheads and their doors for all to know. Allah commanded that for the sin of idol worship the twelve thousand who did not


worship the calf should kill the fifty-eight thousand who did, and this was accepted by all.

Early in the morning they went out into the de- sert. The fifty-eight thousand sinners sat in rows and the twelve thousand believers had to kill them, even the members of their families and loved ones. But they could not look into their faces and kill them so from Al- lah’s Mercy came a dense cloud that blurred the faces of the sinners enabling the believers to carry out God ’s Orders. From early morning until after ‘Asr the cloud remained. When it cleared there was blood and dead bodies all over the sand.

Musa (as) cried out to his Lord, “O my Lord, my community is finished. ”

Allah answered him that because all had obeyed the Lord ’s judgment, executioner and executed were all awarded Paradise.

But S. Musa (as) continued to cry that his com- munity was not as strong they had been before and they were not clean.

Allah then commanded Musa (as) to throw the ashes of the calf into the Nile and then drink from the


water. Those whose hearts were pure would remain men but those whose hearts were tainted would begin to look like cows. In this way they could tell the pure from the impure. They executed the ones who looked like cows and so completely purified the community. However, the result was that all the people drank the water in which the gold had been dissolved and to this day all the Bani Israil have the love of gold in their hearts.

Now Qarun took his camel loaded with Kimiya and began turning everything into gold, even the door- step of his house. He bought many white slaves and sent them around the streets dressed in gold to make people envious.

Qarun wanted to be the Prophet. He was jeal- ous of S. Musa (as). He wanted the community to be his. He invited the people to his house to eat and drink until even the believers began to gather there. He had so many treasures that seventy camels were not able to carry even the keys to his treasure chests.

S. Musa’s (as) people had to pay Zakat. They had to pay one out of four, whereas Muslims only have


to pay one out of forty.

Musa (as) asked Qarun for his Zakat. Qarun began to argue and to bargain. Musa (as) offered him, “Pay one in one hundred, one in one thousand. ” Qarun refused even this. He even got a prostitute to agree to swear that she was pregnant by Musa (as).

All the people gathered at Qarun’s house. Qarun invited Musa (as) to come in and give Sohbet, which he did. Then he invited the people to ask questions. A man asked, “If someone steals what is the punish- ment?” “We cut off his hand,” answered Musa (as). “If he commits adultery?” “He is stoned, ” Musa (as) answered.

Then the prostitute appeared and would have giv- en false testimony against Musa (as) but Allah tied her tongue. Musa (as) laid his staff on her stomach and the baby spoke and told the name of its real father.

S. Musa (as) was hot tempered. He asked Al- lah to give him power over Qarun as he had given him over Pharaoh. He told the people to choose sides. All went with Musa (as) except two who stayed with Qarun. Musa (as) ordered the earth to swallow them


to the knees. Then Qarun, out of fear, offered to pay his Zakat.

Musa (as) ordered the earth to swallow him to the waist. Musa (as) said, “To hell with your Zakat,” and Qarun then offered half of all his wealth.

“Keep your money,” said Musa (as) and or- dered the earth to swallow them to the neck. Qarun offered all his money but still Musa (as) ordered the earth to swallow the three completely.

The people began to talk that now Musa (as) had all Qarun’s money for himself. So Musa (as) ordered the earth swallow the treasure as well.

Allah told Musa (as), “Qarun asked you forty times for forgiveness. If he had asked Me even once I would have forgiven him. ”

Still to this day Qarun and his two companions continue to sink lower into the earth by the order of S. Musa (as).

Suhbat 2
One day the Prophet (sas) was sitting with his companions when people arrived and in-

vited him to meet with the unbelievers of the Quraish. When he asked why they were asking to meet with him he was told that Habib, the King of Sham, was visiting. The people of Quraish loved Habib. They called him Rayhan ash-Sham. And Habib want- ed to meet this Muhammad (sas) who called himself the Prophet of God and was causing division among the people.

S. Ali (ra) and S. Khadija (ra) begged him not to go, but he insisted that he must. The Prophet (sas) put on his black turban, the one he wore for war, and he went.

All the men of Quraish were gathered under the palm trees. Habib and his army were with them. When they saw the face of the Prophet (sas), beau-


tiful like the moon, they were ready to believe. They prepared a golden chair in front of King Habib for the Prophet (sas) to sit on. Then king Habib asked if it was true that he was insulting the gods of their ancestors. The Prophet (sas) began reciting The Quran. King Habib was moved to tears and he asked the Prophet (sas) for a miracle to confirm what he felt.

