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99 Drops From Endless Mercy Oceans (21/25)

"He creates the harmful and evil as (well as) the good and beneficent. Sometimes what is poison to one is medicine to another. He has given us the power of discrimination, will and freedom to choose. All is a test. The final exam is at the time of the last breath Although He created evil, the cause of its coming to you is only yourself."

91-ARE WE BUILDING OR DESTROYING? The spirit of all acts of worship consists of three points: To keep your tongue from all prohibited speaking, speaking only good words, not bad. To keep your eyes from looking at prohibited things, dirty places, and actions. To keep all your organs from prohibited actions; listening, walking, touching, thinking bad things, having bad intentions. Without keeping your eyes, your tongues, and your organs from what is prohibited, you cannot take any benefit from your good actions. Like when you are planting something, you must keep it safe and protect it from harm. We must know what we are doing. Are we building or destroying? Every prohibited action destroys our building, destroys our physical and spiritual bodies.

92-AN-NAFI: The Favourer "He creates the good and pours gifts and treasures continuously. We have to be present with our hearts minds and hand to receive it. Our will though cannot bring anything to us that is due to someone else, nor can it prevent what is destined for us."

92-FIRST FIGHT YOUR OWN SELF To be is able to put one’s organs under one’s will is the mark of a real servant of Allah. If a man can’t do this, he is the servant of his ego, nafs. You must be able to advise yourself, before you may advise others. If your Self accepts being under your command, then other people may accept being under your command. This is the way of Prophets and Awliya. First they fight themselves, and then they look after other people. When they speak, their words have an effect upon those who listen. And if a person listens, it is impossible for him not to take benefit from the words of a Prophet or a Saint. He may take power to control his nafs and go on the right way. It is not enough to say, “I am Muslim”, and to say the Shahada. You must try to keep your organs far from all actions that are not Muslim, far from “Haram”, forbidden things.

93-AN-NUR: The Light "He is the light shed upon the whole creation, making it apparent, bringing existence out of the darkness of non-existence. That light also makes the conceivable known. Light of faith and wisdom shows that perceptible, and the eye of the heart sees. The light of faith shows the right path of salvation, it is like a sun in the heart, bringing one to the light of truth. Devil and ego cannot enter a divine house, a heart illuminated by the light of faith, because they are thieves operating in darkness. The gate to the heart is the mind, the light of the gate is knowledge, blocking out the evil of ignorance, imagination, hypocrisy and arrogance. The light of the soul is consciousness its darkness heedlessness."

93-THE NEED OF A DIVINE MIRROR TO SEE ONESELF Do you think that we came from the Divine Presence with our whole originality, our whole personality? Never. We are like one ray of the sun. We are, in our originality, in reality, still in the Divine Presence. Not moving, out of time and space there is no movement. We are continuously worshipping, always in the Divine Presence for service. Here, in this life, there is only one ray from that timeless “sun” for us. We are here for a little time only. Prophets have come to us to open that door through which we can look at our realities in the Divine Presence. Step by step, if you are following in their footsteps, it will open for you to look at yourself, to know yourself. We don’t know ourselves; we need a Divine Mirror to look in to see ourselves. You are asking why we come to this life. It is to be witnesses of ourselves. We have been sent to attain perfection, to look at ourselves and say: “We are something also.” I cannot give more than this description until you taste it for yourself. When you taste, you will know. May Allah grant us to taste this

94-AL-HADI: The Guide "He guides His servants through prophets, books, saints and men of knowledge. Faith is essential in man, all souls have a covenant with Allah made on the Day of Promises."