Habib asked, although it was only ‘Asr, that the sun should set and the moon should rise. Then he asked that the Prophet (as) should split the moon in half.

S. Jibrail (as) told the Prophet to pray two rakats and then ask. Allah would grant his request. The Prophet (as) did this.

The sun went down. Allah opened one needle hole in the veil of Hell to let a small amount of its dark- ness seep out. The people were terrified at the intense blackness.

Then the moon came up. The Prophet (sas) pointed his finger and the moon split. One side went down, the other up and it made Shahada in the sky. Then the moon set and the sun returned and they all saw that it was still ‘Asr time.


Many of the people became Muslim at this time but not Abu Jahl. He called the Prophet (sas) a ma- gician. King Habib became Muslim.

The King had one sorrow that he kept locked in his heart. Jibrail (as) told the Prophet (sas) that se- cret sorrow. Habib had a daughter who was mentally retarded and crippled. He kept her safe in a special palace. The Prophet (sas) told Habib that when he reached home he would find her healed.

Habib announced that he had brought with him thirty thousand soldiers and they would all take Sha- hada. The Prophet (sas) recited Surat an-Nasr and began to weep. They asked if he cried in happiness. He replied that he was crying because just as people were at that time entering Islam in large groups, so at the end of time people would leave Islam in large groups.

Habib went home where his daughter received him like the full moon. He sent two messengers to the Prophet (sas) carrying great gifts of treasure but Abu Jahl intercepted them and took the camels and the gold. He said they belonged to him because he was the


rightful king of Quraish. The Prophet (sas) said to let the camels decide. All night Abu Jahl prayed to his idols and talked to the camels. But the next day when the Prophet (sas) passed the tail of his turban over the faces of the camels they spoke in plain Arabic. They said they were sent from Habib, the King of Sham, to Muhammad (sas), the Prophet of God.

Then the Quraish began to complain that Mu- hammad (sas) was rich and must be doing what he was doing for money. So the Prophet (sas) led the camels, laden with their treasure, to Mt. Qubays and ordered it all to become sand. By Allah’s Will the treasure became ordinary sand.
Suhbat 3

On a faraway country a king saw the Prophet (sas) in a dream. He immediately fell in love

with him and became Muslim. In the dream he told the Prophet (sas) that if he lived long enough he

would come to visit him. When he awoke he saw his palace full of radiant light.

But this king was not well and did not have many days left, so he put all his personal wealth into a box and instructed his young son that on his death the boy should mount a camel and take the box of treasure to the Prophet (sas) wherever he could find him. When the king was dying and in his last hours, he mounted his dear son on the camel with the treasure and sent him off to look for the Prophet (sas) who he had seen in his dream.

By Allah’s great mercy and miraculous power the boy reached Medina in one day of journeying, al-


though he came from very far away. He saw the city of palm trees and men in white turbans with tasbihs in their hands. He approached the men and, assuming them to be companions of the Prophet (sas), he told them his story.

First the men looked surprised. Then they told him that his father had done something very stupid, not good at all. The boy turned away from them, knowing that if they did not understand they were not good compan- ions at all but enemies of the Prophet (sas). Quickly the men told him that they had just been testing him to see if he had been telling the truth.

Now they told him that the Prophet (sas) was sleeping. They said he should come with them to their house and after resting they would take him directly to the Prophet (sas). The boy accepted their hospitality. Their house was very large, so large that the boy and his camels fit through the door. The men shut the big door behind the boy and his camels and the treasure. Then they beat the boy unconscious and took the cam- els and their precious burden.

Later they dragged the unconscious boy before


the Prophet (sas) and told a terrible story. They said the boy had been their guest and that they had fed and hosted him. Then, while they slept, he had tried to steal their camel and their gold. Their son had seen him and in trying to stop him had been killed.

Judgment was pronounced on the unconscious boy. For stealing the camel one hand must be cut off. For stealing the treasure the other hand should be re- moved. For killing the son the boy’s head should be cut off.

In the center of Medina was a large rock on which Omar usually carried out these punishments. They took the unconscious boy there. One hand was cut off. The boy briefly opened his eyes and asked what he had done to deserve such treatment. They told him it was his punishment for stealing. Then he told them to cut the other hand as well. They did this and he fainted again.