Who is the creator of the Universe? Allah is the creator (Allahu Khaliqu Quli Shayyin). Allah Almighty created everything and He is the creator of everything and He knows about everything. Among the creatures only mankind has been honoured to be “Muhaata” to Allah Almighty. “Muhaata” means that they have been honoured by Divine adressings from Allah Almighty. “Ya Ayyuhal Insanu,” that honour is only for mankind. This is endless honour. Allah Almighty gave us endless honour with this divine addressing. No one can give a value to that addressing: “Ya Ayuhal Insanu”. No creatures other than mankind are going to be addressed by the Divine Presence. Yes, that is endless honour for mankind, reaching from Pre eternity upto Eternity. Allah Almighty gives such honour only to mankind. However mankind is not honouring each other but instead they are asking dishonour for each other and trying to bring each other down. Allah Almighty likes His servants to give respect and honour for each other. Therefore as much as you can, try to respect and honour people. Allah Almighty will never say enough or stop giving honour. This is because He gave mankind endless honour. What is our capacity to give honour? On earth you have been given one name. In the first heaven (Awwal Sama) you have been called by another name and in the second heaven with yet another name, all for the sake of Tashreeq, all for the purpose of honouring. On the Day of Promises, He addressed our souls with seven names (Youm alas Rabbikum). Everyone has seven names. Your name is only for you. Only one name is common for the whole of mankind; that name is Abdullah(Servant of Allah) . Everyone is named as Abdullah, and women they are named Amatullah (female servant of Allah). These names never change. The other six names are different to each other. Therefore I am saying that through the seven heavens we have been given one name, Tashreefa, just to be honoured.

Allah Almighty orders us to do worship and to do Ibadath (good actions). For what reason does Allah Almighty order us to do this? It is for us to reach to our heavenly stations. By means of the physical body alone it is impossible to reach to the heavens. You need spiritual power for that. For example if man does not have an aeroplane, he cannot fly. By himself alone he cannot do it. The plane too needs power to fly, and without this power planes cannot fly. In the same way your souls need spiritual power to reach heavenly stations and every kind of obedience, worship, ubudiya (servanthood) gives man power. By means of this power our souls can also fly. However, we are wasting it, and therefore we cannot make use of it, because of our committing sins. For example it is like a pot with holes being filled with water. The water goes out through the holes, big sins make big holes and small sins make small holes, taking away that water from the pot. In the same way you, by your sins, are wasting away that power that you are taking from your worshipping. So you must take care to cover these holes. When you know that you are going to commit a sin you must say “Astaghfirulla,Astaghfirulah tubthu darajathu illallah”, “Oh my Lord I am asking you forgiveness”. Then this gets locked and is prevented. When this happens, there may be still another sin and yet another coming up. So many of them. If you do not take care all the power that you get from worshipping will be escaping you and you may not be able to keep that power with you. Therefore to be able to keep that power with you is more important than worshipping. That is why you find that most Awliya (saints) and holy men escape to the mountains, the deserts, and the jungles, so that they may commit less sins and thereby keep their spiritual power. In doing so they undergo difficult conditions, for it is not easy to be living alone on mountains, jungles and deserts. But this is only for a while and then after taking and saving spiritual power they may fly over jungles, over deserts and oceans, they may walk on air and walk on oceans and with one step traverse deserts. Their steps may reach from East to West and from Earth to Heavens. Allah Almighty orders us to worship so that we can gain spiritual power. Allah Almighty is not in need of our worship. If our worshipping is not even enough for us to increase our spiritual power, what can our worship give to Him? All the angels and the whole of creation is in worship and in glorification of Him everlastingly and eternally. What then are we giving to an endless Ocean with a drop? The glorifying of all the creatures and


angels and nature and man is only a drop in this endless and bottomless ocean in comparison to the endless and everlasting oceans of glory of Almighty Allah. Mankind is so proud of worship. Maybe we are doing for half an hour Ruku, or for half an hour Sajda. For what purpose is this? Is it to make our worship better and to give more glory to Almighty Allah! Asthafirullah. Yes we are looking at ourselves and feeling very proud that we are doing long Ruku and Sajda, thinking that we are making it better and better. Therefore I do not like to do long Ruku and Sajda. The Prophet (Sal) therefore only said “ubhanallahi Wabihamdihi, Subhalahil aleem”, three times. That was his duration of the sajda. But I have been praying in so many places and it takes so long, that Imam is perhaps saying it ten times, twelve times, fifteen times and yet he is in Sajda. The Prophet (Sal) was saying it three times only. Particularly when you are praying with Jamaah, you must be lighter. Rasoolullah (Sal) has knowledge of every fine point of the characteristic of our Egos. Our Egos tell us when we make a prayer of two rakaats that it should last for half and hour or more so as to to make ourselves proud and call ourselves the best ones. Shaitan makes us accept that we have done the best prayer and to make us declare that it was the best worship from us. If a person says that I did the best worshipping, I did my best prayer he must say “Asthagfirullah”. Every time that you think or declare this way you must say “Asthagfirullah”. For it is never the best to be given to the Divine Presence. Yes, sometimes we are entering into sins through our worship because we are proud of our worship. This retards our progress towards the heavens. Therefore we need a controller over us. Now supersonic aeroplanes are fully automatic. Or are they? Is there a pilot controlling it? If he is not controlling it, why is he sitting there? Even though the plane is fully automatic yet it is in need of a pilot for controlling it. In the same way although you may be fully automatic in your prayers, yet you are in need of a pilot to guide you and control you. Therefore we are in need of a Sheikh (spiritual guide). The sheikh knows the finer points of our Egos which are in need of correction. Today new fashioned Muslims are giving fully automatic power to everyone. They are denying and cursing to let a Sheikh control them because of their Egos. It is their Egos that are cursed. They say that holy books alone are enough. Fully automatic. But it is not enough without a

controller. Those foolish people quote Quran. Sunnah, Quran Sunnah and Kitab Sunnah. What about the pilot? No pilot. Do you think that you are doing and knowing your best through Kitab and Sunnah only, without having some one to look after and control you? Almighty Allah says to His Prophet (Sal) “Wa sahabi amfil amar”, that is to control the Sahaba. Everyone knows to read the Holy Quran and Holy Hadis. So many priests and so many professors they too are reading Holy Quran and Holy Hadis, but what is the benefit they derive from it? Therefore we are asking from Allah Almighty for good understanding and to give us some one to control our actions and our worship. Yes like students who do their homework and the teacher who goes through it. These people are not even intelligent as these students who at least have their homework corrected. Yes these people are so proud of the way they are following and it is the way of Shaitan. Shaitan was fully automatic, and Allah Almighty asked him to take Adam (alai) as his pilot. He rejected this. He said “I won’t accept Adam (alai) as controller over me. I won’t carry any one to be above me” that is the pride that destroyed Shaitan or Iblis. Likewise these people say that they are able to read and understand what is in the Holy Quran and they say that only they may look and that they may understand and that they are not in need of a controller. May Allah forgive and bless us.


95-AL-BADI: The Originator of Creation, the Incomparable "He created without model or material. Everything He creates is a wonder, since He originated it from nothing. Like the original creations, all the continuous created things are different from each other."

95-SINCERITY IN ZIKR No one can find his way without a guide and guidance. A person without a guide is like someone lost in a desert not knowing which direction to take to the nearest oasis. Similarly we too are like that person in need of guidance and a guide. Yesterday I met an Englishman who said to me that he has been in Sri Lanka for the last thirty years in search of the Truth. What has he done during this period of thirty years and to what point has he reached? I was trying to find this out and he could not tell me anything and I saw that he is a person lost as if in a huge desert not knowing which direction to take. Although he was an unbeliever he must have been sincere and patient. He must have been patient because he left his homeland and was wearing a saffron robe searching for the Truth for the last thirty years. He had left everything that he had in life and he was searching and seeking. What was his purpose unless he was sincere in his search? As he was sincere Allah Almighty showed him a way to come to our association. Allah Almighty looks through the hearts of all his servants for sincerity. Whether one is a believer or not is not the criterion. Allah Almighty looks at the intentions of His servants whether they are sincere or not. This, He does because of his endless mercy. Our intentions are more important than our actions. The important point here is that Allah Almighty is looking and searching for sincerity in these hearts. If He is finding sincerity in the heart of His servant He takes more care of that servant. That sincerity will lead that person to find his way to God, Almighty Allah. One of my disciples is asking me for a method for spiritual development. The method that I am prescribing for anyone who claims to belong to one way or another, one religion or another or one school of thought or another is for that person to have sincerity. This is the foundation and first step. When you build your foundation on sincerity then it is good. You may say or do anything with sincerity then it should be more acceptable. When some one does something with sincerity he is never refused by the Divine Presence.