Nearby in the mosque, Sayyidina Hassan (ra) and Sayyidina Hussain (ra), the Prophet’s (sas) grandsons, were studying Quranwith S. Othman (ra). They heard the commotion and S. Hussain (ra) went


out to look. There he saw the unconscious and bleed- ing boy. Hussain (ra) began to cry because the face of the boy looked just like his brother Hassan (ra). The Prophet (sas) had told him that anyone who looked like Hassan (ra) must be good. He knew that the boy could not be a thief. Hand in hand, Hassan (ra) and Hussain (ra) ran to their grandfather, the Prophet (sas), crying. They told him that the judgment must be wrong, that the boy was innocent. The Prophet (sas) was surprised. How could these children complain about him when on the Day of Judgment even the ants will not be able to accuse him of stepping on them? The grandsons of the Prophet (sas) told him that the boy looked like al Hassan (ra) and begged that he give the boy to them to be their brother. But when they went back to find the boy, he had already died.

Theboysreturned sobbing to their grandfather (sas) and begged him to make du’a that the boy would live again. The angel Jibril (as) appeared to the Prophet (sas) with a message that if all the Sahaba would give some of their life to the boy he would live that amount because his own life was finished. Each of the Sahaba


gave the boy some life; one gave six months, another a year, and so on. Only Ali (ra) gave nothing.

The Prophet (sas) questioned Ali as to why he had given nothing. Ali (ra) replied that since he did not know how many days he had, how could he give anything? Jibril (ra) said that Ali (ra) had spoken the truth. The boys cried more. Then they asked that Al- lah (swt) give from Himself because of their love for this unknown boy.

Allah gave permission and the Prophet (sas) went to the dead boy and put his hand on his mouth, and he breathed. Then he put his hand on the boy’s arms and the hands reattached. The boy woke up as if from a deep sleep. He kissed the hand of the Prophet (sas), made shahada and told his story.

The lying hypocrites were made to bring the camel and the treasure. The camel spoke as witness to the truth of the boy’s account.

The Prophet (sas) took the boy and told everyone that from then on his mother would be Sittina. Fatima (ra) and his father S. Ali (ra). He lived with them in the household and fought in the many battles. When


the Prophet (sas) died he said that only then had he truly been orphaned.

His name was Muhsin.

Suhbat 4
One day S. Othman (ra) invited the Prophet (sas) and all the Sahaba to his house for

food. On the way to his house S. Othman (ra) walked behind the Prophet (sas) counting his footsteps. The Prophet (sas) asked why he was counting his footsteps? Othman (ra) answered that for each footstep of the Prophet (sas) he was going to give one gold coin in sadaqa and set a male slave free.

At the feast at Othman’s (ra) house there was every kind of good thing to eat. All that was missing was the milk of the bird. S. Ali (ra) ate and went home feeling very sad. When Fatima (ra) asked why he was sad, he answered that he wished he had the money to host the Prophet (sas) as Othman (ra) had done.

S. Fatima (ra) encouraged him to make the invitation. “But what will we feed him?” Ali (ra) asked her. “O Ali,” she said, “He is Habibullah. He


will feed us. We will not feed him. ”

So Ali (ra) asked Fatima (ra) to do the inviting because he felt he had nothing to offer. The Prophet (sas) said he would come the next day and bring all the Sahaba with him.

S. Fatima (ra) filled a big pot with water and put it on a hook over the fire. She had nothing to add to the water. She left it and went to their little prayer room to pray. After praying she made sajda and asked: “O my Lord, Your beloved is coming. What shall I feed him?”

The Prophet (sas) arrived with all the Sahaba and a very nice smell began coming from the pot. The food smelled like paradise food. The Prophet (sas) said it was made and sent by Allah. The people sat to eat in groups of ten. They ate their fill of the beautiful food in turns. After all had eaten they sent pots of food to all the neighbors.

Jibrail (as) came to the Prophet (sas) to tell him to tell Fatima (ra) that Allah had accepted her invitation. She was so happy that she asked Allah to give sadaqa for her also. Jibrail (as) said that for each footstep of the


Prophet (sas) Allahwould give one hundred thousand gold coins and release one hundred thousand men and women from hell for the honor of S. Fatima (ra).

Suhbat 5
. Ali (ra) was very generous. He never kept money long. One day he found his wife and

children crying from hunger. For two days they had eaten nothing. S. Fatima (ra) had six coins that her mother, Khadija (ra), had given her and she was sav- ing for her burial. She gave them to S. Ali (ra) and asked him to bring food for them from the market.

When Ali (ra) entered the marketplace he found a fight going on. AJew was holding a Muslim by the throat threatening to kill him if he didn’t pay his debt. The Muslim had many children. Who would care for them? The amount the Muslim owed was exactly six coins. Ali (ra) gave them to the Jew. The Muslim was happy because he was free of debt. The Jew was happy because he had his money. Only Ali (ra) was unhappy because he had no money to buy food for his children.