Therefore sincerity guides people to the best. Travel on the way of sincerity and step by step you shall reach to your best. Do not be worried. There should be no fear of badness for that person who is going to be sincere. Nothing shall harm him, either here or hereafter. As long as he is sincere with his Lord he shall be in no danger and that sincerity would be the most important shelter for him. All people and everything in turn must be sincere with him. If a person is sincere to you, don’t fear him as he will never harm you. If on the contrary, he is not sincere beware of him, as he may harm you. When you are sincere with Allah Almighty, Allah makes people to be sincere to you. “Kama tadeenu judaa”. It means as you are being sincere to Almighty Allah everyone will also be sincere to you. Sincerity prevents every harm, every badness and every punishment, both in this life and in the hereafter. Today, the whole Muslim world is in need of much more sincerity than those of other faiths. I am looking at the Muslims and I find that there is amongst them less sincerity and most of them are two faced people. That is not good. Particularly those who are claiming to be guides for others should be more sincere. But among Muslims today there are very few sincere people. Most of them are sick people and their sickness is making also the community sick. This important illness is making the whole Islamic community to decline and for the unbelievers to step on them as Allah Almighty never gives honour and power to his servants till they are sincere with their Lord Almighty Allah. If they are not sincere, no honour or power for them. Insincerity is a dangerous and terrible illness. If we are not sincere with Allah Almighty how can we be sincere with each other, and Allah Almighty always looks at our intentions. Last night I asked a certain question from a businessman who came to see me. The question was “Are you working for Allah or are you working for yourself.” He said “I am working for Allah”. But my heart was not satisfied with his answer. He had to say this to me as an adab as a good manner. Yet my heart was not satisfied with his answer, and if I am not satisfied, do you think that Allah Almighty is satisfied? No. Who is sincere with his Lord Almighty Allah, works for Allah, if he is sincere, Allah Almighty looks at you. You can’t cheat him. Neither can you cheat a real believer. Don’t try to cheat a real believer as he cannot be cheated. If a real believer cannot be cheated what about Almighty Allah.


When you are with Almighty Allah for everything you are going to be sincere. Today the whole Islamic world is trying to imitate the west. They are trying to reach to the level of Western people as they think that western people’s life, is a high life. They think that their life is dirty and the lowest life. How could then they be sincere with Almighty Allah. As I said earlier that Englishman has left that dirty life (the life of the people of the west). He has now come here and it is thirty years since he left that dirty life. Allah Almighty was looking through his heart for those thirty years, and this person never said “I am fed up, I must now go to my country which is my homeland and live as my people live”. That is a good quality that he has, which is to say that he is not asking for anything from this world and also not trying to reach to anything. When you look at him you only see a piece of cloth covering his body and sometimes he covers his head. For thirty years he was here and at least during that time he could have built for him a house or he could have owned some other material thing. I see him only with this piece of cloth. Therefore because of his sincerity Allah Almighty sent him to a centre to be sheltered both here and hereafter. Allah Almighty saw that he was sincere and sent him to our association. Finished. Even if he is to continue on any other way instead of our way there should be no harm for him because we have made contact and hooked him and there is thus no escape. Finally now or later he must say Shahada. For his sincerity he should be rewarded with a prize from Almighty Allah. Therefore sincerity is a very strong method for everything. Without your sincerity your zikr is like the wind flying away, wavering. When you are keeping your heart away from the sickness of this world and making it a way, sincerely, then comes to you the love of Allah. If you can keep the world in your hands, and not through your heart, it doesn’t matter. You may have all the treasures and keep it in your hands, it will never harm you, but instead if you are putting it inside you, it will harm you. It shall be harmful like snakes and dragons which shall inject you with poison. Without sincerity there is no taste. That is the reason that you are not tasting, tasting zikr, tasting prayer, and tasting servant hood to Allah Almighty. We hope that you are listening to me and hearing what I say and I hope that you are not cutting our h