He went home and told S. Fatima (ra). She said, “Never mind. I will put the children to sleep. ”

S. Ali (ra) was even more sad. “S. Fatima (ra) is so good,” he thought. “Any other wife would have got- ten very angry. ”

It was their custom, whenever they were very sad or hungry, to go look at the Prophet’s (sas) face, and then they would feel better. On the way to the Proph- et’s (sas) house Ali (ra) saw a Bedouin dragging a fine, fat camel by a rope. “This camel is so disobedient, ” he said. “What will you give me for him?” S. Ali (ra) offered to pay the Bedouin one hundred coins the next day.

S. Ali (ra) took the camel and walked a short way when he met another Bedouin who offered to pay him three hundred coins for the very same camel. S. Ali (ra) sold him the camel and paid the first Bedouin the one hundred coins. He then went to the market to buy food for his family. His children ate and laughed and played and were so happy.

S. Ali (ra) went to find the Prophet (sas) who said to him, “Will you tell me the story or shall I tell


you?” Ali (ra) asked the Prophet (sas) to tell the tale. Then the Prophet (sas) told him: “The first Bedouin, who sold you the camel, was Jibrail (as), and the sec- ond, who bought the camel, was Mikail (as). The camel was from the herds of paradise. ” He told him that for the six coins given to free the Muslim debtor Allah had repaid him fifty times over.

On the Day of Reckoning you have no idea what gifts, what rewards, will be given.

Suhbat 6

Forty days before the arrival of a guest an angel comes to bring his provision (rizq).

Because we cannot either see or answer the greetings of the angel, Allah sends Jibrail (as) to answer for us.

The rizq of the guest is of nine parts: one the guest consumes himself during his stay, and the remaining eight benefit the host and his family.

The du’a of the guest is answered, so when you are a guest always make sure to say a blessing du’a for your host family.

The household that receives many guests is very blessed.

Suhbat 7

At the age of seven a child should learn du’a and salat.

By the age of ten, if the child still isn’t praying, you must encourage him by hitting him lightly with your hand.

At the age of fifteen salat becomes fard, obliga- tory. The angels sitting on each shoulder begin writing in their books the account of good and evil.

At the age of twenty the child reaches majority and receives any inheritance.

At the age of twenty-eight his physical power reaches its completion.

At the age of thirty his mind (aqil) reaches its com- pletion.

At the age of forty the believer is completely ma- ture, as was the Prophet Muhammad (sas) when he received the beginning of the revelation of The Quran


at age forty.

At the age of sixty the believer becomes a Divine representative.

At the age of seventy the angels know him by name. Allah loves him and he loves Allah.

At the age of eighty the believer becomes inno- cent again and the angels no longer keep account of his good and bad actions.

At the age of ninety the believer feels kept in capti- vity in the world. The world begins to feel like a prison. At the age of one hundred the believer is given the power of intercession for seventy souls, to take them out

of Jehennam into Paradise.

Suhbat 8
One day when the Prophet (sas) was prepar- ing for war a man came to him and asked

him to make Amin after the man made a du’a so that, with his blessing insh’Allah, the man’s du’a would be accepted. The Prophet (sas) agreed. The man, whose name was Nofal, then went home and returned with his wife and two sons. Then raising his hands in suppli- cation he asked that Allah cause him to die a martyr in the coming battle, leaving his wife a widow and his sons orphaned. The Prophet (sas) said the Amin at the end of Nofal ’s du’a because he had promised to do so, even though he was not happy with Nofal ’s request because of his family.

The Muslim army went to war and they were victorious. They returned to Medina and as was the custom the women and children lined the road to cheer


the victorious army and to look for their loved ones. The wife of Nofal was among them. As soon as she saw the Prophet (sas) and his companions she asked after her husband, Nofal.

The Prophet (sas) did not like to have to tell her that Nofal had been martyred so he did not answer directly but rather gestured with his hand towards the rear of the army.

All the Sahaba seeing the Prophet’s reluctance to speak made the same gesture when the wife of Nofal asked them for information. Finally at the end of the long line of soldiers came Sayidina Abu Bakr (ra). The wife of Nofal asked him for news of her husband. Now Abu Bakr (ra) knew that the Prophet (sas) had only gestured to imply that Nofal might be at the rear of the army. S. Abu Bakr (ra) desired to follow the actions of his beloved Prophet (sas), but since he was the last man and there was no one following him, he did not know what to do. Finally, in distress, he put all of his beard into his mouth and answered her. All


she could understand of the cry that came from Abu Bakr’s (ra) mouth was, “Allah. ”

Just then Nofal, her husband, came from behind Abu Bakr (ra) and he cried “Labbayk,” Iam here, and he passed them quickly like an arrow shot from a bow.

When the Prophet (sas) arrived at his mosque, because it was his custom after arriving from war to pray and thank Allah before going home, he found Nofal arriving like an arrow ahead of him saying, “Labbayk. ”

Now the Prophet (sas) and the companions knew that Nofal had fallen as the first martyr in the battle they had just fought. They had seen him fall and they had buried him before leaving. But Sayyidina Ji- brail (as) came then to the Prophet (sas) and told him that some of his Sahaba have the station of S. Isa (as) and can raise the dead. He said that if Abu Bakr (ra) had repeated one more “Allah, ” all the martyrs


would have risen from their graves and come running, shouting, “Labbayk. ”

Nofal rejoined his family and continued to live a long time. He fought in many of the subsequent bat- tles and had several more children. He died sometime after the Prophet (sas).
Suhbat 9

Ibrahim (as) was ordered to rebuild the Ka’aba, which had been hidden in the

earth after the flood of Nuh (as). At the time of the flood, Mount Qubays (a mountain outside of Mec- ca) asked Allah, “Let me hide your amanat. ” So Allah placed the black stone safely inside the mountain. Then Allah put a little hill over the spot on which the Ka’aba had stood to mark it.

Ibrahim (as) asked his Lord, “Where and how should I build it?” Jibrail (as) came and removed the hill with his wing. Then a cloud appeared and shaded the area of the sanctuary so that its boundaries were made clear.

Then Mount Qubays asked Allah that the Ka’aba be built from its stones. This Ibrahim (as) and Ismail (as) did and mixed the mortar with zamzam water.


The order came from Allah. Jibrail (as) was the architect. Ibrahim (as) was the mason and Ismail (as) was the laborer.

Ibrahim (as) built the walls as high as he could reach. Then he took one large stone to stand on so that he could build higher. As the building grew the stone increased in height and it moved around the Ka’aba on its own with Ibrahim (as) standing on top of it. Af- ter the Ka’aba was completed this stone stayed nearby and became what we now know as Maqam Ibrahim (as).

Then Haj jar (ra), Sara (ra), Ismail (as), and Ishaq (as) came to make tawwaf.

S. Ibrahim (as) was tired and he sat down. He was exhausted but he wanted to clean the area before making tawwaf. Just then a big wind blew through and carried all the debris and dust and dirt away. Those small bits of rock were distributed by the wind all over the world. Wherever a stone fell a mosque was or will be built until the end of time.

The Ka’aba is called Bayt Allah, the House of God, because all people are welcome there.


S. Ibrahim (as) made du’a that out of his love for the community of the coming Prophet Muhammad (sas) he could make shafa’a, intercession, for all the old people who would journey to the House. S. Ismail (as) asked for shafa’a for all the middle-aged people.

S. Ishaq (as) asked for shafa’a for all the young peo- ple. S. Sara (ra) asked for shafa’a for all the women, and S. Haj jar (ra) for all the slaves and servants, both men and woman.

Then Ibrahim (as) put up his hand and said, “We love the community of the Prophet Muhammad (sas) and the pilgrims who will come will love him. They will only pray for their Prophet (sas) and they will forget all about us. ”

Allah answered that He would make it obliga- tory in the five prayers to remember Ibrahim (as) and his family. Ibrahim (as) was very satisfied with this promise.

After making Haj j, Ibrahim (as) left Haj jar (ra) and Ismail (as) and returned to the mountains on the border of Arabia and Palestine. One side of the mountains is green and one side brown and dry. There


he prayed, “O my Lord, I left some of my family in a distant desert valley (Mecca) so You make people come to them. ” And today whatever you might want you will be able to find in Mecca..

Then Allah ordered Ibrahim (as) to call the peo- ple to come for pilgrimage, Haj j. S. Ibrahim (as) asked, “But my Lord who will hear me?” Allah ordered him, “Call and they will hear. ” So Ibra- him (as) raised his voice and began calling the people. When he finished he started to hear voices from far away like the buzzing of bees. “Labbayk Allahuma Labbayk” cried the voices.

“O Allah,” Ibrahim (as) cried, “All those peo- ple are coming. How will I host them?” S. Jibrail (as) came down with a glass of water. He told Ibra- him (as) to throw this water into the wind. The wind took the drops of water all over the world. Wherever they landed they became salt. On the mountains they became rock salt. On the sea they became sea salt. Whoever uses this sa